
Theileria ( التشيكية )

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Theileria je rod výtrusovců řazený mezi piroplazmy (Piroplasmida). Jsou to jednobuněční prvoci s obligátně parazitickým způsobem života. Napadají celou řadu divokých i domácích zvířat i člověka.

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Theileria ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Theileria is a genus of parasites that belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa, and is closely related to Plasmodium. Two Theileria species, T. annulata and T. parva, are important cattle parasites.[1] T. annulata causes tropical theileriosis and T. parva causes East Coast fever. Theileria species are transmitted by ticks.[2] The genomes of T. orientalis Shintoku[3], Theileria equi WA,[4] Theileria annulata Ankara[5] and Theileria parva Muguga[6] have been sequenced and published.

Theileria equi is a known cause of equine piroplasmosis.[7]

Vaccines against Theileria are in development.[1][8] In May 2010, a vaccine that was reported to protect cattle against East Coast fever had been approved and registered by the governments of Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania.[9]


Species in this genus undergo exoerythrocytic merogony in the lymphocytes, histiocytes, erythroblasts, and other cells of the internal organs. This is followed by invasion of the erythrocytes by the merozoites, which may or may not reproduce. When merogony does occur, no more than four daughter cells are produced. The frequent occurrence of elongated bacillary or "bayonet" forms within the erythrocyte is considered as characteristic of this genus.

The organism is transmitted by various tick species, including Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor, and Haemaphysalis. The organism reproduces in the tick as it progresses through its life stages.[10] Both T. annulata and T. parva induce transformation of infected cells of lymphocyte or macrophage/monocyte lineages. T. orientalis does not induce uncontrolled proliferation of infected leukocytes and instead multiplies predominantly within infected erythrocytes.


The genomes of T. orientalis Shintoku[3], Theileria equi WA,[4] Theileria annulata Ankara[5] and Theileria parva Muguga[6] have been sequenced. Genomic data can be accessed PiroplasmaDB which is part of the Eukaryotic Pathogen Bioinformatic Resource (EuPathDB).[11]


The genus is thought to have first appeared in ruminants during the Miocene. It is named for Gertrud Theiler, daughter of Arnold Theiler.


Theileria spp. can be transmitted to cattle through tick bites, including the brown ear tick, a Rhipicephalus sp.

Important species


  • Buparvaquone is a promising compound for the therapy and prophylaxis of all forms of theileriosis.


  1. ^ a b Morrison W, McKeever D (2006). "Current status of vaccine development against Theileria parasites". Parasitology. 133: S169–87. doi:10.1017/S0031182006001867. PMID 17274845.
  2. ^ Florin-Christensen, M.; Schnittger, L. (Jan 2009). "Piroplasmids and ticks: a long-lasting intimate relationship". Frontiers in Bioscience. 14 (14): 3064–3073. doi:10.2741/3435. ISSN 1093-9946. PMID 19273257.
  3. ^ a b Hayashida K, Hara Y, Abe T, Yamasaki C, Toyoda A, Kosuge T, Suzuki Y, Sato Y, Kawashima S, Katayama T, Wakaguri H, Inoue N, Homma K, Tada-Umezaki M, Yagi Y, Fujii Y, Habara T, Kanehisa M, Watanabe H, Ito K, Gojobori T, Sugawara H, Imanishi T, Weir W, Gardner M, Pain A, Shiels B, Hattori M, Nene V, Sugimoto C (2012). "Comparative genome analysis of three eukaryotic parasites with differing abilities to transform leukocytes reveals key mediators of Theileria-induced leukocyte transformation". mBio. 3 (5): e00204–12. doi:10.1128/mBio.00204-12. PMC 3445966. PMID 22951932.
  4. ^ a b Kappmeyer, Lowell S.; Thiagarajan, Mathangi; Herndon, David R.; Ramsay, Joshua D.; Caler, Elisabet; Djikeng, Appolinaire; Gillespie, Joseph J.; Lau, Audrey OT; Roalson, Eric H. (2012-01-01). "Comparative genomic analysis and phylogenetic position of Theileria equi". BMC Genomics. 13: 603. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-603. PMC 3505731. PMID 23137308.
  5. ^ a b Pain, Arnab; Renauld, Hubert; Berriman, Matthew; Murphy, Lee; Yeats, Corin A.; Weir, William; Kerhornou, Arnaud; Aslett, Martin; Bishop, Richard (2005-07-01). "Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva". Science. 309 (5731): 131–3. doi:10.1126/science.1110418. PMID 15994557.
  6. ^ a b Gardner, Malcolm J.; Bishop, Richard; Shah, Trushar; de Villiers, Etienne P.; Carlton, Jane M.; Hall, Neil; Ren, Qinghu; Paulsen, Ian T.; Pain, Arnab (2005-07-01). "Genome sequence of Theileria parva, a bovine pathogen that transforms lymphocytes". Science. 309 (5731): 134–7. doi:10.1126/science.1110439. PMID 15994558.
  7. ^ Englund, L. P. (2003). "New diseases and increased risk of diseases in companion animals and horses due to transport". Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. Supplementum. 100: 19–25. ISSN 0065-1699. PMID 16429803.
  8. ^ Darghouth, A. (Dec 2008). "Review on the experience with live attenuated vaccines against tropical theileriosis in Tunisia: considerations for the present and implications for the future". Vaccine. 26. Suppl 6: G4–G10. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2008.09.065. ISSN 0264-410X. PMID 19178892.
  9. ^ "Cattle disease vaccine launched 30 years after invention". 2010-05-07. SciDev.net (7 May 2010).
  10. ^ a b c d *Theileria reviewed and published by WikiVet, accessed 11 October 2011.
  11. ^ Harb, Omar S.; Roos, David S. (2015-01-01). The Eukaryotic Pathogen Databases: a functional genomic resource integrating data from human and veterinary parasites. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 1201. pp. 1–18. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1438-8_1. ISBN 978-1-4939-1437-1. PMC 6157018. PMID 25388105.
  12. ^ Mehlhorn, Heinz; Schein, Eberhard (1998). "Redescription of Babesia equi Laveran, 1901 as Theileria equi Mehlhorn, Schein 1998". Parasitology Research. 84: 467–475. Retrieved June 19, 2020.

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wikipedia EN

Theileria: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Theileria is a genus of parasites that belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa, and is closely related to Plasmodium. Two Theileria species, T. annulata and T. parva, are important cattle parasites. T. annulata causes tropical theileriosis and T. parva causes East Coast fever. Theileria species are transmitted by ticks. The genomes of T. orientalis Shintoku, Theileria equi WA, Theileria annulata Ankara and Theileria parva Muguga have been sequenced and published.

Theileria equi is a known cause of equine piroplasmosis.

Vaccines against Theileria are in development. In May 2010, a vaccine that was reported to protect cattle against East Coast fever had been approved and registered by the governments of Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania.

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wikipedia EN

Theileria ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Theileria est un genre de parasites du phylum des Apicomplexa proche de Plasmodium. Deux espèces de Theileria, T. annulata et T. parva, sont d'importants parasites du bétail (bovins, ovins, caprins)[2]. T. annulata est responsable de la theilériose tropicale et T. parva de la theilériose bovine, également appelée fièvre de la côte orientale. Theileria equi est une cause connue de piroplasmose équine[3]. Le seul parasite du genre ayant un intérêt médical semble être T. microti, responsable de la theilériose humaine. Theileria est transmis par les tiques[4].

Des vaccins contre Theileria sont en cours de développement[5]. En mai 2010, il a été rapporté qu'un vaccin protégeant les troupeaux contre la theilériose bovine avait été approuvé et enregistré par les gouvernements du Kenya, des Malawi et de Tanzanie[6].


Les espèces de ce genre subissent une mérogonie exoérythrocytaire dans les lymphocytes, histiocytes, érythroblastes et autres cellules des organes internes. Celle-ci est suivie par l'invasion des érythrocytes par les mérozoïtes, qui vont alors ou non se reproduire.

Lorsque la mérogonie a lieu, ce ne sont plus que quatre cellules filles qui en sont issues.

L'apparition fréquente de formes bacillaires ou « en baïonnette » à l'intérieur des érythrocytes est considérée comme caractéristique de ce genre.

Les parasites sont transmis par différentes espèces de tiques dont Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor et Haemaphysalis. Ils se reproduisent dans les tiques lors de la progression de ces dernières dans ses différents stades évolutifs[7].

T. annulata et T. parva induisent une transformation des lignées de lymphocytes ou de macrophages/monocytes infectées les rapprochant de cellules cancéreuses. T. orientalis en revanche n'induit pas de prolifération incontrôlée des leucocytes infectés et se reproduit majoritairement au sein des érythrocytes infectés.


Les génomes de T. annulata, T. parva et T. orientalis ont été séquencés et publiés[8],[9],[10].

Espèces importantes

Selon NCBI (9 décembre 2019)[11] :

Notes et références

  1. uBio, consulté le 9 décembre 2019
  2. Morrison WI, McKeever DJ, « Current status of vaccine development against Theileria parasites. », Parasitology, vol. 133,‎ 2006, p. 169-187 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  3. Englund L, Pringle J, « New diseases and increased risk of diseases in companion animals and horses due to transport. », Acta Vet Scand Suppl., vol. 100,‎ 2004, p. 19 - 25 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  4. Florin-Christensen M, Schnittger L, « Piroplasmids and ticks: a long-lasting intimate relationship. », Front Biosci (Landmark Ed)., vol. 14,‎ 2009, p. 3064-73 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  5. Darghouth MA, « Review on the experience with live attenuated vaccines against tropical theileriosis in Tunisia: considerations for the present and implications for the future. », Vaccine, vol. 26, no 6,‎ 2008, G4-G10 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  6. « Cattle disease vaccine launched 30 years after invention », 7 mai 2010 SciDev.net (7 May 2010).
  7. *Theileria reviewed and published by WikiVet, accessed 11 October 2011.
  8. Pain A, Renauld H, Berriman M, Murphy L, Yeats CA, Weir W, Kerhornou A, Aslett M, Bishop R, Bouchier C, Cochet M, Coulson RM, Cronin A, de Villiers EP, Fraser A, Fosker N, Gardner M, Goble A, Griffiths-Jones S, Harris DE, Katzer F, Larke N, Lord A, Maser P, McKellar S, Mooney P, Morton F, Nene V, O'Neil S, Price C, Quail MA, Rabbinowitsch E, Rawlings ND, Rutter S, Saunders D, Seeger K, Shah T, Squares R, Squares S, Tivey A, Walker AR, Woodward J, Dobbelaere DA, Langsley G, Rajandream MA, McKeever D, Shiels B, Tait A, Barrell B, Hall N., « Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva. », Science, vol. 309, no 5731,‎ 2005, p. 131-133 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  9. Gardner MJ, Bishop R, Shah T, de Villiers EP, Carlton JM, Hall N, Ren Q, Paulsen IT, Pain A, Berriman M, Wilson RJ, Sato S, Ralph SA, Mann DJ, Xiong Z, Shallom SJ, Weidman J, Jiang L, Lynn J, Weaver B, Shoaibi A, Domingo AR, Wasawo D, Crabtree J, Wortman JR, Haas B, Angiuoli SV, Creasy TH, Lu C, Suh B, Silva JC, Utterback TR, Feldblyum TV, Pertea M, Allen J, Nierman WC, Taracha EL, Salzberg SL, White OR, Fitzhugh HA, Morzaria S, Venter JC, Fraser CM, Nene V., « Genome sequence of Theileria parva, a bovine pathogen that transforms lymphocytes. », Science, vol. 309, no 5731,‎ 2005, p. 134-137 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  10. Hayashida K, Hara Y, Abe T, Yamasaki C, Toyoda A, Kosuge T, Suzuki Y, Sato Y, Kawashima S, Katayama T, Wakaguri H, Inoue N, Homma K, Tada-Umezaki M, Yagi Y, Fujii Y, Habara T, Kanehisa M, Watanabe H, Ito K, Gojobori T, Sugawara H, Imanishi T, Weir W, Gardner M, Pain A, Shiels B, Hattori M, Nene V, Sugimoto C., « Comparative genome analysis of three eukaryotic parasites with differing abilities to transform leukocytes reveals key mediators of Theileria-induced leukocyte transformation. », MBio, vol. 3, no 5,‎ 2012 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  11. NCBI, consulté le 9 décembre 2019

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wikipedia FR

Theileria: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Theileria est un genre de parasites du phylum des Apicomplexa proche de Plasmodium. Deux espèces de Theileria, T. annulata et T. parva, sont d'importants parasites du bétail (bovins, ovins, caprins). T. annulata est responsable de la theilériose tropicale et T. parva de la theilériose bovine, également appelée fièvre de la côte orientale. Theileria equi est une cause connue de piroplasmose équine. Le seul parasite du genre ayant un intérêt médical semble être T. microti, responsable de la theilériose humaine. Theileria est transmis par les tiques.

Des vaccins contre Theileria sont en cours de développement. En mai 2010, il a été rapporté qu'un vaccin protégeant les troupeaux contre la theilériose bovine avait été approuvé et enregistré par les gouvernements du Kenya, des Malawi et de Tanzanie.

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Theileria ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
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Theileria: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
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タイレリア ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
タイレリア Theileria-annulata-piroplasms-cattle.jpg
ウシ赤血球中に感染したTheileria annulata
分類 ドメ
: 真核生物 Eukaryota 階級なし : ディアフォレティケス Diaphoretickes 階級なし : SARスーパーグループ Sar 上門 : アルベオラータ Alveolata : アピコンプレックス門 Apicomplexa : 無コノイド綱 Aconoidasida : ピロプラズマ目 Piroplasmida : タイレリア科 Theileriidae : タイレリア属 Theileria 学名 Theileria
Bettencourt et al., 1907 種



タイレリア属の2種熱帯ピロプラズマ病タイレリア T. annulata東沿岸熱タイレリア T. parvaウシ寄生虫として重要である[1]T. annulata熱帯タイレリア症を引き起こし、T. parva東沿岸熱を引き起こす。T. annulataT. parvaゲノムは配列が決定され、公開されている[2][3]




  1. ^ Morrison, W., McKeever D. (2006). “Current status of vaccine development against Theileria parasites”. Parasitology 133: S169–S187. doi:10.1017/S0031182006001867. PMID 17274845.
  2. ^ Pain A et al (2005). “Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva.”. Science 309(5731): 131–133. doi:10.1126/science.1110418. PMID 15994557.
  3. ^ Gardner MJ et al (2005). “Genome sequence of Theileria parva, a bovine pathogen that transforms lymphocytes”. Science 309(5731): 134–137. doi:10.1126/science.1110439. PMID 15994558.


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、タイレリアに関連するカテゴリがあります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、原生生物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますポータル 生き物と自然プロジェクト 生物)。 執筆の途中です この項目は、獣医学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますP:生物学/PJ:獣医学)。
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wikipedia 日本語

タイレリア: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語


タイレリア属の2種熱帯ピロプラズマ病タイレリア T. annulata と東沿岸熱タイレリア T. parva はウシ寄生虫として重要である。T. annulata は熱帯タイレリア症を引き起こし、T. parva は東沿岸熱を引き起こす。T. annulata と T. parva のゲノムは配列が決定され、公開されている。

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wikipedia 日本語

범안열원충속 ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

범안열원충속(汎岸熱原蟲屬, Theileria)은 정단복합체충문 범안열원충과에 속하는 기생 원생생물 속의 하나이다. 열원충속과 근연 관계에 있으며, 가축을 감염시키는 다양한 기생충을 포함하고 있다.

하위 종

  • Theileria annae
  • Theileria annulata
  • Theileria bicornis
  • Theileria brachyuri
  • Theileria buffeli
  • Theileria capreoli
  • Theileria cervi
  • Theileria equi
  • Theileria fuliginosus
  • Theileria lestoquardi
  • Theileria luwenshuni
  • 가성범안열원충 (假性汎岸熱原蟲, Theileria mutans)
  • Theileria orientalis
  • Theileria ovis
  • Theileria parva
  • Theileria penicillata
  • Theileria separata
  • 러시아범안열원충 (Theileria sergenti)
  • Theileria sinensis
  • Theileria taurotragi
  • Theileria uilenbergi
  • Theileria velifera
  • Theileria youngi
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