Poecilodryas hypoleuca, ye una especie d'ave Passeriformes, perteneciente a la familia Petroicidae, del xéneru Poecilodryas.[1]
Ye una especie d'ave que s'alcuentra en Nueva Guinea.[2]
Poecilodryas hypoleuca, ye una especie d'ave Passeriformes, perteneciente a la familia Petroicidae, del xéneru Poecilodryas.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Robin ddu a gwyn (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: robinod du a gwyn) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Poecilodryas hypoleuca; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Black and white robin. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Robinod Awstralia (Lladin: Petroicidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.[1] Yr hen enw ar y teulu hwn oedd yr Eopsaltridae.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn P. hypoleuca, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]
Mae'r robin ddu a gwyn yn perthyn i deulu'r Robinod Awstralia (Lladin: Petroicidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Gwybed-robin torfelyn Microeca flavigaster Gwybed-robin yr afon Monachella muelleriana Robin fronwyn Awstralia Eopsaltria georgiana Robin garned Eugerygone rubra Robin lychlyd Peneoenanthe pulverulenta Robin miromiro Petroica macrocephala Robin prysgoed wyrdd Pachycephalopsis hattamensis Robin Ynys Chatham Petroica traversiAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Robin ddu a gwyn (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: robinod du a gwyn) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Poecilodryas hypoleuca; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Black and white robin. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Robinod Awstralia (Lladin: Petroicidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes. Yr hen enw ar y teulu hwn oedd yr Eopsaltridae.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn P. hypoleuca, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.
The black-sided robin (Poecilodryas hypoleuca), also known as the pied robin, is a species of bird in the family Petroicidae. It is widespread throughout New Guinea. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.
The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek words poikilos 'pied' and dryas 'dryad', and the species name hypoleuca is derived from the Ancient Greek hypoleukos, meaning 'whitish'.[2] Sibley and Ahlquist's DNA-DNA hybridisation studies placed this group in a Corvida parvorder comprising many tropical and Australian passerines including pardalotes, fairy-wrens, honeyeaters and crows.[3] However, subsequent molecular research (and current consensus) places the robins as a very early offshoot of the Passerida (or "advanced" songbirds) within the songbird lineage.[4]
Measuring 13 to 15 cm (5–6 in), the black-sided robin has black and white plumage. The upperparts including the crown, nape, back, wings and tail are black or brownish-black, as is its eye-stripe. It has white eyebrows, throat and underparts and a white patch on the wings. The bill is black, and the eyes are dark brown, and the legs grey or pink.[5]
The black-sided robin is found across New Guinea from the Huon Peninsula west to the western limits of West Papua and West Papuan Islands, although is absent from the transfly region in the south. It inhabits predominantly lowland rainforests and swamp forests from sea level to 1200 m (4000 ft). Within the rainforest it is found singly or in pairs in the understory or on the ground. Shy, it is more often heard than seen. It is insectivorous, and hunts by gleaning and snatching insects from tree trunks and branches, and on the ground.[5]
The black-sided robin (Poecilodryas hypoleuca), also known as the pied robin, is a species of bird in the family Petroicidae. It is widespread throughout New Guinea. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.
The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek words poikilos 'pied' and dryas 'dryad', and the species name hypoleuca is derived from the Ancient Greek hypoleukos, meaning 'whitish'. Sibley and Ahlquist's DNA-DNA hybridisation studies placed this group in a Corvida parvorder comprising many tropical and Australian passerines including pardalotes, fairy-wrens, honeyeaters and crows. However, subsequent molecular research (and current consensus) places the robins as a very early offshoot of the Passerida (or "advanced" songbirds) within the songbird lineage.
Measuring 13 to 15 cm (5–6 in), the black-sided robin has black and white plumage. The upperparts including the crown, nape, back, wings and tail are black or brownish-black, as is its eye-stripe. It has white eyebrows, throat and underparts and a white patch on the wings. The bill is black, and the eyes are dark brown, and the legs grey or pink.
The black-sided robin is found across New Guinea from the Huon Peninsula west to the western limits of West Papua and West Papuan Islands, although is absent from the transfly region in the south. It inhabits predominantly lowland rainforests and swamp forests from sea level to 1200 m (4000 ft). Within the rainforest it is found singly or in pairs in the understory or on the ground. Shy, it is more often heard than seen. It is insectivorous, and hunts by gleaning and snatching insects from tree trunks and branches, and on the ground.
La petroica flanquinegra (Poecilodryas hypoleuca)[2] es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Petroicidae endémica de Nueva Guinea y las islas Raja Ampat.[3]
La petroica flanquinegra (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Petroicidae endémica de Nueva Guinea y las islas Raja Ampat.
Poecilodryas hypoleuca Poecilodryas generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Petroicidae familian sailkatua dago.
Poecilodryas hypoleuca Poecilodryas generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Petroicidae familian sailkatua dago.
Pikkukorpraalisieppo (Poecilodryas hypoleuca)[2] on pensassieppojen heimoon kuuluva varpuslintu.
Pikkukorpraalisieppoa tavataan laajalla alueella Uuden-Guinean saarella. Lajin kanta on vakaa, ja se on luokiteltu elinvoimaiseksi.[1]
Pikkukorpraalisieppo (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) on pensassieppojen heimoon kuuluva varpuslintu.
Poecilodryas hypoleuca
Le Miro à flancs noirs (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) est une espèce de passereaux de la famille des Petroicidae.
Il vit en Nouvelle-Guinée.
Il habite les forêts humides tropicales et subtropicales de basse altitudes.
D'après Alan P. Peterson, il existe 3 sous-espèces :
Poecilodryas hypoleuca
Le Miro à flancs noirs (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) est une espèce de passereaux de la famille des Petroicidae.
La balia neoguineana fianchineri (Poecilodryas hypoleuca (G. R. Gray, 1859)) è un uccello della famiglia dei Petroicidi originario della Nuova Guinea[2].
Il nome del genere cui appartiene, Poecilodryas, deriva dal greco antico poikilos («piccola») e dryas («driade»), mentre quello specifico, hypoleuca, deriva dal greco antico hypo- («sotto») e leukos («bianco»). Gli studi sull'ibridazione del DNA condotti da Charles Sibley e Jon Ahlquist spinsero gli studiosi a classificare questo gruppo nel parvordine dei Corvida, che comprende molti Passeriformi tropicali e australiani, tra i quali i Pardalotidi, i Maluridi, i Melifagidi e i Corvidi[3]. Tuttavia, grazie a ricerche molecolari più recenti, è stato scoperto che i Petroicidi appartengono invece a uno dei rami più antichi dell'altro parvordine degli Oscini, i Passerida (o uccelli canori «avanzati»)[4].
Attualmente vengono riconosciute tre sottospecie di balia neoguineana fianchineri[2]:
Con una lunghezza di 13–15 cm, la balia neoguineana fianchineri è ricoperta da un piumaggio bianco e nero. Le regioni superiori (sommità del capo, nuca, dorso, ali e coda), così come una striscia attraverso la regione oculare, sono nere o nero-brunastre. I «sopraccigli», la gola, le regioni inferiori e una macchia sulle ali sono bianche. Il becco è nero, gli occhi sono marrone scuro e le zampe grigie o rosa[5].
La balia neoguineana fianchineri è diffusa in gran parte della Nuova Guinea, dalla penisola di Huon a est fino ai margini occidentali del Papua Occidentale e a varie isole lungo la costa occidentale di essa, ma è del tutto assente dal bacino del fiume Fly, a sud. Vive prevalentemente nelle foreste pluviali di pianura e in quelle paludose, dal livello del mare fino a 1200 m di quota. All'interno delle foreste pluviali nelle quali abita si incontra in coppie, tra il sottobosco o sul terreno.
Di carattere molto timido, viene più spesso udita che avvistata. È insettivora e va a caccia di insetti sia sui tronchi e i rami degli alberi che al suolo[5].
La balia neoguineana fianchineri (Poecilodryas hypoleuca (G. R. Gray, 1859)) è un uccello della famiglia dei Petroicidi originario della Nuova Guinea.
De zwartflankvliegenvanger (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) is een zangvogel uit de familie Petroicidae (Australische vliegenvangers).
Deze soort is endemisch in Nieuw-Guinea en telt 3 ondersoorten:
De zwartflankvliegenvanger (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) is een zangvogel uit de familie Petroicidae (Australische vliegenvangers).
Svartvit sydhake[2] (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) är en fågel i familjen sydhakar inom ordningen tättingar.[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]
Svartvit sydhake delas in i tre underarter:[3]
Svartvit sydhake (Poecilodryas hypoleuca) är en fågel i familjen sydhakar inom ordningen tättingar. IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.
Svartvit sydhake delas in i tre underarter:
Poecilodryas hypoleuca steini – förekommer på Waigeo Island (Nya Guinea) Poecilodryas hypoleuca hypoleuca – förekommer från västra Nya Guinea till Port Moresby-området samt de västpapuanska öarna Poecilodryas hypoleuca hermani – förekommer på norra Nya Guinea (Mamberamofloden till övre Watutfloden)Poecilodryas hypoleuca là một loài chim trong họ Petroicidae.[1]
Poecilodryas hypoleuca là một loài chim trong họ Petroicidae.
Poecilodryas hypoleuca
(G. R. Gray, 1859)
Бело-черная пегая мухоловка[1] (лат. Poecilodryas hypoleuca) — вид птиц из семейства австралийских зарянок. Распространены в Индонезии и на Папуа-Новой Гвинее на высотах до 1200 м[2].
Длина 13—15 см. Оперение птицы чёрно белое, ноги серые или розовые[3].
Птиц можно увидеть (но чаще услышать) в подлеске или на земле, поодиночке или парами. Питается насекомыми, которых собирает с деревьев или с земли[3].
Бело-черная пегая мухоловка (лат. Poecilodryas hypoleuca) — вид птиц из семейства австралийских зарянок. Распространены в Индонезии и на Папуа-Новой Гвинее на высотах до 1200 м.