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Cedrela odorata L.

Description ( 英語 )

Trees to 10 m tall. Branchlets glabrous, with sparse lenticels. Leaves 30 cm or more; leaflets 17 or 19; petiolules 1-1.5 cm; leaflet blades ovate, oblong, or elliptic, 8-12 × 3.5-4 cm, membranous, both surfaces glabrous, secondary veins 10-12 on each side of midvein and prominent on both surfaces, base rounded and oblique, margin entire or serrate, apex acuminate to acute. Thyrses shorter than leaves, glabrous, branches and branchlets slender. Flowers oblong to ellipsoid, small. Calyx 5-lobed, sparsely pubescent. Petals white, distinct, oblong to elliptic, ca. 8 mm, both surfaces pubescent, apex mucronate. Disk glabrous. Ovary glabrous, with 12 ovules per locule; style glabrous. Capsule oblong to ellipsoid, ca. 4 cm, glabrous, with pale lenticels. Fl. summer.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Flora of China Vol. 11: 115 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan

Habitat & Distribution ( 英語 )

Cultivated. Guangdong (Guangzhou) [native to tropical America].
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Flora of China Vol. 11: 115 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan

Synonym ( 英語 )

Cedrela glaziovii C. Candolle.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Flora of China Vol. 11: 115 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan

Distribution ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

Distribucion en Costa Rica: Ampliamente distribuida en ambas vertientes.
Distribucion General: Se encuentra desde México a Sur América y Las Antillas.
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Morphology ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Associations ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

Es una especie heliófita, frecuente, típica de bosques secundarios, creciendo por lo general también en áreas de pastoreo o de cultivos agrícolas. Su regeneración es escasa, siendo la mayoría de las veces atacada por Hypsiphyla grandella por lo que es común encontrar árboles jóvenes de pequeño tamaño bifurcados, sin embargo dependiendo de la fertilidad del suelo algunos árboles de regeneración no son atacados. En el bosque seco se asocia con pochote (Bombacopsis quinata) y cortez amarillo (Tabebuia ochracea). En el valle central se asocia con roble de sabana (Tabebuia rosea), en el pacífico sur con gallinazo (Schizolobium parabyha) y jobo (Spondias mombin) y en la zona norte y atlántica se asocia con laurel (Cordia alliodora).
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Reproduction ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

Se reproduce por semilla. Pruebas en vivero han dado como resultado más de un 80% de germinación (C. Sandí, Comun. pers. 1997).
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Diagnostic Description ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

Árbol hasta 40 m y 1 m de DAP, fuste cilíndrico a veces ramificado a baja altura, corteza externa gris a gris-blancuzca, muy fisurada. Hojas paripinnadas alternas, 20-60 cm de largo; pecíolos glabros o puberulentos. Folíolos 5-12 pares, 7-16 cm de largo y 3-7 cm de ancho, subsesiles, ovado-lanceolados a oblongo-lanceolados, ápice corto-acuminado, generalmente glabros. Inflorescencia terminal o subterminal, ramificada, lenticelada, glabra o puberulenta 20-40 cm de largo. Flores blancas, subsesiles con fuerte olor a ajo. Frutos cápsula oblongo-elipsoide a obovoide, con 5 valvas leñosas, 0.5-2.0 mm de grueso, pardusca a pardo-grisácea, lenticelada, 2-4 cm de largo; semillas pardo-brillante, 2-3 cm de largo incluyendo el ala.
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Benefits ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

Su madera es suave y liviana, facil de trabajar, con un peso específico de 0.36 (Creemers & Lemckert, 1981). En condición seca la albura es de color gris-anaranjado y el duramen anaranjado-rojizo-claro, con olor característico debido a la presencia de aceites y resinas. Su fina madera es una de las más utilizadas en la actualidad, sobre todo en la fabricación de muebles, gabinetes, ebanistería, instrumentos musicales y construcción en general. Muy utilizada en la fabricación de guitarras.
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Diagnostic Description ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

Localidad del tipo: Basado en lamina 10, figura 1 de P. Browne, Civil & Nat. Hist. Jamaica, p. 158 (1756).
Depositario del tipo:
Recolector del tipo:
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Conservation Status ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

ESPECIE AMENAZADA. Actualmente muy explotada. Se encuentra protegida en el Área de Conservación Guanacaste (Parques Nacionales Santa Rosa y Guanacaste), Área de Conservación Tempisque (Parque Nacional Palo Verde y Reserva Biológica Lomas de Barbudal), Área de Conservación Pacífico Central (Zona Protectora El Rodeo, Reserva Biológica Carara), Área de Conservación Osa (Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce). Es muy probable que se encuentre en otras Áreas de Conservación por ser una especie ampliamente distribuida.
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Habitat ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

Crece en bosques secos de la costa pacífica y en bosques húmedos de ambas vertientes, desde el nivel del mar hasta los 1200 m de elevación.
INBio, Costa Rica
Quírico Jiménez

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Cedrela dugesii S. Wats. Proc. Am Acad. 18: 190. 1883.
A large tree with puberulent twigs; leaves 2.5-3.5 dm. long, the petioles and rachis terete or nearly so, pubescent; leaflets 6 or 8, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 9-15 cm. long, 2.7-5 cm. broad, glabrous above, puberulent beneath, gradually tapering at the apex into a long, slender, acuminate tip, rounded and acutish at the base and more or less inequilateral, ciliate, longpetioluled; inflorescence dense-flowered, shorter than the leaves, the branches puberulent; flowers short-pedicelled; calyx irregularly lobed, puberulent, the lobes ovate, or somewhat triangular-ovate; petals oblong, 5.5-6 mm. long, 2-2.5 mm. broad, appressed-puberulent without, loosely villous within; filaments glabrous; anthers oblong or somewhat oblong-ovoid, apiculate; ovary subglobose. glabrous; style columnar; capsule (immature?) oblong-ellipsoid, about 2.5 cm. long; seeds elliptic, 1.5-1.6 mm. long, the wing shorter than the body.
Type locality: Guanajuato. Guanajuato. Distribution: Northern Mexico.
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Cedrela ciliolata Blake, Proc. BiqJ. Soc Wash. 34: 115. 1921.
Branches puberulent; leaves 1.5-2.5 dm. long, the petioles and rachis pilose; leaflets 6-10, lanceolate-ovate to ovate, 9-12.5 cm. long, 3.3-5 cm. broad, gradually tapering at the apex into a long, slender tip, rounded or acutish at the base and more or less inequilateral, ciliate, reticulate-veined on both sides; flowers unknown; capsule ellipsoid, 4-4.7 cm. long; seeds 2.4 cm. long or more, brown. Very similar to the preceding.
Type locality: Rincon, near Morelia, Michoacan. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Cedrela angustifolia Moc. & Sessd; DC Prodr. 1: 624. 1824.
fPlerosiphon mullivenius Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 36 1 : 589. 1863. Surenus angustifolia Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 111. 1891.
A tree with glabrous branches; leaves equally pinnate (appearing odd-pinnate at first sight according to deCandolle), 2.5 dm. long, the petioles and rachis glabrous; leaflets 16-20, subalternate, narrowly lanceolate-oblong, 9-11.5 cm. long, 2.5-2.8 mm. broad, acutish at the base, long-acuminate at the apex, petioluled, firm, glabrous on both sides; branches of the inflorescence glabrous; flowers subsessile; calyx rounded, obtuse, puberulent on the outside; petals elliptic, obtuse, appressed-puberulent ; ovary glabrous; style short; stigma discoid, grooved above.
Type locality: " Nova Hispania." Distribution: Mexico (and Peru?).
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Cedrela rotunda Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc Wash. 33: 109. 1920.
A tree, the branches light-gray, striate, pubescent with spreading hairs; leaves equally pinnate, 2.5 dm. long or less, the petioles and rachis nearly terete, pubescent with spreading hairs; leaflets 4-8, papery, broadly oval to orbicular, the lower 4 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, the upper 6.5-1 1 cm. long, 4.5-9 cm. broad, rounded at the apex, rounded and equilateral or nearly so at the base, light-green and pubescent above when young, the midrib impressed, glabrous or nearly so in age, densely and softly pubescent beneath, short-petioluled, the midrib and lateral veins prominent; fruiting panicle loose, glabrescent, about 2.5 dm. long; capsule oval, 2.5 cm. long, 1.4 cm. broad, obtuse, short-pedicelled; seeds obovate, 1.4-1.6 cm. long, 5-6 mm. broad, chestnut-brown.
Type locality: Vicinity of Villa Union, Sinaloa. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Cedrela mexicana M. J. Roem. Syn Monog. 1: 137. 1846.
Swielenia muttijuga Schiede, Linnaea 4: 578, hyponym. 1829.
Cedrela Glaziovii C. DC; Mart. Fl. Bras. 11>: 224. 1878.
Surenus Glaziovii Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 111. 1891.
Surenus mexicana Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 111. 1891.
Cedrela occidentalis C. DC. & Rose; Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 5: 190. 1899.
Cedrela mexicana puberula C. DC. Bull. Herb. Boiss. II. 5: 427. 1905.
Cedrela yucatana Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 33: 110. 1920.
A medium-sized or large tree; leaves equally pinnate, 3-6 chnlong, the petioles and raehis usually glabrous; leaflets 10-30, sometimes more, opposite or occasionally some of them alternate, thin, usually not discoloring in drying, obliquely lanceolate, 7-13 cm. long, 2.5-4.5 cm. broad, long-acuminate at the apex, inequilateral and acute or somewhat rounded at the base, glabrous or sometimes puberulent on the veins beneath, the midvein more or less prominent on both surfaces, petioluled, the petiolules 5-10 mm. long; inflorescence 2-3.5 dm. high, the branches loosely flowered, glabrous or somewhat puberulent; pedicels 1-2 mm. long, usually jointed above the middle; calyx thin, sparingly puberulent, the lobes acute; petals thin, oblong, 5-6 mm. long, 1.5-2 mm. broad, acute or obtuse, velvety-puberulent with grayish, mostly appressed silky hairs; filaments glabrous; ovary gradually tapering into a slender style; capsule oblong-ellipsoid, 4 cm. long; seeds oblong to elliptic-oblong, 12-20 mm. long, 5-6 mm. broad.
Type locality: In forests of Papantla, Veracruz.
Distribution: Cuba; Martinique: Antigua; Mexico; Central America; also in South America.
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Cedrela odorata L. Syst. ed. 10. 940. 1759
Cedrus odorata Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. Cedrus no. 1. 1768. Surenus Brown ii Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 111. 1891.
Cedrela Brownii LoefL; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Ill, as synonym. 1891. Cedrela Sintenisii C. DC. Ann. Cons. Jard. Geneve 10: 169. 1907.
A large timbertree with a reddish-brown, bitter, pleasant-scented wood; leaves equally pinnate, 2.5-4 dm. long, the petioles and rachis glabrous; leaflets 10-16, usually opposite, rather firm, discoloring irndrying, obliquely oblong-ovate to obliquely ovate-lanceolate or obliquely ovate, S— 14.5 cm. long, 3-6 cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, rounded and inequilateral at the base, short-petioluled, glabrous, the midvein more or less impressed above, prominent beneathf inflorescence 1.5-2 dm. or more high, the branches finely puberulent, the terminal ones closely flowered; flowers short-pedicelled, the pedicels jointed at the middle or below; calyx rather thick, puberulent, the lobes ciliolate, acute or sometimes rounded; petals rather thick, oblong, 5.5-6.5 mm. long, 1.5-2 mm. broad, acutish, velvety-puberulent with brown, mostly appressed silky hairs; filaments glabrous; anthers ovate; ovary glabrous, rather abruptly contracted into the slender style; stigma orbicular; capsule ellipsoid, 4—4.5 cm. long.
Type locality: Jamaica.
Distribution: Jamaica and Porto Rico; also in South America.
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Cedrela longipes Blake, Contr. U. S. Nat Herb. 24: 9. 1922.
A tree about 27 m. high, with a trunk 0.7 m. in diameter, the young twigs light-brown, glabrous; leaves 2.5-3 dm. or more long, the petioles rather slender, grooved above, 8-11 cm. long, glabrous; leaflets 8 or 10, alternate or subopposite, chartaceous, 10-12 cm. long, 3.5-4.7 cm. broad, obliquely ovate or lanceolate-ovate, long-acuminate and often somewhat falcate at the apex, inequilaterally rounded at the base, glabrous and lustrous above, paler and dull beneath, reticulate-veined on both sides, the slender petiolules 2-2.5 cm. long; panicles subterminal, 2 dm. or more long, 2.3 dm. wide, the branches glabrous, the peduncle about 1 cm. long, the branches and branchlets spreading at right angles, the cymules 2or 3-flowered; calyx 3.5-4 mm. wide, glabrous or nearly so, splitting irregularly, the teeth deltoid, obtusish; petals oblong, 7.5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, densely puberulent on the outside, pilose w r ithin; stamens shorter than the pistil, the subulate filaments 2 mm. long, sparsely pilose, the anthers about 1 mm. long; ovary subglobose, glabrous.
Type locality: El Paraiso, Department of Copiin, Honduras. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora

Associated Forest Cover ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
In Puerto Rico, cedro is found in Subtropical Moist and Subtropical Wet life zones but is commonest in the Subtropical Moist life zone over limestone-derived soils (16,35). Other species commonly found in the tree layer of this association in Puerto Rico are tortugo amarillo (Sideroxylon foetidissimum), sanguinaria (Dipholis salicifolia), moca (Andira inermis), aquilon (Terebraria resinosa), ucar (Bucida buceras), cupey (Clusia rosea), guano (Ochroma pyramidale), maga (Montezuma speciosissima), uvilla (Coccoloba diversifolia), espino rubial (Zanthoxylum martinicense), almacigo (Bursera simaruba), and cedro macho (Hyeronima clusioides). Almost all of these species have a much wider local distribution and greater abundance than cedro itself, however. In the continental part of its range, cedro is often associated with mahogany (Swietenia spp.) in moist and wet forests, but mahogany is usually present in far greater abundance (52). Compared to the closely related mahoganies, cedro is much more exacting in site requirements, especially drainage. Near the high rainfall end of its climatic range, cedro is invariably found on ridgetops, upper slopes, old building ruins, and road banks, or other areas of unusually well aerated soil (23).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Climate ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Cedro is a climatic generalist, found over a wide geographic range of warm latitudinal belts, from Subtropical Dry Forest (wet transitional part) in Mexico and parts of the West Indies, through Subtropical Moist Forest to Subtropical Wet Forest in the West Indies and Central America, to Tropical Moist and Wet and Tropical Premontane Moist and Wet life zones in the equatorial regions (24). It is most abundant in the lowlands and foothills (other species, C. montana and C. lilloi, replace it at higher elevations) in moist forests. Its distribution is within the frost-free tropics for the most part, although it has been collected at latitudes 26° N. and 28° S., where occasional light frosts can be expected (26,55). Mean temperatures of 23° to 26° C (73° to 79° F) are found in the Caribbean part of its range; in tropical South America mean temperature is slightly higher, 28° C (82° F), with a mean minimum of 23° C (73° F) and a mean maximum of 32° C (90° F). At the southern limit of its range in Argentina the mean temperature is 24° C (75° F); mean maximum temperature is 30° C (86° F) and mean minimum is 18° C (64° F) (16,34,60).

Cedro develops best in seasonally dry climates, as reflected in its deciduous habit and its formation of (presumably annual) growth rings. It reaches greatest prominence under an annual rainfall of 1200 to 2400 mm (47.2 to 94.5 in) with a dry season 2 to 5 months long. Both tree growth and reproduction are synchronous with the onset of the rains (40,53). Cedro survives in lower rainfall areas (down to about 1000 mm (40 in) annually) but grows slowly and shows a stunted form (41,59). It also grows sporadically in areas receiving up to 3500 mm (138 in) of rainfall, but only on very well-drained sites (23,52). In Central and South America, in areas with less than 2000 mm (about 80 in) annual rainfall and over limestone-derived soils, cedar may become locally the dominant species (34,57).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Damaging Agents ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Cedro can tolerate some crown damage by hurricanes and will often resprout. Shade-grown seedlings are sensitive to sunscald after which they become more vulnerable to insect attack. Cedro from tropical provenances is not likely to be frost tolerant. Provenances showing frost resistance grow more slowly than tropical provenances (34,44,57).

Plantations of cedro have suffered snail damage in Malaysia and Africa. Slugs killed some nursery stock of an exotic provenance in the Virgin Islands. Beetle damage is a problem in some plantations in Africa, but evidently not in the New World (34,44,62).

The most serious insect pest of cedro is the mahogany shootborer Hypsipyla grandella (24). The larvae of this moth eat the pith just behind the growing tip of fast-growing shoots, causing death of the apical meristem. In turn this slows seedling and sapling growth and may ruin tree form, since multiple leaders or bushiness often result. Shootborer attack may also contribute to seedling mortality, especially in already stressed populations (3,20). Although the borer has been studied extensively (21,49,63), an integrated control system has not yet been developed. It has been observed that pest attacks are least frequent in strongly seasonal climates, where the cycle of insect reproduction is naturally broken at least once a year (23,63). Attack is also less frequent in natural forest where host trees are few and widely scattered, so that large pest populations never build up, under shade as contrasted to full sunlight, and in dormant seedlings (20,26,62). Provenance trials of cedars from a wide geographic range have shown that they may vary in response to attack (12) and careful selection may allow future development of tolerant strains. Some progress has been made in chemical and biological control strategies (2,3, 18,19,22) but, regardless of the chemicals used, the target insect may eventually develop resistance to them.

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Flowering and Fruiting ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Cedro's reproductive cycle is synchronized with the growing season of the site; throughout its range it flowers at the beginning of the rainy season: May to August in Mexico, the ,,West Indies, and northern South America (4,30,48);September to October in Argentina (34). Flowering begins when new leaves are expanding. The large and much-branched inflorescences bear numerous small, five-part, symmetrical greenish-white flowers. Trees are monoecious; male and female flowers are borne on the same inflorescence but the species is proterogynous (female flowers open first). Fruit development takes about 9 or 10 months and fruits ripen during the next dry season. Trees begin to fruit at an age of 10 to 12 years. The fruit, a large woody capsule, is borne near branch tips. Fruits ripen, split, and shed seeds while still attached to the parent tree.

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Genetics ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Population Differences The genus Cedrela has undergone two major systematic revisions since 1960. The most recent revision reduced the number of species in the genus to seven (53). The common cedro, Cedrela odorata L., embraces 28 other named species, including C. mexicana M. J. Roem. The taxon "C. angustifolia," a very vigorous type now in demand because of its apparent resistance to the shootborer, was left in an indeterminate status due to insufficient herbarium material. The result is that C. odorata as now constituted is a species showing a high degree of population variation. The West Indian material, upon which the original species description was based, is characterized by glabrous foliage with sessile leaflets, whereas the variety (formerly species) "mexicana" of Central and South America has varying degrees of pubescence, as well as generally larger leaves with petiolate leaflets, but intermediate varieties exist. Early plantation trials indicated that the variety called "mexicana" is faster growing than the West Indian race (59).

Races Recently completed provenance trials (7,8,12,13, 14,15,26,32,33,35,44,46,50,62,65) have suggested that many ecological races of cedro exist. Provenance differences showed up most clearly in African trials, where they were not masked by the adverse effects of the shootborer. Efforts are underway to expand provenance trials to include more seed sources for promising types (12).

Hybrids Smith (51) suggested that the widely distributed species of cedro, C. odorata and C. fissilis, as well as the doubtful taxon C. angustifolia (which he recognized as a separate species), hybridized freely, and that hybrids could explain the great phenotypic variability in these taxa. Unfortunately, there is still no experimental evidence to support or reject the hybridization hypothesis. Recent cytological studies have shown that at least two separate basic diploid chromosome numbers (2n= 50 and 56) occur in C. odorata; this occurrence of different intraspecific chromosomal races seems widespread in the Meliaceae and may inhibit free hybridization (54,56).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Growth and Yield ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Growth data for many plantations are summarized in table 2. Once past the vulnerable early sapling stage, cedro is a very fast-growing tree, adding 2.5 cm (1.0 in) or more in diameter and 2 in (6.6 ft) in height a year under good conditions. Provenance differences in height growth show up most clearly in Africa, where shootborer attacks are not a problem (44). Fast-growing saplings develop straight, clean boles and narrow, thin crowns. The light-demanding saplings escape shootborer attack in 3 to 4 years if robust, and subsequent growth is rapid on favorable sites (58). The smooth, grayish bark of the sapling gradually becomes vertically fissured as the tree matures, and turns somewhat brownish. Large cedros have a straight, clean bole, often 15 to 20 in (49 to 66 ft) to the first limb and a narrowly buttressed base. Maximum height is 30 to 40 in (98 to 131 ft) (34).

Plantation site Origin of Seed Plantation Annual growth in d.b.h. Location Rainfall Soil Age Spacing D.b.h. Height   (mm)     (yr) (m,) (cm) (m) (mm) Puerto Rico (64,65) 1900 limestone 6 Provenances 8 2.4 4.4 4.5 5.6 Virgin Is., USA (64,65) 1000 to 1200 shallow, over shale 5 Provenances 8 2.4 5.9 4.5 7.4 Ivory Coast (13) 1300 to 1500 granite-derived sandy loam 8 Provenances 7.5 nrl 18.2 13.7 24.3 Nigeria (Ore) (14,15) 1600 shallow sandy loam pH 5.5 11 Provenances 7.5 3.6 23.9 14.8 31.9 Tanzania (36,50) 1450 well drained 8 Provenances 5.6 4 16.1 12.5 28.8 Mexico (59) 1200 limestone-derived Mexico "Mexicana" 8 0.5 12 10 15 Ecuador(59) 1200 alluvial, sandy Cuba 6 2 by 4 24 18 40 Jamaica (59) 2500 limestone, light clay Jamaica 5 2.5 (in lines) 8 nr 16 Mexico (59) 1100 limestone, thin stoney clay Mexico 8 3 11 6 14 Mexico (59) 900 limestone, sandy clay Mexico 12 1 8 6 6.7 Panama (59) 2600 alluvial, well drained Panama 12 1.5 by 3 24 21 20 Honduras (59) 1800 limestone and volcanic Honduras 13 1.5 by 3 28 15 21.5 Trinidad (59) 2400 limestone, well drained Trinidad 15 nr¹ 32 23 21.3 Ecuador(59) 1200 alluvial Cuba 18 to 20 3 50 25 25   (in)     (yr) (ft) (in) (ft) (in) Puerto Rico 75 limestone 6 Provenances 8 8 1.7 14.8 0.22 Virgin Is., USA 39 to 47 shallow, over shale 5 Provenances 8 8 2.3 14.8 0.29 Ivory Coast 51 to 59 granite-derived sandy loam 8 Provenances 7.5 nr 7.2 44.9 0.96 Nigeria (Ore) 63 shallow sandy loam pH 5.5 11 Provenances 7.5 11.8 9.4 48.6 1.26 Tanzania 57 well drained 8 Provenances 5.6 13.1 6.3 41 1.13 Mexico 47 limestone-derived Mexico "Mexicana" 8 1.6 4.7 32.8 0.59 Ecuador 47 alluvial, sandy Cuba 6 6.6 by 13.1 9.4 59 1.57 Jamaica 98 limestone, light clay Jamaica 5 8.2 (in lines) 3.1 nr 0.63 Mexico 43 limestone, thin stoney clay Mexico 8 9.8 4.3 19.7 0.55 Mexico 35 limestone, sandy clay Mexico 12 3.3 3.1 19.7 0.26 Panama 102 alluvial, well drained Panama 12 4.5 by 10 9.4 68.9 0.79 Honduras 71 limestone and volcanic Honduras 13 4.5 by 10 11 49.2 0.85 Trinidad 94 limestone, well drained Trinidad 15 nr 12.6 75.5 0.84 Ecuador 47 alluvial Cuba 18 to 20 9.8 19.7 82 0.98 ¹Not reported.

Natural forests containing cedro in Mexico yielded only 2000 m³ (about 71,000 ft³) per year in a total area of 460 000 ha (1,137,000 acres), for an annual yield of 0.004 m³/ha (0.057 ft³/acre). Mahogany yields from the same forest were eight times higher. This illustrates the present low stocking of cedro in natural forests, although the low density may be due in part to past exploitation and lack of regeneration (52,53). In contrast, 40-year-old plantations in Africa yielded 455 m³/ha (6,500 ft³/acre) at the end of the rotation, and a yield of 150 to 270 m³ /ha (about 2,100 to 3,900 ft³/acre) over a 35-year rotation was estimated for line-planted cedro in Surinam (34,58). Webb et al. (61) cited 11 to 22 m³/ha (157 to 314 ft³/acre) per year for managed cedro plantations worldwide. Marshall calculated cedro yield by diameter classes in Trinidad (40); volume tables have been published (9).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Reaction to Competition ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Although tolerant of weeds during the seedling stage (63), cedro is classed as intolerant of weeds and shade at the sapling stage and beyond (34). Its thin and spreading crown of light green leaves suggests the habit of a light demanding species as does its potential for fast growth and its appearance after fire (34), in hedgerows (40) and on ruins (48). It is best described as late successional, as it has a moderately long life span. In Trinidad and elsewhere, cedros with more than 100 growth rings are not uncommon (1,40).

Attempts to grow Cedrela in plantation systems in Latin America were almost entirely unsuccessful until recently. These early failures (10, 11,17,23,39,40,51) have been attributed to poor choice of experimental sites (too wet, wrong soils), increased risk of insect attack in the dense artificial populations (20), and misunderstanding of light requirements (58). However, a few successes may point to fruitful avenues of further experimentation. Under dry conditions, cedar was successfully grown in plantations in Ecuador with no shade and no apparent Hypsipyla shootborer problems (59). Successful line plantings have been established in Surinam and the taungya system has been used in Mexico (42,58).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Rooting Habit ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Some confusion exists regarding the rooting habit of saplings and mature cedros. While early workers all reported a very superficial root system, recent literature (34) suggests that the species can become deeply rooted if the soil is loose and coarse or fissured. This is compatible with previously reported observations of vigorous cedro growth on old masonry and in light and well-aerated soils. Seedlings, at any rate, are very superficially rooted and may be sensitive to mechanical damage from weeding and other soil preparation activities (10).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Seed Production and Dissemination ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Fruits open from the top downward to release 40 to 50 winged seeds when ripe. Seed weight is about 8 to 10 percent of dry fruit weight. One kilogram (2.2 lb) contains 20,000 to 50,000 seeds (9,100 to 22,700/lb, approximately). Seeds are 20 to 25 mm (0.75 to 1.0 in) long, wing included, and are wind dispersed. Heavy seed crops are produced annually in some areas and biennially or irregularly in others (41,59). Seeds are shed during the dry season. They lose viability quickly if not stored very dry at reduced temperatures (12,37,38).Germination begins with the onset of the rainy season and is epigeous. Vigorous germination is the rule, with seed viability reportedly up to 90 percent (40). No seed dormancy period is known. Germination is rapid, usually completed within 2 to 4 weeks (37,38).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Seedling Development ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Early development of the seedling is rapid as long as moisture and light are adequate (5,46,62). Shade-grown seedlings saturate photosynthetically at low intensities and are shade tolerant, but sun-grown seedlings require high light intensities for best growth (27,28,29). Shade-grown seedlings are susceptible to sunscald and subsequent insect attack when moved to sun (43). Fertilizer trials showed best growth with 7-6-19 fertilizer (6).

In natural forest, high seedling densities are common near fruiting trees shortly after the beginning of the rainy season, but most of these seedlings disappear by the middle of the rains or a little later; this high natural mortality may be due to shade or competition but is thought to be partly due to damping off or other root problems (40). Seedlings and saplings have extremely shallow root systems and are sensitive to uprooting and root trampling (10). Seedlings average 1 in (3.3 ft) in growth and develop a stem diameter of 10 mm (0.4 in) or more during the first year under favorable conditions (table 1). Early growth is vigorous under partial shade, when the shootborer attack is not severe (8,51,62).

Table 1- Early seedling growth of cedro hembra (Cedrela odorata) Country Origin of test material Germination Annual growth¹ Surival Height D.b.h.     (pct) (cm) (in) (cm) (in) (pct) Puerto Rico (62)               Full sun 5 Provenances 10 to 62 26.2 10.3 8.4 3.3 98 to 100 St. Croix, VI (62)               Shade 5 Provenances nr 2 29.3 11.5 8.5 3.3 93 to 97 Venezuela (4) Venezuela 85 to 90 120 47.2 nr nr nr Trinidad (39) Trinidad 90 100 39.4 nr nr low Nigeria (14,44) 15 Provenances nr 133.7 52.6 34.8 13.7 76 Uganda (30) 12 Provenances good 141 55.5 23.5 9.3 75 to 96 Tanzania (48) 5 Provenances nr 95 37.4 nr nr 75 ¹All gowth data were converted to an annual basis.
²Not reported.

Natural cedro regeneration from seed is good in many parts of Central and South America, but good initial growth is often followed by dieback after 2 to 3 years. This problem may be only partially related to the shootborer and may also reflect the scarcity of appropriate soils, especially in some of the areas subjected to most intensive study. The abundance of cedro regrowth as almost pure stands with no apparent shootborer problems on recent and ancient limestone ruins in areas with a strong dry season (52) suggests that cedro may be a calciphile.

In some parts of the neotropics selective removal of seed trees has left the forest with insufficient stock for natural regeneration, even on favorable sites. Some success has been claimed for artifical regeneration using the taungya method (a system using native farmers who plant the trees interspersed with their food crops, abandoning the field later to return to forest, now enriched with the desired plantation species); line plantings followed by natural liberation are also used (11,42,58). Successful establishment by the taungya system has been achieved in Africa, where extensive areas of well-drained soils are present, and the native shootborer does not attack New World cedro (34).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Soils and Topography ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Cedro may be exacting in its soil requirements but these are still imperfectly understood. In the West Indies it is most commonly found on limestone-derived clay soils (23,35,47), but it also grows on well-drained sites over acid soils derived from volcanic rock (Ultisols). The common denominator appears to be drainage and aeration of the soil (24,52,63), not soil pH (40,64,65). In Trinidad the one factor common to all sites supporting good growth was good surface drainage (10,40). In Mexico and Central America, cedro is likewise common on well-drained soils and ruins (48). Soil fertility may also be important, as in some tests cedro grew better in soil enriched with the burned remains of secondary forest (10,58). No definitive studies of nutrient requirements beyond the seedling stage have been performed (5,63). Symptoms of stress due to poor soils are burned appearance of roots, development of "weeping willow" form in saplings (leaves become thin and drooping) or loss of leaves at irregular intervals during the wet season.

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Special Uses ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Cedro wood is still in considerable demand wherever it is available in the American tropics. An attractive, moderately lightweight wood (specific gravity 0.4), its primary use is in household articles used to store clothing. Cedro heartwood contains an aromatic and insect-repelling resin that is the source of its popular name, Spanish-cedar (it resembles the aroma of true cedars (Cedrus spp.). The easily worked wood is both rot-resistant in the ground and highly termite-resistant, making it suitable for exterior construction. Cedro works easily and makes excellent plywood and veneer and would be more widely used if it could be successfully plantation grown (34,35,48,52).

Cedro is an important avenue and shade tree in the West Indies and South America, and where imported, in Africa. It has also been used successfully as cacao and coffee shade in Trinidad.

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Vegetative Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Cedro does not coppice readily nor produce root suckers; it is not fire resistant (5,40). It is capable of pollard regrowth (partial terminal regrowth after moderate wind damage or partial dieback) if the tree is well established. It can be grafted and air-layered (34,40,56).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Meliaceae -- Mahogany family

Barbara B. Cintron

Cedro hembra (Cedrela odorata) is the most commercially important and widely distributed species in the genus Cedrela. Known as Spanish-cedar in English commerce, the aromatic wood is in high demand in the American tropics because it is naturally termite- and rot-resistant. Cedro is widespread but never very common throughout moist tropical American forests; its numbers are continuing to be reduced by exploitation without successful regeneration. An understanding of the exacting site requirements and of associated damage by insects is needed for productive plantations.

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Distribution ( 英語 )

由Silvics of North America提供
Cedro is a tree of the New World tropics, appearing in forests of moist and seasonally dry Subtropical or Tropical life zones (24) from latitude 26° N. on the Pacific coast of Mexico, throughout Central America and the West Indies, to the lowlands and foothills of most of South America up to 1200 m (about 4,000 ft) altitude, finding its southern limit at about latitude 28° S. in Argentina (12,55). Cedro is always found naturally on well-drained soils, often but not exclusively on limestone; it tolerates a long dry season but does not flourish in areas of rainfall greater than about 3000 mm (120 in) or on sites with heavy or waterlogged soils (5,34,40,66). Individual trees are generally scattered in mixed semievergreen or semi-deciduous forests dominated by other species (11,23,25,28).

USDA, Forest Service
Silvics of North America

Cedrela odorata ( 阿斯圖里亞斯語 )

由wikipedia AST提供

El cedru americanu (Cedrela odorata) ye un árbol de la familia de les Meliacees de la zona intertropical americana. Los sos nomes comunes son: cedru acajou, acaju, acayú, cedru español, cedru de les barbares, cedru de Guayana o cedru amargosu.

Detalle de la planta
Nel so hábitat

Orixe y dispersión

Orixinariu d'América Central, alcuéntrase en Méxicu Tamién s'atopa en Brasil, el Caribe, Venezuela, Colombia y Perú. Ye un árbol de montes tropófilos.

El xéneru Cedrela entiende 7 especies partíes n'América tropical. La especie Cedrela odorata ye'l árbol emblemáticu del estáu Barinas, en Venezuela.

Alcuéntrase en montes tropicales caducifolios. N'elevaciones hasta 1200 m.

Descripción botánica

El cedru amargosu ye un árbol del orde Sapindales, familia de les Meliacees, de rexones tropicales d'América.

Tien un fuste importante que puede algamar los 40 m d'altor. El tueru ye rectu, naciendo les sos cañes más arriba de la metá del so altor y con diámetros nos árboles adultos de 1 a 2 m. Dacuando, na so parte baxa presenta contrafuertes o aletones qu'ayuden a afitar l'árbol, yá que tien un sistema radical abondo superficial.

La corteza, que puede llegar a espesures de 2 cm, ye de color gris-claro nos árboles nuevos y apenes estremada en plaques por leves hendiduras, ente que los árboles adultos tienen la corteza fondamente fisurada. La corteza interna ye rosada, fibrosa y de sabor amargoso.

La copa presenta formes globoses o arrondaes con xamasca trupa, de color verde-claru, que esprender na dómina de seca (avientu a mayu) dexando al descubiertu les sos cañes ascendentes, grueses, con abondosos puntos (lenticelas) arrondaos y protuberantes.

Les fueyes son compuestes, alternes, de 30 a 70 cm de llargu, con 5 a 11 pares de foliolos (xeneralmente 6 ó 7 pares). Los foliolos son xeneralmente llanceolaos o oblongos, de 8 a 17 cm de llongura por 2,5 a 5,5 cm d'anchu, acuminaos, obtusos y dacuando mucronaos nel ápiz, agudos hasta arrondaos y bien asimétricos na base, enteros nos marxes, verde-escuru na cara cimera y verde salíu y amarellentaos na casa inferior, glabros. Al estrumilos esprenden un fuerte golor aliáceo. Los peciolos son de 1 a 1,5 cm de llargu.

Les flores arrexuntar n'inflorescencies con pániculas variables en tamañu, munches vegaes más curties que les fueyes, xeneralmente glabres, escasamente pubérulas. Les flores miden de 6 a 9 mm de llargu, selemente arumaes, de color crema verdosu. El mota ye verdosu, en forma de copa o embudu, de 2 a 3 cm de llargu, con 5 lóbulos dentaos. La corola ye tubular; abrir en 5 pétalos, de 7 a 8 mm de llargu, colos pubérulos per fora. Tien 5 estames, llibres más costos que los pétalos. L'estilu devasa'l llargor de los estames con estigma enancháu.

Los frutos son capsulares, elípticos-oblongos, de 2,5 a 5 cm de llargu, que cuelguen en grupos nel estremu de les cañes; abrir por 5 cáscares; presenten una exa central con 5 ángulos. Nel maduror tien aspeutu maderizu, de color marrón chocolate, con abondosos lenticelas marielles. Permanecen mientres enforma tiempu nel árbol.

Les granes son albecs, de 2 a 2,5 cm de llargu, de color marrón. Cada cápsula puede contener de 20 a 40 granes, dispuestes en 2 fileres. Un namái cedru puede producir añalmente cerca de 10 millones de granes les cualos son tresportaes pol vientu.

La madera ye goliosa, abondo llixera, con pesu específicu variable d'ente 0,42 a 0,63, xeneralmente blanda o medianamente dura. El color de l'albura ye blancu-amarellentáu o gris bien estremáu del duramen, que'l so color va dende colloráu hasta marrón claro. La testura varia dende fina hasta aspra.

Florien de mayu a xunetu. Fructifican en marzu.

Númberu cromosómico 2n = 50.


En Guatemala ye utilizáu pa tratar tiemblos.

Ye llantáu con fines ornamentales en parques y xardinos.

El so madera de color escuru ye bien apreciada pola so calidá; usar pa fabricar muebles una y bones nun ye vulnerable a les termites. España autorizó a los ingleses la corte d'esta madera precioso na área que güei ocupa Belice, dando orixe a una fuerte presencia colonial inglesa na rexón que llevó a España, primero, depués a Guatemala, a perder esti territoriu anque sigue'l so pleitu. Munches cases europees fueron afataes con esta madera anque la más importante foi la caoba, qu'entá siguen en bon estáu n'Europa.


Esta planta ye d'usu ritual nes llimpies, tantu na Huasteca potosina como na veracruzana.

Amás, atribúyense-y propiedaes melecinales en problemes respiratorios como bronquitis y asma, pa lo cual bébese un cocimientu de la corteza. P'aselar el dolor de les feríes aprovéchense les cañes. Como albortivu y pal dolor d'estómagu, prepárase un té col tarmu d'esta planta y la corteza de macuilis (sp n/r). Como relaxante muscular, antihemorrágico vaxinal alminístrase'l fervinchu de la madera, per vía oral y en baños.

El cocimientu de la corteza usar en baños pa baxar la calentura y contra el "plasmu". Tamién se refier preséu en casos de foria, fiel, reumatismu, dolor de mueles y hemorraxa nasal.


Francisco Hernández de Toledo nel sieglu XVI, refier: "la corteza ye amargosa y astringente, afírmase que cura les erupciones que llamen viruelas".

Darréu, Ricardo Ossado, nel Llibru del Xudíu de mediaos del sieglu XVIII menta: "ye útil pal dolor de mueles, cura los ataques d'epilepsia y toles enfermedaes nervioses".


La madera de Cedrela adorata contién un aceite esencial nel que s'identificaron los sesquiterpenos calamaneno, alfa-copaeno, alfa-cubeno, beta-elemeno, guaiazuleno, dihidro-guaiazuleno, alfa-muroleno, gamma-muroleno, nerólido y terreyol. Otros componentes de la madera son los triterpenos gedunín 23-24-25-trihidroxi-treo-tirucal-7-en-3-ona y odoratona; el esteroide glucosil-24-metilen-colesterol y el flavonoide adoratol. Na corteza del tarmu detectóse'l triterpeno, acedu oleanólico, na fueya, cedrela tetranor-triperpeno I y na grana, andirobín, mexicanolido, 6-alfa-hidroxi-mexicanólido y 6-deoxi-switenólido. En fueyes y corteza detectóse la beta-sitosterol.[1]


Vista de la planta.

Cedrela odorata describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Systema Naturae, Editio Decima 2: 940. 1759.[2]

  • Cedrela adenophylla Mart.
  • Cedrela amara Goebel
  • Cedrela brachystachya (C.DC.) C.DC.
  • Cedrela brownei Loefl.
  • Cedrela brownii Loefl. ex Kuntze
  • Cedrela caldasana C.DC.
  • Cedrela cedru Loefl.
  • Cedrela cubensis Bisse
  • Cedrela glaziovii C.DC.
  • Cedrela guianensis A.Juss.
  • Cedrela hassleri (C.DC.) C.DC.
  • Cedrela huberi Ducke
  • Cedrela imparipinnata C.DC.
  • Cedrela longipes S.F.Blake
  • Cedrela mexicana M.Roem.
  • Cedrela mexicana var. puberula C.DC.
  • Cedrela mourae C.DC.
  • Cedrela occidentalis C.DC. & Rose
  • Cedrela palustris Handro
  • Cedrela paraguariensis Mart.
  • Cedrela paraguariensis var. brachystachya C.DC.
  • Cedrela paraguariensis var. hassleri C.DC.
  • Cedrela paraguariensis var. multijuga C.DC.
  • Cedrela atayante S.F.Blake
  • Cedrela sintenisii C.DC.
  • Cedrela velloziana M.Roem.
  • Cedrela whitfordii S.F.Blake
  • Cedrela yucatana S.F.Blake
  • Cedrus odorata Mill.
  • Surenus brownei (Loefl.) Kuntze
  • Surenus glaziovii (C.DC.) Kuntze
  • Surenus guianensis (A.Juss.) Kuntze
  • Surenus mexicana (M.Roem.) Kuntze
  • Surenus paraguariensis (Mart.) Kuntze
  • Surenus velloziana (M.Roem.) Kuntze[3]

Ver tamién



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Cedrela odorata: Brief Summary ( 阿斯圖里亞斯語 )

由wikipedia AST提供
Cedrela odorata

El cedru americanu (Cedrela odorata) ye un árbol de la familia de les Meliacees de la zona intertropical americana. Los sos nomes comunes son: cedru acajou, acaju, acayú, cedru español, cedru de les barbares, cedru de Guayana o cedru amargosu.

 src= Frutos  src= Detalle de la planta  src= Fueyes  src= Nel so hábitat
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia AST

Cedrela odorata ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供
Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

El cedre americà (Cedrela odorata) és una espècie d'arbre de la família de les meliàcies de regions tropicals d'Amèrica. Els seus noms comuns són: cedre acajou, cedre espanyol, cedre de les barbares, cedre de Guyana; en anglès: west indian cedar; en alemany: Jamaica-Zedar; en francès: acajou amer.

Origen i dispersió

Originari d'Amèrica central, l'hi troba de Mèxic a Brasil, el Carib, Perú. És un arbre de repobles tropicals humides i seques.

El gènere Cedrela comprèn 7 espècies repartides a Amèrica tropical.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Cedrela odorata: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

El cedre americà (Cedrela odorata) és una espècie d'arbre de la família de les meliàcies de regions tropicals d'Amèrica. Els seus noms comuns són: cedre acajou, cedre espanyol, cedre de les barbares, cedre de Guyana; en anglès: west indian cedar; en alemany: Jamaica-Zedar; en francès: acajou amer.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Westindische Zedrele ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Westindische Zedrele (Cedrela odorata), auch Westindische Zeder, Spanische Zeder oder nach ihrem verkürzten spanischen Namen Cedro genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Mahagonigewächse (Meliaceae). Diese Art wächst von Mexiko über die Karibik und Mittelamerika bis ins tropische Südamerika. Sie wurde im Pazifik auf Hawaii und den Galapagosinseln, im Indischen Ozean auf Madagaskar sowie in den afrikanischen Staaten Südafrika, Tansania, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Nigeria und Elfenbeinküste eingeführt.[1]

Die Bezeichnung „Zeder“ ist allerdings verwirrend, denn Zedrelen sind Laubbäume und Zedern Nadelbäume.


Vegetative Merkmale

Gefiederte Laubblätter bei jungen Pflanzen
Offene Früchte

Cedrela odorata wächst als laubabwerfender Baum und erreicht Wuchshöhen von über 40 Meter. Der Stammdurchmesser erreicht bis zu 3 Meter. Es werden nur kleine Brettwurzeln oder Riffelungen gebildet. Die gräuliche bis bräunliche Borke ist im Alter rau und furchig. Die Zweige besitzen eine kahle Rinde mit spärlich verteilten Lentizellen.

Die wechselständig und spiralig an den Zweigen angeordneten Laubblätter sind mindestens 30 cm lang und paarig gefiedert. Die mehr oder weniger gegenständig an der Blattrhachis angeordneten bis über 30 Blättchen besitzen einen 1 bis 2 cm langen Stiel. Die meist kahle Blättchenspreite ist bis etwa 15 cm lang und bis 6 cm breit, sie ist eiförmig bis elliptisch, mit ganzem Rand, sowie gerundeter bis spitzer, teils leicht herzförmiger, öfters schräger oder ungleicher Basis und bespitzem bis zugespiztem oder geschwänztem oberen Ende. Sie ist dünnledrig, auf beiden Seiten kahl und besitzt zehn bis zwölf Seitennerven auf jeder Seite des Mittelnervs.

Generative Merkmale

Cedrela odorata ist einhäusig monözisch. Die kahlen, reich verzweigten und langen rispigen, thyrsigen Blütenstände sind endständig nur schwach behaart. Die fünfzähligen und funktionell eingeschlechtlichen, duftenden Blüten besitzen eine doppelte Blütenhülle. Sie sind relativ klein und kurz gestielt. Die fünf kleinen Kelchblätter sind verwachsen und spärlich flaumig behaart mit fünf kurzen, ungleichen Zähnen. Der becherförmige Kelch besitzt einseitig einen Schlitz. Die fünf freien, weißen und dachigen, aufrechten Kronblätter sind bei einer Länge von etwa 8 mm röhrig zusammenstehend mit kurzen ausgebogenen Zipfeln. Sie sind auf beiden Seiten flaumig behaart und innen, unten gekielt und mit dem Kiel dem Fruchtknoten anliegend, anhaftend. Die fünf, knapp eingeschlossenen Staubblätter und der kahle, fünfkammerige, längliche, oberständige Fruchtknoten sind in einem kurzen Androgynophor verwachsen. Wobei die kahlen Staubfäden unten am Stiel des Androgynophors angeheftet sind und unten jeweils Nektarien besitzen. In jeder Fruchtknotenkammer befinden sich etwa zwölf Samenanlagen. Der relativ kurze, dickliche, knapp vorstehende Griffel ist kahl, mit breiter, kopfiger und schwach gelappter Narbe. Die weiblichen Blüten besitzen Staminodien mit Antheroden und die männlichen Blüten einen leicht reduzierten Pistillode.

Die kahle, fünfklappige, holzige und vielsamige, ellipsoide bis verkehrt-eiförmige, septifragrale Kapselfrucht ist bei einer Länge von bis etwa 3–5 cm länglich bis ellipsoid und ist mit hellen Lentizellen gesprenkelt. Sie öffnet sich an der Spitze krallenförmig. Die, mit Flügel, bis 3 cm langen, braunen und abgeflachten Samen sind einseitig geflügelt.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 56.[2]


Die Erstveröffentlichung von Cedrela odorata erfolgte 1759 durch Carl von Linné in Systema Naturae 10. Auflage, 2, S. 940[3]. Als Lectotypus wurde 1960 P. Browne: Civil & Nat. Hist. Jamaica, 1756, Tafel 10, Figur 1 durch C.E. Smith in Fieldiana, Bot., 29(5), S. 314 festgelegt.

Synonyme für Cedrela odorata L. sind: Cedrela adenophylla Mart., Cedrela brachystachya (C.DC.) C.DC., Cedrela brownii Loefl. ex Kuntze, Cedrela caldasana C.DC., Cedrela ciliolata S.F.Blake, Cedrela cubensis Bisse, Cedrela dugesii S.Watson, Cedrela glaziovii C.DC., Cedrela guianensis A.Juss., Cedrela hassleri (C.DC.) C.DC., Cedrela huberi Ducke, Cedrela imparipinnata C.DC., Cedrela longipes S.F.Blake, Cedrela longipetiolulata Harms, Cedrela mexicana M.Roem., Cedrela mexicana var. puberula C. DC., Cedrela mourae C.DC., Cedrela occidentalis C.DC. & Rose, Cedrela odorata var. xerogeiton Rizzini & Heringer, Cedrela palustris Handro, Cedrela paraguariensis Mart., Cedrela paraguariensis var. brachystachya C.DC., Cedrela paraguariensis var. hassleri C.DC., Cedrela paraguariensis var. multijuga C.DC., Cedrela rotunda S.F.Blake, Cedrela sintenisii C.DC., Cedrela velloziana M.Roem., Cedrela whitfordii S.F.Blake, Cedrela yucatana S.F.Blake, Surenus brownii Kuntze, Surenus glaziovii (C.DC.) Kuntze, Surenus guianensis (A.Juss.) Kuntze, Surenus mexicana (M.Roem.) Kuntze, Surenus velloziana (M.Roem.) Kuntze.[4]


Das mittelschwere und mäßig beständige Holz der Westindischen Zedrele wird aufgrund der guten Bearbeitbarkeit gerne als Ersatz für Mahagoni genutzt. Außerdem ist das Holz ein beinahe unverzichtbares Baumaterial für Konzertgitarrenhälse sowie Zigarren-Humidore. Der dezente Geruch des Holzes harmoniert in angenehmer Weise mit der Zigarre und hält gleichzeitig Schädlinge von ihr fern. Aus dem Holz wird auch ätherisches Öl gewonnen, welches als westindisches Zedernöl bezeichnet wird.[5]

Gefährdung und Schutz

Die Westindische Zedrele wird aufgrund der anhaltenden Ausbeutung von der Weltnaturschutzunion IUCN in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten[6] als gefährdet („Vulnerable“) geführt.

Die Art ist in Anhang 3[7] des Washingtoner Artenschutz-Übereinkommens (CITES) mit ihren Beständen in Kolumbien, Guatemala und Peru aufgeführt. Damit ist der Handel mit Stämmen, gesägtem Holz und Furnierblättern von dieser Art bestimmten Bedingungen unterworfen.



  1. Cedrela odorata bei PROTA4U, abgerufen am 17. November 2017.
  2. Cedrela mexicana bei Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis..
  3. Erstveröffentlichung eingescannt bei biodiversitylibrary.org.
  4. Cedrela odorata bei Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis..
  5. Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young: Essential Oil Safety. Second Edition, Churchill Livingstone, 2014, ISBN 978-0-443-06241-4, S. 240 f.
  6. Cedrela odorata in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2017. Eingestellt von: J. Mark, M. C. Rivers, 2017. Abgerufen am 23. Januar 2022..
  7. The CITES Appendices. CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, abgerufen am 27. Januar 2010 (englisch, Die Appendixe des Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommens CITES).
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Westindische Zedrele: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Westindische Zedrele (Cedrela odorata), auch Westindische Zeder, Spanische Zeder oder nach ihrem verkürzten spanischen Namen Cedro genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Mahagonigewächse (Meliaceae). Diese Art wächst von Mexiko über die Karibik und Mittelamerika bis ins tropische Südamerika. Sie wurde im Pazifik auf Hawaii und den Galapagosinseln, im Indischen Ozean auf Madagaskar sowie in den afrikanischen Staaten Südafrika, Tansania, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Nigeria und Elfenbeinküste eingeführt.

Die Bezeichnung „Zeder“ ist allerdings verwirrend, denn Zedrelen sind Laubbäume und Zedern Nadelbäume.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Kanuwa ruya ( 奇楚瓦語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Kanuwa ruya: Brief Summary ( 奇楚瓦語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Kanuwa ruya, Puku yura, Kapiruna icha Q'apaq siwis (Cedrela odorata) nisqaqa huk hatun sach'am, rikch'aq siwismi, Uralan Awya Yalapi wiñaq. K'ullu kurkumanta kanuwatam ruranku.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

Sèd ( 海地、海地克里奧爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Sèd se yon plant. Li nan fanmi plant kategori: Meliaceæ . Non syantifik li se Cedrela odorata L.




Kèk lyen

Otè ak editè Wikipedia
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Sèd: Brief Summary ( 海地、海地克里奧爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Sèd se yon plant. Li nan fanmi plant kategori: Meliaceæ . Non syantifik li se Cedrela odorata L.

Otè ak editè Wikipedia
wikipedia emerging languages

Мирислива цедрела ( 馬其頓語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Мирисливата цедрела (науч. Cedrela odorata) е истополово полулистопадно дрво со височина од 10 до 30 м. Стеблото има дебела сивкасто-кафена кора, со надолжна неправилна гранулација. Има перјесто распоредени сложени листови, групирани кон крајот на гранките, и се со должина од 15 до 50 см, со парови ливчиња од срповиден, ланцеолатен до долгнавест облик, 7-15 x 3-5 см по должина, а основата е косо засечена и несиметрична.

Растението се нарекува и наречена и „шпански кедар“ или „мексикански кедар“, иако не е сродно со кедарот (Cedrus).

Растението се користи за добивање мед во пчеларството, а во дрвната индустрија се користи за изработка на хумидори или фурнир за обвиткување на поединечни пури.



  1. Americas Regional Workshop (1998). Cedrela odorata. Црвен список на загрозени видови на МСЗП. Верзија 2012.2. Меѓународен сојуз за заштита на природата. конс. 12 декември 2012. (англиски)

Автори и уредници на Википедија
wikipedia emerging languages

Мирислива цедрела: Brief Summary ( 馬其頓語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Мирисливата цедрела (науч. Cedrela odorata) е истополово полулистопадно дрво со височина од 10 до 30 м. Стеблото има дебела сивкасто-кафена кора, со надолжна неправилна гранулација. Има перјесто распоредени сложени листови, групирани кон крајот на гранките, и се со должина од 15 до 50 см, со парови ливчиња од срповиден, ланцеолатен до долгнавест облик, 7-15 x 3-5 см по должина, а основата е косо засечена и несиметрична.

Растението се нарекува и наречена и „шпански кедар“ или „мексикански кедар“, иако не е сродно со кедарот (Cedrus).

Растението се користи за добивање мед во пчеларството, а во дрвната индустрија се користи за изработка на хумидори или фурнир за обвиткување на поединечни пури.

Автори и уредници на Википедија
wikipedia emerging languages

Cedrela angustifolia ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Cedrela angustifolia is a species of tree in the mahogany family, Meliaceae. Local common names include cedro de Tucumán, cedro bayo, cedro coya, and cedro del cerro.[1] It is native to South America, where it occurs in Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

This is a species of mountain forests. It easily colonizes disturbed habitat, forming dense canopy. These stands still occur in Bolivia,[1] and the tree is common in parts of Argentina.[2] However, it is a valuable timber tree.[2] Some populations have faced substantial declines, and it is considered to be an endangered species.[1]

Forests of southern Perú are reported to have been in pre-colonial times composed largely of Andean cedar, which were over time depleted. One historical tree, purported to be more than 300 years old, remains in the courtyard of the Monasterio Hotel in Cusco.[3][4] There is at this time no known effort to revive this species within Perú. Non-native eucalyptus trees are prized for their rapid growth, and are used throughout the area for both timber and fuel.[5][6][7]


  1. ^ a b c d Llamozas, S. (1998). "Cedrela lilloi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 1998: e.T32989A9741887. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.1998.RLTS.T32989A9741887.en. Retrieved 14 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b Grau, H. R. (2000). Regeneration patterns of Cedrela lilloi (Meliaceae) in northwestern Argentina subtropical montane forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology 16(2) 227-42.
  3. ^ "The Oldest Tree of Cusco: An Andean Cedar". 24 May 2022.
  4. ^ "Andean Cedar, an Important Tree of Cuzco". 25 August 2013.
  5. ^ Dickinson, Joshua C. (1969). "The Eucalypt in the Sierra of Southern Peru". Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 59 (2): 294–307. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8306.1969.tb00672.x. JSTOR 2561632.
  6. ^ "Why are there so many Eucalyptus trees in the Peruvian Andes?".
  7. ^ Luzar, Jeff (2007). "The Political-Ecology of a "Forest Transition": Eucalyptus forestry in the Southern Peruvian Andes". Ethnobotany Research and Applications. 5: 085. doi:10.17348/era.5.0.85-93.
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Cedrela angustifolia: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Cedrela angustifolia is a species of tree in the mahogany family, Meliaceae. Local common names include cedro de Tucumán, cedro bayo, cedro coya, and cedro del cerro. It is native to South America, where it occurs in Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

This is a species of mountain forests. It easily colonizes disturbed habitat, forming dense canopy. These stands still occur in Bolivia, and the tree is common in parts of Argentina. However, it is a valuable timber tree. Some populations have faced substantial declines, and it is considered to be an endangered species.

Forests of southern Perú are reported to have been in pre-colonial times composed largely of Andean cedar, which were over time depleted. One historical tree, purported to be more than 300 years old, remains in the courtyard of the Monasterio Hotel in Cusco. There is at this time no known effort to revive this species within Perú. Non-native eucalyptus trees are prized for their rapid growth, and are used throughout the area for both timber and fuel.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Cedrela angustifolia ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Cedrela angustifolia es una especie botánica, fanerógama de la familia de las meliáceas.

Distribución y hábitat

Se halla en Argentina, Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador; hasta los 3.400 msnm . Está amenazada por pérdida de hábitat.


Es un árbol inerme, de 7 a 17 m de altura, con fuste recto, de hasta 12 dm de diámetro. Florece australmente, de noviembre a enero; fructifica de febrero a marzo. Sumamente explotado por su madera. Hojas, al restregarlas, dan olor desagradable.


Muy apreciada por su madera: peso específico de 460 kg/, es liviana y bastante dura.

Para aberturas exteriores e interiores, persianas, muebles finos, chapas, tableros alistonados.[2]


Cedrela angustifolia fue descrita por Sessé & Moc. ex DC. y publicado en Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 1: 624. 1824.[3]


Cedrela: nombre genérico que es un diminutivo de Cedrus.

angustifolia: epíteto latíno que significa "con hojas estrechas".[4]

  • Cedrela boliviana Rusby
  • Cedrela herrerae Harms
  • Cedrela lilloi C.DC.
  • Cedrela steinbachii Harms
  • Pterosiphon multivenius Turcz.
  • Surenus angustifolia (DC.) Kuntze[5]

Nombre común

  • Atoc cedro, cedro bayo, cedro coya, cedro de altura, cedro de Tucumán, cedro del cerro, cedro peludo, cedro salteño, cedro virgen.[6]

Véase también


  1. Llamozas, S. (1998). «Cedrela lilloi». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2010.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 28 de agosto de 2010.
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20060529100405/http://www.hardwoods.com.ar/esp/fichas/cedro.htm
  3. «Cedrela angustifolia». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 19 de junio de 2014.
  4. En Epítetos Botánicos
  5. Cedrela angustifolia en The Plant List
  6. «Copia archivada». Archivado desde el original el 10 de febrero de 2008. Consultado el 4 de enero de 2008.


  • USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. GRIN. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?9683 (4 ene 2008)
  • Arce, S., C. Estenssoro, S. Ergueta. 1987. Diagnóstico del estado de la flora, fauna y communidades importantes para la conservación. Bolivia, La Paz, Centro de Datos para la Conservación. 98pp.
  • Bernardi, L. 1985. Contribución a la dendrologia paraguaya: Secunda parte. Boissiera 37: 7–294.
  • CONABIO. 2009. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. 1. In Capital Nat. México. CONABIO, Mexico City.
  • Macbride, J. F. 1949. Meliaceae, Flora of Peru. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13(3/2): 717–777.
  • Molina Rosito, A. 1975. Enumeración de las plantas de Honduras. Ceiba 19(1): 1–118.
  • Neill, D. A. & C. Ulloa Ulloa. 2011. Adiciones Fl. Ecuador: Segundo Supl., 2005-2010 1–202. Fundación Jatun Sacha, Quito.
  • Pennington, T. D. & A. N. Muellner. 2010. Monogr. Cedrela 1–112. dh books, Milborne Port, UK.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Cedrela angustifolia: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Cedrela angustifolia es una especie botánica, fanerógama de la familia de las meliáceas.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Cedrela odorata ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

L'Acajou amer (Cedrela odorata) est une plante dicotylédone de la famille des Méliacées des régions tropicales d'Amérique : on le trouve du Mexique au Brésil en passant par les Caraibes et le Pérou.

C'est un arbre des forêts tropicales humides et des forêts sèches des plaines tropicales.


Ecorce de Cedrela odorata

Aspect général

L'acajou amer est un arbre de taille imposante qui peut atteindre 40 m de hauteur. Le tronc pouvant mesurer 1 m de diamètre a une écorce grise et fissurée longitudinalement[1].

Capsule après déhiscence


Les feuilles sont composées, paripennées et peuvent mesurer jusqu'à 80 centimètres de long. Les folioles ont un apex acuminé et une base dissymétrique[1].


Les inflorescences sont des grappes terminales de 15 à 20 centimètres de long. Les fleurs ont une forte odeur de malt. Elles mesurent entre 6 et 9 millimètres de long et sont blanches à jaune[1].


L'espèce fructifie au bout de 10 ans. Les fruits sont des capsules ellipsoïdes contenant des graines plates ailées[1].



On plante l'acajou amer à des fins ornementales dans les parcs et jardins, notamment dans les régions tropicales.

Il est cependant capable de se développer sous des climats plus froids que celui de ses régions d'origine et de supporter des gels légers[2]. Des spécimens plantés dans les rues de Brest par exemple (zone 9) s'y développent très bien et deviennent de grands arbres[3]. Il ne faut cependant pas le confondre avec Toona sinensis, une espèce proche plus fréquente sous climat tempéré.


Un huit

Son bois de couleur brun foncé est de très grande qualité et est utilisé dans l'industrie du meuble, la construction de navires, la menuiserie et l'ébénisterie[1]. Il était utilisé pour construire des huit à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle[réf. souhaitée].

Cave à cigare (ou humidor)

L'acajou amer est également très utilisé dans l'univers du cigare. Il est utilisé comme bois de plaquage à l'intérieur des caves à cigares ou humidors. La plupart des amateurs de cigares l'appellent cèdre espagnol ou cèdre d'Espagne. Il est utilisé pour la conservation des cigares pour sa grande capacité d'absorption de l'humidité qui permet d'éviter l'apparition de moisissure à une hygrométrie constante située entre 68 et 72 %[réf. souhaitée]. Sa forte odeur permet également de tenir éloignés les parasites (notamment les mites[4]) des cigares[5].


En Nouvelle-Calédonie, Cedrela odorata est parfois planté comme plante d'ombrage dans les caféières[1].

Caractère envahissant

L'espèce a un caractère envahissant en Nouvelle-Calédonie[1],[6]. Elle a été introduite à la ferme-école de Yahoué à la fin du XIXe siècle. Elle forme des couverts forestiers hauts et quasiment monospécifiques[4]. Le Code de l'environnement de la Province Sud interdit l’introduction dans la nature de cette espèce ainsi que sa production, son transport, son utilisation, son colportage, sa cession, sa mise en vente, sa vente ou son achat[7].

Noms vernaculaires

Cèdre acajou, cèdre espagnol, cèdre des barbares, acajou amer, acajou de Guyane. En anglais : West indian cedar. En espagnol : Cedro amargo. En allemand : Jamaica-Zedar.


La génétique forestière de cette espèce est encore mal connue, mais l’étude du génome de cet Acajou en forêt costaricaine, a récemment (2004) confirmé une variation génétique épousant le gradient environnemental du pays[8]. Mais cette étude a aussi montré une divergence évolutive majeure entre les génomes chloroplastiques des acajous de la région du Yucatan et ceux du Honduras / Nicaragua, différence qui n’apparaît qu’à l’étude du génome chloroplastique de cette espèce[8]. Des translocations de plants d’une zone à l’autre sans tenir compte de ces différences pourrait conduire à produire des populations désadaptées à leur environnement.

Voir aussi

Notes et références

Références taxonomiques

Notes et autres références

  1. a b c d e f et g Groupe espèces envahissantes, Plantes envahissantes pour les milieux naturels de Nouvelle-Calédonie, Nouméa, Agence pour la prévention et l'indemnisation des calamités agricoles ou naturelles (APICAN), janvier 2012, 222 p., pp. 164-165
  2. https://jardin-secrets.com/cedrele-odorant-article-12177,190,fr.html
  3. Images sur gardenbreizh.org : [1], [2].
  4. a et b Bernard Suprin, Mille et une plantes en Nouvelle-Calédonie, Nouméa, Editions Photosynthèse, 2013, 382 p. (ISBN 9782952731638), p. 211
  5. « Pourquoi le cèdre est-il utilisé pour la fabrication des caves à cigares ? », sur www.cigares.ch (consulté le 3 octobre 2018)
  6. Vanessa Hequet, Mickaël Le Corre, Frédéric Rigault, Vincent Blanfort, Les espèces exotiques envahissantes de Nouvelle-Calédonie, IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, septembre 2009, 87 p. (lire en ligne), p. 17, p. 33
  7. Code de l'environnement de la Province Sud, Nouméa, 2019, 346 p. (lire en ligne), p. 147
  8. a et b S Cavers, C Navarro, A.J Lowe (2004), Targeting genetic resource conservation in widespread species : a case study of Cedrela odorata L. ; Dynamics and Conservation of Genetic Diversity in Forest Ecology ; Forest Ecology and Management ; Volume 197, Issues 1–3, 11 August 2004, Pages 285–294 ; https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2004.05.019 (résumé)
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Cedrela odorata: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

L'Acajou amer (Cedrela odorata) est une plante dicotylédone de la famille des Méliacées des régions tropicales d'Amérique : on le trouve du Mexique au Brésil en passant par les Caraibes et le Pérou.

C'est un arbre des forêts tropicales humides et des forêts sèches des plaines tropicales.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Wonjaty cedrelowc ( 上索布語 )

由wikipedia HSB提供

Wonjaty cedrelowc (Cedrela odorata) je štom ze swójby melijowcowych rostlinow (Meliaceae).






  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia HSB

Wonjaty cedrelowc: Brief Summary ( 上索布語 )

由wikipedia HSB提供

Wonjaty cedrelowc (Cedrela odorata) je štom ze swójby melijowcowych rostlinow (Meliaceae).

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Cedrela odorata ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

La Cedrela odorosa L., in italiano cedrella, cedrela, cedro spagnolo o cedro cubano[1], è una specie commercialmente importante di albero della famiglia delle bacche cinesi, le Meliaceae.


Il genere Cedrela ha conosciuto due revisioni sistematiche dal 1960. La più recente ha ridotto la revisione a sette (Styles, 1981). La più comune, la Cedrela odorata, ha altri 28 sinonimi, tra cui C. mexicana,

Distribuzione e habitat

Il tronco visto da vicino

La cedrela è una pianta tipica dei tropici del Nuovo Mondo, presente nelle foreste umide tropicali e subtropicali dal 26º parallelo nord in giù. Esso è presente anche nella costa pacifica del Messico, in America Centrale e nei Caraibi, sino a 1200 metri di altitudine, giungendo come diffusione sino in Argentina. È divenuta una specie invasiva nelle Isole Galápagos.[2] La cedrela cresce su suoli a base di calce; tollera lunghi periodi di siccità ma non è in grado di crescere nelle aree delle grandi piogge dove esse superano i 3000 mm annui. Il mogano, una pianta strettamente imparentata, si trova spesso nei medesimi luoghi dove cresce la cedrela e come essa non resiste agli attacchi della Hypsipyla grandella.


L'albero è monoico semi-deciduo e può raggiungere l'altezza di 10-30 metri. Il tronco ha una corteccia grigio-marrone con fratture irregolari verticali. Le foglie, composte e lanceolate, sono raggruppate alla fine di ciascun ramo (lunghi massimo 50 cm) in misure da 7-15 cm × 3-5 cm asimmetriche.


La Cedrela odorata è il legno più importante a livello commerciale del genere Cedrela. Noto come cedro spagnolo in inglese, il legno aromatico è tra i più richiesti in quanto resistente alle termiti ed alla marcescenza. Legno leggero (ha un peso specifico di 0,4) è utilizzato essenzialmente come legno da lavorazione per mobili data la sua duttilità, la facilità di lavorazione e la repulsione degli insetti dannosi, oltre al gradevole profumo che emana. La pianta è utilizzata anche per la produzione di miele e per la costruzione di humidor da sigari. È talvolta utilizzata per la produzione di chitarre elettriche e, tradizionalmente, per il manico di chitarre da flamenco o classiche.[3]


  1. ^ Selected plants of Galapagos Islands, su blog.travelmarx.com.
  2. ^ http://www.wondermondo.com/Countries/SA/Ecuador/Galapagos/ScalesiaSantaCruz.htm
  3. ^ Romanillos, J.L. (2014) Making A Spanish Guitar

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Cedrela odorata: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

La Cedrela odorosa L., in italiano cedrella, cedrela, cedro spagnolo o cedro cubano, è una specie commercialmente importante di albero della famiglia delle bacche cinesi, le Meliaceae.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Vestindisk seder ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Vestindisk seder (Cedrela odorata) er et løvtre i mahognifamilien.

Det blir opptil 40 m høyt, mer sjeldent 60 m. Stammen har en diameter på opptil 120 cm og er ofte uten greiner opp til 25 m høyde. Barken er gråbrun. Bladene er finnete med 6–12 par småblad. Trærne er sambu med adskilte hann- og hunnblomster på samme tre. De femtallige blomstene sitter mange sammen i endestilte blomsterstander. Frukten er en rødbrun kapsel som sprekker opp med fem fliker.[2]

Vestindisk seder hører hjemme i de tropiske delene av den nye verden og kan vokse i mange ulike klimasoner. Den finnes både i skog med jevn nedbør og skog med tørketid. Arten er løvfellende og har årringer, noe som viser at den er best tilpasset områder med tørketid. Den trives ikke der årsnedbøren er høyere enn 3000 mm, eller jorda er mettet med vann. Utbredelsen strekker seg fra 26° nord på Mexicos stillehavskyst gjennom Karibia og Mellom- og Sør-Amerika til 28° sør i Argentina.[3]

Det verdifulle trevirket er motstandsdyktig mot både råte og termitter. Det har en duft som minner om egentlig seder (Cedrus). Virket er mest kjent for det anvendes i sigarkasser, men brukes også blant annet til møbler, finér, dører, musikkinstrumenter og båter. Overdreven hogst har gjort at Cedrela odorata er blitt ganske sjelden i vill tilstand. Treet plantes som skyggetre langs gater og på kaffe- og kakaoplantasjer både i Amerika og i Afrika og Sørøst-Asia.[2][3]


  1. ^ Americas Regional Workshop (Conservation & Sustainable Management of Trees, Costa Rica, November 1996) (1998). «Cedrela odorata». The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.1998.RLTS.T32292A9687734.en.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
  2. ^ a b «Cedrela odorata» (PDF). World Agroforestry Centre. Besøkt 22. februar 2016.
  3. ^ a b Barbara B. Cintron. «Cedro Hembra, Spanish-Cedar». Silvics of North America. Besøkt 22. februar 2016.

Eksterne lenker

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia NO

Vestindisk seder: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Vestindisk seder (Cedrela odorata) er et løvtre i mahognifamilien.

Det blir opptil 40 m høyt, mer sjeldent 60 m. Stammen har en diameter på opptil 120 cm og er ofte uten greiner opp til 25 m høyde. Barken er gråbrun. Bladene er finnete med 6–12 par småblad. Trærne er sambu med adskilte hann- og hunnblomster på samme tre. De femtallige blomstene sitter mange sammen i endestilte blomsterstander. Frukten er en rødbrun kapsel som sprekker opp med fem fliker.

Vestindisk seder hører hjemme i de tropiske delene av den nye verden og kan vokse i mange ulike klimasoner. Den finnes både i skog med jevn nedbør og skog med tørketid. Arten er løvfellende og har årringer, noe som viser at den er best tilpasset områder med tørketid. Den trives ikke der årsnedbøren er høyere enn 3000 mm, eller jorda er mettet med vann. Utbredelsen strekker seg fra 26° nord på Mexicos stillehavskyst gjennom Karibia og Mellom- og Sør-Amerika til 28° sør i Argentina.

Det verdifulle trevirket er motstandsdyktig mot både råte og termitter. Det har en duft som minner om egentlig seder (Cedrus). Virket er mest kjent for det anvendes i sigarkasser, men brukes også blant annet til møbler, finér, dører, musikkinstrumenter og båter. Overdreven hogst har gjort at Cedrela odorata er blitt ganske sjelden i vill tilstand. Treet plantes som skyggetre langs gater og på kaffe- og kakaoplantasjer både i Amerika og i Afrika og Sørøst-Asia.

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
wikipedia NO

Cedrzyk wonny ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Cedrzyk wonny, cedrówka wonna, cedrela wonna (Cedrela odorata) – gatunek drzewa z rodziny meliowatych. Pochodzi z terenów Ameryki Środkowej, od Meksyku po Antyle.

Uskrzydlony owoc cedrzyka wonnego


Wysokie drzewo do 30 m z szarobrązową korą. Pierzaste liście złożone są z 14-18 par podłużnych listków. Listki jajowatokształtne. Kwiaty drobne w kolorze żółtawobiałym. Owocem jest torebka z uskrzydlonymi nasionami.


Miękkie i lekkie drewno o korzennym zapachu używane jest m.in. w przemyśle meblarskim. Ze względu na specyficzne właściwości drewno nie jest atakowane przez szkodniki.


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2014-05-20].


  1. Zbigniew Podbielkowski: Słownik roślin użytkowych. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1989. ISBN 83-09-00256-4.
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Cedrzyk wonny: Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供

Cedrzyk wonny, cedrówka wonna, cedrela wonna (Cedrela odorata) – gatunek drzewa z rodziny meliowatych. Pochodzi z terenów Ameryki Środkowej, od Meksyku po Antyle.

 src= Uskrzydlony owoc cedrzyka wonnego
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Cedro-cheiroso ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

O cedro-cheiroso (Cedrela odorata), também conhecido pelos nomes vulgares de acaju, cedro-fêmea, cedro-rosa, cedro-espanhol, cedro-vermelho, cedro-mogno e cedro-brasileiro[1] é uma árvore da família das meliáceas, com uma ampla distribuição natural, ocorrendo do México a Argentina. No Brasil ocorre na Floresta Atlântica, na Amazônia e mesmo na Caatinga.


Chega a atingir 35 m de altura e 150 cm de diâmetro.

As suas folhas são compostas.

Possui caule rugoso.

As flores são amarelo-pálidas e aparecem de janeiro a maio. Os frutos são capsulares deiscentes com 2,0 a 3,5 cm de comprimento, encontram-se maduros de março a setembro. Suas folhas possuem formato de lâmina e 7 pares de folíolos e 11 folíolos opostos.[2]

A madeira caracteriza-se pelo seu cerne vermelho e é muito utilizada e apreciada na produção de mobília. É utilizada na produção de óleo essencial utilizado em perfumaria.

Em virtude de sua madeira de excelente qualidade, o cedro está ameaçado de extinção resultante da exploração excessiva. Pode ser utilizada para fins de carpintaria, construção naval e aeronáutica. Também é uma ótima aliada para restauração de florestas.

Seu sistema de reprodução é através do sistema sexual monóico e sua polinização é feita principalmente por mariposas e insetos[3].

O cedro brasileiro não deve ser confundido com o cedro do Líbano, que é uma Gimnosperma do gênero Cedrus. Provavelmente, Cedrela odorata recebeu o mesmo nome que o cedro (Cedrus) devido à boa qualidade da sua madeira e ao odor característico desta, semelhante ao do cedro-do-líbano.

Distribuição Geográfica

A espécie possui ampla distribuição. No Brasil, encontra-se nos biomas de Floresta Amazônica e Mata Atlântica principalmente no Sul da Bahia e Norte do Espírito Santo.

Produção de Mudas

Após colher os frutos diretamente da árvore já abertos, colocá-los sob o sol para abertura e posteriormente liberação de sementes. Um quilo pode chegas a ter cerca de 33 mil sementes. Em seguida, deve-se semear canteiros em locais que cheguem luz solar e as sementes com uma fina camada de substrato. Esta espécie produz muitas plântulas nas cabrucas que podem ser colocadas diretamente em saquinhos para a produção de mudas.[4]


  1. «Brazilian cedar, British Guiana cedar, British Honduras cedar, Cedar, Cedre rouge, Cedro, Cedro oloroso, Cedro red, Central American cedar, Cigar box cedar, Epi, Guyana cedar, Honduras cedar, Jamaican cedar, Kapere, Mexican cedar - Cedrela odorata - Information on the Wood's Characteristics» (php) (em inglês). Woodworkerssource.com. Consultado em 13 de setembro de 2011 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |língua2= (ajuda)
  2. «Flora do Brasil 2020». reflora.jbrj.gov.br. Consultado em 16 de julho de 2018
  3. «Cedrela odorata L. Cedro-cheiroso | Compêndio Online Gerson Luiz Lopes». sites.unicentro.br. Consultado em 16 de julho de 2018
  4. Garate-Navarro, Mar Asunción; Arévalo-Gardini, Enrique; do Bomfim-Costa, Larissa Correa; da Costa-Silva, Delmira (1 de abril de 2017). «Pro-embrionary Somatic Structure of Three Cacao Genotypes (Theobroma Cacao l.) Using Staminodes». International Annals of Science. 2 (1): 28–32. ISSN 2456-7132. doi:10.21467/ias.2.1.28-32


Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Cedro-cheiroso: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

O cedro-cheiroso (Cedrela odorata), também conhecido pelos nomes vulgares de acaju, cedro-fêmea, cedro-rosa, cedro-espanhol, cedro-vermelho, cedro-mogno e cedro-brasileiro é uma árvore da família das meliáceas, com uma ampla distribuição natural, ocorrendo do México a Argentina. No Brasil ocorre na Floresta Atlântica, na Amazônia e mesmo na Caatinga.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Cedrela odorata ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Cedrela odorata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Meliaceae. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1759.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Americas Regional Workshop (1998). Cedrela odorata. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2012.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 12 năm 2012.
  2. ^ The Plant List (2010). Cedrela odorata. Truy cập ngày 15 tháng 9 năm 2013.

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Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Cedrela odorata: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Cedrela odorata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Meliaceae. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1759.

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Цедрела душистая ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供

Мелкие, редко ветвящиеся соцветия короче листьев. Цветки двуполые, с двойным околоцветником, имеют 5 лепестков, мелкие, от продолговатой до эллипсоидной формы. Пять чашелистиков срастаются, редко покрыты нежным опушением. Пять свободных белых лепестков достигают около 8 мм в длину, эллиптической формы. 5 свободных тычинок располагаются кругом на верху цветоложа. Пять плодолистиков срастаются в голую 5-гнёздную завязь. В каждом гнезде находятся 12 семязачатков. Рыльце неопушённое.

Плод — неопушённая вскрывающаяся коробочка длиной 4 см, от продолговатой до эллипсоидной формы, имеет крупные чечевички.

Распространение и местообитание

Произрастает в тропиках Нового Света, во влажных, сезонно пересыхающих лесах, от 26° с.ш. на тихоокеанском побережье Мексики, в Центральной Америке и на островах Карибского моря, до низин и подножий холмов на большей части территории Южной Америки на высоте до 1200 м над уровнем моря, с южной границей около 28° ю.ш. в Аргентине. В природе растёт на хорошо дренированных почвах, но не исключительно на известняке. Растение переносит сухой сезон, однако не цветёт в регионах с уровнем осадков свыше 3000 мм, а также на тяжёлых или заболоченных почвах. Отдельные деревья обычно разбросаны в полувечнозелёных или полулистопадных лесах, в которых доминируют другие виды. Махагони, близкий родственник цедрелы душистой, часто растёт вместе с ней. Оба растения страдают от схожего вредителя, древоточца Hypsipyla grandella.

Хозяйственное значение и применение

Цедрела душистая является наиболее широко распространённым и важным с коммерческой точки зрения видом рода. Его душистая древесина (отсюда название) находит широкий спрос в тропиках Америки, поскольку обладает хорошей устойчивостью к поеданию термитами и гнили. Умеренно лёгкая древесина (плотность 400 кг/м³) применяется в основном для обшивки зданий. Ядровая древесина этого дерева содержит насекомоотпугивающую смолу, по запаху напоминающую запах настоящего кедра (поэтому это растение ещё именуют испанским кедром). Получаемая из этого дерева фанера могла бы найти более широкое применение, если бы оно успешнее выращивалось искусственно.

Растение часто используют для производства мёдапчеловодстве) и в местах хранения табака.

Изредка цедрелу душистую используют в некоторых электрогитарах. Древесина традиционно применяется для изготовления классических гитар.

История классификации

С 1960 года род цедрела (Cedrela) прошёл две крупные систематические ревизии. В ходе последней из них в вид Cedrela odorata включили 28 других видов, включая C. mexicana. Таким образом, сейчас в различных популяциях представители Cedrela odorata имеют большое число вариаций.


В настоящий момент, по данным МСОП, этот вид имеет статус «уязвимого» в связи с вырубкой для производства фанеры и других деревянных изделий.


Общий вид растения


  1. Цедрела душистая (англ.): сведения о названии таксона на сайте The Plant List (version 1.1, 2013). (Проверено 14 октября 2012)
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Цедрела душистая: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
 src= Плоды

Мелкие, редко ветвящиеся соцветия короче листьев. Цветки двуполые, с двойным околоцветником, имеют 5 лепестков, мелкие, от продолговатой до эллипсоидной формы. Пять чашелистиков срастаются, редко покрыты нежным опушением. Пять свободных белых лепестков достигают около 8 мм в длину, эллиптической формы. 5 свободных тычинок располагаются кругом на верху цветоложа. Пять плодолистиков срастаются в голую 5-гнёздную завязь. В каждом гнезде находятся 12 семязачатков. Рыльце неопушённое.

Плод — неопушённая вскрывающаяся коробочка длиной 4 см, от продолговатой до эллипсоидной формы, имеет крупные чечевички.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

西班牙柏木 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
二名法 Cedrela odorata

西班牙柏木学名Cedrela odorata),又名南美香椿煙洋椿,是一種南美楝屬植物


西班牙柏木屬於南美楝属,南美楝属自1960年以來就進行過兩次重要的改組。最近一次的是將大部份的物種減少,只餘下7種。[2]西班牙柏木包攬了其他28個物種,包括墨西哥洋椿C. mexicana),這使西班牙柏木成為了有多個變種的物種。








  1. ^ (英文) Americas Regional Workshop (Conservation & Sustainable Management of Trees, Costa Rica) (1998). Cedrela odorata. 2009 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2009. 撷取於2009-08-10.
  2. ^ Pennington, T.D. Meliaceae. Flora Neotropica, Monograph 28. 1981: 470 pp.


wikipedia 中文维基百科

西班牙柏木: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

西班牙柏木(学名:Cedrela odorata),又名南美香椿或煙洋椿,是一種南美楝屬植物

wikipedia 中文维基百科

セドロ ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
セドロ Cedrela odorata foliage.jpg
Cedrela odorata
保全状況評価[1] VULNERABLE
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 VU.svgワシントン条約附属書III[2]


分類APG III : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 eudicots 階級なし : コア真正双子葉類 core eudicots 階級なし : バラ類 rosids 階級なし : アオイ類 malvids : ムクロジ目 Sapindales : センダン科 Meliaceae : Cedrela : Cedrela odorata 学名 Cedrela odorata L. 和名 セドロ[注 1] 英名 Spanish cedar[3], West Indian cedar[3], Cedro[3]

セドロ(Cedro,学名:Cedrela odorata、別名:ニシインドチャンチン[4]、英語名:Spanish cedar, Mexican cedar, Cigar-box cedar, Cedro-cheiroso) は、経済的に重要なセンダン科の樹木である。


セドロは、樹高30mから37m[3]胸高直径は60cmに及ぶ[5]落葉性の高木である[5]。葉は偶数または奇数羽状複葉、長さは15-50cm。10-22枚の小葉をつけ、小葉の長さは4.5-14cm、幅は2-4.5cm。[5] 花は黄緑色で円錐花序をなす[5]は杯形で、縁は不規則な歯状であり、無毛。花弁の長さは幅の約3倍。[6] 雌雄同株であり、雄花と雌花は同じ花序につくが、雌性先熟であり、雌花が先に開花する[7]。メキシコでは5月から8月に開花し、翌年の1月から3月にかけての乾期に成熟する[5]。果実は、長さ17.1mmから44.8mm、幅は14.0mmから21.1mmの長楕円形または楕円形のさく果で裂開する。各果実は13から34個の成熟した種子を含む[5]


セドロは熱帯アメリカにおいて、先史時代から木材として利用されてきた。スペインの探検家は、この木が旧世界のtrue cedars(マツ類)に似た芳香を持つことにちなんでこの木をcedroと呼んだ。初期の論文においてはこの属はCedrusとされた。[8] 1756年にPatrick Browneが出版した"Civil and Natural History of Jamaica"において、Cedrelaが属名として制定された。同書の図版10に描かれた花と果実、および種子は間違い無くセドロのものであり、Browneのコメントもそれを裏付ける。[8] リンネは、Browneの図版をCedrela属および本種のタイプという位置づけで引用し、1759年にCedrela odorataとして発表した(Syst. Nat. ed. 10:490)[9][10]

それ以降、アメリカ大陸インド東南アジアオーストラリア産の69の種が同属に分類された。1960年にSmithは、同属の再構成を行い、アジアやオーストラリア原産のものをチャンチン属(Toona)として分離し、Cedrela属にはアメリカ原産の種のみを残した。[11] Smithは、広く分布しているC.odorataC.fissilisおよびC. angustifoliaが自然に交雑していること、またそのように仮定すればこれらの種の広範な表現形の多様性を説明できることを示唆した[12]。この仮説を支持もしくは否定する実験的証拠はまだ得られていない[7]

Cedrela属の分類に関する最も新しい研究では、同属の種は7種に減らされている[7]。この「セドロ」(common cedro)ことCedrela odorata L.には、C. mexicana M. J. Roem. を含む28の他の名の種が統合された。この結果として、再構成されたC. odorataは、高度な個体群多様性を持つ種となった[7]







セドロは自然界では常に水捌けの良い土壌で見付かる[15]。 長い乾季にも耐えるが、3000ミリ以上の降雨地域、あるいは高密度の土壌や水分の多い土壌では繁殖しない。[15]

セドロは、年間降水量1200mm〜2400mmで、2ヶ月から5ヶ月の乾季があるような環境でもっともよく成長する[7]。 木の成長と生殖は雨期の始まりと同期する[7]


セドロの土壌条件に対する要求は厳しいが、その詳細は明らかでない。西インド諸島トリニダードメキシコ中央アメリカなどの調査では、セドロがよく見られる場所や良好に成育する場所では、共通して土壌の水捌けが良好であることが示されている[7] 。 ある試験によれば、セドロは二次林での火災後の遺骸で富栄養化された土壌においてよりよく成長したので、土壌肥沃度もまた重要であると思われる[7]




セドロの木材は、葉巻の貯蔵箱の材料としてよく知られ、葉巻の保存はこれに限るとされる[16]。 材の乾燥は早く、乾燥後も安定している[17]。加工は容易で、耐久性もあるが、辺材はヒラタキクイムシの害を受けやすい[17]。内装建具、羽目板[16][17]、テーブル[16]、ボートやカヌーデッキ[17]などにも利用される。また、飛行機のプロペラとしても利用された[18]


セドロは西インド諸島や南米では街路樹(Avenue)や緑蔭樹(shade tree)として重要であり、アフリカにも輸入されている。また、トリニダードではコーヒーカカオのための緑陰樹として利用されている。[7]



マツタケの菌糸はアカマツなどの松の根を覆って菌根を形成し、そこから塊状の菌糸集団(シロ)を作り、シロから子実体(キノコ)を発生させる。人工的にこのような条件を整えることは困難なため、マツタケの栽培化は実現していない。[19] 発表によれば、セドロにマツタケを接種し培養したところ、セドロに菌根ができシロも構成され、マツタケのシロ独特の香りがした。また、マツタケのシロを生成したセドロは、シロのないものより良好な成長を続けた。[19]


  1. ^ 和名は『熱帯植物要覧』(1986), p. 251、および世界有用植物事典 (1989), p. 233に準拠した。


  1. ^ Americas Regional Workshop ("Cedrela odorata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2014年9月28日閲覧. Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ (PDF) Appendices I, II and III (Report). CITES. (2014-09-14). p. 42. http://www.cites.org/sites/default/files/eng/app/2014/E-Appendices-2014-09-14.pdf
  3. ^ a b c d 『熱帯植物要覧』(1986), p. 251
  4. ^ 世界有用植物事典 (1989), p. 233
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Rocas (2002)
  6. ^ Smith (1960), p. 307
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Cintron (1990)
  8. ^ a b Smith (1960), p. 297
  9. ^ Smith (1960), p. 298
  10. ^ Smith (1960), p. 314
  11. ^ a b c d e Fernando (1997)
  12. ^ Smith (1960), pp. 310
  13. ^ a b c d Cites CoP14 Prop.33, p. 3
  14. ^ http://www.wondermondo.com/Countries/SA/Ecuador/Galapagos/ScalesiaSantaCruz.htm
  15. ^ a b Cites CoP14 Prop.33, p. 6
  16. ^ a b c 原色木材大事典170種 (2008), p. 101
  17. ^ a b c d 世界木材図鑑 (2006), p. 71
  18. ^ 世界樹木字彙 (1977), p. 99
  19. ^ a b c 村田、他 (2013)
  20. ^ Murata et al.(2013)


  • 熱帯植物研究会 『熱帯植物要覧』 養賢堂、ISBN 4-924395-03-X。
  • 『世界有用植物事典』 堀田 満、緒方 健、新田 あや、星川 清親、柳 宗民、山崎 耕宇、平凡社、ISBN 4-582-11505-5。
  • 村山忠親 『原色木材大事典170種』 誠文堂新光社、ISBN 9784416808610。
  • 『世界木材図鑑』 エイダン・ウォーカー、乙須敏紀訳、産調出版、ISBN 9784882824701。
  • 『改訂 世界樹木字彙』 渡辺全、第一書房、1936年)、復刻版。


  •  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、Cedrela odorataに関するカテゴリがあります。
wikipedia 日本語

セドロ: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供

セドロ(Cedro,学名:Cedrela odorata、別名:ニシインドチャンチン、英語名:Spanish cedar, Mexican cedar, Cigar-box cedar, Cedro-cheiroso) は、経済的に重要なセンダン科の樹木である。

wikipedia 日本語