Melhania is a genus of small shrubs or herbaceous plants.[1] Traditionally included in the family Sterculiaceae, it is included in the expanded Malvaceae in the APG and most subsequent systematics. The genus is named for Mount Melhan in Yemen.[1][3]
The following species are recognised by Plants of the World Online (POWO):[4]
Melhania decanthera (Cav.) DC and M. laurifolia Bojer are now in Dombeya (as D. decanthera and D. laurifolia).[5] 2021 study subsumed Trochetiopsis, endemic to Saint Helena, and Paramelhania, native to Madagascar into Melhania.[6]
Melhania is a genus of small shrubs or herbaceous plants. Traditionally included in the family Sterculiaceae, it is included in the expanded Malvaceae in the APG and most subsequent systematics. The genus is named for Mount Melhan in Yemen.
The following species are recognised by Plants of the World Online (POWO):
Melhania acuminata Mast. Melhania albiflora (Hiern) Exell & Mendonça Melhania ambovombeensis Arènes Melhania andrahomanensis Arènes Melhania angustifolia K.Schum. Melhania annua Thulin Melhania apiculata Baker f. Melhania beguinotii Cufod. Melhania brachycarpa Domin Melhania burchellii DC. Melhania cannabina Wight ex Mast. Melhania carrissoi Exell & Mendonça Melhania corchoriflora Baill. Melhania coriacea Chiov. Melhania damarana Harv. Melhania decaryana Arènes Melhania dehnhardtii K.Schum. Melhania denhamii R.Br. Melhania didyma Eckl. & Zeyh. Melhania engleriana K.Schum. Melhania fiherenanensis Arènes Melhania forbesii Planch. ex Mast. Melhania fruticosa Arènes Melhania futteyporensis Munro ex Mast. Melhania hamiltoniana Wall. Melhania hiranensis Thulin Melhania humbertii Arènes Melhania incana B.Heyne ex Wight & Arn. Melhania integra I.Verd. Melhania itampoloensis (Hochr.) Arènes Melhania jaberi Abedin Melhania javanica Adelb. Melhania kelleri Schinz Melhania latibracteolata Dorr Melhania magnifolia Blatt. & Hallb. Melhania mananarensis Arènes Melhania menafe Arènes Melhania minutissima Hochr. Melhania muricata Balf.f. Melhania oblongifolia F.Muell. Melhania orbiculari-dentata Arènes Melhania ovata (Cav.) Spreng. Melhania parviflora Chiov. Melhania perrieri Hochr. Melhania phillipsiae Baker f. Melhania poissonii Arènes Melhania polygama I.Verd. Melhania polyneura K.Schum. Melhania praemorsa Dorr Melhania prostrata Burch. Melhania quercifolia Thulin Melhania randii Baker f. Melhania rehmannii Szyszył. Melhania rotundata Hochst. ex Mast. Melhania sidoides (Wight & Arn.) Noltie Melhania somalensis Baker f. Melhania spathulata Arènes Melhania steudneri Schweinf. Melhania stipulosa J.R.I.Wood Melhania substricta Dorr Melhania suluensis Gerstner Melhania transvaalensis Szyszył. Melhania tulearensis Arènes Melhania velutina Forssk. Melhania virescens K.Schum. Melhania vohipalensis Arènes Melhania volleseniana Dorr Melhania zavattarii Cufod.Melhania decanthera (Cav.) DC and M. laurifolia Bojer are now in Dombeya (as D. decanthera and D. laurifolia). 2021 study subsumed Trochetiopsis, endemic to Saint Helena, and Paramelhania, native to Madagascar into Melhania.
Melhania es un género de fanerógama con 101 especies perteneciente a la familia Malvaceae.
Melhania es un género de fanerógama con 101 especies perteneciente a la familia Malvaceae.
Melhania is een geslacht uit de kaasjeskruidfamilie (Malvaceae). De soorten uit het geslacht komen voor in Afrika, op Madagaskar, op het Arabisch schiereiland, het Indisch subcontinent, in Myanmar en Zuidwest-China, op het Indonesische eiland Java en in de Australische deelstaat Queensland.[1]
Melhania is een geslacht uit de kaasjeskruidfamilie (Malvaceae). De soorten uit het geslacht komen voor in Afrika, op Madagaskar, op het Arabisch schiereiland, het Indisch subcontinent, in Myanmar en Zuidwest-China, op het Indonesische eiland Java en in de Australische deelstaat Queensland.
Melhania é um género botânico pertencente à família Malvaceae[1].
Melhania é um género botânico pertencente à família Malvaceae.
«Melhania — World Flora Online». Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020梅蓝属(学名:Melhania)是梧桐科下的一个属,为小灌木或草本植物。该属共有约40种,分布于非洲、亚洲和大洋洲。[1]