بنك الصفات
تسجيل الدخول
أنشئ حسابًا
Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
بنك الصفات
تسجيل الدخول
أنشئ حسابًا
Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
حقيقيات النوى
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
نظرة عامة
الأسماء العلمية
الأسماء المفضلة
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Psilocybe libertatis
(Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Agaricus libertatis
معترف بها من قبل
BHL data coverage
Agaricus libertatis
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Deconica libertatis
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Psilocybe libertatis
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Henn.
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
أسماء أخرى
Agaricus libertatis Batsch 1786
Not accepted بالنسبة ل
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Deconica libertatis (Batsch) Sacc. 1887
Not accepted بالنسبة ل
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Agaricus libertatis
Batsch 1786
Synonym بالنسبة ل
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Deconica libertatis
(Batsch) Sacc. 1887
Synonym بالنسبة ل
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Agaricus libertatis Batsch
Synonym بالنسبة ل
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Agaricus libertatis Batsch 1786
Not accepted بالنسبة ل
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Deconica libertatis (Batsch) Sacc.
Synonym بالنسبة ل
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Deconica libertatis (Batsch) Sacc. 1887
Not accepted بالنسبة ل
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
أسماء شائعة
لا توجد أسماء شائعة مرتبطة بهذه الأصنوفة.
التسلسل الهرمي المختار لـ Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
(هذه الصفحة)
Psilocybe aggericola Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe aggregata Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe andina Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe antioquiensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez 1994
Psilocybe apelliculosa P. D. Orton 1969
Psilocybe araucana Singer 1969
Psilocybe blattariopsis (Speg.) Singer 1951
Psilocybe cabiensis Guzmán, M. Torres & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe candidipes Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe carbonaria Singer 1965
Psilocybe caribaea Guzmán, T. J. Baroni & Tapia 2003
Psilocybe castillotovarii Guzmán 2005
Psilocybe chaconii Guzmán, Escalona & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe cokeriana A. H. Sm. & Hesler 1946
Psilocybe congolensis Guzmán, Nixon & Cortés-Pérez 2013
Psilocybe cookei Singer 1973
Psilocybe desertorum Velen. 1921
Psilocybe dumontii Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer 1968
Psilocybe fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux 1959
Psilocybe fibrillosipes E. Horak 2006
Psilocybe fimicola Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuegiana (E. Horak) Singer 1969
Psilocybe furtadoana Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuscofulva Peck 1887
Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán & M. L. Castro 2003
Psilocybe gigaspora Natarajan & Raman 1983
Psilocybe glutinosa Arnolds 1982
Psilocybe griseobadia (Pat.) Zhu L. Yang 2000
Psilocybe heimii Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe hispanica Guzmán 2000
Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmán & E. Horak 1979
Psilocybe iodoformica Pat. 1924
Psilocybe kramburkicola Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim 1967
Psilocybe largicystidiata E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe lateritia (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe laticystis Guzmán & A. H. Sm. 1978
Psilocybe laurae Guzmán 1998
Psilocybe lazoi Singer 1969
Psilocybe liniformans Guzmán & Bas 1977
Psilocybe longispora Murrill 1945
Psilocybe mammillata (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe marthae Singer 1969
Psilocybe medullosa (Bres.) Borovička 2007
Psilocybe mendica E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe meridionalis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Guzm.-Dáv. 2008
Psilocybe modesta (Sacc.) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe moseri Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe multicellularis E. Horak & Guzmán 2009
Psilocybe musci Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe naematoliformis Guzmán 1979
Psilocybe nigrella Peck 1910
Psilocybe paulensis (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe paupera Singer 1955
Psilocybe pleurocystidiosa Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe polycephala (Paulet) Peck 1912
Psilocybe psilocyboides (Maire) P.-A. Moreau 2009
Psilocybe pteridophytorum Singer 1960
Psilocybe puberula Bas & Noordel. 1996
Psilocybe pyrispora (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe ramulosa (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe rickii Guzmán & Cortez 2005
Psilocybe rugosa Velen. 1921
Psilocybe sabulosa Peck 1897
Psilocybe sanctorum Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe scatigena (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe schultesii Guzmán & S. H. Pollock 1979
Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Psilocybe semistriata (Peck) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe septembris (Singer) Singer 1973
Psilocybe septentrionalis (Guzmán) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe singeriana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe smithiana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe stuntzii Guzmán & J. Ott 1977
Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland 1927
Psilocybe subalnetorum Guzmán & E. Horak 1978
Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo 1958
Psilocybe subcoprophila (Britzelm.) Sacc. 1895
Psilocybe subhyperella Singer 1973
Psilocybe tenuitunicata Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 2009
Psilocybe thaiaerugineomaculans Guzmán, Karun. & Ram.-Guill. 2012
Psilocybe tomentosa (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe toogaadyalis Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe tortipes Speg. 1898
Psilocybe turficola J. Favre 1939
Psilocybe tuxtlensis Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe umbrospora Velen. 1921
Psilocybe uruguayensis Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe valdiviensis Singer 1969
Psilocybe venezuelana Dennis 1961
Psilocybe wassonii R. Heim 1958
Psilocybe wayanadensis K. A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán 2002
Psilocybe weilii Guzmán, Stamets & F. Tapia 1997
Psilocybe weraroa Borovička, Oborník & Noordel. 2011
Psilocybe yungensis Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum Guzmán, T. J. Baroni & Lodge 2003
Psilocybe zoncuantlensis Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 1999
209 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Henn.
(هذه الصفحة)
Psilocybe acadiensis A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe acutipilea (Speg.) Guzmán
Psilocybe aerugineomaculans (Höhn.) Singer & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe aggregata Cleland & Cheel
Psilocybe albofimbriata (Rick) Singer
Psilocybe aleuriata R. Heim & L. Rémy
Psilocybe allenii Borov., Rockefeller & P. G. Werner
Psilocybe alnetorum (Singer) Singer
Psilocybe alpina Guzmán, Tapia & Nav.-Ros.
Psilocybe alutacea Y. S. Chang & A. K. Mills
Psilocybe andina Guzmán
Psilocybe angulospora Yen W. Wang & S. S. Tzean
Psilocybe antioquiensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez
Psilocybe apelliculosa P. D. Orton
Psilocybe appendiculata Rick
Psilocybe aquamarina (Pegler) Guzmán
Psilocybe araucana Singer
Psilocybe arcana Borov. & Hlaváček
Psilocybe argentina (Speg.) Singer
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C. C. King & Bandala
Psilocybe aurantiaca (Cooke) Noordel.
Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling
Psilocybe aztecorum R. Heim
Psilocybe azurescens Stamets & Gartz
Psilocybe baeocystis Singer & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe banderillensis Guzmán
Psilocybe barrerae Cifuentes & Guzmán
Psilocybe bohemica Šebek
Psilocybe bolivarii Guzmán
Psilocybe brasiliensis Guzmán
Psilocybe brunneocystidiata Guzmán & E. Horak
Psilocybe bulbosa (Peck) A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe cabiensis Guzmán, M. Torres & Ram.-Guill.
Psilocybe caeruleoannulata Singer ex Guzmán
Psilocybe caerulescens Murrill
Psilocybe caerulipes (Peck) Sacc.
Psilocybe caesioannulata Singer
Psilocybe caespitosa Murrill
Psilocybe californica Earle
Psilocybe calongei G. Moreno & Esteve-Rav.
Psilocybe candidipes Singer & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe capitulata Har. Takah.
Psilocybe carbonaria Singer
Psilocybe castaneicolor Murrill
Psilocybe castillotovarii Guzmán
Psilocybe chaconii Guzmán, Escalona & Ram.-Guill.
Psilocybe chilensis Singer
Psilocybe chrysocystidiata Singer
Psilocybe chuxiongensis T. Ma & K. D. Hyde
Psilocybe cinnamomea Yang K. Li, Y. Ye & J. F. Liang
Psilocybe citrina Massee
Psilocybe clavata Guzmán
Psilocybe collybioides Singer & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe columbiana Guzmán
Psilocybe cordispora R. Heim
Psilocybe cordobensis Singer
Psilocybe coronilla (Bull.) Noordel.
Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer
Psilocybe cyanescens Wakef.
Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa Guzmán & Stamets
Psilocybe cylindrispora A. Pearson
Psilocybe definita Har. Takah. & Taneyama
Psilocybe desertorum Velen.
Psilocybe dumontii Singer ex Guzmán
Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer
Psilocybe ecbola (Fr.) Singer
Psilocybe eucalypta Guzmán & Watling
Psilocybe eximia E. Horak & Desjardin
Psilocybe fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux
Psilocybe farinacea Rick ex Guzmán
Psilocybe fasciata Hongo
Psilocybe februaria Singer
Psilocybe fibrillosipes E. Horak
Psilocybe fimetaria (P. D. Orton) Watling
Psilocybe fimicola Guzmán
Psilocybe flammuliformis Singer
Psilocybe floccipes Killerm.
Psilocybe formosa Y. S. Chang & A. K. Mills
Psilocybe fuegiana (E. Horak) Singer
Psilocybe fuliginosa (Murrill) A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe fuscofulva Peck
Psilocybe gigaspora Natarajan & Raman
Psilocybe glutinosa Arnolds
Psilocybe goniospora (Berk. & Broome) Singer
Psilocybe granulata Naveau
Psilocybe graveolens Peck
Psilocybe griseobadia (Pat.) Zhu L. Yang
Psilocybe guatapensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez
Psilocybe guilartensis Guzmán, F. Tapia & Nieves-Riv.
Psilocybe guzmanii Natarajan & Raman
Psilocybe heimii Guzmán
Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán
Psilocybe hispanica Guzmán
Psilocybe hopii Guzmán & J. Greene
Psilocybe horakii Guzmán
Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmán & E. Horak
Psilocybe indica Sathe & J. T. Daniel
Psilocybe iodoformica Pat.
Psilocybe jacobsii Guzmán
Psilocybe jujuyensis Singer
195 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
(هذه الصفحة)
Psilocybe aggericola Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe aggregata Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe andina Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe antioquiensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez 1994
Psilocybe apelliculosa P. D. Orton 1969
Psilocybe araucana Singer 1969
Psilocybe blattariopsis (Speg.) Singer 1951
Psilocybe cabiensis Guzmán, M. Torres & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe candidipes Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe carbonaria Singer 1965
Psilocybe castillotovarii Guzmán 2005
Psilocybe chaconii Guzmán, Escalona & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe congolensis Guzmán, Nixon & Cortés-Pérez 2013
Psilocybe desertorum Velen. 1921
Psilocybe dumontii Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer 1968
Psilocybe fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux 1959
Psilocybe fibrillosipes E. Horak 2006
Psilocybe fimicola Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuegiana (E. Horak) Singer 1969
Psilocybe furtadoana Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuscofulva Peck 1887
Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán & M. L. Castro 2003
Psilocybe gigaspora Natarajan & Raman 1983
Psilocybe glutinosa Arnolds 1982
Psilocybe griseobadia (Pat.) Zhu L. Yang 2000
Psilocybe heimii Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe hispanica Guzmán 2000
Psilocybe hopii Guzmán & J. Greene 2010
Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmán & E. Horak 1979
Psilocybe iodoformica Pat. 1924
Psilocybe kramburkicola Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim 1967
Psilocybe largicystidiata E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe lateritia (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe laticystis Guzmán & A. H. Sm. 1978
Psilocybe laurae Guzmán 1998
Psilocybe lazoi Singer 1969
Psilocybe liniformans Guzmán & Bas 1977
Psilocybe lonchophora (Berk. & Broome) E. Horak 1983
Psilocybe longispora Murrill 1945
Psilocybe mammillata (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe marthae Singer 1969
Psilocybe medullosa (Bres.) Borovička 2007
Psilocybe mendica E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe meridionalis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Guzm.-Dáv. 2008
Psilocybe modesta (Sacc.) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe moseri Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe multicellularis E. Horak & Guzmán 2009
Psilocybe musci Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe naematoliformis Guzmán 1979
Psilocybe nigrella Peck 1910
Psilocybe paulensis (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe paupera Singer 1955
Psilocybe pleurocystidiosa Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe polycephala (Paulet) Peck 1912
Psilocybe psilocyboides (Maire) P.-A. Moreau 2009
Psilocybe pteridophytorum Singer 1960
Psilocybe puberula Bas & Noordel. 1996
Psilocybe pyrispora (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe ramulosa (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe rickii Guzmán & Cortez 2005
Psilocybe rostrata (Petch) Pegler 1986
Psilocybe rugosa Velen. 1921
Psilocybe sabulosa Peck 1897
Psilocybe sanctorum Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe scatigena (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe schultesii Guzmán & S. H. Pollock 1979
Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Psilocybe semistriata (Peck) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe septembris (Singer) Singer 1973
Psilocybe septentrionalis (Guzmán) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe singeriana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe smithiana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe squalidella (Peck) Peck 1912
Psilocybe stuntzii Guzmán & J. Ott 1977
Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland 1927
Psilocybe subalnetorum Guzmán & E. Horak 1978
Psilocybe subanellariiformis Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo 1958
Psilocybe subcoprophila (Britzelm.) Sacc. 1895
Psilocybe subhyperella Singer 1973
Psilocybe tenuitunicata Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 2009
Psilocybe thaiaerugineomaculans Guzmán, Karun. & Ram.-Guill. 2012
Psilocybe tomentosa (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe toogaadyalis Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe tortipes Speg. 1898
Psilocybe tuberifera Fraiture 2010
Psilocybe turficola J. Favre 1939
Psilocybe tuxtlensis Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe umbrospora Velen. 1921
Psilocybe uruguayensis Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe valdiviensis Singer 1969
Psilocybe venezuelana Dennis 1961
Psilocybe wayanadensis K. A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán 2002
Psilocybe weraroa Borovička, Oborník & Noordel. 2011
Psilocybe yungensis Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum Guzmán, T. J. Baroni & Lodge 2003
Psilocybe zoncuantlensis Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 1999
192 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
(هذه الصفحة)
Psilocybe aggericola Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe aggregata Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe andina Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe antioquiensis
Psilocybe apelliculosa P. D. Orton 1969
Psilocybe araucana Singer 1969
Psilocybe blattariopsis (Speg.) Singer 1951
Psilocybe cabiensis Guzmán, M. Torres & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe candidipes Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe carbonaria Singer 1965
Psilocybe caribaea Guzmán, T. J. Baroni & Tapia 2003
Psilocybe castillotovarii Guzmán 2005
Psilocybe chaconii Guzmán, Escalona & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe cokeriana A. H. Sm. & Hesler 1946
Psilocybe congolensis Guzmán, Nixon & Cortés-Pérez 2013
Psilocybe cookei Singer 1973
Psilocybe desertorum Velen. 1921
Psilocybe dumontii Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer 1968
Psilocybe fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux 1959
Psilocybe fibrillosipes E. Horak 2006
Psilocybe fimicola Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuegiana (E. Horak) Singer 1969
Psilocybe furtadoana Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuscofulva Peck 1887
Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán & M. L. Castro 2003
Psilocybe gigaspora Natarajan & Raman 1983
Psilocybe glutinosa Arnolds 1982
Psilocybe griseobadia (Pat.) Zhu L. Yang 2000
Psilocybe heimii Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe hispanica Guzmán 2000
Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmán & E. Horak 1979
Psilocybe iodoformica Pat. 1924
Psilocybe kramburkicola Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim 1967
Psilocybe largicystidiata E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe lateritia (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe laticystis Guzmán & A. H. Sm. 1978
Psilocybe laurae Guzmán 1998
Psilocybe lazoi Singer 1969
Psilocybe liniformans Guzmán & Bas 1977
Psilocybe longispora Murrill 1945
Psilocybe mammillata (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe marthae Singer 1969
Psilocybe medullosa (Bres.) Borovička 2007
Psilocybe mendica E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe meridionalis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Guzm.-Dáv. 2008
Psilocybe modesta (Sacc.) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe moseri Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe multicellularis E. Horak & Guzmán 2009
Psilocybe musci Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe naematoliformis Guzmán 1979
Psilocybe nigrella Peck 1910
Psilocybe paulensis (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe paupera Singer 1955
Psilocybe pleurocystidiosa Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe polycephala (Paulet) Peck 1912
Psilocybe psilocyboides
Psilocybe pteridophytorum Singer 1960
Psilocybe puberula Bas & Noordel. 1996
Psilocybe pyrispora (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe ramulosa (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe rickii Guzmán & Cortez 2005
Psilocybe rugosa Velen. 1921
Psilocybe sabulosa Peck 1897
Psilocybe sanctorum Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe scatigena (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe schultesii Guzmán & S. H. Pollock 1979
Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Psilocybe semistriata (Peck) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe septembris (Singer) Singer 1973
Psilocybe septentrionalis (Guzmán) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe singeriana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe smithiana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe stuntzii Guzmán & J. Ott 1977
Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland 1927
Psilocybe subalnetorum Guzmán & E. Horak 1978
Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo 1958
Psilocybe subcoprophila (Britzelm.) Sacc. 1895
Psilocybe subhyperella Singer 1973
Psilocybe tenuitunicata Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 2009
Psilocybe thaiaerugineomaculans Guzmán, Karun. & Ram.-Guill. 2012
Psilocybe tomentosa (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe toogaadyalis Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe tortipes Speg. 1898
Psilocybe turficola J. Favre 1939
Psilocybe tuxtlensis Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe umbrospora Velen. 1921
Psilocybe uruguayensis Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe valdiviensis Singer 1969
Psilocybe venezuelana Dennis 1961
Psilocybe wassonii R. Heim 1958
Psilocybe wayanadensis K. A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán 2002
Psilocybe weilii Guzmán, Stamets & F. Tapia 1997
Psilocybe weraroa Borovička, Oborník & Noordel. 2011
Psilocybe yungensis Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum Guzmán, T. J. Baroni & Lodge 2003
Psilocybe zoncuantlensis Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 1999
209 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
(هذه الصفحة)
Psilocybe aggericola Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe aggregata Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe andina Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe antioquiensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. García & L.-F. Velázquez 1994
Psilocybe apelliculosa P. D. Orton 1969
Psilocybe araucana Singer 1969
Psilocybe blattariopsis (Speg.) Singer 1951
Psilocybe cabiensis Guzmán, M. Torres & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe candidipes Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe carbonaria Singer 1965
Psilocybe castillotovarii Guzmán 2005
Psilocybe chaconii Guzmán, Escalona & Ram.-Guill. 2004
Psilocybe congolensis Guzmán, Nixon & Cortés-Pérez 2013
Psilocybe desertorum Velen. 1921
Psilocybe dumontii Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer 1968
Psilocybe fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux 1959
Psilocybe fibrillosipes E. Horak 2006
Psilocybe fimicola Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuegiana (E. Horak) Singer 1969
Psilocybe furtadoana Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe fuscofulva Peck 1887
Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán & M. L. Castro 2003
Psilocybe gigaspora Natarajan & Raman 1983
Psilocybe glutinosa Arnolds 1982
Psilocybe griseobadia (Pat.) Zhu L. Yang 2000
Psilocybe heimii Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe hispanica Guzmán 2000
Psilocybe hopii Guzmán & J. Greene 2010
Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmán & E. Horak 1979
Psilocybe iodoformica Pat. 1924
Psilocybe kramburkicola Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim 1967
Psilocybe largicystidiata E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe lateritia (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe laticystis Guzmán & A. H. Sm. 1978
Psilocybe laurae Guzmán 1998
Psilocybe lazoi Singer 1969
Psilocybe liniformans Guzmán & Bas 1977
Psilocybe lonchophora (Berk. & Broome) E. Horak 1983
Psilocybe longispora Murrill 1945
Psilocybe mammillata (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe marthae Singer 1969
Psilocybe medullosa (Bres.) Borovička 2007
Psilocybe mendica E. Horak & Desjardin 2006
Psilocybe meridionalis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Guzm.-Dáv. 2008
Psilocybe modesta (Sacc.) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe moseri Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe multicellularis E. Horak & Guzmán 2009
Psilocybe musci Cleland & Cheel 1918
Psilocybe naematoliformis Guzmán 1979
Psilocybe nigrella Peck 1910
Psilocybe paulensis (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe paupera Singer 1955
Psilocybe pleurocystidiosa Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe polycephala (Paulet) Peck 1912
Psilocybe psilocyboides (Maire) P.-A. Moreau 2009
Psilocybe pteridophytorum Singer 1960
Psilocybe puberula Bas & Noordel. 1996
Psilocybe pyrispora (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe ramulosa (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe rickii Guzmán & Cortez 2005
Psilocybe rostrata (Petch) Pegler 1986
Psilocybe rugosa Velen. 1921
Psilocybe sabulosa Peck 1897
Psilocybe sanctorum Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe scatigena (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe schultesii Guzmán & S. H. Pollock 1979
Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Psilocybe semistriata (Peck) Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe septembris (Singer) Singer 1973
Psilocybe septentrionalis (Guzmán) Guzmán 1995
Psilocybe singeriana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe smithiana Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe squalidella (Peck) Peck 1912
Psilocybe stuntzii Guzmán & J. Ott 1977
Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland 1927
Psilocybe subalnetorum Guzmán & E. Horak 1978
Psilocybe subanellariiformis Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo 1958
Psilocybe subcoprophila (Britzelm.) Sacc. 1895
Psilocybe subhyperella Singer 1973
Psilocybe tenuitunicata Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 2009
Psilocybe thaiaerugineomaculans Guzmán, Karun. & Ram.-Guill. 2012
Psilocybe tomentosa (Murrill) A. H. Sm. 1948
Psilocybe toogaadyalis Grgur. 1997
Psilocybe tortipes Speg. 1898
Psilocybe tuberifera Fraiture 2010
Psilocybe turficola J. Favre 1939
Psilocybe tuxtlensis Guzmán 1983
Psilocybe umbrospora Velen. 1921
Psilocybe uruguayensis Singer ex Guzmán 1978
Psilocybe valdiviensis Singer 1969
Psilocybe venezuelana Dennis 1961
Psilocybe wayanadensis K. A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán 2002
Psilocybe weraroa Borovička, Oborník & Noordel. 2011
Psilocybe yungensis Singer & A. H. Sm. 1958
Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum Guzmán, T. J. Baroni & Lodge 2003
Psilocybe zoncuantlensis Guzmán & Ram.-Guill. 1999
192 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
GBIF classification
Psilocybe (Fr.) P. Kumm.
Psilocybe libertatis (Batsch) Bon & Cheype 1995
(هذه الصفحة)
Psilocybe aggregata Cleland & Cheel
Psilocybe alnetorum (Singer) Singer
Psilocybe alpestris Singer
Psilocybe alpina Guzmán, Tapia & Nav.-Ros.
Psilocybe alutacea Y. S. Chang & A. K. Mills
Psilocybe antioquiensis
Psilocybe apelliculosa P. D. Orton
Psilocybe appendiculata Rick
Psilocybe arcana Borovicka & Hlavácek
Psilocybe argentina (Speg.) Singer
Psilocybe armandii Guzmán & S. H. Pollock
Psilocybe atlantis Guzmán, Hanlin & C. White
Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling
Psilocybe aztecorum R. Heim
Psilocybe azurescens Stamets & Gartz
Psilocybe banderillensis Guzmán
Psilocybe bohemica Šebek 1983
Psilocybe bulbosa (Peck) A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe bullacea (Bull.) P. Kumm.
Psilocybe caerulescens Murrill
Psilocybe caerulipes (Peck) Sacc.
Psilocybe candidipes Singer & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe cokeriana A. H. Sm. & Hesler
Psilocybe cookei Singer
Psilocybe cordobensis Singer
Psilocybe coronilla (Bull.) Noordel. 1995
Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer
Psilocybe cyanescens Wakef.
Psilocybe dunicola (Speg.) Singer
Psilocybe ecbola (Fr.) Singer
Psilocybe eucalypta Guzmán & Watling
Psilocybe farinacea Rick ex Guzmán
Psilocybe fimetaria (P. D. Orton) Watling
Psilocybe flammuliformis Singer
Psilocybe fuegiana (E. Horak) Singer
Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán & M. L. Castro
Psilocybe guatapensis
Psilocybe henningsii Jungner
Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán
Psilocybe kashmeriensis S. P. Abraham
Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim
Psilocybe laetissima (Hauskn. & Singer) Borov., J. Stříbrný, Noordel., Gryndler & Oborník
Psilocybe laticystis Guzmán & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe makarorae P. R. Johnst. & P. K. Buchanan
Psilocybe mammillata (Murrill) A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe marthae Singer
Psilocybe medullosa (Bres.) Borovicka
Psilocybe mescaleroensis Guzmán, Walstad, E. Gándara & Ram.-Guill.
Psilocybe mesospora Singer
Psilocybe mexicana R. Heim
Psilocybe moseri Guzmán
Psilocybe natarajanii Guzmán
Psilocybe ochraeceps Kauffman
Psilocybe olivaceotincta Kauffman
Psilocybe omiumsanctorum Singer
Psilocybe paupera Singer
Psilocybe peladae Singer
Psilocybe peruviana Singer
Psilocybe plana Rick
Psilocybe polytrichophila (Peck) Pomerl.
Psilocybe praetervisa Singer
Psilocybe rickii Guzmán & Cortez
Psilocybe rugosa Velen.
Psilocybe sabulosa Peck
Psilocybe sardoa Guzmán & Contu
Psilocybe schultesii Guzmán & S. H. Pollock
Psilocybe scobicola (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
Psilocybe sellae Bres. & Mattir.
Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) P. Kumm.
Psilocybe semistriata (Peck) Guzmán
Psilocybe septembris (Singer) Singer
Psilocybe serbica M. M. Moser & E. Horak
Psilocybe silvatica (Peck) Singer & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe singeri Guzmán
Psilocybe strictipes Singer & A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe stuntzii Guzmán & J. Ott
Psilocybe subaeruginascens Höhn.
Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland
Psilocybe subanellariiformis Guzmán
Psilocybe subbrevipes A. H. Sm. & Hesler
Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata P. S. Silva & Guzmán
Psilocybe subcoprophila (Britzelm.) Sacc.
Psilocybe subcubensis Guzmán
Psilocybe subpsilocybioides Guzmán, Lodge & S. A. Cantrell
Psilocybe subviscida (Peck) Kauffman
Psilocybe tampanensis Guzmán & Pollock
Psilocybe tasmaniana Guzmán & Watling
Psilocybe tomentosa (Murrill) A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe tortipes Speg.
Psilocybe trufemiae Guzmán & Bononi
Psilocybe turficola J. Favre
Psilocybe uxpanapensis Guzmán
Psilocybe vernalis Velen.
Psilocybe washingtonensis A. H. Sm.
Psilocybe wassoniorum Guzmán & S. H. Pollock
Psilocybe wayanadensis K. A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán
Psilocybe weldenii Guzmán
Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum Guzmán, T. J. Baroni & Lodge
Psilocybe zapotecocaribaea Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & T. J. Baroni
Psilocybe zapotecorum R. Heim
222 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Agaricus libertatis
(هذه الصفحة)
Agaricus abbreviatus
Agaricus abietinus
Agaricus abstrusus
Agaricus acerbus
Agaricus acerinus
Agaricus acutatus
Agaricus acutesquamosus
Agaricus adiposus
Agaricus adscendens
Agaricus aeruginosus
Agaricus alutaceus
Agaricus amarus
Agaricus amboinensis
Agaricus anguineus
Agaricus apalosarcus
Agaricus apalotrichus
Agaricus aquilus
Agaricus arcuatus
Agaricus arenarius
Agaricus arenicola
Agaricus arenicolor
Agaricus aridicola
Agaricus aristocratus
Agaricus armillatus
Agaricus atomatoides
Agaricus atroalbus
Agaricus atrocoeruleus
Agaricus atrocyaneus
Agaricus atrorufus
Agaricus aureotomentosus
Agaricus aureus
Agaricus auriculus
Agaricus australianus
Agaricus australiensis
Agaricus austrovinaceus
Agaricus autumnalis
Agaricus beckleri
Agaricus bicinctus
Agaricus blazei
Agaricus bohusii
Agaricus boltonii
Agaricus bresadolanus
Agaricus bubalinus
Agaricus campbellensis
Agaricus campigenus
Agaricus canaliculatus
Agaricus candolleanus
Agaricus cantharellus
Agaricus capillaris
Agaricus carbonarius
Agaricus carenotomentosus
Agaricus carminescens
Agaricus carneoflavidus
Agaricus carneorufulus
Agaricus caryophylleus
Agaricus cassiicolor
Agaricus caulicinalis
Agaricus ceraceus
Agaricus clitocyboides
Agaricus connatus
Agaricus cuneiformis
Agaricus depauperatus
Agaricus fiardii
Agaricus fontanae
Agaricus friesii
Agaricus gennadii
Agaricus gilvus
Agaricus gregarius
Agaricus horakii
Agaricus hortensis
Agaricus ignobilis
Agaricus iliopodius
Agaricus kroneanus
Agaricus lanatoniger
Agaricus luteomaculatus
Agaricus lutosus
Agaricus macrocarpus
Agaricus macrosporus
Agaricus moellerianus
Agaricus muelleri
Agaricus oligocystis
Agaricus osecanus
Agaricus pampeanus
Agaricus pequinii
Agaricus perdicinus
Agaricus porphyrocephalus
Agaricus procerus
Agaricus purpureoniger
Agaricus putidus
Agaricus rufipes
Agaricus smithii
Agaricus subantarcticus
Agaricus subfloccosus
Agaricus subgibbosus
Agaricus subperonatus
Agaricus trutinatus
Agaricus valdiviae
Agaricus virgineus
Agaricus viridopurpurascens
Agaricus xantholepis
4376 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Deconica libertatis
(هذه الصفحة)
Deconica acutipilea
Deconica acutiuscula
Deconica aequatoriae
Deconica alnetorum
Deconica alpestris
Deconica ammophila
Deconica angustispora
Deconica argentina
Deconica atrorufa
Deconica aureicystidiata
Deconica australis
Deconica baylisiana
Deconica bryophila
Deconica bulbosa
Deconica bullacea
Deconica caricicola
Deconica castanella
Deconica chionophila
Deconica citrispora
Deconica cokeriana
Deconica coprophila
Deconica crobula
Deconica deconicoides
Deconica digressa
Deconica eucalyptina
Deconica examinata
Deconica flocculosa
Deconica fuegiana
Deconica goniospora
Deconica graminicola
Deconica hartii
Deconica horizontalis
Deconica inquilina
Deconica lipophila
Deconica magica
Deconica merdaria
Deconica merdicola
Deconica micropora
Deconica minuscula
Deconica modesta
Deconica moelleri
Deconica montana
Deconica musacearum
Deconica muscorum
Deconica neocaledonica
Deconica neorhombispora
Deconica notha
Deconica novae-zelandiae
Deconica nuciseda
Deconica overeemii
Deconica palmigena
Deconica parabilis
Deconica pegleriana
Deconica philipsii
Deconica phillipsii
Deconica phyllogena
Deconica physaloides
Deconica polytrichophila
Deconica protea
Deconica pseudobullacea
Deconica pyrispora
Deconica rhombispora
Deconica rhomboidospora
Deconica scatigena
Deconica schoeneti
Deconica semi-inconspicua
Deconica semistriata
Deconica sepulchrorum
Deconica squamosa
Deconica subcoprophila
Deconica subfusispora
Deconica submaritima
Deconica subviscida
Deconica thailandensis
Deconica tomentosa
Deconica tropicalis
Deconica umbrina
Deconica velifera
Deconica vorax
Deconica xeroderma
Psilocybe coprophila
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Psilocybe libertatis
(هذه الصفحة)
Psilocybe acutissima
Psilocybe aerugineomaculans
Psilocybe agariella
Psilocybe aggericola
Psilocybe aggregata
Psilocybe agnata
Psilocybe agraria
Psilocybe agrariella
Psilocybe alachuana
Psilocybe albofimbriata
Psilocybe alboquadrata
Psilocybe alcidis
Psilocybe aleuriata
Psilocybe alnetorum
Psilocybe alpestris
Psilocybe alutacea
Psilocybe ammophila
Psilocybe andina
Psilocybe anellariiformis
Psilocybe angulata
Psilocybe angulospora
Psilocybe antillarum
Psilocybe apelliculosa
Psilocybe appendiculata
Psilocybe araucana
Psilocybe arcana
Psilocybe arenulina
Psilocybe areolata
Psilocybe argentina
Psilocybe asperospora
Psilocybe atomatoides
Psilocybe atrorufa
Psilocybe australiana
Psilocybe bipleurocystidiata
Psilocybe blattariopsis
Psilocybe bolivari
Psilocybe bolivarii
Psilocybe bonetii
Psilocybe borealis
Psilocybe brunneo-albescens
Psilocybe brunneoalbescens
Psilocybe bullacea
Psilocybe caesioannulata
Psilocybe ceres
Psilocybe cernua
Psilocybe chionophila
Psilocybe compta
Psilocybe cookei
Psilocybe echinata
Psilocybe ericaea
Psilocybe eucalypta
Psilocybe flammuliformis
Psilocybe foenisecii
Psilocybe formosa
Psilocybe fuegiana
Psilocybe kolya
Psilocybe korra
Psilocybe kramburkicola
Psilocybe laetissima
Psilocybe longinqua
Psilocybe macquariensis
Psilocybe magica
Psilocybe marthae
Psilocybe merdicola
Psilocybe mesospora
Psilocybe micropora
Psilocybe moelleri
Psilocybe murcida
Psilocybe musci
Psilocybe nigrella
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae
Psilocybe nuciseda
Psilocybe oedipus
Psilocybe omiumsanctorum
Psilocybe paludicola
Psilocybe parvula
Psilocybe peladae
Psilocybe peruviana
Psilocybe phyllogena
Psilocybe praetervisa
Psilocybe pratensis
Psilocybe pteridophytorum
Psilocybe ruiliensis
Psilocybe sabulosa
Psilocybe sarcocephala
Psilocybe sclerotifera
Psilocybe scobicola
Psilocybe squarrosipes
Psilocybe stercicola
Psilocybe stercoricola
Psilocybe subaeruginascens
Psilocybe subammophila
Psilocybe subcoprophila
Psilocybe subuda
Psilocybe subviscida
Psilocybe tasmaniana
Psilocybe toogaadyalis
Psilocybe turficola
Psilocybe valdiviensis
Psilocybe velifera
395 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.