The genus Neolamprologus is defined by the combination of the following characters. The presence of scales on chest, abdomen and anterior to origin of dorsal fin, first pelvic ray longest, 6-8 canines on upper jaw, dorsal fin 18-20 spines and 7-10 soft rays, anal fin 5-8 spines and 5-8 soft rays, 29-33 vertebrae, infraorbital bones absent (Poll, 1986, with adjustments as to fin ray and vertebrae counts).
The N. savoryi complex is defined by the combination of 30-40 scales in lateral line, less than 19 gill rakers, no molariform pharyngeal teeth, tail lunate, dorsal and anal fins and lobes of the caudal produced into long filaments, no scales on cheek, D.XVIII -XX, 7-10, A.V -VIII, 5-8 (Poll, 1978, with adjustments).
Key to the species of the Neolamprologus savoryi complex
1 Marks on operculum .................................................................................................................................... 2
- Opercular marks absent .............................................................................................................................. 8
2 V-shaped mark with bright spot on operculum,>35 scales in the longitudinal line .................................... 3
- Opercular mark not V-shaped, <35 scales in the longitudinal line ..............................................................4
3 Opercular spot red, scales on paired fins, ctenoid scales on anal and dorsal fins ...................... N. splendens
- Opercular spot yellow, no scales on paired fins, cycloid scales on anal and dorsal fins .......... N. helianthus
4 Twelve soft rays in pectoral fin, anal fin filament longer than of dorsal fin, headlength> 34 %SL, 3 scales between lateral lines, bars on body ................................................................................................ N. savoryi
- Thirteen soft rays in pectoral fin, anal fin filament shorter than of dorsal fin, headlength <34 %SL, 2 scales between lateral lines, no bars ............................................................................................................ 5
5 Cephalic pits, cheek depth> 28 % HL, opercular mark vague ..................................................... N. crassus
- Cephalic pits absent, cheek depth <28 % HL, opercular marks distinct .................................................... 6
6 No conspicuous spots on scales, no yellow border under eye, caudal peduncle length>18 %SL ................ .................................................................................................................................................... N. brichardi
- Conspicuous spots on scales, yellow border under eye (white in preserved specimens), caudal peduncle length <18 %SL ........................................................................................................................................... 7
7 Scales between pectoral fin and pelvic fin, and between dorsal fin origin and lateral line clearly visible, rows of spots on scales regular ..................................................................................................... N. pulcher
- Same scales deeply embedded and not always clearly visible, rows of spots on scales irregular, with interruptions..................................................................................................................................... N. olivaceous
8 No scales on occiput, few scales on nape .................................................................................................... 9
- Few scales on occiput, many scales on nape.............................................................................................10
9 Distinct black and white marginal bands on dorsal and caudal fin and striped pattern on unpaired fins, preorbital depth <17 % HL, eight to fifteen scales on operculum.................................................... N. walteri
- Faint markings and no distinct black and white marginal bands on unpaired fins, preorbital depth> 17 % HL, 12-30 scales on operculum.................................................................................................. N. falcicula
10 Scales around caudal peduncle> 17, gill rakers> 15, 3 scales between lateral lines.................. N. gracilis
- Scales around caudal peduncle <17, gill rakers <10, 2 scales between lateral lines...............................11
11 Body depth <29 % SL, headlength> 30 % SL, inter orbital width <25 % HL, caudal peduncle length/ depth ratio>1.25, no scales on unpaired fins and cycloid scales on dorsal and anal fins................... N. chitamwebwai
- Body depth> 29 % SL, headlength <30 % SL, inter orbital width> 25 % HL, caudal peduncle length/ depth ratio <1.10, scales on unpaired fins and ctenoid scales on dorsal and anal fins................. N. marunguensis
Seehausen et al. (1998) noted in cichlids of the rocky shores of Lake Victoria that while sympatric congenerics differed in male coloration, less closely related sympatric cichlids often did not differ in male coloration. Seehausen et al. (1998) suggested that the differences in male coloration are needed to maintain reproductive isolation between close relatives. There is no sexual dimorphism in the species of the N. savoryi complex, and reproductive isolation between these sympatric close relatives is apparently maintained by a different mechanism. The fewer and less obvious differences between N. walteri and N. chitamwebwai compared with differences with N. savoryi and N. brichardi suggest that the former couple is more closely related. It seems plausible that in N. walteri and N. chitamwebwai ecological differentiation is key to the maintenance of reproductive isolation.
The two new species although closely related, show clear ecological differentiation. Due to habitat isolation, N. walteri and N. chitamwebwai did not occur in exactly the same areas, but were separated by no more than 4 (on the south side of Cape Bangwe) to several hundred metres (on the north side of Cape Bangwe where sandy beaches interrupt the rocky shores and neither species occur). The two new species can therefore be considered sympatric. Stable isotope data (13C, 15N) showed no overlap of diet between N. walteri , N. chitamwebwai and N. brichardi and little overlap of N. chitamwebwai with N. savoryi (Verburg & Hecky, unpublished data). 13C data of N. walteri were intermediate between the high values of N. chitamwebwai and N. savoryi (high 13C indicating a more benthic diet) and the low values of N. brichardi (low 13C indicating a more planktivore diet, Verburg & Hecky, unpublished data).
In sympatric fish species pairs often one will be a benthic feeder while the other specializes on pelagic food sources (Schliewen et al., 1994; Schluter, 2000). Ecological differentiation may be related to morphological differences between species in the complex. Differences in head measures and their allometric coefficients as found between N. walteri and N. chitamwebwai (Fig. 5B) may be related to the method of preyhandling (Wilhelm, 1984). As shown by Wilhelm (1984; compare Fig. 5B), it is not only variation in body size together with allometry that accounts for variation in head morphology between cichlid species. Both N. chitamwebwai and N. savoryi , the two species with the most benthic diet according to stable isotope data, have smaller cheek depths than the other species in the complex (Fig. 5B). The teeth in the posterior row on the lower pharyngeal bone of N. chitamwebwai (Fig. 7) while resembling those of N. savoryi (Poll, 1949) are slightly larger than of N. walteri , and especially N. brichardi (Trewavas & Poll, 1952) , possibly related to a more benthic diet of N. chitamwebwai and N. savoryi while N. brichardi feeds on zooplankton (Konings, 1998). In addition, N. brichardi has more gill rakers (11-16) than does N. walteri (6-11) and N. chitamwebwai (6-9), which agrees with a more pelagic diet of N. brichardi . However, several morphological differences found between N. chitamwebwai , N. walteri and N. brichardi contrast with what would be expected from a more benthic diet of N. chitamwebwai compared with N. walteri and N. brichardi . The number of gill rakers did not differ between N. chitamwebwai and N. walteri , and the small body depth and the longer and less steep ascending process of the premaxilla (Fig 6) of N. chitamwebwai are considered to be more typical for pelagic planktivorous fish (Day et al., 1994; Meyer, 1987). However, while the members of the N. savoryi complex may differ in the benthic versus pelagic proportions of their diets, they are all littoral species that do not migrate from the rocky shores, including the planktivore N. brichardi , and are rarely seen more than 1 m away from the bottom. Therefore interspecific morphological differences related to the way of feeding are probably less evident than those often seen between other species pairs of which one is benthic and the other truly pelagic (Robinson & Wilson, 1994).
Evidence of ecological differentiation between closely related sympatric cichlids is rare in literature. Closely related sympatric cichlids in the large African lakes (with literature mainly referring to Lake Victoria and Lake Malawi) have been considered to differ little in diet and habitat use, encouraging the idea that cichlids can coexist without niche partitioning (Coyne & Orr, 2004). Coyne & Orr (2004) suggested that studies of ecological differentiation in closely related sympatric cichlid species are badly needed to test this idea. While there have been several studies that showed ecological differentiation between closely related sympatric cichlids in Lake Victoria (Goldschmidt et al., 1990; Goldschmidt & Witte, 1990; Witte, 1984), our paper suggests a new opportunity to examine ecological differentiation in two new closely related sympatric cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika.
Members of the genus Neolamprologus (49 described species, all but one endemic to Lake Tanganyika) are highly diverse, and the genus is probably not monophyletic (Poll, 1986; Schelly et al., 2003; Aibara et al., 2005). Within the genus Neolamprologus , 10 described species are characterised by a lunate tail with long filaments, uncommon among lamprologines. These closely related species form the stenotopic lithophilic N. savoryi complex (Poll, 1978; Brichard, 1989), of which several members are popular with the aquarium trade (Konings, 1998) and which are of interest to behavioural biologists (Balshine-Earn et al., 1998). The 10 members of the N. savoryi complex are, in chronological order of description: N. savoryi (Poll, 1949) , N. brichardi (Poll, 1974) , N. pulcher (Poll, 1974) , the latter two first described as subspecies of N. savoryi (Trewavas & Poll, 1952) , N. splendens (Brichard, 1989) , N. olivaceous (Brichard, 1989) , N. gracilis (Brichard, 1989) , N. falcicula (Brichard, 1989) , N. crassus (Brichard, 1989) , N. marunguensis Büscher , 1989 and N. helianthus Büscher , 1997 . The species complex has been referred to as the N. brichardi complex (Konings, 1998), but because N. savoryi was described first (Poll, 1949), while N. brichardi was described later as a subspecies of N. savoryi (Trewavas & Poll, 1952) , we here refer to the complex as the N. savoryi species complex. Here we report on two new species belonging to the complex, both of which occur at the Bangwe peninsula on the east coast of Lake Tanganyika, 5 km south of Kigoma (Tanzania, Fig. 1).
Most species in the N. savoryi complex, apart from N. savoryi and N. brichardi , have been reported only from small areas within the lake. Neolamprologus splendens , N. gracilis , N. helianthus , N. marunguensis , N. olivaceous , and N. crassus were reported from small areas (between 7°15'S and 7°50'S) on the west coast of the lake (Fig. 1). The type localities given in the species descriptions are Cape Zongwe for N. splendens , Cape Kapampa for N. gracilis , the coast stretching 20 km north from the Lunangwa river for N. helianthus and Kapampa for N. marunguensis . The type localities of N. crassus and N. olivaceous are not fully clear. Brichard(1989) gives in his description “in and around the Bay of Luhanga” as the locality for both species, and mentions their sympatric occurrence. Luhanga is in the very north west of the lake, near Uvira, and is likely a misspelling for Lunangwa Bay. The type locality written on the holotype label of N. olivaceous is Lunangwa Bay, in the south west of the lake, and on those of the holotypes of N. crassus and N. gracilis , Masanza is given as the locality. Masanza is near Cape Kapampa, about 60 km north of Lunangwa Bay.
The type locality of N. falcicula is Magara, Burundi, in the north east of the lake. Neolamprologus savoryi and N. brichardi are the only species in the complex that occur almost lake-wide. Their type localities are Kigoma and Kisoje respectively, both on the Tanzanian east coast. The type locality of N. pulcher is Kasanga, in the south east ( Maréchal & Poll, 1991). Much of the coast line has not been extensively investigated, and there may be more undiscovered species within the complex.
Neolamprologus és un gènere de peixos de la família dels cíclids i el més nombrós en espècies d'aquesta família al llac Tanganyika.
Totes les espècies d'aquest gènere es troben al llac Tanganyika, tret de Neolamprologus devosi que és endèmica del riu Malagarasi.[2]
Neolamprologus és un gènere de peixos de la família dels cíclids i el més nombrós en espècies d'aquesta família al llac Tanganyika.
Neolamprologus (Gr.: „neos“ = neu, also neuer Lamprologus) ist eine Gattung von Fischen aus der Familie der Buntbarsche. Alle Arten der Gattung leben endemisch im Tanganjikasee in Ostafrika. Mit über 40 Arten ist die Gattung die bei weitem artenreichste in der Tribus Lamprologini. Untersuchungen der mitochondrialen DNA haben gezeigt, dass die im Jahr 1985 durch den französischen Ichthyologen Robert Allgayer und seinen Kollegen José Colombé eingeführte Gattung[1] polyphyletisch ist.[2]
Neolamprologus-Arten haben einen gestreckten, bei manchen Arten auch sehr langgestreckten Körper, der mehr oder weniger seitlich stark abgeflacht ist. Die Zähne sind konisch und in Reihen angeordnet. Auf dem Zwischenkieferbein (Prämaxillare) finden sich 6 bis 12 Fangzähne. Die Maximalgrößen der verschiedenen Arten liegt zwischen 4 und 20 Zentimetern, die meisten Arten bleiben aber kleiner als 12 Zentimeter. Männchen werden oft größer als die Weibchen, deren Geschlechtspapillen aber deutlich größer sind als die der Männchen.
Alle Neolamprologus-Arten sind Höhlenbrüter. Zur Fortpflanzung leben sie paarweise oder die Männchen sammeln einen Harem um sich.
Einige Arten sind beliebte Aquarienfische, so zum Beispiel Neolamprologus multifasciatus, Neolamprologus leleupi und Neolamprologus pulcher.
Neolamprologus (Gr.: „neos“ = neu, also neuer Lamprologus) ist eine Gattung von Fischen aus der Familie der Buntbarsche. Alle Arten der Gattung leben endemisch im Tanganjikasee in Ostafrika. Mit über 40 Arten ist die Gattung die bei weitem artenreichste in der Tribus Lamprologini. Untersuchungen der mitochondrialen DNA haben gezeigt, dass die im Jahr 1985 durch den französischen Ichthyologen Robert Allgayer und seinen Kollegen José Colombé eingeführte Gattung polyphyletisch ist.
Neolamprologus is a genus of cichlids endemic to eastern Africa with all but one species, Neolamprologus devosi from the Malagarasi River, occurring in Lake Tanganyika. It is the largest genus of cichlids in Lake Tanganyika and also the largest genus in the tribe Lamprologini, which includes Altolamprologus, Chalinochromis, Julidochromis, Lamprologus, Lepidiolamprologus, Telmatochromis and Variabilichromis. The latter is a monotypic genus doubtfully distinct from Neolamprologus.
It is already known for some time that according to mtDNA sequence analysis, this genus is very probably polyphyletic. It is likely that it will be revised eventually; if Variabilichromis is split off, at least some of the more ancient lineages currently placed in Neolamprologus are probably worthy of separation also. However, the morphological similarity and numerous undescribed species do not make analyses easier, and as with many cichlids, recent speciation and abundant hybridization seriously confound molecular studies to the point where single-gene studies or those using only mtDNA or nDNA are essentially worthless for resolving Lamprologini phylogeny.[1]
While lineages are clearly different in their morphology, habits and ecology, gene flow between genera and species is common enough due to extremely low postzygotic isolation. Males of Neolamprologus apparently have always readily and successfully mated with females of other Lamprologini they found ready to spawn: mtDNA lineages similar to other Lamprologini genera are widely encountered in species placed in Neolamprologus. And not only do such hybrids seem to be fertile at least to a limited extent in many cases, new species often appear to originate from such interbreeding.[2]
There are currently 46 recognized species in this genus:[3]
Neolamprologus is a genus of cichlids endemic to eastern Africa with all but one species, Neolamprologus devosi from the Malagarasi River, occurring in Lake Tanganyika. It is the largest genus of cichlids in Lake Tanganyika and also the largest genus in the tribe Lamprologini, which includes Altolamprologus, Chalinochromis, Julidochromis, Lamprologus, Lepidiolamprologus, Telmatochromis and Variabilichromis. The latter is a monotypic genus doubtfully distinct from Neolamprologus.
It is already known for some time that according to mtDNA sequence analysis, this genus is very probably polyphyletic. It is likely that it will be revised eventually; if Variabilichromis is split off, at least some of the more ancient lineages currently placed in Neolamprologus are probably worthy of separation also. However, the morphological similarity and numerous undescribed species do not make analyses easier, and as with many cichlids, recent speciation and abundant hybridization seriously confound molecular studies to the point where single-gene studies or those using only mtDNA or nDNA are essentially worthless for resolving Lamprologini phylogeny.
While lineages are clearly different in their morphology, habits and ecology, gene flow between genera and species is common enough due to extremely low postzygotic isolation. Males of Neolamprologus apparently have always readily and successfully mated with females of other Lamprologini they found ready to spawn: mtDNA lineages similar to other Lamprologini genera are widely encountered in species placed in Neolamprologus. And not only do such hybrids seem to be fertile at least to a limited extent in many cases, new species often appear to originate from such interbreeding.
Neolamprologus cylindricus Neolamprologus multifasciatusNeolamprologus es un género de peces de la familia Cichlidae.
El género contienen 67 especies descritas:[1]
Kardkiriahven (Neolamprologus) on kirevahvenlaste sugukonda kuuluv kalade perekond.
Nad elavad Ida-Aafrikas Tanganjika järves selle endeemidena, vaid üks liik (Neolamprologus devosi) elab mujal (Malagarasi jões).
Kardkiriahven (Neolamprologus) on kirevahvenlaste sugukonda kuuluv kalade perekond.
Nad elavad Ida-Aafrikas Tanganjika järves selle endeemidena, vaid üks liik (Neolamprologus devosi) elab mujal (Malagarasi jões).
Neolamprologus Cichlidae familiako arrain genero bat da.
Neolamprologus est un genre de poissons de la famille des Cichlidae. Presque toutes les espèces du genre sont endémiques du lac Tanganyika en Afrique, seul Neolamprologus devosi qui a élu domicile dans le fleuve Malagarasi qui est un affluent du lac Tanganyika. Toutes sont très prisées par les collectionneurs aquariophiles.
Il est important de se renseigner correctement avant l'acquisition d'un certain nombre des espèces suivantes en aquarium. En effet, même si certaines sont dites "faciles" à maintenir en aquarium, d'autres en revanche peuvent faire l'objet d'un déclin en milieu naturel. Il faudra donc prendre soin d'offrir un espace suffisant à vos pensionnaires, et en fonction du nombre d'individus minimum conseillés à maintenir.
Tous les passionnés de Cichlidae (et autres poissons) endémiques du lac Tanganyika ont tendance à prétendre que ses poissons sont parmi les plus évolués socialement, qu'ils possèdent des comportements inter et intraspécifique des plus remarquables.
Neolamprologus brevis "sunspot"
Neolamprologus multifasciatus couple en aquarium
Neolamprologus ocellatus "gold" mâle en aquarium
Neolamprologus olivaceous couple en aquarium
Neolamprologus est un genre de poissons de la famille des Cichlidae. Presque toutes les espèces du genre sont endémiques du lac Tanganyika en Afrique, seul Neolamprologus devosi qui a élu domicile dans le fleuve Malagarasi qui est un affluent du lac Tanganyika. Toutes sont très prisées par les collectionneurs aquariophiles.
Neolamprologus Colombe & Allgayer, 1985 è un genere di pesci d'acqua dolce, appartenente alla famiglia Cichlidae, comprendente 50 specie.[1]
Il genere Neolamprologus è endemico del lago Tanganica. Le varie specie abitano le coste rocciose e sabbiose del lago.
Tutte le specie presentano un corpo piuttosto allungato, più o meno compresso ai fianchi, con lunga pinna dorsale e una pinna caudale che può essere a mezzaluna, a delta oppure tondeggiante. La livrea varia considerevolmente secondo la specie: alcune presentano un colore giallo uniforme (N. leleupi), altre un fondo avorio fasciato e macchiato di bruno, fino al rosato tenue, altre specie hanno grosse fasce brune o nere.
Tutte le specie sono considerate estremamente territoriali ma non aggressive. Possono condividere habitat naturale e acquari con altre specie del genere o della famiglia Ciclidi, tuttavia non transigono sul rispetto del loro territorio.
La riproduzione dei Neolamprologus è estremamente interessante. Questi pesci formano delle vere e proprie comunità familiari, che hanno inizio quando una coppia si riproduce in un nuovo territorio, tra gli anfratti rocciosi: dopo le prime cucciolate, saranno i figli maggiori ad aiutare i genitori nel difendere territorio e piccoli dell'ultima deposizione. Con il passare del tempo si forma così una comunità piuttosto numerosa: inoltre solo a pochissime coppie è consentita (se è consentita) la riproduzione, al di fuori della coppia dominante. I figli, ormai cresciuti, si dividono: alcuni rimangono nel nucleo famigliare, altri si allontanano cercando un/una partner con cui iniziare una nuova colonia.
Queste specie si nutrono di zooplancton, piccoli crostacei, alghe.
Sono molte le specie allevate e commerciate in tutto il mondo, sia per la loro prolificità che per il loro spiccato comportamento parentale, senza dimenticare la facilità di allevamento. Si consiglia l'allevamento in vasche dedicate.
Neolamprologus Colombe & Allgayer, 1985 è un genere di pesci d'acqua dolce, appartenente alla famiglia Cichlidae, comprendente 50 specie.
Neolamprologus is een geslacht uit de familie Cichlidae[1] uit Oost-Afrika, alleen de Neolamprologus devosi komt voor in het Malawimeer, de rest exclusief in het Tanganyikameer. Neolamprologus is het grootste geslacht in het Tanganyikameer en ook het grootste geslacht binnen de tak van de Lamprologi.
De soorten binnen Neolamprologus verschillen erg in leefwijze, habitat en morfologie. Zo leeft de Neolamprologus brichardi tussen de rotsen en de Neolamprologus multifasciatus in slakkenhuizen. Toch verschilt het DNA van deze soorten nauwelijks en daarom worden ze tot hetzelfde geslacht gerekend.
Er worden elk jaar ongeveer 1 of 2 soorten ontdekt. Neolamprologus fasciatus wordt soms geplaatst in Altolamprologus. Sommige ander soorten worden soms verplaatst naar Lepidiolamprologus; dit kan misschien correct zijn maar vereist onderbouwing.
Neolamprologus is een geslacht uit de familie Cichlidae uit Oost-Afrika, alleen de Neolamprologus devosi komt voor in het Malawimeer, de rest exclusief in het Tanganyikameer. Neolamprologus is het grootste geslacht in het Tanganyikameer en ook het grootste geslacht binnen de tak van de Lamprologi.
De soorten binnen Neolamprologus verschillen erg in leefwijze, habitat en morfologie. Zo leeft de Neolamprologus brichardi tussen de rotsen en de Neolamprologus multifasciatus in slakkenhuizen. Toch verschilt het DNA van deze soorten nauwelijks en daarom worden ze tot hetzelfde geslacht gerekend.
Neolamprologus er en slekt ciklider. De er endemiske til østlige Afrika, og alle arter unntatt én, Neolamprologus devosi, finnes i Tanganyikasjøen. Neolamprologus er den største ciklideslekten i Tanganyikasjøen. Analyser av mitokondrium-DNA tyder på at gruppen er polyfyletisk, og at den i fremtiden vil bli delt inn i flere grupper (Sturmbauer, 1994). Flere av artene er populære akvariefisk.
Neolamprologus er en slekt ciklider. De er endemiske til østlige Afrika, og alle arter unntatt én, Neolamprologus devosi, finnes i Tanganyikasjøen. Neolamprologus er den største ciklideslekten i Tanganyikasjøen. Analyser av mitokondrium-DNA tyder på at gruppen er polyfyletisk, og at den i fremtiden vil bli delt inn i flere grupper (Sturmbauer, 1994). Flere av artene er populære akvariefisk.
Neolamprologus – rodzaj słodkowodnych ryb okoniokształtnych z rodziny pielęgnicowatych (Cichlidae).
Wszystkie są gatunkami endemicznymi Afryki Wschodniej. Większość występuje w jeziorze Tanganika, a Neolamprologus devosi w rzece Malagarasi[2] w Tanzanii.
Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[1][3]:
Gatunkiem typowym rodzaju jest Lamprologus tetracanthus. Analizy morfologiczne oraz molekularne wskazują na konieczność przeprowadzenia rewizji taksonomicznych w obrębie Lamprologini, a zwłaszcza rodzaju Neolamprologus[2].
Neolamprologus – rodzaj słodkowodnych ryb okoniokształtnych z rodziny pielęgnicowatych (Cichlidae).
Neolamprologus é um gênero de peixes da família Cichlidae.
O gênero contém 67 espécies descritas:[1]
Neolamprologus é um gênero de peixes da família Cichlidae.
Neolamprologus ett släkte centralafrikanska ciklider. De lever alla endemiskt i olika delar av Tanganyikasjön, med undantag för arten Neolamprologus devosi som återfinns på två lokaliteter i Tanzania i Malagarasiflodens delta, som mynnar i Tanganyikasjön.[2] Tillsammans med många ciklider från Malawisjön är ett stort antal vanliga som akvariefiskar.
Alla arter i släktet är långsträckta, ofta med utdragna fenspetsar, särskilt hos hanarna. Vissa är mycket färggranna, men flertalet är enkelt ljusbruna med blå inslag, ofta med tvärgående ränder. Genomsnittslängden för vuxna exemplar är ungefär 12 cm, men i gruppen snäcklekande Neolamprologus finner man arter som inte blir större än 4 cm. De största arterna i släktet blir uppemot 20 cm.
Alla arter i släktet är revirhävdande. Som alla ciklider är de rom- och yngelvårdande, och både hanen och honan vaktar sin avkomma, ibland i familjegrupper, till dess ynglen vuxit sig så pass stora att de någorlunda kan klara sig själva. Nästintill alla arter i släktet är monogama och lägger sina ägg på ett hårt bottensubstrat, ofta stenar eller klippor. Till undantagen hör de snäcklekande arterna, som lägger sina ägg i tomma skal från snäckor i släktet Neothauma – eller i grunda grottor, om lämpliga snäckskal saknas. Några av snäcklekarna uppvisar dessutom polygyni, där enskilda polygama hanar vaktar ett revir om flera snäckor, med flera monogama honor.
Med undantag av några nyligen beskrivna arter inräknades alla arter tidigare till släktet Lamprologus, vilket fortfarande märks på en del av deras svenska trivialnamn. Man finner nya arter med något års mellanrum. Släktet omfattar nu 49 arter:[3]
Neolamprologus ett släkte centralafrikanska ciklider. De lever alla endemiskt i olika delar av Tanganyikasjön, med undantag för arten Neolamprologus devosi som återfinns på två lokaliteter i Tanzania i Malagarasiflodens delta, som mynnar i Tanganyikasjön. Tillsammans med många ciklider från Malawisjön är ett stort antal vanliga som akvariefiskar.
Neolamprologus là một chi cá trong họ Cichlidae thuộc bộ cá vược, chi cá này có nhiều loài cá được ưa chuộng để nuôi làm cá cảnh vì màu sắc đẹp và tập tính dễ nuôi.
Chi này có hơn 50 loài sau:
Neolamprologus là một chi cá trong họ Cichlidae thuộc bộ cá vược, chi cá này có nhiều loài cá được ưa chuộng để nuôi làm cá cảnh vì màu sắc đẹp và tập tính dễ nuôi.
Латинское название Neolamprologus Colombe & Allgayer, 1985 ITIS 648017 NCBI 32506
Neolamprologus (лат.) — род пресноводных лучепёрых рыб из семейства цихловых. Распространены в реках и озёрах Африки. Общая длина тела достигает от 2,5 см (N. multifasciatus) до 20 см (N. tetracanthus)[1].
В род Neolamprologus включают 46 видов[1]:
Neolamprologus (лат.) — род пресноводных лучепёрых рыб из семейства цихловых. Распространены в реках и озёрах Африки. Общая длина тела достигает от 2,5 см (N. multifasciatus) до 20 см (N. tetracanthus).