Kobus vardonii, commonly refered to as puku, are primarily found south of the Equator between 0 and 20 degrees and between 20 and 40 degrees east of the Prime Meridian. Recent research described puku as being found in Angola, Botswana, Katanga, Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia. Populations were estimated at 54,600 Puku within Tanzania and 21,000 in Zambia. Nearly two-thirds live in the Kilombero Valley of Tanzania. Other countries in which they exist have much smaller populations. In Botswana there are less than 100 remaining, and their numbers are falling. Due to dimishing habitat, many puku have been relocated into national parks; nearly one-third of their population is now located in protected areas.
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
If threatened, puku emit a repeated whistle which is used to warn others. Aside from natural predation from leopards and lions, puku are also in danger of humans. Humans cause unsustainable hunting and habitat loss. Grasslands that puku prefer are increasingly invaded by livestock and human settlement each year.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: aposematic
Puku are a medium-sized antelopes. Their fur is approximately 32 mm in length, with varying colors. The majority of their fur is golden yellow, the forehead is browner in color than elsewhere on the body and they have white fur near the eyes and under the belly, neck, and upper lip. Their tails have long hairs towards the tip and lack of bushiness. This distinguishes K. vardonii from other, similar antelope species.
Puku are sexually dimorphic. Males have horns and the females do not. The horns are lyre-shaped and strongly ridged for two-thirds of their length and smooth towards the tips. Females are also significantly smaller in mass, weighing an average of 66 kg, while males weigh an average of 77 kg. Puku have small face glands. Territorial males have significantly larger neck girths on average than bachelor males. Territorial and bachelor males can be identified by glandular secretions on the neck. Territorial males excrete more hormones from their neck than bachelor males. Territorial males use their glandular secretions to spread their scent over their territory. This scent warns other males that they are intruding on anothers territory. Neck patches do not appear in territorial males until they have already established their territories. Neck patches only appear between the months of May and November. Puku also have well-developed inguinal pouches that are 40 to 80mm deep.
Range mass: 60 to 92 kg.
Average mass: 75 kg.
Range length: 126 to 142 cm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: male larger; ornamentation
Kobus varondii individuals have been estimated to live up to 17 years in the wild.
Typical lifespan
Status: wild: 17 (high) years.
Puku are found in grasslands, savannas, and river floodplains. Seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation influence mating and movements of pukus. For example, in wet seasons populations tend to move to higher elevations due to flooding. During dry seasons they remain near watercourses.
Range elevation: 900 to 1550 m.
Average elevation: 1000 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland
Other Habitat Features: riparian
Puku communicate primarily by whistling. Regardless of sex or age, they whistle to alarm others of incoming predators. Young puku whistle to gain the attention of their mother.
Territorial males rub their horns on the grass to saturate the grass with their neck secretions. These secretions warn rival males that they are in another male's territory. If a bachelor male is on a territorial male's area, then the bachelor male is chased away. If it is another territorial male, then the owner of the property uses visual communication by rapidly wagging its tale in an attempt to scare the other male away. If the opposing male does not flee, a fight ensues. Males fight with their horns. Horn clashing occurs between two males in a battle for territory. The winner gets to keep the territory. Significantly more face-offs occur between two territorial males than between territorial males and bachelor males. Chases usually occur between territorial and bachelor males. These chases occur even if the bachelor male does not show any aggressive behavior towards the territorial male.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: scent marks
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Puku are currently listed as near threatened because populations are considered stable and are not under immediate threat. Their survival depends on several fragmented populations. Puku have to compete with cattle for forage and populations suffer when habitats are modified for agriculture and grazing.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: near threatened
There are no recognized negative impacts on humans from puku.
Puku are considered a game animal. They are killed for food and hides. They can also be a tourist attraction.
Positive Impacts: food ; body parts are source of valuable material; ecotourism
Puku are part of a grazing fauna that is important in structuring grassland communities and supporting populations of large predators, such as lions and leopards, and scavengers, such as vultures and hyaenas.
Puku prefer plants containing high crude protein value. They eat a wide variety of perennial grasses which varies by season. Eragrostis rigidior is the primary grass eaten because is has a high amount of crude protein. After the grass has matured, the amount of crude protein is reduced and puku resort to other plants for protein. During March, 92% of their diet is from Brachiaria latifolia, but this is to make up for the lack of E. rigidior.Brachiaria latifolia has roughly 5% crude protein. Puku eat more Digitaria setivalva than other antelopes, this grass species has high protein content but low crude fiber.
Plant Foods: leaves
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )
Puku breed year round but are more sexually active after the first heavy rains of the wet season. Territorial males are polygynous and herd females into their territories. But there is evidence that females choose their mates. Occasionally bachelor males are tolerated as long as they do not show any sexual interest in the females.
Mating System: polygynous
The reproductive season is closely matched to seasonal variation, however puku can breed year-round. Most mating occurs between the months of May and September to ensure that offspring are born during the wet season. The amount of rainfall during this season varies between years; most calves are born from January to April, since forage is most abundant at this time. The typical number of offspring per female per breeding season is one. Offspring are difficult to locate because they are "hiders," meaning that females leave them on their own in a hidden place rather than travel with them. The wet season provides high quality forage for females to support their lactation and heavy vegetation helps provide cover for hidden calves.
Puku gestation lasts 8 months and they generally give birth to a single offspring. Puku wean after 6 months and reach sexual maturity at 12 to 14 months. Older calves come out of hiding and join the herd.
Breeding interval: Puku generally breed once yearly.
Breeding season: Mating can occur year-round, but peaks from May to September.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 1.
Average gestation period: 8 months.
Average weaning age: 6 months.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 12 to 14 months.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 12 to 14 months.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
Females do not have a strong bond with their young. They rarely defend their young or address the high-pitched bleating a calf may produce when calling for help. Calves wean at approximately 6 months.
Parental Investment: precocial ; female parental care ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female)
Die poekoe (Kobus vardonii) is 'n wildsbok wat in die noorde van Botswana voorkom. Dit is 'n middelslagbok met 'n horisontale rug. In Engels staan dit bekend as Puku.
Die bok is feitlik oor sy hele lyf goudbruin en die pens is wit. Die voorkop is donkerder as die lyf. Dele bokant die oë en om die mond is wit. Agter die ore is 'n breë donkerbruin rand. Die horings lyk amper soos dié van 'n rooilechwe, maar is korter en meer regop.
Die ramme weeg tot 91 kg en die horings word gemiddeld 45 cm lank; die rekord is 56,2 cm. Die ooie weeg tot 80 kg en het nie horings nie. Een lammetjie word jaarliks gebore na 'n dratyd van 8 maande; die spitstyd is tussen Mei en September.
Die bok is 'n kuddedier met troppe van 6 tot 28 diere. Die troppe bestaan uit ooie en jong diere. Die ramme is territoriaal en loop alleen. Hulle maak in die paartyd 'n paar ooie bymekaar. Die bokke kom voor in grasvlaktes tussen die vloedvlaktes en omliggende boomveld. Hulle vreet hoofsaaklik gras en hulle natuurlike vyande is die jagluiperd, luiperd, leeu en wildehond.
Die poekoe (Kobus vardonii) is 'n wildsbok wat in die noorde van Botswana voorkom. Dit is 'n middelslagbok met 'n horisontale rug. In Engels staan dit bekend as Puku.
Puku (lat. Kobus vardonii) - su keçisi cinsinə aid heyvan növü.
Puku Mərkəzi Afrikada, əsasən Konqo, Zambiya, Botsvana və Anqolada yayılmışdır. Onlar əsasən çaybasar düzənliklər və bataqlıqların kənarlarında yaşayırlar.
El pucu (Kobus vardonii) és un antílop que viu en herbassars humits del sud de la República Democràtica del Congo i a Zàmbia.
Els pucus mesuren uns 80 centímetres a l'espatlla i pesen 70-80 quilograms. Els pucus tenen un color marró sorrenc, amb el ventre d'un marró lleugerament més clar. El seu pelatge és més bast que antílops de mida similar com el redunca comú, el cob lichi o l'impala, o l'oribí, més petit. Els mascles tenen unes banyes de 50 centímetres de llarg amb una forma molt vaga de lira.
El pucu (Kobus vardonii) és un antílop que viu en herbassars humits del sud de la República Democràtica del Congo i a Zàmbia.
Els pucus mesuren uns 80 centímetres a l'espatlla i pesen 70-80 quilograms. Els pucus tenen un color marró sorrenc, amb el ventre d'un marró lleugerament més clar. El seu pelatge és més bast que antílops de mida similar com el redunca comú, el cob lichi o l'impala, o l'oribí, més petit. Els mascles tenen unes banyes de 50 centímetres de llarg amb una forma molt vaga de lira.
Voduška puku (Kobus vardonii) je antilopa obývající vlhké stepi západní až východní Afriky, zvláště na jižním území Demokratické republiky Kongo a Zambie. Podle některých zoologů lze spekulovat o možnosti, že jde o poddruh vodušky kob (Kobus kob).[2]
Výška v kohoutku této antilopy se pohybuje kolem 80 cm, délka těla mezi 1,3-1,8 m a hmotnost mezi 70 až 80 kg. Svým zlatožlutým zbarvením se velice podobá vodušce kob a vodušce červené (Kobus leche), od kterých se liší delší srstí a zlatožlutě zbarvenými končetinami. Ocas je více nažloutlý a měří 18-30 cm. Břicho a spodní strana krku je zbarvena špinavě bíle, stejně jako skvrny kolem očí a tlamy. Rohy, které mají pouze samci, jsou až 50 cm dlouhé a nevýrazně lyrovitě tvarované.
Během horkých dnů zůstává ve stínu stromů a aktivní je jen ráno a v pozdním odpoledni, kdy hledá trávu, listy a kořínky. Pokud je vyrušena, vydává pískavý zvuk, který varuje další vodušky puku, ale i jiné antilopy na poměrně velkou vzdálenost. Během období sucha tvoří samice zhruba 30 členná stáda, která se v období dešťů kvůli většímu bezpečí spojují a tvoří až 60 členné skupiny. Samci žijí samotářsky a vlastní při vysokých populačních hustotách malé území, leky, při nižších hustotách obhajují teritoria. Pokud se stádo samic dostane na samcovo území, snaží se je zde samec na co nejdelší dobu zdržet.
Voduška puku se může zpravidla rozmnožovat po celý rok. Nejvíce mláďat se však rodí v období dešťů, tedy mezi lednem a dubnem, kdy je dostatek potravy a vody. Samice rodí zhruba po 240 denní březosti jediné mládě, které zůstává několik prvních dnů ukryto ve vegetaci, kde je částečně chráněno před svými hlavními predátory, a kde ho chodí matka pravidelně kojit a pojídat jeho trus, který by mohl pronikavým pachem predátory přilákat. Po několika týdnech mládě tento úkryt opouští a přidává se ke skupině dalších mláďat.
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Voduška puku (Kobus vardonii) je antilopa obývající vlhké stepi západní až východní Afriky, zvláště na jižním území Demokratické republiky Kongo a Zambie. Podle některých zoologů lze spekulovat o možnosti, že jde o poddruh vodušky kob (Kobus kob).
Der Puku (Kobus vardonii) ist eine afrikanische Antilope aus der Gattung der Wasserböcke. Mit der wissenschaftlichen Benennung ehrte der Afrika-Forscher David Livingstone seinen Freund, den Großwildjäger Frank Vardon (1813–1860).
Der Puku erreicht eine Schulterhöhe von bis zu 81 Zentimeter und erreicht ein Gewicht von 73 Kilogramm.[1]
Das Haarkleid ist vorwiegend goldgelb, etwas heller an den Flanken und an der Unterseite grauweiß. Die Kehle ist weiß. Die Läufe sind einheitlich braun und der Wedel ist goldgelb. Männliche Pukus besitzen verhältnismäßig kurze, starke, leierförmige Hörner, die deutliche Ringe tragen. Sie werden bis zu 52 Zentimeter lang.[2] Die Schulterhöhe beträgt etwa 80 Zentimeter. Ihre Verwandtschaft mit dem Wasserbock lässt sich besonders gut am Kopf erkennen.
Die Art ist in Zentralafrika und dem Südlichen Afrika verbreitet, wo sie vor allem in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Sambia, Botswana (ausschließlich im Chobe-Nationalpark), Namibia und Angola vorkommt. Das Habitat sind Schwemmebenen und Sümpfe.
Die Größe der Weibchen-Herden schwankt zwischen 5 und 30 Tieren. Männchen sind territoriale Einzelgänger. Pukus können sich wie galoppierende Pferde mit einer kurzen Schwebephase fortbewegen. Meist sind sie sehr zutraulich. Sie bevorzugen Gras als Nahrung.
Obwohl der Puku einst als südliche Variante des Kob angesehen wurde, unterscheidet er sich von diesem vor allem in der Größe und in seinem Sozialverhalten, so dass er heute meistens als eigene Art eingestuft wird.
Der Puku (Kobus vardonii) ist eine afrikanische Antilope aus der Gattung der Wasserböcke. Mit der wissenschaftlichen Benennung ehrte der Afrika-Forscher David Livingstone seinen Freund, den Großwildjäger Frank Vardon (1813–1860).
Пуку (Kobus vardonii) — афрыканская антылёпа роду вадзяных казлоў. Ейная бінамінальная назва, дадзеная дасьледчыкам Афрыкі Дэйвідам Лівінгстоўнам, увекавечвае імя ягоная сябра Франка Вардона. Арэалам антылёпы зьяўляюцца сырыя лугі на поўдні Дэмакратычнай Рэспублікі Конга, Намібіі, Танзаніі і Замбіі[1].
Пуку (Kobus vardonii) — афрыканская антылёпа роду вадзяных казлоў. Ейная бінамінальная назва, дадзеная дасьледчыкам Афрыкі Дэйвідам Лівінгстоўнам, увекавечвае імя ягоная сябра Франка Вардона. Арэалам антылёпы зьяўляюцца сырыя лугі на поўдні Дэмакратычнай Рэспублікі Конга, Намібіі, Танзаніі і Замбіі.
Пуку (лат. Kobus vardonii) — антилопаяр хзандиз талукь тир гьайван.
The puku (Kobus vardonii) is a medium-sized antelope found in wet grasslands in southern Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and more concentrated in the Okavango Delta in Botswana.[1] Nearly one-third of all puku are found in protected areas, zoos, and national parks due to their diminishing habitat.[2][3]
Puku stand about 80 cm (31 in) at the shoulder and weigh from 70 to 80 kg (150 to 180 lb). The puku is sandy brown in colour, with the underbelly a slightly lighter brown. The coat is rougher than that of the similar-sized southern reedbuck, lechwe or impala, or the smaller oribi. Males have horns which are ridge-structured, 50 cm (20 in) long, and lyre-shaped.[4]
There are two subspecies, the Senga Puku (Kobus vardonii senganus) and the southern puku (Kobus vardonii vardonii).
Puku are found almost exclusively in marshy grassland and dambos, where they eat grasses.[3] The puku diet is flexible in regards to type of grasses consumed. There is little dietary competition with other bovids.[5] This species is crepuscular, active in the early morning and late afternoon. When scared, puku repeat a shrill whistle sound. Females gather in herds of up to 20 individuals. During the rainy season, herds will come together for added safety, typically reaching around 50 females. Males hold territories and attempt to persuade herds of females to stay within their territories for as long as possible. In the wet season, due to large floods in their habitat they migrate to a higher elevation and in the dry season remain near water.[6]
Male and female K. v. senganus, Kafue National Park, Zambia
Female K. v. senganus and fawn, in South Luangwa NP, Zambia
Female K. v. vardonii, in Chobe National Park, Botswana
Female K. v. vardonii, in Chobe National Park, Botswana
K. v. vardonii fawn, in Chobe National Park, Botswana
The puku (Kobus vardonii) is a medium-sized antelope found in wet grasslands in southern Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and more concentrated in the Okavango Delta in Botswana. Nearly one-third of all puku are found in protected areas, zoos, and national parks due to their diminishing habitat.
El pucú (Kobus vardonii) es una especie de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Bovidae.[2] Habita los humedales de Angola, Botsuana, el sur de la República Democrática del Congo, Malaui, Tanzania y Zambia.[1]
Se reconocen las siguientes subespecies:[2]
El pucú (Kobus vardonii) es una especie de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Bovidae. Habita los humedales de Angola, Botsuana, el sur de la República Democrática del Congo, Malaui, Tanzania y Zambia.
Kobus vardonii Kobus generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Reduncinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago
Kobus vardonii Kobus generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Reduncinae azpifamilia eta Bovidae familian sailkatuta dago
Le Puku (Kobus vardonii) est une espèce d'antilopes, de la sous-famille des cobes, les Reduncinae, qui vit dans les prairies humides près des rivières ainsi que dans des zones légèrement boisés du sud de la République démocratique du Congo, Zambie, plus particulièrement dans les vallées de Chobe, Luangwa, Zambèse. Il est également présent dans quelques zones de la Tanzanie, du sud de l'Afrique centrale, et au nord de l'Angola et du Botswana.
Il ressemble au cobe de buffon et au cobe de lechwe. Son pelage est épais, de couleur fauve à orangée, avec les parties inférieures, y compris le dessous de la queue, plus claires. Il a des zones blanc cassé autour des yeux et des lèvres et noires au bord des oreilles. Le corps est lourd avec un arrière surélevé par rapport au garrot et les jambes sont plus courtes que chez les autres cobes et sans aucune signalisation. Les cornes fortement pointues sont trouvées seulement chez les mâles, et elles sont plus courtes aussi que chez les autres cobes, mesurant environ 50 cm de long.
Le corps mesure 125 à 170 cm de long (selon les individus), la queue fait environ 30 cm, pour une taille de 77 à 83 cm au garrot et un poids variant de 60 à 70 kg pour les femelles contre 70 à 90 kilos pour les mâles.
Comme toutes les antilopes, les mâles ont un territoire qu'ils défendent fortement. Les femelles n'entrent sur leurs territoires que pour s’accoupler. La reproduction a lieu durant toute l'année, avec un pic de mai à septembre. La gestation dure 8 à 9 mois, au terme de laquelle naît un seul petit. Le sevrage se fait à 6 mois et la maturité sexuelle arrive entre de 12 et 14 mois.
La majorité des jeunes naissent pendant la saison des pluies de janvier à avril, mais ils peuvent naître à tout moment de l'année. Les jeunes nés pendant la saison humide profitent de la végétation épaisse pour se cacher des prédateurs. Après quelques semaines, ils sortent de leurs cachettes et rejoignent le troupeau, se groupant avec d'autres adolescents.
Ils vivent en groupe ou en troupeau instable, de 6 à 30 individus. Les mâles solitaires établissent des grands territoires provisoires, les tenant pendant une période limités à seulement quelques jours, jusqu'à plusieurs mois voire toute l'année et tentent tout le temps d'inciter les troupeaux de femelles à rester sur leur territoire le plus longtemps possible. Les femelles et les jeunes forment une nursery conduite en troupeaux sur les territoires des mâles.
L'alimentation et l'activité des pukus sont généralement limitées aux premières heures matinales et en fin d'après-midi, bien que cette période puisse s'étendre longtemps après. Le puku est plus adaptable en termes d'exigences d'habitat que les autres cobes et peuplera des secteurs de région boisée ouverte si les conditions sont appropriées. Pendant la saison des pluies, les populations sont répandues sur des terres plus hautes, descendant près des cours d'eau pendant la saison sèche. À ce moment, des groupes plus petits peuvent se rejoindre pour former des colonies des troupeaux de 50 à 100 animaux. Quand il est alarmé, le puku émet un sifflement perçant, répété.
Ruminant, herbivore, il se nourrit d'herbes, et de feuilles de buissons dans les régions boisés.
Lion, léopard, guépard, hyène, lycaon, crocodile, python.
Les cobes sont vigilants, et peuvent faire des bonds de 2 mètres de haut et courir jusqu'à la vitesse de 70 km/h en cas de danger. Mais, les individus trop lourds, les jeunes et les animaux âgés ou malades sont moins vifs et moins rapides, ils sont donc plus vulnérables aux attaques des prédateurs.
17 ans
130 000 individus
Le Puku (Kobus vardonii) est une espèce d'antilopes, de la sous-famille des cobes, les Reduncinae, qui vit dans les prairies humides près des rivières ainsi que dans des zones légèrement boisés du sud de la République démocratique du Congo, Zambie, plus particulièrement dans les vallées de Chobe, Luangwa, Zambèse. Il est également présent dans quelques zones de la Tanzanie, du sud de l'Afrique centrale, et au nord de l'Angola et du Botswana.
Puku (Kobus vardonii) adalah antelop berukuran menengah yang hidup di daerah berumput di pedalaman Republik Demokratik Kongo, Tanzania, Namibia, dan Zambia. Lebih dari sepertiga populasi puku hidup di kawasan lindung, taman nasional, hingga kebun binatang karena habitatnya yang mulai terusik.
Puku memiliki tinggi 80 cm (31 in) pada bahu dengan berat 70 hingga 80 kg (150 hingga 180 lb). Puku jantan memiliki tanduk sepanjang 50 cm (20 in) yang berbetuk mirip alat musik lira.
Puku (Kobus vardonii) adalah antelop berukuran menengah yang hidup di daerah berumput di pedalaman Republik Demokratik Kongo, Tanzania, Namibia, dan Zambia. Lebih dari sepertiga populasi puku hidup di kawasan lindung, taman nasional, hingga kebun binatang karena habitatnya yang mulai terusik.
Il puku (Kobus vardonii) è un'antilope che vive nelle praterie umide della Repubblica Democratica del Congo meridionale e dello Zambia.
Il puku misura circa 1,3 - 1,7m alla testa e pesa tra i 70 e gli 80 chilogrammi. I puku sono di un colore bruno rossiccio con sfumature giallo-dorate su tutto il corpo a eccezione delle zampe e un'area biancastra intorno al naso e alla bocca, con il ventre di un bruno leggermente più chiaro. Il loro mantello è più ruvido di quello della redunca meridionale, del lichi, dell'impala o del più piccolo oribi, animali di dimensioni simili. I 2 sessi si distinguono soprattutto per le maggiori dimensioni del maschio che tra l'altro possiedono corna strutturate a cresta lunghe circa 50 centimetri, con una forma che ricorda molto vagamente una lira.
I puku vivono quasi esclusivamente nelle praterie paludose e nei dambo, dove si nutrono di erba. I puku sono crepuscolari e sono attivi di primo mattino e nel tardo pomeriggio. Quando è spaventato, il puku ripete più volte un acuto fischio. Le femmine si riuniscono in branchi composti da fino a venti individui. Durante la stagione delle piogge molti branchi si riuniscono insieme per trovare più sicurezza, formando branchi composti al massimo da cinquanta femmine. I maschi posseggono territori e cercano di persuadere i branchi di femmine a rimanere all'interno del proprio territorio il più a lungo possibile.
L'alimentazione del puku è composta principalmente da erbe e sterpaglia.
Nel periodo riproduttivo i maschi si radunano su un particolare terreno sopraelevato, il Lek (biologia), per contendersi le femmine attraverso un'esebizione rituale: il maschio più pesante è quello che di solito ha la meglio. La femmina dopo circa 8 mesi, da alla luce un solo piccolo
Il puku (Kobus vardonii) è un'antilope che vive nelle praterie umide della Repubblica Democratica del Congo meridionale e dello Zambia.
Il puku misura circa 1,3 - 1,7m alla testa e pesa tra i 70 e gli 80 chilogrammi. I puku sono di un colore bruno rossiccio con sfumature giallo-dorate su tutto il corpo a eccezione delle zampe e un'area biancastra intorno al naso e alla bocca, con il ventre di un bruno leggermente più chiaro. Il loro mantello è più ruvido di quello della redunca meridionale, del lichi, dell'impala o del più piccolo oribi, animali di dimensioni simili. I 2 sessi si distinguono soprattutto per le maggiori dimensioni del maschio che tra l'altro possiedono corna strutturate a cresta lunghe circa 50 centimetri, con una forma che ricorda molto vagamente una lira.
I puku vivono quasi esclusivamente nelle praterie paludose e nei dambo, dove si nutrono di erba. I puku sono crepuscolari e sono attivi di primo mattino e nel tardo pomeriggio. Quando è spaventato, il puku ripete più volte un acuto fischio. Le femmine si riuniscono in branchi composti da fino a venti individui. Durante la stagione delle piogge molti branchi si riuniscono insieme per trovare più sicurezza, formando branchi composti al massimo da cinquanta femmine. I maschi posseggono territori e cercano di persuadere i branchi di femmine a rimanere all'interno del proprio territorio il più a lungo possibile.
L'alimentazione del puku è composta principalmente da erbe e sterpaglia.
Nel periodo riproduttivo i maschi si radunano su un particolare terreno sopraelevato, il Lek (biologia), per contendersi le femmine attraverso un'esebizione rituale: il maschio più pesante è quello che di solito ha la meglio. La femmina dopo circa 8 mesi, da alla luce un solo piccolo
Puku (lot. Kobus vardonii, angl. Puku) – vandeninių ožių (Reduncinae) pošeimio dykaraginis žinduolis. Vikiteka
Puku (lot. Kobus vardonii, angl. Puku) – vandeninių ožių (Reduncinae) pošeimio dykaraginis žinduolis. Vikiteka
De puku (Kobus vardonii) is een antilope uit het geslacht Kobus.
De lange vacht is effen goudbruin, de mannetjes hebben liervormige hoorns die tot 50 cm lang kunnen worden. De mannetjes hebben een schouderhoogte van ongeveer 90 cm en een gemiddeld gewicht van 75 kg, de vrouwtjes zijn ongeveer tien centimeter korter en 12 tot 18 kilogram lichter.
Deze solitaire of in groepen levende dieren hebben bij grotere dichtheden kleine territoria, bij lagere dichtheden grotere. De dieren grazen in de ochtend- en avonduren. Bij dreigend gevaar rennen ze hard weg.
Deze soort soort was vroeger wijdverbreid op de graslanden in de buurt van permanent water in de boomsavannes en overstromingsvlakten van zuid-centraal Afrika. In grote delen van hun oorspronkelijk areaal komen ze echter niet meer voor en zijn nu gereduceerd tot gefragmenteerde, geïsoleerde, zij het soms nog steeds aanzienlijke populaties. Grote aantallen zijn nog te vinden in Tanzania en Zambia.[2] Ook in Chobe Nationaal Park in Botswana, in een drietal kleinere natuurparken in Malawi en in centraal Angola komen ze nog voor. Als zwervende groepen vinden we ze ook in het noorden van Zimbabwe en in de Caprivistrook in Namibia.[3]
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesKob lirorogi[3] (Kobus vardonii) – gatunek ssaka parzystokopytnego z rodziny wołowatych.
Obecny zasięg występowania tego gatunku obejmuje środkową część Afryki Południowej. Jego siedliskiem są zasobne w wodę tereny trawiaste.
Ubarwienie brązowe. Spodnia część ciała, ogona, wewnętrzna strona kończyn i uszu, obramowanie oczu i okolice nosa – jaśniejsze do białego. U samców występują rogi osiągające 45-53 cm długości. Samice rogów nie mają.
Koby lirorogie wykazują aktywność w godzinach rannych i popołudniowych. Czasami żerują jeszcze po zmierzchu. Samice z młodzieżą tworzą małe stada. Dojrzałe samce przebywają zwykle samotnie i wykazują terytorializm. Koby lirorogie żywią się niemal wyłącznie trawą.
Gatunek nie jest objęty konwencją waszyngtońską CITES. W Czerwonej księdze gatunków zagrożonych Międzynarodowej Unii Ochrony Przyrody i Jej Zasobów został zaliczony do kategorii NT (podwyższonego ryzyka)[4].
Kob lirorogi (Kobus vardonii) – gatunek ssaka parzystokopytnego z rodziny wołowatych.
Kobus vardonii, conhecido popularmente como puku (em português, pucu) é uma espécie de antílope da família Bovidae. Pode ser encontrada na República Democrática do Congo, Angola, Zâmbia, Tanzânia, Malauí e Botsuana.[1]
Kobus vardonii, conhecido popularmente como puku (em português, pucu) é uma espécie de antílope da família Bovidae. Pode ser encontrada na República Democrática do Congo, Angola, Zâmbia, Tanzânia, Malauí e Botsuana.
Puku (Kobus vardonii) är en art i släktet vattenbockar som lever i Afrika. Epitet i det vetenskapliga namnet är tillsatt av naturforskaren David Livingstone för att hedra sin vän, storvildjägaren Frank Vardon (1813–1860). Tidigare betraktades arten som en sydlig variant av Ugandakob men på grund av skillnader i storleken och socialt beteende räknas den idag som självständig art.
Pälsens färg är huvudsakligen gulbrun, lite ljusare vid sidorna och gråvit vid buken. Hannar bär ungefär 50 centimeter långa horn som påminner i utseende om en lyra. Mankhöjden ligger vid 80 centimeter och vikten mellan 70 och 80 kilogram.
Arten har ett större utbredningsområde i Centralafrika men territoriet är delat i flera avsnitt. Stora populationer finns i Kongo-Kinshasa, Zambia, Botswana (bara i Chobe nationalpark) och Angola. Habitatet utgörs av kärr och andra våtmarker.
Honor lever i flockar som består av 5 till 20 eller 30 individer. Under regntiden sammansluter sig flera flockar till en större flock. Hannar lever ensam och etablerar ett revir. De provar att kvarhålla flockar av honor i området. Puku äter främst gräs. De är aktiva tidigt på morgonen och sent på kvällen.
Puku (Kobus vardonii) är en art i släktet vattenbockar som lever i Afrika. Epitet i det vetenskapliga namnet är tillsatt av naturforskaren David Livingstone för att hedra sin vän, storvildjägaren Frank Vardon (1813–1860). Tidigare betraktades arten som en sydlig variant av Ugandakob men på grund av skillnader i storleken och socialt beteende räknas den idag som självständig art.
Puku (Kobus vardonii), boynuzlugiller (Bovidae) familyasından Afrika'da yaşayan antilop türü.
Boy uzunluğu 126–142 cm, omuz yüksekliği 77–83 cm, kuyruk uzunluğu 28–32 cm, ağırlığı 62–90 kg dır. Kürkü altın rengi kahverengidir. Aşağısı ve kuyruk altı soluk renktedir.
Üreme olgunluğuna 12-14 ayda ulaşırlar. Gebelik süresi 8 ay olup tek yavru dünyaya getirirler. Yavrular 6 sonra sütten kesilir. Ömrü 17 yıldır. Dişiler 6-20 başlık sürü oluşturur. Erkekler yalnız yaşar ya da kendi cinsleriyle grup oluştururlar.
Otlar ana besin kaynaklarıdır.
Yırtıcı memeliler, aslan, pars, sırtlan ve Afrika yaban köpeği ana düşmanlarıdır.
Zaire ve Zambiya'da yayılım gösterir.
Puku (Kobus vardonii), boynuzlugiller (Bovidae) familyasından Afrika'da yaşayan antilop türü.
Kobus vardonii là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Bovidae, bộ Artiodactyla. Loài này được Livingstone mô tả năm 1857.[2]
Phương tiện liên quan tới Kobus vardonii tại Wikimedia Commons
Kobus vardonii là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Bovidae, bộ Artiodactyla. Loài này được Livingstone mô tả năm 1857.
Kobus vardonii Livingstone, 1857
Ареал Охранный статусПуку[1] (лат. Kobus vardonii) — африканская антилопа рода водяных козлов. Научное название, присвоенное исследователем Африки Давидом Ливингстоном, увековечило имя его друга Франка Вардона.
Шерсть преимущественно золотисто-жёлтая, по бокам несколько светлее, а на брюхе серо-белая. Конечности равномерно коричневые. Самцы пуку носят относительно короткие сильные и лирообразные рога с выраженными кольцами. Высота в холке составляет около 80 см. Родство с водяным козлом хорошо заметно по форме головы.
Пуку распространён в Центральной Африке, прежде всего в таких странах как Демократическая Республика Конго, Замбия, Ботсвана (исключительно в национальном парке Чобе), а также в Анголе. Его средой обитания являются заливные равнины и болота.
Величина стад пуку варьирует от 5 до 30 особей. Самцы живут в одиночку и владеют собственным участком. Передвижение пуку имеет сходство с лошадьми, скачущими галопом. Обычно эти животные доверчивые и не боятся человека. В качестве пищи они предпочитают травы.
Хотя пуку ранее рассматривался как южный вариант коба, он отличается от него прежде всего в размерах и по поведению. Сегодня его считают отдельным от коба видом, хотя порой объединяют в общий род Adenota.
Пуку (лат. Kobus vardonii) — африканская антилопа рода водяных козлов. Научное название, присвоенное исследователем Африки Давидом Ливингстоном, увековечило имя его друга Франка Вардона.
瓦氏赤羚(學名Kobus vardonii)是在剛果南部及贊比亞的濕草原上發現的羚羊。
瓦氏赤羚(學名Kobus vardonii)是在剛果南部及贊比亞的濕草原上發現的羚羊。
Kobus vardonii. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2008. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of near threatenedLeefgebied_Puku-Kobus_vardonii.png
プークー(Kobus vardonii)は、ウシ科ウォーターバック属に分類される偶蹄類。
アンゴラ、コンゴ民主共和国、ザンビア、タンザニア、ボツワナ、マラウイ[1][2][a 1]
푸쿠(Kobus megaceros)는 소과 물영양속에 속하는 중형 크기의 영양이다. 콩고 민주 공화국 남부 지역과 나미비아 그리고 잠비아의 습윤 초원 지대에서 서식한다.[1] 서식지 감소때문에 개체수의 거의 1/3은 동물원과 국립공원 그리고 여러 보호 지역에서 발견된다.[2][3] 어깨 높이는 약 80cm, 몸무게는 70~80kg 정도이다.