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Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
نظرة عامة
الأسماء العلمية
الأسماء المفضلة
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Oreophryne ampelos
معترف بها من قبل
AmphibiaWeb distribution data
Oreophryne ampelos
Kraus 2011
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World
Oreophryne ampelos
معترف بها من قبل
BHL data coverage
Oreophryne ampelos
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia ES
wikipedia PT
, and
wikipedia FR
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
أسماء شائعة
لا توجد أسماء شائعة مرتبطة بهذه الأصنوفة.
التسلسل الهرمي المختار لـ Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Microhylidae Günther 1858
Asterophryinae Günther 1858
Oreophryne Boettger 1895
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen 1909)
Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne anser Kraus 2016
Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger 1908)
Oreophryne asplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne aurora Kraus 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus 2016
Oreophryne biroi (Méhely 1897)
Oreophryne brachypus (Werner 1898)
Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus 2017
Oreophryne cameroni Kraus 2013
Oreophryne celebensis (Müller 1894)
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther 2015
Oreophryne clamata Günther 2003
Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen 1913)
Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne equus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne ezra Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne flava Parker 1934
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst 1883)
Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi & Iskandar 2009
Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger 1892)
Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne graminis Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies & Price 2003
Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne inornata Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne insulana Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn 1928
Oreophryne kampeni Parker 1934
Oreophryne kapisa Günther 2003
Oreophryne lemur Kraus 2016
Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger 1898)
Oreophryne matawan Kraus 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus 2016
Oreophryne mertoni (Roux 1910)
Oreophryne minuta Richards & Iskandar 2000
Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters & Doria 1878)
Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne nicolasi Richards & Günther 2019
Oreophryne notata Zweifel 2003
Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford & Johnston 2012
Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther 2015
Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens 1927
Oreophryne sibilans Günther 2003
Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne unicolor Günther 2003
Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger 1896)
Oreophryne waira Günther 2003
Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner 1901)
Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl 1933
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Microhylidae Günther 1858
Asterophryinae Günther 1858
Oreophryne Boettger 1895
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen 1909)
Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne anser Kraus 2016
Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger 1908)
Oreophryne asplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne aurora Kraus 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus 2016
Oreophryne biroi (Méhely 1897)
Oreophryne brachypus (Werner 1898)
Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus 2017
Oreophryne cameroni Kraus 2013
Oreophryne celebensis (Müller 1894)
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther 2015
Oreophryne clamata Günther 2003
Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen 1913)
Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne equus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne ezra Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne flava Parker 1934
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst 1883)
Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi & Iskandar 2009
Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger 1892)
Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne graminis Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies & Price 2003
Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne inornata Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne insulana Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn 1928
Oreophryne kampeni Parker 1934
Oreophryne kapisa Günther 2003
Oreophryne lemur Kraus 2016
Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger 1898)
Oreophryne matawan Kraus 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus 2016
Oreophryne mertoni (Roux 1910)
Oreophryne minuta Richards & Iskandar 2000
Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters & Doria 1878)
Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne nicolasi Richards & Günther 2019
Oreophryne notata Zweifel 2003
Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford & Johnston 2012
Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther 2015
Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens 1927
Oreophryne sibilans Günther 2003
Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne unicolor Günther 2003
Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger 1896)
Oreophryne waira Günther 2003
Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner 1901)
Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl 1933
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen 1909)
Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne anser Kraus 2016
Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger 1908)
Oreophryne asplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne aurora Kraus 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus 2016
Oreophryne biroi (Méhely 1897)
Oreophryne brachypus (Werner 1898)
Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus 2017
Oreophryne cameroni Kraus 2013
Oreophryne celebensis (Müller 1894)
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther 2015
Oreophryne clamata Günther 2003
Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen 1913)
Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne equus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne ezra Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne flava Parker 1934
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst 1883)
Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi & Iskandar 2009
Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger 1892)
Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne graminis Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies & Price 2003
Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne inornata Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne insulana Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn 1928
Oreophryne kampeni Parker 1934
Oreophryne kapisa Günther 2003
Oreophryne lemur Kraus 2016
Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger 1898)
Oreophryne matawan Kraus 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus 2016
Oreophryne mertoni (Roux 1910)
Oreophryne minuta Richards & Iskandar 2000
Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters & Doria 1878)
Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne nicolasi Richards & Günther 2019
Oreophryne notata Zweifel 2003
Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford & Johnston 2012
Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther 2015
Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens 1927
Oreophryne sibilans Günther 2003
Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne unicolor Günther 2003
Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger 1896)
Oreophryne waira Günther 2003
Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner 1901)
Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl 1933
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Microhylidae Günther 1858
Asterophryinae Günther 1858
Oreophryne Boettger 1895
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen 1909)
Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne anser Kraus 2016
Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger 1908)
Oreophryne asplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne aurora Kraus 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus 2016
Oreophryne biroi (Méhely 1897)
Oreophryne brachypus (Werner 1898)
Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus 2017
Oreophryne cameroni Kraus 2013
Oreophryne celebensis (Müller 1894)
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther 2015
Oreophryne clamata Günther 2003
Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen 1913)
Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne equus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne ezra Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne flava Parker 1934
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst 1883)
Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi & Iskandar 2009
Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger 1892)
Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne graminis Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies & Price 2003
Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne inornata Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne insulana Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn 1928
Oreophryne kampeni Parker 1934
Oreophryne kapisa Günther 2003
Oreophryne lemur Kraus 2016
Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger 1898)
Oreophryne matawan Kraus 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus 2016
Oreophryne mertoni (Roux 1910)
Oreophryne minuta Richards & Iskandar 2000
Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters & Doria 1878)
Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne notata Zweifel 2003
Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford & Johnston 2012
Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther 2015
Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens 1927
Oreophryne sibilans Günther 2003
Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne unicolor Günther 2003
Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger 1896)
Oreophryne waira Günther 2003
Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner 1901)
Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl 1933
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen 1909)
Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne anser Kraus 2016
Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger 1908)
Oreophryne asplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne aurora Kraus 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus 2016
Oreophryne biroi (Méhely 1897)
Oreophryne brachypus (Werner 1898)
Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus 2017
Oreophryne cameroni Kraus 2013
Oreophryne celebensis (Müller 1894)
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther 2015
Oreophryne clamata Günther 2003
Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen 1913)
Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne equus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne ezra Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne flava Parker 1934
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst 1883)
Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi & Iskandar 2009
Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger 1892)
Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne graminis Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies & Price 2003
Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne inornata Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne insulana Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn 1928
Oreophryne kampeni Parker 1934
Oreophryne kapisa Günther 2003
Oreophryne lemur Kraus 2016
Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger 1898)
Oreophryne matawan Kraus 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus 2016
Oreophryne mertoni (Roux 1910)
Oreophryne minuta Richards & Iskandar 2000
Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters & Doria 1878)
Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne nicolasi Richards & Günther 2019
Oreophryne notata Zweifel 2003
Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford & Johnston 2012
Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther 2015
Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens 1927
Oreophryne sibilans Günther 2003
Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne unicolor Günther 2003
Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger 1896)
Oreophryne waira Günther 2003
Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner 1901)
Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl 1933
Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World
Microhylidae Günther, 1858
Asterophryinae Günther, 1858
Oreophryne Boettger, 1895
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus, 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards, and Tjaturadi, 2018
Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards, and Dahl, 2014
Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen, 1909)
Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus and Allison, 2009
Oreophryne anser Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger, 1897)
Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger, 1908)
Oreophryne asplenicola Günther, 2003
Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards, and Iskandar, 2001
Oreophryne aurora Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne biroi (Méhely, 1897)
Oreophryne brachypus (Werner, 1898)
Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel, 1956
Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus, 2017
Oreophryne cameroni Kraus, 2013
Oreophryne celebensis (Müller, 1894)
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther, 2015
Oreophryne clamata Günther, 2003
Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen, 1913)
Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards, and Dahl, 2014
Oreophryne equus Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne ezra Kraus and Allison, 2009
Oreophryne flava Parker, 1934
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther and Richards, 2016
Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst, 1883)
Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi, and Iskandar, 2009
Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus, 2013
Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger, 1892)
Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
Oreophryne graminis Günther and Richards, 2012
Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies, and Price, 2003
Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel, 1956
Oreophryne inornata Zweifel, 1956
Oreophryne insulana Zweifel, 1956
Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn, 1928
Oreophryne kampeni Parker, 1934
Oreophryne kapisa Günther, 2003
Oreophryne lemur Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger, 1898)
Oreophryne matawan Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne mertoni (Roux, 1910)
Oreophryne minuta Richards and Iskandar, 2000
Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters and Doria, 1878)
Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger, 1897)
Oreophryne nicolasi Richards and Günther, 2019
Oreophryne notata Zweifel, 2003
Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford, and Johnston, 2012
Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus, 2013
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus, 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus, 2016
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther, 2003
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther and Richards, 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther, 2015
Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens, 1927
Oreophryne sibilans Günther, 2003
Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther and Richards, 2012
Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
Oreophryne unicolor Günther, 2003
Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger, 1896)
Oreophryne waira Günther, 2003
Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards, and Iskandar, 2001
Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner, 1901)
Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl, 1933
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Microhylidae Günther 1858
Asterophryinae Günther 1858
Oreophryne Boettger 1895
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen 1909)
Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne anser Kraus 2016
Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger 1908)
Oreophryne asplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne aurora Kraus 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus 2016
Oreophryne biroi (Méhely 1897)
Oreophryne brachypus (Werner 1898)
Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus 2017
Oreophryne cameroni Kraus 2013
Oreophryne celebensis (Müller 1894)
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther 2015
Oreophryne clamata Günther 2003
Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen 1913)
Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards & Dahl 2014
Oreophryne equus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne ezra Kraus & Allison 2009
Oreophryne flava Parker 1934
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst 1883)
Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi & Iskandar 2009
Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger 1892)
Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne graminis Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies & Price 2003
Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne inornata Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne insulana Zweifel 1956
Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn 1928
Oreophryne kampeni Parker 1934
Oreophryne kapisa Günther 2003
Oreophryne lemur Kraus 2016
Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger 1898)
Oreophryne matawan Kraus 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus 2016
Oreophryne mertoni (Roux 1910)
Oreophryne minuta Richards & Iskandar 2000
Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters & Doria 1878)
Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger 1897)
Oreophryne nicolasi Richards & Günther 2019
Oreophryne notata Zweifel 2003
Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford & Johnston 2012
Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus 2013
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther 2003
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther 2015
Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens 1927
Oreophryne sibilans Günther 2003
Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther & Richards 2012
Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger & Richards 2005
Oreophryne unicolor Günther 2003
Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger 1896)
Oreophryne waira Günther 2003
Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards & Iskandar 2001
Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner 1901)
Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl 1933
Oreophryne ampelos Kraus 2011
(هذه الصفحة)
Anodonthyla emilei Vences, Glaw, Köhler & Wollenberg 2010
Anodonthyla hutchisoni Fenolio, Walvoord, Stout, Randrianirina & Andreone 2007
Anodonthyla jeanbai Vences, Glaw, Köhler & Wollenberg 2010
Anodonthyla moramora Glaw & Vences 2005
Anodonthyla pollicaris (Boettger 1913)
Anodonthyla theoi Vences, Glaw, Köhler & Wollenberg 2010
Anodonthyla vallani Vences, Glaw, Köhler & Wollenberg 2010
Aphantophryne nana (Brown & Alcala 1967)
Asterophrys foja (Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2016)
Asterophrys pullifer (Günther 2006)
Austrochaperina macrorhyncha (Van Kampen 1906)
Austrochaperina minutissima Günther 2009
Austrochaperina punctata (Van Kampen 1913)
Austrochaperina rudolfarndti Günther 2017
Callulops argus Kraus 2019
Callulops bicolor Kraus 2019
Callulops doriae Boulenger 1888
Callulops neuhaussi (Vogt 1911)
Callulops stellatus Kraus 2019
Callulops taxispilotus Kraus 2019
Chiasmocleis avilapiresae Peloso & Sturaro 2008
Chiasmocleis devriesi Funk & Cannatella 2009
Chiasmocleis magnova Moravec & Köhler 2007
Chiasmocleis mantiqueira Cruz, Feio & Cassini 2007
Chiasmocleis sapiranga Cruz, Caramaschi & Napoli 2007
Choerophryne alainduboisi Günther & Richards 2018
Choerophryne bickfordi Kraus 2018
Choerophryne bisyllaba Günther & Richards 2017
Choerophryne burtoni Richards, Dahl & Hiaso 2007
Choerophryne crucifer Günther & Richards 2017
Choerophryne multisyllaba Günther & Richards 2017
Choerophryne pipiens Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Choerophryne tubercula (Richards, Johnston & Burton 1992)
Cophixalus ateles (Boulenger 1898)
Cophixalus bombiens Zweifel 1985
Cophixalus cateae Richards & Günther 2019
Cophixalus concinnus Tyler 1979
Cophixalus hannahae Richards & Günther 2019
Cophixalus humicola Günther 2006
Cophixalus mcdonaldi Zweifel 1985
Cophixalus misimae Richards & Oliver 2007
Cophixalus neglectus Zweifel 1962
Cophixalus peninsularis Zweifel 1985
Cophixalus saxatilis Zweifel & Parker 1977
Cophixalus timidus Kraus & Allison 2006
Cophixalus tridactylus Günther 2006
Cophixalus variabilis Kraus & Allison 2006
Cophixalus verrucosus (Boulenger 1898)
Cophixalus zweifeli Davies & McDonald 1998
Ctenophryne barbatula (Lehr & Trueb 2007)
Elachistocleis bumbameuboi Caramaschi 2010
Elachistocleis carvalhoi Caramaschi 2010
Elachistocleis helianneae Caramaschi 2010
Elachistocleis matogrosso Caramaschi 2010
Elachistocleis surumu Caramaschi 2010
Hylophorbus rainerguentheri Richards & Oliver 2007
Kaloula aureata Nutphand 1989
Kaloula macrocephala Bourret 1942
Mantophryne insignis Günther & Richards 2016
Melanobatrachus indicus Beddome 1878
Microhyla aurantiventris Nguyen, Poyarkov, Nguyen, Nguyen, Tran, Gorin, Murphy & Nguyen 2019
Microhyla beilunensis Zhang, Fei, Ye, Wang, Wang & Jiang 2018
Microhyla fissipes Boulenger 1884
Microhyla fodiens Poyarkov, Gorin, Zaw, Kretova, Gogoleva, Pawangkhanan & Che 2019
Microhyla irrawaddy Poyarkov, Gorin, Zaw, Kretova, Gogoleva, Pawangkhanant & Che 2019
Microhyla kuramotoi Matsui & Tominaga 2020
Microhyla mantheyi Das, Yaakob & Sukumaran 2007
Microhyla mihintalei Wijayathilaka, Garg, Senevirathne, Karunarathna, Biju & Meegaskumbura 2016
Microhyla okinavensis Stejneger 1853
Micryletta nigromaculata Poyarkov, Nguyen, Duong, Gorin & Yang 2018
Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards & Tjaturadi 2018
Oreophryne anser Kraus 2016
Oreophryne aurora Kraus 2016
Oreophryne banshee Kraus 2016
Oreophryne brunnea Kraus 2017
Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther 2015
Oreophryne equus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne lemur Kraus 2016
Oreophryne matawan Kraus 2016
Oreophryne meliades Kraus 2016
Oreophryne nicolasi Richards & Günther 2019
Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus 2016
Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus 2016
Oreophryne phoebe Kraus 2017
Oreophryne picticrus Kraus 2016
Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther & Richards 2016
Oreophryne roedeli Günther 2015
Paedophryne titan Kraus 2015
Paradoxophyla tiarano Andreone, Aprea, Odierna & Vences 2006
Plethodontohyla fonetana Glaw, Köhler, Bora & Rabibisoa 2007
Plethodontohyla guentheri Glaw & Vences 2007
Siamophryne troglodytes Suwannapoom, Sumontha, Tunprasert, Ruangsuwan, Pawangkhanant, Korost & Poyarkov 2018
Stereocyclops histrio (Carvalho 1954)
Vietnamophryne inexpectata Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost & Che 2018
Vietnamophryne occidentalis Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost & Che 2018
Vietnamophryne orlovi Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost & Che 2018
Xenorhina lanthanites (Günther & Knop 2006)
Xenorhina macrodisca Günther & Richards 2005
Xenorhina varia Günther & Richards 2005
471 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
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wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Oreophryne ampelos
(هذه الصفحة)
Oreophryne albomaculata
Oreophryne albopunctata
Oreophryne alticola
Oreophryne anamiatoi
Oreophryne annulata
Oreophryne anser
Oreophryne anthonyi
Oreophryne anulata
Oreophryne asplenicola
Oreophryne atrigularis
Oreophryne aurora
Oreophryne banshee
Oreophryne biroi
Oreophryne brachypus
Oreophryne brevicrus
Oreophryne brevirostris
Oreophryne brunnea
Oreophryne cameroni
Oreophryne celebensis
Oreophryne choerophrynoides
Oreophryne clamata
Oreophryne crucifer
Oreophryne curator
Oreophryne equus
Oreophryne ezra
Oreophryne flava
Oreophryne flavomaculata
Oreophryne frontifasciata
Oreophryne furu
Oreophryne gagneorum
Oreophryne geislerorum
Oreophryne geminus
Oreophryne graminis
Oreophryne habbemensis
Oreophryne hypsiops
Oreophryne idenburgensis
Oreophryne inornata
Oreophryne insulana
Oreophryne jeffersoniana
Oreophryne kampeni
Oreophryne kapisa
Oreophryne lemur
Oreophryne loriae
Oreophryne matawan
Oreophryne meliades
Oreophryne mertoni
Oreophryne minuta
Oreophryne moluccensis
Oreophryne monticola
Oreophryne nana
Oreophryne nicolasi
Oreophryne notata
Oreophryne oviprotector
Oreophryne parkeri
Oreophryne parkopanorum
Oreophryne penelopeia
Oreophryne philosylleptoris
Oreophryne phoebe
Oreophryne picticrus
Oreophryne pseudasplenicola
Oreophryne pseudunicolor
Oreophryne roedeli
Oreophryne rookmaakeri
Oreophryne rookmaarkeri
Oreophryne sibilans
Oreophryne streiffeleri
Oreophryne terrestris
Oreophryne unicolor
Oreophryne variabilis
Oreophryne waira
Oreophryne wapoga
Oreophryne wolterstorffi
Oreophryne zimmeri
Oreophrynella seegobini