
Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Zookeys
Apterous viviparous female (Fig. 5C). Colour in life unknown. Head pale yellow. Antennal segment I-IV and proximal half of V as pale as cephalic dorsum, distal part of V and VI yellow brown. Dorsum of thorax and abdomen membranous and pale, with yellowish brown spiracular and brown intersegmental sclerites. Mesosternal mammariform processes low, rugose and pale. Siphunculi gently and asymmetrically swollen, rugose and more-or-less pigmented like tibiae. Cauda tongue-shaped with broad apex, pigmented like siphunculi. Anal and genital plates as pale as cauda. Metric and meristic features in Table 4.
حقوق النشر
Juan-Manuel Nieto Nafría, Milagros-Pilar Mier Durante, Georges Remaudière
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Nieto Nafría J, Mier Durante M, Remaudière G (2013) The genus Aphidura (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in the collection of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, with six new species ZooKeys 318: 1–33
Juan-Manuel Nieto Nafría
Milagros-Pilar Mier Durante
Georges Remaudière
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك