Protula magnifica is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Amphiprion akindynos (Barrier Reef Anemonefish). Coral Sea, Duration 50 seconds
Seed scallops, with a small amount of white worm tube (Serpula) attached to the shell. These scallkops have not yet spawned, and, for the future welfare of the scallop fishery, should be protected until they have passed the spawning period, which occurs when the scallop is one year old. The capture of these immature scallops is a decided menace to the fishery, and is forbidden by law.
Figure 1.A–D Serpula madrigalae sp. n., from Turks and Caicos Islands, USNM 1157006, holotype A–B operculum in lateral and aboral views C–D tube in dorsal and frontal views E–F Serpula cf. vermicularis, from Nigeria, UMML 22.545 E–F operculum in lateral and aboral views.
Catalina Arteaga-Flórez, Vanessa Fernández-Rodríguez, Mario H. Londoño-Mesa
Figure 2.Ficopomatus uschakovi (Pillai, 1960). Specimen SERP 0031B: A Antero-dorsal view B Operculum in anterior view C Operculum in lateral view G Geniculate chaetae from the abdomen H Limbate chaetae from chaetiger 3 I Toothed and limbate chaetae from collar J Toothed chaetae, detail K Uncini from chaetiger 3. Specimen SERP 0033 in methyl green: D Complete specimen in dorsal view E Operculum in lateral view. Specimen 1 SERP 0034: F Operculum in lateral view.
These skittish little worms will instantaneously retract their gill plumes into a calcareous tube following a shadow or other disturbance. The funnel-shaped operculum then blocks the tube's entrance. Gill plumes about 10 mm. Depth 10m.
Description: Squat Lobster in a mass of Filograna tubeworms Item Type: Image Title: Squat Lobster Species: Filograna sp. Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- WhirlwindNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Whirlwind Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 184 Latitude: 60 deg 17' 01" N Longitude: 3 deg 50' 19" E Countries: UK -- West of Shetland Habitat: Benthic Rig: Borgsten Dolphin Project Partners: Hurricane Exploration (HEX), Subsea 7 ROV: Pioneer 027 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 11 November 2010