Neoniphon argenteus, the clearfin squirrelfish or silver squirrelfish, is a seldom-seen[1] member of the family Holocentridae. It is native to the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean from East Africa to New Caledonia. It is also found both north and south of Australia and throughout Micronesia. It lives mainly around islands and shallow reefs, and like N. sammara is associated with Acropora corals. Its depth range is 3–20 m (9.8–65.6 ft) and it can reach sizes of up to 24.0 cm (9.4 in) TL. It feeds primarily on benthic invertebrates.[2] It is found in the ornamental trade and can be used as bait in tuna fisheries, but there are currently no known major threats to the species.[1]
Neoniphon argenteus, the clearfin squirrelfish or silver squirrelfish, is a seldom-seen member of the family Holocentridae. It is native to the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean from East Africa to New Caledonia. It is also found both north and south of Australia and throughout Micronesia. It lives mainly around islands and shallow reefs, and like N. sammara is associated with Acropora corals. Its depth range is 3–20 m (9.8–65.6 ft) and it can reach sizes of up to 24.0 cm (9.4 in) TL. It feeds primarily on benthic invertebrates. It is found in the ornamental trade and can be used as bait in tuna fisheries, but there are currently no known major threats to the species.
Neoniphon argenteus Neoniphon generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Holocentridae familian sailkatzen da.
Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.
Neoniphon argenteus Neoniphon generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Holocentridae familian sailkatzen da.
Neoniphon argenteus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van eekhoorn- en soldatenvissen (Holocentridae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1831 door Valenciennes.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties银色长颏鳂(学名:Neoniphon argenteus),又名銀新東洋鰃,为金鱗魚科的一種,分布於印度太平洋區,從東非至法屬波里尼西亞,北從日本,南至澳洲、新喀里多尼亞海域,棲息深度1-18公尺,體長可達24公分,棲息在珊瑚礁區、潟湖,以無脊椎動物為食。