The beauty queen of the Bidens genus. Native to Central Mexico. UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens.
Kookoolau or Corkscrew beggarticksAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Waianae Mts., northwest Koolau Mts., Oahu only)Photo: Kaala Natural Area Reserve, OahuEarly Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")EtymologyThe generic name Bidens is derived from the Latin bi, two, and dens, teeth in reference to the pappus awns or collective bristles on the achenes (fruit, seeds).The specific epithet torta is from the Latin tortus, winding or meandering, in reference to the strongly twisted or tightly coiled achenes (fruit) of this species and also giving it the vernacular name Corkscrew beggarticks.
Kookoolau or Corkscrew beggarticksAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Waianae Mts., northwest Koolau Mts., Oahu only)Photo: Oahu (Cultivated)Early Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")EtymologyThe generic name Bidens is derived from the Latin bi, two, and dens, teeth in reference to the pappus awns or collective bristles on the achenes (fruit, seeds).The specific epithet torta is from the Latin tortus, winding or meandering, in reference to the strongly twisted or tightly coiled achenes (fruit) of this species and also giving it the vernacular name Corkscrew beggarticks.
Kookoolau or Corkscrew beggarticksAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Waianae Mts., northwest Koolau Mts., Oahu only)Photo: Kaala Natural Area Reserve, OahuEarly Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")EtymologyThe generic name Bidens is derived from the Latin bi, two, and dens, teeth in reference to the pappus awns or collective bristles on the achenes (fruit, seeds).The specific epithet torta is from the Latin tortus, winding or meandering, in reference to the strongly twisted or tightly coiled achenes (fruit) of this species and also giving it the vernacular name Corkscrew beggarticks.
Kookoolau or Mauna Loa beggarticksAsteraceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsOahu (Cultivated)Early Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")
Kookoolau or Mauna Loa beggarticksAsteraceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsOahu (Cultivated)Early Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")NPH00006
Kookoolau or Mauna Loa beggarticksAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Leeward sides of and in saddle between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea on Hawaii island)Oahu (Cultivated)Early Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")EtymologyThe name Bidens is derived from the Latin bi, two, and dens, teeth in reference to the pappus awns or collective bristles on the achenes (fruit, seeds).The species epithet menziesii refers to Archibald Menzies (1754-1842) a Scottish surgeon and naturalist, and the first to taxonomically identify the species.NPH00006
Kookoolau or Mauna Loa beggarticksAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Leeward sides of and in saddle between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea on Hawaii island)Oahu (Cultivated)Closeup of flowers
www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/4822614970/in/photostream/Early Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")EtymologyThe name Bidens is derived from the Latin bi, two, and dens, teeth in reference to the pappus awns or collective bristles on the achenes (fruit, seeds).The species epithet menziesii refers to Archibald Menzies (1754-1842) a Scottish surgeon and naturalist, and the first to taxonomically identify the species.NPH00004
Kookoolau or Mauna Loa beggarticksAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii Island on leeward sides of and in saddle between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea)Oahu (Cultivated)Early Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")EtymologyThe name Bidens is derived from the Latin bi, two, and dens, teeth in reference to the pappus awns or collective bristles on the achenes (fruit, seeds).The species epithet menziesii refers to Archibald Menzies (1754-1842) a Scottish surgeon and naturalist, and the first to taxonomically identify the species.The subspecific epithet filiformis (filiforme), means thread or filament-like, refer to the narrow un-branching leaves.
A Malawi version of the eastern African Bush Daisy.
A weed known as Bush Daisy, encountered mainly in East Africa. Photo from southern Tanzania.
Osceola, Florida, United States
Titusville, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Geneva, Florida, United States
Astor Farms, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Utebo. Zaragoza: Aragn (Espaa)Introducida,cultivada,naturalizada.Familia: ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE)Distribucin: Originaria de Amrica central, se naturaliza en el SW de Europa, y en la Pennsula Ibrica lo hace casi siempre cerca de las costas mediterrneas y atlnticas, ms rara vez en el interior, como ocurre en Aragn, donde se ha encontrado en la Depresin del Ebro.Hbitat: Planta muy vistosa, cultivada como ornamental, que se asilvestra en zonas de huerta, escombreras y baldos, a baja altitud, cerca de ncleos habitados.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente Rango altitudinal: 190- 200 m Floracin: Septiembre - DiciembreForma Biolgica: Terfito escaposoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
Near Patagonia, Arizona, September 2010. In wetland.