Muraena (lat. Muraena) - muraenidae fəsiləsinə aid balıq növü.
Muraena és un gènere de peixos conté diverses espècies de la família dels murènids.
Muréna je rod ryb z čeledi murénovitých, které jsou typické tvarem těla připomínajícím hada.
Muréna je rod ryb z čeledi murénovitých, které jsou typické tvarem těla připomínajícím hada.
A Marena (o Murena) (Muraena) hè un genaru di pesciu di mari chì faci partita di a famiglia di i Muraenidae.
U genaru maraena cumprendi parechji sottuspezii:
A Marena (o Murena) (Muraena) hè un genaru di pesciu di mari chì faci partita di a famiglia di i Muraenidae.
Mureno esas speco di kongro.
Murine (lat. Muraena) su rod riba iz porodice Muraenidae, iz razreda zrakoperki. Murine su ribe, iako izgledom podsjeća na zmiju. Opasna je riba snažnog ugriza i otrovne krvi.
Nema krljušt kao ni njen rođak ugor, a leđna, analna i repna peraja srasle su u jedan nabor koji ide duž tijela. Prsnih i trubušnih peraja uopće nema. Koža murine ima lijepe boje i prekrivena je sitnim pjegama. Murina je danju sakrivena u pukotinama podvodnih stijena odakle joj viri samo glava. Neprestano otvorene ralje pune oštrih zuba djeluju jezivo. Zube nema samo u vilicama, nego i na nepcu i u kostima grla.
Muraena is a genus of twelve species of large eels in the family Muraenidae.
This genus is common in the Mediterranean, and is abundantly represented in tropical and subtropical seas, especially in rocky parts or on coral reefs. In the majority, a long fin runs from the head along the back, round the tail to the vent, but all are destitute of pectoral and ventral fins. The skin is scaleless and smooth, in many species ornamented with varied and bright colours.[3]
The mouth is wide, the jaws strong and armed with formidable, generally sharply pointed, teeth, which enable the Muraena not only to seize its prey (which chiefly consists of other fishes) but also to inflict serious, and sometimes dangerous, wounds on its enemies. It attacks persons who approach its places of concealment in shallow water, and is feared by fishermen.[3] At least one species, Muraena retifera, possesses an additional "raptorial pharyngeal jaw" within the pharynx, which is mobile and can be thrust forwards quickly to assist in grasping prey.[4]
Some of the tropical Muraenas exceed a length of 5 feet (150 cm), but most of the species, among them the Mediterranean moray, are somewhat smaller. The latter, the "murena" of the Italians and the Muraena helena of ichthyologists, was considered by the ancient Romans to be one of the greatest delicacies, and was kept in large ponds and aquaria. It is not confined to the coasts of southern Europe, but is spread over the Indian Ocean, and is not uncommon on the coasts of Australia. Its body is generally of a rich brown, marked with large yellowish spots, each of which contains smaller brown spots.[3]
Muraena is a genus of twelve species of large eels in the family Muraenidae.
This genus is common in the Mediterranean, and is abundantly represented in tropical and subtropical seas, especially in rocky parts or on coral reefs. In the majority, a long fin runs from the head along the back, round the tail to the vent, but all are destitute of pectoral and ventral fins. The skin is scaleless and smooth, in many species ornamented with varied and bright colours.
The mouth is wide, the jaws strong and armed with formidable, generally sharply pointed, teeth, which enable the Muraena not only to seize its prey (which chiefly consists of other fishes) but also to inflict serious, and sometimes dangerous, wounds on its enemies. It attacks persons who approach its places of concealment in shallow water, and is feared by fishermen. At least one species, Muraena retifera, possesses an additional "raptorial pharyngeal jaw" within the pharynx, which is mobile and can be thrust forwards quickly to assist in grasping prey.
Muraena helenaSome of the tropical Muraenas exceed a length of 5 feet (150 cm), but most of the species, among them the Mediterranean moray, are somewhat smaller. The latter, the "murena" of the Italians and the Muraena helena of ichthyologists, was considered by the ancient Romans to be one of the greatest delicacies, and was kept in large ponds and aquaria. It is not confined to the coasts of southern Europe, but is spread over the Indian Ocean, and is not uncommon on the coasts of Australia. Its body is generally of a rich brown, marked with large yellowish spots, each of which contains smaller brown spots.
Muraena es un género de peces anguiliformes de la familia Muraenidae que contiene varias especies de morenas.
Se reconocen las siguientes especies:
Muraena es un género de peces anguiliformes de la familia Muraenidae que contiene varias especies de morenas.
Muraena est un genre de poissons de la famille des murènes.
Selon World Register of Marine Species (30 septembre 2015)[1] :
Une muraena augusti près de Faial (île), aux Açores. Juillet 2020.
Muraena é un xénero de peixes teleósteos da orde dos angüiliformes, o tipo da familia dos murénidos, que comprende varias especies de moreas.
Recoñécense as seguintes especies:
Muraena é un xénero de peixes teleósteos da orde dos angüiliformes, o tipo da familia dos murénidos, que comprende varias especies de moreas.
Murine (lat. Muraena) su rod riba iz porodice Muraenidae, iz razreda zrakoperki. Murine su ribe, iako izgledom podsjeća na zmiju. Rod obuhvaća 10 vrsta.
Nema ljusaka kao ni njezin rođak ugor, a leđna, analna i repna peraja srasle su u jedan nabor koji ide duž tijela. Prsnih i trubšnih peraja uopće nema. Koža murine ima lijepe boje i prekrivena je sitnim pjegama. Murina je danju skrivena u pukotinama podvodnih stijena odakle joj viri samo glava. Neprestano otvorene ralje pune oštrih zuba djeluju stravično. Zube nema samo u čeljustima, nego i na nepcu i u kostima ždrijela! U Jadranu živi Murina žutošarka (Muraena helena).
Murine (lat. Muraena) su rod riba iz porodice Muraenidae, iz razreda zrakoperki. Murine su ribe, iako izgledom podsjeća na zmiju. Rod obuhvaća 10 vrsta.
Nema ljusaka kao ni njezin rođak ugor, a leđna, analna i repna peraja srasle su u jedan nabor koji ide duž tijela. Prsnih i trubšnih peraja uopće nema. Koža murine ima lijepe boje i prekrivena je sitnim pjegama. Murina je danju skrivena u pukotinama podvodnih stijena odakle joj viri samo glava. Neprestano otvorene ralje pune oštrih zuba djeluju stravično. Zube nema samo u čeljustima, nego i na nepcu i u kostima ždrijela! U Jadranu živi Murina žutošarka (Muraena helena).
Muraena è un genere di pesci ossei marini appartenente alla famiglia Muraenidae.
Questo genere è presente nei mari tropicali e subtropicali, soprattutto nelle zone rocciose o le barriere coralline. Il genere era originariamente assente nel mar Mediterraneo, ma la specie Muraena helena vi è stata introdotta in epoca storica dall'Atlantico orientale ed è oggi molto comune.
Sono del tutto privi delle pinne pettorali e ventrali. La pelle è liscia e senza scaglie, spesso decorata di disegni appariscenti.
Muraena is een geslacht van vissen uit de familie van de murenen (Muraenidae) dat elf soorten omvat. Eén soort uit dit geslacht komt veel voor in de Middellandse Zee, en stond in hoog aanzien bij de oude Romeinen, die ze in aquaria hielden en als een delicatesse beschouwden.
Murenen houden zich graag op in rotsspleten en holten in de buurt van rotsformaties of koraalriffen in subtropische en tropische gebieden.
Een murene bezit een lange rugvin maar heeft geen borst of buikvinnen. De huid is schubloos en glad en vaak gevarieerd gekleurd. De basiskleur is vaak bruin met grote gele vlekken die elk weer kleinere bruine vlekken bevatten. De bek bevat krachtige kaken die een rij scherpe tanden dragen. Onderzoek aan Muraena retifera heeft laten zien dat deze in de keel een tweede stel kaken heeft die makkelijk naar voren en naar achteren kunnen bewegen. Hiermee kan de prooi in de slokdarm worden getrokken zonder dat deze een moment wordt losgelaten.[1]
De kleine ronde kieuwopeningen bevinden zich ver achter op de kop.
Muraena is een geslacht van vissen uit de familie van de murenen (Muraenidae) dat elf soorten omvat. Eén soort uit dit geslacht komt veel voor in de Middellandse Zee, en stond in hoog aanzien bij de oude Romeinen, die ze in aquaria hielden en als een delicatesse beschouwden.
Muraena – rodzaj ryb węgorzokształtnych z rodziny murenowatych (Muraenidae), dla której jest typem nomenklatorycznym.
Ocean Atlantycki i wschodni Ocean Spokojny. Jeden z gatunków (Muraena helena) występuje również w Morzu Śródziemnym[2].
Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[2]:
Gatunkiem typowym jest Muraena helena[2].
Rodzaj ten jest uznawany za takson monofiletyczny[6].
Muraena – rodzaj ryb węgorzokształtnych z rodziny murenowatych (Muraenidae), dla której jest typem nomenklatorycznym.
Muraena é um género de peixes anguiliformes da família Muraenidae que agrupa várias espécies de moreias.
O género Muraena integras as seguintes espécies validamente descritas:
Muraena é um género de peixes anguiliformes da família Muraenidae que agrupa várias espécies de moreias.
Murana ya da murena (Muraena), yılanbalıklarından, Doğu Atlantik ve Akdeniz'de yaşayan bir kemiklibalık (Muraena helena). Kayalık kıyılarda yaşar, kış aylarında derinlere gider. Derisi pulsuz, parlak, esmerimsi ve çok beneklidir. Göğüs yüzgeci yoktur. Sırt yüzgeci başından kuyruğuna kadar uzanır. 1.5 - 3 metre boyundadır. Üst çenesi alt çenesinden biraz uzuncadır. Dişleri uzun ve keskindir. Çok yırtıcı bir balıktır. Ahtapot, balık, yengeç ve yumuşakçalar ile beslenir. Eti lezzetli, fakat kanı ve ısırmasıysa zehirlidir.[1]
Murana ya da murena (Muraena), yılanbalıklarından, Doğu Atlantik ve Akdeniz'de yaşayan bir kemiklibalık (Muraena helena). Kayalık kıyılarda yaşar, kış aylarında derinlere gider. Derisi pulsuz, parlak, esmerimsi ve çok beneklidir. Göğüs yüzgeci yoktur. Sırt yüzgeci başından kuyruğuna kadar uzanır. 1.5 - 3 metre boyundadır. Üst çenesi alt çenesinden biraz uzuncadır. Dişleri uzun ve keskindir. Çok yırtıcı bir balıktır. Ahtapot, balık, yengeç ve yumuşakçalar ile beslenir. Eti lezzetli, fakat kanı ve ısırmasıysa zehirlidir.
Muraena Linnaeus, 1758
Муре́ны (лат. Muraena) — род лучепёрых рыб из семейства муреновых (Muraenidae).
Встречаются в Атлантическом, Тихом и Индийском океанах, широко распространены в Средиземном и Красном морях.
Имеют длину до 1,5 метров и массу до 50 кг, но, как правило, встречаются особи длиной около метра. Тело змеевидной формы, кожа голая, без чешуи. Очень разнообразна окраска мурен, помогающая им маскироваться: коричневая, зелёная, зеленовато-жёлтая, пятнистая, полосатая, «мраморная»[1].
Мурены живут в придонном слое воды, можно сказать, на дне. Днём они сидят в расщелинах скал или кораллов, высунув головы и обычно поводя ими из стороны в сторону, высматривая проплывающую добычу. Ночью же мурены выбираются из убежищ, чтобы поохотиться. Обычно они питаются рыбами, но нападают и на ракообразных, и на осьминогов, которых ловят из засады, стрелой выскакивая из своих убежищ и хватая проплывающую мимо жертву.
Мясо мурен после обработки можно употреблять в пищу. Особенно оно ценилось древними римлянами[1]. Укус рыб может быть опасен для человека. Ранее их зубы считались ядовитыми, однако эти данные не были подтверждены[2]. Тем не менее, укус мурены чрезвычайно болезнен. Известны случаи неспровоцированных нападений рыб на дайверов-аквалангистов[3][4].
Муре́ны (лат. Muraena) — род лучепёрых рыб из семейства муреновых (Muraenidae).
Встречаются в Атлантическом, Тихом и Индийском океанах, широко распространены в Средиземном и Красном морях.