
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 23.2 years (captivity) Observations: One specimen lived 23.2 years in captivity (Brouwer et al. 2000).
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Biology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Biologists have only recently begun to study the golden parakeet in the wild, and consequently there is still much that is not known about this species (8). It appears to be semi-nomadic, moving into different habitats with the changing seasons, and field observations suggest it is highly gregarious, occurring in small flocks of three to thirty closely related birds (2) (4) (9). The breeding season, which generally occurs from December to April, corresponds with the wet season (2). The nests (as well as roosts) are commonly made in tree cavities in open areas and are sometimes communal with several females contributing two to three eggs to each nest (2) (4) (7). After the eggs hatch, all adults are involved in caring for the young, which are able to take advantage of the maize crops which ripen just before fledging (2) (7). At the end of the breeding season and the beginning of the dry season, the family flocks return to the denser parts of the rainforest, where they forage on fruits, berries, seeds and nuts in the canopy (2).
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Conservation ( الإنجليزية )

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The golden parakeet is protected by Brazilian law and since 1973 has been listed under Appendix I of the Convention on International in Endangered Species (CITES), which permits trade in this species only under exceptional circumstances (2) (3). Unfortunately, the human and financial resources available to prevent wildlife exploitation are limited and consequently illegal trapping remains prolific and many birds continue to be smuggled out of Brazil (6) (10). There is a population of golden parakeet in the fairly well protected Tapajós National Park, but reserves can be limited in their effectiveness because of this species' nomadic behaviour (2). There is cause for optimism, however, as in 2001, the Golden Conure Survival Fund was established (4) (8). This has been instrumental in raising significant funds to support much needed research into the species' population and threats. Furthermore, it is anticipated that future funds will be used to help implement direct conservation initiatives, such as land purchase, education of local people and law enforcement (8) (9) (10).
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

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With its glorious yellow plumage, the golden parakeet is highly prized in the caged-bird trade (2). Only the dark green flight feathers contrast with the largely golden colouration of the rest of the body. It has a white or pinkish ring around each eye and a large horn-coloured bill (2) (4). Juvenile golden parakeets are duller than the adults and are conspicuously streaked with green, particularly on the head and tail (2) (4) (5). The call is a high pitched note uttered alone or in rapid succession (4).
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Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

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Restricted to the Amazon basin, this species typically occurs in lowland rainforest habitat (2) (4). During the dry season, it is most common in the canopy of tall forests on dry, well drained soils but during the wet season the golden parakeet occurs more frequently in open areas with scattered trees (2) (4) (7).
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Range ( الإنجليزية )

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The golden parakeet is endemic to Brazil, where it is restricted to the states of Maranhão, Pará, Rondônia, Mato Grosso and Amazonas (2) (4) (6).
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Status ( الإنجليزية )

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Classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List (1) and listed on Appendix I of CITES (3).
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Threats ( الإنجليزية )

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Although the golden parakeet has probably always been relatively scarce, its numbers have been declining for some time. At the turn of the millennium, just 1,000 to 2,500 golden parakeets were estimated to be remaining in the wild (2). Undoubtedly, deforestation and rampant exploitation for the caged-bird trade are chiefly responsible for its precarious status (2) (5). Road construction, development and logging have depleted and fragmented large areas of biologically rich rainforests, which the golden parakeet utilises for nesting, roosting and foraging (2) (4). At the same time, with high demand for this species in the caged-bird trade, illegal trapping continues apace (10). Sadly, it is also hunted for food, feathers and sport and to reduce damage to crops (2).
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Cotorra guaruba ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

La cotorra guarouba (Guaruba guarouba) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) i única espècie del gènere Guaruba. Habita la selva humida del nord-est de Brasil.


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Cotorra guaruba: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

La cotorra guarouba (Guaruba guarouba) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) i única espècie del gènere Guaruba. Habita la selva humida del nord-est de Brasil.

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Conwra euraid ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Conwra euraid (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: conwraod euraid) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Aratinga guarouba; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Golden conure. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn A. guarouba, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r conwra euraid yn perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Corbarot brongoch Micropsitta bruijnii Corbarot Finsch Micropsitta finschii Corbarot Meek Micropsitta meeki Corbarot penfelyn Micropsitta keiensis Corbarot wyneblwyd Micropsitta pusio
Loricît cain Charmosyna pulchella
Loricît Caledonia Newydd Charmosyna diadema
Charmosyna diadema.jpg
Loricît gyddfgoch Charmosyna amabilis
Loricît Josephine Charmosyna josefinae
Charmosyna josefinae.jpg
Loricît palmwydd Charmosyna palmarum
Loricît talcenlas Charmosyna toxopei Macaw Spix Cyanopsitta spixii
Macaw torgoch Orthopsittaca manilatus
Orthopsittaca manilata -Brazil-6.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Conwra euraid: Brief Summary ( الويلزية )

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Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Conwra euraid (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: conwraod euraid) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Aratinga guarouba; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Golden conure. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Parotiaid (Lladin: Psittacidae) sydd yn urdd y Psittaciformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn A. guarouba, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Goldsittich ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE
Guaruba guarouba

Der Goldsittich (Guaruba guarouba) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Eigentlichen Papageien. Er kommt in Südamerika vor.


Der Goldsittich wurde früher den Keilschwanzsittichen (Aratingas) als Aratinga guarouba zugeordnet, jedoch wegen seiner besonderen Gestalt, Farbe und seines Verhaltens wird er heute in einer eigenständigen Gattung aufgeführt.

Er ist etwa 34–36 Zentimeter groß und wiegt etwa 250 g. Sein Gefieder ist goldgelb, die Hand- und Armschwingen sind dunkelgrün. Sein Schnabel ist hornfarben, die Augenringe sind weiß und die Iris braun. Seine Farben entsprechen denen der brasilianischen Nationalflagge, er gilt deswegen auch als Nationalvogel von Brasilien.


Guaruba guarouba Map.svg

Sein Ausbreitungsgebiet wird auf etwa 174.000 km² geschätzt und liegt zwischen den Flüssen Rio Tocantins, unterem Rio Xingu und Rio Tapajós im Amazonasbecken südlich des Amazonas im Bundesstaat Pará im Norden Brasiliens. Zusätzliche Aufzeichnungen kommen aus dem angrenzenden nördlichen Maranhão.[1] Der Mensch verkleinert sein Verbreitungsgebiet rapide durch den Bau von Straßen (zwei große Autobahnen wurden in den letzten Jahren durch sein Verbreitungsgebiet gebaut), den Tucuruí-Stausee, der ca. 2.300 Quadratkilometer Land überschwemmte, und die menschliche Landnahme.


Der Goldsittich wurde als unmittelbar bedroht in den Anhang I des Washingtoner Artenschutzabkommens aufgenommen[2], was den Handel mit diesen Tieren verbietet.



  • Arndt, Thomas: Südamerikanische Sittiche - Keilschwanzsittiche i.e.S. Bomlitz, Horst Müller Verl. 1990, ISBN 3-923269-02-1


  1. Habitat, Bericht auf tdl.org aus 1999, Seite auf engl., abgerufen am 5. Januar 2022
  2. Anhänge des Abkommens bei www.cites.org (eng.)
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Goldsittich: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE
 src= Guaruba guarouba

Der Goldsittich (Guaruba guarouba) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Eigentlichen Papageien. Er kommt in Südamerika vor.

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Golden parakeet ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The golden parakeet or golden conure (Guaruba guarouba) is a medium-sized golden-yellow Neotropical parrot native to the Amazon Basin of interior northern Brazil. It is the only species placed in the genus Guaruba.

Its plumage is mostly bright yellow, hence its common name, but it also possesses green remiges. It lives in the drier, upland rainforests in Amazonian Brazil, and is threatened by deforestation and flooding, and also by the now-illegal trapping of wild individuals for the pet trade. It is listed on CITES appendix I.[3]


The golden parakeet was listed in 1633 by the Dutch geographer Joannes de Laet in his History of the New World. He gave the local name as Guiarubas.[4] De Laet included the parakeet in the 1640 French translation of his book.[5] The word Guiarubas comes from the Tupi language: Guarajúba means "yellow bird".[6] The golden parakeet was also described by the German naturalist Georg Marcgrave in 1648 in his Historia Naturalis Brasiliae. Marcgrave gave the local name as Quiivbatvi.[7] Based on Marcgrave's description, the golden parakeet was included in the works of Francis Willughby in 1678,[8] John Ray in 1713,[9] and Mathurin Jacques Brisson in 1760.[10] In 1779 the French polymath, the Comte de Buffon, included a description based on a preserved specimen in his Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux.[11] An illustration based on the same specimen was published separately.[12]

When in 1788 the German naturalist Johann Friedrich Gmelin revised and expanded Carl Linnaeus's Systema Naturae he included the golden parakeet and cited earlier works including Buffon's description of "Le Guarouba". He placed it with the other parrots in the genus Psittacus and coined the binomial name Psittacus guarouba.[13]

Formerly classified as Aratinga guarouba[14][a] the golden parakeet is now the only species placed in the genus Guaruba that was introduced in 1830 by the French naturalist René Lesson.[15][16] The different spellings of the genus and species names result from the different spellings used by Lesson and Gmelin and the rules of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Lesson initially used Guarouba but on subsequent pages changed this to Guaruba.[17] The species is monotypic: no subspecies are recognised.[16] This species is also known as the golden conure.[18]

Molecular studies show that Guaruba and Diopsittaca (red-shouldered macaw) are sister genera.[19][20][21][22] It is also closely related to Leptosittaca branicki, (golden-plumed parakeet).


The golden parakeet is 34–36 cm (13–14 in) long and mainly yellow with green in the outer wings and with an all-yellow tail.[18] It has a large horn-colored (gray) beak, pale-pink bare eye rings, brown irises, and pink legs. Males and females have identical external appearance. Juveniles are duller and have less yellow and more green plumage than the adults. The juvenile's head and neck are mostly green, the back is green and yellow, the upper side of tail is mostly green, the breast is greenish, the eye rings are pale-gray, and the legs are brown.[23]

Distribution and habitat

Its range is estimated to be limited to about 174,000 km2.[24] between the Tocantins, lower Xingu, and Tapajós Rivers in the Amazon Basin south of the Amazon River in the state of Pará, northern Brazil. Additional records occur from adjacent northern Maranhão. The birds in a 1986 study used two different habitats during the year; during the nonbreeding season, which coincided with the dry season, they occupied the tall forest. During the breeding season, they left the tall forest and entered open areas on the edge of the forest such as fields used in agriculture.[25]

Behavior and ecology

Golden parakeets are a social species, living, feeding, sleeping, and even breeding together.[25] In the wild, they have a varied diet, feeding on fruits such as mango, muruci and açai, flowers, buds, seeds (including Croton matouensis, and crop plants, particularly maize.[24][26]


Guaruba guarouba - MHNT

The golden parakeet's breeding system is almost unique amongst parrots, as pairs are aided by a number of helpers which aid in the raising of the young.[25] This behavior is less common with parakeets in captivity, which often abandon their young after three weeks.[27]

After the golden parakeet reaches sexual maturity at the age of three years, the breeding season starts in November and runs through February. They nest in a high tree, in deeper than average nesting cavities, and lay an average of four 37.1 by 29.9 mm (1.46 by 1.18 in) white eggs, which they aggressively guard. The incubation period is about 30 days, in which the male and female take turns incubating. In the first few years of sexual maturity, golden parakeets tend to lay infertile clutches until the age of six to eight. In captivity, golden parakeets resume breeding when their chicks are taken from them.[27][28]

At birth, golden parakeets are covered in white down that eventually turns darker within a week. By the end of the third week, wing feathers start to develop. Juveniles are playful, but may turn abusive against their peers.[27] Nestlings are preyed upon by toucans, which may explain their social behavior. Nests are vigorously defended from toucans by several members of the group.[25]

Conservation and threats

The golden parakeet is listed on the IUCN Red List as vulnerable.[1] This is largely due to deforestation and the capture of wild birds for aviculture, where it is in high demand due to the attractiveness of its plumage. Locally, they are considered as pests for feeding on crops, and are hunted for food or sport.[27] The current population is estimated to be in the range of 10,000 to 20,000.[24][29]

An example of the displacement of golden parakeets by habitat loss comes from the building of the Tucuruí Dam, Pará, from 1975–1984. More than 35,000 forest dwellers were forced from what had been a habitat that was considered to be "among the richest and most diversified in the world." In addition, 2,875 km2 (1,110 sq mi) of rainforest were flooded, and 1,600 islands were produced by the flooding, all of which were heavily deforested.[30]

An international effort led by the Brazilian government in partnership with Parrots International, Lymington Foundation, the University of São Paulo and others is underway to raise young birds in captivity reintegrate them to their natural habitat with support of locals in Northeast Brazil.[31]


See also


  1. ^ SACC 2005: 6. Guarouba was formerly (e.g., Peters 1937, Meyer de Schauensee 1970) included in Aratinga, but see Sick (1990), and also Tavares et al. (2004, 2006), Wright et al. (2008), and Kirchman et al. (2012), whose genetic data indicated that the sister genus to Guarouba is Diopsittaca, thus forcing a return to earlier classifications (e.g., Cory 1918, Pinto 1937) that treated it in a monotypic genus.


  1. ^ a b BirdLife International (2013). "Guaruba guarouba". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013. Retrieved 26 November 2013.old-form url
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ "Species lists (Appendices I, II and III)". CITES. 1 July 2008. Archived from the original on 29 December 2007.
  4. ^ Laet, Joannes de (1633). Novus Orbis seu descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis (in Latin). Lugd. Batav.: Apud Elzevirios. p. 556.
  5. ^ Laet, Joannes de (1640). L'Histoire du nouveau monde ou description des Indes Occidentales (in French). A Leyde: Chez Bonauenture & Abraham Elseuiers. p. 490.
  6. ^ Jobling, James A. (2010). The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. p. 180. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
  7. ^ Marcgrave, Georg (1648). Historia Naturalis Brasiliae: Liber Quintus: Qui agit de Avibus (in Latin). Lugdun and Batavorum (London and Leiden): Franciscum Hackium and Elzevirium. p. 207.
  8. ^ Willughby, Francis (1678). Ray, John (ed.). The Ornithology of Francis Willughby of Middleton in the County of Warwick. London: John Martyn. p. 117.
  9. ^ Ray, John (1713). Synopsis methodica avium & piscium (in Latin). London: William Innys. p. 35.
  10. ^ Brisson, Mathurin Jacques (1760). Ornithologie, ou, Méthode Contenant la Division des Oiseaux en Ordres, Sections, Genres, Especes & leurs Variétés (in French and Latin). Vol. 4. Paris: Jean-Baptiste Bauche. p. 369.
  11. ^ Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de (1779). "Le Guarouba ou Perriche Jaune". Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux (in French). Vol. 6. Paris: De l'Imprimerie Royale. pp. 272–274.
  12. ^ Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de; Martinet, François-Nicolas; Daubenton, Edme-Louis; Daubenton, Louis-Jean-Marie (1765–1783). "Perruche jaune de Cayenne". Planches Enluminées D'Histoire Naturelle. Vol. 6. Paris: De L'Imprimerie Royale. Plate 525.
  13. ^ Gmelin, Johann Friedrich (1788). Systema naturae per regna tria naturae : secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis (in Latin). Vol. 1, Part 1 (13th ed.). Lipsiae [Leipzig]: Georg. Emanuel. Beer. p. 320.
  14. ^ Peters, James Lee, ed. (1937). Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 3. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. p. 186.
  15. ^ Lesson, René (1830). Traité d'Ornithologie, ou Tableau Méthodique (in French). Paris: F.G. Levrault. p. 210. Published in 8 livraisons between 1830 and 1831. For the publication date see: Dickinson, E.C.; Overstreet, L.K.; Dowsett, R.J.; Bruce, M.D. (2011). Priority! The Dating of Scientific Names in Ornithology: a Directory to the literature and its reviewers. Northampton, UK: Aves Press. p. 119. ISBN 978-0-9568611-1-5.
  16. ^ a b Gill, Frank; Donsker, David; Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (January 2022). "Parrots, cockatoos". IOC World Bird List Version 12.1. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
  17. ^ David, N.; Dickinson, E.; Gregory, S. (2009). "Contributions to a list of first reviser actions: ornithology". Zootaxa. 2085 (1): 1–24. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2085.1.1.
  18. ^ a b Collar, N.J. (1997). "Golden parakeet (Guarouba guarouba)". In del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Barcelona, Spain: Lynx Edicions. p. 427. ISBN 978-84-87334-22-1.
  19. ^ Tavares, E.S.; Yamashita, C.; Miyaki, C.Y. (2004). "Phylogenetic relationships among some Neotropical parrot genera (Psittacidae) based on mitochondrial sequences". The Auk. 121 (1): 230–242. doi:10.1093/auk/121.1.230.
  20. ^ Tavares, E.S.; Baker, A.J.; Pereira, S.L.; Miyaki, C.Y. (2006). "Phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of Neotropical parrots (Psittaciformes: Psittacidae: Arini) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA Sequences". Systematic Biology. 55 (3): 454–470. doi:10.1080/10635150600697390.
  21. ^ Wright, Timothy; et al. (2008). "A multilocus molecular phylogeny of the parrots (Psittaciformes): support for a Gondwanan origin during the Cretaceous". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 25: 2141–2156. doi:10.1093/molbev/msn160. PMC 2727385. PMID 18653733.
  22. ^ Kirchman, J.; Schirtzinger, Wright (April 2012). "Phylogenetic relationships of the extinct Carolina Parakeet inferred from DNA sequence data". The Auk. 129 (2): 197–204. doi:10.1525/auk.2012.11259.
  23. ^ Forshaw, Joseph M. (2006). Parrots of the World; an Identification Guide. Illustrated by Frank Knight. Princeton University Press. Plate 74. ISBN 0-691-09251-6.
  24. ^ a b c "Birdlife International Species Factsheet".
  25. ^ a b c d Oren, David C.; Novaes, Fernando (1986). "Observations on the golden parakeet Aratinga guarouba in Northern Brazil". Biological Conservation. 36 (4): 329–337. doi:10.1016/0006-3207(86)90008-X.
  26. ^ "Natural Diet". goldenconure.org. Retrieved 24 January 2007.
  27. ^ a b c d Honolulu Zoo Archived 2007-03-06 at the Wayback Machine URL accessed January 24, 2007.
  28. ^ Golden Conure - Breeding Archived 2011-03-25 at the Wayback Machine URL accessed January 26, 2007.
  29. ^ Laranjeiras, Thiago (Sep 2011). "Biology and population size of the Golden Parakeet (Guaruba guarouba) in western Pará, Brazil, with recommendations for conservation" (PDF). Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia. 19 (3): 303–314. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-12-14.
  30. ^ Deforestation URL accessed January 26, 2007.
  31. ^ [1] Fundacao Lymington Sao Paulo URL accessed August 13, 2017.

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Golden parakeet: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The golden parakeet or golden conure (Guaruba guarouba) is a medium-sized golden-yellow Neotropical parrot native to the Amazon Basin of interior northern Brazil. It is the only species placed in the genus Guaruba.

Its plumage is mostly bright yellow, hence its common name, but it also possesses green remiges. It lives in the drier, upland rainforests in Amazonian Brazil, and is threatened by deforestation and flooding, and also by the now-illegal trapping of wild individuals for the pet trade. It is listed on CITES appendix I.

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Guaruba guarouba ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES
Guaruba guarouba - MHNT

El guacamayo guaruba, cotorra dorada, periquito amarillo o aratinga amarilla (Guaruba guarouba)[2]​ es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Psittacidae endémica de Brasil.


Alcanza unos 34 cm de largo y unos 270 g de peso.[3]​ Su coloración es predominantemente amarilla brillante en la mayor parte del cuerpo, en la cola y las alas, a excepción de los extremos de estas, donde el color cambia a un verde oscuro.[3]​ Posee un pico fuerte y grueso, de color amarillo cremoso, rodeado de un color blanco. Sus patas son de un color rosáceo. Sus ojos son algo oscuros, de color marrón, siendo la zona periocular (alrededor del ojo) de color blanco o rosa.[3]


Se alimenta a base de semillas y frutas.[4]


Habita los bosques húmedos. Anida en las cavidades de los árboles, y en libertad pone hasta 9 huevos (mientras que en cautiverio puede llegar a poner hasta 14 huevos), los cuales son incubados durante 29 a 31 días. El periodo reproductivo se da desde diciembre hasta abril. Las parejas reproductoras se mantienen unidas por bastante tiempo.

Se suele observar estas aves en bandadas bastante numerosas. Su población ha disminuido indirectamente a causa de la construcción de la represa de Tucuruí, sobre el río Tocantins, la cual desplazó a los colonos hacia zonas antes despobladas, donde la población del periquito dorado era bastante abundante, siendo aquellos los causantes de la deforestación de dichas zonas.[5]


Se distribuye por Brasil, en la cuenca baja del río Tocantins. Se considera una especie vulnerable, y CITES lo considera dentro de su apéndice I.[6]

Población en zoológicos

Según registros del Species360 existe una población de 213 individuos dispersos en distintos zoológicos.

Notas y referencias

  1. BirdLife International (2013). «Guaruba guarouba». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2013.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 7 de diciembre de 2013.
  2. Ficha en Avibase
  3. a b c World Parrot Trust. «Golden Conure» (en inglés). Consultado el 25 de marzo de 2011.
  4. Golden Conure.org. «Natural Diet» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 22 de abril de 2009. Consultado el 25 de marzo de 2011.
  5. Golden Conure.org. «Threats» (en inglés). Consultado el 25 de marzo de 2011.
  6. CITES. «Appendices I, II and III» (en inglés). Consultado el 25 de marzo de 2011.

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Guaruba guarouba: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

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 src= Guaruba guarouba - MHNT

El guacamayo guaruba, cotorra dorada, periquito amarillo o aratinga amarilla (Guaruba guarouba)​ es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Psittacidae endémica de Brasil.

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Guaruba guarouba ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Guaruba guarouba Guaruba generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Guaruba guarouba: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

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Guaruba guarouba Guaruba generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Kulta-aratti ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Kulta-aratti (Guarouba guarouba) on Brasilian kotoperäinen papukaija. Se elää maan pohjoisosassa Maranhãossa ja Parássa. Lajin holotyypin kuvaili Johann Friedrich Gmelin Koillis-Brasiliasta 1788.[2]

Ulkomuodoltaan kulta-arattia on vaikea sekoittaa moneen muuhun lajiin. Sen nokka on suuri verrattuna linnun päähän, ja väriltään vaalea. Höyhenys on suurimmaksi osaksi kirkkaan keltainen, lukuun ottamatta vihreitä siipisulkia. Linnun koivet ovat vaaleanpunertavat, mutta kynnet mustat.


  1. BirdLife International: Guarouba guarouba IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 8.2.2015. (englanniksi)
  2. IBC (englanniksi)
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Kulta-aratti: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Kulta-aratti (Guarouba guarouba) on Brasilian kotoperäinen papukaija. Se elää maan pohjoisosassa Maranhãossa ja Parássa. Lajin holotyypin kuvaili Johann Friedrich Gmelin Koillis-Brasiliasta 1788.

Ulkomuodoltaan kulta-arattia on vaikea sekoittaa moneen muuhun lajiin. Sen nokka on suuri verrattuna linnun päähän, ja väriltään vaalea. Höyhenys on suurimmaksi osaksi kirkkaan keltainen, lukuun ottamatta vihreitä siipisulkia. Linnun koivet ovat vaaleanpunertavat, mutta kynnet mustat.

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Conure dorée ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Guaruba guarouba

La Conure dorée (Guaruba guarouba) est une espèce d'oiseau de la famille des Psittacidae, endémique du Brésil.

Cette espèce est la seule du genre Guaruba. Elle est parfois classée dans le genre Aratinga qui comprend d'autres espèces.


Comme l'indique son nom, la Conure dorée arbore un plumage essentiellement jaune vif, agrémenté par des couvertures primaires et secondaires vert foncé. Les cercles oculaires sont blancs, le bec grisâtre, les iris bruns et les pattes roses. Cet oiseau mesure près de 34 cm.

Les juvéniles sont plus ternes et ont un plumage moins jaune et plus vert que les adultes. la tête et le cou sont souvent verts, le dos est vert et jaune, la partie supérieure de la queue est principalement verte, la poitrine est verdâtre et les pattes sont brunes[1].

L'espèce est protégée et classée en Annexe I de la Convention de Washington depuis 1975. Elle appartient au groupe des 12 espèces de perroquets les plus menacées de disparition.


La Conure dorée peuple les forêts primaires tropicales d'Amérique du sud.


Cet oiseau est plutôt erratique[réf. nécessaire].


La Conure dorée consomme des fruits, des baies, des graines et des noix.


œufs de Guaruba guarouba - Muséum de Toulouse

Cette espèce se reproduirait de la fin de l'automne au début de l'hiver mais ces informations demandent confirmation.


La Conure dorée est endémique de l'Amazonie brésilienne. Elle est en danger d'extinction.


En captivité, les couples reproducteurs sont peu nombreux. L'un d'entre eux vit au Busch Garden de Tampa (Floride) et détient le record de procréation avec 30 jeunes dont 5 élevés par les parents[1].

Notes et références

  1. a et b Mario D. & Conzo G., 2004, Le grand livre des perroquets, Editions de Vecchi, Paris.

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Conure dorée: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Guaruba guarouba

La Conure dorée (Guaruba guarouba) est une espèce d'oiseau de la famille des Psittacidae, endémique du Brésil.

Cette espèce est la seule du genre Guaruba. Elle est parfois classée dans le genre Aratinga qui comprend d'autres espèces.

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Guaruba guarouba ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Il parrocchetto dorato (Guaruba guarouba Gmelin, 1788) è un uccello della famiglia degli Psittacidi. È l'unica specie del genere Guaruba Lesson, 1830.[2]


È uno dei parrocchetti di maggior effetto, con colorazione base giallo intenso con copritrici primarie e secondarie verde scuro, anello perioftalmico bianco, becco grigiastro, iride bruna, zampe rosate. Ha una taglia attorno ai 34 cm. I soggetti immaturi sono di colore verde oliva invece che gialli.

Distribuzione e habitat

È endemico del bacino dell'Amazzonia brasiliana. È in pericolo di estinzione e in cattività sono poche le coppie riproducenti; una di queste è alloggiata presso il Busch Garden a Tampa in Florida e detiene il record di prole procreata, con 30 piccoli, 5 dei quali allevati dai genitori e non a mano dagli esperti del centro.


Guaruba guarouba

Predilige le foreste primarie tropicali; è nomade e si muove sempre alla ricerca di nuove fonti di cibo: frutta, bacche, semi e noci. Poco si sa sulle sue abitudini riproduttive. Secondo alcuni autori, il 13 ottobre 1912 un naturalista trovò una femmina uccisa da poco con un uovo formato nell'ovidotto[3][4]. Ciò attesterebbe che il periodo riproduttivo della specie è quello tardo autunnale-invernale. Si tratta però di una notizia insufficiente a garantire la veridicità del dato.


  1. ^ (EN) BirdLife International 2012, Guaruba guarouba, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Psittacidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 19 maggio 2014.
  3. ^ Honolulu Zoo Archiviato il 6 marzo 2007 in Internet Archive. URL accessed January 24, 2007.
  4. ^ Golden Conure - Breeding Archiviato il 25 marzo 2011 in Internet Archive. URL accessed January 26, 2007.


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Guaruba guarouba: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Il parrocchetto dorato (Guaruba guarouba Gmelin, 1788) è un uccello della famiglia degli Psittacidi. È l'unica specie del genere Guaruba Lesson, 1830.

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Goudparkiet ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL


De goudparkiet (Guaruba guarouba; synoniem: Aratinga guarouba) is een vogel uit de familie Psittacidae (papegaaien van Afrika en de Nieuwe Wereld).


De vogel bereikt een lengte van 34 tot 36 centimeter en een gewicht van ongeveer 250 gram. Zijn verenkleed is goudgeel. Secundaire vleugelveren zijn groen. De snavel is hoornkleurig. Tevens heeft deze vogel roze poten en donkerbruine ogen met bruine iris omgeven door een witte oogring. De kleuren van de goudparkiet komen overeen met die van de Braziliaanse vlag en daarom wordt deze vogel ook wel beschouwd als de nationale vogel van Brazilië.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort is endemisch in noordoostelijk Brazilië. Zijn natuurlijke habitat bestaat uit zowel droog als tropisch regenwoud in de hoge gebieden van het Braziliaanse Amazonewoud.


De goudparkiet wordt bedreigd door ontbossing en de vangst voor illegale handel. Om deze redenen heeft de soort de IUCN-status kwetsbaar gekregen. Voorts valt de goudparkiet onder Appendix I van CITES.

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Goudparkiet: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

De goudparkiet (Guaruba guarouba; synoniem: Aratinga guarouba) is een vogel uit de familie Psittacidae (papegaaien van Afrika en de Nieuwe Wereld).

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Złotniczka (ptak) ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
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Złotniczka[4], konura złota[5] (Guaruba guarouba) − gatunek ptaka z rodziny papugowatych (Psittacidae). Jest jedynym przedstawicielem monotypowego rodzaju Guaruba[4][6].

Zamieszkuje rosnące na wyżynach suche lasy deszczowe, zwykle w pobliżu dróg wodnych.

Upierzenie żółtozłote z kontrastującymi zielonymi lotkami. Długość ciała 33–36 cm.

Składa od 3 do 5 jaj, które wysiaduje samica przez 25–30 dni. Żywi się owocami, nasionami i orzechami.


W ubarwieniu konury przeważa barwa żółta, jedynie lotki są zielone. Ptak ma duży, silny dziób o ostrych brzegach. Obszar wokół oczu jest jasnoróżowy, podobnie nogi. Obie płcie wyglądają identycznie. Kolorystyka młodych osobników jest bardziej matowa, z mniejszą ilością koloru żółtego, większy obszar zajmuje barwa zielona. Głowy i dzioby młodych są przeważnie zielone, grzbiet zielono-żółty, górna część ogona w większości zielona, pierś zielonawa, obszar wokół oczu jasnozielony, natomiast nogi brązowe[7].


Konura złota występuje w północnej części Brazylii. Populacja tych ptaków, którą badano w 1986, w ciągu roku zamieszkiwała dwa różne siedliska. Podczas sezonu bez lęgu, co zbiegło się z suszą, zajmowały wysoki las. Natomiast podczas sezonu lęgowego ptaki opuściły las i przeniosły się na otwarte obszary, takie jak pola rolnicze, na skraju lasu[8].


  1. Guaruba guarouba, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Guaruba, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.) [dostęp 2010-10-30]
  3. BirdLife International 2016, Guaruba guarouba [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017 [online], wersja 2016-3 [dostęp 2017-02-09] (ang.).
  4. a b Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: P. Mielczarek, M. Kuziemko: Plemię: Arini Gray,GR, 1840 (Wersja: 2016-07-31). W: Kompletna lista ptaków świata [on-line]. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [dostęp 2017-02-09].
  5. P. Mielczarek, W. Cichocki. Polskie nazewnictwo ptaków świata. „Notatki Ornitologiczne”. Tom 40. Zeszyt specjalny, 1999. ISSN 0550-0842.
  6. F. Gill, D. Donsker (red.): Parrots & cockatoos (ang.). IOC World Bird List: Version 6.4. [dostęp 2017-02-09].
  7. Joseph. M Forshaw: Parrots of the World; an identification guide. Ilustrowany przez Frank Knight. Princeton University Press, 2006. ISBN 0-691-09251-6.
  8. David C. Oren, Novaes, Fernando. Observations on the golden parakeet Aratinga guarouba in Northern Brazil. „Biological Conservation”. 36 (4), s. 329–337, 1986. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3207(86)90008-X.
p d e
Papugowe (Psittaciformes) Królestwo: zwierzęta • Typ: strunowce • Podtyp: kręgowce • Gromada: ptaki • Rząd: papugowekakapowate
podrodzina: kakapo (Strigopinae) – Strigops
podrodzina: nestory (Nestorinae) – Nestor
podrodzina: nimfy (Nymphicinae) – Nymphicus
podrodzina: żałobnice (Calyptorhynchinae) – CalyptorhynchusZanda
podrodzina: kakadu (Cacatuinae)
plemię: MicroglossiniProbosciger
plemię: CacatuiniCallocephalonEolophusCacatua
(Psittacidae) papugi wschodnie
podrodzina: sępice (Psittrichasinae) – Psittrichas • †MascarinusCoracopsis
podrodzina: papugi wschodnie (Psittaculinae)
plemię: MicropsittiniMicropsitta
plemię: PsittaculiniPolytelisAlisterusAprosmictusPrioniturusEclectusGeoffroyusPsittinusTanygnathusPsittacula • †Lophopsittacus • †Necropsittacus
podrodzina: damy (Loriinae)
plemię: PsittacelliniPsittacella
plemię: PlatycerciniPsephotusNorthiellaPsephotellusPurpureicephalusPlatycercusBarnardiusLathamusProsopeiaEunymphicusCyanoramphusPezoporusNeopsephotusNeophema
plemię: LoriiniOreopsittacusCharmosynaViniPhigysNeopsittacusParvipsittaLoriusPsitteutelesPseudeosChalcopsittaGlossopsittaEosTrichoglossusMelopsittacusPsittaculirostrisCyclopsitta
plemię: AgapornithiniBolbopsittacusLoriculusAgapornis

Układ filogenetyczny (podrodziny, plemiona, rodzaje) na podstawie:

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Złotniczka (ptak): Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Złotniczka, konura złota (Guaruba guarouba) − gatunek ptaka z rodziny papugowatych (Psittacidae). Jest jedynym przedstawicielem monotypowego rodzaju Guaruba.

Zamieszkuje rosnące na wyżynach suche lasy deszczowe, zwykle w pobliżu dróg wodnych.

Upierzenie żółtozłote z kontrastującymi zielonymi lotkami. Długość ciała 33–36 cm.

Składa od 3 do 5 jaj, które wysiaduje samica przez 25–30 dni. Żywi się owocami, nasionami i orzechami.

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Guaruba ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT
Guaruba guarouba - MHNT

A guaruba (Guaruba guarouba ou Aratinga guarouba), também chamada de ararajuba, é uma ave psitaciforme endêmica do norte do Brasil, ameaçada de extinção.[1] As aves chegam a medir até 35 centímetros de comprimento, possuindo uma plumagem amarelo-ouro com rêmiges verdes.[3] Seus hábitos e ciclos de vida em estado selvagem ainda são pouco conhecidos, mas já foi obtida com sucesso sua reprodução em cativeiro. A população total não deve passar dos três mil indivíduos, e está em declínio, ameaçada pela destruição das florestas onde vive, e pela caça ilegal. Sua área de ocorrência diminuiu em 40% em relação à original.[4][5]

Etimologia e denominação popular

"Ararajuba" vem do termo tupi para "arara amarela", araraîuba. "Aiurujuba" e "ajurujuba" vêm do termo tupi para "papagaio amarelo", aîuruîuba.[6] Possui muitos outros nomes populares, como aiurujuba, guarajuba, marajuba, tanajuba, ajurujuba, ajurujubacanga, guamba, guarujuba, papagaio-imperial.[2]

Descrição e taxonomia

A guaruba é uma ave vistosa, caracterizando-se por ter a plumagem inteiramente de um amarelo brilhante, salvo as pontas das asas, coloridas de verde-oliva. Não existe dimorfismo sexual. Tem cerca de 34 cm de comprimento.[7][8]

Sua situação taxonômica é polêmica e incerta. A espécie foi descrita pela primeira vez como Aratinga guarouba por Gmelin, em 1788, mas já foi colocada nos gêneros Aratinga, Conurus e Psittacus.[9] É relativamente isolada e não tem parentes próximos.[10] Sua maior afinidade está com o maracanã-nobre (Diopsittaca nobilis).[9] Em 1993, Slick, argumentando que algumas de suas características não se encontram em outras espécies do gênero Aratinga, propôs que fosse reclassificada como Guaruba garouba.[8] Poucos estudos têm sido feitos com esta espécie, e o conhecimento atual sobre ela é muito imperfeito.[9]

Ocorrência e ameaças

Espécie endêmica do Brasil, seu território é pequeno e se confina à área entre o oeste do Maranhão, sudeste do Amazonas e nordeste do Pará. Recentemente foram avistados indivíduos em Rondônia e no centro-norte do Mato Grosso. A região mais importante está no Pará, entre o rio Tocantins e o baixo Xingu. Segundo Snyder, as populações parecem ser bastante móveis, sendo impossível prever sua localização dentro de sua área de distribuição,[11][12] mas Silveira & Belmonte, e Laranjeiras, localizaram grupos de residência fixa.[13][14]

A população total provavelmente nunca foi grande, mas hoje é com certeza pequena, estimada em apenas mil a três mil indivíduos, e está em declínio. A IUCN a classifica como espécie em perigo.[1]

A guaruba é ameaçada principalmente pela destruição de seu habitat, com suas áreas principais de ocorrência estando em regiões de conflitos pela posse da terra e de exploração madeireira, no chamado "arco do desmatamento" da Amazônia, complicando sua preservação. E apesar de protegida pela lei a espécie também sofre com a caça ilegal, tanto para o comércio, como por esporte e como para alimentação.[11][12] Se não forem realizadas ações de conservação em caráter urgente a espécie possivelmente será extinta dentro em breve.[8][13][15] Somente uma população é razoavelmente protegida, a que habita a Floresta Nacional do Tapajós e a Reserva Biológica do Gurupi no Maranhão, mas as outras estão sob pressão constante.[11] Sua conservação também é prejudicada pela falta de conhecimento sobre muitos aspectos básicos de sua história natural, biologia e ecologia.[16]

A Ararajuba não foi extinta no Maranhão podendo ser encontrada na Reserva Biológica do Gurupi no estado do Maranhão, podendo ser vista pela vasto arquivos de fotos do ICMBio na área do rebio Gurupi.

Biologia e ecologia

Pouco se sabe sobre seus hábitos no estado selvagem.[8][10] Os registros de observação a encontraram em regiões de contato entre a floresta ombrófila densa submontana e a floresta ombrófila densa de terras baixas, ocorrendo em altitudes medianas entre a planície amazônica e os altos do planalto central.[17] Reúnem-se em grupos de até quarenta indivíduos, divididos em bandos menores de tamanhos variáveis que pernoitam em ninhos separados. Durante a estação chuvosa e o período de nidificação os bandos tendem a ser menores.[18] Enquanto algumas forrageiam e realizam outras atividades nos estratos inferiores, alguns indivíduos se colocam sobre as árvores emergentes da copa florestal, atuando como sentinelas.[13] Passam o período mais quente do dia em repouso, sob a sombra de uma grande árvore.[19] Já foi vista se alimentando de frutas, flores, brotos ou sementes de caju, açaí, anani e especialmente murici, entre outras espécies vegetais, mas não parece ser especializada neles.[8][16][20]

Guaruba guarouba -Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio, USA -two-8a.jpg

A corte entre os casais envolve o penteamento mútuo da plumagem. A cópula dura cerca de dois minutos, e em seguida o casal se dedica a explorar a região objetivando encontrar um bom lugar para o ninho.[13] A árvore eleita geralmente pertence a um pequeno grupo ilhado em uma clareira da floresta densa,[11] podendo ser de várias espécies, incluindo a itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba), o ipê-branco (Tabebuia roseoalba) e a muiricatiara (Astronium lecointei).[21] Seus ninhos são ocos escavados nessas árvores, estejam vivas ou mortas, geralmente a 15–30 m de altura. O vestíbulo do ninho é um túnel que penetra fundamente na árvore, abrindo-se no fim em uma câmara de postura que pode estar numa profundidade de mais de 2 m. O ninho é continuamente escavado pelos pais e pode ter várias entradas. É possível que essa profundidade incomum seja uma defesa contra predadores. Esse modo de nidificação especializado restringe as suas possibilidades para árvores idosas, grossas e de elevado porte - de 40 a 50 m de altura, com mais de 110 cm de diâmetro na altura do peito - mas essas mesmas árvores majestosas e antigas são os alvos preferenciais da indústria madeireira, que devasta a região onde as guarubas vivem.[13][22]

A postura e choco se faz entre novembro-dezembro e abril, mas pode variar regionalmente na dependência das chuvas.[23] A fêmea põe em geral de três a quatro ovos, mas aparentemente os ninhos são coletivos e a postura e eclosão se dão de forma assíncrona. Já foi encontrado um ninho com 14 pintos, mas o sucesso reprodutivo é baixo.[11][24] O grupo alimenta os que chocam.[19] Ao contrário do hábito entre os psitacídeos em geral, outros indivíduos do bando, além do casal, também colaboram no cuidado da prole recém-nascida. Os adultos se aproximam do ninho de manhã cedo, logo após as 6 h, sempre vocalizando. Isso de imediato alerta as crias, que se aproximam da entrada e também passam a vocalizar. Então os adultos descem do alto das copas para alimentar a ninhada, o que acontece oito vezes por dia. Os filhotes também vão à entrada do ninho outras vezes apenas para observar os arredores, mas sempre em presença do grupo, que se dedica então a outras atividades, como penteamento da plumagem, acrobacias nos galhos, lutas simuladas, vocalizações e interação com parceiros. Cada visita dura cerca de 35 minutos. Em alguns grupos os adultos pernoitam com os filhotes, enquanto que em outros eles são deixados sozinhos, indo o grupo dormir em outro ninho em uma árvore próxima. A saída do ninho das crias e seus primeiros voos são supervisionados pelos adultos. Os jovens são alimentados por algum tempo pelo grupo.[13][25]

O grupo é internamente muito sociável e cooperativo,[26] mas também é muito territorial, expulsando muitas espécies de aves de sua área de nidificação, incluindo rapineiros, tucanos e outros papagaios, usando técnicas agressivas de ataque e intensa vocalização. Por outro lado, toleram a presença de Picidae, Passeriformes, uma coruja (Strix virgata) e morcegos nas árvores em que nidificam. Seus principais inimigos são os tucanos Ramphastos tucanus e Ramphastos vitellinus, macacos, iraras e serpentes, que predam ovos e filhotes.[13] A Ara macao pode expulsar a guaruba de seus ninhos e o Falco rufigularis e outros rapineiros podem expulsá-las de seus locais de repouso e alimentação.[27]


Golden Conure Guaruba guarouba Feeding 2134px.jpg

Os primeiros registros sobre a espécie foram deixados no século XVII, e foi citada por muitos viajantes e exploradores dos séculos seguintes. Era e é popular entre os indígenas, e até hoje serve como moeda de troca entre algumas tribos.[28] Também é muito cobiçada no mercado nacional e internacional como animal de estimação, sendo dócil, sociável, afetuosa e "conversadora", e desde 1939 é tentada sua criação em cativeiro, muitas vezes bem sucedida. Porém, ela se revela custosa e difícil, a ave exige boas instalações e grande atenção, está sujeita a doenças e alterações de comportamento que podem incluir automutilação, e não é recomendada para amadores.[7][29]

Em cativeiro costuma fazer uma postura de três a quatro ovos entre outubro e março. Quando os filhotes são removidos para criação humana o casal pode realizar outras posturas. A maturidade sexual acontece entre os três e quatro anos de idade, e sua vida pode se estender até uma média de vinte a trinta anos.[8]

Ver também


  1. a b c «Guaruba guarouba». Lista Vermelha da IUCN de espécies ameaçadas da UICN 2022 (em inglês). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado em 4 de março de 2016
  2. a b Ferreira, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.875
  3. «Zoological Nomenclature Resource: Psittaciformes» (em inglês). Consultado em 23 de outubro de 2010
  4. Laranjeiras, Thiago Orsi (2008). Distribuição geográfica, história natural e conservação da ararajuba (Guarouba guarouba - psittacidae) (Dissertação de Mestrado em Ecologia). Manaus: INPA-UFAM. 114 páginas. Consultado em 4 de março de 2016
  5. «Golden Parakeet (Guaruba guarouba) - BirdLife species factsheet». www.birdlife.org. Consultado em 4 de março de 2016
  6. Vocabulário. Curso de Tupi Antigo
  7. a b Mancini, Julie Rach. Conure. John Wiley & Sons, 2006, p. 29
  8. a b c d e f Miyaki, Cristina et al. "DNA fingerprinting in the endangered parrot Garouba and other Aratinga species". In: Revista Brasileira de Genética, 18, 3, 405-411
  9. a b c Laranjeiras, pp. 1-2
  10. a b Oren, David & Willis, Edwin. "New Brazilian Records for the Golden parakeet (Aratinga guarouba)". In: The Auk, vol, 98, 1981, p. 394
  11. a b c d e http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/speciesfactsheet.php?id=9847
  12. a b Snyder, Noel F. R. Parrots: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan 2000-2004. IUCN, 2000, p. 132
  13. a b c d e f g Silveira, Luís Fábio & Belmonte, Fernando José. "Comportamento reprodutivo e hábitos da ararajuba, Guarouba guarouba, no município de Tailândia, Pará". In: Ararajuba 13 (1):89-93, junho de 2005
  14. Laranjeiras, p. 92
  15. Laranjeiras, p. 24
  16. a b Laranjeiras, p. 3
  17. Laranjeiras, pp. 23; 41
  18. Laranjeiras, pp. 50-53; 79-81
  19. a b Laranjeiras, p. 55
  20. Laranjeiras, pp. 61-62; 93
  21. Laranjeiras, p. 69
  22. Laranjeiras, pp. 41; 60-71
  23. Laranjeiras, p. 96
  24. Laranjeiras, pp. 79; 96-100
  25. Laranjeiras, pp. 65-73
  26. Laranjeiras, pp. 72-73
  27. Laranjeiras, pp. 75-77
  28. Yamashita, Carlos. "Field observations of the biology and comments on the conservation of the golden conure (Guaruba guarouba)". In: Proceedings of the International Aviculturists Society, 2003
  29. Vriends, Matthew M. Conures: Everything about Purchase, Care, Nutrition, and Behavior. Barron's Educational Series, 2000, p. 6

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Guaruba: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT
 src= Guaruba guarouba - MHNT

A guaruba (Guaruba guarouba ou Aratinga guarouba), também chamada de ararajuba, é uma ave psitaciforme endêmica do norte do Brasil, ameaçada de extinção. As aves chegam a medir até 35 centímetros de comprimento, possuindo uma plumagem amarelo-ouro com rêmiges verdes. Seus hábitos e ciclos de vida em estado selvagem ainda são pouco conhecidos, mas já foi obtida com sucesso sua reprodução em cativeiro. A população total não deve passar dos três mil indivíduos, e está em declínio, ameaçada pela destruição das florestas onde vive, e pela caça ilegal. Sua área de ocorrência diminuiu em 40% em relação à original.

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Guldparakit ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Guldparakit[2] (Guaruba guarouba) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.[3]

Utbredning och systematik

Fågeln återfinns i nordöstra Brasilien (norra Maranhão och Pará).[3] Den placeras som ensam art i släktet Guaruba och behandlas som monotypisk, det vill säga att den inte delas in i några underarter.


IUCN kategoriserar arten som sårbar.[1]


  1. ^ [a b] Birdlife International 2013 Guaruba guarouba Från: IUCN 2014. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2015-01-06.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2017) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2017-02-14
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2017) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2017 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2017-08-11

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Guldparakit: Brief Summary ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Guldparakit (Guaruba guarouba) är en fågel i familjen västpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.

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Guarouba guarouba ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Guarouba guarouba là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae.[2] Đây là một loài vẹt Tân nhiệt đới có bộ lông màu vàng vàng có kích thước trung bình bản địa lưu vực sông Amazon ở phía bắc Brazil.

Bộ lông của loài vẹt này chủ yếu là màu vàng sáng, nhưng nó cũng sở hữu lông cánh màu xanh lá cây. [3] Nó sống trong các khu rừng mưa nhiệt đới, khô cằn ở vùng Amazon của Brazil và bị đe dọa bởi nạn phá rừng và lũ lụt, và cũng là do các cá thể hoang dã bị bẫy bất hợp pháp để buôn bán thú cưng. [4] Nó được liệt kê trong phụ lục của Công ước CITES I. [5]

Nhà tự nhiên học người Đức Georg Marcgraf lần đầu tiên mô tả loài chim này, được gọi là guaruba trong chuyến thám hiểm tới Brasil thuộc Hà Lan năm 1638. [6] Tên tiếng Bồ Đào Nha và bản địa của nó, ararajuba, có nghĩa là vẹt đuôi dài nhỏ màu vàng. Trong nghề nuôi chim, đôi khi nó được gọi là conure nữ hoàng xứ Bavaria.[7]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2013). Guaruba guarouba. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.
  3. ^ Golden Palms - Golden Conure URL accessed January 26, 2007.
  4. ^ Honolulu Zoo Lưu trữ 2007-03-06 tại Wayback Machine. URL accessed January 24, 2007.
  5. ^ “Species lists (Appendices I, II and III)”. CITES. 1 tháng 7 năm 2008. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 29 tháng 12 năm 2007.
  6. ^ Marcgraf, Georg (1648). Historia Naturalis Brasiliae. Willem Piso.
  7. ^ Aratinga guarouba URL accessed January 26, 2007.

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Guarouba guarouba: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Guarouba guarouba là một loài chim trong họ Psittacidae. Đây là một loài vẹt Tân nhiệt đới có bộ lông màu vàng vàng có kích thước trung bình bản địa lưu vực sông Amazon ở phía bắc Brazil.

Bộ lông của loài vẹt này chủ yếu là màu vàng sáng, nhưng nó cũng sở hữu lông cánh màu xanh lá cây. Nó sống trong các khu rừng mưa nhiệt đới, khô cằn ở vùng Amazon của Brazil và bị đe dọa bởi nạn phá rừng và lũ lụt, và cũng là do các cá thể hoang dã bị bẫy bất hợp pháp để buôn bán thú cưng. Nó được liệt kê trong phụ lục của Công ước CITES I.

Nhà tự nhiên học người Đức Georg Marcgraf lần đầu tiên mô tả loài chim này, được gọi là guaruba trong chuyến thám hiểm tới Brasil thuộc Hà Lan năm 1638. Tên tiếng Bồ Đào Nha và bản địa của nó, ararajuba, có nghĩa là vẹt đuôi dài nhỏ màu vàng. Trong nghề nuôi chim, đôi khi nó được gọi là conure nữ hoàng xứ Bavaria.

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Золотая аратинга ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Попугаевые
Подсемейство: Настоящие попугаи
Род: Золотые аратинги (Guaruba Lesson, 1830)
Вид: Золотая аратинга
Международное научное название

Guaruba guarouba
(Gmelin, 1788)

  • Aratinga guarouba (Gmelin, 1788)
  • Guarouba guarouba (Gmelin, 1788)[1]
Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 714040NCBI 51906EOL 311739

Золотая аратинга (лат. Guaruba guarouba) — вид попугаев, распространённых в Амазонии.

Внешний вид

Длина тела 35-38 см, хвоста около 16 см. Окраска оперения золотисто-жёлтая. Вокруг глаз имеется неоперённая белая зона. Маховые перья и оперение среднего надкрылья тёмно-зелёного цвета. Хвост жёлтый. Клюв мощный, большой и светлый.


Обитает на северо-востоке Бразилии, ареал ограничен отдельными участками в междуречье низовий рек Тапажос и Токантинс.

Образ жизни

В природе живут парами или маленькими стаями за исключением сезона размножения. Населяют леса ближе к воде. Предпочитают верхушки деревьев, быстро перелетая с одного дерева на другое. Шумные птицы, пронзительный крик которых можно услышать издалека.


Гнездятся в дуплах деревьев. В кладке 3-5 яиц. Насиживание продолжается около 22 дней, но птенцы покидают гнездо только через 6-7 недель.

Угрозы и охрана

Привлекательная окраска и неприхотливость этих попугаев к условиям содержания в неволе привели к массовому их отлову, но больший вред популяции нанесло уничтожение коренных местообитаний. Уже к середине XX века эти попугаи стали редкими в природе. В настоящее время относится к исчезающим видам. Формально находится в Бразилии под охраной.


  • Ararajuba (8496783290).jpg
  • Golden Conure Guaruba guarouba Feeding 2134px.jpg
  • Golden Conure Guaruba guarouba Eating 2550px.jpg
  • Golden Conure Guaruba guarouba Tail 2640px.jpg
  • Golden Conure Guaruba guarouba Tail Closeup 2800px.jpg


  1. BirdLife International. 2016. Guaruba guarouba. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016.
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Золотая аратинга: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

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Золотая аратинга (лат. Guaruba guarouba) — вид попугаев, распространённых в Амазонии.

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金太陽鸚鵡 ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Guaruba guarouba
Gmelin, 1788

金黃錐尾鸚鵡学名Guaruba guarouba),又名金色錐尾鸚鵡金色長尾鸚鵡大金黃,是一種鸚鵡。牠們的身體大部份呈黃色,故得此名。牠們棲息在巴西亞馬遜盆地較乾旱的高地雨林內。牠們受到伐林及水浸的威脅,非法捕獵也令牠們野外的數量下降。[2]







  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 BirdLife International. Guaruba guarouba. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2013 [26 November 2013].
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Honolulu Zoo. Golden Conure. [2009-06-09]. (原始内容存档于2007-03-06).
  3. ^ Golden Conure Survival Fund. Natural Diet. [2009-06-09].
  4. ^ Golden Conure Survival Fund. Breeding. [2009-06-09].
  5. ^ CITES. Species lists (Appendices I, II and III). 2008-07-01.


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金太陽鸚鵡: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

金黃錐尾鸚鵡(学名:Guaruba guarouba),又名金色錐尾鸚鵡、金色長尾鸚鵡、大金黃,是一種鸚鵡。牠們的身體大部份呈黃色,故得此名。牠們棲息在巴西亞馬遜盆地較乾旱的高地雨林內。牠們受到伐林及水浸的威脅,非法捕獵也令牠們野外的數量下降。




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ニョオウインコ ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
ニョオウインコ ニョオウインコ
ニョオウインコ Guaruba guarouba
保全状況評価[1][2][3] VULNERABLE
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 VU.svgワシントン条約附属書I 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : インコ目 Psittaciformes : Psittacidae : Guaruba Lesson, 1830[4] : ニョオウインコ G. guarouba 学名 Guaruba guarouba (Gmelin, 1788)[3][4] 和名 ニョオウインコ[5] 英名 Golden conure[3][5]
Golden parakeet[3][4][5]

ニョオウインコ(Guaruba guarouba)は、鳥綱インコ目Psittacidae科Guaruba属に分類される鳥類。本種のみでGuaruba属を構成する。









主に丘陵地にある熱帯雨林に生息する[5]。季節によって浸水林や河畔林を放浪する[5]。非繁殖期には夜間になると樹洞で休む[5]。3 - 30羽からなる群れを形成し生活する[5]


繁殖様式は卵生。12月から翌4月に、河畔林の孤樹や原生林の周辺にある地表から高さ15 - 30mの高さにある木の樹洞に、2 - 4個の卵を産む[5]。1つの巣に複数のメスが計9個の卵を産んだ例もある[5]。飼育下での抱卵期間は約30日[5]。群れで育雛を行い、飼育下では3羽ずつの雌雄で育雛した例がある[5]





  1. ^ Appendices I, II and III<https://cites.org/eng>(Accessed 30/06/2018)
  2. ^ a b UNEP (2018). Guaruba guarouba. The Species+ Website. Nairobi, Kenya. Compiled by UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK. Available at: www.speciesplus.net. (Accessed 30/06/2018)
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j BirdLife International. 2016. Guaruba guarouba. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22724703A94876949. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22724703A94876949.en. Downloaded on 30 June 2018.
  4. ^ a b c Parrots, cockatoos, Gill F & D Donsker (Eds). 2018. IOC World Bird List (v 8.2). http://dx.doi.org/10.14344/IOC.ML.8.2 (Retrieved 28 June 2018)
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v 吉安京子 「ニョオウインコ」『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ2 アマゾン』小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著、講談社2001年、77、142頁。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ニョオウインコに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにニョオウインコに関する情報があります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、鳥類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますポータル鳥類 - PJ鳥類)。
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ニョオウインコ: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語

ニョオウインコ(Guaruba guarouba)は、鳥綱インコ目Psittacidae科Guaruba属に分類される鳥類。本種のみでGuaruba属を構成する。

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