Description of Pernicivesicula
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The type species is P. gracilis BylÃn and Larsson, 1994 in the fat body of larvae of Pentaneurella sp. (Diptera, Chironomidae) (BylÃn and Larsson, 1994,b). Monomorphic, diplokaryotic and monokaryotic. Transmission unknown. Merogony: merogonial plasmodia with 38 diplokarya, divide in rosettelike fashion, each lobe giving rise to one diplokaryotic sporont. Sporogony: octosporoblastic within membranous sporophorous vesicles, which are formed pre-cociously at the end of merogony µmerontogenetic sporophorous vesicle) and enclose all the division products of the original merogonial plasmodium. The components of each sporont diplokaryon dissociate and divide meiotically at the onset of sporogony. The eight division products of each sporont remain associated in chainlike configurations. Sporogony thus yields 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64 spores within the sporophorous vesicle. Spores, 1 x 14 µm, are uninucleate, elongate cylindrical, rodlike, without projections. Polaroplast is bipartite with lamellar and saclike compartments, filled with diffuse granular material. Polar tube is short, uncoiled and isofilar, not extending beyond the middle of the spore.