Guidance for identification (German text)
Tremella aurantia és una espècie de fong gelatinós dins la família Tremellaceae. T. aurantia té un aspecte similar al de Tremella mesenterica, però té basidis amb tija en lloc dels basidis sèssils[1] i parasita els micelis de Stereum hirsutum en lloc dels de Peniophora.[2]
Fa lòbuls foliacis ondulats i plegats de color groc taronja opac o poc brillant, daurat, (aurantia en llatí)[3]
Es troba preferentment en fusta tallada com la d'alzina i altres arbres.
Tremella aurantia és una espècie de fong gelatinós dins la família Tremellaceae. T. aurantia té un aspecte similar al de Tremella mesenterica, però té basidis amb tija en lloc dels basidis sèssils i parasita els micelis de Stereum hirsutum en lloc dels de Peniophora.
Fa lòbuls foliacis ondulats i plegats de color groc taronja opac o poc brillant, daurat, (aurantia en llatí)
Es troba preferentment en fusta tallada com la d'alzina i altres arbres.
Naematelia aurantia (synonym Tremella aurantia) is a species of fungus producing yellow, frondose, gelatinous basidiocarps (fruit bodies). It is widespread in north temperate regions and is parasitic on another species of fungus (Stereum hirsutum) that grows on dead attached and recently fallen branches of broadleaf trees. It is commonly called golden ear in North America.[1]
Tremella aurantia was first published in 1822 by German-American mycologist Lewis David de Schweinitz, based on collections from North Carolina. In 1921, the species was transferred to Naematelia by Edward Angus Burt, but remained better known as Tremella aurantia until molecular research, based on cladistic analysis of DNA sequences, showed that Naematelia was a distinct genus.[2]
The epithet aurantia means "golden".
Fruit bodies are gelatinous, bright yellow, up to 15 cm (6 in) across, and lobed to frondose (like seaweed). Microscopically, the hyphae are clamped and occur within a dense gelatinous matrix. Haustorial cells arise on the hyphae, producing filaments that attach to and penetrate the unclamped hyphae of the host. The basidia are tremelloid (spherical to ellipsoid, with oblique to vertical septa), 13–14 by 9–13 μm, sometimes stalked. The basidiospores are subglobose to ellipsoid, smooth, 5.5–9.5 by 4.5–7.5 μm, and germinate by hyphal tube or by yeast cells.[3][4]
Naematelia aurantialba is a very similar species cultivated for food and medicine in China. It was only described in 1990 and differs largely in microscopic details.[5] Tremella mesenterica is a widespread, north temperate fungus that also has bright yellow, gelatinous fruit bodies, but parasitizes the mycelium of Peniophora species, often on dead attached twigs.[3][4]
Naematelia aurantia is a parasite of Stereum hirsutum, growing on and often completely enveloping host basidiocarps. Following its host, fruit bodies are typically found on dead, attached or recently fallen branches of broadleaf trees.[3][4]
The species has a mainly north temperate distribution and is known throughout North & South America, Europe, and northern Asia.[6]
Naematelia aurantia (synonym Tremella aurantia) is a species of fungus producing yellow, frondose, gelatinous basidiocarps (fruit bodies). It is widespread in north temperate regions and is parasitic on another species of fungus (Stereum hirsutum) that grows on dead attached and recently fallen branches of broadleaf trees. It is commonly called golden ear in North America.
Tremella aurantia est une espèce de champignons (Fungi) basidiomycètes de la famille des Tremellaceae. C'est un mycoparasite de Stereum hirsutum.
Tremella vient du latin tremere, « trembler », et du suffixe -ella, « petit », en référence au comportement de cette masse gélatineuse. L'épithète spécifique aurantia, « doré », fait allusion à sa couleur[2].
Le champignon porte le nom vernaculaire de Trémelle orangée ou d'oreille d'or[3].
Elle se confond fréquemment avec la Trémelle mésentérique et appartient aux mycètes communément appelés « champignons gelées », parmi lesquels on retrouve l'oreille de Judas[3].
Tremella aurantia est une espèce de champignons (Fungi) basidiomycètes de la famille des Tremellaceae. C'est un mycoparasite de Stereum hirsutum.
Tremella aurantia je grzib[4], co go ôpisoł Schwein. 1822. Tremella aurantia nŏleży do zorty Tremella i familije Tremellaceae.[5][6] Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.[5]
Tremella aurantia je grzib, co go ôpisoł Schwein. 1822. Tremella aurantia nŏleży do zorty Tremella i familije Tremellaceae. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.