Chaetanthera is a genus of South American flowering plants in the family Asteraceae.[3][4]
Chaetanthera is a genus of South American flowering plants in the family Asteraceae.
Species Chaetanthera acerosa Chaetanthera acheno-hirsuta Chaetanthera apiculata Chaetanthera australis Chaetanthera boliviensis Chaetanthera brachylepis Chaetanthera chilensis Chaetanthera chiquianensis Chaetanthera ciliata Chaetanthera cochlearifolia Chaetanthera delicatula Chaetanthera dioica Chaetanthera elegans Chaetanthera eryngioides Chaetanthera euphrasioides Chaetanthera flabellata Chaetanthera flabellifolia Chaetanthera floccosa Chaetanthera glabrata Chaetanthera glandulosa Chaetanthera gnaphalioides Chaetanthera incana Chaetanthera kalinii Chaetanthera lanata Chaetanthera leptocephala Chaetanthera limbata Chaetanthera linearis Chaetanthera lycopodioides Chaetanthera microphylla Chaetanthera minuta Chaetanthera moenchioides Chaetanthera pentacaenoides Chaetanthera perpusilla Chaetanthera peruviana Chaetanthera planiseta Chaetanthera polymalla Chaetanthera pulvinata Chaetanthera pusilla Chaetanthera renifolia Chaetanthera revoluta Chaetanthera serrata Chaetanthera spathulata Chaetanthera sphaeroidalis Chaetanthera splendens Chaetanthera stuebelii Chaetanthera tenella Chaetanthera valdiviana Chaetanthera villosa