Dodona, the Punches, are a genus of butterflies found in Asia. The genus was erected by William Chapman Hewitson in 1861.
Forewing broad, short, triangular; costa very slightly arched; apex subacute; termen slightly convex; tornus angulate; dorsum straight; cell comparatively broad, about half the length of the wing; veins 6 and 7 from upper apex of cell, therefore upper discocellular obsolete, middle and lower subequal, concave; vein 3 from a little before lower apex of cell, 4 from apex, 8 and 9 out of 7, 10 from upper apex of cell, 11 free, 12 very short, terminating opposite origin of 11. Hindwing: costa arched; apex broadly rounded; termen below apex straight to vein 4, then slightly bent inwards and slightly concave to tornus; tornus produced and lobed, in some forms with a slender tail in addition; dorsum slightly arched, nearly straight; cell about half the length of the wing; discocellulars oblique; vein 3 from just before lower apex of cell, 4 from apex; costa at base angular. Antenna over half the length of the forewing; club short, male reduced and clothed with soft hairs; tarsus one jointed; Female has the foreleg covered in scales and functional.[1]
Dodona, the Punches, are a genus of butterflies found in Asia. The genus was erected by William Chapman Hewitson in 1861.
Dodona is een geslacht van vlinders uit de familie van de prachtvlinders (Riodinidae), onderfamilie Nemeobiinae.
Dodona werd in 1861 voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Hewitson.
Dodona omvat de volgende soorten:[1]
Dodona is een geslacht van vlinders uit de familie van de prachtvlinders (Riodinidae), onderfamilie Nemeobiinae.
Dodona werd in 1861 voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Hewitson.
Dodona er en slekt av dagsommerfugl som tilhører familien Riodinidae.
Middelsstore (vingespenn 30-45 millimeter), brunlioge sommerfugler. Bakvingen er vanligvis trukket ut til en kort spiss. Oversiden er brun med lyse (hvite til oransje) flekker, sjeldnere med lyse tverrbånd eller større felter. Undersiden er lysere brun, med lyse tverrstriper, kan også være kremgul med mørke tverrstriper.
Disse sommerfuglene lever i skog, til dels i ganske stor høyde over havet. Larvene lever på planter i slekten Maesa (Myrsinaceae).
Slekten er utbredt i Sørøst-Asia.
Dodona er en slekt av dagsommerfugl som tilhører familien Riodinidae.
Dodona durga
Klug, [1844]