Hottentot buttonquail have an impact on the prey and plants they eat.
As a result of their food habits, these buttonquail may help control weed and insect pests.
Positive Impacts: controls pest population
There are no known adverse affects of hottentot buttonquail on humans.
Hottentot buttonquail are not listed by either the IUCN or CITES.
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
The females utter a series of low-pitched, "hoo" notes that resonate.
Communication Channels: acoustic
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Hottentot buttonquail eat grasses, weeds, insects and their larvae, and other invertebrates.
Animal Foods: insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods
Plant Foods: leaves
Primary Diet: omnivore
Hottentot buttonquail range from Ghana and Cameroon east to Uganda and Kenya and south to the northeastern part of Angola and Cape Province (Johnsgard, 1991). Some subspecies may range as far west as Sierra Leone and as far north as Sudan (Clancy, 1967). These birds are migratory and winter in the Sahel zone just below the Sahara (Johnsgard, 1991).
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
Hottentot buttonquail are found in grasslands and on the fringes of marshes where the grass is less dense. They are also found on scrub lands with thin stands of grasses and low bushes as well as fallow fields and gardens (Clancy, 1967). These buttonquail are adapted to arid regions (Johnsgard, 1991).
Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; scrub forest
Wetlands: marsh
Other Habitat Features: agricultural
We do not have information on lifespan/longevity for this species at this time.
On average, female hottentot buttonquail are 15 cm long, and males are 14 cm long. They weigh between 40 and 62 g. Females are black above with rufous mottling. Most of the feathers of the crown are back and edged in white. The rump and upper tail feathers are black. The rest of the head, the sides of the throat, and upper breast are buff, while the feathers capping the wings are a golden buff color. Feathers on the sides of the neck and breast are barred with black and white. Wing coverts are brownish-black and the outer primaries have a partial buff margin; the wing feathers are mottled with light red, buff and white, and barred with black. Wing tips are white. The lower breast and abdomen are buff grading to white. There are heavy blackish-brown spots on the breast, over the sides of the body and on the flanks.
Range mass: 40 to 62 g.
Range length: 14 to 15 cm.
Sexual Dimorphism: female larger
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
We do not have information on predation for this species at this time.
All buttonquail are polyandrous.
Mating System: polyandrous
Breeding occurs during or just after the rainy season. Mating occurs in South Africa from October to January, in Zimbabwe from September to February, in Malawi in April, in Nigeria in December and January, and in Kenya from May to July and October (Johnsgard, 1991).
The nest is a scrape (Clancy, 1967) or a scant pad of grass blades on the ground, under the canopy of a green or dried grass tuft (Johnsgard, 1991). Clutch size is two to six eggs; males incubate for 12 to 14 days (Johnsgard, 1991). The eggs are pyriform in shape, yellowish with light and dark brown speckles, and are 23 to 25 mm by 17 to 20 mm (Clancy, 1967).
Breeding season: Breeding occurs during or just after the rainy season.
Range eggs per season: 2 to 6.
Range time to hatching: 12 to 14 days.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; oviparous
Male hottentot buttonquail incubate the eggs for 12 to 14 days.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-hatching/birth (Protecting: Male)
Die Kaapse kwarteltjie (Turnix hottentottus) is 'n endemiese, standvoël wat aan die suidkus van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Die voëltjie is 14–15 cm lank en weeg 40-60 gram en staan in Engels as Hottentottus Buttonquail bekend.
Die voëltjie leef in fynbos en strandveld op plekke wat oorheers word deur Restio-riete.
Die Kaapse kwarteltjie (Turnix hottentottus) is 'n endemiese, standvoël wat aan die suidkus van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Die voëltjie is 14–15 cm lank en weeg 40-60 gram en staan in Engels as Hottentottus Buttonquail bekend.
Die voëltjie leef in fynbos en strandveld op plekke wat oorheers word deur Restio-riete.
El torillo hotentote (Turnix hottentottus)[2] ye una especie d'ave turniciforme de la familia Turnicidae qu'habita nel África subsaḥariana.
Atópase na mayor parte del África subsaḥariana fuera de les rexones forestales o demasiáu grebes. El so hábitat natural son los yerbazales abiertos. Anque delles poblaciones son sedentaries otra realicen migraciones al norte y a la zona central de la so área de distribución pa reproducise.
Anque nun tán emparentaes con elles los torillos tienen aspeutu d'una perdiz cola cola curtia. Esta especie tien les partes cimeres de color pardu con veteado escuru y ciertu llistáu blancu polos cantos de les plumes, el pechu de color canela y el banduyu claru. Como na mayoría de los torillos la fema ye llixeramente más grande (15 cm de llargu frente a los 14 cm de los machos) y de coloración daqué más intensa que'l machu.
La mayor parte de la so área de distribución ta ocupada pola supbespecie T. h. nanus, que tien l'iris de los güeyos castañu y el obispillo negru. La subespecie nominal, T. h. hottentottus, que ta confinada nel fynbos costeru de Sudáfrica, tien l'iris claru y el obispillo tamién más claru.
El torillo hotentote (Turnix hottentottus) ye una especie d'ave turniciforme de la familia Turnicidae qu'habita nel África subsaḥariana.
La guatlla pintada hotentot (Turnix hottentottus) és un ocell de la família dels turnícids (Turnicidae) que habita les praderies del sud de Sud-àfrica.
La guatlla pintada hotentot (Turnix hottentottus) és un ocell de la família dels turnícids (Turnicidae) que habita les praderies del sud de Sud-àfrica.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Corsofliar dinddu (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: corsoflieir tinddu) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Turnix hottentotta; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Hottentot button-quail. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Corsoflieir (Lladin: Turnicidae) sydd yn urdd y Gruiformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. hottentotta, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]
Mae'r corsofliar dinddu yn perthyn i deulu'r Corsoflieir (Lladin: Turnicidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Corsofliar amryliw Turnix varius Corsofliar coed Turnix sylvaticus Corsofliar dinddu Turnix hottentottus Corsofliar fannog Turnix ocellatus Corsofliar fechan Turnix velox Corsofliar frongoch Turnix pyrrhothorax Corsofliar fronddu Turnix melanogaster Corsofliar gefnwinau Turnix castanotus Corsofliar goesfelen Turnix tanki Corsofliar Madagasgar Turnix nigricollis Corsofliar resog Turnix suscitator Corsofliar Swmba Turnix everetti Corsofliar Worcester Turnix worcesteri Cwtiad-sofliar Ortyxelos meiffreniiAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Corsofliar dinddu (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: corsoflieir tinddu) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Turnix hottentotta; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Hottentot button-quail. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Corsoflieir (Lladin: Turnicidae) sydd yn urdd y Gruiformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. hottentotta, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.
The Fynbos buttonquail (Turnix hottentottus) is a bird in the family Turnicidae formerly considered conspecific with the black-rumped buttonquail (Turnix nanus).[2] There are no subspecies.[3]
Several authorities still refer to this species as the Hottentot Buttonquail, however, as the word "Hottentot" is an offensive term for the Khoisan people, there has been a movement to change the vernacular name.[4] The new name highlights the specific habitat requirements of this species in the Fynbos of the Cape Floristic Region.
The species is endemic to South Africa and is found along the south coast from Cape Town to Algoa Bay in Eastern Cape province where it occurs in mountain fynbos where vegetation is relatively sparse.[5] A 1994 survey resulted in an estimate of c.310-420 birds in 25 square kilometres (9.7 sq mi) of montane fynbos habitat in Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve. The lack of records suggest that this may be an overestimate, and extrapolation of a much lower density estimate from a 1990 study would result in a total population across the Western Cape of just 400 birds (Lee 2013). The total population is therefore uncertain, but given the lack of recent records is assumed to be very small. It is precautionarily estimated to lie within the band of 250-999 mature individuals, with no more than 250 individuals in the largest subpopulation.[1]
The Fynbos buttonquail (Turnix hottentottus) is a bird in the family Turnicidae formerly considered conspecific with the black-rumped buttonquail (Turnix nanus). There are no subspecies.
El torillo hotentote (Turnix hottentottus)[2] es una especie de ave turniciforme de la familia Turnicidae que habita en el África subsahariana.
Se encuentra en la mayor parte del África subsahariana fuera de las regiones forestales o demasiado áridas. Su hábitat natural son los herbazales abiertos. Aunque algunas poblaciones son sedentarias otra realizan migraciones al norte y a la zona central de su área de distribución para reproducirse.
Aunque no están emparentadas con ellas los torillos tienen aspecto de una perdiz con la cola corta. Esta especie tiene las partes superiores de color pardo con veteado oscuro y cierto listado blanco por los bordes de las plumas, el pecho de color canela y el vientre claro. Como en la mayoría de los torillos la hembra es ligeramente más grande (15 cm de largo frente a los 14 cm de los machos) y de coloración algo más intensa que el macho.
La mayor parte de su área de distribución está ocupada por la supbespecie T. h. nanus, que tiene el iris de los ojos castaño y el obispillo negro. La subespecie nominal, T. h. hottentottus, que está confinada en el fynbos costero de Sudáfrica, tiene el iris claro y el obispillo también más claro.
El torillo hotentote (Turnix hottentottus) es una especie de ave turniciforme de la familia Turnicidae que habita en el África subsahariana.
Turnix hottentottus Turnix generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Turnicidae familian sailkatua dago.
Turnix hottentottus Turnix generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Turnicidae familian sailkatua dago.
Afrikanpyyjuoksija (Turnix hottentottus), myös T. hottentotta, on pyyjuoksijoiden sukuun kuuluva viiriäistä muistuttava lintu. Sen aukkoinen esiintymisalue kattaa Saharan eteläpuolisen Afrikan, pääasiassa Nigeriasta itään Ugandaan ja Keniaan, sekä etelään Angolaan ja Etelä-Afrikkaan. Esiintyminen etenkin Länsi-Afrikassa on hyvin puutteellisesti tunnettu. Lajista tunnetaan kaksi alalajia. Coenraad Jacob Temminck kuvaili lajin holotyypin Hyväntoivonniemeltä vuonna 1815.[2]
Afrikanpyyjuoksija (Turnix hottentottus), myös T. hottentotta, on pyyjuoksijoiden sukuun kuuluva viiriäistä muistuttava lintu. Sen aukkoinen esiintymisalue kattaa Saharan eteläpuolisen Afrikan, pääasiassa Nigeriasta itään Ugandaan ja Keniaan, sekä etelään Angolaan ja Etelä-Afrikkaan. Esiintyminen etenkin Länsi-Afrikassa on hyvin puutteellisesti tunnettu. Lajista tunnetaan kaksi alalajia. Coenraad Jacob Temminck kuvaili lajin holotyypin Hyväntoivonniemeltä vuonna 1815.
Turnix hottentottus
Le Turnix hottentot (Turnix hottentottus) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Turnicidae.
Cet oiseau vit dans le finbos en Afrique du Sud.
Turnix hottentottus
Le Turnix hottentot (Turnix hottentottus) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Turnicidae.
La quaglia tridattila ottentotta (Turnix hottentottus, Temminck 1815) è un uccello caradriiforme della famiglia dei Turnicidi.
Turnix hottentottus ha due sottospecie:
Quest'ultima viene talvolta elevata al rango di specie con il nome di Quaglia tridattila groppanera (Turnix nanus Sundevall 1850), che a sua volta possiederebbe tre sottospecie:
Quando non vengono considerate come due specie distinte, si menziona "Quaglia tridattila groppanera" come nome comune della stessa Turnix hottentottus.
Questo uccello vive nell'Africa centro-meridionale, dalla Repubblica Centrafricana fino al Sudafrica.
La quaglia tridattila ottentotta (Turnix hottentottus, Temminck 1815) è un uccello caradriiforme della famiglia dei Turnicidi.
De hottentotvechtkwartel (Turnix hottentottus) is een vogel uit de familie Turnicidae (Vechtkwartels).
Deze soort is endemisch in de bergen van Zuid-Afrika.
De hottentotvechtkwartel (Turnix hottentottus) is een vogel uit de familie Turnicidae (Vechtkwartels).
Turnix hottentottus é uma ave da família Turnicidae, anteriormente tratada como da mesma espécie do Turnix nanus.
A espécie é endêmica da África do Sul e é encontrada ao longo da costa sul da cidade do Cabo até a Baía de Algoa, na província do Cabo Oriental, não havendo subespécies. O pássaro ocorre na formação vegetal sul-africana denominada fynbos de montanha, onde a vegetação é relativamente escassa.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Angola, Camarões, República Centro-Africana, República do Congo, República Democrática do Congo, Costa do Marfim, Gabão, Quénia, Malawi, Moçambique, Nigéria, Ruanda, Serra Leoa, África do Sul, Suazilândia, Tanzânia, Uganda, Zâmbia e Zimbabwe.
Turnix hottentottus é uma ave da família Turnicidae, anteriormente tratada como da mesma espécie do Turnix nanus.
A espécie é endêmica da África do Sul e é encontrada ao longo da costa sul da cidade do Cabo até a Baía de Algoa, na província do Cabo Oriental, não havendo subespécies. O pássaro ocorre na formação vegetal sul-africana denominada fynbos de montanha, onde a vegetação é relativamente escassa.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Angola, Camarões, República Centro-Africana, República do Congo, República Democrática do Congo, Costa do Marfim, Gabão, Quénia, Malawi, Moçambique, Nigéria, Ruanda, Serra Leoa, África do Sul, Suazilândia, Tanzânia, Uganda, Zâmbia e Zimbabwe.
Svartgumpad springhöna[2] (Turnix hottentottus) är en fågel i familjen springhöns inom ordningen vadarfåglar.[3]
Svartgumpad springhöna förekommer enbart i Sydafrika. Tidigare behandlades savannspringhöna (Turnix nanus) som en underart till hottentottus och vissa gör det fortfarande.[4]
IUCN kategoriserar arten som starkt hotad.[1]
Svartgumpad springhöna (Turnix hottentottus) är en fågel i familjen springhöns inom ordningen vadarfåglar.
Turnix hottentottus là một loài chim trong họ Turnicidae.[2]
Turnix hottentottus là một loài chim trong họ Turnicidae.