
Comments ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Cladanthus mixtus is sporadically encountered in the flora area.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 491, 495 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Stems often puberulent. Leaves: blades 20–60(–80+) × 3–25(–35+) mm, lobes lanceolate to linear or filiform, apices apiculate. Phyl­laries greenish, faces arachnose to villous. Ray laminae 5–6(–10) mm. Disc corollas 2–2.5 mm (including spurs). Cypselae 0.8–1.3 mm. 2n = 18 (Europe, Africa).
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 491, 495 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Synonym ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Anthemis mixta Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 894. 1753; Chamaemelum mixtum (Linnaeus) Allioni; Ormenis mixta (Linnaeus) Dumortier
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 491, 495 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Ormenis mixta (L.) Dumort. Fl. Belg. 69. 1827
Anlhemis mixta I,. Sp. PI. 894. 1753. Chamaemelum mixlum All. Fl. Fed. 1: 185. 1785. Ormenis bicolor Cass. Diet. Sci. Nat. 36: 356. 1825.
A low leafy fragrant annual; stem 1-4 dm. high, villous-pubescent with spreading branches; leaves 1-3 cm. long, villous-pubescent, cuneate-oblong in outline, pinnatifid, with a broad rachis and entire or toothed oblanceolate divisions, the teeth callousor spinulose-tipped; involucre 4 mm. high and 8-10 mm. broad; bracts oblong, obtuse, villous; ray-flowers 10-15; ligules white with a yellow base, 6-8 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide; disk-corollas yellow; tube longer than the throat; achenes 1 mm. long, yellowish.
Type locautv: Italy.
DisTRiBUTio.-^: New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Florida; Vancouver Island; adventive from the Mediterranean region,
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Chamaemelum mixtum ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Chamaemelum mixtum(L.) All., ye una especie de planta perteneciente a la familia de les asteracees.


Chamaemelum mixtum ye planta añal, d'hasta 50 cm d'altor. Les fueyes son alternes, pubescentes, les cimeres serruchaes y les inferiores simples hasta tripinnaes. Les flores tienen pedúnculos grandes. Escames involucrales verdoses con pubescencia. Lígules blanques cola base mariella. flósculos mariellos.


Zones arenoses, y dunes cerca del mar.


Por Europa en Francia, Portugal, España. Introducida n'América.


Chamaemelum mixtum foi descritu por (Brot.) Vasc. y espublizóse en Anais Inst. Vinho Porto 20: 276. 1966.[1]


Númberu de cromosomes de Chamaemelum fuscatum (Fam. Compositae) y táxones infraespecíficos: 2n=18[2]


Chamaemelum: nome xenéricu que remanez del griegu chamai = "baxa, nana", y melón = "mazana", que significa "mazana terrera"[3]

mixtum: epítetu llatín ;Sinonimia:

Nome común

  • Castellanu: gamarzas, magarza, magarzas, magarza montés, manzanilla estrellada, marcierza, margarita.[4]

Ver tamién


  1. «Chamaemelum mixtum». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 7 de payares de 2013.
  2. Sur la caryologie de quelques plantes récoltées pendant la III Reunion de Botanique Péninsulaire. Fernandes, A. & M. Queirós (1971) Mem. Soc. Brot. 21: 343-385
  3. En Nomes Botánicos
  4. 4,0 4,1 «Chamaemelum mixtum». Real Xardín Botánicu: Proyeutu Anthos. Consultáu'l 25 de payares de 2009.

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Chamaemelum mixtum: Brief Summary ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST
Chamaemelum mixtum

Chamaemelum mixtum(L.) All., ye una especie de planta perteneciente a la familia de les asteracees.

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wikipedia AST

Cladanthus mixtus ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Cladanthus mixtus, commonly known as the Moroccan chamomile, is a mostly Mediterranean species of flowering plant in the aster family, often considered a weed but is also distilled for essential oil, which changes in composition depending on where it grows.


Cladanthus mixtus is found throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Western Europe (from the Eastern Mediterranean west to the Canary Islands north to the British Isles), being especially prominent in western Iberia.[3] It has been introduced to Madeira, the Azores,[4] Uruguay and is sparingly naturalized in a few widely scattered locations in North America.[5][6]

Habitat and ecology

The Moroccan Chamomile grows best in moist and rich soil, but it also has the ability to grow in soils that are more salty around the Mediterranean Sea. Cladanthus mixtus does not need extreme amounts of water as it can retain water because of its thicker cuticle, allowing the species to hold water for longer durations. Cladanthus mixtus can tolerate both warm/cool and hot environments. It is an annual plant and does not interact with other vegetation much.


Individuals of the species Cladanthus mixtus have a yellowish to orange base with white flower petals. Stems are about 4–10 cm long and the leaves of the plant are simple and ordinary in structure but are more like branching leaves. Petals are closely arranged together next to each other surrounding the flower.


Flowers of Cladanthus mixtus bloom only during a rainy season that provides with plant with enough water and nutrients to bloom. The plant is fully mature once the flowers bloom. The flower then dies after a rainy season and awaits the next rainy season to bloom once again.


Cladanthus mixtus has been used to collect certain oils to be used for perfumes and other skin products[7] that calm people down and soothe their skin. The whole flower is crushed up to try to extract these oils.[7] A study confirms that the Cladanthus mixtus species has different oil compositions depending on the area in which the plant is grown. In some areas the concentrations of the oils would be higher than that of the same species in different areas. In some cases the same species was found to produce oils that would not be used in mixtures of skin ointments and other products.


  1. ^ The International Plant Names Index, search for Cladanthus mixtus
  2. ^ Tropicos, Cladanthus mixtus (L.) Chevall.
  3. ^ "Cladanthus mixtus (L.) Chevall. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 15 January 2023.
  4. ^ "Chamaemelum mixtum (L.) All". flora-on.pt. Flora-On. Retrieved 15 January 2023.
  5. ^ Flora of North America, Cladanthus Cassini
  6. ^ Biota of North America Program 2014 county distribution map
  7. ^ a b Elouaddari, Anass; El Amrani, Abdelaziz; Eddine, Jamal Jamal; Correia, A. Isabel D.; Barroso, José G.; Pedro, Luis G.; Figueiredo, A. Cristina (November 2013). "Yield and chemical composition of the essential oil of Moroccan chamomile [ (L.) Chevall.] growing wild at different sites in Morocco". Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 28 (6): 360–366. doi:10.1002/ffj.3146.
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wikipedia EN

Cladanthus mixtus: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Cladanthus mixtus, commonly known as the Moroccan chamomile, is a mostly Mediterranean species of flowering plant in the aster family, often considered a weed but is also distilled for essential oil, which changes in composition depending on where it grows.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Chamaemelum mixtum ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Chamaemelum mixtum(L.) All., es una especie de planta perteneciente a la familia de las asteráceas.


Chamaemelum mixtum es planta anual, de hasta 50 cm de altura. Las hojas son alternas, pubescentes, las superiores aserradas y las inferiores simples hasta tripinnadas. Las flores tienen pedúnculos grandes. Escamas involucrales verdosas con pubescencia. Lígulas blancas con la base amarilla. Flósculos amarillos.


Zonas arenosas, y dunas cerca del mar.


Por Europa en Francia, Portugal, España. Introducida en América.


Chamaemelum mixtum fue descrito por (Brot.) Vasc. y publicado en Anais Inst. Vinho Porto 20: 276. 1966.[1]


Número de cromosomas de Chamaemelum fuscatum (Fam. Compositae) y táxones infraespecíficos: 2n=18[2]


Chamaemelum: nombre genérico que deriva del griego chamai = "baja, enana", y melón = "manzana", que significa "manzana terrera"[3]

mixtum: epíteto latino


Nombre común

  • Castellano: gamarzas, magarza, magarzas, magarza silvestre, manzanilla estrellada, marcierza, margarita.[4]


  1. «Chamaemelum mixtum». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 7 de noviembre de 2013.
  2. Sur la caryologie de quelques plantes récoltées pendant la III Reunion de Botanique Péninsulaire. Fernandes, A. & M. Queirós (1971) Mem. Soc. Brot. 21: 343-385
  3. En Nombres Botánicos
  4. a b «Chamaemelum mixtum». Real Jardín Botánico: Proyecto Anthos. Consultado el 25 de noviembre de 2009.

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wikipedia ES

Chamaemelum mixtum: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Chamaemelum mixtum(L.) All., es una especie de planta perteneciente a la familia de las asteráceas.

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wikipedia ES

Chamaemelum mixtum ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Chamaemelum mixtum é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Asteraceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é (L.) All., tendo sido publicada em Flora Pedemontana 1: 185. 1785.[1]


Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental, no Arquipélago dos Açores e no Arquipélago da Madeira.

Em termos de naturalidade é nativa de Portugal Continental e introduzida nos Arquipélago dos Açores e da Madeira.


Não se encontra protegida por legislação portuguesa ou da Comunidade Europeia.


  1. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 7 de Outubro de 2014 http://www.tropicos.org/Name/2702250>


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wikipedia PT

Chamaemelum mixtum: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Chamaemelum mixtum é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Asteraceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é (L.) All., tendo sido publicada em Flora Pedemontana 1: 185. 1785.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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Cladanthus mixtus ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK


Це однорічна, як правило, волохата рослина. Стебла (8)20–50(60) см, прості або розгалужені. Має білі пелюстки з від жовтуватими до оранжевими основами. Сім'янки 1–1.5 мм. Цвіте і плодоносить з лютого по листопад.


Північна Африка: Алжир; Єгипет; Лівія; Марокко; Туніс. Західна Азія: Єгипет — Синай; Ізраїль; Йорданія; Ліван; Туреччина. Південна Європа: Албанія; Греція; Італія; Франція; Португалія; Гібралтар; Іспанія [вкл. Канарські острови]. Натуралізований: Сполучені Штати; Канада — Британська Колумбія; Аргентина; Чилі; Уругвай; Бельгія; Німеччина; Польща; Швейцарія; Об'єднане Королівство. Любить вологий родючий ґрунт.



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Cladanthus mixtus ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Cladanthus mixtus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) Oberpr. & Vogt mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 2002.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Cladanthus mixtus. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Cladanthus mixtus: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Cladanthus mixtus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) Oberpr. & Vogt mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 2002.

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