
Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Zookeys
Colour white. Size of mature specimens 0.62–0.72 mm. Body slender and elongated. Antennae about as long as head, antennal area not clearly demarcated. Ant.4 with a subapical organite, two distinct thickened sensilla, and a subbasal microsensillum set well above proximal row of setae (Fig. 25). Ant.3 organ consisting of 5 papillae, 2 sensory rods, 2 smooth sensory clubs (Figs 26–27), 4 guard setae, and a lateral microsensillum (Fig. 25). Ant.1 and 2 usually with 8 and 13(14) setae, respectively. PAO with 6–7 composed vesicles (Fig. 28). Labrum with 7 setae and 2 prelabral ones (2/3–4). Apical part of labium with thick terminal setae on papillae A and C (AC – type), 7 long guard setae [b3-4, d3-4, e1-3] and 4 spiniform ones [a1, b1-2 and d2] set on low papillae, a1 clearly longer and thicker than b1. Proximal part of labium as usual, with 6 setae, basal fields (mentum and submentum) with 4 and 5 setae. Maxillary palp simple, with 2 sublobal setae. Pseudocellar formula (pso) as follows, dorsal: 32/133/33343, ventral: 1/000/0000, parapseudocelli (psx) invisible. Each upper subcoxa with one pso. Localization of pso as in Fig. 24. Granulation rather fine and uniform, without areas of clearly enlarged granules. Dorsal chaetotaxy almost symmetrical, setae smooth and clearly differentiated, especially on last abdominal terga, differences between macro- and microsetae in anterior parts of body not so pronounced but visible: macrosetae more straight and blunt, microsetae curved and pointed. Dorsal sensilla distinct, flame-like, 1/011/221111 in number (Fig. 24), ventral ones (2/000/0001) slightly thickened and sometimes hard to detect, sensillum on coxae of Lg.3 distinct. Th.1 with 6+6 setae. Lateral microsensilla present only on Th.2. Unpaired dorsal seta d0 on head absent, Abd.4 with m0 and p0, Abd.5 with p0, Abd.6 with one axial macroseta (Fig. 24). Thoracic sterna without setae along linea ventralis. Abd.3 sternum unclearly divided, anterior subsegment without setae. Furca reduced to a small area of fine granulation situated at contact with border between Abd.3-4 sterna, with 2+2 small posterior setae arranged in two rows, manubrial area with 4+4 setae set in two rows. Ventral tube with 6+6 distal setae, proximal ones at corpus base absent. Upper subcoxae usually with 3-4-4, tibiotarsi with 17-17-16, setae: distal rows with 9 setae (2 T-setae absent), row B with 7-7-6 setae, setae M absent but Y present (Figs 29–30). Unguis simple, with neither inner nor lateral tooth, unguiculus with an indistinct basal lamella, shorter than unguis (ca 0.7 U3).Anal spines short (0.7–0.75 U3) and thin, set without papillae (Fig. 31).
حقوق النشر
Anatoly B. Babenko, Ayuna B. Chimitova, Sophya K. Stebaeva
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Babenko A, Chimitova A, Stebaeva S (2011) New Palaearctic species of the tribe Thalassaphorurini Pomorski, 1998 (Collembola, Onychiuridae) ZooKeys 126: 1–38
Anatoly B. Babenko
Ayuna B. Chimitova
Sophya K. Stebaeva
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك

Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Zookeys
Known only from the type locality.
حقوق النشر
Anatoly B. Babenko, Ayuna B. Chimitova, Sophya K. Stebaeva
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Babenko A, Chimitova A, Stebaeva S (2011) New Palaearctic species of the tribe Thalassaphorurini Pomorski, 1998 (Collembola, Onychiuridae) ZooKeys 126: 1–38
Anatoly B. Babenko
Ayuna B. Chimitova
Sophya K. Stebaeva
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك