"Aforia multispiralis n.sp. (Figs 413, 414, 416, 433, 435)
MATERIAL EXAMINED: Eltanin Stns 138, 426, 428, 432, 997, 1002, 1084.
DISTRIBUTION: The new species is known only from off the Antarctic Peninsula, Bransfield Strait, the South Shetlands and South Orkneys in 265-1455 m.
DESCRIPTION: Shell of medium size for the genus (50-92 mm in length), elongate fusiform, with a tall spire and a long, tapering anterior canal. Spire angle ranging from 39-42°. Protoconch of two rather bulbous whorls, apex smooth, rest of whorls sculptured with four increasing to sevea strong spiral cords becoming stronger over the last whorl, clearly marked off from teleoconch and terminating in a few flexuous, close-spaced axial riblets which follow the line of the adult sinus. Teleoconch sculptured by two strongly keeled carinae, which are easily eroded and then appear to be surmounted by two closely-spaced cords. When entire the keels are equally developed, and sharp-edged, finely crimped by the development of regular, fine axial riblets across them. Subsutural section of ramp with fine spiral threads which increase in strength towards the peripheral keel. Ramp otherwise sculptured only by sinus growth curves. Between the keels some 3-5 strong subequal spiral cords are developed with a single, strong spiral cord between the lower keel and the suture. Base of last whorl and canal sculptured by strong spiral cords. Suture deeply impressed. Sinus deep, U-shaped, the apex occupying the middle of the ramp. Colour white with a thin, very light brown epidermis. Radula with a broad-based unicuspid central tooth and wish-bone type marginals of the same form as in A. magnifica.
MEASUREMENTS: height 57.0 mm, diameter 19.4 mm (holotype), height 54.7 mm (canal broken), diameter 22.7 mm (paratype)
HOLOTYPE: from Eltanin Stn 426 in National Museum of Natural History (USNM 860145).
PARATYPE: from Eltanin Stn 1084 in National Museum of New Zealand (MF.56641).
REMARKS: The new species differs from A. magnifica in having two sharp keels on the spire whorls instead of the single rounded carina. A large broken specimen from Eltanin Stn 997 (Fig. 416) (length of remaining portion 91.7 mm) is tentatively identified as A. multispiralis, although the carinae are worn down to the level of the subsidiary spiral cords. It matches most other features of the well preserved holotype especially in the strength and number of the secondary spiral sculpture.
A well preserved specimen from Eltanin Stn 138 (48.0 x 25.7 mm) matches the holotype of A. multispiralis in most respects except that the secondary spiral sculpture is much finer and more numerous, and the abapical keel is much less strongly developed than the adapical. The spire angle is 55°. It may well represent a deep-water variant of A. multispiralis."
(Dell, 1990: 231-233)
Aforia multispiralis is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cochlespiridae.[1]
The size of an adult shell varies between 40 mm and 90 mm.
This species is found in the cold waters of the South Orkneys, the South Shetland Islands, Kerguelen Island and the Antarctic Peninsula.
Aforia multispiralis is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cochlespiridae.
Aforia multispiralis is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Cochlespiridae.[2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1990 door Dell.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Aforia multispiralis é uma espécie de gastrópode do gênero Aforia, pertencente a família Cochlespiridae.[2]
Aforia multispiralis é uma espécie de gastrópode do gênero Aforia, pertencente a família Cochlespiridae.
Aforia multispiralis là một loài ốc biển, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển trong họ Turridae.[1]
Aforia multispiralis là một loài ốc biển, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển trong họ Turridae.