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""Above bright green, with transverse darker bands, and irregularly spotted white. Limbs barred brown and spotted white. Beneath pinkish white. Body oval. Total length about 2 1/4 inches...This frog, too, changes its green colour into a purplish brown, the transverse bands become brown, but the white spots are always present." (Kelaart 1853).This species was described as Polypedates stellata by Kelaart (1853), who diagnosed the genus as having large discs and incomplete webbing. Bossuyt anbd Dubois (2001) point out that the combination of characters places this species as a member of the current subfamily Rhacophorinae. No known Sri Lankan Polypedates is green, but some Sri Lankan Pseudophilautus and Kirtixalus are green or greenish (Bossuyt and Dubois 2001). The SVL of 57 mm described by Kelaart (1853) is larger than any known Sri Lankan Pseudophilautus, although several Sri Lankan Kirtixalus reach or exceed that size, leading Bossuyt and Dubois (2001) to propose that this species is actually a member of the genus Kirtixalus. Bossuyt and Dubois (2001) also suggested that since many new Sri Lankan species of Kirtixalus remain to be described, the name Pseudophilautus stellatus should be used to describe another species from the Nuwara Eliya area, with characters matching those of Kelaart's (1853) description, and that a neotype be collected. Since the holotype cannot be found, Manamendra and Pethiyagoda (2005) have instead put forward that Pseudophilautus stellatus should be considered a valid, extinct species, and that another name be used for any similar species.In 2013, L.J. Mendis Wickramasinghe and colleagues announced its rediscovery nearly 160 years later; these striking individuals were found in inaccessible, high elevation cloud forests in the Peak Wilderness of Sripada World Heritage Site. Despite being found in a protected area, the area is suffering from forest dieback, expanding tea plantations, illegal mining and the expansion of invasive species, so it continued survival is not assured. The study recommends listing the species as "Critically Endangered" (Wickramasinghe et al 2013)."
- Kelaart, E. F. (1853). Prodromus Faunae Zeylanicae: being Contributions to the Zoology of Ceylon. Self-published by E. F. Kelaart, Colombo.
- Wickramasinghe, L. J. M., Vidanapathirana, D.R., Airyarathne, S., Rajeev, G., Chanaka, A., Pastorini, J., Chathuranga, G., And Wickramasinghe, N. (2013). ''Lost and found: One of the world's most elusive amphibians, Pseudophilautus stellatus (Kelaart 1853) rediscovered.'' Zootaxa, 3620(1), 112-128.
Distribution and Habitat
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This species was found in Sri Lanka, at the type locality of Nuwara Eliya (Stuart et al. 2008).
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
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Known only from the lost holotype. Pseudophilautus stellatus has not been recorded since its description (Kelaart 1853) despite extensive searches and is presumed extinct. It is believed to have been a direct developer, like other species in the genus Pseudophilautus (Stuart et al. 2008).
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
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Habitat loss is likely to have been the major factor leading to the population decrease and eventual extinction of this species (Stuart et al 2008).
Philautus stellatus: Brief Summary
المقدمة من wikipedia CA
Philautus stellatus és una espècie extinta de granota de la família del racofòrids. Només es coneix de la localitat tipus, Nuwara Eliya, al sud-oest de Sri Lanka. No s'ha trobat cap exemplar des del 1853 més enllà de l'holotip. Inspeccions recents en aquesta localitat no han aconseguit trobar l'espècie.
Es desconeix l'hàbitat i la biologia de l'espècie. No es coneixen les causes de l'extinció, encara que es creu que podria haver estat causada per la pèrdua de l'hàbitat.
Pseudophilautus stellatus
المقدمة من wikipedia EU
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Pseudophilautus stellatus: Brief Summary
المقدمة من wikipedia EU
Pseudophilautus stellatus Pseudophilautus generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Rhacophoridae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.
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Philautus stellatus: Brief Summary
المقدمة من wikipedia VI
Pseudophilautus stellatus là một loài ếch đã tuyệt chủng trong họ Rhacophoridae. Chúng là loài đặc hữu của Sri Lanka.
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