
Distribution and Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

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Eastern Australia. From the Conondale/Blackall Ranges in south-eastern Queensland to eastern Victoria.The extent of occurrence of the species is approximately 442200 km2
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Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( الإنجليزية )

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A wide variety of habitats from dry closed forest, woodlands to grassland and even in disturbed habitats. Most commonly found near water (ponds, lagoons, lakes and dams) but may also be found in dry depressions that flood in winter or spring.Breeds in spring and summer. Males call from the ground or in low vegetation near water. Eggs are laid scattered and attached to submerged vegetation.
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Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( الإنجليزية )

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No known declines and extent of occurrence > 20,000km2.ThreatsExpanding development in south-eastern Queensland and mid-eastern New South Wales.Conservation MeasuresNone in place.
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Associations ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors
Parasitised by Batrachomyia strigapes which is also known as Batrachomyia strigipes (Diptera) . The fly larvae is hosted under the parotoid gland - and interestingly more often on the left side.
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Uperoleia laevigata ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Uperoleia laevigata és una espècie de granota que viu a Austràlia.


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Uperoleia laevigata: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Uperoleia laevigata és una espècie de granota que viu a Austràlia.

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Smooth toadlet ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The smooth toadlet (Uperoleia laevigata) is a species of Australian ground-dwelling frog native to the coast and west of the ranges of south-east Queensland, all of eastern New South Wales and north-eastern Victoria.


The smooth toadlet reaches 35mm in length. It is grey-brown to olive-brown above often with darker spots and blotches. There is normally a pale triangular patch on the head in front of the eyes and a pale yellow patch in the armpit. It has prominent parotoid glands. Its belly is white and there is a red patch in the thighs.

Ecology and behaviour

This frog is associated with dry forest, sclerophyll forest and cleared grassland/farmland along the coast, slopes and ranges. Males make a drawn out "arrrrk" call from around the breeding site, this can be anything from a large permanent dam to a flooded ditch or grassland. Calling males can be right at the waters edge to up to 20 metres away. Calling occurs from spring to autumn. After heavy rain many of these frogs may breed in one or two weeks, when in drier times the breeding site may appear absent of this species.

Similar species

This species is very similar to two other Uperoleia species, the dusky toadlet, (Uperoleia fusca) and the Tyler's toadlet, (Uperoleia tyleri). There are however some ways to tell them apart.

The white ventral surface of the smooth toadlet
The flecked ventral surface of the dusky toadlet

The smooth toadlet has a white belly, occasionally with a few spots of black, while the dusky toadlets belly is white with many dark spots and flecks, almost covering the entire ventral surface, the Tyler's toadlet has a fully pigmented underbelly of dark blue/black colour. Male smooth toadlets may have a dark throat, however the belly will still be white.

The dark ventral surface of the Tyler's toadlet

In all three of these species there is a red/orange/yellow patch in the thigh, back of legs and behind the knee. In the smooth toadlet this patch is quite large and is almost always red, it can however be orange but is not yellow. In the dusky toadlet this colour patch is more reduced and is almost always orange, but can be red and occasionally yellow. In the Tyler's toadlet this patch is rarely anything other than yellow.

Each of these species has a different but similar call the dusky toadlet has a short "arrk", the smooth toadlet has a slightly longer and deeper "arrrk", while the Tyler's toadlet has the deepest and most elongated "arrrrk".

Sydney is the collision point of the 3 species, however around Sydney there is only smooth toadlets, just north of Sydney there are dusky toadlet and just south of Sydney there are Tyler's toadlets, the smooth toadlet occurs throughout much of the Tyler's toadlet and dusky toadlet's range.


  • Frogs Australia Network-frog call available here.
  • Robinson, M. 2002. A Field Guide to Frogs of Australia. Australian Museum/Reed New Holland: Sydney.
  • Anstis, M. 2002. Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia. Reed New Holland: Sydney.
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Smooth toadlet: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The smooth toadlet (Uperoleia laevigata) is a species of Australian ground-dwelling frog native to the coast and west of the ranges of south-east Queensland, all of eastern New South Wales and north-eastern Victoria.

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Uperoleia laevigata ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Uperoleia laevigata[2][3][4]​ es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Myobatrachidae.

Distribución geográfica

Esta especie es endémica del este de Australia. Habita en el sureste de Queensland, este de Victoria y este de Nueva Gales del Sur.[5]


Uperoleia laevigata mide unos 35 mm de largo. Su parte posterior varía de marrón grisáceo a marrón verdoso con manchas frecuentemente más oscuras. Su cabeza suele tener una marca triangular pálida. Sus axilas están marcadas con amarillo y la parte superior de sus muslos son rojizos. Su vientre es blanco.

Publicación original

  • Keferstein, 1867 : Über einige neue oder seltene Batrachier aus Australien und dem tropischen Amerika. Nachrichten von der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, vol. 18, p. 341-361[6]


  1. IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group. (2018). «Uperoleia laevigata». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2018.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 5 de mayo de 2019.
  2. Catalogue of Life : Uperoleia laevigata (Keferstein, 1867) Consultado el 5 de mayo de 2019
  3. Animal Diversity Web : Uperoleia laevigata especie de anfibio anuro Consultado el 5 de mayo de 2019
  4. ITIS : Uperoleia laevigata especie de anfibio anuro Consultado el 5 de mayo de 2019
  5. AmphibiaWeb : Uperoleia laevigata (Keferstein, 1867) Consultado el 5 de mayo de 2019
  6. Amphibian Species of the World: Uperoleia laevigata (Keferstein, 1867) Consultado el 5 de mayo de 2019
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Uperoleia laevigata: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Uperoleia laevigata​​​ es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Myobatrachidae.

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Uperoleia laevigata ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Uperoleia laevigata Uperoleia generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Myobatrachidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.


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Uperoleia laevigata: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Uperoleia laevigata Uperoleia generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Myobatrachidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.

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Uperoleia laevigata ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Uperoleia laevigata est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Myobatrachidae[1].



Cette espèce est endémique de l'Est de l'Australie. Elle se rencontre dans le sud-est du Queensland, dans l'est du Victoria et dans l'est de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud[1],[2].


Uperoleia laevigata, face ventrale.

Uperoleia laevigata mesure environ 35 mm. Son dos varie du brun gris au brun verdâtre avec fréquemment des taches plus foncées. Sa tête présente habituellement une marque triangulaire pâle. Ses aisselles sont marquées de jaune et le haut de ses cuisses de rougeâtre. Son ventre est blanc.

Publication originale

  • Keferstein, 1867 : Über einige neue oder seltene Batrachier aus Australien und dem tropischen Amerika. Nachrichten von der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, vol. 18, p. 341-361 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

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Uperoleia laevigata: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Uperoleia laevigata est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Myobatrachidae.

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