Title: Tibetexpedition, Erlegter Blauschafwidder. Original caption: For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Kanch, erbeuteter Blauschafwidder. Archive description: Description provided by the archive when the original description is incomplete or wrong. You can help by reporting errors and typos at
Commons:Bundesarchiv/Error reports. Blauschaf, Bharal. Depicted place: Tibetexpedition. Date: 1938. Photographer:
Ernst Schäfer (1910–1992)
. Description: German zoologist Leiter der Deutschen Tibet-Expedition Ernst Schäfer (1938/39), SS-Sturmbannführer, Leiter des Sven-Hedin-Institutes. Date of birth/death: 14 March 1910: 21 July 1992. Location of birth/death:
Bad Bevensen.
Authority control:
Q63962 VIAF:
109634329 ISNI:
0000 0001 1082 1329 LCCN:
nb2003086803 GND:
123991420 SUDOC:
128068450 WorldCat. Institution:
German Federal Archives .
. Native name: Das Bundesarchiv. Location:
Koblenz (headquarters). Coordinates:
50° 20′ 33″ N, 7° 34′ 21″ E . Established: 1952. Website:
www.bundesarchiv.de. Authority control:
Q685753 VIAF:
137346469 ISNI:
0000 0001 2166 2802 LCCN:
n92025526 NLA:
36455393 GND:
39454-3 WorldCat. Sven-Hedin-Institut für Innerasienforschung (Bild 135). Accession number:
Bild 135-S-06-24-35. Source:
: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the
German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a
cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the
Digital Image Archive..