Heteractis magnifica is found only in the tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Occurring from the Red Sea to Samoa, H. magnifica lives in marine waters of South East Asia, Northern Australia, and the Western Pacific Regions. From Australia, the range of H. magnifica extends all the way to the Ryukyu Islands.
Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native ); australian (Native ); indian ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Native )
Heteractis magnifica is carnivorous, feeding on small fish, shrimp, isopods, amphipods, mussels, sea urchins, and plankton. This species also absorbs sulfur, nitrogen, and other essential nutrients for growth from the waste of the symbiotic clownfish that live within the tentacles of the anemone. The clownfish also occasionally carries chunks of food to its host.
The anemones use their stinging nematocysts to capture prey that touch them, and then bring them in to the oral disc to digest. They also contain symbiotic algae that produce glucose as a product of photosynthesis, which the magnificent anemone uses.
Animal Foods: fish; mollusks; aquatic or marine worms; aquatic crustaceans; other marine invertebrates
Plant Foods: phytoplankton
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Piscivore , Eats non-insect arthropods, Molluscivore , Eats other marine invertebrates); planktivore
Magnificent sea anemones are prey on fish and invertebrates.
Heteractis magnifica are hosts to many types of clownfish that are resistant to the toxins produced by the anemone. This mutualism benefits both animals, because the clownfish chase away predators of the anemone and bring the anemone food, while gaining protection within the tentacles of the anemone for themselves and their young. Some shrimp also live beneath the oral disc of the anemone, but are not resistant to the toxins. They clean the underside of the magnificent anemone.
Ecosystem Impact: creates habitat
Mutualist Species:
Heteractis magnifica is the most photographed species of anemone and is popular as an aquarium pet.
A new protein "hmGFP" was cloned from the tentacles of H. magnifica. The properties of this protein were homologous to that of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), and it has shown promising possibilities in biotechnology research.
Positive Impacts: pet trade ; research and education
Other than its capacity to sting, Heteractis magnifica has no adverse effects on humans.
Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)
When anemones reproduce sexually, their fertilized eggs develop into a planula larvae which settles on the ocean floor and develops into a polyp. When anemones reproduce asexually, they form new anemones directly from the parent as an exact replica.
Development - Life Cycle: metamorphosis
Heteractis magnifica is not listed on the IUCN Red List, CITES appendices, or the US Endangered Species Act list.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
If H. magnifica is attacked, it produces a chemical that is released into the water to warn other anemones that a predator is in the area. The anemone then contracts its tentacles into a ball form for protection.
Heteractis magnifica has no ears, eyes, or centralized nervous system. This anemone has nerves in the body wall that are able to communicate with other parts of the body and sense the environment around it. The species possesses three separate nerve "nets" that determine contraction of tentacles in response to the environment. The TCNN and SS1 pathways represent the fast and slow responses of tentacles to mechanical stimulation (for TCNN) and chemical stimulation for the SS1 pathway. Both nerve nets excite the ectodermal muscles via the stimulation of the multipolar nerve net that expands the body of the anemone. The SS1 nerve net, also called the ectodermal slow system, seems to also be responsible for the pre-feeding response (opening of the mouth), and the escape response.
Communication Channels: chemical
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
Heteractis magnifica is found in marine reefs ranging from 1 to 50 meters deep. It prefers warm waters ranging from 24 degrees C to 32 degrees C. This species resides in clear waters with a strong current. Abundance and colonial or solitary behavior correlates with depth; those that are closer to the surface are solitary and smaller, while those that are deeper tend to form colonies. Animals found to the leeward of the prevailing swell of the water tend to be in denser populations than those in more exposed marine locations.
Range depth: 50 to 1 m.
Average depth: 25 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; saltwater or marine
Aquatic Biomes: reef
The longevity of Heteractis magnifica in the wild is unknown, but estimated that some of these anemones are hundreds of years old. In captivity, the longest lifespan is 80 years.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 80 (high) years.
Heteractis magnifica has the basic morphology of most anemones, living its entire life in the polyp form (looking like a cylindrical column with tentacles). This species has a sticky foot on a pedal disc, and an oral disc which contains the mouth and surrounding tentacles. Heteractis magnifica is the second largest in size of all sea anemones. The oral disc reaches 1 m in diameter or can be as small as 1.25 cm. Typically H. magnifica is between 300 and 500 mm in diameter. The foot, which is used to anchor the animal to various hard surfaces, is also larger than most anemones. The oral disc of an anemone is a flat to slightly curved structure with a mouth in the center, used for both feeding and producing waste. The oral disc can be yellow, brown, or green and is often slightly elevated so that the mouth protrudes out.
Many tentacles surround the oral disc; these are located within 20 to 30 mm of the mouth. The lower part of the tentacles closest to the mouth is the same color as the oral disc (usually shades of brown), but the distal portion of each tentacle can vary in color. Tentacles can range in color from red, pink, purple, orange, and green, but are most commonly tannish. Tentacles are about 75 mm long, and some are branched. Heteractis magnifica has characteristic swollen or bulb-like tips on the finger shaped tentacles. Within these tips are cnidocytes, which contain many nematocysts, structures for delivering toxins use in capturing food and defense.
Adult and baby magnificent anemones are very similar in physical appearance. Magnificent anemones lack skeletons and can grow large when nutrient levels are high, but they can shrink when nutrients are scarce. Members of this species can also look like a ball if they contract their tentacles so that only a tuft of tentacles, if any, remain visible.
Range length: .014 to 1 m.
Average length: .4 m.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; radial symmetry ; venomous
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
Anemones have stinging cells called nematocysts that keep away most predators. The protein toxins that are released are ichthyotoxic; if marine or freshwater fish are exposed to .5 micrograms/mL of the toxin, they die within 2 hours.
Magnificent sea anemones are hosts to many symbiotic clownfish, which chase away any nibbling predators, especially bristle worms. The clownfish are immune to the nematocysts and gain protection from the anemones' stinging tentacles.
Known Predators:
There are no data on mating systems in Heteractis magnifica.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
Heteractis magnifca can reproduce sexually or asexually. In sexual reproduction, the male releases his sperm first to stimulate the female to release her eggs. This external fertilization leads to the development of a ciliated planula larvae. Asexual reproduction can occur by budding, binary fission, or pedal laceration (when part of the pedal disc breaks off to form a new anemone). Most asexual reproduction occurs in the winter. The presence of the symbiotic clown fish Amphiprion chrysopterus can increase the amount of asexual reproduction and general growth. Anemones found with two A. chrysopterus species had faster fission rates than those without this symbiotic species.
Breeding interval: It is not known how often H. magnifica breeds.
Breeding season: H. magnifica reproduces asexually more frequently in the winter.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; sexual ; asexual ; fertilization (External ); broadcast (group) spawning
There is no parental involvement in the sexual or asexual reproduction process.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning)
The Magnificent Anemone, Heteractis magnifica, also known as the Ritteri Anemone, is a sea anemone that lives attached to a solid surface with much of its base exposed in marine Indo-Pacific reefs.It prefers warm waters between 24-32 degrees C. with good flow but shallow enough that the symbiotic green algae in its tentacles can photosynthesize (1-50 m. depth).It is a large anemone that grows in various shapes and colors (usually tan, red, pink, purple, orange, blue or green) to sizes up to three feet in diameter. In some locations, large colonies of individuals, presumably clones, form beds of H. magnifica in shallow water; this species is usually solitary at greater depths.Like the three other species in genus Heteractis, its long tentacles end in a characteristic bulbous tip, which contains the stinging nematocyst cells it uses to paralyze its vertebrate and invertebrate prey.Heteractis magnifica, as well as the other species in family Stichodactylidae (nine species total) are best known as clownfish anemone, because they commonly form symbiotic relationships with fish mostly of the genus Amphiprion. Although in captivity they associate with multiple species of anemone fish, in the wild they typically host only a particular species, depending on their location. The Magnificent Anemone also forms associations with shrimp, crab and other invertebrate species.This anemone is common in the aquarium trade but is notoriously challenging to keep healthy.
Other common names: Bulb-Tip Anemone, Purple Base Anemone, Maroon Anemone, and Yellow Tipped Long Tentacle Anemone.
(Fautin and Allen1992; Guck 2004; Newcomb and Fink 2004; Wikipedia 2013)
Die praganemoon (Heteractis magnifica) is die tweede grootste anemoon in die wêreld en kom voor in tropiese water in die Indiese-Pasifiese area, Rooisee en die ooskus van Afrika tot by die noorde van KwaZulu-Natal. In Engels staan die anemoon bekend as die Magnificent anemone.
Die anemoon het 'n omtrek van 800 mm by sy basis. Die stam se kleur is magenta of neig na bruin. Die tentakels word tot 75 mm lank en is dig en glad. Hulle punte is rond en is wit met geel of groen. Party tentakels mag vertak. Die anemoon groei op die meer oop gedeeltes van koraalriwwe in dieptes wat wissel van 1 tot 50 m.
Hierdie anemoon het die vermoë om na ander plekke te dryf deur homself met water te vul. Hulle is die gasheer vir anemoonvisse, garnale en krappe in simbiotiese verhoudings. Aanraking mag die vel irriteer.
Die praganemoon (Heteractis magnifica) is die tweede grootste anemoon in die wêreld en kom voor in tropiese water in die Indiese-Pasifiese area, Rooisee en die ooskus van Afrika tot by die noorde van KwaZulu-Natal. In Engels staan die anemoon bekend as die Magnificent anemone.
Sasanka velkolepá (Heteractis magnifica) je živočich z řádu sasanek.
Žije v indo-pacifické oblasti a ve volné přírodě dorůstá až průměru jeden metr. Živí se bezobratlými i drobnými obratlovci včetně ryb a korýšů.
Die Prachtanemone (Heteractis magnifica, Syn.: Radianthus ritteri) ist eine Seeanemone aus den tropischen Korallenriffen des Indopazifiks und des Roten Meeres. Meist sitzen sie an exponierten Stellen, wie den obersten Regionen großer Korallenblöcke.
Prachtanemonen haben einen runden, kräftig braunen, violetten, roten, weißen, grünen oder blauen Körper. Die Mundscheibe und die dicken fingerförmigen Tentakel sind meist hell bräunlich. Sie kann Durchmesser von 30 bis 50 Zentimeter, in seltenen Fällen bis zu einem Meter erreichen. Prachtanemonen leben mit Zooxanthellen in Symbiose, von denen sie einen Teil der Nährstoffe bekommen, die sie brauchen. Sie nesseln so stark, dass sie Rötungen auf der menschlichen Haut verursachen können.
Sie ist eine Symbioseanemone und eine wichtige Symbiosepartnerin der Anemonenfische. Insgesamt zehn Arten der Gattung Amphiprion akzeptieren sie als Partner.
Im Meerwasseraquarium sind Prachtanemonen nur schwer zu halten. Sie setzen sich oft an einen Standort nahe der Oberfläche, oft auch an die Frontscheibe.
Die Prachtanemone (Heteractis magnifica, Syn.: Radianthus ritteri) ist eine Seeanemone aus den tropischen Korallenriffen des Indopazifiks und des Roten Meeres. Meist sitzen sie an exponierten Stellen, wie den obersten Regionen großer Korallenblöcke.
Prachtanemonen haben einen runden, kräftig braunen, violetten, roten, weißen, grünen oder blauen Körper. Die Mundscheibe und die dicken fingerförmigen Tentakel sind meist hell bräunlich. Sie kann Durchmesser von 30 bis 50 Zentimeter, in seltenen Fällen bis zu einem Meter erreichen. Prachtanemonen leben mit Zooxanthellen in Symbiose, von denen sie einen Teil der Nährstoffe bekommen, die sie brauchen. Sie nesseln so stark, dass sie Rötungen auf der menschlichen Haut verursachen können.
Sie ist eine Symbioseanemone und eine wichtige Symbiosepartnerin der Anemonenfische. Insgesamt zehn Arten der Gattung Amphiprion akzeptieren sie als Partner.
Im Meerwasseraquarium sind Prachtanemonen nur schwer zu halten. Sie setzen sich oft an einen Standort nahe der Oberfläche, oft auch an die Frontscheibe.
Heteractis magnifica, also known by the common names magnificent sea anemone or Ritteri anemone, is a species of sea anemone belonging to the Stichodactylidae family native to the Indo-Pacific area.
The magnificent sea anemone is characterized by a flared oral disc, which reaches between 20 and 50 cm in diameter, but in some specimens, this can reach 1 m.[1] The oral disc, the base of the tentacles, and the oral orifice have the same color, going from light beige to white.
The numerous tentacles exceed 8 cm long. The sea anemone, being a member of the Hexacorallia, usually carries tentacles in multiples of six that are positioned in concentric circles. Their tips are fingered and often lighter in coloration than the tentacle body and are sometimes vividly colored.
Its specific scientific name, magnifica, and its vernacular name come from the bright color of the column, which is the visible outer structure when the animal retracts, and these range from electric blue to green, red, pink, purple, or brown.
The magnificent sea anemone is widespread throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area, from the eastern coasts of Africa, the Red Sea included, to Polynesia and from south Japan to Australia and New-Caledonia[2][3]
This anemone likes hard substrates well exposed to light and current from the surface to 20 m deep.[2] It has been observed down to 40 m deep.[4]
The magnificent sea anemone has two feeding methods. The first one is through the photosynthesis of its symbiotic zooxanthellae, living in its tissues. The second method is through using its tentacles to stun, immobilize, and consume prey (small invertebrates, fry, or juvenile fish).
The reproduction of the anemone can be sexual by simultaneous transmission of male and female gametes in the water or asexual by scissiparity,[5] which means that the anemone divides itself into two individuals, separating from the foot or the mouth. The magnificent sea anemone is found as solitary specimens throughout its range with aggregations only being found in the rim areas of its distribution. Genetic analyses does not suggest a difference between solitary specimens in the central distribution and clustering specimens at the rim. Asexual reproduction is found only in the rim areas and is probably the origin of the large aggregations.[4]
The relationship between anemonefish and their host sea anemones is highly nested in structure. With 12 species of hosted anemonefish, the magnificent sea anemone is highly generalist. The anemonefish it hosts are also mostly generalist, the exceptions being Amphiprion pacificus, only hosted by H. magnifica, and A. akallopisos, which is also hosted by Stichodactyla mertensii.[6] The species of anemonefish hosted by the magnificent sea anemone are: [7]
H. magnifica also hosts Dascyllus trimaculatus, the threespot dascyllus, and various commensal shrimps.
A. perideraion hovering above Heteractis magnifica (purple-tip anemone)
Dascyllus trimaculatus (threespot dascyllus)
Heteractis magnifica, also known by the common names magnificent sea anemone or Ritteri anemone, is a species of sea anemone belonging to the Stichodactylidae family native to the Indo-Pacific area.
La anémona magnífica (Heteractis magnifica) es una anémona de mar de la familia Stichodactylidae.
Es de las denominadas hospedantes, que mantienen una relación mutualista con otros animales, en su caso con peces payaso (género Amphiprion), los cuales inhiben la liberación de las células urticantes que poseen sus tentáculos, estableciendo una relación de convivencia. De esta manera, los payasos se protegen de sus predadores entre los tentáculos urticantes de la anémona, y esta se beneficia de la limpieza de su disco oral y tentáculos, como consecuencia de los continuos movimientos de los peces. También hospedan peces damisela, gambas del género Periclimenes o cangrejos como Neopetrolisthes maculatus.
Su cuerpo es cilíndrico. Su extremo basal es un disco plano que funciona como pie, el disco pedal, y su extremo apical es el disco oral, el cual tiene la boca en el centro, y alrededor de ella largos tentáculos de unos 8 cm,[3] que poseen cnidocitos, células urticantes provistas de neurotoxinas paralizantes en respuesta al contacto. La anémona utiliza este mecanismo para evadir enemigos o permitirle ingerir presas más fácilmente hacia la cavidad gastrovascular.
Esta especie es de las que alcanza mayor tamaño, pudiendo llegar al metro de diámetro en su disco oral. El rango medio está entre 30 y 50 cm.[4] Su cuerpo es carnoso y normalmente presenta una coloración variada, que puede ir desde el rosado y violeta hasta el marrón, blanco o naranja. El contrastado color de la columna es distintivo.[5] Sus tentáculos, que están dispuestos en varios círculos concéntricos, tienen las puntas redondeadas o levemente hinchadas, y suelen tener unos 75 mm de largo, pudiendo ser ramificados.
Presenta la particularidad de poderse envolver completamente, hasta solo dejar ver algunas puntas de los tentáculos en su parte superior, cuando se le molesta o las condiciones acuáticas no son las adecuadas.[6]
Frente de arrecife, generalmente en posiciones elevadas, con la columna visible. En general, en zonas de fuerte movimiento de agua, en crestas y pendientes. En superficies sólidas, en lagunas profundas o lugares expuestos del arrecife, con corrientes medias a fuertes. Viven en zonas costeras normalmente expuestas a mareas bajas, pero son especialistas en sobrevivir fuera del agua. Repliegan sus tentáculos y llenan sus cavidades de agua, lo que impide que se sequen cuando quedan expuestas al aire.
Prefieren aguas cálidas, entre 24 y 32ºC, y su rango de profundidad es entre 1 y 50 m.[7]
Se las encuentra en las aguas tropicales del océano Indo-Pacífico, desde el mar Rojo hasta Samoa. Habitando la costa sudeste africana, Madagascar, las Seychelles, Ceilán, el sudeste asiático, norte de Australia y regiones del Pacífico oeste, y al norte, hasta las islas Ryukyu.[8]
Está presente en Australia, China, Comoros, Egipto, Fiyi, Guam, Indonesia, Israel, Japón, Malasia, Maldivas, islas Marshall, isla Navidad, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Polinesia Francesa, islas Salomón, Seychelles, Singapur, Tailandia, Tanzania, Vietnam y Yibuti.[9]
Las anémonas magníficas contienen algas simbióticas llamadas zooxantelas. Las algas realizan la fotosíntesis produciendo oxígeno y azúcares, que son aprovechados por las anémonas, y se alimentan de los catabolitos de la anémona (especialmente fósforo y nitrógeno).[10] No obstante, las anémonas se alimentan tanto de los productos que generan estas algas (entre un 75 y 90 %), como de las presas de zooplancton, peces, moluscos, erizos, crustáceos, gusanos y plantas marinos, que capturan con sus tentáculos.[11]
Asexual: por brotes y por fisión, en este último caso, la anémona se divide por la mitad de la boca o del pie, dando lugar a dos individuos clónicos.
Sexual: mediante la fertilización de las gónadas, generando una larva plánula ciliada, que deambula hasta fijarse en el sustrato o roca, dónde se transforma en el pólipo que generará el animal que conocemos.
Pareja de Amphiprion nigripes en H.magnifica.
Familia de Amphiprion ocellaris en H.magnifica. Pulau Perhentian Besar, Malasia.
Neopetrolisthes maculatus en H.magnifica.
Amphiprion bicinctus sobre H.magnifica, Marsa Alam, Egipto
Amphiprion bicinctus bajo H.magnifica, Marsa Alam
Amphiprion melanopus refugiándose en la abertura de una H. magnifica con los tentáculos recogidos en la columna
H. magnifica y Dascyllus trimaculatus
H. magnifica y Dascyllus trimaculatus
Amphiprion nigripes en H.magnifica, Maldivas
Amphiprion bicinctus sobre H.magnifica, Mar Rojo, Egipto
La anémona magnífica (Heteractis magnifica) es una anémona de mar de la familia Stichodactylidae.
Es de las denominadas hospedantes, que mantienen una relación mutualista con otros animales, en su caso con peces payaso (género Amphiprion), los cuales inhiben la liberación de las células urticantes que poseen sus tentáculos, estableciendo una relación de convivencia. De esta manera, los payasos se protegen de sus predadores entre los tentáculos urticantes de la anémona, y esta se beneficia de la limpieza de su disco oral y tentáculos, como consecuencia de los continuos movimientos de los peces. También hospedan peces damisela, gambas del género Periclimenes o cangrejos como Neopetrolisthes maculatus.
Heteractis magnifica on suurikokoinen merivuokko, joka tunnetaan symbioosista vuokkokalojen kanssa. Sitä pidetään joskus meriakvaariossa, mutta se on melko vaikea hoitaa. Joissakin lähteissä vuokko tunnetaan vielä vanhalla nimellään ritterinmerivuokko, Radianthus ritteri.
Heteractis magnifica kasvaa luonnossa jopa metrin halkaisijaltaan olevaksi kiekoksi, jota peittävät sormimaiset, noin kahdeksan senttiä pitkät polttiaislonkerot. Lonkerot ovat vihertävät tai ruskehtavan sävyiset. Pohjalevy on kirkasvärinen: vihreä, violetti, punainen tai ruskea. Pohjalevy voi sulkeutua lähes täydelliseksi palloksi, ja sulkea silloin sisäänsä lonkerot ja niiden pyydystämän saaliin.[1]
Heteractis magnifica-vuokkoa tavataan Indopasifisella merialueella ja Punaisellamerellä.
Heteractis magnifica-vuokko tarvitsee voimakasta valoa ja kovan, mutta vaihtelevan virtauksen. Se viihtyy yleensä melko lähellä pintaa saadakseen tarpeeksi valoa, mutta jos virtauskenttä ei ole suotuisa, se saattaa lähteä liikkelle etsimään parempaa paikkaa. Silloin se on akvaariossa vaarassa ajautua pumppuun tai muihin laitteisiin. Vuokon polttiaiselimet vahingottavat muita koralleja. Vuokkokala tai pari auttaa vuokkoa sopeutumaan.
Vuokkoa ruokitaan simpukoilla, kalalla, äyriäisillä ja pakasteruoilla.[2]
Heteractis magnifica on suurikokoinen merivuokko, joka tunnetaan symbioosista vuokkokalojen kanssa. Sitä pidetään joskus meriakvaariossa, mutta se on melko vaikea hoitaa. Joissakin lähteissä vuokko tunnetaan vielä vanhalla nimellään ritterinmerivuokko, Radianthus ritteri.
Heteractis magnifica, communément appelé Anémone magnifique, est une espèce d'anémones de mer de la famille des Stichodactylidés originaire du bassin Indo-Pacifique.
Heteractis magnifica se caractérise par un disque oral évasé dont le diamètre moyen oscille entre 50 [1]. L'ensemble disque oral, base des tentacules et orifice buccale sont de couleur identique soit dans les tons beiges à blancs. Les tentacules sont nombreux et ne dépassent pas 80 mm de long. Leur extrémité est digitée et souvent de teinte plus claire que les tentacules avec parfois une coloration vive. Ses noms scientifiques comme vernaculaires proviennent des couleurs vives de sa colonne, structure externe visible lorsque l'animal se rétracte, et celles-ci vont du bleu électrique, au vert, au rouge, au rose, au mauve et au brun.
Heteractis magnifica est présente dans les eaux tropicales et subtropicales du bassin Indo-Pacifique soit des côtes orientales de l'Afrique, Mer Rouge incluse, à la Polynésie et des iles méridionales du Japon à l'Australie et à la Nouvelle-Calédonie[2],[3]
Cette anémone affectionne les substrats durs bien exposés à la lumière et au courant depuis la surface à 20 mètres de profondeur[2].
Heteractis magnifica se nourrit de deux façons. La première par la photosynthèse de ses hôtes symbiotiques, les zooxanthelles, vivant dans ses tissus. Et la deuxième de l'extérieur via ses tentacules qui lui permettent d'immobiliser ses proies (petits invertébrés, alevins ou encore d'imprudents juvéniles de poisson…).
La reproduction peut être sexuée par émission simultanée de gamètes mâles et femelles dans l’eau ou asexuée par scissiparité. C'est-à-dire que l'anémone se divise en deux individus distincts depuis le pied ou la bouche[2].
L'anémone magnifique peut être associée à douze espèces différentes de poissons-clowns[4] :
Elle est aussi l’hôte de nombreuses autres espèces de poissons[5] dont la Demoiselle à trois points, Dascyllus trimaculatus, et de crevettes commensales diverses.
Heteractis magnifica, communément appelé Anémone magnifique, est une espèce d'anémones de mer de la famille des Stichodactylidés originaire du bassin Indo-Pacifique.
L'anemone magnifica (Heteractis magnifica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)) è un celenterato antozoo che vive nell'area indo-pacifica.[1]
È un grosso antozoo solitario che può raggiungere 1 m di diametro. Il corpo ha colorazione che varia dal rosa al viola. I tentacoli, di colore verde o brunastro, sono lunghi fino a 8 cm, e terminano con una punta arrotondata o leggermente rigonfia. Sono ricoperti da cellule urticanti, dette "cnidoblasti".
Vive in simbiosi con diverse specie di pesci pagliaccio, tra cui Amphiprion ocellaris, A. percula, A. melanopus, A. bicinctus, A. clarkii, A. nigripes e A. perideraion. Può avere inoltre rapporti di commensalismo con Dascyllus trimaculatus, Periclimenes sarasvati e Periclimenes ornatus.
H. magnifica con Amphiprion bicinctus
H. magnifica con Amphiprion ocellaris
H. magnifica con Amphiprion nigripes e Dascyllus trimaculatus
H. magnifica con Amphiprion melanopus
Vive nel mar Rosso e nell'indo-pacifico tropicale. È specie tipica del reef.
L'anemone magnifica (Heteractis magnifica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)) è un celenterato antozoo che vive nell'area indo-pacifica.
Heteractis magnifica ook wel Ritteri anemoon (of: Radianthus ritteri) genoemd is een zeeanemoon van de koraalriffen uit de Grote Oceaan en Indische Oceaan die wel 1 meter groot kan worden. De anemoon heeft een voorkeur voor de meer ondiepe riffen met een sterke stroming. Hij leeft in symbiose met diverse soorten anemoonvissen waarmee zijn lila of gelige kleur kan contrasteren. De tweeband anemoonvis (Amphiprion bicinctus) en de rifbaars Dascyllus trimaculatus gebruiken deze anemoon vaak als gastheer.
Heteractis magnifica ook wel Ritteri anemoon (of: Radianthus ritteri) genoemd is een zeeanemoon van de koraalriffen uit de Grote Oceaan en Indische Oceaan die wel 1 meter groot kan worden. De anemoon heeft een voorkeur voor de meer ondiepe riffen met een sterke stroming. Hij leeft in symbiose met diverse soorten anemoonvissen waarmee zijn lila of gelige kleur kan contrasteren. De tweeband anemoonvis (Amphiprion bicinctus) en de rifbaars Dascyllus trimaculatus gebruiken deze anemoon vaak als gastheer.
Conhecida como anêmona magnifica, anêmona ritteri ou anêmona gigante do Indo-Pacífico (Heteractis magnifica) é uma espécie de anêmona da família Stichodactylidae.[1] Geralmente são encontradas fazendo simbiose com peixes palhaço (Amphiprininae) e dascyllus dominó (Dascyllus trimaculatus).
No aquarismo marinho a espécie é conhecida como "A verdadeira anêmona" pois tem uma facilidade de fazer simbiose.[2]
Conhecida como anêmona magnifica, anêmona ritteri ou anêmona gigante do Indo-Pacífico (Heteractis magnifica) é uma espécie de anêmona da família Stichodactylidae. Geralmente são encontradas fazendo simbiose com peixes palhaço (Amphiprininae) e dascyllus dominó (Dascyllus trimaculatus).
No aquarismo marinho a espécie é conhecida como "A verdadeira anêmona" pois tem uma facilidade de fazer simbiose.
Heteractis magnifica, cũng được biết đến với tên phổ biến hải quỳ tuyệt đẹp hoặc cỏ chân ngỗng Ritteri, là một loài cỏ chân ngỗng biển sống trong khu vực Ấn Độ Dương-Thái Bình Dương, và có thể phát triển lên tới 1 mét có đường kính trong tự nhiên. Nó có thể nuôi trong hồ, nhưng được xem là một trong những loài khó khăn nhất để nuôi trồng. Chúng đòi hỏi ánh sáng rất mạnh và rất cao dòng chảy hỗn loạn. Chúng sẽ không tồn tại trong bể với bất kỳ sự hiện diện của nitrit, nitrat. Nếu chúng khỏe mạnh và được nuôi, chúng sẽ phát triển rất nhanh. H. magnifica tiêu thụ cả hai loài động vật có xương sống và động vật không xương sống, bao gồm cả cá và động vật giáp xác.
Loài này thường được tìm thấy gắn với cá hề, chẳng hạn như Amphiprion melanopus, A. clarkii, cá hề thông thường (A. ocellaris), cá hề vây đen (A. nigripes), cá hề thực sự (A. percula), A. perideraion.
Heteractis magnifica, cũng được biết đến với tên phổ biến hải quỳ tuyệt đẹp hoặc cỏ chân ngỗng Ritteri, là một loài cỏ chân ngỗng biển sống trong khu vực Ấn Độ Dương-Thái Bình Dương, và có thể phát triển lên tới 1 mét có đường kính trong tự nhiên. Nó có thể nuôi trong hồ, nhưng được xem là một trong những loài khó khăn nhất để nuôi trồng. Chúng đòi hỏi ánh sáng rất mạnh và rất cao dòng chảy hỗn loạn. Chúng sẽ không tồn tại trong bể với bất kỳ sự hiện diện của nitrit, nitrat. Nếu chúng khỏe mạnh và được nuôi, chúng sẽ phát triển rất nhanh. H. magnifica tiêu thụ cả hai loài động vật có xương sống và động vật không xương sống, bao gồm cả cá và động vật giáp xác.
Loài này thường được tìm thấy gắn với cá hề, chẳng hạn như Amphiprion melanopus, A. clarkii, cá hề thông thường (A. ocellaris), cá hề vây đen (A. nigripes), cá hề thực sự (A. percula), A. perideraion.
Heteractis magnifica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)
Heteractis magnifica (лат.) — один из видов актиний (морских анемон), обитающий в области Индийского и Тихого океанов, способный вырастать до 1 м в диаметре в дикой природе. Обитает от Красного моря до островов Самоа на глубине не менее 10 м. Тело ярких цветов — от коричневого и зелёного до голубого и фиолетового. Щупальца жёлтого или жёлто-зелёного цвета, но могут изменять его в случае опасности или при приближении добычи.
Это животное может содержаться в аквариуме, но считается одним из самых сложных видов в плане нормального содержания с поддержанием должного уровня его здоровья. Они требуют очень сильной освещённости и очень высокого хаотического водного потока, при этом не выживают в резервуарах даже с минимальным количеством нитритов и нитратов. Если они здоровы и сыты, то будут расти очень быстро. Крупные актинии питаются как беспозвоночными (например, моллюсками и ракообразными), так и позвоночными животными, в том числе рыбами.
Часто живёт в симбиозе с различными представителями рыб-клоунов.
Heteractis magnifica (лат.) — один из видов актиний (морских анемон), обитающий в области Индийского и Тихого океанов, способный вырастать до 1 м в диаметре в дикой природе. Обитает от Красного моря до островов Самоа на глубине не менее 10 м. Тело ярких цветов — от коричневого и зелёного до голубого и фиолетового. Щупальца жёлтого или жёлто-зелёного цвета, но могут изменять его в случае опасности или при приближении добычи.
Это животное может содержаться в аквариуме, но считается одним из самых сложных видов в плане нормального содержания с поддержанием должного уровня его здоровья. Они требуют очень сильной освещённости и очень высокого хаотического водного потока, при этом не выживают в резервуарах даже с минимальным количеством нитритов и нитратов. Если они здоровы и сыты, то будут расти очень быстро. Крупные актинии питаются как беспозвоночными (например, моллюсками и ракообразными), так и позвоночными животными, в том числе рыбами.
Часто живёт в симбиозе с различными представителями рыб-клоунов.
公主海葵(学名:Heteractis magnifica)是海葵的一種,分布於印度洋海域。公主海葵會與各種小丑魚共生,特別是公子小丑魚。
公主海葵(学名:Heteractis magnifica)是海葵的一種,分布於印度洋海域。公主海葵會與各種小丑魚共生,特別是公子小丑魚。
和公主海葵在一起的小丑魚(Amphiprion nigripes)和三斑宅泥魚 公主海葵和三斑宅泥魚 取自“https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=公主海葵&oldid=26128923” 分类:海葵目隐藏分类:TaxoboxLatinName本地相关图片与维基数据相同