Das Veränderliche Rotwidderchen oder Beringte Kronwickenwidderchen (Zygaena ephialtes) ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Widderchen (Zygaenidae).
Die Falter erreichen eine Flügelspannweite von 30 bis 40 Millimetern. Sie sind, wie ihr deutscher Name schon sagt, veränderlich, da die Farbe der fünf bis sechs Flecken auf ihren Vorderflügeln stark variieren kann. Die Flecken können von rot über gelb bis weiß gefärbt sein. Das wichtigste Erkennungs- und Unterscheidungsmerkmal ist der rote, manchmal auch gelbe Segmentring (Gürtel) auf dem hinteren Bereich des Hinterleibs. Die Hinterflügel sind rot, gelblich oder komplett schwarz gefärbt und haben einen feinen, schwarzen Außenrand. Auf ihnen findet man manchmal ein bis zwei weitere, helle Punkte. Die Spitzen der Fühler sind weiß.
Die Raupen werden etwa 22 Millimeter lang. Sie haben eine grünlichgelbe Grundfärbung und tragen eine Seitenlinie aus kleinen schwarzen Punkten und je eine weitere solche Linie aus größeren, manchmal quadratischen Flecken, beidseits des Rückens. Auf diesem verläuft eine feine, meist unterbrochene Rückenlinie.
Das Veränderliche Rotwidderchen ist eine polymorphe Art. Die Falter lassen sich verschiedenen Morphen zuordnen. Dabei existieren ephialtoide Formen, diese ähneln in ihrer Färbung der Gattung Amata der Bärenspinner (Arctiidae); siehe z. B. Amata phegea. Sie zeichnen sich durch weiße Flecken auf der Flügeloberseite aus und tragen einen gelben Segmentring. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die peucedanoiden Falter den Sechsfleck-Widderchen (Zygaena filipendulae) ähnlich. Sie besitzen fünf bis sechs rote Flecken auf der Flügeloberseite und haben einen roten Körperring. Diese Merkmale sind genetisch fixiert und werden im Erbgang frei kombiniert. Bei den einzelnen Populationen und Unterarten treten diese Allelkombinationen in unterschiedlichen Anteilen auf. Die dominanten Allele sind peucedanoid und dominieren über die ephialtoiden. Das Veränderliche Rotwidderchen wurde wegen seiner ausgeprägten Polymorphie von Wissenschaftlern zur Überprüfung der mendelschen Gesetze an Insekten herangezogen.[1]
Die einzelnen Morphen wurden von den Erstbeschreibern des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts zunächst als eigene Arten angesehen (z. B. Sphinx peucedani, Sphinx athamanthae, Spinx coronillae). Später wurden sie häufig als Aberrationsnamen verwendet, diese sind aber heute nicht mehr in Gebrauch. Man unterscheidet heute zwei Unterarten des Veränderlichen Rotwidderchens:
Das Veränderliche Rotwidderchen kommt in verschiedenen Formen in weiten Teilen Europas vor, auf der Iberischen Halbinsel nur in den Pyrenäen, östlich des Schwarzwaldes, in den Alpen und im Alpenvorland, auf den Britischen Inseln und in Skandinavien. Es ist recht selten anzutreffen, im Jura des Franken und auch in Südeuropa sind sie aber häufiger. Die Falter findet man bevorzugt dort, wo die Nahrungspflanzen der Raupen in größeren Beständen vorkommen, wie etwa an Bahndämmen und Straßenböschungen, auf jeden Fall aber nur auf Kalksteinböden, Magerrasen und in lichten Wäldern. Wärmere, trockene Gebiete und sonnige Hänge werden außerdem bevorzugt, daher nehmen die Bestände Richtung Norden ab.
Die Falter fliegen in einer Generation von Anfang Juli bis August. Die Raupen findet man ab September und nach der Überwinterung bis in den Juni des nächsten Jahres.
Die Raupen fressen vor allem an Bunter Kronwicke (Securigera varia), aber auch an Wildem Thymian (Thymus serpyllum), Hufeisenklee (Hippocrepis comosa) und anderen Klee-Arten (Trifolium), Ehrenpreis (Veronica) und Wegerich (Plantago).
Die Weibchen legen ihre Eier an den Futterpflanzen der Raupen ab. Meistens überwintert die Raupe mehrmals, bis sie sich schließlich in einem langgestreckten, silberweißen Gespinst auf Stängeln oder Stauden verpuppt.
Das Veränderliche Rotwidderchen oder Beringte Kronwickenwidderchen (Zygaena ephialtes) ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Widderchen (Zygaenidae).
Zygaena ephialtes is day-flying species of burnet moth found in Europe.[1] It is typically found in xeric habitats, and populations have recently decreased.[2] It also exhibits Müllerian mimicry with other species, like Amata phegea.[3][4]
Z. ephialtes typically fly during the day. Adult butterfly flight is often characterized as slow. As characteristic of Zygaenidae moths, they have prominent spots on their wings, which alerts predators that they contain toxins.[1]
Z. ephialtes L. (= falcatae Boisd.) (5 i, k). Forewing with 6 spots; the basal pair red, the others white; hindwing with a white dot. Abdomen with red belt. From South Germany and Switzerland, eastwards to Greece and South Siberia. — medusa Pall. [ now Z. ephialtes ssp. medusa Pallas, 1771] (5 k) is the form without the 6. spot: being especially frequent in the eastern districts of the area. — In the west of the area, especially in Northern Italy, South Germany, Austria, and also in some of the Balcan States, there occur two forms which are marked like ephialtes resp. medusa, but have the 2 basal spots of the forewing and the abdominal belt deep yellow instead of red; these forms are coronillae Esp.[ now Z. ephialtes ssp. coronillae [Denis & Schiffermüller] ], (6a) with 6 spots, and trigonellae Esp. [ now Z. ephialtes ssp. coronillae [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775 ] (6a) with 5 spots. — Likewise in Austria there occur, often together with other forms at the same places, two varieties in which the spots of the forewing as well as the whole hindwing except the black margin are yellow; these are icterica Led. [now Z. ephialtes ssp. coronillae [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775 ] (6 a) with 6 spots, and aeacus Esp. [now Z. ephialtes ssp. coronillae [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775 ] (6 b) with 5 spots on the forewing. Sometimes the yellow colour has a strong reddish tint; such forms are named by Hirschke princi (6b), if there are 6 spots, and aurantiaca if there are 5. — Also red forms are found which are similar in appearance to red-belted filipendulae resp trifolii ab. orobi , being also the most northern forms. They are peucedani Esp. [ now Z. ephialtes ssp. peucedani Esper, 1780] (= hippocrepidis H.-Sch.; aeacus Hubn.) (6b) with 6 spots, and athamanthae Esp.[ now Z. ephialtes ssp. athamanthae Esper, 1789] (= veronicae Bkh.) (6c) with 5. The red colour of the hindwing of these forms may more and more be replaced by the black marginal guenneri. band, being finally represented only by a red central spot. These forms are ab. guenneri Hirschke [ now Z. ephialtes ssp. coronillae [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775] , if there are 6 spots, and ab. metzgeri Hirschke [ now Z. ephialtes ssp. coronillae [Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775], if there are 5. — We have further to mention a group of aberrations in which the hindwing bears two small spots instead of a single white or red one. This modification is known of nearly all the above-mentioned forms and has received special names. Thus, ephialtes with 2 white spots to the hindwing bears the name sophiae Favre, the corresponding form of medusa being aemilii Favre, while coronillae with 2 spots is bahri Hirschke and the corresponding trigonellae- form wutzdorffi Hirschke. — Larva yellow or green, reddish yellow at the sides, with pale belts; a dorsal stripe and subdorsal rows of spots black; above the legs rows of black dots ; on the whole similar to the larva of filipendulae ; in May adult on Vetch, Trefoil, Thyme, Eryngium, Plantago, etc., the black pupa in a white-yellow silky cocoon. The imagines fly in July in meadows, venturing even into gardens; they are especially often found resting on the heads of thistles standing near the edges of woods and on fallow ground, sometimes one finds only one form at a certain place, sometimes several forms fly about at the same time in one field, copulating together, the offspring, however, not having mixed or transitional characters. Occasionally specimens of this species have been met with which were in copula with individuals of entirely different species. [5]
This family of moths is spread throughout most of Europe, ranging from Spain to the Ural Mountains. It is not found in the British Isles, northern Europe, or certain islands in the Mediterranean.[2][3]
A study was done by Jakub Horak that focused on populations in the Czech Republic.[2] Many previously unknown habitat preferences of Z. ephialtes were found. This species cannot survive in forested areas or areas with a closed canopy. Z. ephialtes prefer xeric conditions, and were rarely found in more humid areas. The two times they were found in non-exeric areas, the areas were previously xeric sites that were abandoned. The xeric areas that were studied also had many species that are specifically associated with xeric environments, referred to as xeric specialists. Some of these species include Phengaris arion, Psophus stridulus, Polyommatus coridon, Polyommatus daphnis, Plebjus argus, and Zygaena carniolica. This study showed that Z. ephialtes is an important part of xeric habitats.[2]
Because of the slower nature of the adult butterflies' movement, a typical butterfly's range was thought to be on the smaller side. However, after observing populations in the Czech Republic, it was found that this species was found during quick flying events over longer distances.[2]
The eggs are pale yellow. They are laid in a single layer and in many batches.[2]
Caterpillars appear yellow with small black portions.[2]
Pupae appear brown and are typically found on the stems of grasses.[2]
Z. ephialtes are one of the largest species of burnet moths. Their flight has been described as slow and undulating.[2]
There are many host plants for Z. ephialtes. The most common are Coronilla emerus, Securigera varia (purple crown vetch) and Hippocrepis comosa (horseshoe vetch). Another species that has been observed less frequently is Hippocrepis emerus (scorpion senna).[2]
Amata phegea is another spotted moth species that looks similar to Z. ephialtes.[3][4] Because Z. ephialtes is unpalatable to other species, A. phegea takes advantage of this. Z. ephialtes is hyper-polymorphic, with two main forms- peucedanoid or ephialtoid. The peucedanoid form consists of a colored forewing and hindwing with spots. The ephialtoid form consists of all the forewing spots being white except the two basal spots, and the hindwings being black with a white spot. Either of these forms can be red or yellow. The yellow form has been found to be more advantageous than the red one.[3][4]
Subspecies include:[6]
As mentioned earlier, this species is an integral part of xeric environments.[2] However, with the decline in these environments, the species is also vanishing from many of these regions. Because of changing environments, these butterflies are required to travel longer than normal distances to find suitable habitats. Populations are declining. Some sources say that this species is critically endangered. Recently there has been some human involvement with the species by protecting some xeric sites that the butterflies inhabit.[2]
Zygaena ephialtes is day-flying species of burnet moth found in Europe. It is typically found in xeric habitats, and populations have recently decreased. It also exhibits Müllerian mimicry with other species, like Amata phegea.
Zygaena ephialtes
La Zygène de la coronille ou Zygène de la coronille variée, Zygaena ephialtes, est une espèce de lépidoptères de la famille des Zygaenidae et de la sous-famille des Zygaeninae.
C'est un petit papillon diurne pouvant atteindre 4 cm d'envergure. Sa couleur de fond est généralement le noir ou le bleu foncé. Elle est parsemée de taches blanches et jaunes, ou bien rouges, comme l'anneau abdominal. Comme toutes les zygènes, ce papillon est protégé par ses toxines.
Cette espèce se rencontre dans presque toute l'Europe, jusqu'en Russie centrale et méridionale, à l'exception des îles Britanniques, de la Scandinavie et de la Finlande. En Asie, elle vit en Asie mineure jusqu'au nord de la mer Caspienne[1].
Zygaena ephialtes
La Zygène de la coronille ou Zygène de la coronille variée, Zygaena ephialtes, est une espèce de lépidoptères de la famille des Zygaenidae et de la sous-famille des Zygaeninae.
Zygaena ephialtes (Linnaeus, 1767) è una specie di falena appartenente alla famiglia Zygaenidae.
Zygaena ephialtes ha un'apertura alare di 35-40 millimetri. Le ali anteriori sono blu scuro, con cinque o sei macchie che possono essere di colore rosso, giallo o bianco. Attorno all'addome presentano un anello che può essere giallo o rosso. Le ali posteriori possono essere rosse, gialle o completamente nere e presentano un delicato bordo esterno nero.
I bruchi sono lunghi circa 22 millimetri, sono di colore giallo-verdolino e presentano linee longitudinali di punti neri e macchie quadrangolari. Le uova sono di colore verde pallido. Le pupe sono giallo-bruno.
Questa falena è una specie polimorfica dalle differenti forme mimetiche. Molte sottospecie sono infatti simili nella colorazione alla falena tigre Amata phegea, caratterizzata da macchie bianche sulla superficie alare superiore e da un anello giallo addominale. Invece la forma peucedanoide (Zygaena ephialtes peucedani) è simile a Zygaena filipendulae, presentando cinque o sei macchie rosse sulla superficie alare superiore e un anello rosso addominale.
Queste caratteristiche sono stabilite geneticamente. Nell'ambito delle diverse popolazioni e sottospecie ricorrono queste combinazioni alleliche in proporzioni diverse. Gli alleli dominanti sono quelli peucedanoidi in forma efialtoide.
Le falene volano in un'unica generazione da giugno-luglio fino ad agosto. I bruchi possono essere visti a settembre e, dopo l'ibernazione invernale, fino a giugno dell'anno successivo. Le femmine depongono le loro uova sulle piante nutrici dei bruchi. In molti casi, la larva trascorre diversi inverni prima di impuparsi in un lungo bozzolo bianco-argenteo su steli o arbusti.
Le larve si nutrono principalmente su Securigera varia e Coronilla emerus, ma anche su timo selvatico (Thymus serpyllum), sferracavallo comune (Hippocrepis comosa) e altri tipi di trifoglio, veronica e plantago.
Questa specie è diffusa in quasi tutta Europa, eccetto Irlanda, Gran Bretagna, Paesi Bassi, Portogallo, Fennoscandia, Danimarca, Estonia e Lettonia.[1][2]
Le falene sono maggiormente presenti dove abbondano le piante nutrici dei bruchi, su terreni calcarei, praterie e boschi radi. Preferiscono inoltre zone calde, secche e pendii soleggiati.
Sono note le seguenti sottospecie:[2]
Zygaena ephialtes (Linnaeus, 1767) è una specie di falena appartenente alla famiglia Zygaenidae.
Raudonžiedis marguolis (lot. Zygaena ephialtes, vok. Veränderliches Rotwidderchen) – marguolių (Zygaenidae) šeimos drugys. Pilvelio viduryje yra raudonas žiedas (tuo skiriasi nuo vingiorykštinio marguolio). Skraido liepos – rugjūčio mėn. upių slėniuose ir šlaituose. Vikšrai aptinkami ant dvispalvio raženio. Vikšras gelsvas ar žalsvas, apaugęs šviesiais šereliais. Lėliukė juodai ruda.
Lietuvoje reta, lokaliai paplitusi rūšis. Rasta Kauno, Lazdijų, Prienų, Varėnos raj. Rūšis įrašyta į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą.
Raudonžiedis marguolis (lot. Zygaena ephialtes, vok. Veränderliches Rotwidderchen) – marguolių (Zygaenidae) šeimos drugys. Pilvelio viduryje yra raudonas žiedas (tuo skiriasi nuo vingiorykštinio marguolio). Skraido liepos – rugjūčio mėn. upių slėniuose ir šlaituose. Vikšrai aptinkami ant dvispalvio raženio. Vikšras gelsvas ar žalsvas, apaugęs šviesiais šereliais. Lėliukė juodai ruda.
Lietuvoje reta, lokaliai paplitusi rūšis. Rasta Kauno, Lazdijų, Prienų, Varėnos raj. Rūšis įrašyta į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą.
Zygaena ephialtes is een dagactieve nachtvlinder uit de familie Zygaenidae, de bloeddrupjes. De spanwijdte bedraagt ongeveer 35 millimeter.
Waardplanten van de rups zijn Securigera varia en Coronilla emerus. De vlinder komt voor in heel Europa.
Zygaena ephialtes is een dagactieve nachtvlinder uit de familie Zygaenidae, de bloeddrupjes. De spanwijdte bedraagt ongeveer 35 millimeter.
Waardplanten van de rups zijn Securigera varia en Coronilla emerus. De vlinder komt voor in heel Europa.
La ruva a viv ëdzora al tërfeuj, a la Coronilla. Ël parpajon a vòla an luj.
DistribussionA viv an Italia setentrional e fin a la Campania, motobin ràira.
Kraśnik goryszowiec[1][2], kraśnik zmienny[3] (Zygaena ephialtes) – gatunek motyla z rodziny kraśnikowatych.
Motyl ten ma krępe ciało o całkowicie czarnych patagiach i tegulach i czerwonej lub żółtej, nieoprószonej czarnymi łuskami obrączce na odwłoku. Drobno piłkowane czułki mają biały ostatni człon. Przednie skrzydło ma długość od 15 do 18 mm i czarną barwę tła z niebieskogranatowym połyskiem. Na owym skrzydle występuje typowo sześć plam o barwie białej, żółtej lub czerwonej, przy czym plama szósta zwykle jest zredukowana. Tylne skrzydło ma tło jak poprzednie i białą plamkę lub jest czerwone z czarną obwódką. Samiec ma w edeagusie dużą, zaokrągloną, pozbawioną kolców, drobnoziarniście rzeźbioną płytkę. Ponadto jego genitalia cechują proste brzegi łożyska edeagusa i wąsko rozstawione, stopniowo zwężone ku szczytom wyrostki unkusa. Samica ma ósmy tergit odwłoka silniej zesklerotyzowany na krawędzi niż pozostałej części, a w jej torebce kopulacyjnej znajduje się znamię z kolcami wykształconymi w formie silnie zesklerotyzowanych, różnokształtynych płytek umieszczonych w dwóch równoległych smugach[4].
Żółte lub zielonożółte ciało gąsienicy odznacza się czarnymi plamkami i podłużną linią na stronie grzbietowej[2].
Owad ten preferuje leśne łąki i murawy kserotermiczne. Imagines latają w lipcu i pierwszej połowie sierpnia[4]. Są aktywne za dnia[2]. Gąsienica zimuje, po czym od czerwca żeruje na cieciorce pstrej i skorpionowatej, koniklecy czubatej i koniczynach[4][1].
Występuje na większości obszaru Europy, z wyjątkiem jej części północnej[5], a ponadto na Syberii, Zakaukaziu i w Turcji[4].
Kraśnik goryszowiec, kraśnik zmienny (Zygaena ephialtes) – gatunek motyla z rodziny kraśnikowatych.
Motyl ten ma krępe ciało o całkowicie czarnych patagiach i tegulach i czerwonej lub żółtej, nieoprószonej czarnymi łuskami obrączce na odwłoku. Drobno piłkowane czułki mają biały ostatni człon. Przednie skrzydło ma długość od 15 do 18 mm i czarną barwę tła z niebieskogranatowym połyskiem. Na owym skrzydle występuje typowo sześć plam o barwie białej, żółtej lub czerwonej, przy czym plama szósta zwykle jest zredukowana. Tylne skrzydło ma tło jak poprzednie i białą plamkę lub jest czerwone z czarną obwódką. Samiec ma w edeagusie dużą, zaokrągloną, pozbawioną kolców, drobnoziarniście rzeźbioną płytkę. Ponadto jego genitalia cechują proste brzegi łożyska edeagusa i wąsko rozstawione, stopniowo zwężone ku szczytom wyrostki unkusa. Samica ma ósmy tergit odwłoka silniej zesklerotyzowany na krawędzi niż pozostałej części, a w jej torebce kopulacyjnej znajduje się znamię z kolcami wykształconymi w formie silnie zesklerotyzowanych, różnokształtynych płytek umieszczonych w dwóch równoległych smugach.
Żółte lub zielonożółte ciało gąsienicy odznacza się czarnymi plamkami i podłużną linią na stronie grzbietowej.
Owad ten preferuje leśne łąki i murawy kserotermiczne. Imagines latają w lipcu i pierwszej połowie sierpnia. Są aktywne za dnia. Gąsienica zimuje, po czym od czerwca żeruje na cieciorce pstrej i skorpionowatej, koniklecy czubatej i koniczynach.
Występuje na większości obszaru Europy, z wyjątkiem jej części północnej, a ponadto na Syberii, Zakaukaziu i w Turcji.
Zygaena ephialtes este o specie de molie din familia Zygaenidae, superfamilia Zygaenoidea, ordinul Lepidoptera. Această specie poate fi întâlnită în majoritatea Europei, în afara statelor Irlanda, Marea Britanie, Olanda, Portugalia, Fennoscandia, Danemarca, Estonia și Letonia. [1][2]
Zygaena ephialtes are o anvergură ce variază între 35 și 40 de mm. Aripile anterioare sunt albastru-închise, cu cinci sau șase puncte a căror culoare variază, ele putând fi roșii, galbene sau albe. De obicei aceste puncte sunt roșii, în timp ce linia de pe abdomen este galbenă sau roșie. Aripile posterioare sunt roșii, galbene sau complet negre.
Omizile au o lungime de aproximativ 22 de mm. Ca și aspect, sunt galben-verzui și au câteva modele longitudinale cu puncte negre. Ouăle sunt verde pal, iar pupa este galben-brună.
Adulții (moliile) zboară într-o singură generație de la începutul lui iulie până în august. Omizile pot fi întâlnite în septembrie și după perioada hibernală până în luna iunie din anul următor. Femelele depun ouăle pe plantele cu care se hrănesc omizile. În majoritatea cazurilor, omizile trec prin mai multe ierni până să se transforme în pupă.
larvele au ca principală sursă de hrană Coronilla varia și Coronilla emerus, dar și Thymus serpyllum, Hippocrepis comosa și alte tipuri de Trifolium (trifoi).
Această specie este polimorfă și are diverse forme mimetice. [3]
Zygaena ephialtes este o specie de molie din familia Zygaenidae, superfamilia Zygaenoidea, ordinul Lepidoptera. Această specie poate fi întâlnită în majoritatea Europei, în afara statelor Irlanda, Marea Britanie, Olanda, Portugalia, Fennoscandia, Danemarca, Estonia și Letonia.
Zygaena ephialtes là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Zygaenidae. Bướm có sải cánh dài 35–40 mm. Cánh trước có màu xanh, có năm hoặc sáu điểm rất khác nhau về màu sắc, vì chúng có thể có màu đỏ, vàng hoặc trắng. Thông thường, những đốm màu đỏ, trong khi rìa ở phần bụng có thể có màu vàng hoặc đỏ. Các cánh sau có màu đỏ, vàng hoặc đen hoàn toàn và có một mép ngoài màu đen mỏng.
Ấu trùng ăn chủ yếu ăn các loài Coronilla Varia và Coronilla emerus, mà còn trên cây húng tây hoang dã (tuyến ức serpyllum), đậu tằm móng ngựa (Hippocrepis comosa) và các loại cỏ ba lá (Trifolium), huyền sâm (Veronica) và chuối (Plantago).
Loài này có thể được tìm thấy ở hầu hết châu Âu, ngoại trừ Ireland, Anh, Hà Lan, Bồ Đào Nha, Fennoscandia, Đan Mạch, Estonia và Latvia.[1][2]. Ở Italia thường được gọi là Prete (linh mục).
Phương tiện liên quan tới Zygaena ephialtes tại Wikimedia Commons
Zygaena ephialtes là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Zygaenidae. Bướm có sải cánh dài 35–40 mm. Cánh trước có màu xanh, có năm hoặc sáu điểm rất khác nhau về màu sắc, vì chúng có thể có màu đỏ, vàng hoặc trắng. Thông thường, những đốm màu đỏ, trong khi rìa ở phần bụng có thể có màu vàng hoặc đỏ. Các cánh sau có màu đỏ, vàng hoặc đen hoàn toàn và có một mép ngoài màu đen mỏng.
Ấu trùng ăn chủ yếu ăn các loài Coronilla Varia và Coronilla emerus, mà còn trên cây húng tây hoang dã (tuyến ức serpyllum), đậu tằm móng ngựa (Hippocrepis comosa) và các loại cỏ ba lá (Trifolium), huyền sâm (Veronica) và chuối (Plantago).
Loài này có thể được tìm thấy ở hầu hết châu Âu, ngoại trừ Ireland, Anh, Hà Lan, Bồ Đào Nha, Fennoscandia, Đan Mạch, Estonia và Latvia.. Ở Italia thường được gọi là Prete (linh mục).