
Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Zookeys
Male. n= 8. Total body length: 12.3-14.2: head length 1.0-1.2; head width 1.4-0.18; eye width 0.2-0.3; interocular space 0.8-0.9; preocellar distance 0.4; interocellar space 0.2. Rostrum: I 0.7-0.8, II 1.2, III 1.0, IV 0.64-0.7. Antennal segments: I 1.8-2.1, II 1.3-2.2, III 2.2-2.7 and IV 1.4-2.0. Pronotum length 2.3-2.9; width 4.6-6.4. Scutellum length 2.3, width 2.2. Length of abdomen with hemelytra: 8.6-9.8; length abdomen with hemelytra: 9.0-10.0; Abdomen width: 3.9-4.6. Dorsal coloration: Head brown tinged with red except antennal segments 2-3, bases of segments with brown tonalities. Pronotum brown, tinged with red. Scutellum dark read. Corium and clavus brown, tinged with red and hemelytral membrane dark brown, veins light brown. Connexival segments dark brown, tinged with red. Ventral coloration: Ground color light brown, tinged with red, mesosternun darker and abdomen not homogeneously dark pigmented. Legs dark brown, tinged with red. Structure: Pronotum rugose. Frontal angles rugose projecting with in as acute projecting spines, humeral angles with two rounded projections. Scutellum granulate. Metafemora with two rows of spines, tibia with small teeth basally. Hemelytra shorter than the abdomen. Female. n=8. Total body length: 12.0-13.5; head length: 10.0; head width: 1.4-1.6; eye width: 0.2-0.3; interocular space: 0.8-0.9; preocellar distance: 0.4; interocellar space: 0.3. Rostrum: I 0.6-0.8, II 1.2, III 0.9, IV 0.7. Antennal segments: I 1.1-1.7, II 1.5-1.6, III 1.9-20.0 and IV 1.2-1.5. Pronotal length: 2.2-2.7; width: 4.2-5.0. Scutellar length: 1.7; width: 1.5. Length of abdomen with hemelytra: 9.0-11.0; length of abdomen without hemelytra: 9.6-11.3; abdomen width: 4.7-5.4. Dorsally and ventrally light brown. Anterior angles granulate; humeral angles with two rounded projections.
حقوق النشر
José Luis Pall, María del Carmen Coscarón
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Pall J, Coscarón M (2013) Synopsis of Acanthocerini (Hemiptera, Coreidae) from Argentina ZooKeys 305: 33–53
José Luis Pall
María del Carmen Coscarón
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك

Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Zookeys
Argentina: Buenos Aires; Catamarca; Córdoba: Carlos Paz, El Sauce, San Javier; Corrientes: Alvear Department, Bella Vista Department, Berón de Astrada Department, Capital Department, Colón Department, Concepción Department, Concordia Department, Diamante Department, Empedrado Department, Esquina Department, General Paz Department, La Paz Department, Mburucuyá Department, Paraná Department, Paso de los Libres Department, Saladas Department, San Martín Department, San Miguel Department, San Roque Department, Santo Tomé Department, Victoria Department; Chaco; Entre Ríos: Concordia; Formosa; Jujuy; La Pampa; La Rioja; Mendoza; Misiones: Alem Department, Apóstoles Department, Cainguás Department, Concepción de la Sierra Department, Guaraní Department, Montecarlo Department, Oberá Department, San Javier Department, San Martín Department, 25 de Mayo Department; Neuquén; Salta; San Juan; San Luis: San Gerónimo, Suyuque; Santa Fé; Santiago del Estero; Tucumán.
حقوق النشر
José Luis Pall, María del Carmen Coscarón
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Pall J, Coscarón M (2013) Synopsis of Acanthocerini (Hemiptera, Coreidae) from Argentina ZooKeys 305: 33–53
José Luis Pall
María del Carmen Coscarón
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك