The greatly disappointing spider crab. My friends and I went crabbing at Captree, LI. yesterday, and while it wasn't plentiful, we did catch several spider crabs. Covered in seaweed and drenched in water, our cages are constantly filled with these critters, tricking us, nay mocking us, with the lack of blue crab we caught. In the end of the day, we left the winners as we all got ourselves a meal, and all these little monsters got was a vertical trip back to salvation.View On Black
These crabs cultivate sponges and sometime anemones on their shells. They seem to know that these sessile invertebrates have protective qualities; toxins or stinging tentacles
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer "Valdivia" 1898-1899. bd.6. AtlasJena,G. Fischer,
Ok, it's taking up most of the picture. I believe this is a Sharpnose Crab (Scyra acutifrons). I saw one in Seattle in Jan, but this is my first one in CA.