
Zizania ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA
Grans de Zizania palustris

Zizania és un gènere de plantes de la família de les poàcies, ordre poals, subclasse de les commelínides, classe de les liliòpsides, divisió dels magnoliofitins.


  • Zizania aquatica L.
    • Zizania aquatica var. angustifolia Hitchc.
      • Zizania aquatica subsp. angustifolia (Hitchc.) Tzvelev
    • Zizania aquatica var. aquatica
      • Zizania aquatica subsp. aquatica
    • Zizania aquatica var. brevis Fassett
      • Zizania aquatica subsp. brevis (Fassett) S.L. Chen
    • Zizania aquatica var. interior Fassett
    • Zizania aquatica var. latifolia (Griseb.) Kom.
    • Zizania aquatica var. subbrevis B. Boivin
  • Zizania aristata (Retz.) Kunth
  • Zizania bonariensis Balansa & Poitr.
  • Zizania caduciflora (Turcz. ex Trin.) Hand.-Mazz.
  • Zizania ciliata (Retz.) Spreng.
  • Zizania clavulosa Michx.
  • Zizania dahurica Turcz. ex Steud.
  • Zizania effusa Sm.
  • Zizania fluitans Michx.
  • Zizania interior (Fassett) Rydb.
  • Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf
  • Zizania lenticularis (Michx.) Steud.
  • Zizania mezii Prod.
  • Zizania microstachya Nees ex Trin.
  • Zizania miliacea Michx.
  • Zizania mutica Larrañaga
  • Zizania palustris L.
    • Zizania palustris var. interior (Fassett) Dore
      • Zizania palustris subsp. interior (Fassett) S.L. Chen
    • Zizania palustris var. palustris
      • Zizania palustris subsp. palustris
  • Zizania subtilis (Tratt.) Raspail
  • Zizania terrestris L.
  • Zizania texana Hitchc.
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Zizania: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA
 src= Grans de Zizania palustris

Zizania és un gènere de plantes de la família de les poàcies, ordre poals, subclasse de les commelínides, classe de les liliòpsides, divisió dels magnoliofitins.

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Wasserreis ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE
Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Gattung Wasserreis (Zizania). Zum morphologischen Begriff siehe Wasserreis (Pflanzenmorphologie).
Wildreis ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Zu anderen Bedeutungen siehe Wildreis (Begriffsklärung).

Der Wasserreis (Zizania) ist eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae). Die etwa vier Arten sind in Nordamerika und Ostasien verbreitet. Die Pflanzen wachsen oft bestandsbildend an Fluss-, See- und Teichufern. Die Früchte einiger Arten werden wie Reiskörner verwendet.

Zuchtformen der Art Zizania palustris sind unter den Namen Wildreis, Indianerreis oder Kanadischer Reis im Handel erhältlich. Die verbreitete Bezeichnung „Wildreis“ ist keine botanische Bezeichnung. Insbesondere sind Zizania-Arten keine wilden Formen des Reises (Oryza sativa). Die Gattung Zizania (Wasserreis) ist von der Gattung Oryza (Reis) zu unterscheiden, auch wenn beide zur selben Tribus Oryzeae gehören.


Ausschnitt eines Blütenstandes mit männlichen Blüten von Zizania aquatica
Bei der Trocknung dunkel werdende Früchte von Zizania palustris

Vegetative Merkmale

Zizania-Arten sind ein- oder mehrjährige krautige Pflanzen. Es handelt sich um Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzen (Hydro- und Helophyten). Die hohlen Halme erreichen Wuchshöhen zwischen 1 und 3 Metern.

Die Pflanzen bilden sowohl submerse als auch emerse Laubblätter. Die einfachen Blattspreiten tragen keine Öhrchen und sind 5 bis 30 Zentimeter breit. Die ungefransten Blatthäutchen sind zwischen 3 und 11 Millimeter lang.

Generative Merkmale

Zizania-Arten sind einhäusig und vorweiblich (proterogyn). Die endständigen, rispigen Blütenstände sind relativ groß. Alle Ährchen sind eingeschlechtig. Die Ährchen mit männlichen, überhängenden Blüten stehen an den unteren Rispenästen und jene mit aufsteigenden, weiblichen Blüten stehen an den oberen Rispenästen. Die Deckspelzen der männlichen Blüten sind spitz, unbegrannt oder kurz begrannt und fünfnervig, die Vorspelzen sind dreinervig. Die männlichen Blüten verfügen über sechs freie Staubblätter. Die drei- bis fünfnervigen Deckspelzen der weiblichen Blüten sind begrannt und die Grannen sind so lang oder viel länger als die Deckspelzen. Die Vorspelzen sind gekielt und zweinervig. Die kahlen Fruchtknoten tragen zwei Narben. Die Teilblütenstände tragen keine Hüllspelzen.

Die 1 bis 2 Zentimeter langen, fast nadelförmigen Karyopsen sind zunächst grün und werden bei der Trocknung dunkelbraun bis schwarz.

Systematik und Verbreitung

Die Gattung Zizania wurde durch Carl von Linné aufgestellt. Der Gattungsname Zizania ist vom griechischen Wort zizánion für im „Wasser wachsend“ abgeleitet und nimmt auf den Wuchsort Bezug. Die Gattung gehört zur Tribus Oryzeae in der Unterfamilie der Ehrhartoideae innerhalb der Familie der Poaceae.

Die Gattung Zizania umfasst vier Arten:

Zizania palustris wird erst seit den 1980er Jahren als eigene Art angesehen. Zuvor galt sie als Varietät von Zizania aquatica. Auf diese frühere Einordnung bezieht sich das Synonym Zizania aquatica var. angustifolia.

Die nordamerikanischen Arten werden oft unter dem Namen wild rice zusammengefasst. Sie sind wie folgt verbreitet:


Nordamerikanische Arten

Wasserreisernte durch indianische Frauen (Illustration, 1853)
Der Wasserreis wird beispielsweise in Kanada von den Anishinabe auf traditionelle Weise vom Kanu aus geerntet. Er dient der Selbstversorgung, ist aber heute auch eine der wichtigsten Einnahmequellen des Stammes.

Während Zizania texana für den Menschen keine Bedeutung als Nahrungsmittel hat, können die Früchte von Zizania aquatica und Zizania palustris wie Getreide genutzt werden, wobei vor allem Zizania palustris aufgrund der größeren Früchte von Bedeutung ist. Vor allem für die Chippewa-Indianer Nordamerikas spielte Wasserreis eine entscheidende Rolle in der Ernährung. Auch heute noch wird der Wasserreis geerntet. Die Ernte erfolgt im Spätsommer vom Wasser aus. Durch leichtes Klopfen mit zwei Thujastecken auf die ins Kanu hängenden Rispen fallen die Früchte auf den Kanuboden und werden eingesammelt. Beim Zurückschnellen der Rispen fallen die restlichen Früchte als Saatgut zurück ins Wasser.

Inzwischen werden die Früchte auch nach Europa eingeführt und als „Wildreis“ oder „Indianerreis“ gehandelt. Dieser „Reis“ gilt in Amerika und Europa aufgrund seines nussartigen Geschmacks als Delikatesse. Früher war er aufgrund der schwierigen Erntemethoden in den natürlichen Beständen deutlich teurer als andere Getreide.

Inzwischen werden in Nordamerika großflächig Hybridsorten angebaut und es sind Bestrebungen im Gange, den Ernteertrag durch den Anbau von Formen mit nicht herausfallenden Früchten weiter zu steigern. Die Chippewa befürchten dadurch allerdings Einbußen ihrer traditionellen Erntewirtschaft; einer der wenigen lukrativen Einkünfte des Stammes.[5]

Mandschurischer Wasserreis

Der Mandschurische Wasserreis wurde bereits im 10. Jahrhundert in Nordchina angebaut. Bei ihm werden nicht die Früchte genutzt, sondern die durch den Befall mit dem Brandpilz Ustilago esculenta fleischig verdickten unteren Stängelglieder. Sie werden als Gemüse verzehrt („Wasserbambus“).


  • E. Bayer: Bedeutende und interessante Nutzpflanzen aus der Familie der Gräser. In: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Herausgeber): Gräser und Grasland: Biologie – Nutzung – Entwicklung, Rundgespräch am 10. Oktober 2005, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München , ISBN 3-89937-070-8.


  1. Zizania latifolia im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  2. Pflanzenprofil und Verbreitungskarte Zazania aquatica L. nach USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  3. Pflanzenprofil und Verbreitungskarte Zazania palustris nach USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  4. Pflanzenprofil und Verbreitungskarte Zazania texana nach USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  5. Bertram Verhaag (Regisseur) Claus Biegert: Die Donnervogelfrau. Winona LaDuke. DENKmal Filmgesellschaft, München 2003.
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Wasserreis: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE
 src= Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Gattung Wasserreis (Zizania). Zum morphologischen Begriff siehe Wasserreis (Pflanzenmorphologie).  src= Wildreis ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Zu anderen Bedeutungen siehe Wildreis (Begriffsklärung).

Der Wasserreis (Zizania) ist eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae). Die etwa vier Arten sind in Nordamerika und Ostasien verbreitet. Die Pflanzen wachsen oft bestandsbildend an Fluss-, See- und Teichufern. Die Früchte einiger Arten werden wie Reiskörner verwendet.

Zuchtformen der Art Zizania palustris sind unter den Namen Wildreis, Indianerreis oder Kanadischer Reis im Handel erhältlich. Die verbreitete Bezeichnung „Wildreis“ ist keine botanische Bezeichnung. Insbesondere sind Zizania-Arten keine wilden Formen des Reises (Oryza sativa). Die Gattung Zizania (Wasserreis) ist von der Gattung Oryza (Reis) zu unterscheiden, auch wenn beide zur selben Tribus Oryzeae gehören.

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Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Wild rice ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Wild rice, also called manoomin, mnomen, Canada rice, Indian rice, or water oats, is any of four species of grasses that form the genus Zizania, and the grain that can be harvested from them. The grain was historically gathered and eaten in both North America and China, but eaten less in China,[2] where the plant's stem is used as a vegetable.

Wild rice is not directly related to domesticated rice (Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima), although they are close cousins, all belonging to the tribe Oryzeae.[3] Wild-rice grains have a chewy outer sheath with a tender inner grain that has a slightly vegetal taste.[4]

The plants grow in shallow water in small lakes and slow-flowing streams; often, only the flowering head of wild rice rises above the water. The grain is eaten by dabbling ducks and other aquatic wildlife.


Three species of wild rice are native to North America:

One species is native to Asia:

  • Manchurian wild rice (Z. latifolia; incorrect synonym: Z. caduciflora) is a perennial native to China.

Texas wild rice is in danger of extinction due to loss of suitable habitat in its limited range and to pollution. The pollen of Texas wild rice can only travel about 30 inches away from a parent plant. If pollen does not land on a receptive female flower within that distance, no seeds are produced.[6] Manchurian wild rice has almost disappeared from the wild in its native range, but has been accidentally introduced into the wild in New Zealand and is considered an invasive species there.[7]

The genomes of northern and Manchurian wild rices have been sequenced. There appears to be a whole-genome duplication after the genus split from Oryza.[8]

Culinary use

A 19th century illustration of Native Americans harvesting wild rice

The species most commonly harvested as grain are the annual species: Zizania palustris and Zizania aquatica. The former, though now domesticated and grown commercially, is still often gathered from lakes in the traditional manner, especially by indigenous peoples in North America; the latter was also used extensively in the past.[9] The stems and root shoots also contain an edible portion on the interior.[10]

Use by Native Americans

Native Americans and others harvest wild rice by canoeing into a stand of plants, and bending the ripe grain heads with two small wooden poles/sticks called "knockers" or "flails", so as to thresh the seeds into the canoe.[11]

One person vans (or "knocks") rice into the canoe while the other paddles slowly or uses a push pole. The plants are not beaten with the knockers, but require only a gentle brushing to dislodge the mature grain. Some seeds fall to the muddy bottom and germinate later in the year. The size of the knockers, as well as other details, are prescribed in state and tribal law. By Minnesota statute, knockers must be at most 1 in (2.5 cm) diameter, 30 in (76 cm) long, and 1 lb (450 g) weight.[12]

Ojibwa pouch for holding wild rice, cedar bark, American Museum of Natural History

Several Native American cultures, such as the Ojibwe, consider wild rice to be a sacred component of their culture.[13] The Ojibwe people call this plant manoomin, meaning "harvesting berry" (commonly translated "good berry"). In 2018, the White Earth Nation of Ojibwe granted manoomin certain rights (sometimes compared to rights of nature or to granting it legal personhood), including the right to exist and flourish; in August 2021, the Ojibwe filed a lawsuit on behalf of wild rice to stop the Enbridge Line 3 oil sands pipeline, which puts the plant's habitat at risk.[14][15]

Tribes that are recorded as historically harvesting Zizania aquatica are the Dakota, Menominee, Meskwaki, Ojibwe, Cree, Omaha, Ponca, Thompson, and Ho-Chunk (Winnebago). Native people who utilized Zizania palustris are the Ojibwe, Ottawa/Odawa and Potawatomi. Ways of preparing it varied from stewing the grains with venison stock and/or maple syrup, making it into stuffings for wild birds, or even steaming it into sweets like puffed rice, or rice pudding sweetened with maple syrup.[9] For these groups, the harvest of wild rice is an important cultural (and often economic) event. The Omǣqnomenēwak tribe were named Omanoominii by the neighboring Ojibwa after this plant. Many places in Illinois, Indiana, Manitoba, Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Wisconsin are named after this plant, including Mahnomen, Minnesota, and Menomonie, Wisconsin; many lakes and streams bear the name "Rice", "Wildrice", "Wild Rice", or "Zizania".


Because of its nutritional value and taste, wild rice increased in popularity in the late 20th century, and commercial cultivation began in the U.S. and Canada to supply the increased demand. In 1950, James and Gerald Godward started experimenting with wild rice in a one-acre meadow north of Brainerd, Minnesota. They constructed dikes around the acre, dug ditches for drainage, and put in water controls. In the fall, they tilled the soil. Then, in the spring of 1951, they acquired 50 lb (23 kg) of seed from Wildlife Nurseries Inc. They scattered the seed onto the soil, diked it in, and flooded the paddy. Much to their surprise, since they were told wild rice needs flowing water to grow well, the seeds sprouted and produced a crop. They continued to experiment with wild rice throughout the early 1950s and were the first to officially cultivate the previously wild crop.[16]

In the United States, the main producers are California and Minnesota (where it is the official state grain), and it is mainly cultivated in paddy fields. In Canada, it is usually harvested from natural bodies of water; the largest producer is Saskatchewan. Wild rice is also produced in Hungary and Australia. In Hungary, cultivation started in 1974 on the rice field of Szarvas.[17]

Manchurian wild rice

Manchurian wild rice (Chinese: ; pinyin: ), gathered from the wild, was once an important grain in ancient China.[2] It is now very rare in the wild, and its use as a grain has completely disappeared in China, though it continues to be cultivated for its stems.[2]

Wild rice stems before and after peeling

The swollen crisp white stems of Manchurian wild rice are grown as a vegetable, popular in East and Southeast Asia. The swelling occurs because of infection with the smut fungus Ustilago esculenta.[2] The fungus prevents the plant from flowering, so the crop is propagated asexually, the infection being passed from mother plant to daughter plant. Harvest must be made between about 120 days and 170 days after planting, after the stem begins to swell, but before the infection reaches its reproductive stage, when the stem will begin to turn black and eventually disintegrate into fungal spores.

The vegetable is especially common in China, where it is known as gāosǔn (高筍) or jiāobái (茭白). In Japan it is known as makomodake (ja:マコモダケ). Other names which may be used in English include coba and water bamboo. Importation of the vegetable to the United States is prohibited in order to protect North American species from the smut fungus.


Cooked wild rice

Wild rice is relatively high in protein, the amino acid lysine and dietary fiber, and low in fat. Nutritional analysis shows wild rice to be the grain second only to oats in protein content per 100 calories.[18] Like true rice, it does not contain gluten. It is also a good source of certain minerals and B vitamins. One cup of cooked wild rice provides 5% or more of the daily value of thiamin, riboflavin, iron, and potassium; 10% or more of the daily value of niacin, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, phosphorus; 15% of zinc; and over 20% of manganese.[19]


Wild rice seeds can be infected by the highly toxic fungus ergot, which is dangerous if eaten. Infected grains have pink or purplish blotches or growths of the fungus, from the size of a seed to several times larger.[20]

Archaeology of Minnesota wild rice

Food source

Anthropologists since the early 1900s have focused on wild rice as a food source, often with an emphasis on the harvesting of the aquatic plant in the Lake Superior region by the Anishinaabe people, also known as the Chippewa, Ojibwa and Ojibwe.[21] The Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of American Ethnology published The Wild Rice Gatherers in the Upper Great Lakes: A Study in American Primitive Economics by Albert Ernest Jenks in 1901. In addition to his fieldwork interviewing members of various tribal communities, Jenks examined the accounts of explorers, fur traders and government agents from the early 1600s to the late 1800s to detail an "aboriginal economic activity which is absolutely unique, and in which no article is employed not of aboriginal conception and workmanship".[22]: 1019  His study further notes wild rice's importance in the fur-trading era because the region would have been nearly inaccessible if not for the availability of wild rice and the ability to store it for long periods of time.[22]: 1019  Wild rice's social and economic importance has continued into present times for the Anishinaabe and other north woods tribal members despite the availability of more easily obtainable food sources.[23]

Processing by various cultures

Vintage photo entitled, "Paul Buffalo and wife parching wild rice at their camp" - 1934

This continued use of wild rice from ancient to modern times has provided opportunities to examine the plant's processing by various cultures through the archaeological record they left behind during their occupation of seasonal ricing camps. Early ethnographic reports, tribal accounts and historical writings also inform archaeological research in the human use of wild rice. For example, geographer and ethnologist Henry Schoolcraft in the mid-1800s wrote about depressions in the ground on the shore of a lake with wild rice growing in the water. He wrote that wild rice processors placed animal hides in the holes, filled them with rice and stomped on the rice to thresh it.[22]: 1067  These jigging pits are part of the husking needed to process wild rice, and archaeologists see these holes in the soil stratigraphy in archaeological excavations today. Such historical records from the post-contact period in the Lake Superior region focus on Anishinaabe harvesting and processing techniques. Archaeological investigations of wild rice processing from the American era, before and after the creation of federal Indian reservations, also provide information on the loss of traditional harvesting areas, as 1800s fur trader and Indian interpreter Benjamin G. Armstrong wrote about outsiders "who claimed to have acquired title to all the swamps and overflowed lakes on the reservations, depriving the Indians of their rice fields, cranberry marshes and hay meadows".[24]

Despite the close association of the Anishinaabe and wild rice today, indigenous use of this food for subsistence also predates their arrival in the Lake Superior region. The Anishinaabe today were part of a larger Algonquian group who left eastern North America on a centuries-long journey to the west along the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes. The Anishinaabe migration story details a vision to follow a giant clam shell in the sky to a place where the food grows on the water. This journey ended between the late 1400s and early 1600s in the Lake Superior wild rice country when they encountered the plant.[25]


Archaeological and other scientific investigations have focused on the prehistoric exploitation of wild rice by humans, including: 1) the Anishinaabe, 2) so-called proto-Anishinaabe who may have later transformed into this culture from an earlier form, 3) other indigenous groups who exist today such as the Sioux people, and 4) archaeological-categorized cultures from the Initial and Terminal Woodland periods whose living lineages today are more difficult to identify. A seminal 1969 archaeological study indicated the prehistoric nature of indigenous wild rice harvesting and processing through radiocarbon dating, putting to rest argument made by some European-Americans that wild rice production did not begin until post-contact times. Researchers tested clay linings of thermal features and jigging pits associated with parching and threshing of the plant.[26]

But a more precise dating of the antiquity of human use of wild rice and the appearance of the plant itself in lakes and streams have been the subjects of continuing academic debates. These disputes may be framed around these questions: When did wild rice first appear in various areas of the region? When was it plentiful enough to be harvested in quantities to be a significant food source? What is the relationship of wild rice to the introduction of pottery and to increases in indigenous populations in the past 2,000 years? "The use of wild rice by and its influence on prehistoric people in northeast Minnesota has led to much argument among archaeologists and paleoecologists".[27]: 2 

As an example, archaeologists divide human occupation of northeast Minnesota into numerous time periods. They are: the Paleo-Indian period from 7,000 years ago (5000 BC) extending back to an uncertain time after the glaciers receded from the last Ice Age; the Archaic period from 2,500 to 7,000 years ago (5000–500 BC); the Initial Woodland period from 2,500 to 1,300 years ago (500 BC–700 AD); the Terminal Woodland period from 1,300 to 400 years ago (700–1600 AD); and the historical period after that time.[27]: 34–52  These rough dates are open to debate and vary by location in the state. In general, two lines of inquiry have focused on archaeological wild rice: 1) The radiocarbon dating of charred wild rice seeds or the associated charcoal left behind during the parching stage of rice production, and 2) Examination of preserved wild rice seeds associated with specific prehistoric pottery styles found in excavations of processing sites. Different pottery styles in northern Minnesota are linked to certain times in the Initial and Terminal Woodland periods stretching from around 500 BC to the time of contact between indigenous peoples and Europeans. To place this in context, "Although ceramics may have appeared as early as 2,000 BC in the southeastern United States, it is about 1,500 years later that they became evident in the Midwest".[28] After European contact, indigenous wild rice processors generally abandoned ceramic vessels in favor of metal kettles.[29]

Woodland period

The Initial Woodland period in northeast Minnesota marks the beginning of the use of pottery and burial mound building in the archaeological record. The Initial Woodland also experienced an increase in indigenous population. One hypothesis is that wild rice as a food source was related to these three developments.[30] An example of a northeast Minnesota wild rice location, the Big Rice site in the Superior National Forest, considered a classic Initial and Terminal Woodland period type site, illustrates the methods of archaeological investigations into the plant's use by humans through time. Archaeological techniques along with ethnographic records and tribal oral testimony, when taken together, suggest use of this particular lakeside site since 50 BC.

On its own, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating of wild rice seeds and charcoal samples from the Big Rice itself indicated indigenous use of this site dating to 2,050 years ago. Furthermore, all excavation levels that solely contained ceramics only used during the Initial Woodland period (known as Laurel pottery complex) also included wild rice seeds. This indicated the use of wild rice during the Initial Woodland period, according to the study.[31]

Excavators have documented more than 50,000 pottery shards from the site from the Initial and Terminal Woodland periods. Specifically, researchers analyzed ceramic rimsherds of Laurel pottery from the Initial Woodland period and Blackduck, Sandy Lake and Selkirk pottery styles from the Terminal Woodland period.[32] Each pottery type had wild rice seeds associated with it in the soil layers of archaeological deposits. These soil layers were not contaminated with pottery from other eras.

This suggests intensive exploitation of the site for wild rice processing through these time periods by different cultures. For example, archaeologists often associate Sandy Lake pottery with the Sioux people, who were later displaced by the Anishinaabe and possibly other Algonquian migrants. Archaeologists often associate Selkirk pottery with the Cree people, an Algonquian group.

An examination of the pollen sequence at Big Rice indicates that wild rice existed in "harvestable quantities" 3,600 years ago during the Archaic period. This date is 1,600 years before the AMS radiocarbon date of human-processed charred wild rice seeds at the site during the Initial Woodland period, although there is no archaeological evidence of human use of the wild rice at the site that far back in time as of yet.[27]: 1–2 



  1. ^ "Zizania L." Plants of the World Online. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2017. Archived from the original on 7 July 2020. Retrieved 7 July 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d Simoons, Frederick J. (1991). Food in China: a cultural and historical inquiry. CRC Press. pp. 165, 559. ISBN 978-0-8493-8804-0. Archived from the original on 2021-12-04. Retrieved 2020-10-08.
  3. ^ Kellogg, Elizabeth A. (30 January 2009). "The Evolutionary History of Ehrhartoideae, Oryzeae, and Oryza". Rice. 2 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1007/s12284-009-9022-2.
  4. ^ Reinagel, Monica (19 April 1010). "What Type of Rice is Healthiest?". Archived from the original on 8 July 2013. Retrieved 28 January 2010.
  5. ^ Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. "Zizania Aquatica". University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Archived from the original on 22 June 2017. Retrieved 28 May 2017.
  6. ^ Pollination Habits of Endangered Rice Revealed to Help Preservation Archived 2016-03-03 at the Wayback Machine Newswise, Retrieved on July 15, 2008.
  7. ^ "Stopping the freshwater wild rice invader". Archived from the original on 2020-04-25. Retrieved 2009-11-13.
  8. ^ Haas, Matthew; Kono, Thomas; MacChietto, Marissa; Millas, Reneth; McGilp, Lillian; Shao, Mingqin; Duquette, Jacques; Qiu, Yinjie; Hirsch, Candice N.; Kimball, Jennifer (2021). "Whole‐genome assembly and annotation of northern wild rice, Zizania palustris L., supports a whole‐genome duplication in the Zizania genus". The Plant Journal. 107 (6): 1802–1818. doi:10.1111/tpj.15419. PMID 34310794. S2CID 236451706.
  9. ^ a b Moerman, Daniel, Native American Ethnobotany (Timber Press, Portland Oregon 1998), p. 614.
  10. ^ The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants. United States Department of the Army. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. 2009. p. 121. ISBN 978-1-60239-692-0. OCLC 277203364.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  11. ^ "MNOMEN [WILD RICE]". Citizen Potowatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center.
  12. ^ "84.111 – 2015 Minnesota Statutes". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2008-08-28.
  13. ^ Minnesota Public Radio (22 September 2002). "MPR: Wild rice at the center of a cultural dispute". Archived from the original on 23 January 2022. Retrieved 28 November 2005.
  14. ^ Kirsti Marohn, Line 3: White Earth argues DNR water permit violates wild rice rights Archived 2022-01-23 at the Wayback Machine, August 5, 2021, MPR News
  15. ^ Jessica Douglas, Wild rice sues to stop oil pipeline Archived 2022-01-23 at the Wayback Machine, September 2, 2021, High Country News
  16. ^ Oelke, Ervin. Saga of the Grain. 2007. pp.29-33.
  17. ^ "Wild Rice". Northland Visions. Archived from the original on 19 July 2019. Retrieved 14 June 2019.
  18. ^ Lustgarten, Michael (2013-05-20). "Wild Rice: The Protein-Rich Grain that Almost Nobody Knows About!". Archived from the original on 2013-08-05. Retrieved 2013-06-07.
  19. ^ "Nutrition Facts: Wild Rice, cooked". 2013-06-07. Archived from the original on 2022-01-23. Retrieved 2013-06-07.
  20. ^ Peterson, Lee, A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern and Central North America (Houghton Mifflin Company, New York City), p. 228.
  21. ^ Densmore, Frances (1929). Chippewa Child Life. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of American Ethnology. p. 128.
  22. ^ a b c Jenks, Albert Ernest (1901). The Wild Rice Gatherers of the Upper Great Lakes: A Study in Primitive Economics. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
  23. ^ Vennum Jr., Thomas (1988). Wild Rice and the Ojibway People. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society. pp. 58–80.
  24. ^ Armstrong, Benjamin G. (1892). Early Life Among the Indians. Ashland, Wisc.: A.W. Bowron. p. 81.
  25. ^ Warren, William W. (1994) [1885]. History of the Ojibway People. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society. pp. 76–95.
  26. ^ Johnson, Eldon (1969). "Archeological Evidence for Utilizaton of Wild Rice". Science. 163 (3864): 276–277. Bibcode:1969Sci...163..276J. doi:10.1126/science.163.3864.276. PMID 17790255. S2CID 26628330.
  27. ^ a b c Huber, James Kenneth (2001). Palynological Investigations related to Archaeological Sites and the Expansion of Wild Rice (Zizania aquatic L.) in Northeast Minnesota. Dissertation. Twin Cities: University of Minnesota.
  28. ^ Anfinson, Scott F. (1979). Handbook of Minnesota Prehistoric Ceramics. Occasional Publications in Minnesota Anthropology. Sr. Paul, MN: Minnesota Archaeological Society.
  29. ^ Hilger, M. Inez (1992) [1951]. Chippewa Child Life and its Cultural Background. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society. p. 148.
  30. ^ Valppu, Seppo H. (1989). Paleoethnobotany of Big Rice Site, St. Louis County, Minnesota: Early Wild Rice (Zizania Aquatica L.) in Archaeological Context. Master's thesis. Twin Cities: University of Minnesota. p. 1.
  31. ^ Valppu, Seppo H.; Rapp, George (Rip) (2000). Paleoethnobotanical Context and Dating of the Laurel Use of Wild Rice: The Big Rice Site. Minneapolis: The Minnesota Archaeolgist. p. 86.
  32. ^ Shafer, Jennifer Renee (2003). A Seriation of Ceramics from the Big Rice Site (21SL163, FSNO. 09-09-09-034). St. Louis County, Minnesota. M.A. thesis. University of Minnesota. pp. ii, 1.

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Wild rice: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Wild rice, also called manoomin, mnomen, Canada rice, Indian rice, or water oats, is any of four species of grasses that form the genus Zizania, and the grain that can be harvested from them. The grain was historically gathered and eaten in both North America and China, but eaten less in China, where the plant's stem is used as a vegetable.

Wild rice is not directly related to domesticated rice (Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima), although they are close cousins, all belonging to the tribe Oryzeae. Wild-rice grains have a chewy outer sheath with a tender inner grain that has a slightly vegetal taste.

The plants grow in shallow water in small lakes and slow-flowing streams; often, only the flowering head of wild rice rises above the water. The grain is eaten by dabbling ducks and other aquatic wildlife.

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Zizania ( إسبرانتو )

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Zizania: Brief Summary ( إسبرانتو )

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Zizania estas genro de poacoj el la subfamilio Ehrhartoideae.

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Zizania ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Zizania, es un género de plantas herbáceas perteneciente a la familia de las poáceas.[1]​ Es originario de Eurasia y América del Norte.


Aunque conocido comúnmente como arroz silvestre o arroz salvaje, no está directamente relacionado con el arroz asiático (Oryza sativa), aunque ambos comparten la misma tribu. Se trata de hierbas acuáticas o palustres, robustas y erguidas. Tienen raíces delgadas y fibrosas que no penetran mucho, algunas adventicias; cañas hasta de 3 metros de altura; las hojas de 1 m de longitud por 4 cm de ancho; flores en panojas terminales. Los granos alargados contienen más de 13% de proteína y además carbohidratos, vitamina B, potasio y fósforo.

Las especies nortemericanas, llamadas ahora arroz indígena, fueron recolectadas para la alimentación por los aborígenes, desde hace por lo menos 10 000 años. Hoy en día son cultivadas.

Arroces nativos de Norte América

Zizania palustris es una planta anual, originaria de la región de los Grandes Lagos, crece a temperaturas entre los 6° y 13° C. Los principales productores son los estados de Saskatchewan y Manitoba en Canadá y Minesota y California en Estados Unidos.

Zizania aquatica, también anual, es originaria de la cuenca del río San Lorenzo, Florida y el golfo de México. Zizania texana, de la cuenca del Río San Marcos, se encuentra en peligro de extinción por la reducción de su hábitat.

Zizania texana es una planta perenne que se localiza únicamente en una pequeña área a lo largo del Río Saint Laurence y en las costas del Atlántico de los Estados Unidos. Actualmente se encuentra en peligro de extinción debido a la polución y a la pérdida progresiva de terreno en el que es capaz de crecer, dado que su ecosistema es muy limitado.

Arroces nativos de Asia

Zizania latifolia, el arroz silvestre de Manchuria, es una planta perenne. Aunque la producción y el consumo del grano han disminuido al ser sustituidos por arroz común, la planta se sigue utilizando en la alimentación, especialmente como verdura.


El género fue descrito por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 991. 1753.[2]​ La especie tipo es: Zizania aquatica L.


Zizania: nombre genérico que deriva de la palabra griega: "zizanion", un antiguo nombre de un grano de maleza silvestre que normalmente crecía entre cultivos de trigo.[3]

Lista de Especies


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Zizania: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Zizania, es un género de plantas herbáceas perteneciente a la familia de las poáceas.​ Es originario de Eurasia y América del Norte.

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Basa arroz ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Basa arroz (Zizania) laku txikietako eta urlaster lasaietako azaleko uretan hazten diren belarrez osaturik dagoen generoa da. Talde honen izen arruntik ezagunenak basa arroza edo Kanadako arroza dira. Sarritan, landare hauetan loreak soilik irteten du uretatik kanpora. Benetako arroza (Oryza generoa) arroz basatiaren ahaide hurbila da.

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Basa arroz: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

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Intiaaniriisit ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Intiaaniriisit (Zizania) on heinäkasvien (Poaceae) heimoon kuuluva pieni kasvisuku. Sukuun luetaan nykyisin kuuluvaksi neljä lajia[1].



  1. The Plant List (Zizania) The Plant List. 2013. Viitattu 26.1.2018. (englanniksi)

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Intiaaniriisit: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Intiaaniriisit (Zizania) on heinäkasvien (Poaceae) heimoon kuuluva pieni kasvisuku. Sukuun luetaan nykyisin kuuluvaksi neljä lajia.

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Zizanie ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR


Zizania (zizanie[1]) est un genre de plantes monocotylédones de la famille des Poaceae (graminées), sous-famille des Oryzoideae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord et d'Asie orientale. Ce genre comprend quatre espèces, dont Zizania palustris, connue sous le nom de « riz sauvage », qu'il ne faut pas confondre avec les véritables « riz sauvages », qui sont des espèces spontanées de riz (genre Oryza), faisant parfois l'objet de cueillette, et souvent assimilées à des mauvaises herbes dans les rizières d'Asie. Ce sont des plantes herbacées aquatiques qui croissent dans les eaux peu profondes et calmes des lacs, des étangs et des cours d'eau tranquilles.

C'est un genre distinct mais très proche de celui du riz (Oryza) : tous deux appartiennent à la tribu des Oryzeae, mais à deux sous-tribus différentes, celle des Oryzinae pour le genre Oryza et celle des Zizaniinae pour le genre Zizania[2].


Le nom « zizanie » désigne initialement une mauvaise herbe. L'étymologie est très ancienne puisqu'elle remonte au sumérien 𒍣𒍝𒀭 / zizān (« blé ») (d'apr. Chantraine), qui l'a transmis au syriaque ܙܝܙܘܢ / zīzon (qui désignait déjà l'ivraie et la mauvaise herbe), puis au grec ancien ζιζάνιον / zizánion, puis au latin zizania — le mot est présent dans la parabole de l'ivraie (Mt 13:25) : « Pendant que les gens dormaient, son ennemi survint ; il sema de l’ivraie (zizanion) au milieu du blé et s’en alla », et d'après la traduction de la Vulgate : « icum autem dormirent homines, venit inimicus ejus, et superseminavit zizania in medio tritici, et abiit ». L'allusion fait référence aux semeurs de troubles et de division, d'où l'expression « semer la zizanie » c'est-à-dire causer la mésentente, des causes de discorde et de désunion.

Caractéristiques générales

Les espèces du genre Zizania sont des plantes herbacées, aquatiques, annuelles ou vivaces, de grande taille. Les tiges (chaumes), aux entrenœuds creux, peuvent atteindre de 1 à 3 m de haut. Les nœuds sont velus ou glabres[3].

Zizania palustris. Port général de la plante. On distingue les inflorescences en deux parties, plus étalées dans la partie basse (épillets mâles), plus resserrées en partie haute (épillets femelles).

Les feuilles, sans oreillettes, ont un limbe linéaire-lancéolé qui peut être large ou plus étroit (de 5 à 30 mm de large). La ligule membraneuse peut atteindre 3 à 11 mm de haut.

Ce sont des plantes monoïques, dont tous les épillets sont unisexués, sans fleurons hermaphrodites (à la différence du riz qui a des épillets bisexués). Les épillets ont une forme différente selon le sexe, les épillets fertiles, staminés (mâles) et pistillés (femelles), sont portés par des ramifications différentes de la même inflorescence : les épillets mâles dans la partie inférieure sur des rameaux retombants, les épillets femelles dans la partie supérieure sur des rameaux dressés[3].

L'inflorescence est une panicule terminale, ouverte. Les épillets mâles sans glumes, comptent un seul fleuron. Les fleurons mâles ont six étamines aux filaments libres. Les épillets femelles, sans glumes (celles-ci sont peut-être représentées par une petite crête entourant le pédicelle) ne comptent que des fleurons femelles fertiles. Ils sont dressés, de 10 à 25 mm de long, plus ou moins comprimés latéralement. Ils se détachent entiers (sans se désarticuler). Le rachillet est terminé par une fleur. Les fleurons femelles fertiles ont une lemme (glumelle inférieure) acuminée, entière, aristée, présentant de 3 à 5 nervures, et portant une barbe aussi longue ou beaucoup plus longue que la lemme. L'ovaire, porte deux styles et deux stigmates[3].

Le fruit est un caryopse de taille moyenne ou grande (de 10 à 20 mm de long). Cette graine présente un endosperme dur, sans lipides.


Le nombre chromosomique de base est x = 15. Les espèces sont diploïdes avec un nombre de chromosomes 2n = 30 et 34[3].


Trois espèces sont originaires d'Amérique du Nord : Zizania palustris, Zizania aquatica et Zizania texana. La quatrième, Zizania latifolia, est originaire de Chine.

Liste des espèces et variétés

Selon World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) (17 septembre 2016)[4] :

Touffe de riz sauvage de Mandchourie au Jardin des plantes de Paris.

Zizania texana est en danger d'extinction du fait de la raréfaction de son habitat naturel et de la pollution. Zizania latifolia a presque totalement disparu de son habitat naturel, mais il a été introduit accidentellement en Nouvelle-Zélande, où il s'est naturalisé au point d'y devenir une plante envahissante.


Usage alimentaire comme céréale

Les graines des deux espèces annuelles sont les plus couramment récoltées comme céréale. Les Amérindiens les récoltaient en circulant en canoë dans les peuplements naturels de ces graminées,qu'ils « moissonnaient » en courbant les longs panicules par-dessus bord et en les battant à l'aide des rames. Une partie des graines tombaient à l'eau et passaient l'hiver dans les fonds vaseux pour germer au printemps. Le riz sauvage est l'unique céréale originaire d'Amérique du Nord. C'est la source de nourriture préférée des canards de surface et d'autres oiseaux aquatiques.

Presque toujours vendu en grains, le riz sauvage est riche en fibres, en protéines donc en acides aminés (lysine notamment), mais pauvre en matière grasse.

Riz sauvage.

Comme le riz, il ne contient pas de gluten. C'est aussi une bonne source d'éléments minéraux, potassium et phosphore, et de vitamines thiamine, riboflavine et niacine. À cause de sa valeur nutritionnelle et de son goût, le riz sauvage connaît une popularité croissante depuis la fin du XXe siècle, et sa culture à des fins commerciales s'est développée aux États-Unis et au Canada pour faire face à la demande croissante. Aux États-Unis, la Californie et le Minnesota sont les principaux producteurs ; ces plantes y sont cultivées dans des rizières. Le riz sauvage est la céréale officielle du Minnesota. Au Canada, le riz sauvage est d'habitude récolté dans des étangs naturels ; la province de la Saskatchewan est le plus grand producteur.

Le riz sauvage de Mandchourie, récolté à l'état sauvage, était une céréale importante, considérée comme l'une des « six céréales », dans l'ancienne Chine. Mais à cause de la difficulté de sa domestication, il a progressivement perdu de l'importance avec l'augmentation de la densité de population, au fur et à mesure que son habitat naturel était converti en rizières. Il est devenu rare à l'état sauvage et son usage comme céréale a complètement disparu en Chine.

Usage alimentaire comme légume

Tiges de riz sauvage de Mandchourie, entières et pelée.

Les tiges blanches, gonflées et croustillantes du riz sauvage de Mandchourie fournissent un légume très populaire en Extrême-Orient et dans le Sud-Est asiatique. Leur gonflement est dû à une infestation par le charbon Ustilago esculenta. Ce champignon inhibe la floraison de la plante qui doit être multipliée de façon végétative, l'infestation se transmettant de la plante mère à la plante fille. La récolte doit être faite de 120 à 170 jours après la plantation, après que la tige a commencé à gonfler mais avant que le champignon atteigne le stade de reproduction, quand la tige commence à noircir avant de se décomposer.

Ce légume est particulièrement commun en Chine, où il est connu sous le nom de gaosun ou jiaobai.

L'importation de ce légume aux États-Unis est interdite pour éviter l'infestation des espèces nord-américaines par le champignon.

Usage ornemental

Le riz sauvage est cultivé pour l'ornementation de pièces d'eau dans les jardins.

Notes et références

  1. L'emploi du terme « zizanie » pour désigner les plantes du genre Zizania prête à confusion car en français c'est aussi l'un des noms vernaculaires de l'ivraie (Lolium temulentum).
  2. (en) Robert J. Soreng, Paul M. Peterson, Konstantin Romaschenko, Gerrit Davidse, Fernando O. Zuloaga, Emmet J. Judziewicz et Tarciso S. Filgueiras, « A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae) », Journal of Systematics and Evolution, vol. 53, no 2,‎ 2015, p. 117–137 (ISSN , DOI , lire en ligne).
  3. a b c et d (en) Watson, L. & Dallwitz, M.J., « Zizania L. », sur The grass genera of the world, 7 décembre 2015 (consulté le 24 juin 2016).
  4. WCSP. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet ; http://wcsp.science.kew.org/, consulté le 17 septembre 2016
  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .
  • Étymologie tirée de la « page consacrée au mot "zizanie" » du site du Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales.

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Zizanie: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR


Zizania (zizanie) est un genre de plantes monocotylédones de la famille des Poaceae (graminées), sous-famille des Oryzoideae, originaire d'Amérique du Nord et d'Asie orientale. Ce genre comprend quatre espèces, dont Zizania palustris, connue sous le nom de « riz sauvage », qu'il ne faut pas confondre avec les véritables « riz sauvages », qui sont des espèces spontanées de riz (genre Oryza), faisant parfois l'objet de cueillette, et souvent assimilées à des mauvaises herbes dans les rizières d'Asie. Ce sont des plantes herbacées aquatiques qui croissent dans les eaux peu profondes et calmes des lacs, des étangs et des cours d'eau tranquilles.

C'est un genre distinct mais très proche de celui du riz (Oryza) : tous deux appartiennent à la tribu des Oryzeae, mais à deux sous-tribus différentes, celle des Oryzinae pour le genre Oryza et celle des Zizaniinae pour le genre Zizania.

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Arroz salvaxe ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

O arroz salvaxe é o nome común dado a moitas das especies do xénero Zizania, xénero botánico pertencente á familia Poaceae. Orixinario de Eurasia e América do Norte. Pode atoparse hoxe en día nos supermercados xunto co arroz verdadeiro.

Classificación do xénero

Na clasificación taxonómica de Jussieu (1789), Zizania é o nome dun xénero botánico, orde Gramineae, clase Monocotyledones con estames hipoxínicos (cando os estames se inseren no receptáculo da flor baixo o nivel do ovario).

O xénero Zizania está composto de catro especies chamadas popularmente de arroz salvaxe, pertencentes ao grupo das gramíneas, que medran en augas superficiais de lagoas, lameiros e brañas. Frecuentemente, só a espiga aparece fóra da auga. O arroz verdadeiro (xénero Oryza), tamén é unha gramínea e as dúas especies están emparentadas, dividindo a tribo Oryzeae.

Tres especies son nativas de América do Norte e unha de Asia:

Uso como alimento

As sementes das dúas especies anuais son as que máis se cultivan. Os indios de América do Norte apañábanas remando coas súas canoas entre as touceiras, entre dúas persoas, coma se fose un ritual, apañando os cachos con bastóns de madeira. Tiñan o coidado de limitar o tamaño dos bastóns para que algunhas sementes caísen, garantindo así as colleitas futuras. Moitas tribos consideraban o manoomin, como o chamaban, sagrado na súa cultura.

Na China, no entanto, onde foi noutrora un alimento importante, perdeu importancia co aumento da poboación e a perda do seu hábitat, que se converteu en leiras de arroz común. O uso do gran practicamente desapareceu, aínda que se continúa a cultivar coma verdura, consómense as puntas e a espiga moscada por fungos, sendo un vexetal popular en Asia co nome de gaosun, coba, makomo ou bambú de auga.

O arroz salvaxe é rico en proteínas, aminoácidos, lisina e fibras, con baixo contido de graxas. Do mesmo xeito ca o arroz verdadeiro, non contén glute, polo que é axeitado para dietas celíacas. É tamén unha boa fonte de fósforo e potasio, e de vitaminas, tiamina, riboflavina e niacina. Por causa do seu valor nutricional, o seu consumo popularizouse a finais do século XX e comezos do XXI, producíndose no Canadá, en California e en Minnesota, en cultivos irrigados ou naturais.

Lista completa de Especies


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Arroz salvaxe: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

O arroz salvaxe é o nome común dado a moitas das especies do xénero Zizania, xénero botánico pertencente á familia Poaceae. Orixinario de Eurasia e América do Norte. Pode atoparse hoxe en día nos supermercados xunto co arroz verdadeiro.

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Divlja riža ( الكرواتية )

المقدمة من wikipedia hr Croatian

Divlja riža (lat. Zizania), biljni rod iz porodice trava. Postoje četiri priznate vrste koje rastu po Sjevernoj Americi i istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Aziji.[1]

Najpoznatija je divlja vodena riža Zizania aquatica koja raste po rižinim jezerima u Sjevernoj Americi, koja je Chippewa Indijancima služila za hranu.

  1. Zizania aquatica L.
  2. Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf
  3. Zizania palustris L.
  4. Zizania texana Hitchc.


  1. Plants of the World online pristupljeno 23. studenog 2018
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Divlja riža: Brief Summary ( الكرواتية )

المقدمة من wikipedia hr Croatian

Divlja riža (lat. Zizania), biljni rod iz porodice trava. Postoje četiri priznate vrste koje rastu po Sjevernoj Americi i istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Aziji.

Najpoznatija je divlja vodena riža Zizania aquatica koja raste po rižinim jezerima u Sjevernoj Americi, koja je Chippewa Indijancima služila za hranu.

Zizania aquatica L. Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf Zizania palustris L. Zizania texana Hitchc.
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Padi liar ( الإندونيسية )

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Padi liar (bahasa Ojibwe: manoomin; juga disebut sebagai Padi Kanada, Padi liar Utara, atau Haver air) adalah empat spesies padi-padian dari genus Zizania, dan merupakan beberapa spesies terdekat dari tanaman yang sekarang dikenal sebagai padi (Oryza sativa) yang pada umumnya dibudidayakan untuk makanan pokok.[1] Padi liar dulu sering dibudidayakan dan dimakan di Amerika Utara, India dan Tiongkok. Tetapi padi liar sekarang relatif sedikit dijadikan sebagai makanan pokok di Amerika Utara dan batang padi liar biasanya digunakan sebagai sayuran di Tiongkok.[2]:165 Biji-bijian padi liar memiliki gabah yang kenyal dengan beras yang relatif lebih lembut dibanding beras pada umumnya. Padi liar biasanya tumbuh di perairan dangkal seperti di danau kecil dan lahan berupa genangan air. Buah padi biasanya dimakan oleh bebek Anatinae dan satwa liar perairan lainnya.[3]


Ada tiga spesies padi liar yang berasal dari Amerika Utara:[4]

Satu spesies padi liar yang berasal dari Asia:[15]

  • Padi liar Manchuria (Z. latifolia, atau: Z. caduciflora),[16] yang berasal dari Tiongkok.[17]

Padi liar Texas terancam di ambang kepunahan akibat lahan habitat yang semakin mengecil dan polusi yang merusak pertumbuhan padi tersebut. Serbuk sari padi Texas hanya dapat terbang tidak sampai satu meter dari tanaman.[18] Padi liar Manchuria hampir punah di habitat aslinya, tetapi muncul di Selandia Baru sebagai spesies invasif.[19]

Padi liar sebagai bahan pangan

Penduduk suku Ojibwe sedang memanen padi liar utara.

Spesies yang paling sering dikonsumsi sebagai bahan pangan yaitu padi liar musiman seperti padi liar Utara dan Padi liar Florida. Padi liar Utara, masih banyak ditemukan secara liar habitat aslinya, walaupun telah didomestikasi atau ditanam oleh penduduk asli Amerika Utara sejak dahulu kala. Penduduk asli Amerika dahulu memanen padi liar dengan berlayar menggunakan perahu kecil, dan mengambil kepala buah padi yang sudah matang dengan dua batang kayu kecil memakai kayu penekuk.[20]

Beberapa suku asli Amerika Utara, seperti Ojibwe menganggap beras liar sebagai tanaman suci dalam budaya mereka.[21] Orang-orang Ojibwe menyebut tanaman ini sebagai manoomin, yang berarti buah buni yang baik. Dalam sejarahnya, suku-suku yang memanen Padi liar Florida adalah suku Dakota, Menominee, Meskwaki, Ojibwa, Omaha, Ponca, Thompson, dan Winnebago.[22] Suku asli yang memanen padi liar utara adalah Ojibwe, Ottawa, dan Potawatomi.[23] Cara menyajikan nasi dari padi liar sangat bervariasi, dari merebus biji-bijian dengan kaldu rusa dan sirup mapel, dimakan bersama hasil buruan berupa unggas liar, dan bahkan mengukusnya menjadi manisan seperti puding beras yang dimaniskan dengan sirup mapel.[20]

Karena nilai gizi dan rasanya, padi liar makin populer dikonsumsi pada akhir abad ke-20, dan penanaman secara komersial dimulai di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada untuk meningkatkan swasembada pangan.[24] Pada tahun 1950, James dan Gerald Godward mulai bereksperimen dengan padi liar di padang rumput seluas satu hektar di utara Brainerd, Minnesota. Mereka membangun sawah sekitar 1 are (100 m2), menggali parit untuk irigasi, dan mengendalikan jumlah air yang dipasok. Pada musim gugur, mereka menggarap tanah dan kemudian, pada musim semi di tahun 1951, mereka memasok sekitar 23 kilogram benih dari perusahaan Wildlife Nurseries Inc. Akhirnya benih-benih tersebut tumbuh dan menghasilkan beras seperti padi biasa. Mereka terus bereksperimen dengan padi liar sepanjang dasawarsa 1950-an dan merupakan orang pertama di era modern yang berhasil menanam padi liar.[25]

Di Amerika Serikat, negara bagian penghasil padi liar terbesar yaitu California[26] dan Minnesota, dan sebagian besar dibudidayakan di sawah.[27] Di Kanada, biasanya dipanen langsung dari habitat liar dan provinsi penghasil padi liar terbesar adalah Saskatchewan. Padi liar juga dibudidayakan di Australia dan Hongaria sejak tahun 1974.[28]

Padi liar Manchuria (Hanzi: ; Pinyin: )[29] pernah menjadi makanan utama di Tiongkok kuno walaupun sekarang sangat jarang ditemukan di alam liar, tetapi masih dibudidayakan yang batangnya digunakan sebagai bahan sayuran.[2] Padi liar Manchuria jarang terdapat di alam liar karena rentan terkena penyakit yang disebabkan oleh jamur api Ustilago esculenta. Infeksi jamur mencegah tanaman berbunga, sehingga biasanya padi liar tersebut harus dibudidayakan untuk mencegah kepunahan. Infeksi ditularkan dari tanaman induk ke tanaman anak. Panen harus dilakukan antara 120 hari dan 170 hari setelah tanam bila batang mulai membengkak, tetapi sebelum infeksi mencapai tahap perkembangbiakan. Batang padi yang terinfeksi akan menjadi hitam dan akhirnya hancur menjadi spora jamur. Sayuran ini sangat umum di Tiongkok, yang dikenal sebagai gāosǔn (高筍)[30] atau jiāobái (茭白).[31] Impor sayuran dari Tiongkok ke Amerika Serikat dilarang untuk melindungi spesies padi liar Amerika Utara dari jamur api.[32]


  1. ^ Kellogg, Elizabeth A. (30 January 2009). "The Evolutionary History of Ehrhartoideae, Oryzeae, and Oryza". Rice. 2 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1007/s12284-009-9022-2.
  2. ^ a b Simoons, Frederick J. (1991). Food in China: a cultural and historical inquiry. CRC Press. hlm. 559. ISBN 978-0-8493-8804-0.
  3. ^ Reinagel, Monica (19 April 1010). "What Type of Rice is Healthiest?". Diakses tanggal 28 January 2010.
  4. ^ Oelke, Ervin A.; de Wet, J. M. J. (1978). "Domestication of American wild rice (Zizania aquatica L., Gramineae)". Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée (dalam bahasa Inggris). 25 (2): 67–84. doi:10.3406/jatba.1978.3758.
  5. ^ "Northern Ontario Plant Database". www.northernontarioflora.ca (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  6. ^ "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  7. ^ "Zizania palustris (Wild Rice): Minnesota Wildflowers". www.minnesotawildflowers.info (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  8. ^ "Wetland Plants of Wisconsin: Zizania palustris, northern wild rice". www.uwgb.edu (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  9. ^ "Zizania palustris - Michigan Flora". www.michiganflora.net. Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  10. ^ "Northern Wild Rice (Zizania palustris) | Idaho Fish and Game". idfg.idaho.gov (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  11. ^ Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. "Zizania Aquatica". University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Diakses tanggal 28 May 2017.
  12. ^ "Zizania aquatica". hort.purdue.edu (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  13. ^ "Texas Wild-Rice: Umbrella Species of the San Marcos River // LandScope America". www.landscope.org (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  14. ^ Texas State University (2019-06-24). "San Marcos, Meadows Center expand endangered wild rice protection". news.txstate.edu (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  15. ^ Wang, Hongru; Vieira, Filipe G.; Crawford, Jacob E.; Chu, Chengcai; Nielsen, Rasmus (2017-6). "Asian wild rice is a hybrid swarm with extensive gene flow and feralization from domesticated rice". Genome Research (dalam bahasa Inggris). 27 (6): 1029–1038. doi:10.1101/gr.204800.116. ISSN 1088-9051. PMC 5453317alt=Dapat diakses gratis. PMID 28385712. Periksa nilai tanggal di: |date= (bantuan)
  16. ^ Terrell, E. E.; Batra, L. R. (1982). "Zizania latifolia and Ustilago esculenta, a Grass-Fungus Association". Economic Botany (dalam bahasa Inggris). 36 (3): 274–285. ISSN 0013-0001.
  17. ^ Chan, Yuk-Sim; Thrower, L. B. (1980). "The Host-Parasite Relationship Between Zizania caduciflora Turcz. And Ustilago esculenta P. Henn. I. Structure and Development of the Host and Host-Parasite Combination". The New Phytologist. 85 (2): 201–207. ISSN 0028-646X.
  18. ^ Pollination Habits of Endangered Rice Revealed to Help Preservation Newswise, Retrieved on July 15, 2008.
  19. ^ "Stopping the freshwater wild rice invader".
  20. ^ a b Moerman, Daniel E (1998). Native American ethnobotany (dalam bahasa English). hlm. 614. ISBN 9780881924534. OCLC 38002531.Pemeliharaan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak diketahui (link)
  21. ^ "MPR: Wild rice at the center of a cultural dispute". news.minnesota.publicradio.org (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  22. ^ "Wild Rice: Domestication of a Native North American Genus". hort.purdue.edu (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  23. ^ "The Long and Honorable Battle of the Ojibwe to Keep Their Wild Rice Wild". IndianCountryToday.com (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  24. ^ Hayes, P. M.; Stucker, R. E.; Wandrey, G. G. (1989). "The Domestication of American Wildrice (Zizania palustris, Poaceae)". Economic Botany (dalam bahasa Inggris). 43 (2): 203–214. ISSN 0013-0001.
  25. ^ Oelke, Ervin (2006-12-26). Saga of the Grain: A Tribute to Minnesota Cultivated Wild Rice Growers (dalam bahasa Inggris). Hobar Publications. ISBN 9780913163412.
  26. ^ "California Wild rice". Los Angeles Times (dalam bahasa Inggris). 1999-11-10. Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  27. ^ "California Wild Rice". www.sum.uio.no (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  28. ^ "Wild Rice". northlandvisions.com. Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  29. ^ "菰 - 萌典". www.moedict.tw (dalam bahasa Tionghoa). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  30. ^ "秋冬季高筍收穫季,吃高筍的好處和壞處你知道嗎?" (dalam bahasa Tionghoa). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  31. ^ 康健. "茭白筍的黑點是發霉嗎?原來它是「病態」產物 - 康健雜誌". 康健 (dalam bahasa Tionghoa). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.
  32. ^ says, Lisa Serrano (2018-01-05). "Manchurian Wild Rice | Zizania latifolia". Pest Rating Proposals and Final Ratings (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-07-19.

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Padi liar: Brief Summary ( الإندونيسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ID

Padi liar (bahasa Ojibwe: manoomin; juga disebut sebagai Padi Kanada, Padi liar Utara, atau Haver air) adalah empat spesies padi-padian dari genus Zizania, dan merupakan beberapa spesies terdekat dari tanaman yang sekarang dikenal sebagai padi (Oryza sativa) yang pada umumnya dibudidayakan untuk makanan pokok. Padi liar dulu sering dibudidayakan dan dimakan di Amerika Utara, India dan Tiongkok. Tetapi padi liar sekarang relatif sedikit dijadikan sebagai makanan pokok di Amerika Utara dan batang padi liar biasanya digunakan sebagai sayuran di Tiongkok.:165 Biji-bijian padi liar memiliki gabah yang kenyal dengan beras yang relatif lebih lembut dibanding beras pada umumnya. Padi liar biasanya tumbuh di perairan dangkal seperti di danau kecil dan lahan berupa genangan air. Buah padi biasanya dimakan oleh bebek Anatinae dan satwa liar perairan lainnya.

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Zizania ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Il genere Zizania comprende piante erbacee monocotiledoni, acquatiche annuali, appartenenti alla famiglia botanica delle Poaceae o Gramineae.[1]

Alcune specie del genere vengono commercializzate come riso selvatico (definito negli Stati Uniti ed in Canada “wild rice”, “indian rice”, “water oats”).

Il genere Zizania è relativamente affine al genere Oryza' (a cui appartiene il comune riso): entrambi appartengono alla tribù delle Oryzeae anche se in due sezioni distinte. A differenza di Oryza, che è adatto a climi con temperature piuttosto elevate e relativamente costanti, il genere Zizania è adattato in genere a climi più freschi se non decisamente freddi.

Nella parabola della zizzania nei testi della Religione cristiana (Vangelo secondo Matteo 13,24-30[2] e nel Vangelo di Tommaso, il seme della zizzania è considerata “cattiva semente” posta in alternativa con la semente buona. È probabile che la pianta citata sia il Lolium, una comune infestante dei campi di frumento; le piante del genere Zizania (da nominazione linneana) erano molto probabilmente sconosciute in Palestina.

Descrizione e specie

Zizania presenta spighette unisessuali riunite in infiorescenze a pannocchia, glume assenti; glumelle membranose oblunghe l'inferiore aristata. Il genere comprende 2 specie perenni e altre 2 annue. Tre specie sono native del Nord America: Zizania palustris, Z. aquatica e Z. texana, mentre una specie è nativa dell'Asia Z. latifolia.

Zizania palustris

Magnifying glass icon mgx2.svgLo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Zizania palustris.

È la specie più nota, detto “riso selvatico del nord” (Northern wild rice), una specie annua tipica delle zone dell'estremo nord degli Stati Uniti e delle regioni centrali e meridionali del Canada, (Alberta, Saskatchewan e Manitoba); è il cereale simbolo del Minnesota (Stati Uniti). La coltivazione in modeste quantità e soprattutto la raccolta delle piante spontanee, praticato dai nativi americani, è attuata ancora oggi.

Zizania aquatica

La Zizania aquatica è detta semplicemente “riso selvatico” (Wild rice) ed è una specie annuale, tipica delle zone costiere atlantiche degli Stati Uniti e di alcune località nel golfo del Messico.

Zizania texana

La Zizania texana o riso selvatico del Texas, è una specie perenne a rischio di estinzione, a causa della alterazione del suo ambiente naturale e per la scarsa capacità di diffusione del suo polline, è presente in una piccolissima area presso il fiume Marcos, in zona centrale del Texas (Usa).[3]

Zizania latifolia

La Zizania latifolia o riso selvatico della Manciuria, è un riso selvatico delle zone nord orientali della Manciuria. Il riso selvatico della Manciuria è quasi scomparso in natura, a causa della antropizzazione e della modifica del suo ambiente naturale. La pianta è stata incidentalmente introdotta in Nuova Zelanda dove si è diffusa in ambienti selvaggi e dove è considerata invasiva.[4]

Uso come verdura

Gambi di Zizania

I gambi rigonfi, bianchi e croccanti del riso della Manciuria sono usati come verdura comune in Asia sud orientale. L'ingrossamento degli steli avviene in seguito all'infezione da parte del fungo parassita Ustilago esculenta, il cui micelio invade gli apparati fiorali impedendo alla pianta infettata di riprodursi. Per gli usi agricoli quindi la pianta è moltiplicata per via vegetativa, in questo modo il fungo si trasmette dalla pianta “madre” alle piante “figlie”.

Tra i 120 e i 170 giorni dal trapianto il fusto si ingrossa; gli steli vanno raccolti prima che il fungo raggiunga la fase riproduttiva, dopo la quale il fusto diventa nerastro e si sbriciola.


  1. ^ (EN) Zizania, in The Plant List. URL consultato il 19 maggio 2013 (archiviato il 3 luglio 2013).
  2. ^ Mt 13,24-30, su laparola.net.
  3. ^ (EN) Pollination Habits of Endangered Rice Revealed to Help Preservation, su newswise.com, Newswise, 15 luglio 2008. URL consultato il 9 agosto 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 3 marzo 2016).
  4. ^ NIWA: Stopping the freshwater wild rice invader, su niwa.co.nz. URL consultato il 21 dicembre 2009 (archiviato dall'url originale il 25 aprile 2020).

حقوق النشر
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النص الأصلي
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wikipedia IT

Zizania: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Il genere Zizania comprende piante erbacee monocotiledoni, acquatiche annuali, appartenenti alla famiglia botanica delle Poaceae o Gramineae.

Alcune specie del genere vengono commercializzate come riso selvatico (definito negli Stati Uniti ed in Canada “wild rice”, “indian rice”, “water oats”).

Il genere Zizania è relativamente affine al genere Oryza' (a cui appartiene il comune riso): entrambi appartengono alla tribù delle Oryzeae anche se in due sezioni distinte. A differenza di Oryza, che è adatto a climi con temperature piuttosto elevate e relativamente costanti, il genere Zizania è adattato in genere a climi più freschi se non decisamente freddi.

Nella parabola della zizzania nei testi della Religione cristiana (Vangelo secondo Matteo 13,24-30 e nel Vangelo di Tommaso, il seme della zizzania è considerata “cattiva semente” posta in alternativa con la semente buona. È probabile che la pianta citata sia il Lolium, una comune infestante dei campi di frumento; le piante del genere Zizania (da nominazione linneana) erano molto probabilmente sconosciute in Palestina.

حقوق النشر
Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
wikipedia IT

Zizania ( لاتينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LA

Vide etiam paginam discretivam: Zizania (discretiva)

Zizania est genus herbarum familiae Poacearum, cui sunt quattuor species:

Frumenta Z. palustris et Z. aquaticae, et caules Z. latifoliae ab hominibus eduntur. In pluribus linguis "oryza fera" (Anglice wild rice, Francogallice riz sauvage) appellatur.

Nexus externi

Commons-logo.svg Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Zizaniam spectant.
Wikispecies-logo.svg Vide "Zizaniam" apud Vicispecies. Wikidata-logo.svg Situs scientifici: TropicosGRINITISNCBIBiodiversityEncyclopedia of LifeGrassBasePlant Name IndexFlora of ChinaUSDA Plants Database
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wikipedia LA

Zizania: Brief Summary ( لاتينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LA

Vide etiam paginam discretivam: Zizania (discretiva)

Zizania est genus herbarum familiae Poacearum, cui sunt quattuor species:

Zizania aquatica L., indigena Civitatum Foederatarum orientalium et Canadae orientalis Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf, indigena Sinarum Zizania palustris L., indigena Civitatum Foederatarum septentrionalium et Canadae Zizania texana Hitchc., indigena Texiae

Frumenta Z. palustris et Z. aquaticae, et caules Z. latifoliae ab hominibus eduntur. In pluribus linguis "oryza fera" (Anglice wild rice, Francogallice riz sauvage) appellatur.

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wikipedia LA

Padi liar ( الملايو )

المقدمة من wikipedia MS

Padi liar WildRice23.jpg Pengelasan saintifik Alam: Plantae (tanpa pangkat): Angiosperms (tanpa pangkat): Monocots (tanpa pangkat): Commelinids Order: Poales Keluarga: Poaceae Genus: Zizania
L. Spesies

Padi liar adalah empat spesies rumput membentuk genus Zizania, dan bijirin yang boleh dituai dari mereka. Bijian sejarah berkumpul dan dimakan dalam kedua-dua Amerika Utara dan China. Walaupun kini sesuatu makanan istimewa di Amerika Utara, bijirin kurang dimakan di China,[1]:165 di mana batang pokok digunakan sebagai sayur-sayuran.

Padi liar tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan padi Asia (Oryza sativa), yang liar leluhur O. rufipogon dan O. nivara, walaupun mereka adalah sepupu rapat, berkongsi suku Oryzeae. Ia juga tidak loji yang digambarkan sebagai ζιζάνια (zizania) dalam Cerita ibarat Tares dalam Bible, yang dianggap sebagai "Lolium temulentum.

Tumbuh-tumbuhan hidup di air cetek di kecil tasik dan aliran mengalir perlahan; selalunya, hanya ketua berbunga beras liar naik di atas air. Bijirin dimakan oleh itik mencebur akuatik dan hidupan liar yang lain, serta manusia.


Tiga spesies padi liar yang berasal dari Amerika Utara:

Satu spesies berasal dari Asia:

  • Padi liar Manchuria (Z. latifolia; sinonim tidak betul: Z. caduciflora), berasal saka di China.

Padi liar Texas berada dalam kebahayaan pupus disebabkan oleh kehilangan habitat yang sesuai dalam lingkungan yang terhad dan pencemaran. Debunga beras liar Texas hanya boleh melakukan perjalanan kira-kira 30 inci jauh dari loji ibu bapa. Jika debunga tidak mendarat di atas bunga menerima wanita dalam jarak itu, tidak ada benih dihasilkan.[2] Padi liar Manchuria telah hampir hilang dari kawasan liar dalam julat asli, tetapi telah sengaja dibawa masuk ke dalam hutan di New Zealand dan dianggap sebagai spesies invasif terdapat[3]

Kegunaan sebagai makanan

Menuai padi liar.

Spesies yang paling biasa dituai sebagai [bijirin [| bijian]] spesis tahunan "Zizania palustris. [Orang asli Amerika di Amerika Syarikat | Orang Asli Amerika]] dan bukan India panen padi liar oleh kanu ing ke dalam pendirian tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan lentur kepala bijian masak dengan batang kayu yang dipanggil knockers, supaya [pengirikan | mengirik]] benih ke dalam kanu.

Saiz knockers, serta maklumat lain, yang ditetapkan dalam undang-undang negeri dan puak. Oleh statut Minnesota, knockers mesti paling banyak 1 inci diameter, 30 inci panjang, dan satu paun berat badan.[4] Tumbuh-tumbuhan adalah tidak dipukul dengan knockers tetapi hanya memerlukan memberus lembut untuk mengusir gandum yang matang. Oksitan orang memanggil tumbuhan inimanoomin "yang bermaksud" beri yang baik ". Beberapa benih jatuh ke bawah berlumpur dan bercambah lewat tahun ini.

Oksitan liar padi kantung, kulit kayu cedar, Muzium Sejarah Semula Jadi Amerika

Beberapa budaya Amerika asli, seperti yang Oksitan, pertimbangkan padi liar untuk menjadi komponen suci dalam budaya mereka.[5] Padi dituai dengan kanu: satu van orang (atau "mengetuk") padi ke kanu dengan dua tiang kecil (yang dipanggil "knockers" atau "flails") manakala pengayuh lain perlahan-lahan atau menggunakan tiang tolak. Bagi kumpulan-kumpulan ini, tuaian ini adalah budaya yang penting (dan selalunya ekonomi) event. Yang dinamakan oleh Ojibwe itu, jiranOmanoominii(Menominee suku, yang endonymMamaceqtaw,"rakyat") dinamakan sempena tumbuhan ini. Banyak tempat di Illinois, Indiana, Manitoba, Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario, Saskatchewan dan Wisconsin dinamakan selepas tumbuhan ini, termasuk Mahnomen, Minnesota, Menomonie, Wisconsin dan banyak tasik dan sungai yang mengandungi nama "Beras , " Wildrice, "atau" Wild Rice. "

Kerana di [pemakanan []] al nilai dan rasa, padi liar meningkat popular di akhir abad ke-20, dan penanaman komersial yang bermula di Amerika Syarikat dan Kanada untuk membekalkan permintaan yang semakin meningkat. Di Amerika Syarikat (AS) pengeluar utama California dan Minnesota (di mana ia adalah rasmi bijian negeri) dan ia adalah sebahagian besarnya ditanam di sawah s. Di Kanada, ia biasanya dituai daripada badan-badan semulajadi air, pengeluar terbesar wilayah Saskatchewan. padi liar juga dihasilkan di Hungary dan Australia. Di Hungari, penanaman bermula pada tahun 1974 di padang beras Szarvas.[petikan diperlukan] Beras Ltd India telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1990. Kini, beras liar Hungary berkembang dan memproses diuruskan oleh syarikat ini. Di Australia, pengeluaran dikawal oleh Ricewild Pty Ltd di Deniliquin di Selatan New South Wales.[6]

Manchurian wild rice (Bahasa Cina: ; pinyin: ), gathered from the wild, was once an important grain in ancient China.[1]:165 Kerana kesukaran untuk menjinakkan itu, ia secara beransur-ansur kehilangan kepentingan dengan meningkatkan kepadatan penduduk, sebagai habitatnya telah ditukar untuk digunakan dalam meningkatkan padi[petikan diperlukan]. Ia kini amat jarang berlaku di dalam hutan, dandigunakan sebagai sebutir telah hilang sepenuhnya di China, walaupun ia terus diusahakan untuk batang.[1]:165

Padi liar masak

Pemakanan dan keselamatan

Hampir selalu dijual sebagai kering gandum, padi liar adalah tinggi dalam protein []], asid amino lisin dan serat pemakanan, dan rendah dalam lemak. Seperti beras benar, ia tidak mengandungi gluten. Ia juga merupakan sumber mineral dan vitamin B tertentu. Menurut Self's online NutritionData, 1 cawan padi liar yang dimasak akan menyediakan 5% atau lebih daripada nilai harian thiamin, riboflavin, besi, dan potassium, 10% atau lebih daripada nilai harian niasin, B6, folate, magnesium, fosforus, 15% daripada zink;dan lebih 20% daripada mangan.

Benih padi liar yang boleh dijangkiti oleh kulat yang sangat toksik [ergot]], yang berbahaya jika dimakan. Bijirin yang dijangkiti akan mempunyai blotches merah jambu atau keunguan atau pertumbuhan kulat, dari saiz benih untuk beberapa kali lebih besar.[7]


padi liar berpunca sebelum dan selepas mengelupas.

Batang garing bengkak putih padi liar Manchurian ditanam sebagai sayur-sayuran, masyhur di Asia Timur dan Tenggara. Bengkak berlaku kerana jangkitan jelaga kulat Ustilago esculenta.[1]:165 Kulat tersebut menghalang tumbuhan daripada berbunga, jadi tanaman [loji perambatan | dibiakkan]] asexually, jangkitan yang dipindahkan dari kilang ibu kepada anak perempuan loji. Harvest mesti dibuat di antara kira-kira 120 hari dan 170 hari selepas penanaman, selepas batang mula membengkak tetapi sebelum jangkitan mencapai peringkat reproduktif, apabila batang akan mula untuk menghidupkan [hitam]] dan akhirnya hancur.

Sayur-sayuran terutamanya biasa di China, di mana ia dikenali sebagai gaosun atau jiaobai (茭白). Nama-nama lain yang boleh digunakan dalam bahasa Inggeris termasuk coba dan buluh air.

Pengimportan sayur-sayuran ke Amerika Syarikat adalah dilarang untuk melindungi spesies Amerika Utara dari kulat.

Kegunaan hiasan

Padi liar juga telah berkembang sebagai sebuah tumbuhan hiasan dalam kolam taman.



  1. ^ a b c d Simoons, Frederick J. (1991). Food in China: a cultural and historical inquiry. CRC Press. m/s. 559. ISBN 9780849388040.
  2. ^ Pollination Habits of Endangered Rice Revealed to Help Preservation Newswise, Retrieved on July 15, 2008.
  3. ^ NIWA: Stopping the freshwater wild rice invader
  4. ^ Minnesota statute 84.111, subd. 1.
  5. ^ Minnesota Public Radio: Wild rice at the center of a cultural dispute
  6. ^ http://www.ricewild.com.au
  7. ^ Peterson, Lee, "A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern and Central North America", p. 228, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York City, accessed 6 September 2010. ISBN 0 395 20445 3

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Padi liar: Brief Summary ( الملايو )

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Padi liar adalah empat spesies rumput membentuk genus Zizania, dan bijirin yang boleh dituai dari mereka. Bijian sejarah berkumpul dan dimakan dalam kedua-dua Amerika Utara dan China. Walaupun kini sesuatu makanan istimewa di Amerika Utara, bijirin kurang dimakan di China,:165 di mana batang pokok digunakan sebagai sayur-sayuran.

Padi liar tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan padi Asia (Oryza sativa), yang liar leluhur O. rufipogon dan O. nivara, walaupun mereka adalah sepupu rapat, berkongsi suku Oryzeae. Ia juga tidak loji yang digambarkan sebagai ζιζάνια (zizania) dalam Cerita ibarat Tares dalam Bible, yang dianggap sebagai "Lolium temulentum.

Tumbuh-tumbuhan hidup di air cetek di kecil tasik dan aliran mengalir perlahan; selalunya, hanya ketua berbunga beras liar naik di atas air. Bijirin dimakan oleh itik mencebur akuatik dan hidupan liar yang lain, serta manusia.

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Wilde rijst ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Wilde rijst (Zizania) is een geslacht van grassen. Anders dan de naam doet vermoeden, is wilde rijst geen rijst (hoewel het wel nauw verwant is aan het rijstgeslacht Oryza) en het is eigenlijk ook nog nauwelijks wild, want het wordt voornamelijk commercieel geteeld.

Wilde rijst groeit in rustig, ondiep water in kleine meren en langzaam stromende rivieren. De stengels zijn 1 tot 2 meter lang maar vaak is alleen de bloeiende top boven water te zien.


Drie wilde rijstsoorten zijn inheems in Noord-Amerika, een vierde komt van nature in Azië voor.

Z. texana wordt bedreigd met uitsterven als gevolg van habitatverlies door ontginning en vervuiling.[1] Z. latifolia is bijna uit het wild verdwenen in zijn oorspronkelijke verspreidingsgebied in China, maar is per ongeluk geïntroduceerd in Nieuw-Zeeland en wordt daar nu als een invasieve soort beschouwd.[2]


De zaden van wilde rijst, vooral Z. palustris, worden geoogst als graan. Samen met maïs is het de enige graansoort die inheems is in Noord-Amerika. Indianen oogsten traditioneel wilde rijst door vanuit een kano met houten stokken als een soort dorsvlegel tegen de rijpe graanhoofden aan te slaan, zodat de zaden in de kano belanden. Bij sommige indiaanse volkeren, zoals de Ojibweg (Chippewa), speelt wilde rijst een belangrijke culturele, religieuze en economische rol. Zij noemen dit gewas dan ook manoomin, wat "heilig graan" betekent.

Wilde rijst wordt op commerciële schaal verbouwd in rijstvelden in Californië en Minnesota. Ook in Canada, Australië en Hongarije wordt wilde rijst verbouwd. Wilde rijst is duurder dan rijst en wordt vaak gemengd met "gewone" rijst verkocht.

Z. latifolia was ooit een belangrijke graansoort in China, maar omdat het moeilijk te domesticeren is, is het geleidelijk aan vervangen door rijst. Wel wordt wilde rijst in China en Zuidoost-Azië geteeld om de stengels. Deze stengels, die zijn opgezwollen door infectie met de brandschimmel Ustilago esculenta, worden als groente gegeten. Import van de stengels is verboden in de Verenigde Staten om de Noord-Amerikaanse wilde rijstsoorten tegen de schimmel te beschermen.

Wilde rijst wordt tegenwoordig ook gebruikt als sierplant in tuinvijvers.

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Wilde rijst: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Wilde rijst (Zizania) is een geslacht van grassen. Anders dan de naam doet vermoeden, is wilde rijst geen rijst (hoewel het wel nauw verwant is aan het rijstgeslacht Oryza) en het is eigenlijk ook nog nauwelijks wild, want het wordt voornamelijk commercieel geteeld.

Wilde rijst groeit in rustig, ondiep water in kleine meren en langzaam stromende rivieren. De stengels zijn 1 tot 2 meter lang maar vaak is alleen de bloeiende top boven water te zien.

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Villris ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NN

Villris kan visa til fleire artar i grasfamilien som gjev risliknande korn, men ikkje er blitt domestisert og dyrka slik som til dømes vanleg ris (Oryza sativa) eller afrikansk ris (Oryza glaberrima).

Med villris meiner ein vanlegvis plantar frå Zizania-slekta. Zizania aquatica er ein nordamerikansk villrisart som opphavleg blei brukt av ojibwa-folk. Frå 1950-åra auka interessa for denne arten som matplante. Denne planten har korn som er over dobbelt så langt som hjå vanleg ris. Han har eit næringsinnhald tilsvarande kveite, havre og mais, med litt høgare proteininnhald.

Villris kan også visa til ville artar i risslekta (Oryza), som Oryza rufipogon. Leersia oryzoides er ein eurasiatisk risaktig art som blir brukt til fôr.


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Villris: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NN

Villris kan visa til fleire artar i grasfamilien som gjev risliknande korn, men ikkje er blitt domestisert og dyrka slik som til dømes vanleg ris (Oryza sativa) eller afrikansk ris (Oryza glaberrima).

Med villris meiner ein vanlegvis plantar frå Zizania-slekta. Zizania aquatica er ein nordamerikansk villrisart som opphavleg blei brukt av ojibwa-folk. Frå 1950-åra auka interessa for denne arten som matplante. Denne planten har korn som er over dobbelt så langt som hjå vanleg ris. Han har eit næringsinnhald tilsvarande kveite, havre og mais, med litt høgare proteininnhald.

Villris kan også visa til ville artar i risslekta (Oryza), som Oryza rufipogon. Leersia oryzoides er ein eurasiatisk risaktig art som blir brukt til fôr.


Villris (svart) med vanlege ristypar.


Kokt villris (Zizania aquatica)


Leersia oryzoides

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Zizania ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Zizania é um género botânico pertencente à família Poaceae.[1]

Classificação do gênero

Na classificação taxonômica de Jussieu (1789), Zizania é um gênero botânico, ordem Gramineae, classe Monocotyledones com estames hipogínicos (quando os estames se inserem no receptáculo da flor abaixo do nível do ovário).

O gênero Zizania é composto de quatro espécies, chamadas popularmente de arroz selvagem, pertencentes ao grupo das gramíneas, que vicejam em águas rasas de lagos e brejos. Freqüentemente, apenas a espiga aparece fora d'água. O arroz verdadeiro (gênero Oryza), também é uma gramínea e as duas espécies são aparentadas, dividindo a tribo Oryzeae.

Três espécies são nativas da América do Norte e uma da Ásia:

  • Arroz selvagem (Zizania aquatica), planta anual nativa do Rio São Lourenço, costa do Atlântico e costa do Golfo;
  • Arroz selvagem do norte (Z.palustris), também anual, viceja nos Grandes Lagos;
  • Arroz selvagem do Texas (Z.texana) é uma planta perene, encontrada somente em uma pequena área ao longo do Rio São Marcos, no estado do Texas, em perigo de extinção por danos ao habitat e poluição;
  • Arroz selvagem da Manchúria (Z.latifolia, também chamado incorretamente de Z.caduciflora), planta perene, da China, onde praticamente desapareceu das áreas nativas da Manchúria, sobrevivendo em cultivos comerciais. Foi também acidentalmente introduzido na Nova Zelândia, onde é considerada espécie invasora.

Uso como alimento

As sementes das duas espécies anuais são as mais comumente cultivadas. Os índios da América do Norte as colhiam remando suas canoas entre as touceiras de plantas, recolhendo os cachos com bastões de madeira. Tinham o cuidado de limitar o tamanho dos bastões para que algumas sementes caíssem, garantindo assim as colheitas futuras. Muitas tribos consideravam o manoomin, como chamavam, um "arroz selvagem" e componente sagrado de sua cultura. Era colhido manualmente por duas pessoas em uma canoa, como um ritual.

Na China, no entanto, onde foi importante alimento antigamente, perdeu importância com o aumento da população e seu habitat foi convertido para cultivo do arroz comum. O uso do grão praticamente desapareceu, embora continue a ser cultivado como verdura, consomem-se as hastes e a espiga moscada por fungos, sendo um vegetal popular na Ásia com o nome de gaosun, coba, makomo ou bambú d'água.

O arroz selvagem é rico em proteínas, no aminoácido lisina e fibras, com baixo teor de gordura. Do mesmo modo que o arroz verdadeiro, não contem glutens. É ainda boa fonte de fósforo e potássio, e das vitaminas tiamina, riboflavina e niacina. Por causa de seu valor nutricional, seu consumo cresceu no século XX, sendo produzido no Canadá, na Califórnia e em Minesota, em cultivos irrigados ou naturais.



  1. «pertencente à — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020

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Zizania: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

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Zizania é um género botânico pertencente à família Poaceae.

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Indianrissläktet ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Indianrissläktet (Zizania)[1] är ett släkte av gräs. Indianrissläktet ingår i familjen gräs.[1]

De fyra arterna i släktet Zizania kallas även vildris. De är ettåriga vattenväxter som finns i Nordamerika där den ursprungligen utnyttjades av indianerna. Plantan växer på gyttjiga bottnar i grunda insjöar. Stängeln börjar synas ovanför vattenytan i april, blommorna kommer i juni och skörden sker i september. En vildriskärna är 10–20 mm lång och svartröd till färgen. Det finns många varianter av vildris, men det finaste riset anses komma från Minnesota. Riskornen blötläggs i 3-4 timmar innan de kokas i 20-25 min. Vildris passar särskilt till vildfågel såsom fasan, morkulla, ripa etc. På marknaden förekommer tidvis blandningar mellan vildris och råris eftersom rent vildris är mycket dyrt.

Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life[1]:



Zizania latifolia

Zizania palustris

Zizania texana



  1. ^ [a b c] Roskov Y., Kunze T., Orrell T., Abucay L., Paglinawan L., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Decock W., De Wever A., Didžiulis V. (ed) (14 april 2014). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2014/browse/tree/id/17082313. Läst 26 maj 2014.

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Zizania ( التركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia TR

Metne bakınız

Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Zizania ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Zizania ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Zizania, buğdaygiller familyasının pirinçgiller oymağından, Kuzey Amerika ile Çin'de yetişen, yerli halklar tarafından taneleri pirinç gibi, sapı ise soyulup yenen, 4 türü bulunan sucul bitki cinsi.

Anatinae familyasında ördeklerin de yem bitkisi olan Zizania türleri ayrıca bahçecilikte süs bitkisi olarak da değerlendirilir.




Kızılderililerin Zizania hasadı, 1853
Ojibva Zizania sepeti, sedir kabuğu, American Museum of Natural History

Tek yıllık Zizania palustris türü Kuzey Amerika'da yerli Kızılderililer tarafından asırlardır kanolarla dolaşılarak olgunlaşan başaklar kanoya yatırılır ve bir tokaçla dövülüp tanelerin kayık içine düşmesi sağlanarak hasat edilir. Menominilerin adı Ojibvaların verdiği manoominii («yabani pirinç halkı/wild rice people») kelimesinden gelir. Zizania, Menomini halkının geleneksel besinlerinden biridir[1]. Yerli olmayan Amerikalılar tarafından da hasat edilir. Tokmakların boyutları eyalet ve kabile yasalarına göre düzenlenir; Minnesota kanunlarına göre çapı 1 inç, uzunluğu 30 inç ve ağırlığı da bir pound olması gerekir[2].


Zizania bitkisinde hastalık yapan organizmalar:[3]


  1. ^ Campbell, Lyle (1997).American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.,pg.401,n.134.
  2. ^ Minnesota statute 84.111, subd. 1.
  3. ^ Common Names of Diseases, The American Phytopathological Society
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Zizania: Brief Summary ( التركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia TR

Zizania, buğdaygiller familyasının pirinçgiller oymağından, Kuzey Amerika ile Çin'de yetişen, yerli halklar tarafından taneleri pirinç gibi, sapı ise soyulup yenen, 4 türü bulunan sucul bitki cinsi.

Anatinae familyasında ördeklerin de yem bitkisi olan Zizania türleri ayrıca bahçecilikte süs bitkisi olarak da değerlendirilir.

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Lúa hoang dã ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI
Đối với các hình thức khác của lúa hoang dã, xem lúa gạo.

Lúa hoang dã (Tiếng Ojibwe: manoomin, cũng được gọi là lúa Canada, lúa Ấn Độ hoặc yến mạch nước) thuộc Bộ Hòa thảo chi Zizania. Hạt được thu hoạch và ăn trong lịch sử cả Bắc MỹTrung Quốc. Hiện nay đây là một trong các món ăn ở Bắc Mỹ, nó được ăn ít hơn ở Trung Quốc,[2]:165 trong đó gốc của cây được sử dụng như một loại rau.

Lúa hoang dã không liên quan trực tiếp đến lúa gạo ở Châu Á (Oryza sativa), mà tổ tiên hoang dã O. rufipogonO. nivara, mặc dù có họ hàng gần gũi với bộ lúa. Hột lúa hoang dã có vỏ ngoài dai với phần hột bên trong có vị hơi thực vật.

Lịch sử dùng làm lương thực

Cảnh thu hoạch lúa hoang dã

Là loài thu hoạch hạt phổ biến nhất, là loài thu hoạch hằng năm, chi Zizania palustris bây giờ được trồng thương mại, nhưng chi Zizania aquatica cũng từng được sử dụng rộng rãi trong quá khứ ở Ấn Độ. (Moerman, Daniel, người Mỹ bản xứ thực vật dân tộc (Timber Press, Portland Oregon 1998), p. 614) Thổ dân châu Mỹ và những tộc người khác thu hoạch lúa hoang dã bằng xuồng, họ dùng cây đập lúa để đập làm hạt rớt vào xuồng. Một số khác rơi xuống đáy sình và nảy mầm vào cuối năm nay.

Một số nền văn hóa người Mỹ bản địa, chẳng hạn như Ojibwa, coi lúa hoang dã là một thành phần thiêng liêng trong văn hóa của họ.Minnesota Public Radio (ngày 22 tháng 9 năm 2002). “MPR: Wild rice at the center of a cultural dispute.”.

Bởi vì giá trị dinh dưỡng và hương vị của nó, lúa hoang dã đã phổ biến trong những năm cuối thế kỷ 20, việc canh tác thương mại đã bắt đầu tại Hoa Kỳ và Canada để cung cấp cho nhu cầu đang tăng lên. Năm 1950, James và Gerald Godward bắt đầu thử nghiệm với lúa hoang ở một đồng cỏ phía bắc của Brainerd, Minnesota. Họ xây dựng các tuyến đê xung quanh mẫu, đào mương thoát nước, và điều khiển lưu lượng nước. Vào mùa thu, họ cày cấy đất và vào mùa xuân năm 1951, họ mua giống hoang dã từ vườn ươm, họ phân tán các hạt lên trên khắp mặt ruộng. Nhiều điều bất ngờ xảy ra, kể từ khi họ biết điều chỉnh nhu cầu nước của lúa hoang dã để phát triển tốt hơn, hạt giống nảy mầm cao và sản xuất cây trồng. Họ tiếp tục thử nghiệm với lúa hoang dã suốt những năm 1950 và là người đầu tiên chính thức tu dưỡng cây trồng trước đó là loài hoang dã.

Tại Mỹ, các nơi sản xuất chính là CaliforniaMinnesota (nơi nó là ngũ cốc Hoa Kỳ) chính thức và nó chủ yếu được trồng ở ruộng. Tại Canada, nó thường được thu hoạch từ vùng nước tự nhiên; các nơi sản xuất lớn nhất là Saskatchewan. lúa hoang dã cũng được sản xuất ở HungaryÚc. Tại Hungary, bắt đầu trồng vào năm 1974 trên các lĩnh vực gạo của Szarvas. Ấn Độ Rice Ltd được thành lập vào năm 1990. Ngày nay, lúa hoang dã ở Hungary được trồng và chế biến bởi công ty này. Ở Úc, sản xuất được kiểm soát bởi Ricewild Pty Ltd tại Deniliquin. Ở miền Nam bang New South Wales.

Lúa hoang dã Mãn Châu (tiếng Trung: ; bính âm: Gu) được thu thập từ tự nhiên, đã từng là một ngũ cốc quan trọng ở Trung Quốc cổ đại.[2]:165 Hiện nay lúa hoang dã là loài rất hiếm trong tự nhiên, nó đã hoàn toàn biến mất ở Trung Quốc, mặc dù vẫn tiếp tục trồng những loài có nguồn gốc từ nó.[2]:165

Lúa hoang dã trước và sau khi mất vỏ

Dinh dưỡng và an toàn

Thông thường được bán như một loại ngũ cốc khô, trong lúa hoang dã chứa nhiều protein, các amino axit lysine, và ít chất béo. Chỉ số dinh dưỡng của lúa hoang dã chỉ đứng sau yến mạch, có hàm lượng protein 100 calo.

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă Kellogg, Elizabeth A. (ngày 30 tháng 1 năm 2009). “The Evolutionary History of Ehrhartoideae, Oryzeae, and Oryza. Rice 2 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1007/s12284-009-9022-2. Truy cập ngày 6 tháng 7 năm 2013.
  2. ^ a ă â Simoons, Frederick J. (1991). Food in China: a cultural and historical inquiry. CRC Press. tr. 559. ISBN 978-0-8493-8804-0.
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Lúa hoang dã: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI
Đối với các hình thức khác của lúa hoang dã, xem lúa gạo.

Lúa hoang dã (Tiếng Ojibwe: manoomin, cũng được gọi là lúa Canada, lúa Ấn Độ hoặc yến mạch nước) thuộc Bộ Hòa thảo chi Zizania. Hạt được thu hoạch và ăn trong lịch sử cả Bắc MỹTrung Quốc. Hiện nay đây là một trong các món ăn ở Bắc Mỹ, nó được ăn ít hơn ở Trung Quốc,:165 trong đó gốc của cây được sử dụng như một loại rau.

Lúa hoang dã không liên quan trực tiếp đến lúa gạo ở Châu Á (Oryza sativa), mà tổ tiên hoang dã O. rufipogonO. nivara, mặc dù có họ hàng gần gũi với bộ lúa. Hột lúa hoang dã có vỏ ngoài dai với phần hột bên trong có vị hơi thực vật.

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Цицания ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
Сбор водяного риса индейскими женщинами в XIX веке.

Хотя цицания техасская (Zizania texana) не нашла пищевого применения, плоды цицании водной (Zizania aquatica) и особенно цицании болотной (Zizania palustris) используются в качестве крупы. Для коренного населения Америки водяной рис составлял важную часть рациона. И сейчас народ оджибве собирает его. Сбор урожая осуществляется по воде. Кроме того, водяной рис поставлялся в Европу как «индейский рис» или «дикий рис». И сейчас он употребляется в Европе и Америке благодаря необычному вкусу и является деликатесом, поскольку более сложная технология сборки делает его дороже остальных круп.

Маньчжурский водный рис выращивался на севере Китая ещё в X веке. В диком виде он встречается почти исключительно в Новой Зеландии, где быстро распространился, будучи завезён случайно. Китайцы употребляют в пищу не столько зёрна дикого риса, сколько хрустящие белые побеги, по виду напоминающие лук-порей.

Водяной рис
Пищевая ценность на 100 г продукта
Энергетическая ценность 101 ккал 423 кДж Вода73,93 гБелки3,99 гЖиры0,34 гУглеводы21,34 г— сахара́ 0,73 г

Источник: USDA Nutrient database

Список видов


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菰属 ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科
Confusion grey.svg 提示:本条目的主题不是
模式種 水生菰
Zizania aquatica
L., 1753 物種

菰属学名Zizania)是禾本科水生草本植物,共有4种。其中3种分布于北美洲亚洲只有一种,即Z. latifolia)。其子呈黑色,可食用。

英语称其子为 "wild rice",即“野米”。不过它与大米只是远亲关系。比起在中国,在西方国家其子被更经常食用。




菰在古代中國曾被食用,茭米为九谷或六谷之一,在菰茎中寄生的菰黑粉菌Ustilago esculenta)会刺激薄壁组织的生长,使幼嫩茎部膨大,成为茭白(又名茭瓜、茭白筍),是中国南方常见的一种蔬菜

自古以來奧吉比瓦族印第安人也主要以沼生菰Z. palustris)為食。


  1. ^ USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: 存档副本. [2014-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). (05 March 2014)


 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:菰属  src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:菰属 规范控制
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菰属: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

菰属(学名:Zizania)是禾本科水生草本植物,共有4种。其中3种分布于北美洲亚洲只有一种,即(Z. latifolia)。其子呈黑色,可食用。

英语称其子为 "wild rice",即“野米”。不过它与大米只是远亲关系。比起在中国,在西方国家其子被更经常食用。

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줄속 ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

줄속(-屬, 학명: Zizania 지자니아[*])은 벼과이다.[3] 4으로 이루어진 작은 속이며, 그 중 한국을 비롯한 동아시아에, 나머지 3종은 미국을 비롯한 북아메리카에 분포한다. 텍사스줄여러해살이이며 서던줄노던줄한해살이이다.

하위 종

  • 노던줄(Z. palustris L.)
  • 서던줄(Z. aquatica L.)
    • Z. aquatica var. interior Fassett)
  • (Z. latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf)
  • 텍사스줄(Z. texana Hitchc.)


  1. Green, Thomas. Nomenclature: Proposals by British Botanists 188. 1929
  2. Hitchcock, Albert Spear. The genera of grasses of the United States. United States Department of Agriculture: Bulletin 772: 209. 1920.
  3. Linnaeus, Carl von. Species Plantarum 2: 991. 1753.
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