
Morphology ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Myers, P. 2001. "Tragulidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragulidae.html
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Myers, P. 2001. "Tragulidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragulidae.html
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Myers, P. 2001. "Tragulidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tragulidae.html
Phil Myers, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Animal Diversity Web

Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由EOL authors提供

The family Tragulidae (mouse deer or chevrotains) is one of a number of families in the mammal order Artiodactyla (the even-toed ungulates). Tragulidae is the sole family in the artiodactyl infraorder Tragulina, a lineage that diverged from the other artiodactyl ruminants early in their evolution. Meijaard (2011) recognized 10 species of tragulids, placed in three genera (Moschiola, Tragulus, and Hyemoschus). Tragulids are small, secretive ungulates now found only in the tropical forests of Africa, India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. The African Water Chevrotain (Hyemoschus aquaticus) is the only tragulid found outside Asia. Two of the three Moschiola species are endemic to Sri Lanka.

Tragulids resemble small, hornless deer with small heads, tapered snouts, slender legs, and stocky bodies. They have large eyes, slit-like nostrils, and medium-sized rounded ears covered with a thin layer of hair. Their backs are rounded and rise toward the rear. This body shape helps them move through dense forest undergrowth. In all tragulid species, the darker base colors contrast with patterns of white and brown spots and stripes on the neck, throat, chest, sides, and underbelly, giving the animal a speckled appearance that provides camouflage in the sun-speckled undergrowth of the dense tropical and subtropical forests in which they live. To escape predators, at least some tragulids take to water.

Tragulids lack antlers, but males sometimes use their enlarged, curved upper canines for fighting with each other over females. Tragulids are mainly solitary, usually interacting only to mate. Unlike most other artiodactyls, tragulids apparently cannot rise on their hind legs. Tragulids have a mainly plant-based diet and, unusually for artiodactyls, at least some species are largely frugivorous.

Only one tragulid species, Balabac Chevrotain (Tragulus nigricans), is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Some other species, however, have very limited distributions(e.g., Silver-backed Chevrotain [T. versicolor] in Vietnam, Northern Chevrotain [T. williamsoni] in northern Thailand (and possibly Laos) and southern China, and the Sri Lankan Moschiola species. Javan Chevrotain (T. javanicus) has lost much of its former lowland habitat and may now have a very restricted range.

Many tragulids are hunted for their meat, usually with traps or dogs.

(Meijaard 2011 and references therein)

Leo Shapiro
EOL authors

Maralçalar ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Maralçalar (lat. Tragulidae) gövşəyənlər dəstəsinə aid heyvan fəsiləsi.



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Maralçalar: Brief Summary ( 亞塞拜然語 )

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Maralçalar (lat. Tragulidae) gövşəyənlər dəstəsinə aid heyvan fəsiləsi.

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Tragulidae ( 布列塔尼語 )

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Tragulidae: Brief Summary ( 布列塔尼語 )

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lang="br" dir="ltr">

Tragulidae a zo ur c'herentiad e rummatadur ar bronneged. Ennañ 'z eus daskirierien bihan hag a vev en Afrika pe en Azia.

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Tragúlids ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

Els tragúlids (Tragulidae) són una família de petits mamífers artiodàctils que actualment només es troben als boscs tropicals d'Àfrica, l'Índia, Sri Lanka i el sud-est d'Àsia. Són els únics membres vivents de l'infraordre Tragulina.

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Kančilovití ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Kančilovití (Tragulidae) je čeleď drobných přežvýkavců, žijící v tropických pralesích Afriky a Asie. Někteří z nich patří mezi nejmenší žijící sudokopytníky. Kančilové představují starobylou skupinu přežvýkavců s příbuzenskými vazbami na velbloudy i jelenovité. Jejich fosilní pozůstatky, velmi podobné dnešním druhům, se dochovaly již ze spodního oligocénu.

Název, mýty a legendy

Slovo kančil je malajského původu. Nemá tedy nic společného s kancem (jak se někdy mylně soudí, snad kvůli výrazným špičákům). Sinhálský název kančila meminna znamená v překladu "myší jelen". Toto slovo bylo použito ve vědeckém názvu kančila indického (Moschila meminna) a jeho překladem vzniklo anglické jméno kančila mouse deer. Kančil je v jihovýchodní Asii velmi populární tvor. Hraje důležitou roli v malajských a jávských bajkách, kde je symbolem chytrosti a mazanosti, podobně jako v Ezopových bajkách liška. Kančil indický vystupuje v Kiplingových Knihách džunglí, konkrétně v povídce Puránbhagatův zázrak, a to pod jménem Mušik nábha.


Kančilové žijí v deštných pralesích, bažinatých oblastech a v okolí vodních ploch, někteří se přizpůsobili životu v zemědělské krajině a navštěvují i plantáže a zahrady. Jeden druh, kančil vodní, obývá západní a střední Afriku, ostatní se vyskytují v jižní a jihovýchodní Asii, od Indie a jižní Číny po ostrovy Indonésie.

Vzhled a morfologie

Kančilové jsou malí kopytníci, dorůstající hmotnosti 2–12 kg a výšky v kohoutku 30–50 cm. Pro kančily je typické poměrně zavalité tělo na tenkých končetinách, klínovitá hlava se zašpičatělým čenichem a nápadně velkýma očima. Zadní končetiny mají delší a silnější než přední, což jim umožňuje dobře skákat. Kančilové mají obvykle hnědé zbarvení, často se světlou kresbou v podobě skvrn, pruhů či bílé náprsenky. Kančilové mají mnoho primitivních znaků, V jejich chrupu je 34 zubů, horní řezáky chybí, ale horní špičáky jsou dlouhé, u samců, vyčnívají i ze zavřené tlamy. Na rozdíl od ostatních přežvýkavců mají kančilové jen dva předžaludky, chybí jim kniha, naproti tomu žlučník je dobře vyvinutý. Na bradě a v blízkosti řitního otvoru mají pachové žlázy, jejichž výměšky si značkují teritorium.

Způsob života

Kančilové jsou skrytě žijící zvířata, nejraději se zdržují v husté vegetaci, často v blízkosti vody. Mají noční aktivitu. Den přespávají pod kořeny stromů, v norách a skalních rozsedlinách. Žijí samotářsky nebo v páru a zdržují se na nevelkém teritoriu, které obhajují před ostatními kančily. Hranice teritoria označují výměškem pachových žláz. Kančilové jsou velmi čistotní a svou hladkou, lesklou srst si čistí lízáním, podobně jako kočky.


Všichni kančilové jsou býložraví, živí se především zelenými částmi rostlin, ořechy a semeny, ale vyhrabávají také kořeny a hlízy. Trus v podobě drobných bobků odkládají na jedno místo, tzv. "záchodek".


Kančilové se rozmnožují po celý rok, nemají pevnou dobu říje. Délka březosti se pohybuje od 4 do 8 měsíců, nejdelší je u kančila vodního, který se rozmnožuje jednou ročně, asijské druhy většinou dvakrát ročně. Samice má čtyři struky, rodí však pouze 1-2 mláďata, která kojí asi 3 měsíce. Mláďata rychle rostou a dospívají již ve věku půl roku. Mohou se dožít až 12 let.

Ochrana před predátory

Kančily pronásleduje mnoho predátorů. Loví je kočkovité i psovité šelmy, krajty, velké druhy orlů i lidé. Afričtí i asijští domorodci kančily loví se psy nebo chytají do ok pro chutné maso. V Indonésii se používají jeho nohy k nacpávání dýmek. Přes toto pronásledování není žádný druh kančila ohrožen vyhynutím. Chyceného kančila, zvláště mládě, je možné ochočit. Lidé je v Asii rádi chovají jako domácí mazlíčky nebo živou hračku pro děti. Kančilové dokáží nepřátelům obratně unikat. Zatímco africký kančil vodní prchá před predátory do vody, kde se dovede i potápět, asijské druhy rodu Tragulus často v ohrožení znehybní, předstírají smrt, ale těsně před predátorem vyskočí a snaží se utéct nebo schovat. Tímto způsobem dokáží zmást i loveckého psa.


  • Kančil vodní (Hyomoschus aquaticus) - Největší druh, dorůstající hmotnosti 12 kg, výšky v kohoutku až 50 cm a délky těla 80 cm, samice je březí 8 měsíců. Vyskytuje se v afrických pralesích od Libérie po Kongo, obvykle v blízkosti vody. Dobře plave a dokáže se i potápět. Zbarvení je rezavé s nápadnými pruhy a skvrnami.
  • Kančil filipínský (Tragulus nigricans, The Philippine mouse-deer), známý také jako kančil balabacký je nejmenší ze všech kančilů, dorůstající průměrné výšky 18 cm a délky 40-50 cm. Jedná se o endemické zvíře žijící na ostrově Balabac a blízkých ostrůvcích (Bugsuc a Ramos) na jihozápad od ostrova Palawan na Filipínách.
  • Kančil indický (Moschiola meminna) - Středně velký, dorůstá hmotnosti 5–7 kg, výšky v kohoutku 35_40 cm, délky 60 cm. Žije v travnatých oblastech a pralesích Přední Indie a Srí Lanky. Zbarvení je světle hnědé s drobnými skvrnami a bílou náprsenkou. Jeho 2-3 poddruhy se někdy klasifikují jako samostatné druhy.
  • Kančil větší (Tragulus napu). Stejně velký jako k. indický, ale štíhlejší a lehčí, vyskytuje se v jižní Číně (Jün-nan), ve Vietnamu, zadní Indii a na Malajském poloostrově. Zbarvení je žlutohnědé s bílou náprsenkou, rozdělenou uprostřed hnědým páskem. Jeho 3 poddruhy se někdy klasifikují jako samostatné druhy, na základě rozdílů v počtu chromozomů.
  • Kančil menší (T. javanicus). dorůstá jen do hmotnosti 2–3 kg, výšky 30 cm a délky těla 45 cm, což je asi velikost králíka. Je zbarvený hnědě, bílá náprsenka je větší než u předchozího druhu a zasahuje až na bradu. Žije v jižním Thajsku, na Malajském poloostrově a na Sundských ostrovech. Někdy se rozděluje na dva samostatné druhy a jako kančil menší se označuje pouze pevninský poddruh (T. javanickus kanchil), zatímco ostrovní poddruh (T. javanickus javanicus) je označován jako kančil jávský.

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Kančilovití: Brief Summary ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Kančilovití (Tragulidae) je čeleď drobných přežvýkavců, žijící v tropických pralesích Afriky a Asie. Někteří z nich patří mezi nejmenší žijící sudokopytníky. Kančilové představují starobylou skupinu přežvýkavců s příbuzenskými vazbami na velbloudy i jelenovité. Jejich fosilní pozůstatky, velmi podobné dnešním druhům, se dochovaly již ze spodního oligocénu.

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Dværghjorte ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供

Dværgjorte (Tragulidae) er en familie af firemavedrøvtyggere i ordenen Parrettåede hovdyr (Artiodactyla).

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Hirschferkel ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Hirschferkel oder Zwergböckchen (Tragulidae) sind eine Familie der Paarhufer mit wenigen Arten in den Tropen Afrikas und Asiens. Sie sind kaum größer als Hasen und bilden stammesgeschichtlich die urtümlichste Gruppe der Wiederkäuer.


Die Körperlänge der Hirschferkel liegt zwischen 40 und 85 cm, das Gewicht zwischen 2 und 12 kg, sie sind damit die kleinsten lebenden Paarhufer. Sie haben keine Stirnwaffen, also weder Hörner noch ein Geweih, dafür sind die Eckzähne, insbesondere bei den Männchen, vergrößert und ragen stoßzahnartig aus dem Maul. Der Körperbau ist rundlich; im Gegensatz dazu sind die Beine sehr dünn und wirken zerbrechlich. Ihre Fellfärbung variiert von orangebraun bis grau und ist an der Unterseite heller, meist weißlich. In den Gattungen Hyemoschus und Moschiola haben die Tiere streifenförmig angeordnete weiße Flecken an den Flanken.

Der kleine Kopf ist durch die zugespitzte Schnauze und die relativ großen Augen charakterisiert. Die Zahnformel dieser Tiere lautet 0/3-1/1-3/3-3/3, insgesamt also 34 Zähne. Wie bei vielen anderen Paarhufern fehlen die oberen Schneidezähne, die unteren Eckzähne ähneln den Schneidezähnen.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Eine Art, das Afrikanische Hirschferkel, ist im zentralen Teil Afrikas verbreitet, die übrigen Arten, die Kantschile, leben in Süd- und Südostasien von Indien bis Indonesien. Ihr Lebensraum sind meist mit dichtem Unterholz bestandene Wälder, vorwiegend Regenwälder, meist in der Nähe von Gewässern.


Alle Hirschferkel sind dämmerungs- und nachtaktiv. Sie sind sehr scheue und zurückgezogen lebende Tiere, die man kaum zu Gesicht bekommt. Es sind territoriale Tiere, die ihr Revier mit Urin, Kot oder dem Sekret einer Drüse am Unterkiefer markieren. Sie leben entweder einzelgängerisch oder in monogamen Paaren. Reviere einzeln lebender Tiere unterschiedlichen Geschlechts können sich leicht überlappen. Außerhalb der Paarungszeit respektieren gleichgeschlechtliche Artgenossen die Grenzen, nur im Zusammenhang mit der Fortpflanzung tragen Männchen kurze Kämpfe aus, bei denen sie aufeinander zurennen und sich mit ihren Eckzähnen beißen.


Kleinkantschil im Zoo von Bristol

Hirschferkel sind überwiegend Pflanzenfresser, sind aber in der Nahrung nicht sonderlich spezialisiert: so verzehren sie Blätter, Gräser, Knospen und zu Boden gefallene Früchte. Tierische Kost (zum Beispiel Insekten, Fische und Aas) macht einen kleinen Teil ihrer Nahrung aus.

Wie alle Wiederkäuer besitzen sie einen mehrkammerigen Magen.


Eine Besonderheit, die zumindest bei zwei Arten beobachtet wurde, ist, dass sich die Weibchen oft nur wenige Stunden nach der Geburt erneut paaren und so nahezu ihr ganzes Erwachsenenleben trächtig verbringen können. Die Tragzeit beträgt rund fünf bis sieben Monate, die Wurfgröße meist eins (selten zwei). Die Jungtiere sind Nestflüchter und werden innerhalb weniger Monate geschlechtsreif.


Innere Systematik der Tragulidae nach Sarvani et al. 2018[1]




Dorcatherium, ein Hirschferkel aus dem Miozän, Zeichnung von Heinrich Harder

Phylogenetisch stehen die Hirschferkel an der Basis der Wiederkäuer und bilden das Schwestertaxon aller übrigen Vertreter dieser Gruppe, die als Pecora (Stirnwaffenträger) zusammengefasst werden. (Siehe auch Systematik der Paarhufer.)

Die frühesten Funde von Vorfahren der Hirschferkel gehen auf das späte Oligozän und das frühe Miozän zurück. In jener Epoche hatte diese relativ urtümliche Gruppe auch ihre weiteste Verbreitung; sie ist aus Europa, Asien und Afrika bekannt. Seitdem sind ihre Vertreter nahezu unverändert geblieben.

Folgende Arten sind bekannt:

Die asiatischen Hirschferkel werden auch als Kantschile bezeichnet. Einige phylogenetische Analysen, basierend auf anatomischen Merkmalen, wiesen sie als monophyletische Gruppe aus, denen das Afrikanische Hirschferkel als Schwesterform gegenüberstand.[3] Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen aus dem Jahr 2018 zeigen auf, dass die Vertreter der Gattung Tragulus dem Afrikanischen Hirschferkel näher stehen als den Fleckenkantschilen.[1]


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker’s Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.
  • David W. McDonald (Hrsg.): The Encyclopedia of Mammals. Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-19-956799-7, S. 722–723. (engl.)


  1. a b Rama K. Sarvani, Drashti R. Parmar, Wajeeda Tabasum, Neelima Thota, Ara Sreenivas und Ajay Gaur: Characterization of the complete mitogenome of Indian Mouse Deer, Moschiola indica(Artiodactyla: Tragulidae) and its evolutionary signifcance. Scientific Reports 8, 2018, S. 2697 doi:10.1038/s41598-018-20946-5
  2. An Nguyen, Van Bang Tran, Duc Minh Hoang, Thi Anh Minh Nguyen, Dinh Thang Nguyen, Van Tiep Tran, Barney Long, Erik Meijaard, Jeff Holland, Andreas Wilting und Andrew Tilker: Camera-trap evidence that the silver-backed chevrotain Tragulus versicolor remains in the wild in Vietnam. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2019, doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1027-7
  3. Manuel Hernández Fernández und Elisabeth S. Vrba: A complete estimate of the phylogenetic relationships in Ruminantia: a dated species-level supertree of the extant ruminants. Biological Reviews 80, 2005, S. 269–302
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Hirschferkel: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Hirschferkel oder Zwergböckchen (Tragulidae) sind eine Familie der Paarhufer mit wenigen Arten in den Tropen Afrikas und Asiens. Sie sind kaum größer als Hasen und bilden stammesgeschichtlich die urtümlichste Gruppe der Wiederkäuer.

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Bugʻuchalar ( 烏茲別克語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

BUGʻUCHALAR, kanchillar (Tragulidae) — juft tuyoqlilar turkumiga mansub sut emizuvchilar oilasi. Afrika B. i (Hyemoschus) va Osiyo B. i yoki kanchillari (Tragulus) degan ikkita uruqqa boʻlinadi. Afrika B.ining faqat bitta turi (N. aquaticus) bor. U Afrikaning tropik oʻrmonlarida yashaydi. Osiyo B.i yoki kanchillarning Jan. va Jan.Sharqiy Osiyoda tarqalgan 3 turi bor. B.ning tuzilishi bugʻuga oʻxshaydi, lekin undan kichik boʻladi. Kattaligi quyondek keladi. Shoxi boʻlmaydi, oyoqlarida toʻrttadan barmoqlar bor. B.ning eng mashhuri Yava bugʻuchasi yoki kanchilidir (T. javanicus). Uning boʻyi 40 sm, dumi 4 sm cha. Oʻzi juda chiroyli. Bosh tomoni och jigarrang , bikini sariq, yelkasi qoramtir. Erkagining tishi 3 sm tashqariga chiqib turadi. Oʻrmon va butazorlarda yashaydi. U tungi hayvon. Oʻsimlik va mevalar bilan oziqlanadi, 2 ta bola tugʻadi. Goʻshti yumshoq va mazali.


  • OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil

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Bugʻuchalar: Brief Summary ( 烏茲別克語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

BUGʻUCHALAR, kanchillar (Tragulidae) — juft tuyoqlilar turkumiga mansub sut emizuvchilar oilasi. Afrika B. i (Hyemoschus) va Osiyo B. i yoki kanchillari (Tragulus) degan ikkita uruqqa boʻlinadi. Afrika B.ining faqat bitta turi (N. aquaticus) bor. U Afrikaning tropik oʻrmonlarida yashaydi. Osiyo B.i yoki kanchillarning Jan. va Jan.Sharqiy Osiyoda tarqalgan 3 turi bor. B.ning tuzilishi bugʻuga oʻxshaydi, lekin undan kichik boʻladi. Kattaligi quyondek keladi. Shoxi boʻlmaydi, oyoqlarida toʻrttadan barmoqlar bor. B.ning eng mashhuri Yava bugʻuchasi yoki kanchilidir (T. javanicus). Uning boʻyi 40 sm, dumi 4 sm cha. Oʻzi juda chiroyli. Bosh tomoni och jigarrang , bikini sariq, yelkasi qoramtir. Erkagining tishi 3 sm tashqariga chiqib turadi. Oʻrmon va butazorlarda yashaydi. U tungi hayvon. Oʻsimlik va mevalar bilan oziqlanadi, 2 ta bola tugʻadi. Goʻshti yumshoq va mazali.

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Kancil ( 爪哇語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Chevrotains, utawa kancil (Basa Inggris:mouse deer), iku sawijining kéwan ungulata cilik anggota kulawarga Tragulidae, lan siji-sijiné anggota sub kulawarga Tragulina. Kéwan iki kalebu jinis kéwan solitèr utawa urip karo pasangané, lan pakané saka tetuwuhan. Ana sepuluh jinis spésies:

Indian Spotted Chevrotain
Tragulus sp.

Chevrotains kuna

Painting of Dorcatherium.

Ana 6 genera chevrotains sing wis cures, kalebu:

The Hypertragulidae were closely related to the Tragulidae.


  1. E. Thenius 1950. Über die Sichtung und Bearbeitung der jungtertiären Säugetierreste aus dem Hausruck und Kobernaußerwald (O.Ö.) in Verh. Geol. B.-A. 51/2, pp 56
  2. Israèl M. Sánchez; Victoria Quiralte; Jorge Morales; Martin Pickford (2010). "A new genus of tragulid ruminant saka the early Miocene of Kenya". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (2): 177–187. Pranala njaba ing |title= (pitulung)
  3. Métais, G., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger, J.-J. & Ducrocq S. 2001. New remains of primitive ruminants saka Thailand: evidence of the early evolution of the Ruminantia in Asia. Zoologica Scripta. 30, 231-248. http://www.thaiscience.info/Article%20for%20ThaiScience/Article/5/Ts-5%20new%20remains%20of%20primitive%20ruminants%20saka%20thailand%20evidence%20of%20the%20early%20evolution%20of%20the%20ruminantia%20in%20asia.pdf


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Kancil: Brief Summary ( 爪哇語 )

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Chevrotains, utawa kancil (Basa Inggris:mouse deer), iku sawijining kéwan ungulata cilik anggota kulawarga Tragulidae, lan siji-sijiné anggota sub kulawarga Tragulina. Kéwan iki kalebu jinis kéwan solitèr utawa urip karo pasangané, lan pakané saka tetuwuhan. Ana sepuluh jinis spésies:

 src= Indian Spotted Chevrotain  src= Tragulus sp. SUBORDER RUMINANTIA Family Tragulidae Genus Hyemoschus Water Chevrotain, Hyemoschus aquaticus Genus Moschiola Indian Spotted Chevrotain, Moschiola indica Sri Lankan Spotted Chevrotain, Moschiola meminna Yellow-striped Chevrotain, Moschiola kathygre Genus Tragulus Java Mouse-deer, Tragulus javanicus Lesser Mouse-deer utawa Kanchil, Tragulus kanchil Greater Mouse-deer, Tragulus napu Philippine Mouse-deer, Tragulus nigricans Vietnam Mouse-deer, Tragulus versicolor Williamson's Mouse-deer, Tragulus williamsoni Family Moschidae: musk deer Family Cervidae: deer Family Giraffidae: giraffe and okapi Family Antilocapridae: pronghorn Family Bovidae: cattle, goats, sheep, and antelope
Penulis lan editor Wikipedia
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Paa-chonge ( 斯瓦希里語 )

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Paa-chonge ni wanyama wadogo wa familia Tragulidae katika oda Artiodactyla. Spishi kadhaa za paa-chonge ni wanyama wadogo kabisa miongoni mwa oda hii. Wapewa jina lao kwa sababu wana chonge zilizorefuka. Zile za madume ni ndefu sana na zinachomoza nje kutoka kila upande wa utaya wa juu na hutumika wakati wa mapigano. Paa-chonge hawana pembe lakini wana miguu mifupi na myembamba yenye vidole vinne. Manyoya yao yana rangi ya kahawa au kahawianyekundu na tumbo ni jeupe. Wana michirizi na madoa meupe au njano isipokuwa spishi za jenasi Tragulus. Spishi moja inatokea misitu ya mvua ya Afrika lakini spishi nyingine zinatokea misitu ya Asia ya Kusini na ya Kusini-Mashariki. Hula nyasi na majani, lakini paa-chonge wa Afrika hula wadudu, kaa na mizoga ya wanyama na samaki pia.

Spishi ya Afrika

Spishi za Asia


Crystal Clear app babelfish vector.svg Makala hii kuhusu mnyama fulani bado ni mbegu.
Je, unajua kitu kuhusu Paa-chonge kama uainishaji wake wa kibiolojia, maisha au uenezi wake?
Labda unaona habari katika Wikipedia ya Kiingereza au lugha nyingine zinazofaa kutafsiriwa?
Basi unaweza kuisaidia Wikipedia kwa kuihariri na kuongeza habari. WikiLettreMini.svg Makala hii kuhusu "Paa-chonge" inatumia neno (au maneno) ambalo si kawaida na matumizi yake ni jaribio la kutafsiri neno (au maneno) la asili fanged deer kutoka lugha ya Kiingereza. Neno (au maneno) la jaribio ni paa-chonge.
Wasomaji wanaombwa kuchangia mawazo yao kwenye ukurasa wa majadiliano ya makala.

Kamusi za Kiswahili ama zinatofautiana kuhusu matumizi ya neno hili au hazieleweki au hazina neno kwa jambo linalojadiliwa.

Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
wikipedia emerging languages

Paa-chonge: Brief Summary ( 斯瓦希里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Paa-chonge ni wanyama wadogo wa familia Tragulidae katika oda Artiodactyla. Spishi kadhaa za paa-chonge ni wanyama wadogo kabisa miongoni mwa oda hii. Wapewa jina lao kwa sababu wana chonge zilizorefuka. Zile za madume ni ndefu sana na zinachomoza nje kutoka kila upande wa utaya wa juu na hutumika wakati wa mapigano. Paa-chonge hawana pembe lakini wana miguu mifupi na myembamba yenye vidole vinne. Manyoya yao yana rangi ya kahawa au kahawianyekundu na tumbo ni jeupe. Wana michirizi na madoa meupe au njano isipokuwa spishi za jenasi Tragulus. Spishi moja inatokea misitu ya mvua ya Afrika lakini spishi nyingine zinatokea misitu ya Asia ya Kusini na ya Kusini-Mashariki. Hula nyasi na majani, lakini paa-chonge wa Afrika hula wadudu, kaa na mizoga ya wanyama na samaki pia.

Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
wikipedia emerging languages

Sweraghirsker ( 北菲士蘭語 )

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Amrum.pngTekst üüb Öömrang

Sweraghirsker (Tragulidae) san en famile faan paartuanet klooksdiarten mä en hunfol slacher uun Afrikoo an Aasien. Jo san knaap grater üs haasen. Jo san det iansagst famile mad a kwetjkauern saner hurner.

Sköölen an slacher

  • Hyemoschus (Afrikoo)
    H. aquaticus
  • Moschiola (Indien)
    M. indica
    M. kathygre
    M. meminna
  • Tragulus (Süüduastaasien)
    T. javanicus
    T. kanchil
    T. napu
    T. nigricans
    T. versicolor
    T. williamsoni

Wikipedia authors and editors
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Sweraghirsker: Brief Summary ( 北菲士蘭語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Sweraghirsker (Tragulidae) san en famile faan paartuanet klooksdiarten mä en hunfol slacher uun Afrikoo an Aasien. Jo san knaap grater üs haasen. Jo san det iansagst famile mad a kwetjkauern saner hurner.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Tragulidae ( 因特語(國際輔助語言協會) )

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Tragulidae es un familia de Ruminantia, artiodactylos.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

சருகுமான் ( 坦米爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

சருகுமான் (Mouse Deer) என்பது சிறிய, குளம்புள்ள உயிரினம் ஆகும். இவை தென், தென்கிழக்கு ஆசியாவில் உள்ள காடுகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன. இவற்றின் கிளையினம் ஒன்று மத்திய, மேற்கு ஆப்பிரிக்காவின் மழைக்காடுகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன. [1] இவை தனித்தோ அல்லது இணைகளாகவோ வாழ்கின்றன இவை தாவர பொருள்களான புற்களையும், இலைகளையும் உணவுவாக கொள்கின்றன.[1] இவைற்றில் ஆசிய இனங்கள் 0.7 - 8.0 கிலோகிராமுக்கு (1.5 - 17.6 இறாத்தலுக்கு) இடைப்பட்ட எடையும் உள்ளவை இவை உலகின் மிகச்சிறிய குளம்புள்ள உயிரினமாகும். [1] ஆப்பிரிக்க சருகுமான் 7-16 கிலோகிராம் (15-35 இறாத்தல்) எடையுள்ளவை பிற சருகுமான் இனத்தைவிட இவை பெரியதாகும். [2]

சருகுமான்கள் மிகச்சிறிய உருவம் கொண்டவை. இவற்றுக்கு கொம்புகள் இல்லை, சிறியவால் உண்டு. நிறம் சைத்தூன் பழுப்பாகவும், உடலின் மேற்புறம் மஞ்சள் தூவியது போலவும், அடிப்பகுதி வெண்மையாகவும் காணப்படும். ஆண் சருகுமானுக்கு கோரைப்பற்கள் உண்டு இவை ஒரு சோடி தந்தம் போல நீண்டு காணப்படும். இவை இலங்கை, தென்னிந்தியா, மத்தியப் பிரதேசம், ஒரிசா, பீகார் மாநில காட்டுப் பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன.


சருகுமான்களில் நான்கு இனங்களே இருப்பதாக முன்னர் அறியப்பட்டது.[1] 2004 ஆம் ஆண்டு T. nigricans, T. versicolor என்பன முறையே நாப்பு சருகுமான் (T. napu), கஞ்சில் சருகுமான் (T. kanchil) ஆகியவற்றிலிருந்தும், வில்லியம்சன் சருகுமான் (T. williamsoni) என்பது சாவகச் சருகுமான் (T. javanicus) இனத்திலிருந்தும் வேறு பிரிக்கப்பட்டன.[3] 2005 ஆம் ஆண்டு இந்தியப் புள்ளிச் சருகுமான் (M. indica), மஞ்சட் கோட்டுச் சருகுமான் (M. kathygre) என்பன இலங்கை புள்ளிச் சருகுமான் அல்லது வெண் புள்ளிச் சருகுமான் (M. meminna) எனப்படும் இனத்திலிருந்து பிரிக்கப்பட்டன.[4] இதனால் இவை பத்து இனங்களாயின.

இந்திய புள்ளிச் சருகுமான்
Tragulus sp.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Nowak, R. M. (eds) (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  2. UltimateUngulate: Hyemoschus aquaticus. Accessed 12 October 2010.
  3. Meijaard, I., and C. P. Groves (2004). A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 63–102.
விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
wikipedia emerging languages

சருகுமான்: Brief Summary ( 坦米爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

சருகுமான் (Mouse Deer) என்பது சிறிய, குளம்புள்ள உயிரினம் ஆகும். இவை தென், தென்கிழக்கு ஆசியாவில் உள்ள காடுகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன. இவற்றின் கிளையினம் ஒன்று மத்திய, மேற்கு ஆப்பிரிக்காவின் மழைக்காடுகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன. இவை தனித்தோ அல்லது இணைகளாகவோ வாழ்கின்றன இவை தாவர பொருள்களான புற்களையும், இலைகளையும் உணவுவாக கொள்கின்றன. இவைற்றில் ஆசிய இனங்கள் 0.7 - 8.0 கிலோகிராமுக்கு (1.5 - 17.6 இறாத்தலுக்கு) இடைப்பட்ட எடையும் உள்ளவை இவை உலகின் மிகச்சிறிய குளம்புள்ள உயிரினமாகும். ஆப்பிரிக்க சருகுமான் 7-16 கிலோகிராம் (15-35 இறாத்தல்) எடையுள்ளவை பிற சருகுமான் இனத்தைவிட இவை பெரியதாகும்.

சருகுமான்கள் மிகச்சிறிய உருவம் கொண்டவை. இவற்றுக்கு கொம்புகள் இல்லை, சிறியவால் உண்டு. நிறம் சைத்தூன் பழுப்பாகவும், உடலின் மேற்புறம் மஞ்சள் தூவியது போலவும், அடிப்பகுதி வெண்மையாகவும் காணப்படும். ஆண் சருகுமானுக்கு கோரைப்பற்கள் உண்டு இவை ஒரு சோடி தந்தம் போல நீண்டு காணப்படும். இவை இலங்கை, தென்னிந்தியா, மத்தியப் பிரதேசம், ஒரிசா, பீகார் மாநில காட்டுப் பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
wikipedia emerging languages

మౌస్‌ డీర్‌ ( 泰盧固語 )

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మౌస్‌ డీర్‌ లేదా చెవ్రోటేన్‌ [1][2][3][4] అనునది ఒక రకమైన బుల్లి జింక. చెవ్రోటేన్‌ అంటే ఫ్రెంచి భాషలో చిన్న మేక అని అర్థం. ఇది గుండ్రని దేహంతో చిన్న చిన్న కాళ్లతో ఉంటుంది.


  • ప్రతికూల వాతావరణ పరిస్థితులు ఉండటంతో వీటి సంఖ్య పూర్తిగా తగ్గిపోయింది.అలానే వదిలేస్తే ఇక వీటి జాడే పూర్తిగా కనుమరుగైపోతుందని శాస్త్రవేత్తలు వీటి పరిరక్షణ కోసం కృషి చేస్తున్నారు.
  • హైదరాబాద్‌లోని నెహ్రూ జంతు ప్రదర్శనశాలలో ఉన్న ఈ రెండు ఆడ జింకల్ని, ఒక మగ జింకను చండీగఢ్‌లోని చట్‌బిర్‌ జంతు ప్రదర్శనశాలకు తీసుకెళ్లారు. దక్షిణ భారతదేశ అడవుల్లాగే ఉండేలా ప్రత్యేక ఏర్పాట్లు చేశారు. వీటి సంఖ్య పెంచడానికి ప్రత్యేక వాతావరణ పరిస్థితులు కల్పించారు. ఎట్టకేలకు ఈ ఒక్కో ఆడ జింక ఒక్కో జింక కూనకు జన్మనిచ్చింది.
  • ఈ జింక రాత్రుల్లో చురుగ్గా ఉంటుంది. ఇది 25 నుంచి 30 సెంటీమీటర్ల పొడవు, మూడు కిలోల బరువుంటుంది.
  • నెమరువేసుకునే జీవుల్లో పొట్టలో మూడు గదులుండే జీవి ఇదొక్కటే.
  • చిన్న చిన్న బొరియల్లో జీవిస్తూ పండ్లూ ఫలాలూ తింటూ బతికేస్తుందిది.


  1. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., సంపాదకులు. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd సంపాదకులు.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Groves, C., and E. Meijaard (2005). Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413–421
  3. Walker, M. (2009-07-07). "Aquatic deer and ancient whales". BBC News. Retrieved 2010-03-26.
  4. {{{assessors}}} (2008). Hyemoschus aquaticus. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Retrieved 12 October 2010.

బయటి లంకెలు

వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు
wikipedia emerging languages

ಬರ್ಕ ( 康納達語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
Mouse-deer Singapore Zoo 2012.JPG

ಬರ್ಕಗಳು ಟ್ರ್ಯಾಗ್ಯುಲಿಡೇ ಕುಟುಂಬದ ಸಣ್ಣ ಗಾತ್ರದ ಗೊರಸುಳ್ಳ ಸಸ್ತನಿಗಳು. ಇದರ ೧೦ ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿವೆ. ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಮತ್ತು ಆಗ್ನೇಯ ಏಷ್ಯಾದ ಕಾಡುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಬರುತ್ತವೆ. ಒಂದೇ ಒಂದು ಪ್ರಜಾತಿ ಮಧ್ಯ ಹಾಗೂ ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಆಫ಼್ರಿಕಾದ ಮಳೆಕಾಡುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಬರುತ್ತದೆ.[೧] ಇವು ಒಂಟಿಜೀವಿಗಳು ಅಥವಾ ಜೋಡಿಯಾಗಿ ಜೀವಿಸುತ್ತವೆ, ಮತ್ತು ಬಹುತೇಕವಾಗಿ ಕೇವಲ ಸಸ್ಯವಸ್ತುವನ್ನು ತಿನ್ನುತ್ತವೆ. ಬರ್ಕಗಳು ವಿಶ್ವದಲ್ಲಿನ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಚಿಕ್ಕ ಗೊರಸುಳ್ಳ ಸಸ್ತನಿಗಳಾಗಿವೆ. ಏಷ್ಯಾದ ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ೦.೭ ಹಾಗೂ ೮ ಕೆ.ಜಿ. ನಡುವೆ ತೂಕ ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಆಫ಼್ರಿಕಾದ ಬರ್ಕವು ಗಣನೀಯವಾಗಿ ದೊಡ್ಡದಾಗಿದೆ (೭-೧೬ ಕೆ.ಜಿ.).


ಇದು ಒಂದು ಪ್ರಾಚೀನ ರೋಮಂಥಕ ರೂಪದ ಉದಾಹರಣೆಯಾಗಿದೆ. ಒರಟಾದ ಸಸ್ಯ ಆಹಾರಗಳನ್ನು ಕಿಣ್ವಿಸಲು ಇವು ನಾಲ್ಕು ಕೋಶಗಳ ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿವೆ, ಆದರೆ ಮೂರನೇ ಕೋಶವು ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ವಿಕಸನವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.


  1. Nowak, R. M. (eds) (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press.
ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ ಲೇಖಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಪಾದಕರು
wikipedia emerging languages

ಬರ್ಕ: Brief Summary ( 康納達語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
Mouse-deer Singapore Zoo 2012.JPG

ಬರ್ಕಗಳು ಟ್ರ್ಯಾಗ್ಯುಲಿಡೇ ಕುಟುಂಬದ ಸಣ್ಣ ಗಾತ್ರದ ಗೊರಸುಳ್ಳ ಸಸ್ತನಿಗಳು. ಇದರ ೧೦ ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿವೆ. ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಮತ್ತು ಆಗ್ನೇಯ ಏಷ್ಯಾದ ಕಾಡುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಬರುತ್ತವೆ. ಒಂದೇ ಒಂದು ಪ್ರಜಾತಿ ಮಧ್ಯ ಹಾಗೂ ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಆಫ಼್ರಿಕಾದ ಮಳೆಕಾಡುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಬರುತ್ತದೆ. ಇವು ಒಂಟಿಜೀವಿಗಳು ಅಥವಾ ಜೋಡಿಯಾಗಿ ಜೀವಿಸುತ್ತವೆ, ಮತ್ತು ಬಹುತೇಕವಾಗಿ ಕೇವಲ ಸಸ್ಯವಸ್ತುವನ್ನು ತಿನ್ನುತ್ತವೆ. ಬರ್ಕಗಳು ವಿಶ್ವದಲ್ಲಿನ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಚಿಕ್ಕ ಗೊರಸುಳ್ಳ ಸಸ್ತನಿಗಳಾಗಿವೆ. ಏಷ್ಯಾದ ಪ್ರಜಾತಿಗಳು ೦.೭ ಹಾಗೂ ೮ ಕೆ.ಜಿ. ನಡುವೆ ತೂಕ ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಆಫ಼್ರಿಕಾದ ಬರ್ಕವು ಗಣನೀಯವಾಗಿ ದೊಡ್ಡದಾಗಿದೆ (೭-೧೬ ಕೆ.ಜಿ.).

ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ ಲೇಖಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಪಾದಕರು
wikipedia emerging languages

Chevrotain ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Chevrotains, or mouse-deer, are diminutive, even-toed ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, and are the only living members of the infraorder Tragulina. The 10 extant species are placed in three genera,[1][2] but several species also are known only from fossils.[3] The extant species are found in forests in South and Southeast Asia; a single species, the water chevrotain, is found in the rainforests of Central and West Africa.[4] They are solitary, or live in loose groupings or pairs, and feed almost exclusively on plant material.[4] Chevrotains are the smallest hoofed mammals in the world. The Asian species weigh between 0.7 and 8.0 kg (1+12 and 17+34 lb), while the African chevrotain is considerably larger, at 7–16 kg (15–35 lb).[5] With an average length of 45 cm (18 in) and an average height of 30 cm (12 in), the Java mouse-deer is the smallest surviving ungulate (hoofed) mammal, as well as the smallest artiodactyl (even-toed ungulate).[6] Despite their common name of "mouse deer", they are actually not true deer at all (Cervidae), but form a unique family of bovids closer in lineage to cattle or antelope.

In November 2019, conservation scientists announced that they had photographed silver-backed chevrotains (Tragulus versicolor) in a Vietnamese forest for the first time since the last confirmed sightings in 1990.[7][8][9]


The word "chevrotain" comes from the Middle French word chevrot (kid or fawn), derived from chèvre (goat).[10]

The single African species is consistently known as "chevrotain".[1][4][11] The names "chevrotain" and "mouse-deer" have been used interchangeably among the Asian species,[4][12][13][14] though recent authorities typically have preferred chevrotain for the species in the genus Moschiola and mouse-deer for the species in the genus Tragulus.[1] Consequently, all species with pale-spotted or -striped upper parts are known as "chevrotain" and without are known as "mouse-deer".

The Telugu name for the Indian spotted chevrotain is jarini pandi, which literally means "a deer and a pig". In Kannada, it is called barka (ಬರ್ಕ), in Malayalam, it is called കൂരമാൻ kūramān, and the Konkani name for it is barinka. The Tamil term is சருகு மான் sarukumāṉ "leaf-pile deer". The Sinhala name meeminna roughly translates to "mouse-like deer". This was used in the scientific name of the Sri Lankan spotted chevrotain, M. meminna.


The family was widespread and successful from the Oligocene (34 million years ago) through the Miocene (about 5 million years ago), but has remained almost unchanged over that time and remains as an example of primitive ruminant form. They have four-chambered stomachs to ferment tough plant foods, but the third chamber is poorly developed. Though most species feed exclusively on plant material, the water chevrotain occasionally takes insects and crabs or scavenges meat and fish.[15] Like other ruminants, they lack upper incisors. They give birth to only a single young.

In other respects, however, they have primitive features, closer to nonruminants such as pigs. All species in the family lack antlers and horns, but both sexes have elongated canine teeth. These are especially prominent in males, where they project out on either side of the lower jaw, and are used in fights.[4] Their legs are short and thin, which leave them lacking in agility, but also helps to maintain a smaller profile to aid in running through the dense foliage of their environments. Other pig-like features include the presence of four toes on each foot, the absence of facial scent glands, premolars with sharp crowns,[16] and the form of their sexual behaviour and copulation.[17][16]

Mating mouse-deer

They are solitary or live in pairs.[4] The young are weaned at three months of age, and reach sexual maturity between 5 and 10 months, depending on species. Parental care is relatively limited. Although they lack the types of scent glands found in most other ruminants, they do possess a chin gland for marking each other as mates or antagonists, and, in the case of the water chevrotain, anal and preputial glands for marking territory. Their territories are relatively small, on the order of 13–24 hectares (32–59 acres), but neighbors generally ignore each other, rather than compete aggressively.[16]

Some of the species show a remarkable affinity with water, often remaining submerged for prolonged periods to evade predators or other unwelcome intrusions. This has also lent support to the idea that whales evolved from water-loving creatures that looked like small deer.[18][19]


Tragulidae's placement within Artiodactyla can be represented in the following cladogram:[20][21][22][23][24]


Tylopoda (camels)Cladogram of Cetacea within Artiodactyla (Camelus bactrianus).png


Suina (pigs)Recherches pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des mammifères (Pl. 80) (white background).jpg

Cetruminantia Ruminantia (ruminants)

Tragulidae (mouse deer)Tragulus napu - 1818-1842 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - (white background).jpg

Pecora (horn bearers)Walia ibex illustration white background.png


Hippopotamidae (hippopotamuses)Voyage en Abyssinie Plate 2 (white background).jpg

Cetacea (whales)Bowhead-Whale1 (16273933365).jpg

Traditionally, only four extant species were recognized in the family Tragulidae.[4] In 2004, T. nigricans and T. versicolor were split from T. napu, and T. kanchil and T. williamsoni were split from T. javanicus.[25] In 2005, M. indica and M. kathygre were split from M. meminna.[2] With these changes, the 10 extant species are:

Indian spotted chevrotain
Tragulus sp.[a]

Ancient chevrotains

Reconstruction of Dorcatherium by Heinrich Harder.

The Hypertragulidae were closely related to the Tragulidae.

The six extinct chevrotain genera[3] include:

The extinct chevrotains might also include[29][30]

See also


  1. ^ Changing taxonomy in the genus Tragulus make exact species identification uncertain, but either T. javanicus or T. kanchil. Note also the contradicting English and scientific names on the sign on the photo.


  1. ^ a b c Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ a b Groves, C.; Meijaard, E. (2005). "Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian chevrotain". The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413–421.
  3. ^ a b Farooq, U.; Khan, M.A.; Akhtar, M.; Khan, A.M. (2008). "Lower dentition of Dorcatherium majus (Tragulidae, Mammalia) in the Lower and Middle Siwaliks (Miocene) of Pakistan" (PDF). Tur. J. Zool. 32: 91–98. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 September 2011.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Nowak, R.M., ed. (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World (6th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  5. ^ "Hyemoschus aquaticus". Ultimate Ungulate. Retrieved 12 October 2010.
  6. ^ Fukuta, K.; Kudo, H; Jalaludin, S. (1996). "Unique pits on the erythrocytes of the lesser mouse-deer, Tragulus javanicus". Journal of Anatomy. 189 (1): 211–213. PMC 1167845. PMID 8771414.
  7. ^ Chappell, Bill (11 November 2019). "Silver-Backed Chevrotain, with Fangs and Hooves, Photographed In Wild for First Time". NPR. NPR.org. Retrieved 12 November 2019.
  8. ^ Nguyen, An (11 November 2019). "Camera-trap evidence that the silver-backed chevrotain Tragulus versicolor remains in the wild in Vietnam". Nature.com. Retrieved 12 November 2019.
  9. ^ "Tiny deer-like animal spotted after 25 years" (Video). CNN. 11 Nov 2019.
  10. ^ "Chevrotain". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 15 December 2019.
  11. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2016). "Hyemoschus aquaticus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T10341A50188841. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T10341A50188841.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  12. ^ Duckworth, J.W.; Timmins, R. (2015). "Moschiola indica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T136585A61979067. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-2.RLTS.T136585A61979067.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  13. ^ Duckworth, J.W.; Timmins, R. (2015). "Moschiola kathygre". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T136799A61979620. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-2.RLTS.T136799A61979620.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  14. ^ Duckworth, J.W.; Timmins, R. (2015). "Moschiola meminna". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T41779A73575223. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-2.RLTS.T41779A73575223.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  15. ^ Kingdon, J. (1997). The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-408355-2.
  16. ^ a b c Dubost, G. (1984). Macdonald, D. (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. pp. 516–517. ISBN 978-0-87196-871-5.
  17. ^ Valerius Geist (1998). Deer of the World: Their Evolution, Behaviour, and Ecology. Stackpole Books. ISBN 978-0-8117-0496-0.
  18. ^ Walker, M. (7 July 2009). "Aquatic deer and ancient whales". BBC News. Retrieved 26 March 2010.
  19. ^ Meijaard, E.; Umilaela; de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (September 2010). "Aquatic escape behaviour in mouse-deer provides insight into tragulid evolution". Mammalian Biology. 75 (5): 471–473. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2009.05.007.
  20. ^ Beck, N.R. (2006). "A higher-level MRP supertree of placental mammals". BMC Evol Biol. 6: 93. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-6-93. PMC 1654192. PMID 17101039.
  21. ^ O'Leary, M.A.; Bloch, J.I.; Flynn, J.J.; Gaudin, T.J.; Giallombardo, A.; Giannini, N.P.; Goldberg, S.L.; Kraatz, B.P.; Luo, Z.-X.; Meng, J.; Ni, X.; Novacek, M.J.; Perini, F.A.; Randall, Z.S.; Rougier, G.W.; Sargis, E.J.; Silcox, M.T.; Simmons, N.B.; Spaulding, M.; Velazco, P.M.; Weksler, M.; Wible, J.R.; Cirranello, A.L. (2013). "The Placental Mammal Ancestor and the Post-K-Pg Radiation of Placentals". Science. 339 (6120): 662–667. Bibcode:2013Sci...339..662O. doi:10.1126/science.1229237. hdl:11336/7302. PMID 23393258. S2CID 206544776.
  22. ^ Song, S.; Liu, L.; Edwards, S.V.; Wu, S. (2012). "Resolving conflict in eutherian mammal phylogeny using phylogenomics and the multispecies coalescent model". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109 (37): 14942–14947. Bibcode:2012PNAS..10914942S. doi:10.1073/pnas.1211733109. PMC 3443116. PMID 22930817.
  23. ^ dos Reis, M.; Inoue, J.; Hasegawa, M.; Asher, R.J.; Donoghue, P.C.J.; Yang, Z. (2012). "Phylogenomic datasets provide both precision and accuracy in estimating the timescale of placental mammal phylogeny". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 279 (1742): 3491–3500. doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.0683. PMC 3396900. PMID 22628470.
  24. ^ Upham, N.S.; Esselstyn, J.A.; Jetz, W. (2019). "Inferring the mammal tree: Species-level sets of phylogenies for questions in ecology, evolution, and conservation". PLOS Biology. 17 (12): e3000494. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000494. PMC 6892540. PMID 31800571.(see e.g. Fig S10)
  25. ^ Meijaard, I.; Groves, C.P. (2004). "A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 140: 63–102. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2004.00091.x.
  26. ^ Thenius, E. (1950). "Über die Sichtung und Bearbeitung der jungtertiären Säugetierreste aus dem Hausruck und Kobernaußerwald (O.Ö.)". Verh. Geol. B.-A. 51 (2): 56.
  27. ^ Sánchez, Israel M.; Quiralte, Victoria; Morales, Jorge; Pickford, Martin (2010). "A new genus of tragulid ruminant from the early Miocene of Kenya" (PDF). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 55 (2): 177–187. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0087. S2CID 303897.
  28. ^ Métais, G.; Chaimanee, Y.; Jaeger, J.-J. & Ducrocq S. (2001). "New remains of primitive ruminants from Thailand: Evidence of the early evolution of the Ruminantia in Asia" (PDF). Zoologica Scripta. 30 (4): 231. doi:10.1046/j.0300-3256.2001.00071.x. S2CID 85647031. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 July 2011.
  29. ^ Vaughan, Terry A.; Ryan, James M.; Czaplewski, Nicholas J. (21 April 2011). Mammalogy (5th ed.). ISBN 978-0-7637-6299-5. Retrieved 4 April 2012.
  30. ^ Sánchez, Israel M.; Quiralte, Victoria; Morales, Jorge; Pickford, Martin (2010). "A new genus of Tragulid ruminant from the Early Miocene of Kenya". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 55 (2): 177. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0087.
  31. ^ "Krabitherium". Paleobiology Database (Paleodb.org). Retrieved 18 January 2013.
  32. ^ Mennecart, B., Wazir, W.A., Sehgal, R.K., Patnaik, R., Singh, N.P., Kumar, N. and Nanda, A.C., 2021. New remains of Nalamaeryx (Tragulidae, Mammalia) from the Ladakh Himalaya and their phylogenetical and palaeoenvironmental implications. Historical Biology, pp.1-9.https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2021.2014479

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Chevrotain: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Chevrotains, or mouse-deer, are diminutive, even-toed ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, and are the only living members of the infraorder Tragulina. The 10 extant species are placed in three genera, but several species also are known only from fossils. The extant species are found in forests in South and Southeast Asia; a single species, the water chevrotain, is found in the rainforests of Central and West Africa. They are solitary, or live in loose groupings or pairs, and feed almost exclusively on plant material. Chevrotains are the smallest hoofed mammals in the world. The Asian species weigh between 0.7 and 8.0 kg (1+1⁄2 and 17+3⁄4 lb), while the African chevrotain is considerably larger, at 7–16 kg (15–35 lb). With an average length of 45 cm (18 in) and an average height of 30 cm (12 in), the Java mouse-deer is the smallest surviving ungulate (hoofed) mammal, as well as the smallest artiodactyl (even-toed ungulate). Despite their common name of "mouse deer", they are actually not true deer at all (Cervidae), but form a unique family of bovids closer in lineage to cattle or antelope.

In November 2019, conservation scientists announced that they had photographed silver-backed chevrotains (Tragulus versicolor) in a Vietnamese forest for the first time since the last confirmed sightings in 1990.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Tragoledoj ( 世界語 )

由wikipedia EO提供

Tragoledoj (Tragulidae) estas familio de kuniklo- aŭ leporo-grandaj parhufuloj, ampleksanta inter aliaj la tragolon.[1]


Formortintaj tragoledoj


  1. PIV2, p. 1172.
Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
wikipedia EO

Tragoledoj: Brief Summary ( 世界語 )

由wikipedia EO提供

Tragoledoj (Tragulidae) estas familio de kuniklo- aŭ leporo-grandaj parhufuloj, ampleksanta inter aliaj la tragolon.

Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
wikipedia EO

Tragulidae ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los tragúlidos (Tragulidae) son una familia de mamíferos artiodáctilos conocidos vulgarmente como dorcaterios, cervatillos, ciervos ratones,[1]vioñes o vioñas;[2]​ incluye tres géneros y diez especies, varias de ellas, de los géneros Moschiola y Tragulus, descritas en 2004 y 2005.


Los dorcaterios se han extendido exitosamente desde el Oligoceno (hace treinta y cuatro millones de años) a través del Mioceno (hace unos cinco millones de años), a pesar de lo cual han permanecido casi sin cambios durante ese periodo de tiempo y son considerados como un ejemplo de rumiantes primitivos. Al igual que el resto de los rumiantes tienen estómagos de cuatro cámaras para fermentar los vegetales difíciles de digerir, pero la tercera cámara está poco desarrollada. Aunque la mayoría de las especies se alimenta exclusivamente de material vegetal, el ciervo ratón de agua ocasionalmente ha sido observado alimentándose de insectos, cangrejos e incluso pequeños mamíferos.[3]​ Al igual que otros rumiantes, carecen de incisivos superiores. Estos animales dan a luz a una única cría.

Sin embargo, estos animales también conservan otros rasgos más primitivos, más cercanos a otros mamíferos no rumiantes, como los cerdos. Todas las especies de la familia carecen de astas y cuernos, pero ambos sexos presentan dientes caninos alargados. Estos están más desarrollados en los machos, donde se proyectan a cada lado de la mandíbula inferior y son utilizados en peleas. [4]​ Sus patas son cortas y delgadas, lo cual les ayuda a mantener un perfil más bajo que les facilita atravesar el denso follaje de su entorno, a cambio de una menor agilidad. Otras características similares a los suidos incluyen la presencia de cuatro dedos en cada pie, la ausencia de glándulas odoríferas en el rostro, premolares con coronas afiladas y la forma en que llevan a cabo su comportamiento sexual y cópula. [5]

Ciervo ratón de la India (Moschiola indica).

Llevan una vida solitaria o en parejas. [4]​ Los jóvenes son destetados a los tres meses de edad y alcanzan la madurez sexual entre cinco y diez meses, dependiendo de la especie. El cuidado de los padres es relativamente limitado. Aunque carecen de los tipos de glándulas odoríferas que se encuentran en la mayoría de los otros rumiantes, poseen una glándula en la barbilla para marcarse mutuamente como compañeros o competidores y, en el caso del ciervo ratón de agua, glándulas anales y prepuciales para marcar el territorio. Sus territorios son relativamente pequeños, de entre trece a veinticuatro hectáreas (32 a 59 acres), pero debido a que no son animales excesivamente territoriales los vecinos generalmente se ignoran, en lugar de competir agresivamente.[5]

Algunas de las especies muestran una notable afinidad con el agua, a menudo permaneciendo sumergidas durante períodos prolongados para evadir a los depredadores u otras intrusiones no deseadas.


Tragúlidos prehistóricos

Pintura de un Dorcatherium.
Moschiola indica
Tragulus sp.

Se incluyen seis géneros extintos:

Puede incluir:[11][12]

Hypertragulidae estaba estrechamente emparentada con Tragulidae.

Véase también


  1. Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  2. Matthews, L. Harrison (1977). La Vida de los Mamíferos, Tomo II. Historia Natural Destino, vol. 17. Barcelona, España: Ediciones Destino. p. 844. ISBN 84-233-0700-X.
  3. Kingdon,, J.. ((1997)). The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals.. Academic Press.
  4. a b Nowak, R. M. Walker's Mammals of the World. (6ª edición. edición). Johns Hopkins University Press.
  5. a b Dubost,, G.; Macdonald,, d. ((1984)). The Encyclopedia of Mammals..
  6. Groves, C. & Meijaard, E. (2005) Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12:413-421 PDF
  7. Groves, C. and Meijaard, E. 2005. Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413-421. PDF available.
  8. E. Thenius 1950. Über die Sichtung und Bearbeitung der jungtertiären Säugetierreste aus dem Hausruck und Kobernaußerwald (O.Ö.) in Verh. Geol. B.-A. 51/2, pp 56
  9. Israel M. Sánchez; Victoria Quiralte; Jorge Morales; Martin Pickford (2010). «A new genus of tragulid ruminant from the early Miocene of Kenya». Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (2): 177-187. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0087.
  10. Métais, G., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger, J.-J. & Ducrocq S (2001). «New remains of primitive ruminants from Thailand: Evidence of the early evolution of the Ruminantia in Asia». Zoologica Scripta 30 (4): 231. doi:10.1046/j.0300-3256.2001.00071.x. Archivado desde el original el 22 de julio de 2011.
  11. Terry A. Vaughan,James M. Ryan,Nicholas J. Czaplewski (21 de abril de 2011). Mammalogy (5th edición). ISBN 9780-7637-6299-5. Consultado el 4 de abril de 2012.
  12. Sánchez, Israel M.; Quiralte, Victoria; Morales, Jorge; Pickford, Martin (2010). «A New Genus of Tragulid Ruminant from the Early Miocene of Kenya». Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (2): 177. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0087.
  13. Paleobiology Database: Krabitherium. Paleodb.org. Retrieved on 2013-01-18.
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wikipedia ES

Tragulidae: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los tragúlidos (Tragulidae) son una familia de mamíferos artiodáctilos conocidos vulgarmente como dorcaterios, cervatillos, ciervos ratones,​ vioñes o vioñas;​ incluye tres géneros y diez especies, varias de ellas, de los géneros Moschiola y Tragulus, descritas en 2004 y 2005.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Tragulidae ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Tragulidae edo arratoi-oreinak, Artyodactila ordenako familia bat dira. Hausnarkariak dira eta zerbidoen antzinako senideak dira. Hegoaldeko Asian eta Afrikan bakarrik bizi dira.


Biologia Artikulu hau biologiari buruzko zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.
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Tragulidae: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Tragulidae edo arratoi-oreinak, Artyodactila ordenako familia bat dira. Hausnarkariak dira eta zerbidoen antzinako senideak dira. Hegoaldeko Asian eta Afrikan bakarrik bizi dira.

Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Kääpiökauriit ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Kääpiökauriit[2] (Tragulidae) on sorkkaeläinten lahkoon kuuluva nisäkäsheimo, johon luetaan kahdeksan lajia.[1]

Heimon lajit ovat alkeellisia märehtijöitä ja lisäksi pienimpiä sorkkaeläimiä. Kaikkien märehtijöiden tapaan niidenkin vatsa on neliosainen: siinä on pötsi, verkkomaha, satakerta (kahdella lajilla erittäin pieni) sekä juoksutusmaha. Muista märehtijöistä poiketen kääpiökauriilla on suuret yläleuan kulmahampaat, jotka uroksilla pilkottavat torahammasmaisesti. Yläleuan etuhampaat puuttuvat. Kääpiökauriit ovat pieniä eläimiä, niiden pituus on 40–80 cm ja säkäkorkeus noin 20 cm. Niillä ei ole sarvia.[2]

Kääpiövesikauris esiintyy Länsi- ja Keski-Afrikassa, muut seitsemän lajia Kaakkois-Aasiassa ja Intiassa. Kaikki elävät trooppisissa metsissä, joissa ne ovat liikkeellä öisin ja syövät erilaisia kasveja.


  1. a b Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder: Tragulidae Mammal Species of the World. 2005. Bucknell University. Viitattu 29.7.2010. (englanniksi)
  2. a b Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Maailman eläimet: Nisäkkäät 2. Helsinki: Tammi, 1987. ISBN 951-30-6531-6.
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wikipedia FI

Kääpiökauriit: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Kääpiökauriit (Tragulidae) on sorkkaeläinten lahkoon kuuluva nisäkäsheimo, johon luetaan kahdeksan lajia.

Heimon lajit ovat alkeellisia märehtijöitä ja lisäksi pienimpiä sorkkaeläimiä. Kaikkien märehtijöiden tapaan niidenkin vatsa on neliosainen: siinä on pötsi, verkkomaha, satakerta (kahdella lajilla erittäin pieni) sekä juoksutusmaha. Muista märehtijöistä poiketen kääpiökauriilla on suuret yläleuan kulmahampaat, jotka uroksilla pilkottavat torahammasmaisesti. Yläleuan etuhampaat puuttuvat. Kääpiökauriit ovat pieniä eläimiä, niiden pituus on 40–80 cm ja säkäkorkeus noin 20 cm. Niillä ei ole sarvia.

Kääpiövesikauris esiintyy Länsi- ja Keski-Afrikassa, muut seitsemän lajia Kaakkois-Aasiassa ja Intiassa. Kaikki elävät trooppisissa metsissä, joissa ne ovat liikkeellä öisin ja syövät erilaisia kasveja.

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Tragulidae ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Les Chevrotains comptent parmi les plus petits des Ruminantia.


Dimensions : de 44 à 48 cm pour 1,7 à 2,6 kg pour le petit tragule malais (plus petite espèce), à 70 à 80 cm pour 8 à 13 kg pour le chevrotain aquatique (le plus grand). Les tragules sont parmi les plus petits ongulés et ne sont pas plus gros qu'un lièvre[1].

Aspect : Ils ont des pattes très fines et des pieds minuscules qui supportent un corps assez arrondi. Leur pelage va du roux (petit et grand tragule malais) au brun-roux noirâtre (chevrotain aquatique) avec des taches et des raies blanches sur les flancs. Les mâles disposent de canines supérieures saillantes mais ils ne portent ni cornes, ni bois.


Afrique équatoriale et occidentale pour le chevrotain aquatique ; Inde, Sri Lanka et Asie du Sud-Est pour les 3 autres espèces.


Gestation : 5 mois pour les espèces asiatiques, 6 à 9 mois pour le Chevrotain aquatique.


Vivant dans les forêts tropicales ombrophiles, ils sont essentiellement nocturnes. Les 3 espèces asiatiques préfèrent les espaces rocheux alors que le chevrotain aquatique, bon nageur et bon plongeur, préfère les lieux humides. Il se nourrit de fruits tombés à terre, de feuillage et surtout de poissons qu'il chasse sous l'eau, présentant de nombreuses caractéristiques de non-ruminants (absence de cornes ou de bois, croissance permanente des canines supérieures, prémolaires à couronne aiguë, quatre doigts bien développés et palmés, en immersion une membrane transparente recouvre l'œil et les narines se ferment , son pelage ne retient pas l'eau ), amenant à les considérer comme des ruminants archaïques adaptés au milieu aquatique. Par certains traits de caractères (comportement sexuel simple, absence de signaux visuels dans leur communication, glandes odorantes sous les yeux et entre les doigts), ils s'apparentent aux suidés, notamment le chevrotain aquatique (le plus primitif) dont la peau de la croupe a la particularité de former un bouclier épais contre les canines des prédateurs (grands serpents, crocodiles, aigles, félins forestiers)

Chez le chevrotain aquatique et le grand tragule, la reproduction a lieu toute l'année, avec un petit par portée, dissimulé dans les plantes basses après sa naissance, qui est sevré à trois mois (la maturité sexuelle étant atteinte respectivement pour les deux espèces à 10 et 4-5 mois). Les soins maternels sont limités à l'allaitement.

Chez le grand tragule, l'accouplement a lieu dans les jours qui suivent la mise bas.

En dehors de la période de reproduction, les chevrotains aquatiques sont solitaires, ne se portant aucune agressivité particulière (les combats entre mâles se réduisant à quelques bousculades et morsures) et aucune hiérarchie sociale n'est donc établie. Le territoire des chevrotains aquatiques (seule espèce dont on connaît la manière d'occupation de l'espace) est surtout terrestre et aquatique là ou ils se réfugient en cas de danger. Les territoires (13 à 14 hectares pour les femelles, 23 à 28 hectares pour les mâles) ne se recoupent pas et ne sont d'ailleurs pas défendus.


Le chevrotain aquatique est sur les listes de la CICED. Comme pour de nombreuses autres espèces forestières, la survie des chevrotains dépend du maintien de leur habitat et de la limitation de la chasse.

Le réchauffement climatique contribue également à une modification de leur habitat, par exemple plus en altitude (1000 m au lieu de 600 maximum) dans la Réserve naturelle de Gaoligongshan, en Chine[2].

Liste des espèces

La famille des tragulidés (Tragulidae) est constituée de trois genres et quatre espèces :

Espèce fossiles

Fossilworks liste d'autres genres et espèces fossiles:

De plus, le genre †Choilodon a également été classé parmi les tragulidés.

Phylogénie au sein des cétartiodactyles

Phylogénie des familles des Cétartiodactyles actuels (Cétacés non développés), d'après Price et al., 2005[3] et Spaulding et al., 2009[4]:

Cetartiodactyla Tylopoda

Camelidae (Chameaux, lamas…)

Artiofabula Suina

Suidae (Porcins)

Tayassuidae (Pécaris)

Cetruminantia Cetancodonta

Cetacea (Baleines, dauphins ...)

Hippopotamidae (Hippopotames)


Tragulidae (Chevrotains)


Antilocapridae (Antilocapres)

Giraffidae (Girafes, okapi...)

Bovidae (Bovins, Caprins et antilopes)

Cervidae (Cerfs, rennes...)

Moschidae (Cerfs porte-musc)

Notes et références

  1. J. et K. MacKinnon (trad. Janine Cyrot), Les animaux d'Asie : Ecologie de la région indo-malaise, Fernand Nathan, 1976, 172 p., pages 50 et 51
  2. (en)Patrick Scally, Wildlife survey: Rare animal sightings "encouraging" dans le site Gokunming, publié le 14 avril 2016, consulté le 28 août 2020.
  3. (en) Price SA, Bininda-Emonds OR, Gittleman JL, « A complete phylogeny of the whales, dolphins and even-toed hoofed mammals (Cetartiodactyla) », Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc., vol. 80, no 3,‎ août 2005, p. 445-473 (DOI , lire en ligne)
  4. (en) M Spaulding, MA O'Leary et J Gatesy, « Relationships of Cetacea (Artiodactyla) Among Mammals: Increased Taxon Sampling Alters Interpretations of Key Fossils and Character Evolution », PLoS ONE, vol. 4, no 9,‎ 2009, e7062 (PMID , PMCID , DOI , Bibcode )
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Tragulidae: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Les Chevrotains comptent parmi les plus petits des Ruminantia.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Fia luiche ( 愛爾蘭語 )

由wikipedia GA提供

Ainmhí is ea an fia luiche.

Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
wikipedia GA

Tragúlidos ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供

A dos tragúlidos (Tragulidae) é unha familia de mamíferos artiodáctilos ruminantes, a única da infraorde dos tragulinos (Tragulina), que son coñecidos vulgarmente como cervos rato.[1]

Son criaturas pequenas, misteriosas, que se encontran soamente nas selvas tropicais de África, a India e o sueste asiático.

A familia inclúe tres xéneros e dez especies,[2] varias delas, dos xéneros Moschiola e Tragulus, descritas en 2004 e 2005.


Os tragúlidos son un exemplo dunha forma primitiva de ruminantes. Aínda que teñen o estómago dividido en catro compartimentos para fermentar plantas resistentes, a terceira cámara está pouco desenvolvida.

Non teñen cornos, pero ambos os sexos posúen os caninos superiores grandes,[3] os dos machos son mou prominentes e afiados, proxectándose para fóra da mandíbula.

As patas son curtas e finas, que lles permite pouca axilidade, pero en cambio serven para camiñar pola densa follaxe do seu ambiente.

O maior membro da familia é Hyemoschus aquaticus, de África, que mide aproximadamente 80 cm de lonxitude e un peso duns 10 kg.[4]

E o máis pequeno, Tragulis javanicus, do sueste asiático, é o menor de todos os ungulados: os adultos miden 45 cm de lonxitude e pesan 2 kg.[5]


A familia foi descrita en 1864 polo zoólogo francés Henri Milne-Edwards, e comprende os seguintes xéneros e especies:[2]

Familia Tragulidae


  1. Matthews, L. Harrison (1977): La Vida de los Mamíferos, Tomo II. Historia Natural Destino, vol. 17. Barcelona: Ediciones Destino. ISBN 84-233-0700-X.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Wilson & Reeder (2005): Mammal Species of the World.
  3. Grubb, P. (2005): "Order Artiodactyla". En: Wilson, D. E. & Reeder, D. M. (eds.) Mammal Species of the World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  4. Hyemoschus aquaticus en ADW (en inglés)
  5. Fukuta, K.; Kudo, H. & Jalaludin, S. (1996): "Unique pits on the erythrocytes of the lesser mouse-deer, Tragulus javanicus". Journal of Anatomy, 189 (1); 211-213.
  6. 6,0 6,1 Groves, C. & Meijaard, E. (2005); "Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain". The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413-421. PDF Arquivado 27 de xullo de 2008 en Wayback Machine.

Véxase tamén


  • Kowalski, Kazimierz (1981): Mamíferos. Manual de teriología. Madrid: H. Blume Ediciones. ISBN 84-7214-229-9.
  • Wilson, D. E. & D. M. Reeder, editors (2005): Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference. Third edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Tragúlidos: Brief Summary ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供
 src= Hyemoschus aquaticus.  src= Tragulus kanchil.

A dos tragúlidos (Tragulidae) é unha familia de mamíferos artiodáctilos ruminantes, a única da infraorde dos tragulinos (Tragulina), que son coñecidos vulgarmente como cervos rato.

Son criaturas pequenas, misteriosas, que se encontran soamente nas selvas tropicais de África, a India e o sueste asiático.

A familia inclúe tres xéneros e dez especies, varias delas, dos xéneros Moschiola e Tragulus, descritas en 2004 e 2005.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Tragulidae ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

I Tragulidi (Tragulidae Milne-Edwards, 1864) sono una delle dieci famiglie che compongono l'ordine degli Artiodattili. Questi piccoli ungulati sono gli unici membri viventi dell'infraordine Tragulina: ne esistono 10 specie suddivise in tre generi[1][2], ma in passato ne sono vissute molte altre, conosciute solamente a partire dai resti fossili[3]. Tutte le specie sono diffuse nelle foreste dell'Asia meridionale e sud-orientale, a eccezione di una che vive nelle foreste pluviali dell'Africa centrale e occidentale[4]. Vivono da soli o in coppia e si nutrono quasi esclusivamente di materia vegetale[4]. A seconda delle specie, i Tragulidi asiatici pesano tra i 700 g e gli 8 kg; le specie più piccole di questa famiglia sono anche i più piccoli ungulati del mondo[4]. La specie africana, lo iemosco acquatico, è parecchio più grande, pesando 7-16 kg[5].


Il termine Tragulus è di origine greca e significa «piccola capra»; è da ricordare, per l'appunto, che anche il nome di origine francese chevrotain, con cui i traguli sono noti in inglese, significa la stessa cosa.

Solo la specie africana, però, viene sempre chiamata chevrotain[1][4][6]. Le specie asiatiche, infatti, presso gli anglosassoni, vengono indicate invariabilmente sia come chevrotain che come mouse-deer («cervi-topo»)[4][7][8][9], sebbene alcuni autori recenti preferiscano utilizzare il termine chevrotain per le specie del genere Moschiola e mouse-deer per quelle del genere Tragulus[1]. Di conseguenza, tutte le specie con la regione dorsale macchiata o striata sono note come chevrotain e tutte quelle di colorazione uniforme come mouse-deer.

Il nome telugu con cui viene indicato il tragulo macchiato indiano è Jarini Pandi, che letteralmente vuol dire «cervo-maiale»; in konkani, invece, la stessa specie è detta Barinka.

In singalese il tragulo viene chiamato meeminna, «cervo-topo». Questo stesso termine è divenuto il nome scientifico di una delle specie presenti nello Sri Lanka, il Moschiola meminna, appunto.


Ricostruzione di Mauricio Antòn di Dorcatherium, Tragulide estinto[10]

Originariamente, all'interno della famiglia dei Tragulidi venivano riconosciute solamente quattro specie viventi[4]. Nel 2004, sono state riconosciute specie a sé stanti due sottospecie di Tragulus napu, T. nigricans e T. versicolor, e due di T. javanicus, T. kanchil e T. williamsoni[11]. Nel 2005, lo stesso trattamento è stato riservato a due sottospecie di Moschiola meminna, M. indica e M. kathygre[2]. Dopo questi cambiamenti, il numero totale di specie è stato portato a 10:

Un tragulo macchiato indiano.

Generi e specie estinti


Formula dentaria Arcata superiore 3 3 1 0 0 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 Arcata inferiore Totale: 34 1.Incisivi; 2.Canini; 3.Premolari; 4.Molari;

I Tragulidi erano ampiamente diffusi e numerosi tra l'Oligocene (34 milioni di anni fa) e tutto il Miocene (circa 5 milioni di anni fa), ma durante tutto questo periodo di tempo sono rimasti quasi invariati e nell'aspetto ricordano quindi i ruminanti più primitivi. Hanno uno stomaco con quattro camere, all'interno delle quali vengono fatte fermentare le sostanze vegetali, ma la terza camera è poco sviluppata. Sebbene quasi tutte le specie si nutrano esclusivamente di materia vegetale, lo iemosco acquatico cattura occasionalmente anche insetti e granchi e si nutre di carogne, sia di animali terrestri che di pesci[12]. Così come altri ruminanti, i Tragulidi sono privi degli incisivi superiori e partoriscono solo un unico piccolo.

Accoppiamento tra traguli.

Per altri aspetti, comunque, ricordano gli Artiodattili non ruminanti, come i Suidi. Tutte le specie sono prive di corna, ma sia maschi che femmine sono muniti di canini allungati. Questi sono particolarmente prominenti nei maschi, dove sporgono da ambo i lati della mandibola, e vengono impiegati nei combattimenti[4]. Hanno zampe corte e sottili che, pur non consentendo una grande agilità, conferiscono ai traguli un basso profilo che permette loro di spostarsi velocemente attraverso il fitto fogliame del loro ambiente. Tra le altre caratteristiche dei Tragulidi proprie anche dei Suidi, ricordiamo la presenza di quattro dita per ogni piede, l'assenza di ghiandole odorifere facciali, premolari con corone affilate e comportamento sessuale e copula simili a quelli dei maiali[13].

I Tragulidi vivono da soli o in coppia[4]. I piccoli sono svezzati a tre mesi di età e raggiungono la maturità sessuale tra i cinque e i dieci mesi, a seconda della specie. Le cure parentali sono relativamente limitate. Sebbene siano privi delle ghiandole odorifere presenti in quasi tutti gli altri ruminanti, nei Tragulidi è presente una ghiandola sul mento grazie al cui secreto comunicano con i propri simili e; lo iemosco acquatico, inoltre, possiede delle ghiandole anali e prepuziali impiegate per marcare il territorio. Il loro territorio è relativamente piccolo, dell'ordine di 13-24 ettari, ma di solito i vicini preferiscono ignorarsi a vicenda, piuttosto che mostrare un atteggiamento aggressivo[13].

Alcune specie mostrano una straordinaria affinità con l'acqua, rimanendo spesso immerse per lunghi periodi allo scopo di eludere predatori o altri intrusi, e ciò ha spinto alcuni a ipotizzare che i Cetacei si siano evoluti proprio a partire da creature amanti dell'acqua simili a piccoli cervi[14].


  1. ^ a b c (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Tragulidae, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  2. ^ a b Groves, C., and E. Meijaard (2005). Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413-421
  3. ^ Farooq, U., Khan, M.A., Akhtar, M. and Khan, A.M. 2008. Lower dentition of Dorcatherium majus (Tragulidae, Mammalia) in the Lower and Middle Siwaliks (Miocene) of Pakistan. Tur. J. Zool., 32: 91-98. http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/issues/zoo-08-32-1/zoo-32-1-14-0612-5.pdf Archiviato il 28 settembre 2011 in Internet Archive.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Nowak, R. M. (eds) (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  5. ^ UltimateUngulate: Hyemoschus aquaticus. Accessed 12 October 2010.
  6. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). Hyemoschus aquaticus. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 12 October 2010.
  7. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). Moschiola indica. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 12 October 2010.
  8. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). Moschiola kathygre. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 12 October 2010.
  9. ^ IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2008). Moschiola meminna. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 12 October 2010.
  10. ^ Sánchez, I.M., Quiralte, V., Morales, J., and Pickford, M. 2010. A new genus of tragulid ruminant from the early Miocene of Kenya. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (2): 177–187.
  11. ^ Meijaard, I., and C. P. Groves (2004). A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 63-102.
  12. ^ Kingdon, J. (1997). The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. Academic Press. ISB 0-12-408355-2
  13. ^ a b Dubost, G., The Encyclopedia of Mammals, a cura di Macdonald, D., New York, Facts on File, 1984, pp. 516–517, ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  14. ^ Aquatic deer and ancient whales, in BBC News, 7 luglio 2009. URL consultato il 26 marzo 2010.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Tragulidae: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

I Tragulidi (Tragulidae Milne-Edwards, 1864) sono una delle dieci famiglie che compongono l'ordine degli Artiodattili. Questi piccoli ungulati sono gli unici membri viventi dell'infraordine Tragulina: ne esistono 10 specie suddivise in tre generi, ma in passato ne sono vissute molte altre, conosciute solamente a partire dai resti fossili. Tutte le specie sono diffuse nelle foreste dell'Asia meridionale e sud-orientale, a eccezione di una che vive nelle foreste pluviali dell'Africa centrale e occidentale. Vivono da soli o in coppia e si nutrono quasi esclusivamente di materia vegetale. A seconda delle specie, i Tragulidi asiatici pesano tra i 700 g e gli 8 kg; le specie più piccole di questa famiglia sono anche i più piccoli ungulati del mondo. La specie africana, lo iemosco acquatico, è parecchio più grande, pesando 7-16 kg.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Elniukiniai ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Elniukiniai, kančiliai (lot. Tragulidae, angl. Chevrotains, vok. Hirschferkel) – porakanopių (Artiodactyla) žinduolių šeima, kuriai prilklauso iki kiškio didumo beragiai gyvūnai, gyvenantys Afrikos ir pietryčių Azijos tropiniuose miškuose. Patinai turi ilgas viršutines iltis.

Šeimoje 4 rūšys:


Elniukai siekia 40-85 cm ilgį, sveria nuo 2 iki 15 kg. Kūnas apvalus. Jie turi mažą galvą, pailgą snukį, dideles akis ir plonas kojas. Kalis būna oranžiškai rudas, pilkas arba balkšvas.


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wikipedia LT

Elniukiniai: Brief Summary ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Elniukiniai, kančiliai (lot. Tragulidae, angl. Chevrotains, vok. Hirschferkel) – porakanopių (Artiodactyla) žinduolių šeima, kuriai prilklauso iki kiškio didumo beragiai gyvūnai, gyvenantys Afrikos ir pietryčių Azijos tropiniuose miškuose. Patinai turi ilgas viršutines iltis.

Šeimoje 4 rūšys:

Afrikinis elniukas arba vandeninis elniukas (Hyemoschus aquaticus) Indinis elniukas (Moschiola meminna) Javinis elniukas (Tragulus javanicus). Pav. Didysis elniukas (Tragulus napu)
Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Dwergherten ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Dwergherten of dwergmuskusdieren (Tragulidae) zijn een familie van evenhoevigen die voorkomt in Centraal-Afrika en Zuidoost-Azië. De familie behoort tot de parafyletische infraorde Tragulina, die ook enkele uitgestorven families omvat, van de onderorde herkauwers (Ruminantia). Tegenwoordig leven er nog slechts drie geslachten met tien soorten. De Aziatische dwergherten worden ook wel kantjils (Indonesisch: kancil) genoemd.

De familie omvat de volgende geslachten en levende soorten:


De kantjil is de hoofdpersoon van vele verhalen op Sumatra, Java, Celebes, Kalimantan, Maleisië en in de Filipijnen. In die verhalen raakt het kleine dier steeds in de nesten en redt zich daar dan uit door zijn grote slimheid. De kantjil vervult in de Indonesische dierenfabels de rol die Reintje de Vos heeft in de Nederlandse. Zie Kantjilverhalen (Indonesië).

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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Dwergherten: Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Dwergherten of dwergmuskusdieren (Tragulidae) zijn een familie van evenhoevigen die voorkomt in Centraal-Afrika en Zuidoost-Azië. De familie behoort tot de parafyletische infraorde Tragulina, die ook enkele uitgestorven families omvat, van de onderorde herkauwers (Ruminantia). Tegenwoordig leven er nog slechts drie geslachten met tien soorten. De Aziatische dwergherten worden ook wel kantjils (Indonesisch: kancil) genoemd.

De familie omvat de volgende geslachten en levende soorten:

Geslacht Archaeotragulus† Geslacht Dorcabune† Geslacht Dorcatherium† Geslacht Waterdwerghert (Hyemoschus) Waterdwerghert (Hyemoschus aquaticus) Geslacht Gevlekte dwergherten (Moschiola) Indiaas gevlekt dwerghert (Moschiola indica) Geelgevlekt dwerghert (Moschiola kathygre) Klein gevlekt dwerghert (Moschiola meminna) Geslacht Siamotragulus† Geslacht Echte dwergherten (Tragulus) Javaanse kleine kantjil (Tragulus javanicus) Kleine kantjil (Tragulus kanchil) Grote kantjil (Tragulus napu) Balabacdwerghert (Tragulus nigricans) Bonte kantjil (Tragulus versicolor) Williamsons kantjil (Tragulus williamsoni) Geslacht Yunnanotherium
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Dvergmoskusdyr ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NN提供

Dvergmoskusdyr (Tragulidae) eller musehjortar er ein pattedyrfamilie av jortedyr. Han omfattar små, sky dyr som lever i tropiske skoger i Afrika, India og Søraust-Asia. Den største arten i gruppa er vassmoskusdyr (Hyemoschus aquaticus), med ei skulderhøgd på rundt 35 cm. Den minste er malayisk vassmoskusdyr (Tragulus javanicus) som med ei skulderhøgd på 30 cm er det minste hovdyret i verda.


Tidlegare delte ein dei nolevande dvergmoskusdyra inn i berre fire artar.[1] I 2004 blei T. nigricans og T. versicolor skilde ut frå T. napu, medan T. kanchil og T. williamsoni blei skilde frå T. javanicus.[2] I 2005 blei M. indica og M. kathygre skilde frå M. meminna.[3] Dermed har ein i dag 10 nolevande artar fordelt på tre slekter:


  1. Nowak, R. M. (red.) (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  2. Meijaard, I. og C. P. Groves (2004). A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 63–102.
  3. Groves, C., and E. Meijaard (2005). Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413–421


Commons-logo.svg Commons har multimedia som gjeld: Dvergmoskusdyr
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia NN

Dvergmoskusdyr: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NN提供

Dvergmoskusdyr (Tragulidae) eller musehjortar er ein pattedyrfamilie av jortedyr. Han omfattar små, sky dyr som lever i tropiske skoger i Afrika, India og Søraust-Asia. Den største arten i gruppa er vassmoskusdyr (Hyemoschus aquaticus), med ei skulderhøgd på rundt 35 cm. Den minste er malayisk vassmoskusdyr (Tragulus javanicus) som med ei skulderhøgd på 30 cm er det minste hovdyret i verda.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia NN

Dvergmoskusdyr ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Dvergmoskusdyr (Tragulidae) er ei gruppe drøvtyggere. Artene er småvokste, skye dyr som fins i tropiske skoger i Afrika, India og Sørøst-Asia. Den største arten i gruppa er vannmoskusdyr (Hyemoschus aquaticus) og den minste er malayisk vannmoskusdyr (Tragulus javanicus).

Eksterne lenker

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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Dvergmoskusdyr: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Dvergmoskusdyr (Tragulidae) er ei gruppe drøvtyggere. Artene er småvokste, skye dyr som fins i tropiske skoger i Afrika, India og Sørøst-Asia. Den største arten i gruppa er vannmoskusdyr (Hyemoschus aquaticus) og den minste er malayisk vannmoskusdyr (Tragulus javanicus).

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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Kanczylowate ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Kanczylowate[2], kanczyle[3] (Tragulidae) – rodzina ssaków parzystokopytnych z podrzędu przeżuwaczy w rzędzie parzystokopytnych (Artiodactyla). Najmniejsze ze ssaków kopytnych żyjących współcześnie. Spokrewnione z piżmowcami. Skamieliny kanczyli znaleziono w Europie w warstwach wczesnomioceńskich, w Afryce występowały we wczesnym i środkowym miocenie. Szczyt rozwoju przypadł na trzeciorzęd[4].


Ciało kanczyli ma kształt klinowaty. Osiągają 45-80 cm długości, 20-40 cm wysokości w kłębie i masę ciała od 1,5 do 10 kg. Nie posiadają rogów. Poza okresem rozrodu żyją pojedynczo. Zasiedlają skaliste lasy podzwrotnikowe Azji (większość gatunków) i Afryki (kanczyl afrykański), aktywne głównie nocą. Poruszają się zwinnie i szybko. Odżywiają się roślinami, mają silnie rozwinięte, stale rosnące kły górne, czterokomorowy żołądek (trzecia komora silnie zredukowana). U niektórych gatunków zaobserwowano zachowania terytorialne (walki pomiędzy samcami, znakowanie terenu wydzieliną gruczołów śródżuchwowych). Potrafią pływać i nurkować[4]. Samica rodzi jedno młode.

Wzór zębowy I C P M 34 = 0 1 3 3 3 1 3 3

Uzębienie kanczyli składa się z 34 zębów.


Do kanczylowatych zaliczane są następujące rodzaje[5]:


  1. Tragulidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: W. Cichocki, A. Ważna, J. Cichocki, E. Rajska-Jurgiel, A. Jasiński, W. Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 169–170. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  3. K. Kowalski (redaktor naukowy), A. Krzanowski, H. Kubiak, B. Rzebik-Kowalska, L. Sych: Ssaki. Wyd. IV. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1991, s. 123, seria: Mały słownik zoologiczny. ISBN 83-214-0637-8.
  4. a b Wielka Ilustrowana Encyklopedia Przyrody, Ssaki, Multico 1997
  5. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Tragulidae. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2007-12-04]


  1. H. Komosińska, E. Podsiadło: Ssaki kopytne. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2002. ISBN 83-01-13806-8.
  2. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Tragulidae. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2007-12-04]
  3. B. Huffman: Family Tragulidae (ang.). www.ultimateungulate.com. [dostęp 4 grudnia 2007].
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Kanczylowate: Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供

Kanczylowate, kanczyle (Tragulidae) – rodzina ssaków parzystokopytnych z podrzędu przeżuwaczy w rzędzie parzystokopytnych (Artiodactyla). Najmniejsze ze ssaków kopytnych żyjących współcześnie. Spokrewnione z piżmowcami. Skamieliny kanczyli znaleziono w Europie w warstwach wczesnomioceńskich, w Afryce występowały we wczesnym i środkowym miocenie. Szczyt rozwoju przypadł na trzeciorzęd.

Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Tragulidae ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Tragulidae é uma família de mamíferos da ordem Artiodactyla. As espécies são chamadas de trágulos, também conhecido como cervo-rato (não confundir com rato-cervo, Peromyscus) ou chevrotain. Eles são criaturas pequenas, misteriosas, encontrados somente nas florestas tropicais da África, da Índia, e no Sudeste Asiático. São os únicos membros vivos do infraordem Tragulina.

A família era difundida e bem sucedida do Oligoceno (h+a 34 milhões de anos) ao Mioceno (aproximadamente há 5 milhões de anos), mas quase não alteraram a sua forma neste tempo todo, e são um exemplo de uma forma primitiva de ruminante. Eles possuem um estômago tetra-compartimentado para fermentar plantas resistentes, mas a terceira câmara é mal-desenvolvida. Não têm chifres, mas ambos os sexos possuem os caninos superiores ampliados [1], os dos macho são proeminentes e afiados, projetando-se para fora da mandíbula. Eles têm as pernas curtas e finas, que os deixam com pouca agilidade, mas ajuda-os também a manter um perfil menor que os ajude a transpor a densa folhagem de seu ambiente.

O maior membro da família é o trágulo-aquático da África, aproximadamente com 80 cm de comprimento e 10 kg de peso. É considerado como os mais semelhante aos suídeos e o mais primitivo das 4 espécies. Todos os três restantes preferem habitats rochosos de floresta. O trágulo-pequeno do Sudeste Asiático é o menor, e é realmente o menor de todos os ungulados em um tamanho maduro, mede 45 cm de comprimento e pesa 2 kg.

Todas as quatro espécies dependem, para sua sobrevivência, da preservação de seu habitat florestal e da limitação do comércio de carne silvestre.

No folclore Indonésio, os trágulos tem o mesmo papel da esperta raposa nas fábulas da Europa.


São reconhecidos 3 gêneros e 10 espécies recentes:[1][2][3]

Vários gêneros fósseis são descritos para a família:


  1. Grubb, P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (eds.), ed. Mammal Species of the World 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 637–722. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494
  2. MEIJAARD, I.; GROOVES, C.P. (2004). «A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer». Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 140: 63–102
  3. GROVES, C.; MEIJAARD, E. (2005). «Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain». The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (Supplement 12): 413–421
  4. KAUP, J.−J. 1832–39. Description d’ossements fossiles de mammifères inconnus jusqu’à présent, qui se trouvent au Muséum grand−ducal du Darmstadt. Part. V. Darmstadt, 91–103. J.−G. Heyer, Darmstadt
  5. PILGRIM, G.−E. (1910). «Notices on new mammalian genera and species from the Tertiaries of India». Records of the Geological Survey of India. 40: 63–71
  6. HAN, D. (1986). «Fossils of Tragulidae from Lufeng, Yunnan [in Chinese, with English abstract]». Acta Anthropologica Sinica. 5: 68–78
  7. THOMAS, H.; GINSBURG, L.; HINTONG, C.; SUTEETHORN, V. (1990). «A new tragulid, Siamotragulus sanyathanai n. gen. n. sp. (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Miocene of Thailand (Amphoe Pong, Phayao Province)». Comptes Rendues de l’Academie des Sciences, série II. 310: 989–995
  8. MÉTAIS, G., CHAIMANEE, Y.; JAEGER, J.-J.; DUCROCQ S. (2001). «New remains of primitive ruminants from Thailand: evidence of the early evolution of the Ruminantia in Asia». Zoologica Scripta. 30: 231–248
  9. SÁNCHEZ, I.M.; QUIRALTE, V.; MORALES, J.; PICKFORD, M. (2010). «A new genus of tragulid ruminant from the early Miocene of Kenya». Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 55 (2): 177–187. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0087
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Tragulidae: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Tragulidae é uma família de mamíferos da ordem Artiodactyla. As espécies são chamadas de trágulos, também conhecido como cervo-rato (não confundir com rato-cervo, Peromyscus) ou chevrotain. Eles são criaturas pequenas, misteriosas, encontrados somente nas florestas tropicais da África, da Índia, e no Sudeste Asiático. São os únicos membros vivos do infraordem Tragulina.

A família era difundida e bem sucedida do Oligoceno (h+a 34 milhões de anos) ao Mioceno (aproximadamente há 5 milhões de anos), mas quase não alteraram a sua forma neste tempo todo, e são um exemplo de uma forma primitiva de ruminante. Eles possuem um estômago tetra-compartimentado para fermentar plantas resistentes, mas a terceira câmara é mal-desenvolvida. Não têm chifres, mas ambos os sexos possuem os caninos superiores ampliados [1], os dos macho são proeminentes e afiados, projetando-se para fora da mandíbula. Eles têm as pernas curtas e finas, que os deixam com pouca agilidade, mas ajuda-os também a manter um perfil menor que os ajude a transpor a densa folhagem de seu ambiente.

O maior membro da família é o trágulo-aquático da África, aproximadamente com 80 cm de comprimento e 10 kg de peso. É considerado como os mais semelhante aos suídeos e o mais primitivo das 4 espécies. Todos os três restantes preferem habitats rochosos de floresta. O trágulo-pequeno do Sudeste Asiático é o menor, e é realmente o menor de todos os ungulados em um tamanho maduro, mede 45 cm de comprimento e pesa 2 kg.

Todas as quatro espécies dependem, para sua sobrevivência, da preservação de seu habitat florestal e da limitação do comércio de carne silvestre.

No folclore Indonésio, os trágulos tem o mesmo papel da esperta raposa nas fábulas da Europa.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Tragulide ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供

Tragulidele sau șevrotinii, cerbii pitici (Tragulidae) este o familie de mamifere rumegătoare de talie mică răspândite în Africa și în sud-estul Asiei, care seamănă oarecum cu cerbii, indivizii trăind izolați, majoritatea în păduri. Capul este mic, botul ascuțit, nasul îngust, golaș și cu nările situate în vârf. Membrele lungi, delicate, sunt subțiri aproape cât un creion și se termină cu 4 degete bine dezvoltate. Sunt lipsite de coarne, au degetele II și V destul de bine dezvoltate și foiosul puțin diferențiat. Caninii superiori sunt dezvoltați și transformați în defense.


Tragulidele au o talie mică, fiind cele mai mici dintre toate rumegătoarele. Lungimea cap + trunchi = 45-85 cm, lungime cozii = 2-15 cm, înălțimea la greabăn = 20-40 cm. Greutatea = 2-15 kg.

Sunt mamifere mici, grațioase și seamănă oarecum cu cerbii mici (Cervidae), la exterior se asemăna și cu aguti (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae), dar sunt mai apropiate de camelide și de suide decât de cervide.

Spatele rotund arcuit, gâtul scurt. Capul este mic, iar botul ascuțit. Capătul botului golaș. Nasul îngust, golaș și cu nările înguste în formă de fantă care sunt situate în vârful nasului pe suprafețele nazale golașe. Sunt lipsite de coarne. Ochii mari, urechile mici și ascuțite sau mijlocii, rotunjite.

Membrele tetradactile sunt lungi, subțiri și delicate, fiind cam de mărimea unui creion. Radiusul și ulna sunt separate între ele. Fibula și tibia sunt sudate în partea distală. La genurile Tragulus și Moschiola oasele metatarsiene ale degetelor III și IV precum și oasele metacarpiene ale degetelor III și IV fuzionează într-un singur os, numit os canon. La Hyemoschus osul canon se formează numai la exemplarele bătrâne. Fiecare picior se termină cu 4 degete bine dezvoltate. Degetele mijlocii III și IV considerabil mai mari decât degetele laterale II și V. La Hyemoschus, degetele laterale nu ating pământul, pentru că el calcă numai pe vârfurile degetelor mediane.

Formula dentară: 0•1•3•3/3•1•3•3 x 2 = 34. Incisivii superiori absenți. Caninii superiori sunt bine dezvoltați (în special la masculi), înguști, curbați, ascuțiți și ies în afară de sub buze și au rolul unor defense (arme de apărare și atac). Caninii inferiori se aseamănă cu incisivii. Dinții jugali (măselele) de tip brahiodont sunt aranjați într-un șir neîntrerupt. Aproape toți ultimii premolari servesc pentru tăierea hranei; nu au premolari asemănători cu caninii. Molarii au creste de smalț în formă de semilună pe coroanele lor.

Deși rumegă, au stomacul tricameral, împărțit numai în 3 compartimente: ierbarul, ciurul și cheagul (foiosul este foarte slab dezvoltat, vestigial).

Blana are părul des, lins și scurt care stă în șuvițe de-a lungul corpului. Culoarea este de la roșcat-cafeniu-negricioasă la cenușiu-negricioasă dorsal, la cele mai multe specii cu pete și cu dungi albe, iar pe abdomen gălbuie, cenușie sau albă. Lipsește dimorfismul culorii după vârstă.

Glandele cutanate preorbitale și interdigitale absente. La Tragulus napu și Tragulus javanicus pe bărbie există o glandă cutanată specifică.

Vezica biliară prezentă. Cecul este simplu. Placenta difuză.

Femelele au două perechi de mamelele.

Craniul cerebral și cel facial au lungimi aproximativ egale. Orbitele mari, marginile lor nu proeminează lateral. Creasta sagitală absentă. Oasele lacrimale cu un singur orificiu al canalului lacrimal. Palatul osos lat. Mandibula cu o apofiza coronoidă slab dezvoltată.


Sunt animale fricoase și de aceea tot timpul sunt precaute, ieșind în căutarea hranei numai noaptea. Din acest motiv au rămas puțin cunoscuți oamenilor de știință.

Sunt animale nocturne și solitare.

Sunt buni alergători; unii duc o viață semiacvatică și înoată foarte bine, iar cei africani se pot cățăra în arbori, pentru a sta la soare sau pentru a scăpa de dușmani.


Se hrănesc cu diferite plante (plante acvatice și fructe căzute pe sol), dar mănâncă și insecte.


Reproducerea în Asia are loc în iunie-iulie sau în tot timpul anului, în Africa.

Gestația durează 120-172 de zile (6-9 luni).

Nasc 1-2 pui, cel mai frecvent la sfârșitul sezonului ploios, când vegetația este crudă și abundentă.

La o jumătate de oră după naștere puii pot să se ridice în picioare. La vârsta de 2 săptămâni ei încep să se hrănească cu plante. Ating dimensiunile adulților la 5 luni.


În miocen (peste 10 milioane de ani în urmă) au existat și în Europa, iar din pleistocen (2 milioane de ani în urmă) au rămas în Africa. În Asia se mențin din miocenul superior. Succesiunea geologică a acestei familii este miocenul inferior - pliocenul inferior în Europa, miocenul inferior - miocenul mijlociu și pleistocenul - holocenul în Africa și miocenul superior - holocen în Asia.


Această familie cuprinde trei genuri actuale, dintre care două (Moschiola și Tragulus) sunt răspândite în pădurile tropicale și de mangrove din sud-estul Asiei (inclusiv în insula Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan și insulele mici adiacente) și unul (Hyemoschus) în vestul Africii tropicală pe lângă ape.


Șevrotinii asiatici (Moschiola și Tragulus) trăiesc în păduri dese, marginile pădurii, tufișuri și mangrove. Șevrotinul african (Hyemoschus aquaticus) în pădurile tropicale pe lângă ape


Sunt vânate de localnici pentru carne.


Familia cuprinde 3 genuri (8-10 specii): [1]

Familia Tragulidae

  • Genul Hyemoschus = Șevrotinii africani, Cerbii pitici africani
  • Genul Moschiola = Șevrotinii asiatici sau cerbii pitici asiatici
  • Genul Tragulus = Șevrotinii asiatici sau cerbii pitici asiatici



  • Victor Pop. Zoologia vertebratelor. Vol. II. Fasc. 2, Mamiferele. Editura Didactică și Pedagogică. București, 1962.
  • Z. Feider, Al. V. Grossu, St. Gyurkó, V. Pop. Zoologia vertebratelor. Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, București, 1967
  • Dumitru Murariu. Din lumea mamiferelor. Mamifere terestre, vol. II. Editura Academiei Române, București, 1993.
  • Ronald M. Nowak. Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 6th edition, 1999
  • В. Е. Соколов. Систематика млекопитающих. Том 3. Отряды: китообразных, хищных, ластоногих, трубкозубых, хоботных, даманов, сирен, парнокопытных, мозоленогих, непарнокопытных. Москва, "Высшая школа", 1979

Legături externe

Wikispecies conține informații legate de Tragulide
Wikimedia Commons conține materiale multimedia legate de Tragulide
Wikipedia autori și editori
wikipedia RO

Tragulide: Brief Summary ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供

Tragulidele sau șevrotinii, cerbii pitici (Tragulidae) este o familie de mamifere rumegătoare de talie mică răspândite în Africa și în sud-estul Asiei, care seamănă oarecum cu cerbii, indivizii trăind izolați, majoritatea în păduri. Capul este mic, botul ascuțit, nasul îngust, golaș și cu nările situate în vârf. Membrele lungi, delicate, sunt subțiri aproape cât un creion și se termină cu 4 degete bine dezvoltate. Sunt lipsite de coarne, au degetele II și V destul de bine dezvoltate și foiosul puțin diferențiat. Caninii superiori sunt dezvoltați și transformați în defense.

Wikipedia autori și editori
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Mushjortar ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Mushjortar (Tragulidae) är en familj idisslare som består av 3 släkten med upp till 8 arter. De är småväxta skygga djur som återfinns i tropiska skogar i Afrika, Indien och Sydostasien.


Familjen var vitt spridd och framgångsrik från oligocen till miocen, men utvecklades nästan inte under denna långa tidsperiod (nästan 30 miljoner år). Arterna i familjen kan anses vara exempel på primitiva idisslare. De har en fyrdelad mage, men den tredje kammaren är underutvecklad. Mushjortarna saknar horn, och har korta smala ben.[1]

Den största arten i familjen är det afrikanska vattenmyskdjuret som är cirka 45 till 85 cm långt och väger ungefär 10 kg.[2] Den anses vara den mest primitiva av arterna. Tragulus javanicus (malajiska kancil) är den minsta av arterna. Den blir cirka 45 cm och väger runt 2 kg, vilket gör den till ett av de minsta hovdjuren över huvud taget.[3]

Tandformeln är I 0/3 C 1/1 P 3/3 M 3/3, alltså 34 tänder.[4]


En art, vattenmyskdjuret, lever i centrala delar av Afrika. De andra lever i Syd- och Sydostasien från Indien till Indonesien. Deras habitat är skogar, huvudsakligen regnskogar, med tät undervegetation, oftast i närheten av vattendrag.[1]


Alla mushjortar är aktiva under gryningen eller natten. De är skygga och observeras sällan av människor. Mushjortarnas revir markeras med urin, avföring och körtelvätska som bildas i en körtel vid käken. De lever antingen ensamma eller i monogama familjer. Hannarnas revir är betydligt större än honornas; typiskt cirka 25 respektive cirka 14 hektar stort. Reviren för individer av olika kön överlappar lite medan individer av samma kön har strikt avgränsade territorier. Utanför parningstiden undviker individerna strider med varandra när de träffas vid gränsen.[1]


Mushjortar är huvudsakligen växtätare men de är inte specialiserade på särskilda växtdelar. De äter till exempel blad, gräs, knoppar och frukter som har fallit till marken. I mindre omfång äter de även animalisk föda som insekter, fiskar och as.[4]

Som alla idisslare har de en mage med flera kamrar. Hos denna familj är de emellertid bara tre, mot fyra för andra idisslare; bladmagen saknas.[4]


Det har iakttagits att honor av mushjortar kort efter förlossningen parar sig på nytt. På så sätt är de dräktiga nästan hela sitt vuxna liv. Efter en dräktighet på fem till nio månader föds en eller sällan två ungar som kan gå strax efter födelsen och som blir könsmogna redan efter några få månader.[1]


Vanligen skiljs mellan 8 arter fördelade på 3 släkten:[5]


På grund av sin mindre storlek faller de ofta offer för krokodiler, större ormar, rovfåglar och kattdjur.[1]

IUCN listar Tragulus nigricans som starkt hotad (endangered) och tre andra arter av släktet Tragulus med kunskapsbrist (data deficient), alla andra arter bedöms som livskraftiga (least concern).[6]


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia


  1. ^ [a b c d e] McDonald, D. W. (2009) sid. 722-723.
  2. ^ Edwards, H. 2000 Hyemoschus aquaticus på Animal Diversity Web (engelska), besökt 21 februari 2011.
  3. ^ Strawder, N. 2000 Tragulus javanicus på Animal Diversity Web (engelska), besökt 21 februari 2011.
  4. ^ [a b c] Myers, P. 2001 Tragulidae på Animal Diversity Web (engelska), besökt 21 februari 2011.
  5. ^ Wilson & Reeder (red.) Mammal Species of the World, 2005, Tragulidae
  6. ^ Tragulidae på IUCN:s rödlista, besökt 21 februari 2011.

Tryckta källor

  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 ISBN 0-8018-5789-9
  • McDonald, David W. (red.) (2009) (på engelska). The Encyclopedia of Mammals. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-956799-7
Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Mushjortar: Brief Summary ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Mushjortar (Tragulidae) är en familj idisslare som består av 3 släkten med upp till 8 arter. De är småväxta skygga djur som återfinns i tropiska skogar i Afrika, Indien och Sydostasien.

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Cüce geyikgiller ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Cüce geyikgiller (Tragulidae), Afrika'nın ve Asya'nın tropik ormanlarında rastlanılan bir çift toynaklı familyası. Sadece 10 türden oluşan bu familyanın mensupları ancak tavşan büyüklüğündedirler ve geviş getirenler alt takımının evrensel açıdan en ilkel üyeleridir.


Cüce geyikgiller ancak 40–85 cm uzunluk ve 2–12 kg ağırlıkları ile en küçük çift toynaklılardır. Boynuzları yoktur ama misk geyiğigillerde olduğu gibi 2 adet uzun dişleri vardır. Özellikle erkeklerde bu dişler çok uzundur ve ağızdan dışarıya dikilir. Vücutları yuvarlağımsı olur ve vücutlarının büyüklüğüne göre çok ince bacakları vardır. Renkleri kavuniçi-kahverengi ile gri arası değişir. Vücutlarının altı daha açık renk, bazen beyaz olur. Dört türün ikisinde, yanlarında sıraya dizili beyaz benekleri vardır. Küçük kafaları, sivri ağızları ve büyük gözleri vardır. Fiziksel olarak Güney Amerika'daki aguti kemirgenlerine ve Afrika'daki duiker antiloplarına benzerler.

Yayılım ve yaşam alanı

Sadece Afrika cüce geyiği Orta Afrika'nın bir bölgesinde, diğer üç tür ise Güney ve Güneydoğu Asya'da Hindistan'dan Endonezya'ya varan bir coğrafyada yaşarlar. Yaşam alanı olarak özellikle tropik ormanların çok sıkı vejetasyonu ve suyun yakınında olan kısımlarını seçerler.

Yaşam şekli

Tüm cüce geyikgiller akşam ve gece aktiftir. Çok ürkektirler ve iyi saklanırlar. Bu yüzden insanlara pek görünmezler. Kendilerine ait bölgeleri idrar, katı dışkı veya da çenelerinde bulunan bir bezede üretikleri kokulu bir sıvı ile işaretlerler. Bazıları yalnız diğerleri ise çift olarak yaşarlar.


Bristol hayvanat bahçesinde bir Tragulus javanicus

Cüce geyikgillerin beslenmeleri çoğunlukla bitkisel gıdadan oluşur: Yaprak, otlar, filizler ve ağaçlardan düşen meyveler ile beslenirler. Böcek, balık ve leş gibi hayvansal maddeler beslenmelerinin sadece çok küçük bir kısmını oluşturur.

Diğer gevişgetirenlerde de olduğu gibi çok odalı bir mideleri vardır.


Familyanın iki türünde görülmüş olan ilginç bir özellik, dişinin doğum yaptıktan sadece birkaç saat sonrasında derhal tekrar çiftleşmesidir. Böylece bu türlerde dişiler neredeyse bütün ömürlerini gebe olarak geçirir. Gebelik 5-7 ay sürer ve sonra bir (çok seyrek iki) yavru dünyaya gelir. Yavrular birkaç ay içinde ergenleşir ve annelerini terk ederler.


Evrensel açıdan cüce geyikgiller bütün gevişgetirenlerin atasıdır. Cüce geyikgillerin en eski kalıntıları erken Miyosen çağından kalmadır. Bu dönemde en geniş yayılımlarını yaşamış ve Avrupa, Asya ve Afrika kıtalarına yayılmışlardır. Günümüzde yaşayan türler ve bu eski ataları arasında neredeyse hiç fark yoktur.

Günümüzde yaşayan türleri:


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 ISBN 0-8018-5789-9

Dış bağlantılar

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Cüce geyikgiller: Brief Summary ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Cüce geyikgiller (Tragulidae), Afrika'nın ve Asya'nın tropik ormanlarında rastlanılan bir çift toynaklı familyası. Sadece 10 türden oluşan bu familyanın mensupları ancak tavşan büyüklüğündedirler ve geviş getirenler alt takımının evrensel açıdan en ilkel üyeleridir.

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Оленцеві ( 烏克蘭語 )

由wikipedia UK提供


Мешкають в Західній і Центральній Африці й південно-центральній та південно-східній Азії. Геологічний діапазон цеї родини простягається від раннього міоцену до початку пліоцену в Європі, від рано-середнього міоцену і плейстоцену до сучасності в Африці, і від кінця міоцену до сучасності в Азії.

Зовнішній вигляд

Ці невеликі, витончені тварини мають деяку схожість з оленями (Cervidae), але зовні нагадують агутієвих (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae). Найбільші особини важать близько 4,5 кг. Шерсть має деякий відтінок коричневого зверху і біла знизу. Білі плями і смуги можна побачити на тілі.

Тіло коротке й компактне. Голова невелика, морда загострена; вузькі, щілиноподібні ніздрі розташовані на голих носових поверхнях. Немає лицевих або ножних залоз. Ноги довгі, тонкі, тендітні. Кожна ступня має чотири добре розвинені пальці, хоча бічні пальці Hyemoschus не торкаються землі, коли тварина стоїть. Шлунок трикамерний. Самиці мають чотири молочні залози. Немає рогів. Зубна формула: i 0/3, c 1/1, pm 3/3, m 3/3 x 2 = 34. Верхні ікла добре розвинені (особливо у самців). Нижні ікла виглядають як різці. Всі, крім останнього, премоляри виконують функцію різання їжі; немає премолярів, які нагадують ікла. Всі корінні зуби розташовані в безперервній серії.

Спосіб життя

Зазвичай поодинокі й ведуть нічний спосіб життя, живуть в густій рослинності підліску. Вони в першу чергу травоїдні, харчуючись травами, листям, деякими фруктами, але також їдять безхребетних, дрібних ссавців, а іноді навіть харчуються падлом.


  1. Маркевич О. П., Татарко К. І. Російсько-українсько-латинський зоологічний словник. — Київ: Наук. думка, 1983
  2. Решетило О. Зоогеографія.— Львів: ЛНУ ім. І. Франка, 2013.
  3. Жуйні // Українська радянська енциклопедія : у 12 т. / гол. ред. М. П. Бажан ; редкол.: О. К. Антонов та ін. — 2-ге вид. — К. : Головна редакція УРЕ, 1974–1985.


Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
wikipedia UK

Họ Cheo cheo ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Mười loài cheo cheo tạo thành một họ động vật có danh pháp khoa họcTragulidae tức họ Cheo cheo. Cheo cheo là các động vật nhỏ, nhút nhát, hiện nay chỉ còn tìm thấy trong các cánh rừng nhiệt đới của châu Phi, Ấn ĐộĐông Nam Á. Chúng cũng là các thành viên duy nhất còn tồn tại của cận bộ Tragulina. Sự sinh tồn của các loài này phụ thuộc vào sự suy trì môi trường sinh sống ngày càng bị thu hẹp của chúng cũng như phụ thuộc vào sự ngăn cấm việc săn bắn và tiêu thụ thịt của chúng.

Sinh học

Họ này từng phổ biến và thành công từ thế Oligocen (khoảng 34 triệu năm trước) tới thế Miocen (khoảng 5 triệu năm trước), nhưng đã gần như không thay đổi theo thời gian và là một ví dụ về dạng động vật nhai lại nguyên thủy. Cheo cheo có dạ dày bốn ngăn để lên men các thức ăn từ thực vật khó tiêu hóa, nhưng dạ lá sách (túi thứ ba) kém phát triển. Giống như các động vật nhai lại khác, chúng không có các răng cửa trên và chỉ đẻ một con chứ không đẻ con thành bầy như lợn. Công thức bộ răng của cheo cheo là như của một số loài hươu nai nhỏ:

Tuy nhiên, ở các khía cạnh khác thì cheo cheo có các đặc trưng nguyên thủy, gần với động vật không nhai lại trong bộ guốc chẵn là các loài lợn. Chúng không có sừng hay gạc, mà cả hai giới đều có các răng nanh trên và to[1]. Các răng nanh của con đực dễ thấy và sắc nhọn, chĩa thẳng về cả hai bên của hàm dưới. Cheo cheo có các chân ngắn, mảnh dẻ làm cho chúng thiếu sự nhanh nhẹn nhưng hỗ trợ để duy trì một cơ thể nhỏ giúp chúng chạy tốt trong các tán lá rậm rạp tại môi trường sống của chúng. Các đặc trưng giống như lợn khác còn bao gồm sự hiện diện của 4 ngón trên mỗi chân, không có các tuyến xạ tại mặt, các răng tiền hàm với chỏm sắc cũng như hình thức trong hành vi tình dục và giao phối của chúng[2].

Thành viên lớn nhất của họ này là cheo cheo nước ở châu Phi, dài khoảng 80 cm và cân nặng khoảng 10 kg. Nó cũng được coi là giống như lợn nhất và nguyên thủy nhất trong số các loài cheo cheo. Các loài còn lại đều ưa thích các môi trường rừng núi đá. Cheo cheo Nam Dương ở Đông Nam Á là nhỏ nhất trong số các loài móng guốc, với con thuần thục chỉ dài khoảng 45 cm (18 inch) và cân nặng 2 kg (4,4 pao).

Phân loại

Theo truyền thống, chỉ 4 loài còn sinh tồn được công nhận thuộc họ Tragulidae[3]. Năm 2004, T. nigricansT. versicolor được tách ra khỏi T. napu, còn T. kanchilT. williamsoni cũng tách khỏi T. javanicus[4]. Năm 2005, M. indicaM. kathygre được tách khỏi M. meminna[5]. Với các thay đổi này thì hiện nay họ này được công nhận là chứa 10 loài còn sinh tồn:

Cheo cheo cổ đại

Tranh vẽ về Dorcatherium.

Có 6 chi cheo cheo đã tuyệt chủng[6] gồm:

và có thể bao gồm[10][11]

Họ Hypertragulidae có quan hệ họ hàng rất gần với họ Tragulidae.

Phân loại

Cheo cheo có tên gọi trong tiếng Anhchevrotain, nguồn gốc từ tiếng Pháp, nghĩa là "con dê nhỏ" hay mouse deer- tức hươu chuột, không nên nhầm với deer mouse tức chuột hươu, Peromyscus. Trong tiếng Telegu nó được gọi là jarini pandi, có nghĩa là con vật vừa là hươu vừa là chuột.

Loại ô tô Kancil do hãng xe Perodua, Malaysia sản xuất từ năm 1993 lấy theo tên gọi loài động vật này trong tiếng Mã Lai, do nó là loại xe ô tô rất nhỏ.

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Hyemoschus aquaticus
  2. ^ Dubost G. (1984). Macdonald D., biên tập. The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. tr. 516–517. ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  3. ^ Nowak R. M. (chủ biên) (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. Ấn bản lần 6. Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins.
  4. ^ Meijaard I., C. P. Groves (2004). A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 63-102.
  5. ^ Groves C., và E. Meijaard (2005). Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413-421
  6. ^ Farooq, U., Khan, M.A., Akhtar, M. and Khan, A.M. 2008. Lower dentition of Dorcatherium majus (Tragulidae, Mammalia) in the Lower and Middle Siwaliks (Miocene) of Pakistan. Tur. J. Zool., 32: 91-98. http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/issues/zoo-08-32-1/zoo-32-1-14-0612-5.pdf
  7. ^ E. Thenius 1950. Über die Sichtung und Bearbeitung der jungtertiären Säugetierreste aus dem Hausruck und Kobernaußerwald (O.Ö.) in Verh. Geol. B.-A. 51/2, pp 56
  8. ^ Israel M. Sánchez; Victoria Quiralte; Jorge Morales; Martin Pickford (2010). “A new genus of tragulid ruminant from the early Miocene of Kenya” (PDF). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (2): 177–187.
  9. ^ Métais, G., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger, J.-J. & Ducrocq S. 2001. New remains of primitive ruminants from Thailand: evidence of the early evolution of the Ruminantia in Asia. Zoologica Scripta. 30, 231-248. http://www.thaiscience.info/Article%20for%20ThaiScience/Article/5/Ts-5%20new%20remains%20of%20primitive%20ruminants%20from%20thailand%20evidence%20of%20the%20early%20evolution%20of%20the%20ruminantia%20in%20asia.pdf
  10. ^ Terry A. Vaughan,James M. Ryan,Nicholas J. Czaplewski. Mammalogy (ấn bản 5). Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 4 năm 2012. Đã bỏ qua văn bản “isbn” (trợ giúp); Đã bỏ qua tham số không rõ |= (trợ giúp)
  11. ^ An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
  12. ^ Paleobiology Database: Krabitherium

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 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Họ Cheo cheo  src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Họ Cheo cheo
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Họ Cheo cheo: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Mười loài cheo cheo tạo thành một họ động vật có danh pháp khoa học là Tragulidae tức họ Cheo cheo. Cheo cheo là các động vật nhỏ, nhút nhát, hiện nay chỉ còn tìm thấy trong các cánh rừng nhiệt đới của châu Phi, Ấn ĐộĐông Nam Á. Chúng cũng là các thành viên duy nhất còn tồn tại của cận bộ Tragulina. Sự sinh tồn của các loài này phụ thuộc vào sự suy trì môi trường sinh sống ngày càng bị thu hẹp của chúng cũng như phụ thuộc vào sự ngăn cấm việc săn bắn và tiêu thụ thịt của chúng.

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Оленьковые ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Лавразиотерии
Подотряд: Жвачные
Семейство: Оленьковые
Международное научное название

Tragulidae Milne-Edwards, 1864

Современные роды
  • Tragulus Pallas, 1779
  • Hyemoschus (Gray, 1845)
  • Moschiola Hodgson, 1843
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 624919NCBI 9846EOL 7679FW 42598

Оленько́вые (лат. Tragulidae) — семейство парнокопытных. Населяют тропические леса Юго-Восточной Азии (Ява, Калимантан, Суматра), Шри-Ланки и Западной Африки.


Длина оленьковых варьирует от 40 до 80 сантиметров, рост в холке 20—40 сантиметров, а вес от 2 до 15 килограммов. У них небольшая голова, вытянутая остренькая мордочка, огромные глаза, сильно выгнутая спина и тонкие стройные ножки. Окраска покровительственная — бурая или коричневая с белыми пятнами. Рогов у оленьковых не бывает, но вместо них есть пара клыков на верхней челюсти, присущих только самцам. Оленьковые — самые примитивные представители подотряда жвачных. Они ходят на двух средних пальцах с копытцами, но у них сохранились и два боковых пальца, отсутствующие у других жвачных. Желудок оленьковых также устроен гораздо проще и состоит из трёх отделов, а не четырёх.


Оленьки появились на Земле около 50 млн лет назад. Тогда ещё только начинали формироваться отряды древних копытных. Оленьки практически не изменились и более других напоминают предков копытных и внешним видом, и образом жизни. Наибольшее распространение оленьки получили в миоцене.


Оленьки живут поодиночке и встречаются друг с другом только в период размножения. 5 месяцев спустя появляется один детёныш. Детёныш кормится молоком в течение двух недель, а в 5 месяцев становится взрослым и покидает территорию родителей. Оленьки питаются различными частями растений, плодами, насекомыми, рыбой, крабами, мелкими грызунами[источник не указан 732 дня]. На поиски пищи выходят ночью, а днём прячутся в зарослях, под корнями, в дуплах деревьев, расположенных невысоко над землёй.


В семействе оленьковых 3 рода[1]:


  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 125. — 10 000 экз.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Оленьковые: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供

Оленько́вые (лат. Tragulidae) — семейство парнокопытных. Населяют тропические леса Юго-Восточной Азии (Ява, Калимантан, Суматра), Шри-Ланки и Западной Африки.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

鼷鹿科 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供











 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:鼷鹿科  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:鼷鹿科
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鼷鹿科: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

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マメジカ ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
マメジカ科(Tragulidae) Mouse-deer Singapore Zoo 2012.JPG
Tragulus kanchil
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia 亜綱 : 獣亜綱 Theria : 鯨偶蹄目 Cetartiodactyla 亜目 : 反芻亜目 Ruminantia : マメジカ科 Tragulidae 学名 Tragulidae
Milne-Edwards, 1864 英名 Chevrotain

マメジカとは小型の有蹄類の一群のことであり、マメジカ科 (Tragulidae) に属する動物の総称である。現存種の中では、マメジカ下目 (Tragulina) はマメジカ科のみで構成される。マメジカ(豆鹿)という和名であるが、反芻亜目の中でもシカ科とはそれほど近縁ではない。他のマメジカ科は3属10種の現存種で構成されている[1][2]。その他にも、化石でのみ発見されている種がいくつか存在する[3]。マメジカ科の現存種は概ね南アジアや東南アジアの森林で見られる。ただミズマメジカは中央アフリカや西アフリカの熱帯雨林に生息する[4]。マメジカは単独またはペアで生活し、もっぱら植物質しか食べない[4]。アジアに生息するマメジカは重さ0.7~8.0 kgで、最も小さい種は世界最小の有蹄動物にあたる[4]。アフリカのマメジカはかなり大きく、重さ7~16 kgほどである[5]









Tragulus属は頭蓋測定と毛皮の調査により、2004年に3群6種に分類された。3群とはそれぞれT. javanicus -グループ(T. javanicus, T. williamsoni, T. kanchil)、T. napu -グループ(T. nigricans, T. napu)、そしてT. versicolorである[10]Moschiola属は同じく頭蓋測定と毛皮の調査により、2005年に3種に分類された[2]。10種の現存種は以下のとおり。

Tragulus kanchil
Tragulus sp.


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、マメジカに関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにマメジカに関する情報があります。 Portal:生き物と自然 ポータル 生き物と自然




  1. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0
  2. ^ a b Groves, C., and E. Meijaard (2005). Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413–421
  3. ^ a b Farooq, U., Khan, M.A., Akhtar, M.and Khan, A.M. 2008. Lower dentition of Dorcatherium majus (Tragulidae, Mammalia) in the Lower and Middle Siwaliks (Miocene) of Pakistan. Tur. J. Zool., 32: 91–98.
  4. ^ a b c d e Nowak, R. M. (eds) (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  5. ^ UltimateUngulate: Hyemoschus aquaticus. Accessed 12 October 2010.
  6. ^ 荒俣宏 世界大博物図鑑 第5巻 [哺乳類] 1988-4-25
  7. ^ Kingdon, J. (1997). The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-408355-2
  8. ^ a b Dubost, G. (1984). Macdonald, D.. ed. The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. pp. 516–517. ISBN 0-87196-871-1.
  9. ^ “Aquatic deer and ancient whales”. BBC News. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8137000/8137922.stm
  10. ^ Meijaard, I., and C. P. Groves (2004). A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 63–102.
  11. ^ E. Thenius 1950. Über die Sichtung und Bearbeitung der jungtertiären Säugetierreste aus dem Hausruck und Kobernaußerwald (O.Ö.) in Verh. Geol. B.-A. 51/2, pp 56
  12. ^ Israel M. Sánchez; Victoria Quiralte; Jorge Morales; Martin Pickford (2010). “A new genus of tragulid ruminant from the early Miocene of Kenya”. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (2): 177–187. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0087. http://www.app.pan.pl/archive/published/app55/app20090087.pdf.
  13. ^ Métais, G., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger, J.-J. & Ducrocq S (2001). “New remains of primitive ruminants from Thailand: Evidence of the early evolution of the Ruminantia in Asia”. Zoologica Scripta 30 (4): 231. doi:10.1046/j.0300-3256.2001.00071.x. オリジナルの2011年7月22日時点によるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20110722000705/http://www.thaiscience.info/Article%20for%20ThaiScience/Article/5/Ts-5%20new%20remains%20of%20primitive%20ruminants%20from%20thailand%20evidence%20of%20the%20early%20evolution%20of%20the%20ruminantia%20in%20asia.pdf.
  14. ^ Terry A. Vaughan,James M. Ryan,Nicholas J. Czaplewski (2011-04-21). Mammalogy (5th ed.). ISBN 9780-7637-6299-5. http://books.google.com/?id=LD1nDlzXYicC&pg=PA347&lpg=PA347&dq=Krabitherium#v=onepage&q=Krabitherium&f=false 2012年4月4日閲覧。.
  15. ^ Sánchez, Israel M.; Quiralte, Victoria; Morales, Jorge; Pickford, Martin (2010). “A New Genus of Tragulid Ruminant from the Early Miocene of Kenya”. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55 (2): 177. doi:10.4202/app.2009.0087.
  16. ^ Paleobiology Database: Krabitherium. Paleodb.org. Retrieved on 2013-01-18.
執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
wikipedia 日本語

マメジカ: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供

マメジカとは小型の有蹄類の一群のことであり、マメジカ科 (Tragulidae) に属する動物の総称である。現存種の中では、マメジカ下目 (Tragulina) はマメジカ科のみで構成される。マメジカ(豆鹿)という和名であるが、反芻亜目の中でもシカ科とはそれほど近縁ではない。他のマメジカ科は3属10種の現存種で構成されている。その他にも、化石でのみ発見されている種がいくつか存在する。マメジカ科の現存種は概ね南アジアや東南アジアの森林で見られる。ただミズマメジカは中央アフリカや西アフリカの熱帯雨林に生息する。マメジカは単独またはペアで生活し、もっぱら植物質しか食べない。アジアに生息するマメジカは重さ0.7~8.0 kgで、最も小さい種は世界最小の有蹄動物にあたる。アフリカのマメジカはかなり大きく、重さ7~16 kgほどである。


wikipedia 日本語

작은사슴 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

작은사슴우제목/경우제목 작은사슴과 또는 쥐사슴과(Tragulidae)에 속하는 포유류의 총칭이다. 작은사슴하목(Tragulina)의 유일한 과이다. 쥐사슴 또는 꼬마사슴, 애기사슴으로도 부른다. 3개 속에 10종의 현존하는 종이 있으며,[1][2] 상당수의 화석 종들 또한 알려져 있다.[3] 현종 종들은 남아시아동남아시아의 숲에서 발견되며, 물작은사슴중앙아프리카서아프리카의 우림에서 발견된다.[4] 고립된 생활을 하거나 짝을 지어 살며, 대부분의 먹이는 식물이다.[4] 아시아 종들의 몸무게는 약 0.7~8.0kg 정도 사이이며, 세계에서 가장 작은 우제류에 포함된다.[4] 아프리카작은사슴은 약 7~16kg 정도로 큰 편이다.[5]

하위 분류

전통적으로는 현존하는 4종만을 작은사슴과로 분류했다.[4] 2004년, 필리핀쥐사슴베트남쥐사슴큰쥐사슴작은쥐사슴으로부터, 그리고 윌리엄슨쥐사슴자바쥐사슴에서 분리했다.[6] 2005년, 인도얼룩무늬아기사슴노랑줄무늬아기사슴스리랑카얼룩무늬아기사슴로부터 분리되었다.[2] 이와 같은 변화때문에 현존 종의 수는 10종으로 늘어났다.

Tragulus sp.

계통 분류

다음은 2009년 스폴딩(Spaulding) 등의 연구에 기초한 계통 분류이다.[7]


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  전찬류 돼지아목



멧돼지과Recherches pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des mammifères (Pl. 80) (white background).jpg

    경반추류 반추류

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사향노루과Moschus chrysogaster white background.jpg




고래류Bowhead-Whale1 (16273933365).jpg



  1. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. (2005). 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Groves, C., and E. Meijaard (2005). Intraspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian Chevrotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement 12: 413–421
  3. Farooq, U., Khan, M.A., Akhtar, M. and Khan, A.M. 2008. Lower dentition of Dorcatherium majus (Tragulidae, Mammalia) in the Lower and Middle Siwaliks (Miocene) of Pakistan Archived 2011년 9월 28일 - 웨이백 머신. Tur. J. Zool., 32: 91–98.
  4. Nowak, R. M. (eds) (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  5. UltimateUngulate: Hyemoschus aquaticus. Accessed 12 October 2010.
  6. Meijaard, I., and C. P. Groves (2004). A taxonomic revision of the Tragulus mouse-deer. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 63–102.
  7. Michelle Spaulding, Maureen A. O’Leary und John Gatesy: Relationships of Cetacea (Artiodactyla) Among Mammals: Increased Taxon Sampling Alters Interpretations of Key Fossils and Character Evolution. PlosOne 4 (9), 2009, S. e7062
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