Associated Forest Cover
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Northern Red Oak (Society of American Foresters Type 55) is the
forest cover type that includes pure stands of this tree or
stands in which it is predominant (6). The species is a major
component of White Pine-Northern Red Oak-Red Maple (Type 20) in
the Northern Forest Region, and it is a principal species in
White Oak-Black Oak-Northern Red Oak (Type 52) in the Central
Forest Region. Northern red oak is listed as an associated
species in the following forest types:
17 Pin Cherry
18 Paper Birch
19 Gray Birch-Red Maple
21 Eastern White Pine
22 White Pine-Hemlock
23 Eastern Hemlock
25 Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch
26 Sugar Maple-Basswood
27 Sugar Maple
28 Black Cherry-Maple
40 Post Oak-Blackjack
42 Bur Oak
43 Bear Oak
44 Chestnut Oak
45 Pitch Pine
46 Eastern Redcedar
51 White Pine-Chestnut Oak
53 White Oak
57 Yellow-Poplar
58 Yellow-Poplar-Eastern Hemlock
60 Beech-Sugar Maple
82 Loblolly Pine-Hardwood
108 Red Maple
110 Black Oak
Numerous other tree species are associated with northern red oak.
These include white ash (Fraxinus americana) and green
ash (F. pennsylvanica); bigtooth aspen (Populus
grandidentata) and quaking aspen (P. tremuloides); American
elm (Ulmus americana) and slippery elm (U. rubra);
pignut hickory (Carya glabra), bitternut hickory (C.
cordiformis), mockernut hickory (C. tomentosa), and
shagbark hickory (C. ovata); scarlet oak (Quercus
coccinea), southern red oak (Q. falcata), post
oak (Q. stellata), and chinkapin oak (Q. muehlenbergii);
northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis); yellow
buckeye (Aesculus octandra); cucumber magnolia (Magnolia
acuminata); hackberry (Celtis occidentalis); butternut
(Juglans cinerea); black walnut (J. nigra); blackgum
(Nyssa sylvatica); and sweetgum (Liquidambar
styraciflua) (5).
Some of the more important small trees associated with northern
red oak include flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), sourwood
(Oxydendrum arboreum), American holly (Ilex opaca),
eastern hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), American
hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), redbud (Cercis
canadensis), pawpaw (Asimina triloba), sassafras (Sassafras
albidum), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), American
bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia), and downy serviceberry
(Amelanchier arborea). Shrubs common in forest stands
containing northern red oak include Vaccinium spp.,
mountain-laurel (Kalmia latifolia), rosebay rhododendron
(Rhododendron maximum), witch-hazel (Hamamelis
virginiana), beaked hazel (Corylus cornuta), spice
bush (Lindera benzoin), and Viburnum spp. The
most common vines are Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus
quinquefolia), poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), greenbrier
(Smilax spp.), and grape (Vitis spp.)
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In the wide area over which northern red oak grows, mean annual
precipitation varies from about 760 mm (30 in) in the Northwest
to about 2030 mm (80 in) in the southern Appalachians. Annual
snowfall ranges from a trace in southern Alabama to 254 cm (100
in) or more in the Northern States and Canada. Mean annual
temperature is about 4° C (40° F) in the northern part
of the range and 16° C (60° F) in the extreme southern
part. The frost-free period averages 100 days in the North and
220 days in the South (24).
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Damaging Agents
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Wildfires seriously damage northern red
oak by killing the cambial tissue at the base of trees, thus
creating an entry point for decay-causing fungi. Wildfires can be
severe enough to top kill even pole- and sawtimber-size trees.
Many of the top-killed trees sprout and thus create new evenaged
stands, but the economic loss of the old stand may be great (24).
Small northern red oak seedlings may be killed by prescribed
fires (13), but larger stems will sprout and survive, even if
their tops are killed.
Oak wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum) is a potentially
serious vascular disease of northern red oak and kills trees the
same year they are infected. It usually kills individuals or
small groups of trees in scattered locations throughout a stand
but may affect areas up to several hectares in size. Oak wilt is
spread from tree to tree through root grafts and over longer
distances by sap-feeding beetles (Nitidulidae) and the
small oak bark beetles (Pseudopityophthorus spp.) (12,23).
Shoestring root rot (Armillaria mellea) attacks and may
kill northern red oaks that have been injured or weakened by
fire, lightning, drought, insects, or other diseases. Cankers
caused by Strumella and Nectria species damage
the bole of northern red oak and although trees are seldom
killed, the infected trees are generally culls for lumber.
Foliage diseases that attack northern red oak but seldom do
serious damage are anthracnose (Gnomonia quercina), leaf
blister (Taphrina spp.), powdery mildews (Phyllactinia
corylea and Microsphaera alni), and eastern gall rust
(Cronartium quercuum) (12).
The carpenterworm (Prionoxystus robiniae), Columbian
timber beetle (Corythylus columbianus), oak timberworm
(Arrhenodes minutus), red oak borer (Enaphalodes
rufulus), and the twolined chestnut borer (Agrilus
bilineatus) are important insects that attack the bole of
northern red oak. These insects tunnel into the wood, seriously
degrading products cut from infested trees (3).
The most destructive defoliating insect attacking northern red oak
is the imported gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). This
insect repeatedly defoliates trees and has killed oaks including
northern red oak in a wide area in the northeastern United
States. Northern red oak can recover from a single defoliation
but may be weakened enough for some disease or other insects to
attack and kill them. Other defoliators, that attack northern red
oak are the variable oakleaf caterpillar (Heterocampa
manteo), the orangestriped oakworm (Anisota senatoria),
and the browntail moth (Nygmia phaeorrhoea). The
Asiatic oak weevil (Cyrtepistomus castaneus) attacks
northern red oak seedlings and has the potential to seriously
affect seedling growth because the larvae feed on the fine roots
while the adults feed on the foliage.
Much damage is done to northern red oak acorns by the nut weevils
(Curculio spp.), gall-forming cynipids (Callirhytis
spp.), the filbertworm (Melissopus latiferreanus), and
the acorn moth (Valentinia glandulella) (7). In years of
poor acorn production, these insects can destroy the entire crop.
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Flowering and Fruiting
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Northern red oak is monoecious.
The staminate flowers are borne in catkins that develop from leaf
axils of the previous year and emerge before or at the same time
as the current leaves in April or May. The pistillate flowers are
solitary or occur in two- to many-flowered spikes that develop in
the axils of the current year's leaves. The fruit is an acorn or
nut that occurs singly or in clusters of from two to five, is
partially enclosed by a scaly cup, and matures in 2 years.
Northern red oak acorns are brown when mature and ripen from late
August to late October, depending on geographic location (30).
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Population Differences
Several traits related to geographic origin were identified for
northern red oak in a 14-year provenance test in the North-
Central States. Time of flushing is earliest for trees of
northwestern origin. The trend is then eastward and southward.
Autumn leaf coloration is earliest for provenances from northern
latitudes and then progresses southward. Provenances from regions
at the western edge of the northern red oak range, where periods
of high summer temperatures and drought are common, survived
better under such conditions than other provenances. Much
variation in height growth was present and performance of the
provenances was not consistent in all tests. The only consistent
difference was the slower growth of the northern provenances in
areas farther south. The within-family variation was so great it
obscured any real differences in geographic origin (15).
The nomenclature for northern red oak was confused for some time.
The scientific names Quercus borealis Michx. f. and Q.
borealis var. maxima (Marsh.) Sarg. were adopted
after 1915 by some authors, but in 1950, Quercus rubra L.,
the name in universal use before 1915, was restored (17).
Northern red oak hybridizes readily with other species in the
subgenus Erythrobalanus and the following hybrids have
been named: Quercus x columnaris Laughlin (Q. palustris
x rubra); Q. x fernaldii Trel. (Q. ilicifolia x rubra);
Q. x heterophylla Michx. f. (Q. phellos x rubra);
Q. x hawkinsiae Sudw. (Q. velutina x rubra); Q. x
riparia Laughlin (Q. shumardii x rubra); and Q. x
runcinata (A. DC.) Engelm. (Q. imbricaria x
Northern red oak also hybridizes with blackjack oak (Q.
marilandica) and with northern pin oak (Q. ellipsoidalis)
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Growth and Yield
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Mature northern red oaks are usually
from 20 to 30 m (65 to 98 ft) tall and 61 to 91 cm (24 to 36 in)
in d.b.h. in undisturbed stands on good sites. Forest-grown trees
develop a tall, straight columnar bole and large crowns.
Opengrown trees tend to have short boles and spreading crowns
Average diameter growth of northern red oak for a range of ages,
sites, and stand conditions in the Central States is about 5 mm
(0.2 in) annually (9). On good sites in the Appalachians,
dominant and codominant northern red oaks in even-aged stands may
attain average annual diameter growth rates of about 10 cm (0.4
in) and on average sites about 6 mm (0.25 in) by age 50 or 60
Growing space requirements are not known for northern red oak in
pure stands, but average requirements have been developed for
mixed oaks in even-aged stands. Competition for growing space
begins when the available space in a stand is equal to the total
of the maximum requirements of all the trees in the stand. This
is the lowest level of stocking for full site utilization and is
about 60 percent of full stocking. The minimum growing space for
a tree 15.2 cm (6 in) in d.b.h. to survive averages about 8.5 m²
(92 ft². If that tree is in the open or completely free from
competition, the maximum amount of growing space it can use is
14.4 m² (155 ft² . For a tree 53.3 cm (21 in) in
d.b.h., minimum and maximum growing spaces are 26.5 m² (285
ft² ) and 45.7 m² (492 ft²) respectively.
Experience in using the stocking standards developed by Gingrich
(8) indicates that a northern red oak tree requires less growing
space than trees of other oak species with the same diameter (10,
18). How much less growing space is required has not been
determined, however.
Yields of unthinned, 80-year-old oak stands in the Central States
that contain northern red oak range from 75.6 m³/ha (5,400
fbm/acre) on site index 16.8 m (55 ft) sites (base age 50 years)
to 175.0 m³/ha (12,500 fbm/acre) on site index 22.9 m (75
ft) sites. At age 70, oak stands that are first thinned at age 20
and then thinned regularly to the lowest level of stocking for
full site utilization at about 10-year intervals will yield about
102.9 m³/ha (7,350 fbm/acre) on site index 16.8 m (55 ft)
sites and about 278.3 m³/ha (19,880 fbm/acre) on site index
22.9 m (75 ft) sites (9). In southern Michigan, the average
yields of 80-year-old unmanaged stands containing northern red
oak ranged from 12.6 m³/ha (900 fbm/acre) to 3.5 m³/ha
(250 fbm/acre) on poor sites and from 154.0 m³ (11,000
fbm/acre) to 280.0 m³ /ha (20,000 fbm/acre) on good sites
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Reaction to Competition
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Northern red oak is classed as
intermediate in shade tolerance. It is less tolerant than some of
its associates such as sugar maple (Acer saccharum), beech
(Fagus grandifolia), basswood (Tilia americana), and
the hickories but more tolerant than others such as yellow-poplar
(Liriodendron tulipifera), white ash, and black cherry
(Prunus serotina). Among the oaks, it is less shade
tolerant than white and chestnut and about equal with black and
scarlet (24).
Northern red oak responds well to release if the released trees
are in the codominant or above average intermediate crown classes
(11). The best response to thinning or release is obtained if the
thinning or release is made before an even-aged stand containing
northern red oak is 30 years old. Trees in well-stocked stands 30
years old and older generally have small, restricted crowns and
are unable to make efficient use of the growing space provided by
thinning or release (24). In Arkansas, 50-year-old released crop
trees averaged a 40-percent increase in diameter growth over
unreleased trees in the 10 years immediately following release.
Although diameter growth increased the first year after release,
the greatest responses occurred in years 5-10 when growth of the
released trees averaged about 0.5 cm (0.2 in) annually and was
about twice that of unreleased trees (11). Epicormic branching
can be prolific on northern red oak following heavy thinning in
stands older than about 30 years. Trees around the perimeter of
openings created by harvesting may also develop many epicormic
branches, because the boles of northern red oak in fully stocked
stands contain numerous dormant buds. When the boles are suddenly
exposed to greatly increased light, these buds begin to grow
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Rooting Habit
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No information available.
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Seed Production and Dissemination
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
In forest stands
northern red oak begins to bear fruit at about age 25 but usually
does not produce seeds abundantly until about age 50. Good to
excellent seed crops are produced at irregular intervals, usually
every 2 to 5 years (30).
Acorn production is highly variable among trees even in good seed
years. Some trees are always poor producers while others are
always good producers. Crown size seems to be the most important
tree characteristic affecting acorn production. Dominant or
codominant trees with large, uncrowded crowns produce more acorns
than trees with small, restricted crowns (24).
Even in good years only about I percent of the acorns become
available for regenerating northern red oak, and as many as 500
or more acorns may be required to produce one 1-year-old
seedling. Many acorns are consumed by insects, squirrels, small
rodents, deer, and turkey and other birds. They can eat or damage
more than 80 percent of the acorn crop in most years and
virtually 100 percent of the crop in very poor seed years
(19,24,28). The large acorns are generally dispersed over only
short distances. Gravity and the caching activities of squirrels
and mice are the primary means of dispersal.
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Seedling Development
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Northern red oak seedlings that are
established naturally or by planting at the time an old stand is
clearcut, regardless of how large the clearcut area, do not grow
fast enough to compete with the vigorous woody sprouts and other
vegetation (4,29). The species will be present in new
reproduction stands in proportion to the amount of advance
reproduction present before complete overstory removal. To
compete successfully in new stands, stems of northern red oak
advance reproduction must be large and have well-established root
systems. Thus, achieving successful northern red oak reproduction
depends on creating conditions necessary for establishing
seedlings and for their survival and growth (27,29).
Northern red oak acorn germination is hypogeal (30). It occurs
during the spring following seedfall. Best germination occurs
when the acorns are in contact with or buried in mineral soil and
covered by a thin layer of leaf litter. Acorns on top of the leaf
litter or mixed with litter generally dry excessively during
early spring and lose their viability before temperatures are
favorable for germination (24,28).
Although available soil moisture can be a critical factor
affecting first year survival of northern red oak seedlings, it
is usually adequate at the time acorns germinate. Germination is
followed by vigorous and rapid taproot development, and if the
taproot is able to penetrate the soil, seedlings survive
considerable moisture stress later in the growing season.
Northern red oak seedlings are less drought tolerant than white
or black oak seedlings, however (24,31).
Light intensity appears to be the most critical factor affecting
not only first year survival, but also survival and growth in
subsequent years (20,28). Northern red oak reaches maximum
photosynthesis at about 30 percent of the light intensity in the
open (21). Light intensity under forest stands is often much
lower, however, at about 15 cm (6 in) above the ground, where the
new seedlings are competing. Light intensity at this level under
forest stands in Missouri has been documented to be 10 percent or
less of that in the open, a level too low to allow seedlings to
survive and grow.
Once established under a forest stand, northern red oak seedlings
seldom remain true seedlings for more than a few years.
Conditions such as fire, poor light, poor moisture conditions, or
animal activity kill the tops, but not the roots. One or more
dormant buds near the root collar then produce new sprouts. This
dieback and resprouting may occur several times; the result is a
crooked, flat-topped, or forked stem. Such stems have root
systems that may be from 10 to 15 years or more older than the
tops (29).
Northern red oak shoot growth is episodic. When moisture, light,
and temperature conditions are favorable, multiple shoot growth
flushes will occur in the same growing season. The first flush is
generally the longest and each flush is followed by a distinctive
rest period. Most of the annual root elongation occurs during the
rest periods (22).
Growth of northern red oak advance reproduction, seedlings, and
sprouts is slow and generally restricted to one growth flush
under undisturbed or lightly disturbed forest stands; at best it
averages only a few centimeters annually (28).
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Soils and Topography
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
In the north, northern red oak grows on cool moist Boralf and
Orthod Spodosols. Elsewhere it grows on warm, moist soils
including Udalf Alfisols, Dystrochrept and Fragiochrept
Inceptisols, Udoll Mollisols, Rhodic Paleudult, Humic and Mesic
Hapludult Udult Ultisols, and small areas of Udipsamment
Entisols. The most widespread soils are the Udalfs and Udolls
These soils are derived from glacial material, residual
sandstones, shale, limestone, gneisses, schists, and granites.
They vary from clay to loamy sands and some have a high content
of rock fragments. Northern red oak grows best on deep,
welldrained loam to silty, clay loam soils (24).
Although northern red oak is found in all topographic positions,
it always grows best on lower and middle slopes with northerly or
easterly aspects, in coves and deep ravines, and on well-drained
valley floors. It grows at elevations up to 1070 m (3,500 ft) in
West Virginia and up to 1680 m (5,500 ft) in the southern
Appalachians (24).
The most important factors determining site quality for northern
red oak are depth and texture of the A soil horizon, aspect, and
slope position and shape. The best sites are found on lower,
concave slopes with a northerly or easterly aspect, on soils with
a thick A horizon, and a loam to silt loam texture. Other factors
may affect site quality in localized areas such as depth to water
table in southern Michigan and annual precipitation up to 1120 mm
(44 in) in northwestern West Virginia (2,24).
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Special Uses
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Northern red oak has been extensively planted as an ornamental
because of its symmetrical shape and brilliant fall foliage.
The acorns are an important food for squirrels deer, turkey, mice,
voles, and other mammals and birds.
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Vegetative Reproduction
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Northern red oak sprouts readily.
More than 95 percent of the northern red oaks in new production
stands are sprouts, either from advance reproduction or from
stumps of cut trees. New sprouts from advance reproduction arise
when old stems are damaged during logging. Height growth of new
sprouts is related to the size of the old, damaged stem; the
larger the old stem, the faster the new sprout will grow (25,26).
New sprouts grow rapidly and are usually straight and well
Northern red oak stumps sprout more frequently than black oak or
white oak stumps but about the same as scarlet and chestnut oak
stumps (27). Sprouting frequency is related to parent tree size
with more small stumps sprouting than large ones. Large stumps
tend to produce more sprouts than small ones but by about age 20
to 25 the number of living sprouts per stump averages four or
five regardless of parent tree or stump size. Northern red oak
stump sprouts grow rapidly, averaging about 61 cm (24 in) or more
annually for about 30 years (14). These stump sprouts can be a
valuable component of new reproduction stands particularly if
they originate at or near the ground line. Sprouts of low origin
are much less likely to develop decay than sprouts that originate
high on the stump (24), but they tend to develop severe crook or
sweep at the base. Early clump thinning may be desirable to
improve potential quality although it is not needed to maintain
good growth.
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المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Northern red oak is the only native oak extending northeast to
Nova Scotia. It grows from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the Gaspé
Peninsula of Quebec, to Ontario, in Canada; from Minnesota South
to eastern Nebraska and Oklahoma; east to Arkansas, southern
Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. Outliers are found in
Louisiana and Mississippi (17).
-The native range of northern red oak.
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Brief Summary
المقدمة من Silvics of North America
Fagaceae Beech family
Ivan L. Sander
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra), also known as common red
oak, eastern red oak, mountain red oak, and gray oak, is
widespread in the East and grows on a variety of soils and
topography, often forming pure stands. Moderate to fast growing,
this tree is one of the more important lumber species of red oak
and is an easily transplanted, popular shade tree with good form
and dense foliage.
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- USDA, Forest Service