المقدمة من BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on dead, fallen wood of Fagus
Other: major host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on dead, fallen wood of Acer pseudoplatanus
Other: minor host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on dead, fallen wood of Alnus
Other: minor host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on dead, fallen wood of Prunus avium
Other: minor host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on dead, fallen wood of Quercus
Other: minor host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on dead, fallen wood of Tilia
Other: minor host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on plastic-wrapped, 'big bale' hay of Poaceae
Other: major host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune is saprobic on dead, fallen wood of Ilex aquifolium
Other: minor host/prey
Animal / carrion / dead animal feeder
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune feeds on dead dead whale bone of Cetacea
Other: unusual host/prey
Animal / carrion / dead animal feeder
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune feeds on dead dead leather of Bos taurus (domestic)
Other: unusual host/prey
Animal / carrion / dead animal feeder
fruitbody of Schizophyllum commune feeds on dead dead horn of Mammalia
Other: unusual host/prey
Animal / parasite
mycelium of Schizophyllum commune parasitises toe nails of Homo sapiens
Other: unusual host/prey