Comprehensive Description
المقدمة من North American Flora
Coriolus limitatus (Berk. & Curt.) Murrill
Trametes limiiata Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 1 : 66. 1872.
Pileus thin, coriaceous, slightly flexible, applanate, dimidiate to suborbicular, sessile, 2 X 2.5-3 X 0.1-0.2 cm.; surface finely tomentose, indistinctly zoned, uniformly duU-isabelline in dried specimens, smooth or very slightly rugose ; margin acute, entire, sterile for about 2 mm. : context thin, fibrous, very firm, but flexible, 0.5 mm. thick; tubes short, 1 mm. long, tinted with pale-latericeous within, mouths minute, regular, angular, edges very thin, entire to slightly dentate, white, tinged with flesh color : spores not examined.
Type locality : New Mexico.
Habitat: Decayed wood.
Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
- الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
- William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
المقدمة من North American Flora
Coriolus hondurensis Murrill, sp. nov
Pileus very thin, slightly flexible, conchate-reniform, sessile, 7X9X0.2-0.3 cm. ; surface radiate-rugose, glabrous, subshining, white to pale-cinereous, with a few very narrow, sHghtlj^ darker, concentric lines ; margin thin, white, lobed, inflexed on drying : context very thin, white, fibrous, less than 1 mm. thick ; tubes 2-3 mm. long, slender, white to pale-isabelline within, mouths minute, angular, regular, glistening, 7-8 to a mm., edges thin, dentate, white to dark-isabelline, fulvous in dried specimens : spores smooth,
Type collected near Punta Gorda, British Honduras, on dead wood, 1906, Morton E. Peck. Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
- الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
- William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
المقدمة من North American Flora
Fomes auberianus (Mont.) Murrill, Bull. Torrey
Club 32: 491. 1905.
Polyporus Auberianus Mont. PI. Cell. Cuba 397. 1842.
Pileus woody, conchate to pulverulent, 4-10 X 7-15 X 1-2 cm. ; surface glabrous, rugose, radiate-striate, zonate, isabelline to light-fulvous ; margin thin, but usually obtuse, pallid, turning bay when bruised, ungulate to lobed, deflexed : context corky to woody, almostwhite, 0.5-1.5 cm. thick; tubes distinctly stratose, 3-7 mm. long each season, fulvous within, mouths circular to angular, minute, 6-7 to a mm., edges thin, entire, light-bay, darker when bruised, subglistening : spores globose, smooth, hyaline, 3/^; hyphae hyaline, 6/^ ; cystidia none.
Type locality : Cuba, on dead trunks.
Habitat : Dead or wounded trunks of hardwood trees.
Distribution : Tropical America.
- الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
- William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
المقدمة من North American Flora
Rigidoporus evolutus (Berk. & Curt.) Murrill
Polyporus evolutus Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10 : 308. 1868.
Pileus fleshy-tough, rigid when dry, circular, fixed at the center, 1-2.5 cm, broad, 1-2 mm. thick; surface multizonate, radiate-rugose, tomentoseto resinous-glabrous, laterice6us, with ochraceous blotches, black behind ; margin thin, acute, undulate to slightly lobed, ochraceous: context very thin, pallid, fibrous; tubes pallid, 1-1,5 mm. long, mouths minute, 7 to a mm., subcircular , edges white to yellowish-discolored, thin, dentate: spores
not examined.
Type locality : Cuba.
Habitat : Dead trees.
Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
- الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
- William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY