
Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Plazi (legacy text)

Formica , pt., Fabr. Syst. Eut. 394 (1775).

Maxillary palpi 6-jointed, elongate; labial palpi 4-jointed; mandibles stout, their inner edge denticulate. Ocelli obsolete in the workers. Thorax more or less armed with spines or hooks; scale of the peduncle incrassate, usually spinose, having two, three, or four spines. Wings with one marginal and two submarginal cells, the discoidal cells obsolete. Abdomen subglobose.

We are indebted to Mr. T. C. Jerdon for the first account of the habits of this genus of Ants; speaking of the F. nidificans , he says: " This Ant makes a small nest about half an inch, or rather more, in diameter, of some papyraceous material, which it fixes on a leaf. I have opened two, each of which contained one female and eight or ten workers. It is very rare, and I have only seen it in Malabar." Since the publication of these remarks, a nest of one of the species has been received from Malacca; it was discovered by Mr. Wallace, and exactly agrees with Mr. Jerdon's description. Pl. IV. figs. 10, 11.

Species of India, the Eastern Archipelago, China, and Philippine Islands. Sp. 1-14.

not applicable
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Smith, F., Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae., pp. -
Smith, F.
النص الأصلي
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Plazi (legacy text)

- [[ worker ]], L. 5,2 a 6 mill. Plus grande et surtout plus robuste que la forme typique. Dents du pronotum plus, fortes, Epines du metanotum courtes (longues comme, la moitie de l'intervalle de leurs bases), extremement larges (aussi larges vers leur base que la moitie de leur longueur), un peu aplaties, mais assez pointues a l'extremite. Epines de l'ecaille courtes, nn peu pins courtes que l'intervalle de leurs bases (beaucoup plus longues chez la hookeri ). Pilosite brune encore plus epaisse, plus setiforme, plus longue et plus obtuse que chez la forme typique et un peu plus abondante,

Une pubescence d'un rouge dore fonce, tres courte et diluee, donne un leger reflet rougeatre au thorax et a la tete. Pubescence de l'abdomen comme chez la hookeri i. sp. Tete et thorax noirs, sans reflet metallique (d'un vert bleuatre metallique splendide chez la forme typique). Bords du thorax et epines luisants; le reste mat ou subopaque. Sculpture, forme, pilosite et couleur du reste identiques a la P. hookeri typique dont elle se rapproche plus, que la, race suivante.

Mackay, Queensland, recoltee par M. Gilbert Turner.

not applicable
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Forel, A., 1895, Nouvelles fourmis de diverses provenances, surtout d'Australie., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 41-49, vol. 39
Forel, A.
النص الأصلي
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Plazi (legacy text)

Large or medium-sized ants closely allied to Camponotus .

Worker monomorphic. Head orbicular, oval or rounded subrectangular, very convex above, with very prominent, long and sinuate frontal carinae. Palpi long, the maxillary pair 6-jointed, with the basal about half as long as the second joint, the labial pair 4-jointed. Clypeus well developed, usually convex or more or less carinate. Antennae long, 12-jointed, the scapes inserted some distance behind the posterior border of the clypeus, as in Camponotus ; funicular joints considerably longer than broad. Thorax more or less arcuate above, often more or less carinate on the sides, and more or less dentate of spinose, but exhibiting great differences in conformation in different species. Usually either the pronotum or the epinotum or both are armed with teeth or spines, rarely the mesonotum. The petiole has a large scale, the superior border of which is nearly always armed with pairs of spines or teeth, more rarely also with a median, unpaired spine or tooth. Gaster large, broadly elliptical or subglobular, very convex above, the first segment forming more than half of its surface and often more or less truncated or concave in front. Legs long and well developed, the tibiae often constricted at the base. Gizzard much as in Camponotus .

Female decidedly larger than the worker, with massive thorax. Spines and teeth on the thorax and petiole smaller. Wings long, the anterior pair with a radial and a single cubital cell; discoidal cell lacking and cubital vein usually reaching the outer margin of the wing. Gaster massive, its first segment often proportionally shorter than in the worker.

Male closely resembling the male of Camponotus , small and slender; the thorax and petiole quite unarmed, the latter with a low, thick scale. Frontal carinae more approximated, front more convex, pronotum overarched by the mesonotum. External genital valves small and slender. Cerci distinct.

Pupae enclosed in cocoons.

A large genus comprising several hundred species, many of which are among the most beautiful of ants, confined to the tropics of the Old World, though, like Oecophylla , absent from Madagascar (Map 44). The species of Polyrhachis , however, have a wider range, since a small number of forms occur as far north as Syria in Asia and as far south as the eastern Cape Colony and Tasmania. The majority of the species are aggregated in the Indomalayan, Papuan, and Australian Regions. Forel and I have divided the genus into subgenera, eleven of which, based on peculiarities in the structure of the thorax and petiole, have been recognized up to the present time, namely, Polyrhachis , sensu stricto, Campomyrma Wheeler, Hagiomyrma Wheeler, Myrma Billberg, Hedomyrma Forel, Myrmhopla Forel, Chariomyrma Forel, Myrmatopa Forel, Cyrtomyrma Forel, Myrmothrinax Forel, and Dolichorhachis Mann. In the Ethiopian Region only two of these, Cyrtomyrma and Myrma , are known to occur, the former represented by a very few aberrant species, the latter by a number of forms which show much greater diversity of structure than do the species of the same subgenus in the Indomalayan and Papuan Regions. This fact, together with that of the wide distribution of Myrma , would seem to indicate that it is the most archaic of all the subgenera of Polyrhachis .

The species of Polyrhachis form only moderately large colonies and none of them is sufficiently common to be of economic importance. Many of them are, in fact, rare and sporadic. They are very timid or pacific insects and are most frequently found singly walking up or down tree-trunks or on the foliage of trees or bushes. Their nesting habits are very diverse. According to my observations in Australia, the species of Campomyrma nest in the ground, under stones, or more rarely in crater nests. The same is true of the species of Hagiomyrma and Chariomyrma , though I have always found P. (Hagiomyrma) semiaurata Mayr in large logs and certain species of Chariomyrma in earthen termitaria. So far as known, none of the species of these three subgenera employs silk in the construction of the nest. The species of Hedomyrma , as Mann and I have observed, live in high trees, but we have been unable to find the nests. Several of the larger species of Myrma nest in the ground or in logs and some of them line their nests with silk spun by the larvae. Many of the smaller species of this subgenus make carton and silken nests on or between the living leaves of trees, and this is the general habit also of many species of the subgenera Myrmhopla , Myrmothrinax , Myrmatopa , and Cyrtomyrma . A few species of Myrma and Myrmhopla live in hollow stems or in old galls. Jacobson and Mann have described the beautiful carton and silk nests built by various Myrmatopa species on the under sides of leaves in Java and the Solomon Islands. P. (Myrmhopla) armata of the Indomalayan Region sometimes builds its nest in houses. P. (M.) dives and some of the allied species construct small globular nests of nearly pure silk, somewhat like those of tent-caterpillars, on low bushes. The nest of one of the few species of the subgenus Polyrhachis , sensu stricto, the East Indian P. bihamata , was found by Bingham. "It was of silky, yellowish brown material, placed close to the ground in the center of a clump of bamboos, and measured about a foot in diameter." Some species of Polyrhachis , when irritated, emit a strong, pleasant smell. According to Bingham, the odor of P. (Myrmhopla) venus Forel is like that of the tuberose.

not applicable
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Wheeler, W. M., 1922, The ants collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition., Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, pp. 39-269, vol. 45
Wheeler, W. M.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnosis of the subgenus

Worker. Small ants (HL 1.00 - 1.70) with general characteristics of the genus. Anterior clypeal margin arcuate, majority of species with small notch or shallow emargination medially. Frontal carinae sinuate with laminate lobes; frontal triangle usually indistinct or visible only in certain illuminations and views. Eyes ranging from flattened to strongly protuberant. Preoccipital margin with a distinct ridge posteriorly and laterally in all but one species ( decora ), where it is suppressed by overlying cephalic sculpture. Mesosoma with dorsum showing all stages from fully marginate to completely immarginate. Pronotal humeri armed with spines, teeth or simply angular. Promesonotal suture present. Mesonotal and propodeal dorsa virtually fused. Metanotal groove completely lacking or only very weakly indicated by a hairline break in dorsal sculpture and / or by shallow incisions of lateral margins in species with marginate mesosoma. Propodeum terminating posteriorly in a pair of short teeth, tubercles or simply rounded, except in one species ( wilsoni ), where it is armed with long, mostly outwardly directed spines. Petiole scale-like; dorsal margin acute, usually entire, but occasionally with intercalary teeth or short spines, medially emarginate or unevenly jagged, laterally armed with short spines or teeth. In several species ( decora and its allies) petiole deeply transversely sculptured with dorsal margin more-or-less blunt. Base of first gastral segment usually concave medially, accomodating posterior face of petiole; dorsal margin of concavity acute or blunt and often raised above dorsum of segment; first gastral segment sometimes truncate or simply convex. Sculpture of head and body mostly consisting of regularly spaced striae that are either longitudinal or convoluted producing a characteristic “ geometrical ” appearance; gastral sculpture more modest, usually consisting of longitudinal striae; most distinct on sides of first gastral segment.

Queen. Very much like worker with usual characters identifying full sexuality, including three ocelli and complete thoracic structure with wings. Armament of pronotal humeri somewhat reduced, lateral petiolar spines distinctly shorter. Sculpture of head and body similar to that of worker, pattern of striation following structural characteristics of fully developed mesosoma.

Male. A single associated male is known for only one species (wardi) and as such has been omitted from this work. Hung (1967) studied the male genitalia of Polyrhachis and noted that they proved to be quite similar throughout the genus.

Distribution and biology. The known distribution of the subgenus ranges from the islands of eastern Indonesia (Aru, Misool), across the New Guinean mainland and adjacent islands (Umboi) to the Bismarck Archipelago, including New Britain and New Ireland. Little is known about their biology and nesting habits, however, a small colony of P. dohrni was collected by the author from a dry hollow twig on a living tree at the edge of lowland rainforest. The internal walls of the twig cavity were lined with a little silk. The only other record of a nest is of P. wardi , collected by Dr Phil Ward, also from a dry twig of a rainforest tree. The colonies of both species were rather small, with only a few workers (5 and 11 respectively, including 2 and 3 alate queens and a single male). If such a nesting pattern is the norm for other species of the subgenus, that might explain the general scarcity of Aulacomyrma material even in the best collections. This might also account for the fact that all previously described species were based on unique specimens. In spite of the exemplary cooperation of the listed institutions, this situation has only marginally improved in this revision with almost half the new species described from single specimens.

not applicable
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Kohout, R. J., 2007, Revision of the subgenus Aulacomyrma Emery of the genus Polyrhachis F. Smith, with descriptions of new species., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 186-253, vol. 80
Kohout, R. J.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Plazi (legacy text)

Body more or less armed with spines. Antenna elongate, usually nearly as long as the body; labial palpi 4-jointed, the basal joint shortest, the three following, each in succession, longer than the preceding; the apical joint three times the length of the basal one. Maxillary palpi 6-jointed, elongate, the basal joint short, about half the length of the second joint, each of the following joints more than twice the length of the second joint. Thorax: subovate in the females; compressed and frequently flattened above in the workers; wings as in Formica ligniperda . Abdomen globose. (Details, Plate I.)

This genus of Ants, of which the Formica bihamata may be regarded as the type, forms a very distinct section of the Formicidae: the males I am not acquainted with. The habit of these insects is arboreal, as we learn from Mr. Jerdon, who, in his paper on Ants, in the Madras Journal, describes two species; of one, P. nidificans , he says, " This Ant makes a small nest about half an inch or rather more in diameter, of some papyraceous material, which it fixes on a leaf; I have opened two, each of which contained one female and eight or ten workers. It is veryrare; I have only seen it in Malabar." What can be the use of the formidable spines and hooks with which these creatures are armed, it is impossible to determine; on examination we find, as might be expected in species living on trees, and probably all have the same habit, that the legs are destitute of spines, and usually of pubescence also; the calcaria at the apex of the tibiae are very short, and the tips of the tarsal joints have very short spines and hairs.

The Polyrhachis textor , described in these papers, was captured with its nest, and was sent from Malacca by Mr. Wallace; the nest is nearly oval, not quite an inch in length, its shortest diameter being a little over half an inch; this nest is not of a papyraceous texture, but fibrous, formed, as it were, of a coarse network; the colonies must consequently be very small, as Mr. Jerdon says, consisting of only eight or ten individuals; but probably at the height of the season, when the males appear, the nests may be somewhat enlarged, as we know to be the case amongst the social Wasps.

Although these insects are usually rare, or at least seldom met with in collcetions, Mr. Wallace has captured no less than nineteen species in the East: from the New World I have only seen one or two, about four from Africa, and the same number from Australia.

not applicable
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Smith, F., 1857, Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace., Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, pp. 42-88, vol. 2
Smith, F.
النص الأصلي
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Plazi (legacy text)

4 ouvrieres, 2 [[queen]] et 2 [[male]] du releve F 43, Nion, foret sombre, terreau d' Elaeis. Proche de la precedente, mais probablement nouvelle. A reetudier, les collections et documents consultes laissant une incertitude sur les especes de ce groupe.

not applicable
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Bernard, F., 1953, La reserve naturelle integrale du Mt Nimba. XI. Hymenopteres Formicidae., Memoires de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire, pp. 165-270, vol. 19
Bernard, F.
النص الأصلي
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موقع الشريك
Plazi (legacy text)

Polyrhachis ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Polyrhachis is a genus of formicine ants found in the Old World with over 600 species.[2] The genus is yet to be comprehensively resolved and contains many varied species including nest-weavers (e.g. Polyrhachis dives), swimming workers (e.g. Polyrhachis sokolova), soil (e.g. Polyrhachis proxima) and tree-dwellers (e.g. Polyrhachis bicolor).

General morphology

Size: Workers range in size approx 5–10mm in length. Eyes developed, no ocelli. Antennae have 12 segments. Antennal insertions situated far from posterior margin of clypeus. Mesosoma of most species have spines on one or more of its pronotal, mesonotal or propodeal components. Petiole armed with spines or teeth. First gastral tergite well developed, longer in dorsal view than exposed parts of the following terga together. Opening at gastral apex for release of venom lacking a radial fringe of hairs.[3]


Polyrhachis species include an array of nesting types ranging from terrestrial, soil based nests to arboreal nests. As a result, the nest architectures also vary with some species displaying a high level of complexity to nest building, utilising larval silk to weave nest materials together. Such nest weaving is more commonly associated (and indeed more complex) in ants of the genus Oecophylla.

Polyrhachis do not have a stinger but an acidipore that can spray formic acid. When attacking, this is often sprayed in combination with biting thus making the acid more effective against the subject of the attack. Polyrhachis that do not possess a metapleural gland seem to utilise the antibiotic properties of their formic acid and when it cannot be used, ants are more likely to succumb to parasite infection [4]

Some species are found to be social parasites of different ant genera; Polyrachis lemalidens is a good example. They live in the Korean Peninsula, China and other parts of northeastern Asia. Their nuptial flight occurs during late September to late November depending on the climate. After flight queen dealates search for host colonies. Usually Camponotus japonicus is the host but especially in Korea, their main host is Camponotus atrox. Korean antkeepers say that they even take on to Formica japonica and Camponotus quadrinotatus. Once they find a host colony, they attack small workers hanging out and 'copying' their pheromones. After doing that multiple times to multiple ants, they sneak into the nest and keep 'copying.' Then whether they hibernate or not, they eventually go to the Host Queen's chamber. Then they become tiny vampires, literally. They take onto the queen, bites its neck subduing it, sucks blood, 'Copy' pheromone. And eventually and literally cuts the neck of the host queen. This process usually lasts for 2–4 days but can last over 2 weeks. After that is much the same to other social parasites.

Other species exhibiting social parasitism include Polyrhachis lama and Polyrhachis loweryi, which intrude other ants colonies of different subfamilies, some permanently living within the host colonies.[5][6][7]

Selected species


  1. ^ Bolton, B. (2014). "Polyrhachis". AntCat. Retrieved 17 July 2014.
  2. ^ "Genus: Polyrhachis". antweb.org. AntWeb. Retrieved 29 September 2013.
  3. ^ Hung, ACF (1967). "A Revision of the Ant Genus Polyrhachis at the Subgeneric Level (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)". Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 93 (4): 395–422.
  4. ^ Graystock, Peter; Hughes, William O. H. (2011). "Disease resistance in a weaver ant, Polyrhachis dives, and the role of antibiotic-producing glands". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65 (12): 2319–2327. doi:10.1007/s00265-011-1242-y. S2CID 23234351.
  5. ^ Iwai, H.; Mori, M.; Kono, N.; Tomita, M.; Arakawa, K. (2022). "Molecular Evidence of Chemical Disguise by the Socially Parasitic Spiny Ant Polyrhachis lamellidens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) When Invading a Host Colony". Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10: 915517. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.915517.
  6. ^ Maschwitz, U.; Go, C.; Dorow, W. H. O.; Buschinger, A.; Kohout, R. J. (2003). "Polyrhachis loweryi (Formicinae): A guest ant parasitizing Rhytidoponera sp. (Ponerinae) in Queensland, Australia". Insectes Sociaux. 50 (1): 69–76. doi:10.1007/s000400300011. S2CID 22494816.
  7. ^ "Polyrhachis lama, Biology". AntWiki. Retrieved 2022-07-24.

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wikipedia EN

Polyrhachis: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Polyrhachis is a genus of formicine ants found in the Old World with over 600 species. The genus is yet to be comprehensively resolved and contains many varied species including nest-weavers (e.g. Polyrhachis dives), swimming workers (e.g. Polyrhachis sokolova), soil (e.g. Polyrhachis proxima) and tree-dwellers (e.g. Polyrhachis bicolor).

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Polyrhachis ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Polyrhachis est un genre de fourmis de la sous-famille des Formicinae qui comprend plus de 600 espèces[1]. Le genre comprend de nombreuses espèces variées : des tisserands de nid (par exemple, Polyrhachis dives), des ouvrières nageuses (par exemple, Polyrhachis sokolova), habitant le sol (par exemple, Polyrhachis proxima) et les arbres (Polyrhachis bicolor).


Les ouvrières ont une longueur d'environ 5 à 10 millimètres. Les yeux sont développés, il n'y a pas d'ocelles. Les antennes ont 12 segments. Les insertions antennaires se situent loin de la marge postérieure du clypéus. Les mésosomes de la plupart des espèces ont des épines sur un ou plusieurs de ses composants pronotaux, mésonotaux ou propodéaux. Le pétiole est armé d'épines ou de dents. Le premier tergite gastral est bien développé, plus long sur la face dorsale que les parties exposées du terga suivant. L'ouverture à l'apex gastral permet la libération du venin vernissant une frange radiale de poils[2].


Polyrhachis se rencontre notamment en Afrique, en Asie et en Océanie.


Les espèces de Polyrhachis comprennent un éventail de types de nidification terrestres et arboricoles. En conséquence, les architectures de nid varient donc selon les espèces, affichant un haut niveau de complexité, en utilisant la soie larvaire pour tisser des matériaux de nidification ensemble.

Polyrhachis n'a pas de dard mais un acidopore peut pulvériser de l'acide formique. En cas d'attaqe, elle est souvent pulvérisée d'une manière qui rend l'acide plus efficace contre le sujet de l'attaque. Les Polyrhachis qui ne possèdent pas de glande métapleurale paraissent utiliser les propriétés antibiotiques de leur acide formique et, si elles ne peuvent pas l'utiliser, elles sont plus susceptibles de succomber à une infection parasitaire [3].

Certaines espèces sont des parasites sociaux à l'exemple de Polyrachis lamellidens qui vit dans la péninsule coréenne, en Chine et dans d'autres parties de l'Asie du Nord-Est. Le vol nuptial se déroule de fin septembre à fin novembre en fonction du climat. Après le vol, la reine s'occupe des colonies d'accueil. Habituellement Camponotus japonicus est l'hôte principal en Corée, l'hôte principal est sinon Camponotus atrox. Les chercheurs coréens affirment même qu'elle collabore avec Formica japonica et Camponotus quadrinotatus. Une fois qu'elles trouvent une colonie d'accueil, elles attaquent les ouvrières et imitent leurs phéromones. Après avoir fait cela plusieurs fois à plusieurs fourmis, elles se faufilent dans le nid et continuent à imiter. Ensuite, elles hibernent ou non, elles finissent par aller dans la chambre de la reine hôte. Elles s'emparent de la reine, lui mordent le cou, l'asservissent, aspirent le sang, copient la phéromone et enfin coupent le cou de la reine. Ce processus dure généralement de 2 à 4 jours, mais peut durer plus de 2 semaines.

Liste des espèces

Principales espèces


  1. a et b (en) « Genus: Polyrhachis », sur antweb.org (consulté le 26 juillet 2018)
  2. (en) Hung, ACF, « A Revision of the Ant Genus Polyrhachis at the Subgeneric Level (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) », Transactions of the American Entomological Society, vol. 93, no 4,‎ 1967, p. 395-422 (lire en ligne)
  3. (en) Graystock, Peter et Hughes, William O. H., « Disease resistance in a weaver ant, Polyrhachis dives, and the role of antibiotic-producing glands », Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 65, no 12,‎ décembre 2011, p. 2319–2327 (lire en ligne)

Source de la traduction

  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Polyrhachis: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Polyrhachis est un genre de fourmis de la sous-famille des Formicinae qui comprend plus de 600 espèces. Le genre comprend de nombreuses espèces variées : des tisserands de nid (par exemple, Polyrhachis dives), des ouvrières nageuses (par exemple, Polyrhachis sokolova), habitant le sol (par exemple, Polyrhachis proxima) et les arbres (Polyrhachis bicolor).

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Polyrhachis ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL


Polyrhachis is een geslacht van mieren uit de onderfamilie van de schubmieren (Formicinae).


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Polyrhachis: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Polyrhachis is een geslacht van mieren uit de onderfamilie van de schubmieren (Formicinae).

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Polyrhachis ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Polyrhachisrodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Formicinae.

Mrówki o ciele długości od 5 do 12 mm. Ich głowa jest wyposażona w długie czułki, u robotnic pozbawiona przyoczek. Najczęściej tułów i pomostek lub jedno z nich uzbrojone są w kolce. Gruczoły metapleuralne nie występują. Gaster ma pierwszy segment zajmujący co najmniej jego połowę i pierwszy tergit znacznie większy od drugiego. Brak w tym rodzaju wyraźnie zaznaczonego polimorfizmu[2].

Wiele gatunków jest nadrzewnych. Liczne używają do budowy gniazd jedwabiu wytwarzanego przez larwy[2].

Należy tu ponad 700 opisanych gatunków, w tym[3]:


  1. Polyrhachis, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b A.C.F. Hung. A Revision of the Ant Genus Polyrhachis at the Subgeneric Level (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). „Transactions of the American Entomological Society”. 93 (4), s. 395–422, 1967.
  3. Barry Bolton: Polyrhachis. W: An Online Catalog of the Ants of the World [on-line]. [dostęp 2017-06-14].
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Polyrhachis: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Polyrhachis – rodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Formicinae.

Mrówki o ciele długości od 5 do 12 mm. Ich głowa jest wyposażona w długie czułki, u robotnic pozbawiona przyoczek. Najczęściej tułów i pomostek lub jedno z nich uzbrojone są w kolce. Gruczoły metapleuralne nie występują. Gaster ma pierwszy segment zajmujący co najmniej jego połowę i pierwszy tergit znacznie większy od drugiego. Brak w tym rodzaju wyraźnie zaznaczonego polimorfizmu.

Wiele gatunków jest nadrzewnych. Liczne używają do budowy gniazd jedwabiu wytwarzanego przez larwy.

Należy tu ponad 700 opisanych gatunków, w tym:

Polyrhachis abnormis Donisthorpe, 1948 Polyrhachis abrupta Mayr, 1867 Polyrhachis aculeata Mayr, 1879 Polyrhachis aedipus Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis aenescens Stitz, 1910 Polyrhachis aerope Wheeler, 1922 Polyrhachis agesilas Forel, 1913 Polyrhachis albertisi Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis alexandri Karavaiev, 1906 Polyrhachis alexisi Forel, 1916 Polyrhachis alluaudi Emery, 1892 Polyrhachis alphea Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis alphena Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis amana Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis ammon Fabricius, 1775 Polyrhachis ammonoeides Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis andrei Emery, 1921 Polyrhachis andromache Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis angusta Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis annae Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis antennata Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis antoniae Stitz, 1911 Polyrhachis appendiculata Emery, 1893 Polyrhachis arachne Emery, 1896 Polyrhachis arcuata Le Guillou, 1842 Polyrhachis argenteosignata Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis argentosa Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis armata Le Guillou, 1842 Polyrhachis arnoldi Forel, 1914 Polyrhachis asomaningi Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis aspasia Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis atossa Forel, 1913 Polyrhachis atropos Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis atrovirens Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis aurea Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis aureovestita Donisthorpe, 1937 Polyrhachis auriformis Donisthorpe, 1943 Polyrhachis aurita Emery, 1911 Polyrhachis australis Mayr, 1870 Polyrhachis bakeri Viehmeyer, 1916 Polyrhachis bamaga Kohout, 1990 Polyrhachis banghaasi Viehmeyer, 1922 Polyrhachis barretti Clark, 1928 Polyrhachis basirufa Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis batesi Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis beauforti Emery, 1911 Polyrhachis beccarii Mayr, 1872 Polyrhachis bedoti Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis bellicosa Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis bicolor Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis bihamata Drury, 1773 Polyrhachis binghamii Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis biroi Forel, 1907 Polyrhachis bouvieri Santschi, 1928 Polyrhachis braxa Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis bubala Stitz, 1925 Polyrhachis bubastes Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis bugnioni Forel, 1908 Polyrhachis burmanensis Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis caeciliae Forel, 1912 Polyrhachis calliope Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis calypso Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis carbonaria Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis carinata Fabricius, 1804 Polyrhachis castaneiventris Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis caulomma Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis cedarensis Forel, 1915 Polyrhachis cephalotes Emery, 1893 Polyrhachis ceramensis Mayr, 1883 Polyrhachis chalybea Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis charaxa Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis chartifex Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis cheesmanae Donisthorpe, 1937 Polyrhachis cingula Donisthorpe, 1947 Polyrhachis clarkei Donisthorpe, 1949 Polyrhachis cleopatra Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis cleophanes Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis clio Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis clotho Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis coerulescens Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis compressicornis Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis concava Andre, 1889 Polyrhachis conops Forel, 1901 Polyrhachis consimilis Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis constricta Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis constructor Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis contemta Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis continua Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis convexa Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis cornuta Stitz, 1910 Polyrhachis coronata Santschi, 1928 Polyrhachis craddocki Bingham, 1903 Polyrhachis crassispinosa Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis crawleyi Forel, 1916 Polyrhachis creusa Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis croceiventris Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis cryptoceroides Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis cubaensis Mayr, 1862 Polyrhachis cupreata Emery, 1895 Polyrhachis curta Emery, 1890 Polyrhachis cyaniventris Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis cyrtomyrmoides Donisthorpe, 1947 Polyrhachis cyrus Forel, 1901 Polyrhachis daemeli Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis dahlii Forel, 1901 Polyrhachis daphne Wheeler, 1919 Polyrhachis davydovi Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis debilis Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis decellei Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis decemdentata Andre, 1889 Polyrhachis delicata Crawley, 1915 Polyrhachis demangei Santschi, 1910 Polyrhachis dentata Donisthorpe, 1947 Polyrhachis denticulata Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis derecyna Smith, 1871 Polyrhachis diana Wheeler, 1909 Polyrhachis diaphanta Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis diotima Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis distincta Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis dives Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis doddi Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis dohrni Forel, 1901 Polyrhachis dolichocephala Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis dolomedes Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis dorsorugosa Forel, 1913 Polyrhachis durbanensis Forel, 1914 Polyrhachis durvillei Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis edwardi Donisthorpe, 1948 Polyrhachis elii Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis emeryana Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis emmae Santschi, 1920 Polyrhachis equina Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis erato Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis eremita Kohout, 1990 Polyrhachis erosispina Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis esarata Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis escherichi Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis etheli Chapman, 1963 Polyrhachis eudora Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis euryala Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis eurynota Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis euterpe Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis exarata Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis excellens Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis excisa Mayr, 1867 Polyrhachis exercita Walker, 1859 Polyrhachis exotica Kohout, 1987 Polyrhachis femorata Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis fervens Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis fissa Mayr, 1902 Polyrhachis flavibasis Clark, 1930 Polyrhachis flavicornis Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis flavoflagellata Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis follicula Menozzi, 1926 Polyrhachis foreli Kohout, 1989 Polyrhachis fornicata Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis fortis Emery, 1893 Polyrhachis frauenfeldi Mayr, 1862 Polyrhachis fruhstorferi Emery, 1898 Polyrhachis fulgens Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis furcata Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis furcula Emery, 1911 Polyrhachis fuscipes Mayr, 1862 Polyrhachis gab Forel, 1879 Polyrhachis gagates Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis gamaii Santschi, 1917 Polyrhachis geminata Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis geometrica Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis gestroi Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis gibba Emery, 1901 Polyrhachis glabrinota Clark, 1930 Polyrhachis glykera Forel, 1912 Polyrhachis gracilior Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis grandis Donisthorpe, 1949 Polyrhachis gravis Clark, 1930 Polyrhachis greensladei Kohout, 1990 Polyrhachis gribodoi Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis guerini Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis halidayi Emery, 1889 Polyrhachis hastata Latreille, 1802 Polyrhachis hauxwelli Bingham, 1903 Polyrhachis hector Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis heinlethii Forel, 1895 Polyrhachis hemiopticoides Mukerjee, 1930 Polyrhachis hera Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis hermione Emery, 1895 Polyrhachis hexacantha Erichson, 1842 Polyrhachis hippomanes Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis hirsuta Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis hirta Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis hodgsoni Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis hookeri Lowne, 1865 Polyrhachis horacei Hung, 1967 Polyrhachis horni Emery, 1901 Polyrhachis hostilis Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis hungi Bolton, 1974 Polyrhachis ignota Kohout, 1987 Polyrhachis illaudata Walker, 1859 Polyrhachis inclusa Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis inconspicua Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis indificans Jerdon, 1851 Polyrhachis inermis Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis insularis Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis inusitata Kohout, 1989 Polyrhachis io Forel, 1915 Polyrhachis isacantha Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis ithona Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis jacksoniana Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis jacobsoni Forel, 1909 Polyrhachis jerdonii Forel, 1892 Polyrhachis jianghuaensis Wang & Wu, 1991 Polyrhachis jurii Karavaiev, 1935 Polyrhachis kaipi Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis karawaiewi Santschi, 1928 Polyrhachis keratifera Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis khepra Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis labella Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis laboriosa Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis lachesis Forel, 1897 Polyrhachis laciniata Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis lacteipennis Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis laevigata Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis laevissima Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis lama Kohout, 1994 Polyrhachis lamellidens Smith, 1874 Polyrhachis laminata Mayr, 1867 Polyrhachis lanuginosa Santschi, 1910 Polyrhachis lata Emery, 1895 Polyrhachis latharis Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis latinota Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis latispina Emery, 1925 Polyrhachis latona Wheeler, 1909 Polyrhachis latreillei Guérin-Méneville, 1838 Polyrhachis lauta Santschi, 1910 Polyrhachis leae Forel, 1913 Polyrhachis leonidas Forel, 1901 Polyrhachis leopoldi Santschi, 1932 Polyrhachis lestoni Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis levior Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis lilianae Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis limbata Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis limitis Santschi, 1939 Polyrhachis linae Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis lombokensis Emery, 1898 Polyrhachis longipes Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis loriai Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis loweryi Kohout, 1990 Polyrhachis lownei Forel, 1895 Polyrhachis lucens Donisthorpe, 1947 Polyrhachis luctuosa Emery, 1921 Polyrhachis lugens Mayr, 1867 Polyrhachis lycidas Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis lydiae Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis machaon Santschi, 1920 Polyrhachis mackayi Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis macropa Wheeler, 1916 Polyrhachis maculata Forel, 1915 Polyrhachis magnifica Menozzi, 1926 Polyrhachis malaensis Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis marginata Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis medusa Forel, 1897 Polyrhachis melpomene Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis menelas Forel, 1904 Polyrhachis menozzii Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis metella Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis micans Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis militaris Fabricius, 1782 Polyrhachis mindanaensis Emery, 1923 Polyrhachis mitrata Menozzi, 1932 Polyrhachis mjobergi Forel, 1915 Polyrhachis modesta Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis moeschi Forel, 1912 Polyrhachis moesta Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis mondoi Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis monista Santschi, 1910 Polyrhachis montana Hung, 1970 Polyrhachis mucronata Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis muelleri Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis murina Emery, 1893 Polyrhachis mystica Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis neptunus Smith, 1865 Polyrhachis nigra Mayr, 1862 Polyrhachis nigrescens Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis nigriceps Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis nigrita Mayr, 1895 Polyrhachis nigropilosa Mayr, 1872 Polyrhachis nitens Donisthorpe, 1943 Polyrhachis nitida Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis nofra Bolton, 1975 Polyrhachis nudata Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis numeria Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis obscura Forel, 1895 Polyrhachis obtusa Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis ochracea Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis oedacantha Wheeler, 1919 Polyrhachis olena Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis olybria Forel, 1912 Polyrhachis omyrmex Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis opalescens Clark, 1930 Polyrhachis ops Forel, 1907 Polyrhachis ornata Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis orpheus Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis orsylla Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis osae Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis osiris Bolton, 1975 Polyrhachis otleti Forel, 1916 Polyrhachis pallescens Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis pallipes Donisthorpe, 1948 Polyrhachis parabiotica Chapman, 1963 Polyrhachis paracamponota Wang & Wu, 1991 Polyrhachis paromala Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis patiens Santschi, 1920 Polyrhachis paxilla Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis pellita Menozzi, 1922 Polyrhachis penelope Forel, 1895 Polyrhachis peregrina Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis personata Wheeler, 1919 Polyrhachis phalerata Menozzi, 1926 Polyrhachis phidias Forel, 1910 Polyrhachis philippinensis Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis phryne Forel, 1907 Polyrhachis piliventris Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis pilosa Donisthorpe, 1938 Polyrhachis plato Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis platynota Stitz, 1933 Polyrhachis platyomma Emery, 1921 Polyrhachis polymnia Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis porcata Emery, 1921 Polyrhachis pressa Mayr, 1862 Polyrhachis prometheus Santschi, 1920 Polyrhachis proxima Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis pruinosa Mayr, 1872 Polyrhachis pseudothrinax Hung, 1967 Polyrhachis pubescens Mayr, 1879 Polyrhachis punctata Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis punctillata Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis punctiventris Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis pyrgops Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis pyrrhus Forel, 1910 Polyrhachis queenslandica Emery, 1895 Polyrhachis ralumensis Forel, 1901 Polyrhachis rastellata Latreille, 1802 Polyrhachis reclinata Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis regesa Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis regularis Mayr, 1867 Polyrhachis relucens Latreille, 1802 Polyrhachis rere Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis restituta Viehmeyer, 1913 Polyrhachis retrorsa Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis revoili Andre, 1887 Polyrhachis rhea Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis ridleyi Forel, 1912 Polyrhachis rixosa Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis rossi Donisthorpe, 1948 Polyrhachis rotumana Wilson & Taylor, 1967 Polyrhachis rotundiceps Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis rowlandi Forel, 1910 Polyrhachis rubigastrica Wu & Wang, 1991 Polyrhachis rubiginosa Le Guillou, 1842 Polyrhachis ruficornis Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis rufifemur Forel, 1907 Polyrhachis rufipalpis Santschi, 1910 Polyrhachis rufipes Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis rufofemorata Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis rugifrons Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis rupicapra Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis rustica Kohout, 1990 Polyrhachis saevissima Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis saigonensis Forel, 1886 Polyrhachis salomo Forel, 1910 Polyrhachis santschii Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis sappho Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis scabra Kohout, 1987 Polyrhachis scapulata Santschi, 1932 Polyrhachis schang Forel, 1879 Polyrhachis schenckii Forel, 1886 Polyrhachis schistacea Gerstaecker, 1859 Polyrhachis schizospina Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis schlueteri Forel, 1886 Polyrhachis schoopae Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis schwiedlandi Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis scissa Roger, 1862 Polyrhachis sculpta Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis sculpturata Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis scutulata Smith, 1859 Polyrhachis semiaurata Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis semiobscura Donisthorpe, 1944 Polyrhachis semipolita Andre, 1896 Polyrhachis senilis Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis sericata Guerin-Meneville, 1831 Polyrhachis sericeopubescens Donisthorpe, 1941 Polyrhachis sexspinosa Latreille, 1802 Polyrhachis sidnica Mayr, 1866 Polyrhachis similis Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis simillima Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis smithi Emery, 1901 Polyrhachis sokolova Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis solivaga Menozzi, 1926 Polyrhachis solmsi Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis sophocles Forel, 1908 Polyrhachis sparaxes Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis spengeli Forel, 1912 Polyrhachis spinicola Forel, 1894 Polyrhachis spinifera Stitz, 1911 Polyrhachis spinigera Mayr, 1879 Polyrhachis spinosa Mayr, 1867 Polyrhachis spitteleri Forel, 1916 Polyrhachis splendens Santschi, 1932 Polyrhachis starri Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis stigmatifera Kohout, 1990 Polyrhachis stitzi Santschi, 1928 Polyrhachis storki Kohout, 2008 Polyrhachis striata Mayr, 1862 Polyrhachis striatorugosa Mayr, 1862 Polyrhachis stricta Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis strictifrons Emery, 1898 Polyrhachis strumosa Kohout, 2006 Polyrhachis stylifera Karavaiev, 1935 Polyrhachis subaenescens Viehmeyer, 1912 Polyrhachis subcyanea Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis subfossa Viehmeyer, 1913 Polyrhachis subfossoides Karavaiev, 1927 Polyrhachis submarginata Rigato, 2016 Polyrhachis subpilosa Emery, 1895 Polyrhachis subtridens Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis sukarmani Kohout, 2007 Polyrhachis sulang Kohout, 200 Polyrhachis sulawesiensis Kohout, 2008 Polyrhachis sulcata Andre, 1895 Polyrhachis sulcifera Kohout, 2007 Polyrhachis sylvicola Jerdon, 1851 Polyrhachis tambourinensis Forel, 1915 Polyrhachis tanami Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis tapini Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis taylori Kohout, 1988 Polyrhachis templi Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis tenebra Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis terminata Rigato, 2016 Polyrhachis ternatae Karavaiev, 1933 Polyrhachis terpsichore Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis tersa Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis textor Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis thailandica Kohout, 2006 Polyrhachis thais Forel, 1910 Polyrhachis thompsoni Bingham, 1903 Polyrhachis thrinax Roger, 1863 Polyrhachis thusnelda Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis tianjingshanensis Quin & Zhou, 2008 Polyrhachis tibialis Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis tragos Stitz, 1925 Polyrhachis transiens Bolton, 1973 Polyrhachis trapezoidea Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis triaena Wheeler, 1919 Polyrhachis tricuspis Andre, 1887 Polyrhachis trina Donisthorpe, 1944 Polyrhachis trispinosa Smith, 1861 Polyrhachis tristis Mayr, 1867 Polyrhachis trophima Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis tschu Forel, 1879 Polyrhachis tubericeps Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis tuberosa Kohout, 2006 Polyrhachis tubifera Forel, 1902 Polyrhachis tubifex Karavaiev, 1926 Polyrhachis turneri Forel, 1895 Polyrhachis tyrannica Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis ugiensis Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis ulysses Forel, 1910 Polyrhachis umboi Kohout, 2007 Polyrhachis uncaria Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis undulata Kohout, 2006 Polyrhachis unicornis Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis unicuspis Emery, 1898 Polyrhachis vanachterbergi Kohout, 2008 Polyrhachis varicolor Viehmeyer, 1916 Polyrhachis variegata Kohout, 2007 Polyrhachis venus Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis vermiculosa Mayr, 1876 Polyrhachis vernoni Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis vestita Smith, 1860 Polyrhachis viehmeyeri Emery, 1921 Polyrhachis vigilans Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis villipes Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis villosa Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis vindex Smith, 1857 Polyrhachis viola Zettel, 2013 Polyrhachis violaceonigra Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis viscosa Smith, 1858 Polyrhachis vitalisi Santschi, 1920 Polyrhachis volkarti Forel, 1916 Polyrhachis wagneri Viehmeyer, 1914 Polyrhachis waigeuensis Donisthorpe, 1943 Polyrhachis wallacei Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis wamuki Kohout, 2007 Polyrhachis wardi Kohout, 2007 Polyrhachis watanasiti Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis weiri Kohout, 2013 Polyrhachis weissi Santschi, 1910 Polyrhachis wellmani Forel, 1909 Polyrhachis wheeleri Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis widodoi Kohout, 2006 Polyrhachis wilmsi Forel, 1910 Polyrhachis wilsoni Kohout, 2007 Polyrhachis wolfi Forel, 1912 Polyrhachis wroughtonii Forel, 1894 Polyrhachis xanthippe Forel, 1911 Polyrhachis xiphias Smith, 1863 Polyrhachis yarrabahensis Forel, 1915 Polyrhachis yerburyi Forel, 1893 Polyrhachis yorkana Forel, 1915 Polyrhachis ypsilon Emery, 1887 Polyrhachis zhengi Zhou & Huang, 2002 Polyrhachis zimmerae Clark, 1941 Polyrhachis zopyra Smith, 1861
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wikipedia POL

Polyrhachis ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Polyrhachis é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.[1]



  1. «Polyrhachis». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 20 de agosto de 2019
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wikipedia PT

Polyrhachis: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Polyrhachis é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.

حقوق النشر
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
wikipedia PT

Полирахис ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
Polyrhachis bihamata спереди
Polyrhachis taylori сбоку

Полирахис[1] (лат. Polyrhachis) — род муравьёв, из подсемейства формицины, включающий тропические и субтропические виды, специализированные к обитанию на деревьях. Около 600 видов[2].


Встречаются в тропиках и субтропиках (пантропический ареал): Австралия, Африка, южная Азия. Два вида встречаются в палеарктике. Отсутствуют в Европе и Америке.


Муравьи среднего размера (5—15 мм) с шипиками на теле (на грудке и петиоле).


Ведут древесный образ жизни, некоторые используют шёлк, выделяемый личинками для постройки гнезд (также как и муравьи-ткачи). Обнаружен плавающий вид Polyrhachis sokolova, способный выживать под водой в мангровых зарослях во время приливов[3]. Личинки и куколки молевидных бабочек рода Niphopyralis (Pyralidae, Lepidoptera) живут в гнёздах муравьёв родов Oecophylla и Polyrhachis[4].


Относится к трибе Camponotini, в которой является вторым по числу видов родом после Кампонотус (Camponotus). Разными авторами выделялось до 20 подродов[5]. Молекулярные данные (Mezger and Moreau, 2016) подтвердили монофилию рода Polyrhachis и некоторых из его 13 признаваемых подродов. Однако, обнаружено: что Campomyrma Wheeler включает две отчётливые клады; и то что границы подрода Hagiomyrma Wheeler остались неясными в этом анализе; что подрод Myrma Billberg может трактоваться как одна или как две клады; что подрод Myrmhopla Forel не монофилетичен, как ранее предполагалось. Биогеографический анализ показал эволюцию рода Polyrhachis и его происхождение из Юго-Восточной Азии, с возрастом корневой группы Polyrhachis около 58 млн лет. Проникновение их из Ю.-В. Азии в Австралию происходило несколько раз, но только однажды они проникли в Африку около 26 млн лет[6].

Состав по данным 2016 года (623 вида)[6]:


В мировой фауне около 600 видов[10][11]. На Филиппинах — около 100[2], на о.Сулавеси (Индонезия) — 84 вида[11]. Для Афротропики указан 61 вид (Rigato, 2016)[12]. В Палеарктике известно два вида.

Виды Палеарктики

Другие виды

Виды Сулавеси


  • Bolton B. A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. — Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995. — 504 с.


  1. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 298. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  2. 1 2 3 Sorger, D. M. & Zettel, H. Polyrhachis (Myrma) cyaniventris F. Smith, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and a related new ant species from the Philippines (англ.) // Zootaxa : Журнал. — Auckland, New Zealand: Magnolia Press, 2009. — Vol. 2174. — P. 27-37: 33-36. — ISSN 1175-5326.
  3. Scientists discover swimming ants, ABC News (12 марта 2006). Архивировано 13 марта 2006 года.
  4. Crambidae на сайте Pyraloidea.org (англ.)
  5. Hung, A. C. F. A revision of the ant genus Polyrhachis at the subgeneric level (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (англ.) // Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. : Журнал. — 1967. — Vol. 93. — P. 395-422.
  6. 1 2 Dirk Mezger and Corrie S. Moreau. (2016). Out of South-East Asia: phylogeny and biogeography of the spiny ant genus Polyrhachis Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).Systematic Entomology. Volume 41, Issue 2, pages 369—378, April 2016.
  7. Kohout, R.J. (2007) Revision of the subgenus Aulacomyrma Emery of the genus Polyrhachis F. Smith, with descriptions of new species. In: Snelling, R.R., Fisher, B.L. & Ward, P.S. (Eds), Advances in ant systematics: homage to E.O. Wilson — 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 80, 186—253.
  8. Kohout, R.J. (2006) Review of Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) Forel of Australia, Borneo, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands with descriptions of new species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 52, 87-146.
  9. Kohout, R.J. 2010: A review of the Australian Polyrhachis ants of the subgenera Myrmhopla Forel and Hirtomyrma subgen. nov. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum — Nature, 55(1): 167—204.
  10. Bolton, B. (1973). The ant genus Polyrhachis F. Smith in the Ethiopian region. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), 28, 283—369. http://dx.doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.11170
  11. 1 2 Kohout, R.J. (2008). A review of the Polyrhachis ants of Sulawesi with keys and descriptions of new species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 52(2): 255—317. Brisbane, ISSN 00798835
  12. 1 2 Fabrizio Rigato. The ant genus Polyrhachis F. Smith in sub-Saharan Africa, with descriptions of ten new species. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (англ.) // Zootaxa : Журнал. — Auckland, New Zealand: Magnolia Press, 2016. — Vol. 4088, no. 1. — ISSN 1175-5326. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4088.1.1 (Описаны 10 новых видов: P. gibbula n. sp. и P. omissa n. sp. из группы viscosa-group; P. brevipilosa n. sp., P. dubia n. sp., P. longiseta n. sp., P. luteipes n. sp., P. submarginata n. sp., и P. terminata n. sp. из группы revoili-group; P. doudou n. sp. и P. fisheri n. sp. из группы militaris-group. Также, P. epinotalis Santschi и P. kohli Forel восстановлены из синонимии с видами P. militaris (Fabr.) и P. volkarti Forel соответственно. Описан тип P. cubaensis Mayr, что изменило интерпретацию этого таксона и привело к восстановлению двух его синонимов, P. gerstaeckeri Forel и P. wilmsi Forel stat. n.)
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Полирахис (лат. Polyrhachis) — род муравьёв, из подсемейства формицины, включающий тропические и субтропические виды, специализированные к обитанию на деревьях. Около 600 видов.

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wikipedia русскую Википедию