Description: English: View of adult Salamandra corsica among wet rocks, taken at dusk on a rainy day near Evisa, Corsica.Français : Vue d'une Salamandra corsica adulte parmi des rochers humides, pris au crépuscule d'un jour pluvieux près d'Evisa, Corse. Date: 30 September 2013, 18:43:06. Source: Own work. Author: Cardioceras. Camera location42° 17′ 24.37″ N, 8° 49′ 27.39″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.290103; 8.824275.
Description: Fire Salamander from Corsica (Salamandra corsica). Date: March 2006. Source: photo taken by User:Moebius1 in Summer 2005 near Lac de Nino. Author: User:Moebius1.
Description: English: Adult Salamandra corsica, photographed near Evisa (Corse-du-Sud, Corsica) on a rainy early autumn day.Français : Salamandra corsica adulte, photographiée près d'Evisa (Corse-du-Sud) un jour pluvieux du début de l'automne. Date: 30 September 2013, 19:05:12. Source: Own work. Author: Cardioceras. Camera location42° 17′ 05.12″ N, 8° 49′ 22.52″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.284755; 8.822922.
Description: English: Larva of Salamandra corsica in a temporary stream, Lindinosa forest near Évisa, may 2013. Date: 20 May 2013, 16:18:47. Source: Own work. Author: Cardioceras. Camera location42° 17′ 17.52″ N, 8° 49′ 26.38″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.288200; 8.823995.
Description: English: Beech forest, central Corsica, Sept 2014. Date: 25 September 2014, 15:51:18. Source: Own work. Author: Zoovolunteer1961. found crossing forest track after overnight rain Licensing[edit] : This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.:. CC BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue.
Description: English: Adult Salamandra corsica along a mountain trail near Evisa, Corse-du-Sud, Corsica.Français : Adulte de Salamandra corsica le long d'un chemin de montagne près d'Evisa, Corse-du-Sud. Date: 30 September 2013, 18:47:39. Source: Own work. Author: Cardioceras. Camera location42° 17′ 24.37″ N, 8° 49′ 27.39″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.290103; 8.824275.
Stefan Schmidt. SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen. Stefan Schmidt. Year: 2010. Contact:
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Catalog no.: BC ZSM HERP 00132. Specimen ID: 1638564. Field no.: BC ZSM HERP 00132. Taxon rep.: Salamandra atra. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.492.
2011-04-25 Lower Austria, district Mdling (mixed forest, 350 msm Quadrant 7863/1).They move slowly, and usually rely on the deterring effect of their black-and-yellow colour. This one here did not move at all right in the middle of a mountain bike track. (I took it on safer grounds after taking this shot.)German name: Feuersalamander