Philippine lizards of the family Gekkonidae comprise 49 species (Taylor, 1915, 1922; Brown and Alcala, 1978) in 10 genera: Gehyra (1), Gekko (13), Hemidactylus (5), Hemiphyllodactylus (2), Lepidodactylus (6), Luperosaurus (8), Ptychozoon (1), Pseudogekko (4), and Cyrtodactylus (9), (Brown et al., 2007, 2010a, 2011; Welton et al., 2009, 2010a, 2010b; Zug, 2011). An amazing percentage of these species are endemic to the Philippines archipelago (roughly 85%; Brown et al., 2011). Several of the recently described gekkonids in the Philippines were discovered only recently as part of ongoing surveys around the archipelago. Recent phylogenetic studies focused on Philippine gekkonids (Siler et al., 2010; Welton et al., 2010a,b) have resulted in the observation of high levels of genetic diversity among populations of widespread species, an indication that the country's gecko diversity may still be greatly underestimated.
Two genera of "house" geckos are currently recognized to occur in the Philippines (Gehyra and Hemidactylus). Prior to the recent study by Mahony et al. (2009), Hemidactylus platyurus was recognized to be a member of the genus Cosymbotus; however, numerous studies over the years have indicated the species' close affinity to the genus Hemidactylus. One species of Gehyra (Gehyra mutilata) and five species of Hemidactylus (Hemidactylus brookii, Hemidactylus frenatus, Hemidactylus garnoti, Hemidactylus platyurus, Hemidactylus stejnegeri) are recognized to occur in the Philippines. Several species (Gehyra mutilata Hemidactylus Cosymbotus, and Hemidactylus franatus) are incredibly common and widespread across the archipelago, often being found in disturbed habitats and on the buildings and houses in residential areas. At night, large numbers of individuals of all three of these species can be observed preying on insects near light fixtures. No phylogenetic studies have investigated whether any of these widespread species represent unique lineages in the Philippines.
We have evaluated this species against the IUCN criteria for classification, and find that it does not qualify for Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, or Near Threatened status. Hemidactylus platyurus has been documented to be quite abundant at all sampled localities. We therefore classify this species as Least Concern, LC (IUCN, 2010).
Toes about 1/4 to 1/3+ webbed; prominent cutaneous fold on ventrolateral surface of body and posterior edge of hind limb; seven to nine wide scansors (mostly deeply notched but not completely divided)beneath the 4th toe; scansors covering the distal 3/5 to 2/3 of the toe; second pair of labials variable, completely separated from or partly in contact with the lower labials. (Text taken from Brown and Alcala, 1978)
This common house gekko is distributed widely across Southeast Asia, and in the Philippines, the species occurs on all major islands and numerous small islands.
In the Philippines, this species is associated with all currently recognized faunal regions.
Eggs and Hatchlings: Snout-vent length of 13 hatchlings 20.5 to 25.0 mm. Eggs of this species have been collecte dfrom the nipa shingles or crevices in the walls or rafters of wooden or bamboo houses. The eggs were always in pairs. (Text taken from Brown and Alcala, 1978)
43.3-57.4 mm SVL (Brown and Alcala, 1978)
The repository of the type is unknown (Brown and Alcala, 1978)
The flat-tailed house gecko (Hemidactylus platyurus), also known as the frilled house gecko or Asian house gecko, is a species of Gekkonidae native to southeastern and southern Asia. The species is sometimes classified under the genus Cosymbotus.[2][3]
Snout longer than the distance between the eye and the ear opening, one time and a half the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening small, oval, oblique. Rostral four-sided, not twice as broad as high, with median cleft above; nostril bordered by the rostral, the first labial and three nasals. Nine to eleven upper and seven or eight lower labials; mental large. triangular or pentagonal; two pair of chin-shields, the median pair large, in contact with each other, the posterior pair small, sometimes separated from the labials. Body depressed, covered above with uniform small granules, largest on the snout; a dermal expansion from axilla to groin and another along the posterior side of the hind limb. Ventral scales cycloid, imbricate. Male with an uninterrupted series of 34—36 femoral pores. Tail depressed, flat inferiorly, with sharp denticulated lateral edge, covered above with uniform small granules, below with a median series of transversely dilated plates. Limbs moderate, depressed; digits strongly dilated, about half-webbed, inner well developed; 3 to 6 lamellae under the inner, 7 to 9 under the median digits. Grey above, marbled with darker grey; generally a dark streak from eye to shoulder. Lower parts white. Length of head and body 61 mm.; tail 66 mm.[4]
Bangladesh, N India (Darjeeling, Sikkim), Nicobar Islands, Nepal, Bhutan, China (Guangdong, SE Xizang = Tibet),Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia (កម្ពុជា), Malaysia (incl. Pulau Tioman), Burma (= Myanmar), Vietnam, New Guinea (?), Philippine Islands (Palawan, Calamian Islands, Panay, Luzon), Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores).
They are also introduced in Florida (Pinellas, Alachua, Lee, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties) in the USA.[5]
These geckos are frequently found in the pet trade, including corporate chain stores, usually identified only as "house gecko". While there are other species of gecko available under the same common name, the Cosymbotus platyurus is easily identified by the flaps of skin along its sides, making them resemble a miniature flying gecko (genus Ptychozoon). They are easily maintained in a terrarium with frequent misting and insect prey, but they are not easy to handle. Also, herpetoculturists often use this species in addition to anoles as a feeder lizard for some species of snakes, especially Asian green vine snakes (Ahaetulla prasina).
The flat-tailed house gecko (Hemidactylus platyurus), also known as the frilled house gecko or Asian house gecko, is a species of Gekkonidae native to southeastern and southern Asia. The species is sometimes classified under the genus Cosymbotus.
Hemidactylus platyurus Hemidactylus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Gekkonidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Hemidactylus platyurus Hemidactylus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Gekkonidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Hemidactylus platyurus est une espèce de geckos de la famille des Gekkonidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre en Inde, au Népal, au Bhoutan, au Bangladesh, en Birmanie, au Thaïlande, au Laos, au Cambodge, au Viêt Nam, dans le sud de la Chine, aux Philippines, en Malaisie, à Singapour, en Indonésie, au Timor oriental et en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée[1].
Sa présence est incertaine à Taïwan.
Elle a été introduite en Floride aux États-Unis[2].
C'est un gecko arboricole, nocturne et insectivore. Il mesure jusqu'à 140 mm.
Hemidactylus platyurus est une espèce de geckos de la famille des Gekkonidae.
Cecak tembok adalah sejenis reptil yang termasuk suku cecak (Gekkonidae). Tidak ada nama khusus yang dikenal dalam bahasa daerah, kecuali nama umum seperti cakcak (bahasa Sunda), cicek (Betawi), cecek (Jawa) dan lain-lain. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut flat-tailed house-gecko, seperti tercermin dari nama ilmiahnya, platyura (dari bahasa Yunani platus pipih, ura ekor).
Cecak rumah yang berukuran sedang. Panjang total hingga 135 mm, sekitar separuhnya adalah ekor. Ciri yang khas adalah adanya jumbai kulit sempit di sepanjang sisi tubuh, di tepi belakang tangan dan kaki, serta di sisi ekor; yang membedakannya dari jenis-jenis cecak yang lain. Jumbai di ekor berupa tonjolan lunak serupa duri berderet-deret hingga ke ujung. Jari-jari dengan pelebaran kulit serupa selaput yang tampak jelas.
Sisi dorsal (punggung) tanpa bintil-bintil sisik yang membesar, berwarna abu-abu keputihan (apabila sedang berada di tembok), atau dengan pola-pola gelap serupa batik atau bunga kehitaman simetris di atas punggungnya (apabila di atas kayu atau di pohon). Sebuah garis kehitaman tipis berjalan mulai dari depan mata, melewati timpanum, bahu, sisi perut (berbentuk serupa renda) hingga ke pinggul. Ventral (sisi perut) keputihan atau kuning. Ekor memipih lebar, meruncing di ujung.
Cecak yang kerap ditemui di rumah dan bangunan lainnya. Di dinding, tembok, langit-langit, terutama dekat lampu. Aktif di siang dan malam hari, cecak ini memangsa berbagai jenis serangga kecil yang tersesat ke lampu.
Di tembok, cecak ini sering pula bercampur dengan cecak kayu Hemidactylus frenatus, walaupun jarang akur. Tampaknya, jenis ini lebih mampu beradaptasi dengan dinding tembok. Bunyinya: cek, cek, cek… lunak; atau crrt, crrt…
Cecak tembok menyebar luas, mulai dari Nepal dan Bhutan, India utara (Darjeeling, Sikkim), India timur, termasuk Andaman dan Nikobar, Sri Lanka, lewat Myanmar, Vietnam Thailand, Semenanjung Malaya sampai ke Sumatra, Borneo dan Jawa, ke timur sampai Filipina, dan Tiongkok. Di introduksi ke Florida, Amerika Serikat.
Cecak tembok adalah sejenis reptil yang termasuk suku cecak (Gekkonidae). Tidak ada nama khusus yang dikenal dalam bahasa daerah, kecuali nama umum seperti cakcak (bahasa Sunda), cicek (Betawi), cecek (Jawa) dan lain-lain. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut flat-tailed house-gecko, seperti tercermin dari nama ilmiahnya, platyura (dari bahasa Yunani platus pipih, ura ekor).
Flathale-husgekko er en vanlig gekko i Sørøst-Asia. Den er en tilpasningsdyktig art, som ofte finnes i bebyggelse, og som utnytter at insekter blir lokket mot kunstig lys. Den flattrykte halen gjør den lett å skille fra andre husgekkoer i området. Om natta er den ensfarget i en lys farge, men om dagen har den mørke striper.
Utbredelsen omfatter Nepal, Bhutan, India (i Himalaya og på Nikobarene), Kina, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Kambodsja, Vietnam, Indonesia og Filippinene. Den har spredt seg med menneskelig hjelp til Florida i USA.
Det vitenskapelige navnet var inntil nylig Cosymbotus platyurus, men den er nå flyttet til slekten Hemidactylus.
Flathale-husgekko er en vanlig gekko i Sørøst-Asia. Den er en tilpasningsdyktig art, som ofte finnes i bebyggelse, og som utnytter at insekter blir lokket mot kunstig lys. Den flattrykte halen gjør den lett å skille fra andre husgekkoer i området. Om natta er den ensfarget i en lys farge, men om dagen har den mørke striper.
Utbredelsen omfatter Nepal, Bhutan, India (i Himalaya og på Nikobarene), Kina, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Kambodsja, Vietnam, Indonesia og Filippinene. Den har spredt seg med menneskelig hjelp til Florida i USA.
Det vitenskapelige navnet var inntil nylig Cosymbotus platyurus, men den er nå flyttet til slekten Hemidactylus.
Hemidactylus platyurus[9] este o specie de șopârle din genul Hemidactylus, familia Gekkonidae, descrisă de Wolfgang Schneider în anul 1792.[10][11] Conform Catalogue of Life specia Hemidactylus platyurus nu are subspecii cunoscute.[10]
(ajutor)Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
Hemidactylus platyurus este o specie de șopârle din genul Hemidactylus, familia Gekkonidae, descrisă de Wolfgang Schneider în anul 1792. Conform Catalogue of Life specia Hemidactylus platyurus nu are subspecii cunoscute.
Hemidactylus platyurus là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Gekkonidae. Loài này được Schneider mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1792.[2]
Hemidactylus platyurus là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Gekkonidae. Loài này được Schneider mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1792.
蝎虎(学名:Platyurus platyurus)为壁虎科蝎虎属的爬行动物,俗名翼蝎蜓。分布于越南、泰国、缅甸、斯里兰卡、印度、马来西亚、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、澳大利亚、台湾以及中国大陆的广东、西藏等地,主要栖息于热带地区、常见于住房及庭院中以及墙缝或墙洞中。
납작꼬리집도마뱀붙이(flat-tailed house gecko, frilled house gecko, Asian house gecko)는 동남아시아, 남아시아에 서식하는 도마뱀붙이류의 일종이다.[1][2]
주둥이는 눈과 귓구멍 사이의 간격보다 길고, 단면은 양 옆이 위아래보다 두 배 긴 타원형을 띈다. 귓구멍은 작고, 타원형이고, 비스듬하다. 주둥이비늘(en:Rostral scale)은 사각형이고, 너비가 높이의 두 배 이하이며, 비늘의 가운데는 위로 갈라져있다; 콧구멍은 주둥이비늘, 첫 번째 입술비늘(en:Labial scale), 콧비늘(en:Nasal scale) 세 개에 둘러싸여있다. 윗입술의 입술비늘은 9 - 11 개, 아랫입술의 입술비늘은 7 - 8 개다; 턱은 크고, 삼각형이거나 오각형이다; 두 쌍의 턱큰비늘(en:chinshield)이 나있고, 앞쌍은 크고 서로 붙어있으며, 뒷쌍은 작고 서로 떨어져있을 수도 있다. 몸은 축 처져있고, 윗부분은 작은 요철같은 비늘이 균일하게 덮고 있으며, 주둥이 부분에서 제일 크다; 겨드랑이에서 사타구니까지, 뒷다리의 뒷부분에 피부가 막 형태로 늘어나있다. 배의 비늘은 둥글둥글하고 서로 겹쳐져있다. 수컷은 34 - 36개의 대퇴공(en:femoral pore)이 기복 없이 나있다. 꼬리는 축 쳐졌고, 아래쪽은 납작하며, 옆날은 뾰족뾰족하고, 윗부분은 요철같은(granular) 비늘로 덮여있고, 밑부분 가운데는 양옆으로 길쭉한, 납작한 비늘로 덮여있다. 사지는 평범하고 축 쳐져있다; 발가락은 넓적하고, 반쯤 물갈퀴처럼 되어있으며, 안쪽 발가락은 잘 발달되어있다; 안쪽 발가락에는 3 - 6 개, 가운대 발가락에는 7 - 9 개의 박판이 있다. 윗부분은 회색이고, 짙은 회색이 대리석 무늬를 이루다; 일반적으로 눈가에서 어깨까지 어두운 줄무늬가 나있고 배쪽은 상아색이다. 머리&몸의 길이는 61mm, 꼬리의 길이는 66mm다.[3]
방글라데시, 인도(다즐링, 시킴), 니코바르제도, 네팔, 부탄, 중국(광둥, 티베트), 스리랑카, 태국, 말레이시아(티오만섬), 미얀마, 베트남, 뉴기니(?), 필리핀(팔라완섬, 칼라미안군도, 파나이섬, 루손섬), 인도네시아(수마트라섬, 자바섬, 술라웨시섬, 롬복섬, 숨바와섬, 플로레스섬)에 분포한다.
이 도마뱀붙이들은 체인점 등의 애완동물 거래 시장에서 곧잘 볼 수 있으며, 보통 그냥 "집도마뱀붙이(house gecko)"로 불린다. 같은 이름을 가진 다른 종도 애완동물로서 취급되고 있지만, 납작꼬릳마뱀붙이는 옆구리의 펄럭이는 피부를 확인하면 쉽게 구별할 수 있고, 이 때문에 날도마뱀붙이를 작게 만든 것처럼 보인다. 분무와 먹이주기를 자주 하면 테라리움에서 쉽게 키울 수 있지만, 손으로 달기는 쉽지 않다. 또한, herpetoculturist들은 이 종을 몇몇 종의 뱀, 특히 아시아초록덩굴뱀(en:Ahaetulla prasina)에게 생먹이(en:Live food) 도마뱀으로서 아놀(en:anole)과 함께 급여한다.
납작꼬리집도마뱀붙이(flat-tailed house gecko, frilled house gecko, Asian house gecko)는 동남아시아, 남아시아에 서식하는 도마뱀붙이류의 일종이다.