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Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
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أنشئ حسابًا
Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
مفصليات الأرجل
سداسيات الأرجل
حقيقيات النوى
مفصليات الأرجل
سداسيات الأرجل
حديثات الأجنحة
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
نظرة عامة
الأسماء العلمية
الأسماء المفضلة
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من The World of Jewel Beetles in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Chrysobothris atriplexae
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikipedia ID
United States Species List
Chrysobothris atriplexae
Fisher 1942
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Chrysobothris atriplexae
معترف بها من قبل
BHL data coverage
Chrysobothris atriplexae
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia ES
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher
معترف بها من قبل
NMNH type specimens
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
أسماء شائعة
لا توجد أسماء شائعة مرتبطة بهذه الأصنوفة.
التسلسل الهرمي المختار لـ Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris adelpha Harold 1869
Chrysobothris aeneifrons Fairmaire 1882
Chrysobothris alluaudi Kerremans 1914
Chrysobothris alutaceiventris Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris amazonica Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris amurensis Pic 1904
Chrysobothris armata Dugès 1891
Chrysobothris astartae Abeille de Perrin 1895
Chrysobothris auricornis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris basalis Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris bimarginicollis Schaeffer 1905
Chrysobothris boliviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris braunsi Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris burgeoni Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris capitata Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris catascopa Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris caurina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chalcophana (Klug 1829)
Chrysobothris chlorocephala Gory 1841
Chrysobothris chrysogaster Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris cincta Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris circuloimpressa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris confusa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris costaricana Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris cupreipes Fairmaire 1864
Chrysobothris debilis Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris deflexicornis Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris delavayi Fairmaire 1887
Chrysobothris deliana Kerremans 1900
Chrysobothris deserta Horn 1886
Chrysobothris dorbignyi (Gory 1841)
Chrysobothris dyopatra Gory 1841
Chrysobothris ebenina Théry 1925
Chrysobothris ecuadorica Obenberger 1928
Chrysobothris ephedrae Knull 1942
Chrysobothris fisheri Théry 1927
Chrysobothris fiskei Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris fronticornis (Chevrolat 1838)
Chrysobothris gebhardti Théry 1936
Chrysobothris generosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris gloriosa Fisher 1922
Chrysobothris hera Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris hispaniolae Fisher 1925
Chrysobothris igniventris Reitter 1895
Chrysobothris inaequalicollis Thomson 1878
Chrysobothris infantula Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris infranitens Kerremans 1912
Chrysobothris iris Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris jania Lotte 1938
Chrysobothris kalaharica Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris keyensis Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris laudabilis Théry 1936
Chrysobothris legorskyi Barries 2012
Chrysobothris lesnei Théry 1934
Chrysobothris lesueuri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris lobata Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris lucana Horn 1894
Chrysobothris manchurica Arakawa 1932
Chrysobothris melazona Chevrolat 1835
Chrysobothris mescalero Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris microstigma Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris minuta Kerremans 1896
Chrysobothris nana Fairmaire 1892
Chrysobothris nigripennis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris okorosawana Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris orothi Baudon 1963
Chrysobothris palaui Cobos 1954
Chrysobothris pampas Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris paraguayensis Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris pedroi Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris peruviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris philippinensis Saunders 1874
Chrysobothris picklesi Théry 1938
Chrysobothris piuta Wickham 1903
Chrysobothris polymetallichroma Westcott 1998
Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris pusilla Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris ritsemae Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris rossi Van Dyke 1942
Chrysobothris rubimaculata (Gory & Laporte 1837)
Chrysobothris rudipennis Kerremans 1903
Chrysobothris rugosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris samai Curletti & Magnani 1988
Chrysobothris schlueteri Théry 1925
Chrysobothris siamensis Hoscheck 1931
Chrysobothris socialis Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris solieri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris staudingeri Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris subopaca Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris sulci Obenberger 1932
Chrysobothris sylvania Fall 1910
Chrysobothris takahashii Barries 2009
Chrysobothris tricolor Kerremans 1892
Chrysobothris verityi Nelson 1975
Chrysobothris viridinotata (Gory & Laporte 1838)
Chrysobothris vitalisi Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris wickhami Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris widdringtoniae Descarpentries 1959
Chrysobothris wilkinsoni Théry 1947
Chrysobothris woodgatei Champlain & Knull 1922
575 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris pantochlora Guérin-Méneville 1847
Chrysobothris paragrindeliae Knull 1943
Chrysobothris paraguayensis Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris parallela Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris paramodesta Nelson 1975
Chrysobothris parapiuta Knull 1938
Chrysobothris paratabalipa Nelson 1975
Chrysobothris pardensis Kerremans 1903
Chrysobothris parvipunctata Obenberger 1914
Chrysobothris parvofoveata Fisher 1925
Chrysobothris paulensis Théry 1936
Chrysobothris pedroi Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris peninsularis Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris peringueyi Théry 1925
Chrysobothris perplexa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris perroni Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris peruviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris petersoni Hawkeswood 1997
Chrysobothris philippinensis Saunders 1874
Chrysobothris phoebe Thomson 1878
Chrysobothris picipes Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris picklesi Théry 1938
Chrysobothris pictiventris Saunders 1874
Chrysobothris pilifrons Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris piuta Wickham 1903
Chrysobothris placida Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris pluton Gory 1841
Chrysobothris polita Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris polychrous Bílý 1983
Chrysobothris polymetallichroma Westcott 1998
Chrysobothris polyspilota Burmeister 1872
Chrysobothris potentillae Barr 1969
Chrysobothris prasina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris prava Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris preissi Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris pressli Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris pseudinsularis Hoscheck 1931
Chrysobothris pseudotsugae Van Dyke 1916
Chrysobothris pubilineata Vogt 1949
Chrysobothris puella Gory 1841
Chrysobothris pulchella Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris pulcherrima Snellen von Vollenhoven 1864
Chrysobothris pulchra Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris pulchripes Fairmaire 1887
Chrysobothris pumpuna Blackwelder 1944
Chrysobothris puncticollis Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris punctiventris Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris purpurata Bland 1864
Chrysobothris purpureoplagiata Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris purpureovittata Horn 1886
Chrysobothris purpurescens Kerremans 1907
Chrysobothris purpurifrons Motschulsky 1859
Chrysobothris pusilla Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris pygmaea Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris quadraticollis Kerremans 1892
Chrysobothris quadriimpressa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris quadrilineata Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris quadrimaculata (Fabricius 1776)
Chrysobothris quadriplagiata Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris queenslandica Hawkeswood 1986
Chrysobothris ras Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris ravilla Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris regina Kerremans 1898
Chrysobothris regradata Wallengren 1881
Chrysobothris rejzeki Niehuis 2009
Chrysobothris richteri Obenberger 1928
Chrysobothris riedlei Barries 2008
Chrysobothris riograndina Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris ritsemae Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris rogaguaensis Fisher 1925
Chrysobothris roguensis Beer 1967
Chrysobothris rondoni Baudon 1963
Chrysobothris roseiventris Thomson 1878
Chrysobothris rossi Van Dyke 1942
Chrysobothris rothkirchi Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris rotundicollis Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris rubimaculata (Gory & Laporte 1837)
Chrysobothris rubripes Chevrolat 1838
Chrysobothris rudipennis Kerremans 1903
Chrysobothris rugifrons Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris rugipes Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris rugosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris rugosiceps Melsheimer 1845
Chrysobothris rugosipennis Théry 1947
Chrysobothris rutilans Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris rutilicuspis Heller 1893
Chrysobothris sacrata Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris sadahiroi Barries 2011
Chrysobothris salebrosa Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris saliaris Kurosawa 1948
Chrysobothris sallaei Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris salomonica Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris samai Curletti & Magnani 1988
Chrysobothris samurai Obenberger 1935
Chrysobothris sapphirina (Swartz 1817)
Chrysobothris saundersii Macleay 1872
Chrysobothris seximpressa Mannerheim 1837
Chrysobothris sexnotata Gory 1841
Chrysobothris sexpunctata (Fabricius 1801)
581 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris adelpha Harold 1869
Chrysobothris aeneifrons Fairmaire 1882
Chrysobothris alluaudi Kerremans 1914
Chrysobothris alutaceiventris Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris amazonica Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris amurensis Pic 1904
Chrysobothris armata Dugès 1891
Chrysobothris astartae Abeille de Perrin 1895
Chrysobothris auricornis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris basalis Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris bimarginicollis Schaeffer 1905
Chrysobothris boliviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris braunsi Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris burgeoni Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris capitata Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris catascopa Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris caurina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chalcophana (Klug 1829)
Chrysobothris chlorocephala Gory 1841
Chrysobothris chrysogaster Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris cincta Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris circuloimpressa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris confusa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris costaricana Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris cupreipes Fairmaire 1864
Chrysobothris debilis Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris deflexicornis Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris delavayi Fairmaire 1887
Chrysobothris deliana Kerremans 1900
Chrysobothris deserta Horn 1886
Chrysobothris dorbignyi (Gory 1841)
Chrysobothris dyopatra Gory 1841
Chrysobothris ebenina Théry 1925
Chrysobothris ecuadorica Obenberger 1928
Chrysobothris ephedrae Knull 1942
Chrysobothris fisheri Théry 1927
Chrysobothris fiskei Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris fronticornis (Chevrolat 1838)
Chrysobothris gebhardti Théry 1936
Chrysobothris generosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris gloriosa Fisher 1922
Chrysobothris hera Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris hispaniolae Fisher 1925
Chrysobothris igniventris Reitter 1895
Chrysobothris inaequalicollis Thomson 1878
Chrysobothris infantula Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris infranitens Kerremans 1912
Chrysobothris iris Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris jania Lotte 1938
Chrysobothris kalaharica Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris keyensis Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris laudabilis Théry 1936
Chrysobothris legorskyi Barries 2012
Chrysobothris lesnei Théry 1934
Chrysobothris lesueuri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris lobata Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris lucana Horn 1894
Chrysobothris manchurica Arakawa 1932
Chrysobothris melazona Chevrolat 1835
Chrysobothris mescalero Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris microstigma Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris minuta Kerremans 1896
Chrysobothris nana Fairmaire 1892
Chrysobothris nigripennis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris okorosawana Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris orothi Baudon 1963
Chrysobothris palaui Cobos 1954
Chrysobothris pampas Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris paraguayensis Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris pedroi Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris peruviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris philippinensis Saunders 1874
Chrysobothris picklesi Théry 1938
Chrysobothris piuta Wickham 1903
Chrysobothris polymetallichroma Westcott 1998
Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris pusilla Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris ritsemae Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris rossi Van Dyke 1942
Chrysobothris rubimaculata (Gory & Laporte 1837)
Chrysobothris rudipennis Kerremans 1903
Chrysobothris rugosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris samai Curletti & Magnani 1988
Chrysobothris schlueteri Théry 1925
Chrysobothris siamensis Hoscheck 1931
Chrysobothris socialis Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris solieri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris staudingeri Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris subopaca Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris sulci Obenberger 1932
Chrysobothris sylvania Fall 1910
Chrysobothris takahashii Barries 2009
Chrysobothris tricolor Kerremans 1892
Chrysobothris verityi Nelson 1975
Chrysobothris viridinotata (Gory & Laporte 1838)
Chrysobothris vitalisi Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris wickhami Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris widdringtoniae Descarpentries 1959
Chrysobothris wilkinsoni Théry 1947
Chrysobothris woodgatei Champlain & Knull 1922
575 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris adelpha Harold 1869
Chrysobothris aeneifrons Fairmaire 1882
Chrysobothris alluaudi Kerremans 1914
Chrysobothris alutaceiventris Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris amazonica Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris amurensis Pic 1904
Chrysobothris armata Dugès 1891
Chrysobothris astartae Abeille de Perrin 1895
Chrysobothris auricornis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris basalis Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris bimarginicollis Schaeffer 1905
Chrysobothris boliviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris braunsi Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris burgeoni Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris capitata Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris catascopa Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris caurina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chalcophana (Klug 1829)
Chrysobothris chlorocephala Gory 1841
Chrysobothris chrysogaster Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris cincta Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris circuloimpressa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris confusa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris costaricana Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris cupreipes Fairmaire 1864
Chrysobothris debilis Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris deflexicornis Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris delavayi Fairmaire 1887
Chrysobothris deliana Kerremans 1900
Chrysobothris deserta Horn 1886
Chrysobothris dorbignyi (Gory 1841)
Chrysobothris dyopatra Gory 1841
Chrysobothris ebenina Théry 1925
Chrysobothris ecuadorica Obenberger 1928
Chrysobothris ephedrae Knull 1942
Chrysobothris fisheri Théry 1927
Chrysobothris fiskei Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris fronticornis (Chevrolat 1838)
Chrysobothris gebhardti Théry 1936
Chrysobothris generosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris gloriosa Fisher 1922
Chrysobothris hera Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris hispaniolae Fisher 1925
Chrysobothris igniventris Reitter 1895
Chrysobothris inaequalicollis Thomson 1878
Chrysobothris infantula Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris infranitens Kerremans 1912
Chrysobothris iris Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris jania Lotte 1938
Chrysobothris kalaharica Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris keyensis Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris laudabilis Théry 1936
Chrysobothris legorskyi Barries 2012
Chrysobothris lesnei Théry 1934
Chrysobothris lesueuri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris lobata Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris lucana Horn 1894
Chrysobothris manchurica Arakawa 1932
Chrysobothris melazona Chevrolat 1835
Chrysobothris mescalero Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris microstigma Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris minuta Kerremans 1896
Chrysobothris nana Fairmaire 1892
Chrysobothris nigripennis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris okorosawana Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris orothi Baudon 1963
Chrysobothris palaui Cobos 1954
Chrysobothris pampas Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris paraguayensis Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris pedroi Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris peruviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris philippinensis Saunders 1874
Chrysobothris picklesi Théry 1938
Chrysobothris piuta Wickham 1903
Chrysobothris polymetallichroma Westcott 1998
Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris pusilla Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris ritsemae Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris rossi Van Dyke 1942
Chrysobothris rubimaculata (Gory & Laporte 1837)
Chrysobothris rudipennis Kerremans 1903
Chrysobothris rugosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris samai Curletti & Magnani 1988
Chrysobothris schlueteri Théry 1925
Chrysobothris siamensis Hoscheck 1931
Chrysobothris socialis Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris solieri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris staudingeri Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris subopaca Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris sulci Obenberger 1932
Chrysobothris sylvania Fall 1910
Chrysobothris takahashii Barries 2009
Chrysobothris tricolor Kerremans 1892
Chrysobothris verityi Nelson 1975
Chrysobothris viridinotata (Gory & Laporte 1838)
Chrysobothris vitalisi Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris wickhami Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris widdringtoniae Descarpentries 1959
Chrysobothris wilkinsoni Théry 1947
Chrysobothris woodgatei Champlain & Knull 1922
581 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris adelpha Harold 1869
Chrysobothris aeneifrons Fairmaire 1882
Chrysobothris alluaudi Kerremans 1914
Chrysobothris alutaceiventris Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris amazonica Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris amurensis Pic 1904
Chrysobothris armata Dugès 1891
Chrysobothris astartae Abeille de Perrin 1895
Chrysobothris auricornis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris basalis Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris bimarginicollis Schaeffer 1905
Chrysobothris boliviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris braunsi Obenberger 1922
Chrysobothris burgeoni Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris capitata Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris catascopa Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris caurina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chalcophana (Klug 1829)
Chrysobothris chlorocephala Gory 1841
Chrysobothris chrysogaster Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris cincta Kerremans 1893
Chrysobothris circuloimpressa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris confusa Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris costaricana Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris cupreipes Fairmaire 1864
Chrysobothris debilis Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris deflexicornis Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris delavayi Fairmaire 1887
Chrysobothris deliana Kerremans 1900
Chrysobothris deserta Horn 1886
Chrysobothris dorbignyi (Gory 1841)
Chrysobothris dyopatra Gory 1841
Chrysobothris ebenina Théry 1925
Chrysobothris ecuadorica Obenberger 1928
Chrysobothris ephedrae Knull 1942
Chrysobothris fisheri Théry 1927
Chrysobothris fiskei Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris fronticornis (Chevrolat 1838)
Chrysobothris gebhardti Théry 1936
Chrysobothris generosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris gloriosa Fisher 1922
Chrysobothris hera Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris hispaniolae Fisher 1925
Chrysobothris igniventris Reitter 1895
Chrysobothris inaequalicollis Thomson 1878
Chrysobothris infantula Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris infranitens Kerremans 1912
Chrysobothris iris Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris jania Lotte 1938
Chrysobothris kalaharica Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris keyensis Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris laudabilis Théry 1936
Chrysobothris legorskyi Barries 2012
Chrysobothris lesnei Théry 1934
Chrysobothris lesueuri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris lobata Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris lucana Horn 1894
Chrysobothris manchurica Arakawa 1932
Chrysobothris melazona Chevrolat 1835
Chrysobothris mescalero Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris microstigma Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris minuta Kerremans 1896
Chrysobothris nana Fairmaire 1892
Chrysobothris nigripennis Deyrolle 1864
Chrysobothris okorosawana Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris orothi Baudon 1963
Chrysobothris palaui Cobos 1954
Chrysobothris pampas Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris paraguayensis Obenberger 1917
Chrysobothris pedroi Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris peruviae Obenberger 1924
Chrysobothris philippinensis Saunders 1874
Chrysobothris picklesi Théry 1938
Chrysobothris piuta Wickham 1903
Chrysobothris polymetallichroma Westcott 1998
Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris pusilla Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris ritsemae Gestro 1877
Chrysobothris rossi Van Dyke 1942
Chrysobothris rubimaculata (Gory & Laporte 1837)
Chrysobothris rudipennis Kerremans 1903
Chrysobothris rugosa Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris samai Curletti & Magnani 1988
Chrysobothris schlueteri Théry 1925
Chrysobothris siamensis Hoscheck 1931
Chrysobothris socialis Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris solieri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris staudingeri Kerremans 1897
Chrysobothris subopaca Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris sulci Obenberger 1932
Chrysobothris sylvania Fall 1910
Chrysobothris takahashii Barries 2009
Chrysobothris tricolor Kerremans 1892
Chrysobothris verityi Nelson 1975
Chrysobothris viridinotata (Gory & Laporte 1838)
Chrysobothris vitalisi Bourgoin 1922
Chrysobothris wickhami Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris widdringtoniae Descarpentries 1959
Chrysobothris wilkinsoni Théry 1947
Chrysobothris woodgatei Champlain & Knull 1922
575 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
GBIF classification
Chrysobothris Eschscholtz 1829
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris acutipennis Chevrolat 1835
Chrysobothris affinis (Fabricius 1794)
Chrysobothris amplicollis Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris arizonica Chamberlin 1938
Chrysobothris australasiae Hope 1846
Chrysobothris axillaris Horn 1886
Chrysobothris azurea Le Conte 1857
Chrysobothris bacchari Van Dyke 1923
Chrysobothris basalis Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris beameri Knull 1954
Chrysobothris beyeri Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris bimarginicollis Schaeffer 1905
Chrysobothris bisinuata Chamberlin 1938
Chrysobothris boharti Van Dyke 1934
Chrysobothris breviloboides Barr 1969
Chrysobothris caddo Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris caelata Carter 1925
Chrysobothris carinipennis Le Conte 1878
Chrysobothris carmelita Fall 1907
Chrysobothris carteri Obenberger 1923
Chrysobothris caurina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chalcophana (Klug 1829)
Chrysobothris chalcophoroides Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chrysoela (Illiger 1800)
Chrysobothris chrysostigma (Linnaeus 1758)
Chrysobothris comanche Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris costifrons Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris cribraria Mannerheim 1837
Chrysobothris cupressicona Barr & Westcott 1976
Chrysobothris cuprina (Klug 1829)
Chrysobothris cyanella Horn 1886
Chrysobothris cypria Magnani 1993
Chrysobothris dentipes (Germar 1824)
Chrysobothris deserta Horn 1886
Chrysobothris dorsata (Fabricius 1787)
Chrysobothris exesa Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris falli Van Dyke 1918
Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier 1790)
Chrysobothris fiskei Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris gemmata Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris grancanariae Niehuis & Gottwald 1999
Chrysobothris grindeliae Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris harrisii (Hentz 1827)
Chrysobothris helferi Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris hubbardi Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris ignicollis Horn 1885
Chrysobothris igniventris Reitter 1895
Chrysobothris indica Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris infranitens Kerremans 1912
Chrysobothris iris Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris kotoensis Miwa & Chûjô 1940
Chrysobothris lateralis Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris leonhardi Obenberger 1916
Chrysobothris lilaceous Chamberlin 1925
Chrysobothris macleayi Obenberger 1928
Chrysobothris mali Horn 1886
Chrysobothris mastersii Macleay 1872
Chrysobothris merkelii Horn 1886
Chrysobothris nelsoni Westcott & Alten 2006
Chrysobothris neopusilla Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris neotexana Dozier 1955
Chrysobothris nixa Horn 1886
Chrysobothris octocola Le Conte 1859
Chrysobothris octomaculata Carter 1925
Chrysobothris oregona Chamberlin 1934
Chrysobothris orono Frost 1920
Chrysobothris parapiuta Knull 1938
Chrysobothris peninsularis Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris perroni Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris petersoni Hawkeswood 1997
Chrysobothris piuta Wickham 1903
Chrysobothris prasina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris pubilineata Vogt 1949
Chrysobothris purpurata Bland 1864
Chrysobothris purpureoplagiata Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris purpureovittata Horn 1886
Chrysobothris pusilla Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris queenslandica Hawkeswood 1986
Chrysobothris regina Kerremans 1898
Chrysobothris rugosiceps Melsheimer 1845
Chrysobothris saundersii Macleay 1872
Chrysobothris sauteri Kerremans 1912
Chrysobothris schistomorion Westcott & Davidson 2001
Chrysobothris sexsignata (Say 1839)
Chrysobothris shiwakii Miwa & Chujo 1935
Chrysobothris simplicifrons Kerremans 1903
Chrysobothris sloicola Manley & Wellso 1976
Chrysobothris socialis Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris solieri Gory & Laporte 1837
Chrysobothris speculifer Horn 1886
Chrysobothris subopaca Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris subsimilis Thomson 1879
Chrysobothris texana Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris tranquebarica (Gmelin 1790)
Chrysobothris ventralis Saunders 1874
Chrysobothris verdigripennis Frost 1910
Chrysobothris viridicyanea Horn 1886
Chrysobothris viridis Macleay 1872
Chrysobothris vulcanica Le Conte 1861
Chrysobothris wickhami Fisher 1942
593 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Coleoptera Linnaeus 1758
Polyphaga Emery 1886
Elateriformia Crowson 1960
Buprestoidea Leach 1815
Buprestidae Leach 1815
Buprestinae Leach 1815
Chrysobothrini Gory & Laporte 1838
Chrysobothris Eschscholtz 1829
Chrysobothris atriplexae Fisher 1942
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris acaciae Knull 1936
Chrysobothris acutipennis Chevrolat 1835
Chrysobothris adelpha Harold 1869
Chrysobothris aeneola Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris analis Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris arizonica Chamberlin 1938
Chrysobothris axillaris Horn 1886
Chrysobothris azurea Le Conte 1857
Chrysobothris bacchari Van Dyke 1923
Chrysobothris barri Wescott 1971
Chrysobothris basalis Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris beameri Knull 1954
Chrysobothris beyeri Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris bicolor Horn 1894
Chrysobothris bimarginicollis Schaeffer 1905
Chrysobothris bisinuata Chamberlin 1938
Chrysobothris bispinosa Schaeffer 1909
Chrysobothris boharti Van Dyke 1934
Chrysobothris breviloba Fall 1910
Chrysobothris breviloboides Barr 1969
Chrysobothris caddo Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris californica Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris carinipennis Le Conte 1878
Chrysobothris carmelita Fall 1907
Chrysobothris caurina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chalcophoroides Horn 1886
Chrysobothris chamberliniana Fisher 1948
Chrysobothris chiricahuae Knull 1937
Chrysobothris chlorocephala Gory 1841
Chrysobothris chrysoela (Illiger 1800)
Chrysobothris comanche Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris convexa Fall 1907
Chrysobothris costifrons Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris crandalli Knull 1943
Chrysobothris cribraria Mannerheim 1837
Chrysobothris culbersoniana Knull 1943
Chrysobothris cuprascens Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris cupressicona Barr & Westcott 1976
Chrysobothris cyanella Horn 1886
Chrysobothris debilis Le Conte 1860
Chrysobothris dentipes (Germar 1824)
Chrysobothris deserta Horn 1886
Chrysobothris distincta Gory 1841
Chrysobothris dolata Horn 1886
Chrysobothris dudleyaphaga Wescott 2007
Chrysobothris edwardsii Horn 1886
Chrysobothris ephedrae Knull 1942
Chrysobothris eriogoni Wescott 2005
Chrysobothris exesa Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris falli Van Dyke 1918
Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier 1790)
Chrysobothris fiskei Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris fragariae Fisher 1930
Chrysobothris gemmata Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris grindeliae Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris harrisi (Hentz 1827)
Chrysobothris helferi Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris hidalgoensis Knull 1951
Chrysobothris horningi Barr 1969
Chrysobothris hubbardi Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris humilis Horn 1886
Chrysobothris idahoensis Barr 1969
Chrysobothris ignicollis Horn 1885
Chrysobothris indica Castelnau & Gory 1837
Chrysobothris iris Van Dyke 1937
Chrysobothris kelloggi Knull 1937
Chrysobothris knulli Nelson 1975
Chrysobothris laricis Van Dyke 1916
Chrysobothris lateralis Waterhouse 1887
Chrysobothris leechi Barr 1974
Chrysobothris libonoti Horn 1886
Chrysobothris lilaceous Chamberlin 1925
Chrysobothris lineatipennis Van Dyke 1916
Chrysobothris lixa Horn 1886
Chrysobothris lucana Horn 1894
Chrysobothris ludificata Horn 1886
Chrysobothris mali Horn 1886
Chrysobothris merkelii Horn 1886
Chrysobothris mescalero Wellso & Manley 2007
Chrysobothris micromorpha Fall 1907
Chrysobothris monticola Fall 1910
Chrysobothris nelsoni Westcott & Alten 2006
Chrysobothris neopusilla Fisher 1942
Chrysobothris neotexana Dozier 1955
Chrysobothris nixa Horn 1886
Chrysobothris octocola Le Conte 1858
Chrysobothris oregona Chamberlin 1934
Chrysobothris orono Frost 1920
Chrysobothris paragrindeliae Knull 1943
Chrysobothris parapiuta Knull 1938
Chrysobothris peninsularis Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris piuta Wickham 1903
Chrysobothris potentillae Barr 1969
Chrysobothris prasina Horn 1886
Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis Obenberger 1940
Chrysobothris pseudotsugae Van Dyke 1916
Chrysobothris pubilineata Vogt 1949
Chrysobothris purpurata Bland 1864
Chrysobothris purpureoplagiata Schaeffer 1904
Chrysobothris ventralis Saunders 1874
38 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Chrysobothris atriplexae
(هذه الصفحة)
Chrysobothris acaciae
Chrysobothris acutipennis
Chrysobothris adelpha
Chrysobothris aeneola
Chrysobothris analis
Chrysobothris axillaris
Chrysobothris azurea
Chrysobothris bacchari
Chrysobothris basalis
Chrysobothris beameri
Chrysobothris beyeri
Chrysobothris bicolor
Chrysobothris bimarginicollis
Chrysobothris bisinuata
Chrysobothris bispinosa
Chrysobothris boharti
Chrysobothris breviloba
Chrysobothris californica
Chrysobothris carinipennis
Chrysobothris carmelita
Chrysobothris caurina
Chrysobothris chalcophoroides
Chrysobothris chamberliniana
Chrysobothris chiricahuae
Chrysobothris chlorocephala
Chrysobothris convexa
Chrysobothris crandalli
Chrysobothris cribraria
Chrysobothris culbersoniana
Chrysobothris cuprascens
Chrysobothris cyanella
Chrysobothris debilis
Chrysobothris deserta
Chrysobothris distincta
Chrysobothris dolata
Chrysobothris edwardsii
Chrysobothris ephedrae
Chrysobothris exesa
Chrysobothris falli
Chrysobothris fiskei
Chrysobothris fragariae
Chrysobothris gemmata
Chrysobothris helferi
Chrysobothris hidalgoensis
Chrysobothris hubbardi
Chrysobothris humilis
Chrysobothris ignicollis
Chrysobothris kelloggi
Chrysobothris knulli
Chrysobothris laricis
Chrysobothris libonoti
Chrysobothris lineatipennis
Chrysobothris lixa
Chrysobothris lucana
Chrysobothris ludificata
Chrysobothris mali
Chrysobothris merkelii
Chrysobothris micromorpha
Chrysobothris monticola
Chrysobothris neopusilla
Chrysobothris neotexana
Chrysobothris nixa
Chrysobothris octocola
Chrysobothris orono
Chrysobothris paragrindeliae
Chrysobothris parapiuta
Chrysobothris peninsularis
Chrysobothris prasina
Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis
Chrysobothris pseudotsugae
Chrysobothris purpureoplagiata
Chrysobothris purpureovittata
Chrysobothris purpurifrons
Chrysobothris pusilla
Chrysobothris quadriimpresa
Chrysobothris quadrilineata
Chrysobothris rotundicollis
Chrysobothris rugosiceps
Chrysobothris scabripennis
Chrysobothris schaefferi
Chrysobothris scitula
Chrysobothris semisculpta
Chrysobothris serripes
Chrysobothris sexfasciata
Chrysobothris sexsignata
Chrysobothris sloicola
Chrysobothris smaragdula
Chrysobothris subcylindrica
Chrysobothris subopaca
Chrysobothris sylvania
Chrysobothris texana
Chrysobothris trinervia
Chrysobothris ventralis
Chrysobothris verdigripennis
Chrysobothris viridiceps
Chrysobothris viridicyanea
Chrysobothris vivida
Chrysobothris vulcanica
Chrysobothris wickhami
Chrysobothris woodgatei
595 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.