
無標題 ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Studies on different archeological sites in South America suggest that alpacas were domesticated approximately 6000 years ago. The origin of this species has been a matter of debate. Apparently, intense postconquest hybridization between llamas and alpacas has played a major role in obscuring the alpaca's origin. In 2001, however, Kadwel et al. shed light on the controversy when they found through genetic analysis that vicugnas are the wild ancestors of alpacas. After this publication, it was suggested that Lama pacos be changed to Vicugna pacos, although this change has not yet been widely accepted.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

According to their breeders, alpacas use most of their body parts for communication. A pose described as broadside is ascribed to males defending their territory. It is characterized by standing sideways, arched neck, rigid tail pointing up, and ears pulled back. A sign of danger in the environment elicits an alert posture. In this posture the alpaca erects its body and directs the ears to the potential source of danger. If the animal feels threatened, it will elicit an alarm call and either flee or go to investigate the source of danger. A stand off posture is taken to show dominance. It is seen when two alpacas are standing extremely close to each other. Their bodies take a rigid position, ears are pulled back, and tail and neck are held high. This posture may be accompanied by spitting, pushing, and more aggressive behaviors. Lastly, a posture called submissive crouch is seen in youngsters and low-rank individuals. In this posture, the neck is lowered to the ground and the tail is pushed onto the back. Alpacas engage in spitting when they are in distress, fearful, or to show dominance.

Alpacas produce a broad range of vocalizations. The most common is the humming vocalization, which is produced under a variety of circumstances, such as distress or a change in the environment. A snortling vocalization is a warning signal among alpacas. Clucking is a sound mothers use with crias. Grumbling is produced to indicate food territoriality. Screeching is produced when animals become frustrated over food. Stressful situations cause the animals to elicit a loud scream. Danger causes alpacas to elicit high-pitched vocalizations known as alarm calls. Finally, orgling is produced when males are mating.

Alpacas use communal dung piles to deposit urine and feces. As has been argued for other South American camelids, these piles may be a source for chemical communication among alpacas.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

After the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores to South America, alpaca populations were extremely reduced and displaced to the highest regions of the Andes. Thus, alpacas and llamas were replaced by sheep and goat brought from Europe. Nowadays, populations of alpacas are not endangered but are still relegated to the highest regions of the Andes. It has been estimated that the world population of alpacas is approximately 3.5 millions. Peru holds 87% of the alpaca population, followed by Bolivia with 9.5%. Most of the alpacas reared in South America are under the control of traditional pastoralists who in most cases keep llamas and alpacas together. This situation is problematic since alpacas and llamas can crossbreed. Wheeler (2005) touches on that problem and states that the hybridization between llamas and alpacas, which started after the conquest and continues today, is making alpacas an endangered species since its genetic make-up is being compromised by crossbreeds with the llama.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

There is no report of a negative impact of this species on human economy.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Fiber is the main product obtained from alpacas. The coat is clipped once a year and the fiber has been described as the finest. The fiber is soft and can absorb up to 15% of ambient humidity without altering it. Additionally, the fiber is warmer and stronger than wool. Other products that can be obtained from alpacas are meat, skin, and dung. The meat has as higher protein content and lower fat content than cow or sheep meat. The meat of South American camelids does not transmit diseases such as Trichinosis or Cysticercosis that are commonly caused by eating pork or wild game products. In spite of the benefits of alpaca meat, its commercialization is extremely rare. Another product obtained from alpacas is their skin, which is used for the manufacturing of rugs, wall hangings, purses, shoes, toys, and apparel. Dung is used either as a fertilizer or as fuel. The alpaca is of extreme importance for the economy of South American herders. The Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture reports that Peru and Bolivia have 99% of the alpaca population. Breeding occurs primarily in poor farm communities.

Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; body parts are source of valuable material; produces fertilizer

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Due to some of their morphological characteristics such as padded soles and light weight, South American camelids do not compact the soil or destroy the vegetation in their habitat. Moreover, they feed on the natural forbs and grasses in the ecosystem. In brief, these animals are ideal livestock for low impact grazing.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Lama pacos is a strict grazer. In a highland region of Chile, Castellano et al. (2004) reported that the alpaca diet was dominated by grasses such as Festuca nardifolia, Deschampsia caespitosa, and Agrostis tolucensis, cushion plants Oxychloe andina, bunch grasses Festuca orthophylla, and the woody shrub Parastrephia lucida.

Plant Foods: leaves; wood, bark, or stems

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The native range of Lama pacos includes the central and southern Andes from Peru to Argentina at elevations of up to 4800 meters. Remains of alpaca found at elevations closer to sea levels suggest that alpaca once had a wider geographical distribution and that the reduction of its range started with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores and their introduced livestock. In the 1980s alpacas started to be exported to other countries for farming purposes. Nowadays, alpacas can be found in countries such as the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and the Netherlands, among others. In spite of the increase in alpaca farming outside its native territory, it has been estimated that 99% of the world population of alpacas is found in South America.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Introduced ); palearctic (Introduced ); neotropical (Native ); australian (Introduced )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Alpacas inhabit the Andean Altiplano, i.e. the Andean high plateau, preferably near wet areas. The climate of the Altiplano is severe, reaching temperatures of below 0°C during the night and 16°C during the day. Annual precipitation ranges from 400 to 700 mm. In this semi-arid region, grasses prevail. Alpacas are dependent on humans. There are reports of feral populations of llamas in South America; however, that does not seem to be the case for alpacas.

Range elevation: 1000 to 4800 m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; mountains

Other Habitat Features: agricultural

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The longevity of Lama pacos in the wild is 5 to 10 years, whereas in captivity it is approximately 20 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
20 years.

Typical lifespan
Status: wild:
5 to 10 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
20 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
25.8 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Alpacas are the smallest of the domesticated camelid species. The weight of an adult alpaca ranges from 55 to 65 kg. Head and body length ranges from 1200 to 2250 mm, tail length ranges from 150 to 250 mm, and shoulder height from 900 to 1300 mm. Lama pacos has a slender body and neck. The head is small and the ears are big and pointed. The coat is either uniform or multicolor. According to “The Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association” alpaca coats have up to 22 colors, from white to black and brown. In adult males the upper and lower incisors and the lower canines develop into fighting teeth or fangs that can be more than 3 cm long. In females these teeth do not develop as much as in males. Other than the difference in tooth morphology, sexual dimorphism in alpacas is minor.

There are two breeds of Lama pacos: Huacaya and Suri. Huacaya are the most abundant. The body, legs, and neck of Huacaya are covered by long, crimpy hair, whereas the head and feet are covered by short hair. In Suris the hair is silkier and grows faster than in Huacayas. Additionally, in Suris the hair grows parallel to the body and has no crimp.

Range mass: 55 to 65 kg.

Range length: 1200 to 2250 mm.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike; ornamentation

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

There are no reports on specific alpaca predators in their native range. Alpacas, however, could potentially be eaten by the same carnivores that attack their wild close relatives, i.e. guanacos and vicugnas. These predators are domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), Andean foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus), Andean condors (Vultur gryphus), pumas (Puma concolor), and wild cats (Leopardus colocolo and Leopardus jacobitus). Breeders in areas outside the alpaca native range identify coyotes (Canis latrans), wolves (Canis lupus), large cats, and dogs as predators. Most predation will be on young, sick, or old animals, as alpacas are vigilant and will defend themselves with their hooves and spitting their foul stomach contents into the face of a predator.

Known Predators:

  • domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)
  • Andean foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus)
  • Andean condors (Vultur gryphus)
  • pumas (Puma concolor)
  • colocolos (Leopardus colocolo)
  • Andean mountain cats (Leopardus jacobitus)
  • coyotes (Canis latrans)
  • wolves (Canis lupus)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Lama pacos is a polygynous species. Some breeders report that dominant males form harems of 5 to 10 females.

Mating System: polygynous

Alpacas are induced ovulators. They can breed year round. If the female is ready to mate, she will allow mounting and then copulation by assuming sternal recumbency shortly after intromission. The male produces a vocalization known as "orgling" during copulation. A chemical signal in the semen seems to trigger the preovulatory LH (luteinizing hormone) surge. Ovulation occurs 24 hours after mating. Once a female is pregnant, she will refuse any attempts by the male to mount her.

Gestation takes between 242 and 345 days. If both sexes are kept together year round, parturition occurs during the rainy season from December to March. Females can become pregnant approximately 10 days after parturition. Alpacas commonly have a single young, with birth occurring between late morning and midafternoon. At birth, alpaca weights range from 8 to 9 kg. Alpacas are precocial. Crias is the term used to designate alpaca offspring up to 6 months of age. Alpacas are weaned at 6 to 8 months. Females reach sexual maturity at 12 to 15 months, whereas males reach it around 30 to 36 months.

All South American camelids can crossbreed and produce fertile offspring. However, crosses between domestic and wild South American camelids, do not normally occur in nature. The product of crossing a llama and an alpaca is a Huarizo, which shows intermediate physical characteristics. The product of crossing a vicugna and an alpaca is a Pacovicuna, which shows resemblance to the vicugna. The latter has received considerable attention due to the high quality of the fiber that it produces.

Breeding interval: Breeding occurs once a year.

Breeding season: Breeding may occur throughout the year.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 1.

Range gestation period: 242 to 345 days.

Average gestation period: 190.5 days.

Range weaning age: 6 to 8 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 12 to 15 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 30 to 36 months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; induced ovulation ; fertilization ; viviparous

Average birth mass: 7210 g.

Average number of offspring: 1.04.

After parturition, alpacas neither lick their young nor touch the placenta. Males stay far away from females during parturtion. Mothers watch their newborns closely but do not approach their young until they finally stand up. Then, mothers readily approach their young so that the newborns can get their first milk, or colostrum, which contains antibodies and nutrients. If newborns have problems finding the udder, mothers help them by changing their own posture. Some young approach unrelated females for milk; these unrelated females typically react by allowing them to nurse, by walking away, or by spitting. If a stranger gets close to a mother and her young, the mother spits or lunges and may refuse to leave her young.

Parental Investment: precocial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Castillo-Ruiz, A. 2007. "Lama pacos" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lama_pacos.html
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, Michigan State University
Barbara Lundrigan, Michigan State University
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由EOL staff提供

The alpaca (Lama pacos) is somewhat similar in appearance to the guanaco and llama, but significantly smaller at around 55 to 65 kg, with body hairs up to 500 mm long. The alpaca was apparently domesticated in Peru thousands of years ago, having been selectively bred for its fine wool, which still has great commercial value. (Nowak 1991 and references therein)

The alpaca is one of four South American camelids (mammals in the camel family) recognized today, two of which are wild species, the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), and two of which are domesticated forms, the alpaca (Lama pacos) and the llama (Lama glama). Wild vicuña and guanaco diverged from a shared ancestor two to three million years ago. (Wheeler 1995). At one time it was widely believed that both the alpaca and the llama were derived from guanacos. However, in light of new archaeozoological evidence from 6000 to 7000 years ago in the central Peruvian Andes linking alpaca origins to the vicuña, Kadwell et al. (2001) investigated the origins of these domesticated forms using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Their results supported the hypothesis that the alpaca is derived from the vicuña (and confirmed the hypothesis that the llama is derived from the guanaco), although this work also revealed genetic evidence of historical hybridization and gene flow (at least among domesticated forms). Chromosomal analyses have also indicated that the llama was derived from the guanaco and the alpaca from the vicuña (Marín et al. 2007). Given the well established divergence between the guanaco and vicuña, many authors suggest that the correct name for the alpaca is therefore Vicugna pacos (Kadwell et al. 2001; Marín et al. 2007).

Like the vicuña, the alpaca is strictly a grazer (the guanaco and llama both graze and browse) (Nowak 1991 and references therein).

Shapiro, Leo
Shapiro, Leo
EOL staff

Vicugna pacos ( 阿斯圖里亞斯語 )

由wikipedia AST提供
«Alpaca» redirixe equí. Pa otres aceiciones, ver Alpaca (dixebra).

La alpaca (del quechua allpaqa, paqu) (Vicugna pacos) ye una especie doméstica de mamíferu artiodáctilu de la familia Camelidae, derivada de la vicuña xavaz.[1] El so doma vien realizándose dende fai miles d'años, ya inclusive la cultura Mochica del Perú representó alpaques nel so arte.


Parentescu y nome científicu

Les rellaciones ente l'alpaca y los demás camélidos suramericanos fueron revesoses mientres munchos años. Nos sieglos XVIII y XIX, cuando recibieron nomes científicos, creíase que l'alpaca yera descendiente de la llapada (Lama glama), y foi denomada por ello Lama pacos, ignorándose les sos semeyances cola vicuña, tantu en tamañu, como na llana y la dentición. La so clasificación complicar tres comprobase que los cuatro especies de camélidos suramericanos pueden cruciase ente sigo y dar descendencia fértil. Nun foi hasta'l sieglu XXI que, gracies al desenvolvimientu de les téuniques d'analises d'ADN pudo demostrase finalmente que l'alpaca y la vicuña tán estrechamente rellacionaes, y que'l nome científicu correctu ye Vicugna pacos, magar se detectó un porcentaxe del so ADN proporcionáu pola llapada, polo que téunicamente ye un taxón híbridu intergenérico.[1]


Alcuéntrase en puntes (na alpaca ye l'equivalente de «menada») numberoses que pastien tol añu na puna. los pandos de los Andes, dende Ecuador, pasando por Perú y l'oeste de Bolivia, hasta la parte septentrional de Chile y el noroeste de l'Arxentina, siempres a una altitú averada de 3500 a 5000 msnm. Nel sieglu XXI, tamién hai bien de n'Estaos Xuníos, Europa y Nueva Zelanda por cuenta de la so esportación dende'l Perú. Tamién esisten n'estáu selvaxe na Acuta protexía del Chimborazo y criaderos pequeños nes provincies de Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, y Bolívar n'Ecuador.[2]


Les alpaques pesen ente 60 y 70 kg y el so altor a la cruz ye de 1 metro, superando llevemente a la vicuña, el so ancestru. La estatura de l'alpaca ye considerablemente menor que la de la llapada, compartiendo con esta y col camell u'l vezu de cuspir, utilizáu p'amosar agresividá o como métodu de defensa.


Nun s'utilicen como animales de carga, como les llapaes, pos fueron escoyíes pa la producción de fibres, que'l so diámetru varia de 12 a 28 micrómetros, que son bien utilizaes pa iguar cobertores y los ponchos indíxenes tradicionales ente otres múltiples priendas de vistir de consumu local y d'esportación.

Los cuatros únicos colores son marrón, negru, blancu y gris. La capa ye de gran llargor, llegando casi a raspiar la tierra.


Esisten dos races d'alpaca, les que s'estremen poles carauterístiques esternes de la so fibra.

La fibra de la huacaya crez en forma perpendicular al cuerpu de l'alpaca, tien densidá, suavidá, llustre, rizos (crimp) que-y confieren un aspeutu esponxosu, les meches de fibra son más curties en comparanza cola suri, con ausencia de suarda que ye propiu del ovín.
La fibra de la suri crez en forma paralela al cuerpu de l'alpaca, formando rulos independientes al traviés de tol cuerpu a manera de los flecos del mantón de les muyeres altoandinas, tien densidá, suavidá, y llustre muncho más vultables que na de la huacaya, confiriendole un aspeutu sedoso y brilloso.


Na industria testil, el términu "alpaca" puede significar coses distintes. Ye sobremanera un términu aplicáu a les llanes llograes de l'alpaca boliviana. Sicasí, refierse más llargamente de la tela fecha orixinalmente nel Perú de les llanes de l'alpaca anque tamién fabricada y entemecida con otru tipu de llana como por casu les italianes ya ingleses brilloses.

Les teles más preciaes son aquelles provenientes de la primer fradadura de l'alpaca, llamaes baby alpaca.

Los cuatro especies d'animales suramericanos autóctonos y productores de llana son la llapada, l'alpaca, el guanacu y la vicuña. L'alpaca y la vicuña son los animales más pervalibles pola so llana: l'alpaca por causa de la calidá y la cantidá de llana (fibra), y la vicuña por causa de la suavidá, fineza, escasez y l'alta calidá de les sos llanes. La fibra de guanacu ye llevemente inferior a la de vicuña, pero ye un pocu más abondosu.

pa identificales dalgunes lleven como adornos nes sos oreyes cintes de colores.

Teles y productos

Los prodcutos que pueden faese cola fina tela de l'alpaca son:

L'alpaca nel escudu de Bolivia

Escudu de Bolivia hasta l'añu 2004, amosando una alpaca, la que foi sustituída por una llapada.

El primer escudu de Bolivia dar a conocer per aciu el Decretu de la Honorable Asamblea Xeneral de la República de Bolívar,[3] del 17 d'agostu de 1825,[4] mientres el gobiernu de Simón Bolívar. Según esti decretu,[5] unu de los elementos que componíen l'escudu yera una alpaca.[6]

Nos socesivos cambeos de dichu escudo siempres se caltuvo la figura d'esti animal, pero dende l'añu 2004, sustituyir por una llapada.[7]

Ver tamién


  1. 1,0 1,1 Wheeler, J.; Kadwell, M., Fernández, M., Stanley, H. F., Baldi, R., Rosadio, R. & Bruford, M.W.. «Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca». Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (1485). doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774.
  2. Artesanes de l'Asociación Texsal
  3. «Nuesa Heráldica» (español). Bolivian. Consultáu'l 9 d'ochobre de 2011.
  4. «L'Escudu Bolivianu» (español). Rede Pizarra. Consultáu'l 29 de febreru de 2012.
  5. «Decreto del 17 d'agostu de 1825» (español). Consultáu'l 9 d'ochobre de 2011.
  6. «Decreto» (español). Consultáu'l 9 d'ochobre de 2011.
  7. «El nuevu escudu» (español) (2011). Consultáu'l 29 de febreru de 2012.

Enllaces esternos

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia AST

Vicugna pacos: Brief Summary ( 阿斯圖里亞斯語 )

由wikipedia AST提供
Vicugna pacos «Alpaca» redirixe equí. Pa otres aceiciones, ver Alpaca (dixebra).

La alpaca (del quechua allpaqa, paqu) (Vicugna pacos) ye una especie doméstica de mamíferu artiodáctilu de la familia Camelidae, derivada de la vicuña xavaz. El so doma vien realizándose dende fai miles d'años, ya inclusive la cultura Mochica del Perú representó alpaques nel so arte.

 src= Alpaca. src= Alpaca.
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia AST

Alpaka ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Alpaka (lat. Vicugna pacos) - (Artiodactyla) dəstəsindən bir məməli növü.


Bütün dəvə növlərində olduğu kimi alpakalar da nisbilik uzun bədənə sahib olub, incə qıçlar, uzun və incə boyun, kiçik bir baş xarakteristika xüsusiyyətləridir. Bütün Yeni Dünya dəvələri kimi hörgücü tapılmaz. Lamalardan bir az daha kiçik olmaqla birlikdə 55 ilə 65 kq ağırlıqlarıyla onlardan diqqətə çarpan şəkildə daha yüngüldürlər. Rəng, ümumiyyətlə tək rəngli qəhvəyi, qara ya da mavi-boz olub, nadir olaraq ləkəlidir. Diqqət çəkici olan, 50 smə qədər çata bilən uzun tüklərdir.

Həyat şəkli

Alpakalar, bütün dəvə növləri kimi ictimai heyvanlardır və qrup içində rahatdırlar. Bitki yeyici heyvanlar olub, haradasa sırf otlarla bəslənərlər. Bütün dəvələr kimi həzmdə onlara köməkçi olan çox otaqlı mədəyə sahibdirlər. Hamiləlikləri 240 ilə 345 gün arasında dəyişər və dişi, Cənub Amerikada „Cria" adı verilən bala dünyaya gətirər. Bu bala təxminən altı ilə səkkiz aya qədər əmizdirilər və 12 ilə 24 ay arasında cinsi yetkinluğa çatar.


Alpakaların evcilləşdirilməsi lamalar kimi təxminən M. Ö. 3000 illərinə uzanar. Lama, Cənub Amerikada yük heyvanı olaraq xidmət edərkən, alpakalar yunları üçün çıxarılmışlar. Alpaka mantosu İnk mədəniyyətində bir rifah işarəsi olaraq qəbul edilmiş, İnklərin irəli gələnləri, böyük alpaka sürülərini güclərinin bir nümayişi olaraq qəbul etmişlər. Bu vəziyyət Perunun İspanlar tərəfindən fəth edilməsiylə dəyişər. İşğalçılar, bərabərində qoyunları gətirər və yerli evcil heyvanların araşdırılmasına maraq/əlaqə göstərməzlər. Beləliklə alpakalar az qala nəsili tükənən bir heyvan olaraq kasıb qırmızıdərili xalqının heyvanı halına gəlir. Bu gün Avropada alpakaların əhəmiyyəti davamlı artmaqdadır. Məsələn Almaniya, ölkədəki alpaka lifləri lazım olan keyfiyyətə çatmadığından bu heyvanları idxal etməkdədir. Bu an yalnız Almaniyada 2000 alpaka var.

Daky du lys d'Orient 5.jpg Heyvanlar ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin. Etdiyiniz redaktələri mənbə və istinadlarla əsaslandırmağı unutmayın.
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Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 亞塞拜然語 )

由wikipedia AZ提供

Alpaka (lat. Vicugna pacos) - (Artiodactyla) dəstəsindən bir məməli növü.

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
wikipedia AZ

Alpaka ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

An alpaka (Vicugna pacos pe Lama pacos) a zo ur bronneg doñv hag a vev e Suamerika.

Tiriad an alpaka
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Alpaca ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

L'alpaca (Vicugna pacos) és una de les varietats domèstiques de camèlids ungulats, derivats del guanac.

Les alpaques es troben en bandades nombroses que pasturen en les altures planes dels Andes del Perú meridional, del nord de Bolívia i de la part septentrional de Xile a una altura aproximada de 3.500 a 5.000 metres sobre el nivell del mar, durant tot l'any. No s'utilitzen com a bèsties de càrrega com les llames, però són valorades per les seves llanes, de les quals es fan les mantes i els ponxos indígenes tradicionals, entre altres múltiples peces de roba de consum local i d'exportació. Els quatres únics colors són marró, negre, blanc i gris, i la capa és de gran longitud: gairebé pot arribar a fregar el terra. En estatura, l'alpaca és considerablement més baixa que la llama, amb la qual comparteix l'hàbit d'escopir.

En les indústries tèxtils, el terme «alpaca» pot significar coses distintes. És sobretot un terme aplicat a les llanes, obtingudes de l'alpaca peruana. Tanmateix, s'aplica més àmpliament a un estil de la tela fet originàriament de les llanes de l'alpaca però actualment fabricat, ben sovint, i mesclada amb un altre tipus de llana, com per exemple les italianes i angleses brillants.

Les teles més preuades són aquella provinents de la primera xollada de l'alpaca, anomenades baby alpaca.

Les quatre espècies d'animals sud-americans autòctons i productors de llana són la llama, l'alpaca, el guanac i la vicunya. Dels quatre, l'alpaca i la vicunya són els animals més valuosos per la seva llana: l'alpaca a causa de la qualitat i la quantitat, la vicunya a causa de la suavitat, finesa i alta qualitat de les seves llanes.

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Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

L'alpaca (Vicugna pacos) és una de les varietats domèstiques de camèlids ungulats, derivats del guanac.

Les alpaques es troben en bandades nombroses que pasturen en les altures planes dels Andes del Perú meridional, del nord de Bolívia i de la part septentrional de Xile a una altura aproximada de 3.500 a 5.000 metres sobre el nivell del mar, durant tot l'any. No s'utilitzen com a bèsties de càrrega com les llames, però són valorades per les seves llanes, de les quals es fan les mantes i els ponxos indígenes tradicionals, entre altres múltiples peces de roba de consum local i d'exportació. Els quatres únics colors són marró, negre, blanc i gris, i la capa és de gran longitud: gairebé pot arribar a fregar el terra. En estatura, l'alpaca és considerablement més baixa que la llama, amb la qual comparteix l'hàbit d'escopir.

En les indústries tèxtils, el terme «alpaca» pot significar coses distintes. És sobretot un terme aplicat a les llanes, obtingudes de l'alpaca peruana. Tanmateix, s'aplica més àmpliament a un estil de la tela fet originàriament de les llanes de l'alpaca però actualment fabricat, ben sovint, i mesclada amb un altre tipus de llana, com per exemple les italianes i angleses brillants.

Les teles més preuades són aquella provinents de la primera xollada de l'alpaca, anomenades baby alpaca.

Les quatre espècies d'animals sud-americans autòctons i productors de llana són la llama, l'alpaca, el guanac i la vicunya. Dels quatre, l'alpaca i la vicunya són els animals més valuosos per la seva llana: l'alpaca a causa de la qualitat i la quantitat, la vicunya a causa de la suavitat, finesa i alta qualitat de les seves llanes.

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Alpaca ( 威爾斯語 )

由wikipedia CY提供

Rhywogaeth dof o'r teulu Camelidae sy'n byw yn Ne America yw'r alpaca (lluosog: alpacaod;[1] Vicugna pacos). Mae'n debyg i'r lama o ran golwg. Defnyddir ei wlân i wneud dillad a thecstilau eraill.


  1. Geiriadur yr Academi.
Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
wikipedia CY

Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 威爾斯語 )

由wikipedia CY提供

Rhywogaeth dof o'r teulu Camelidae sy'n byw yn Ne America yw'r alpaca (lluosog: alpacaod; Vicugna pacos). Mae'n debyg i'r lama o ran golwg. Defnyddir ei wlân i wneud dillad a thecstilau eraill.

Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
wikipedia CY

Lama alpaka ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Vicugna pacos, neboli alpaka je domestikovaná lama. Chová se především kvůli produkci velmi kvalitní vlny (kvalitou se podobá prachovému peří). Tento druh nikdy nebyl používán k pracím.


Alpaka dosahuje výšky kolem 94–104 cm a hmotnosti 55–65 kg. Uši jsou krátké, obličej je porostlý srstí. Má zakulacenou záď a rovný ocas. Rozeznávají se dva chovné typy alpaky, lišící se charakterem srsti – Suri a Huacaya. Udává se, že již před objevením člověka v Jižní Americe existovala tato dvě odlišná plemena alpaky. Rozdíl mezi oběma fenotypy je v rozdílném uspořádání srsti.

Huacaya je robustnější a silnější. Srst je kompaktnější s kratšími vlákny a připomíná rouno ovcí plemene Corriedalle. Snadněji se barví a je více ceněno než vlákno plemene Suri.

Suri má vlákno až 15 cm dlouhé, tvoří prstence, které spadají podél těla a na hřbetě se vytváří dělící brázda. Vlákno je lesklé a hladké a hůře se barví, proto při textilním zpracování se mísí s jinými vlákny. Rouno je podobno vláknu ovcí plemene Lincoln.

Při páření zvířat typu Huacaya se rodí 2 % zvířat typu Suri a při páření zvířat typu Suri 17 % zvířat typu Huacaya.


Alpaka se chová především pro produkci srsti, i když ani produkce masa není zanedbatelná. Jak již bylo zmíněno, typ Suri produkuje dlouhé vlákno bez tvorby obloučků, zatímco vlákno Huacaya je kratší, avšak více obloučkovité. Produkce srsti je do značné míry ovlivňována věkem matky. Hmotnost srsti potomstva stoupá až do stáří matky 7 roků, kdy začne klesat. Po této době klesá produkce srsti matky samotné a dále má negativní vliv na produkci srsti jejího potomstva. Roční produkce srsti je kolem 2 kg. Zvířata se selektivně šlechtí na jednotné zbarvení – bílé, černé, světle hnědé, hnědé, béžové nebo šedé. Výtěžnost masa je vysoká, dosahuje 55–59 %. Maso má mnohem nižší obsah tuku než maso jiných zvířat a pohybuje se kolem 1,33 % a obsah proteinu je kolem 20,3 %.

V posledních 50 letech se výzkum orientuje na zkvalitnění výživy, aby měly lepší vlnu. Krmí se vojtěškou, trávou a jetelovinami. Sama upřednostňuje byliny před travinami.


Nachází se od Ekvádoru (kam byla introdukována) až po jezero Poopo v Bolívii. V Peru žije kolem 86 % populace alpaky a v Bolívii přes 10 %. Několik málo kusů je i v Chile a Argentině. Chov je úspěšný i v jiných zemích: v USA, v Austrálii, v Evropě – dokonce i na polích v Británii. Alpaky jsou chovány i v Izraeli, v Negevu poblíže Mic Peramon.



  1. ZICHA, Ondřej; KOŘÍNEK, Milan. Lama guanicoe f. pacos (alpaka) [online]. BioLib.cz, 2004-09-28 15:49:06 CET, rev. 2007-03-24 16:51:16 CET [cit. 2008-12-10]. Dostupné online.

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Lama alpaka: Brief Summary ( 捷克語 )

由wikipedia CZ提供

Vicugna pacos, neboli alpaka je domestikovaná lama. Chová se především kvůli produkci velmi kvalitní vlny (kvalitou se podobá prachovému peří). Tento druh nikdy nebyl používán k pracím.

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Alpaka ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供
Disambig bordered fade.svg For metallegeringen Alpaka, se Nysølv
Huacaya alpaka

Alpakaen (Vicugna pacos) er et domesticeret sydamerikansk pattedyr i familien Camelidae. Den er nært beslægtet med den vildtlevende vikunja. Der er fremavlet to racer af alpakaen, suri og huacaya. Huacaya er den mest almindelige.

Indtil 2001 var alpakaens videnskabelige betegnelse Lama pacos, idet man antog at den var nærmere beslægtet med lamaen, og ligesom denne nedstammede fra den vildtlevende guanaco. Nye DNA-teknologier har imidlertid afsløret at den nedstammer fra vikunjaen.[1]

Alpakaer holdes hele året på græs i 3.500-5.000 meters højde i Andesbjergene, omkring 80 procent af dyrene findes i Peru.[2] Alpakaen er betydeligt mindre end lamaen og blev ikke avlet som pakdyr, men for dens uld. Alpakauld anvendes i strikkede eller vævede tekstiler som tæpper, sweatre, hatte, handsker, tørklæder, ponchos, frakker og sengetøj.

En udvokset alpaka har normalt en højde på 81-99 cm og vejer 48-84 kg.


  1. ^ Miranda Kadwell et.al.: "Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca". The Royal Society, 2001. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1088918/
  2. ^ "Harvesting of textile animal fibres". FAO, UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
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wikipedia DA

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供
 src= Huacaya alpaka

Alpakaen (Vicugna pacos) er et domesticeret sydamerikansk pattedyr i familien Camelidae. Den er nært beslægtet med den vildtlevende vikunja. Der er fremavlet to racer af alpakaen, suri og huacaya. Huacaya er den mest almindelige.

Indtil 2001 var alpakaens videnskabelige betegnelse Lama pacos, idet man antog at den var nærmere beslægtet med lamaen, og ligesom denne nedstammede fra den vildtlevende guanaco. Nye DNA-teknologier har imidlertid afsløret at den nedstammer fra vikunjaen.

Alpakaer holdes hele året på græs i 3.500-5.000 meters højde i Andesbjergene, omkring 80 procent af dyrene findes i Peru. Alpakaen er betydeligt mindre end lamaen og blev ikke avlet som pakdyr, men for dens uld. Alpakauld anvendes i strikkede eller vævede tekstiler som tæpper, sweatre, hatte, handsker, tørklæder, ponchos, frakker og sengetøj.

En udvokset alpaka har normalt en højde på 81-99 cm og vejer 48-84 kg.

Wikipedia-forfattere og redaktører
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Alpaka ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Alpaka (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.

Das Alpaka (Vicugna pacos), auch Pako, ist eine aus den südamerikanischen Anden stammende, domestizierte Kamelart, die vorwiegend wegen ihrer Wolle gezüchtet wird. Der Bestand an Alpakas in Peru liegt bei etwa 3,5 Millionen Tieren, was ca. 80 Prozent des weltweiten Bestandes ausmacht.


Es gibt zwei Alpakatypen, das Huacaya und das Suri. Sie unterscheiden sich in der Struktur ihrer Faser (Wolle): Das Huacaya-Alpaka hat eine feine, gleichmäßig gekräuselte Faser und einige Grannenhaare (Deckhaare). Das Suri-Alpaka hingegen hat keine Kräuselung in der Faser, das Haar bildet gelockte, gerade Strähnen, die am Tier herabhängen. Dadurch wirken Suris oft schmaler als Huacayas. Als Fluchttier befinden sich die Augen seitlich am Kopf.

Wie bei allen Kamelen ist der Körperbau der Alpakas durch relativ langgestreckte, schlanke Beine, einen langen, dünnen Hals und einen kleinen, pyramidenförmigen Kopf charakterisiert. Als Neuweltkamele haben sie keinen Höcker. Sie sind etwas kleiner als Lamas und erreichen durchschnittliche Widerristhöhen von 80 bis 100 cm.[1] Mit einem Gewicht von etwa 55 bis 65 Kilogramm sind vor allem die Stuten deutlich leichter als Lamas, Hengste können jedoch bis zu 80 Kilogramm schwer werden. Die Fellfarben der Tiere reichen von Reinweiß über Beige zu allen Braun- und Rotbrauntönen bis hin zu Grauabstufungen und Tiefschwarz. Es gibt außerdem mehrfarbige, gescheckte Tiere in vielen Variationen.

Die Lebenserwartung eines Alpakas liegt zwischen 20 und 25 Jahren.


Grasende Alpakas in Lennep (Remscheid)

Alpakas sind wie alle Kamele soziale Tiere (Herdentiere) und fühlen sich in Gruppen am wohlsten. Sie sind Pflanzenfresser und ernähren sich fast ausschließlich von Gräsern. Wie alle Kamele haben sie einen dreiteiligen Magen, der das Verdauen der Pflanzennahrung erleichtert. Auch verfügen sie nicht über obere Schneidezähne, sondern eine Kauplatte.


Die Ovulation bei der Alpakastute wird erst durch den Deckakt ausgelöst (provozierte Ovulation). Damit sind Alpakastuten das ganze Jahr über fähig, erfolgreich gedeckt zu werden und sind nicht an eine bestimmte Jahreszeit oder Saison gebunden.[2]

Die Tragzeit beträgt 340 bis 345 Tage, danach bringt die Stute meist ein einzelnes Jungtier – in Südamerika Cria genannt – zur Welt. Dieses wird rund sechs bis acht Monate gesäugt und erreicht mit etwa zwölf bis 24 Monaten die Geschlechtsreife, individuelle Früh- und Spätentwickler sind möglich.


Es war lange ungeklärt, wer der Vorfahr des Alpakas ist. Die gängige Lehrmeinung sah das Guanako als gemeinsamen Ahnen des Lamas und des Alpakas. Hierfür wurde unter anderem die Hirngröße des Alpakas angeführt[3]: Haustiere hätten ein kleineres und leichteres Gehirn als die Wildform, und Alpakagehirne seien kleiner als Guanakogehirne, aber größer und schwerer als Gehirne vom Vikunja. Schon früh gab es jedoch auch Theorien, wonach das Alpaka vom Vikunja abstamme. Im Jahre 2001 wurden diese durch neue DNA-Untersuchungen bestätigt.[4] Aus diesem Grund wurde der früher genutzte wissenschaftliche Name Lama pacos durch Vicugna pacos ersetzt.

Alpaka und Mensch

Die Domestizierung der Alpakas wie auch der Lamas setzte schon vor 6000 bis 7000 Jahren ein. Während das Lama den südamerikanischen Zivilisationen vor allem als Lasttier diente, wurde das Alpaka wegen seiner Wolle gezüchtet. Bei den Inka galt ein Alpakamantel als Zeichen des Wohlstands; allerdings war der herrschenden Kaste die noch feinere Wolle der Vikunjas vorbehalten. Die Inkas züchteten große Alpakaherden. Dies änderte sich mit der Eroberung Perus durch die Spanier, die Schafe mitbrachten und kein Interesse daran zeigten, die einheimischen Nutztiere zu erforschen. So wurde das Alpaka zum Nutztier der armen, indianischen Bevölkerung und war zwischenzeitlich fast ausgestorben.

Erst mit der Unabhängigkeit der Staaten Südamerikas erkannte man erneut den Wert des Alpakas. Die Zucht wurde wieder aufgenommen und die Wolle in alle Welt exportiert. Heute gibt es etwa drei Millionen Alpakas, vorwiegend im südlichen Peru, dem westlichen Bolivien und Chile.

Geschorenes Alpaka

Auch in Europa werden zunehmend mehr Alpakas gehalten, teils als Hobby, teils zur Züchtung. Die Zuchttiere wurden anfänglich importiert, doch mittlerweile weisen die Alpakas in Europa die notwendige Qualität der Faser auf, und es gibt die Tendenz, mehr auf die Stammbäume zu achten. In Deutschland gab es 2018 etwa 20.000 Tiere[5], in der Schweiz rund 3800.[6]

Alpakas werden in Europa wegen ihres ruhigen und friedlichen Charakters auch in der tiergestützten Therapie eingesetzt.

Im Zusammenhang mit einer Antikörper-Forschung bei Alpakas berichtete das Max-Planck-Institut von einer möglichen Therapie für Covid-Patienten. Die daraus entwickelten Nanobodies können die Erkrankung hemmen.[7]


Badendes Alpaka im italienischen Parco Zoo Punta Verde

In Deutschland sind Alpakas seit 1996 als landwirtschaftliche Nutztiere im Sinne des § 51 Bewertungsgesetz anerkannt und damit beispielsweise mit Schafen oder Pferden gleichgesetzt. Sie dürfen daher von Privatpersonen ohne weitere Genehmigung gehalten werden. Voraussetzung ist eine artgerechte Haltung nach Maßgabe des Tierschutzgesetzes.[8] Das bedeutet bei Alpakas mindestens: keine Alleinhaltung; 1000 Quadratmeter Weidefläche für die ersten beiden Tiere, weitere 100 Quadratmeter für jedes weitere Tier; ein wetterfester Unterstand mit mindestens zwei Quadratmetern Platz pro Tier. Eine reine Stallhaltung ist nicht artgerecht.[9]

In der Schweiz unterliegt die Haltung von Alpakas gemäß und Tierschutzverordnung unter anderem folgenden Auflagen: Sie müssen mit Ausnahme von Hengsten ab Geschlechtsreife in Gruppen gehalten werden und für mehrere Stunden täglich Zugang zu einem Gehege im Freien haben. Hengste, die einzeln gehalten werden, müssen Sichtkontakt zu Artgenossen haben. Der Liegebereich muss mit Einstreu versehen werden. Im Außengelände muss eine Scheuermöglichkeit oder ein Wälzplatz vorhanden sein. Alpakas müssen jederzeit Zugang zu Wasser und Raufutter beziehungsweise zu einer Weide haben.


Alpakas müssen entsprechend Art. 31 Abs. 3 der Nutz- und Haustier-Verordnung in ihrem Haarwachstum und -zustand geschoren werden, damit ihr Fell nicht verfilzt und es unter den Haaren nicht zu Hitzestau kommt. Als einzige Kamelart verlieren Alpakas ihr Fell nicht von alleine, es findet kein jahreszeitlicher Fellwechsel statt. Die Tiere werden deshalb einmal jährlich geschoren. Bei den Suri-Alpakas kann je nach Einsatz der Tiere das Schurintervall auf zwei Jahre angesetzt werden. Die Pflegeschur dient zur Regulation des Wärmehaushaltes in der heißen Jahreszeit.

Die Rohwolle kann zu hochwertigem Alpakagarn verarbeitet werden. Die Alpaka-Faser wird durch die Pflegeschur gewonnen.[10] Die Alpaka-Faser ist eine weiche, seidig-glänzende Naturfaser. Im Vergleich zur Schafwolle ist sie wärmer, feiner und sie hat als einzige Wolle keinen Wollfettgehalt und kann deshalb auch von Menschen mit Wollallergie getragen werden. Die gesamte Verarbeitung der Alpaka-Faser wie das Vorbereiten, Kardieren, Spinnen, Weben und weitere Veredelungsverfahren sind den Verfahren der Schafwollverarbeitung sehr ähnlich. Der Faserertrag beim Scheren eines Tieres liegt bei drei bis sechs Kilogramm pro Tier und pro Jahr, davon sind jedoch nur etwa ein bis drei Kilogramm nutzbar.


  • Das Alpaka. In: Illustrirte Zeitung. Nr. 16. J. J. Weber, Leipzig 14. Oktober 1843, S. 246–248 (Digitalisat in der Google-Buchsuche).
  • William Walton: Das Alpaca, seine Einführung in den britischen Inseln, betrachtet als ein Nationalvortheil und als ein Gegenstand unmittelbarer Nützlichkeit für Landwirthe und Fabrikanten. Mäcken, Reutlingen 1845 (Digitalisat).
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker’s Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.
  • Eric Hoffman: The Complete Alpaca Book. Bonny Doon Press, 2006, ISBN 0-9721242-1-7.
  • Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder (Hrsg.): Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic Reference. 2 Bände. 3. Auflage. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.

Siehe auch


  1. Größe und Gewicht von Alpakas. In: https://www.alpakas-am-frauenstein.de. 6. Januar 2020, abgerufen am 24. März 2020.
  2. Alpakazucht / Lamazucht & Verkauf für die tiergestützte Therapie. In: Orenda-Ranch - Institut und Akademie für tiergestützte Therapie. (orenda-ranch.com [abgerufen am 18. Dezember 2021]).
  3. Dietrich Heinemann, Herbert Wendt: Lamas. In: Bernhard Grzimek (Hrsg.): Grzimeks Tierleben / Enzyklopädie des Tierreichs. 13 (Säugetiere IV). Kindler Verlag, Zürich 1968, S. 143.
  4. M. Kadwell, M. Fernandez, H. F. Stanley, R. Baldi, J. C. Wheeler, R. Rosadio, M. W. Bruford: Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca. In: Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. Band 268, Nummer 1485, Dezember 2001, S. 2575–2584, doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774, PMID 11749713, PMC 1088918 (freier Volltext).
  5. NOZ: Zahl der Alpakas in Deutschland steigt. Bestand innerhalb von zehn Jahren auf 20.000 Tiere vervierfacht. In: https://www.presseportal.de. Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, 10. April 2018, abgerufen am 18. Dezember 2021.
  6. Daniel Erdin: Der Nutztierbestand der Schweiz (PDF; auf S. 10).
  7. Alpaka-Antikörper stoppen Corona: Sind "Nanobodies" der Durchbruch? In: https://www.infranken.de. 27. Juli 2021, abgerufen am 29. Juli 2021.
  8. Grundsätzliches. Verein der Züchter, Halter und Freunde von Neuweltkameliden, abgerufen am 15. Oktober 2019.
  9. Haltung. Verein der Züchter, Halter und Freunde von Neuweltkameliden, abgerufen am 15. Oktober 2019.
  10. Über Alpakas – Alpakahof Stocker in St. Agatha. Abgerufen am 18. Juni 2018 (deutsch).
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供
 src= Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Alpaka (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.

Das Alpaka (Vicugna pacos), auch Pako, ist eine aus den südamerikanischen Anden stammende, domestizierte Kamelart, die vorwiegend wegen ihrer Wolle gezüchtet wird. Der Bestand an Alpakas in Peru liegt bei etwa 3,5 Millionen Tieren, was ca. 80 Prozent des weltweiten Bestandes ausmacht.

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wikipedia DE

Alpaca ( Nan )

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Alpaca ha̍k-miâ Lama pacos, sī chi̍t chióng Lâm-bí-chiu chhut-sán ê lo̍k-tô-kho tōng-bu̍t. Jîn-lūi chhī chi̍t chióng tōng-bu̍t chú-iàu sī lī-iōng in-ê mô͘-liāu.

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Alpaca ( 因特語(國際輔助語言協會) )

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Le alpaca (Vicugna pacos) es un animal del Andes. Illo es un membro del familia Camelidae (ordine Artiodactyla. Illo es similar al lama, guanaco, e vicunia, le quales se cognosce collectivemente como lamoides.


Le alpacas pesa inter 55 e 50 kg e su talia al puncta del spatula es de 0.95 metros. Le ancestre del alpaca es le vicunia. Su talia es un poco plus grande que illo del vicunias. Illos son animales plus typic del Puna humide del Peru, Bolivia e alteres locos plus al sud. Le alpacas se incontra in grande greges pro pascer in le altitudes plan del Andes a circa 3.500 a 5.000 metros super le nivello del mar, durante tote le anno.

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Alpaca ( 蘇格蘭蓋爾語 )

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'S e mamal a tha ann an Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) a tha coltach ri lama, agus càirdeil ris a' chàmhail.

Ùghdaran agus luchd-deasachaidh Wikipedia
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Alpaca ( 納瓦特爾語 )

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Alpaca noz Ichcayama (Lama pacus).

No xiquitta

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Alpaca ( 低地蘇格蘭語 )

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An alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a domesticatit species o Sooth American camelid. It resembles a smaw llama in appearance.

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Alpaca ( Vls )

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Den alpaca (Lama pacos), wok wel nen berglama ghenoemd, is een soorte lama die voornkomt in de bergn van den Andes in Zuud-Amerika. Die bêeste is lid van de kemelfamilie en is nauwe verwant an de beter gekende lama.

Uuterlikke kenmerkn

Den alpaca is een stik klinder of de lama. Ze zyn olletwee olve wilde getemde beestn die familie zyn van de wilde guanaco. D'r zyn menschen die zeggen dat een alpaca een kruuschinge zou zyn tusschen een lama en een vicuña.

Alpaca’s en klene koptjes, een gespleten bovenlippe en grote puntoorn. Under lichaam is slank en z'en een lange nekke. Z'en lange beenn en een korte steirt. Den alpaca bestoat in tweeëntwientieg verschillende kaleuren van vel lik zwart, grysd, wit, bruun voe der moa een poar te nomeern. Ze wegen oungeveer tusschn de vuvenviftig en vuventsestig kilo. Ip under schoern zyn ze tusschn de tnegentig en ounderdenvuuf santimeter oge binst dat de lengte van under lyf tusschn de meter twientig en de twèè meter viftiene is.

Alpaca's in de geschiedenisse

't Oudste overbluufsel van die gewaldige beestn dateirt van oungeveer duusd joar vo de grote pyramide in Gizeh. D'edele Inca's demonstreirden under rykdom mei 't aantal alpaca’s dan z'aan en deur under schône kostuumn in alpacawulle. De commercie in alpacawulle, oungeveir tweiduusd joar achter danze de grôte pyramidn gemakt ein, creëerde een bloeiende economie in Peru. Die gewaldige beesten zorgdegen duuzende joarn voe voorspoed en rykdomme voe under Inca boazetjies, toe dan in de zeventienstn eeuwe de Spanjoars den boel kwaamn bezettn.

D'Inca's zochtn beschermienge teegn de Spanjoars in de bergen van den Andes. Tewyle pakten z'een poar van under weirdevulle beestn mee. Aan ze da niet moetn doen woarn der nu verzekers gin alpaca’s overe.

Onderoud en voortplantienge

Die beestn zyn gemakkelik t'oudn. Ter zyn d'r die under persoonlikeid omschryvn ols warme, vriendelik en zochte van oard. De sarme van die mysterieuze beestn was een goed bewoard secreet, moa nie voe een poar menschn die 't vorrecht aan voe zo’n schat t'ein. Een alpaca leeft viftiene toe vuventwientig joar, ter zyn uutzounderingn van dertig joar. De vrouwelikke beestn zyn vruchtboar toe an under zestien joar. In den Andes is 't deksiezoen van ogustus toe september. Den alpaca krygt oungevèèr olle aalf moandn een kria (alpacajoeng) da by de geborte zeevn toe neegn kilo weegt.


Alpaca’s zyn kuddebeestn die in 't wild leevn ip een oogte van viere à vuufduusd meetr. Den alpaca eet een dikke veste voe 't koude klimoat van den Andes te kunn overleevn. Z’n lange nekke is utermoate geschikt voe belagers ip te spôorn tusschn de rotsige kantn van den berg. Den alpaca is een erbivôor. Z' eetn gas, kruudn, struukstjes en boomn. Deur specioale magesoppn ka de beeste toe 't viftig percent meer voedingsstoffoasie ippakkn of een schoap, woardeure dat et beter kad overleevn ip een magere wee. In 't wild is een alpaca de prooie van poema's, panters en andere vleeseters.

Deur d'invasie van de Spoansche conquistadores was den alpaca oast uutgestorvn in Zuud-Amerika. Den dag van vandage leven der were zo’n drieënolf miljoen beestn in 't wilde.

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Alpaca ( 奧克語(1500年後) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

L'alpaca (Vicugna pacos) es un mamifèr ongulat domestic de la familha Camelidae, coma lo guanaco, la lama o la vigonha.

Las alpaques se tròban en tropèls nombrosas que pasturan sus las nautors planas dels Andes del Peró meridional, del nòrd de Bolívia e de la part septentrionala de Chile a una nautor aproximada de 3.500 a 5.000 mètres sul nivèl de la mar, pendent tot l'an. S'utilizan pas coma bèstias de carga coma las lamas, mas son abalits per sa lana, que se'n fan las flaçadas e los ponchos indigènas tradicionals, entre autras multiplas pèças de ròba de consomacion locala e d'exportacion. Las quatres unicas colors so|n marron, negre, blanc e gris e la capa es de granda longor: pòt gaireben arribar a fregar la tèrra. En estatura l'alpaca es considerablament mai bassa que la lama, que parteja amb el l'abitud d'escopir.

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Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 因特語(國際輔助語言協會) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Le alpaca (Vicugna pacos) es un animal del Andes. Illo es un membro del familia Camelidae (ordine Artiodactyla. Illo es similar al lama, guanaco, e vicunia, le quales se cognosce collectivemente como lamoides.

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Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 納瓦特爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
 src= Alpaca.

Alpaca noz Ichcayama (Lama pacus).

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Alpaca: Brief Summary ( Vls )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Den alpaca (Lama pacos), wok wel nen berglama ghenoemd, is een soorte lama die voornkomt in de bergn van den Andes in Zuud-Amerika. Die bêeste is lid van de kemelfamilie en is nauwe verwant an de beter gekende lama.

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Alpaka ( 斯瓦希里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru

Alpaka ni mnyama wa kufugwa wa spishi Vicugna pacos katika familia Camelidae, anayeishi Amerika Kusini. Alpaka anafanana na lama mdogo, lakini ameainishwa katika jenasi tofauti. Kuna nususpishi mbili za alpaka; alpaka suri na alpaka huacaya.


Uso wa alpaka kwa karibu

Kwa kawaida, alpaka mzima ana kimo cha sm 81–99 mabegani, na uzito wa kilo 48–84.

Alpaka hutunzwa kwa makundi na hulishwa katika nyanda za juu za milima ya Andes katika upande wa kusini wa Peru, kaskazini ya Bolivia, Ekuador, na kaskazini ya Chile, ambako wanaishi mita 3,500–5,000 juu ya usawa wa bahari, mwaka wote.[1] Alpaka ni wadogo kiasi kuliko lama, na tofauti na lama, hawakufugwa kuwa wanyama wa mizigo, badala yake walifugwa mahususi kwa ajili ya manyoya yao. Manyoya ya alpaka hutumiwa kutengeneza vitu vifumwavyo, mithili ya sufu. Vitu hivyo ni pamoja na mablanketi, sweta, kofia, glavu na nguo nyingine katika Amerika Kusini, na sweta, soksi, koti na matandiko katika sehemu nyingine duniani. Fumwele za manyoya yao zinapatikana katika zaidi ya rangi 52, kama zinavyoainishwa Peru.

Katika biashara ya vitambaa, maana ya msingi ya "alpaca" ni nywele za alpaka wa Peru lakini, kwa upana zaidi, "alpaca" inamaanisha mtindo wa vitambaa vilivyotengenezwa awali kutoka nywele za alpaka, ambavyo sasa vinatengenezwa mara nyingi kwa fumwele zinazofanana na nywele za alpaka, kama sufu za ubora sana.


  1. Harvesting of textile animal fibres. UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

Ili kupata maelezo kuhusu masanduku ya uanapwa ya spishi angalia: Wikipedia:WikiProject Mammals/Article templates/doc.

Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
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Alpaka ( 卡拜爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Alpaka (Assaɣ usnan: Lama pacos) d aɣersiw asuṭṭad bu tfenzit d amegrud, yeṭṭafar tawacult n tleɣmatin, Yettidir deg idurar n Andiz


Alpaka d aɣersiw yettemcabin s waṭas ar llama acku kkan-d deg yiwet n twacult


Ẓeṛ daɣen

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Alpaka ( 爪哇語 )

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Alpaka yaiku mamalia saka Amérika Kidul sing méh padha karo llama . Alpaca luwih cilik tinimbang llama, lan alpaka ora digunakaké kanggo kéwan transportasi, nanging kéwan kang dijupuk wuluné. Serat Alpaca digunakakè kanggo nggawé barang rajutan lan dijahit, kayata wulu wedhus .

Alpaka putih

Alpaka umumé ditémokaké ing sisih lor Argèntina, saka kulawarga Camelidae . Alpaka suketan kanggo angonan ing Pagunungan Andes ing Ekuador, kidul Peru, lor Bolivia, lan sisih lor Chili kanthi dhuwuré 3500-5000 m saka ndhuwur segara. [1]


  1. "Harvesting of textile animal fibres". UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

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Alpaka (Kamäil) ( Stq )

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Alpaka Alpaka
Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) Systematik Uuroardenge: Laurasiatheria Oardenge: Poorhoufere (Artiodactyla) Unneroardenge: Swielensoolere (Tylopoda) Familie: Kamäile (Camelidae) Tribus: Näiwaareld-Kamäile (Lamini) Sleek: Vicugna Oard: Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) Beskrieuwen fon LINNAEUS, 1758

Dät Alpaka (Vicugna pacos), uk Pako heert tou do Kamäile un kumt uut Suud-Amerikoa. Dät is een tomme Oard, ju maast foar hiere Wulle tuchted wäd. Die Bestound oun Alpakas in Peru lait bie 3,5 Millionen Dierte, dät sunt sowät 80 % fon aal do Alpakas waareldwied.

In Europa wäd Alpaka-Wulle apstuuns nit fuul bruukt. Alpakas wäide in Europa uk as Therapie-Dierte heelden, uumdät jo so rauelk un freedelk sunt.

Loange Tied toachte me, dät dät Alpaka uut dät wüülde Guanako (Lama guanicoe) tuchted wuuden waas, man dät is nit gjucht. In 2001 wuude mäd genetiske Unnersäikengen uutfuunen, dät dät Alpaka uut dät wüülde Vikunja tuchted is, deeruum bruukt me nu ju Nomenklatuur Vicugna pacos insteede fon ju oolde Beteekenge Lama pacos.

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Alpaka (Kamäil): Brief Summary ( Stq )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Dät Alpaka (Vicugna pacos), uk Pako heert tou do Kamäile un kumt uut Suud-Amerikoa. Dät is een tomme Oard, ju maast foar hiere Wulle tuchted wäd. Die Bestound oun Alpakas in Peru lait bie 3,5 Millionen Dierte, dät sunt sowät 80 % fon aal do Alpakas waareldwied.

In Europa wäd Alpaka-Wulle apstuuns nit fuul bruukt. Alpakas wäide in Europa uk as Therapie-Dierte heelden, uumdät jo so rauelk un freedelk sunt.

Loange Tied toachte me, dät dät Alpaka uut dät wüülde Guanako (Lama guanicoe) tuchted wuuden waas, man dät is nit gjucht. In 2001 wuude mäd genetiske Unnersäikengen uutfuunen, dät dät Alpaka uut dät wüülde Vikunja tuchted is, deeruum bruukt me nu ju Nomenklatuur Vicugna pacos insteede fon ju oolde Beteekenge Lama pacos.

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Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 爪哇語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Alpaka yaiku mamalia saka Amérika Kidul sing méh padha karo llama . Alpaca luwih cilik tinimbang llama, lan alpaka ora digunakaké kanggo kéwan transportasi, nanging kéwan kang dijupuk wuluné. Serat Alpaca digunakakè kanggo nggawé barang rajutan lan dijahit, kayata wulu wedhus .

 src= Alpaka putih

Alpaka umumé ditémokaké ing sisih lor Argèntina, saka kulawarga Camelidae . Alpaka suketan kanggo angonan ing Pagunungan Andes ing Ekuador, kidul Peru, lor Bolivia, lan sisih lor Chili kanthi dhuwuré 3500-5000 m saka ndhuwur segara.

Penulis lan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia emerging languages

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 斯瓦希里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru

Alpaka ni mnyama wa kufugwa wa spishi Vicugna pacos katika familia Camelidae, anayeishi Amerika Kusini. Alpaka anafanana na lama mdogo, lakini ameainishwa katika jenasi tofauti. Kuna nususpishi mbili za alpaka; alpaka suri na alpaka huacaya.

Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
wikipedia emerging languages

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 卡拜爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Alpaka (Assaɣ usnan: Lama pacos) d aɣersiw asuṭṭad bu tfenzit d amegrud, yeṭṭafar tawacult n tleɣmatin, Yettidir deg idurar n Andiz

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Alpako ( 伊多語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
Alpaka Lama pacos RB6.jpg

Alpako esas mamifero di lamao familio vivanta en alta (inter 3.500 til 5.000 m) planaji di Andi.

Lua lano esas maxima fina do efektiva.

L'animalo e homaro

To esas animalo di kompanio, agreablajo ed ornamento. Ol esas tre kalma e dolca, kun naturala afineso per l'infantaro, ol gardas certa nedependanto sen tante esar sovaja.
To esas animalo tre kurioza e tre inteligenta, ol havas nula atakemeso, nek ad homaro, nek relate altra animali. Ol povas kunhabitar facile e ne esas fuganto. Tamen, dum l'amoro-sezono, la maskuli divenas plu sovaja e sputas sur l'altra maskuli di buli de stomakala kontenajo.

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Alpako: Brief Summary ( 伊多語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供
Alpaka Lama pacos RB6.jpg

Alpako esas mamifero di lamao familio vivanta en alta (inter 3.500 til 5.000 m) planaji di Andi.

Lua lano esas maxima fina do efektiva.

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Iòng-dò̤ ( 閩東語 )

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Chăng-kō̤ Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ Háng-cê gì bēng-buōng. / 參考閩東語漢字其版本。

Iòng-dò̤ (羊駝) sê siŏh cṳ̄ng buô-ṳ̄ dông-ŭk.

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Paqucha ( 奇楚瓦語 )

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Paqu, Paqucha, Alpaka icha Allpaqa nisqaqa (Vicugna pacos) huk ñuñuq, iskay ruk'anayuq uywam. Paquqa p'aqu llimphiyuqmi. Millmanmantaqa puchkaspa awaspa p'achatam ruranchik.

Hawa t'inkikuna

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Paqucha: Brief Summary ( 奇楚瓦語 )

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Paqu, Paqucha, Alpaka icha Allpaqa nisqaqa (Vicugna pacos) huk ñuñuq, iskay ruk'anayuq uywam. Paquqa p'aqu llimphiyuqmi. Millmanmantaqa puchkaspa awaspa p'achatam ruranchik.

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Αλπακά ( 現代希臘語(1453 年以後) )

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Το αλπακά (Llama pacos) [1] είναι μηρυκαστικό ζώο της οικογένειας των καμηλιδών [2] της τάξης των αρτιοδακτύλων. Από το τρίχωμα του αλπακά υφαίνονται υφάσματα και βελούδα, τα οποία είναι γνωστά με την ίδια ονομασία. Τα πανέμορφα αυτά θηλαστικά είναι ενδημικά των Άνδεων στο Περού, τη Χιλή και τη Βολιβία, όπου έχουν εξημερωθεί από τη Νεολιθική εποχή.[3] Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν από τους Ίνκας για τη μεταφορά εμπορευμάτων. [4]


Το αλπακά μοιάζει με το λάμα, αλλά είναι πολύ μικρότερο. Έχει μακρύ λαιμό, τριγωνικά αυτιά, μικρό κεφάλι και μυτερό ρύγχος. Στο άνω χείλος έχει μια βαθιά σχισμή. Έχει ύψος περίπου 90 εκ. στο ακρώμιο και μήκος περίπου 1,5 μ. Έχει μακρύ και απαλό τρίχωμα, που μπορεί να είναι λευκό, σκούρο καστανό ή μαύρο. [5]


Η ιστορία του αλπακά είναι πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα.

Το ζώο αυτό έχει εξημερωθεί πριν από χιλιάδες χρόνια. Οι Moche, άνθρωποι που ζούσαν στο Περού το 100 μ.Χ.-800 μ.Χ., χρησιμοποιούσαν συχνά εικόνες αλπακά στην τέχνη τους. Η αρχαιότερη γνωστή καταγραφή αυτού του χαριτωμένου ζώου είναι πριν από 2.000 χρόνια.

Οι Ίνκας έδειχναν τον πλούτο τους από τον αριθμό των αλπακά που είχαν και επιδείκνυαν τις υπέροχες γούνες τους. Το εμπόριο της γούνας του αλπακά δημιούργησε μια ακμάζουσα οικονομία στο Περού. Τα μαγικά αυτά ζώα συνέχισαν να είναι πηγή πλούτου και ευημερίας για τους Ίνκας, για χιλιάδες χρόνια, μέχρι την κατάκτησή τους από τους Ισπανούς.

Οι Ίνκας καταφεύγοντας στις Άνδεις πήραν πολύ λίγα από αυτά τα πολύτιμα ζώα.

Alpaca (6741693865).jpg


Δεν υπάρχουν άγρια αλπακά, αν και ο πιο κοντινός συγγενής τους, η βικούνια, πιστεύεται ότι είναι η άγρια πρόγονός τους. Είναι βέβαια μεγαλύτερο από αυτήν.

Τα αλπακά είναι κοινωνικά ζώα και ζουν σε κοπάδια, που αποτελούνται από ένα κυρίαρχο αρσενικό, τα θηλυκά και τα μικρά τους. Αν καταλάβουν κάποιον κίνδυνο από εισβολέα, ειδοποιούν το υπόλοιπο κοπάδι με θορυβώδεις, απότομες εισπνοές. Το κοπάδι μπορεί να επιτεθεί σε μικρούς εισβολείς με τα μπροστινά πόδα τους, φτύνοντας και κλωτσώντας. Δεν φτύνουν όλα τα αλπακά, αλλά σίγουρα όλα μπορούν. Μπορούν να φτύσουν ακόμα και έναν άνθρωπο.

Το θηλυκό, μετά από περίοδο κύησης που διαρκεί σχεδόν ένα χρόνο, γεννά ένα μικρό. Είναι φυτοφάγα ζώα και η διάρκεια ζωής τους είναι 20 χρόνια. Είναι πολύ χαριτωμένο ζώο, συνήθως φιλικό, αν και δεν του αρέσει να το αγγίζουν και είναι πολύ αστείο όταν το κουρεύουν!


  1. «Alpaca» (στα αγγλικά). Wikipedia. 2019-03-02. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alpaca&oldid=885841872.
  2. «Camelid» (στα αγγλικά). Wikipedia. 2019-03-11. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Camelid&oldid=887217667.
  3. «Alpaca». Smithsonian's National Zoo (στα Αγγλικά). 25 Απριλίου 2016. Ανακτήθηκε στις 5 Απριλίου 2019.
  4. «Οδικό δίκτυο των Ίνκα». Βικιπαίδεια. 2017-05-06. https://el.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%CE%9F%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C_%CE%B4%CE%AF%CE%BA%CF%84%CF%85%CE%BF_%CF%84%CF%89%CE%BD_%CE%8A%CE%BD%CE%BA%CE%B1&oldid=6437913.
  5. «Τα ξέρετε τα αλπακά; Είναι απόλαυση!». www.msn.com. Ανακτήθηκε στις 5 Απριλίου 2019.
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Αλπακά: Brief Summary ( 現代希臘語(1453 年以後) )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Το αλπακά (Llama pacos) είναι μηρυκαστικό ζώο της οικογένειας των καμηλιδών της τάξης των αρτιοδακτύλων. Από το τρίχωμα του αλπακά υφαίνονται υφάσματα και βελούδα, τα οποία είναι γνωστά με την ίδια ονομασία. Τα πανέμορφα αυτά θηλαστικά είναι ενδημικά των Άνδεων στο Περού, τη Χιλή και τη Βολιβία, όπου έχουν εξημερωθεί από τη Νεολιθική εποχή. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν από τους Ίνκας για τη μεταφορά εμπορευμάτων.

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Алпака ( 馬其頓語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Алпака (науч. Vicugna pacos) — припитомен вид на јужноамерикански животни од фамилијата Камили. Физички наликува на мала лама.

Овие животни живее во стадо на висорамнински предели во Андите во јужно Перу, северна Боливија, Еквадор и северно Чиле, на надморска височина од 3500-5000 метри и таму се задржуваат преку целата година.[1] Алпаките се значително помали од ламите, и за разлика од нив, не се товарни животни, туку се одгледуваат за влакната. Од овие влакна се изработуваат плетени материјали како ќебиња, џемпери, капи, ракавици и шалови, како и разни ткаенини како понча во Јужна Америка, и блузони, чорапи и постелнина во други делови на светот. Влакното се среќава во поголем број на разни природни бои: 52 според перуанската, 12 според австралиската и 16 според американската класификација.[2]

Возрасната единка е висока од 81 до 99 см, а тежи помеѓу 48 и 84 кг.[3]

Основни информации

Алпаките се припитомени пред илјадници години. Народот Моче од северно Перу честопати ја претставува алпаката во своите ракотворби.[4] Дивиот предок на алпаката е викуњата,[5] која е помала од неа. Сепак, алпаката е помала од другите членови на фамилијата.

Заедно со камилата и ламата, алпаката спаѓа во фамилијата Камили. Од сите видови во оваа фамилија, алпаката и викуњата имаат најценета волна: алпаката поради квалитетот и количината на волна, а викуњата поради мекоста и финоста и квалитетот на влакната.

Алпаките се премали за товарење, па затоа се одгледуваат само за волната и месото, кое некогаш важело за деликатес. Поради високите цени на производите од алпака на северноамериканскиот пазар, властите се соочуваат со сè поголемо криумчарење на алпаки.[6]

Со вкрстување на алпака со лама се добива „уаризо“, животно со посебно руно и кроток карактер.


Глава на алпака

Алпаките се друштвени животни и живеат во семејни групи. Секоја група се состои од територијален алфа-мажјак, женки и нивните младенчиња. Кога ќе насетат опасност, меѓусебе се предупредуваат со писклив звук. Одбраната од помали предатори обично се состои од клоцање со нозете и плукање.


Женките овулираат со поттик, т.е. со присуството на машко семе при парењето. Најчесто забременуваат по едно парење, но неуспешното парење не е ретка појава.

Мажјакот достигнува полова зрелост на возраст од 1 до 3 години. Женката созрева порано, на возраст од 1 до 2 години.

Бременоста трае 345 ± 15 дена, и женката најчесто раѓа по едно младо („крија“). Откако ќе се ојагни, женката е спремна за повторно парење во рок од две недели.

Животниот век на алпаката трае највеќе 20 години.


Алпаките јадат многу помалку храна од другите животни со таа големина. Се хранат претежно со сено и трева, но јаде и други растенија (на пр. некои листови). Тревата што ја јадат треба да биде без ѓубрива и така ги задоволуваат потребите во исхраната. Покрај ова, сточарите често во храната додаваат и жито за да ја засилат со селен и други потребни витамини.



  1. „Harvesting of textile animal fibres“. UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
  2. „Бои кај алпаките“. конс. 23 април 2008. Check date values in: |accessdate= (помош) (англиски)
  3. Физички карактеристики на алпаката (англиски)
  4. Berrin, Katherine & Larco Museum. The Spirit of Ancient Peru:Treasures from the Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997.
  5. Wheeler, Dr Jane; Miranda Kadwell, Matilde Fernandez, Helen F. Stanley, Ricardo Baldi, Raul Rosadio, Michael W. Bruford. Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca. „Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences“ том 268 (1485): 2575–2584. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774. 0962-8452 (книж.) 1471-2954 (мреж.). PMID 11749713.
  6. „Перуанските алпаки ќе се штитат со микрочипови“. БиБиСи Вести. 30 март 2005. Check date values in: |date= (помош) (англиски)

Автори и уредници на Википедија
wikipedia emerging languages

Алпака: Brief Summary ( 馬其頓語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Алпака (науч. Vicugna pacos) — припитомен вид на јужноамерикански животни од фамилијата Камили. Физички наликува на мала лама.

Овие животни живее во стадо на висорамнински предели во Андите во јужно Перу, северна Боливија, Еквадор и северно Чиле, на надморска височина од 3500-5000 метри и таму се задржуваат преку целата година. Алпаките се значително помали од ламите, и за разлика од нив, не се товарни животни, туку се одгледуваат за влакната. Од овие влакна се изработуваат плетени материјали како ќебиња, џемпери, капи, ракавици и шалови, како и разни ткаенини како понча во Јужна Америка, и блузони, чорапи и постелнина во други делови на светот. Влакното се среќава во поголем број на разни природни бои: 52 според перуанската, 12 според австралиската и 16 според американската класификација.

Возрасната единка е висока од 81 до 99 см, а тежи помеѓу 48 и 84 кг.

Автори и уредници на Википедија
wikipedia emerging languages

Альпака ( 吉爾吉斯語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Альпака (лат. Vicugna pacos) - Американын бийик жерлеринде жашоочу тоо сымалдуулар түркүмүнө кирүүчү айбан, мал катарында урунулат.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Allpaqa ( 艾馬拉語 )

由wikipedia emerging_languages提供
Allpaq uywa

Allpaqa, jan ukax paqu, allpachux mä anti uraqin jakir jach'a uywawa.

Allpachu kastanaka

Utxiwa pä kasta allpachunaka


Uka kasta allpachusti janiwa ancha tarwanikiti.

Jisk’a tarwanikiwa.


Aka kasta allpachusti jacha tarwaniwa.


Uka tarwanakata lurasiispawa akanaka

allpachu tama

T'arwapax wali quña t'arwawa. T'arwapatx taqikast isinakapuniw lurasispa: chumpanaka, phullunaka, punchunaka, allmiñanaka, wantisanaka, awayunaka, juk'ampinakaw lurasispana.


Allpachunakasti jakapxiwa pampanakana.


Allpachusti pusi kayuni uywawa. Wichhinkhapaxa jisk'akiwa, jinchupaxa jisk'akiwa. Niyas qarwar uñtatawa, kunamayawa qarwata juk'ampi t'arwaniwaSuni patana jakiri uywawa.


Taqikasta pastunaka manq'apxi.

Wichhunaka,t’ulanaka,j’uqh’unaka jukampinakampi.

Allpachunakaxa j’ukhunakana jaq’asipxi


Urq’u allpachusti qachu allpachuru katu ukhama mirantapxi.

Aka allpachunakasti jallu pacha jilpacha katusipxi.


Allpachunakasti Kimsa pataka suxta tunka urunaka wallqi sarnakapxi.

Aka allpachunakana utjaspawa taqi kasta laqunaka.

Utjaspawa usunaka,laqunaka,juk'ampinaka.

Sarna,Lapa,Garrapata jamaku yakh’ampinaka-

Usu tuqitsti utjarakiwa akanaka.

Bronquitis verminosa

Distomatosis hepática





. Sarcocisticercosis

Uka usunakasti janiwa aski miraykiti allpachunakaru.

Suma apnak’añataqisti qullañawa taq’i kasta laq’unakata.

Ukhamaraki q’ullarakiwa usunakata,

Uka lurasasti allpachunakasti suma chamantapxani,

Ukhamaraki utjaniwa walja allpachu qallunaka..

Allpach tama.
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging_languages

Allpaqa: Brief Summary ( 艾馬拉語 )

由wikipedia emerging_languages提供
 src= Allpaq uywa

Allpaqa, jan ukax paqu, allpachux mä anti uraqin jakir jach'a uywawa.

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wikipedia emerging_languages

Alpaca ( Hak )

由wikipedia emerging_languages提供

Alpaca he yit chúng sṳ̍t-nen thung-vu̍t.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging_languages

Alpaca ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

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The alpaca (Lama pacos) is a species of South American camelid mammal. It is similar to, and often confused with, the llama. However, alpacas are often noticeably smaller than llamas. The two animals are closely related and can successfully crossbreed. Both species are believed to have been domesticated from their wild relatives, the vicuña and guanaco. There are two breeds of alpaca: the Suri alpaca and the Huacaya alpaca.

Alpacas are kept in herds that graze on the level heights of the Andes of Southern Peru, Western Bolivia, Ecuador, and Northern Chile at an altitude of 3,500 to 5,000 metres (11,000 to 16,000 feet) above sea level.[1] Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, they were not bred to be working animals, but were bred specifically for their fiber. Alpaca fiber is used for making knitted and woven items, similar to sheep's wool. These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, a wide variety of textiles, and ponchos, in South America, as well as sweaters, socks, coats, and bedding in other parts of the world. The fiber comes in more than 52 natural colors as classified in Peru, 12 as classified in Australia, and 16 as classified in the United States.

Alpacas communicate through body language. The most common is spitting to show dominance[2] when they are in distress, fearful, or feel agitated. Male alpacas are more aggressive than females, and tend to establish dominance within their herd group. In some cases, alpha males will immobilize the head and neck of a weaker or challenging male in order to show their strength and dominance.

In the textile industry, "alpaca" primarily refers to the hair of Peruvian alpacas, but more broadly it refers to a style of fabric originally made from alpaca hair, such as mohair, Icelandic sheep wool, or even high-quality wool from other breeds of sheep. In trade, distinctions are made between alpacas and the several styles of mohair and luster.[3]

An adult alpaca generally is between 81 and 99 centimetres (32 and 39 inches) in height at the shoulders (withers). They usually weigh between 48 and 90 kilograms (106 and 198 pounds).[4] Raised in the same conditions, the difference in weight can be small with males weighting around 22.3 kilograms (49 lb 3 oz) and females 21.3 kilograms (46 lb 15 oz).[5]


Guanacos (wild parent species of llamas) near Torres del Paine, Chile

The relationship between alpacas and vicuñas was disputed for many years. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the four South American lamoid species were assigned scientific names. At that time, the alpaca was assumed to be descended from the llama, ignoring similarities in size, fleece and dentition between the alpaca and the vicuña. Classification was complicated by the fact that all four species of South American camelid can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.[6] The advent of DNA technology made a more accurate classification possible.

In 2001, the alpaca genus classification changed from Lama pacos to Vicugna pacos, following the presentation of a paper[7] on work by Miranda Kadwell et al. on alpaca DNA to the Royal Society showing the alpaca is descended from the vicuña, not the guanaco.

Origin and domestication

Alpacas were domesticated thousands of years ago. The Moche people of Northern Peru often used alpaca images in their art.[8] There are no known wild alpacas, and its closest living relative, the vicuña (also native to South America), is the wild ancestor of the alpaca.

The family Camelidae first appeared in Americas 40–45 million years ago, during the Eocene period, from the common ancestor, Protylopus. The descendants divided into Camelini and Lamini tribes, taking different migratory patterns to Asia and South America, respectively. Although the camelids became extinct in North America around 3 million years ago, it flourished in the South with the species we see today.[9] It was not until 2–5 million years ago, during the Pliocene, that the genus Hemiauchenia of the tribe Lamini split into Palaeolama and Lama; the latter would then split again into Lama and Vicugna upon migrating down to South America.

Remains of vicuña and guanaco have been found throughout Peru for around 12,000 years. Their domesticated counterparts, the llama and alpacas, have been found mummified in the Moquegua valley, in the south of Peru, dating back 900 to 1000 years. Mummies found in this region show two breeds of alpacas. More precise analysis of bone and teeth of these mummies has demonstrated that alpacas were domesticated from the Vicugna vicugna. Other research, considering the behavioral and morphological characteristics of alpacas and their wild counterparts, seems to indicate that alpacas could find their origins in Lama guanicoe as well as Vicugna vicugna, or even a hybrid of both.

Genetic analysis shows a different picture of the origins of the alpaca. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA shows that most alpacas have guanaco mtDNA, and many also have vicuña mtDNA. But microsatellite data shows that alpaca DNA is much more similar to vicuña DNA than to guanaco DNA. This suggests that alpacas are descendants of the Vicugna vicugna, not of the Lama guanicoe. The discrepancy with mtDNA seems to be a result of the fact that mtDNA is only transmitted by the mother, and recent husbandry practices have caused hybridization between llamas (which primarily carry guanaco DNA) and alpacas. To the extent that many of today's domestic alpacas are the result of male alpacas bred to female llamas, this would explain the mtDNA consistent with guanacos. This situation has led to attempts to reclassify the alpaca as Vicugna pacos.[7]


The alpaca comes in two breeds, Suri and Huacaya, based on their fibers rather than scientific or European classifications.

Alpaca skeleton, with alpaca and guanaco skull above (Museum of Osteology)

Huacaya alpacas are the most commonly found, constituting about 90% of the population.[10] The Huacaya alpaca is thought to have originated in post-colonial Peru. This is due to their thicker fleece which makes them more suited to survive in the higher altitudes of the Andes after being pushed into the highlands of Peru with the arrival of the Spanish.[11]

Suri alpacas represent a smaller portion of the total alpaca population, around 10%.[10] They are thought to have been more prevalent in pre-Columbian Peru since they could be kept at a lower altitude where a thicker fleece was not needed for harsh weather conditions.[11]


Alpaca near a farm
Closeup of an alpaca's face

Alpacas are social herd animals that live in family groups, consisting of a territorial alpha male, females, and their young ones. Alpacas warn the herd about intruders by making sharp, noisy inhalations that sound like a high-pitched bray. The herd may attack smaller predators with their front feet and can spit and kick. Their aggression towards members of the canid family (coyotes, foxes, dogs etc.) is exploited when alpacas are used as guard llamas for guarding sheep.[12][13]

Alpacas can sometimes be aggressive, but they can also be very gentle, intelligent, and extremely observant. For the most part, alpacas are very quiet, but male alpacas are more energetic when they get involved in fighting with other alpacas.[14] When they prey, they are cautious but also nervous when they feel any type of threat. They can feel threatened when a person or another alpaca comes up from behind them.[15]

Alpacas set their own boundaries of "personal space" within their families and groups.[16] They make a hierarchy in some sense, and each alpaca is aware of the dominant animals in each group.[14] Body language is the key to their communication. It helps to maintain their order. One example of their body communication includes a pose named broadside, where their ears are pulled back and they stand sideways. This pose is used when male alpacas are defending their territory.[2]

When they are young, they tend to follow larger objects and to sit near or under them. An example of this is a baby alpaca with its mother. This can also apply when an alpaca passes by an older alpaca.[16]


Alpacas are generally very trainable and usually respond to reward, most commonly in the form of food. They can usually be petted without getting agitated, especially if one avoids petting the head or neck. Alpacas are usually quite easy to herd, even in large groups. However, during herding, it is recommended for the handler to approach the animals slowly and quietly, as failing to do so can result in danger for both the animals and the handler.[17]

Alpacas and llamas have started showing up in U.S. nursing homes and hospitals as trained, certified therapy animals. The Mayo Clinic says animal-assisted therapy can reduce pain, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. This type of animal therapy is growing in popularity, and there are several organizations throughout the United States that participate.[18]


Not all alpacas spit, but all are capable of doing so. "Spit" is somewhat euphemistic; occasionally the projectile contains only air and a little saliva, although alpacas commonly bring up acidic stomach contents (generally a green, grassy mix) and project it onto their chosen targets. Spitting is mostly reserved for other alpacas, but an alpaca will also occasionally spit at a human.

Spitting can result in what is called "sour mouth". Sour mouth is characterized by "a loose-hanging lower lip and a gaping mouth."[19]

Alpacas can spit for several reasons. A female alpaca spits when she is not interested in a male alpaca, typically when she thinks that she is already impregnated. Both sexes of alpaca keep others away from their food, or anything they have their eyes on. Most give a slight warning before spitting by blowing air out and raising their heads, giving their ears a "pinned" appearance.[16]

Alpacas can spit up to ten feet if they need to. For example, if another animal does not back off, the alpaca will throw up its stomach contents, resulting in a lot of spit.[20]

Some signs of stress which can lead to their spitting habits include: humming, a wrinkle under their eye, drooling, rapid breathing, and stomping their feet. When alpacas show any sign of interest or alertness, they tend to sniff their surroundings, watch closely, or stand quietly in place and stare.[20]

When it comes to reproduction, they spit because it is a response triggered by the progesterone levels being increased, which is associated with ovulation.[21]


Alpacas use a communal dung pile,[22] where they do not graze. This behaviour tends to limit the spread of internal parasites. Generally, males have much tidier, and fewer dung piles than females, which tend to stand in a line and all go at once. One female approaches the dung pile and begins to urinate and/or defecate, and the rest of the herd often follows. Alpaca waste is collected and used as garden fertilizer or even natural fertilizer.[2]

Because of their preference for using a dung pile for excreting bodily waste, some alpacas have been successfully house-trained.[23]

Alpacas develop dental hygiene problems which affect their eating and behavior. Warning signs include protracted chewing while eating, or food spilling out of their mouths. Poor body condition and sunken cheeks are also telltales of dental problems.


Suri alpacas

Alpacas make a variety of sounds:

  • Humming: When alpacas are born, the mother and baby hum constantly. They also hum as a sign of distress, especially when they are separated from their herd. Alpacas may also hum when curious, happy, worried or cautious.
  • Snorting: Alpacas snort when another alpaca is invading its space.
  • Grumbling: Alpacas grumble to warn each other. For example, when one is invading another's personal space, it sounds like gurgling.
  • Clucking: Similar to a hen's cluck, alpacas cluck when a mother is concerned for her cria. Male alpacas cluck to signal friendly behavior.[2]
  • Screaming: Their screams are extremely deafening and loud. They will scream when they are not handled correctly or when they are being attacked by a potential enemy.
  • Screeching: A bird-like cry, presumably intended to terrify the opponent. This sound is typically used by male alpacas when they are in a fight over dominance. When a female screeches, it is more of a growl when she is angry.


Females are induced ovulators;[24] meaning the act of mating and the presence of semen causes them to ovulate. Females usually conceive after just one breeding, but occasionally do have trouble conceiving. Artificial insemination is technically difficult, expensive and not common, but it can be accomplished. Embryo transfer is more widespread.

A male is usually ready to mate for the first time between two and three years of age. It is not advisable to allow a young female to be bred until she is mature and has reached two-thirds of her mature weight. Over-breeding a young female before conception is possibly a common cause of uterine infections. As the age of maturation varies greatly between individuals, it is usually recommended that novice breeders wait until females are 18 months of age or older before initiating breeding.[25]

Alpacas can breed at any time throughout the year but it is more difficult to breed in the winter. Most breed during autumn or late spring. The most popular way to have alpacas mate is pen mating. Pen mating is when they move both the female and the desired male into a pen. Another way is paddock mating where one male alpaca is let loose in the paddock with several female alpacas.

The gestation period is, on average, 11.5 months, and usually results in a single offspring, or cria. Twins are rare, occurring about once per 1000 deliveries.[26] Cria are generally between 15 and 19 pounds, and are standing 30 to 90 minutes after birth.[27] After a female gives birth, she is generally receptive to breeding again after about two weeks. Crias may be weaned through human intervention at about six months old and 60 pounds, but many breeders prefer to allow the female to decide when to wean her offspring; they can be weaned earlier or later depending on their size and emotional maturity.

The average lifespan of an alpaca is between 15 and 20 years, and the longest-lived alpaca on record is 27 years.[28]

Pests and diseases

Cattle tuberculosis can also infect alpacas: Mycobacterium bovis also causes TB in this species worldwide.[29] Krajewska‐Wędzina et al., 2020 detect M. bovis in individuals traded from the United Kingdom to Poland.[29] To accomplish this they develop a seroassay which correctly identifies positive subjects which are false negative for a common skin test.[29] Krajewska‐Wędzina et al. also find that alpacas are unusual in mounting a competent early-infection immune response.[29] Bernitz et al., 2021 believe this to generalise to all camelids.[29]

Habitat and lifestyle

Alpacas near a mountain in Ecuador

Alpacas can be found throughout most of South America.[30] They typically live in temperate conditions in the mountains with high altitudes.

They are easy to care for since they are not limited to a specific type of environment. Animals such as flamingos, condors, spectacled bears, mountain lions, coyotes, llamas, and sheep live near alpacas when they are in their natural habitat.


Alpacas are native to Peru, but can be found throughout the globe in captivity.[30] Peru currently has the largest alpaca population, with over half the world's animals.[31] The population declined drastically after the Spanish Conquistadors invaded the Andes mountains in 1532, after which 98% of the animals were destroyed. The Spanish also brought with them diseases that were fatal to alpacas.[32]

European conquest forced the animals to move higher into the mountains, which remained there permanently. Although alpacas had almost been wiped out completely, they were rediscovered sometime during the 19th century by Europeans. After finding uses for them, the animals became important to societies during the industrial revolution.[33]

In popular culture

Nuzzle and Scratch was a British children's television programme featuring two fictional alpacas that was first broadcast between 2008 and 2011.[34]

Interest in alpacas grew as a result of Depp v. Heard, the 2022 trial in which Johnny Depp sued Amber Heard for defamation in Virginia after Heard wrote an op-ed saying she was a public victim of domestic violence. Depp testified, under oath, that he would not make another Pirates of the Caribbean film for "300 million dollars and a million alpacas".[35][36][37]


(video) An alpaca chewing

Alpacas chew their food which ends up being mixed with their cud and saliva and then they swallow it. Alpacas usually eat 1.5% of their body weight daily for normal growth.[38] They mainly need pasture grass, hay, or silage but some may also need supplemental energy and protein foods and they will also normally try to chew on almost anything (e.g. empty bottle). Most alpaca ranchers rotate their feeding grounds so the grass can regrow and fecal parasites may die before reusing the area. Pasture grass is a great source of protein. When seasons change, the grass loses or gains more protein. For example, in the spring, the pasture grass has about 20% protein while in the summer, it only has 6%.[38] They need more energy supplements in the winter to produce body heat and warmth. They get their fiber from hay or from long stems which provides them with vitamin E. Green grass contains vitamin A and E.

Alpacas can eat natural unfertilized grass; however, ranchers can also supplement grass with low-protein grass hay. To provide selenium and other necessary vitamins, ranchers will feed their domestic alpacas a daily dose of grain to provide additional nutrients that are not fully obtained from their primary diet.[39] Alpacas may obtain the necessary vitamins in their native grazing ranges.


Alpacas, like other camelids, have a three-chambered stomach; combined with chewing cud, this three-chambered system allows maximum extraction of nutrients from low-quality forages. Alpacas are not ruminants, pseudo-ruminants, or modified ruminants, as there are many differences between the anatomy and physiology of a camelid and a ruminant stomach.[40]

Alpacas will chew their food in a figure eight motion, swallow the food, and then pass it into one of the stomach's chambers. The first and second chambers (called C1 and C2) are anaerobic fermentation chambers where the fermentation process begins. The alpaca will further absorb nutrients and water in the first part of the third chamber. The end of the third chamber (called C3) is where the stomach secretes acids to digest food and is the likely place where an alpaca will have ulcers if stressed.

Poisonous plants

Many plants are poisonous to the alpaca, including the bracken fern, Madagascar ragwort, oleander, and some azaleas. In common with similar livestock, others include acorns, African rue, agave, amaryllis, autumn crocus, bear grass, broom snakeweed, buckwheat, ragweed, buttercups, calla lily, orange tree foliage, carnations, castor beans, and many others.[41]


A selection of products made from alpaca fiber
Traditional alpaca clothing at the Otavalo Artisan Market in the Andes of Ecuador
A knitted scarf made from alpaca wool

Alpaca fleece is soft and possesses water and flame resistant properties, making it a valuable commodity.[42]

Alpacas are typically sheared once per year in the spring. Each shearing produces approximately 2.3 to 4.5 kilograms (5 to 10 pounds) of fiber per alpaca. An adult alpaca might produce 1.4 to 2.6 kilograms (50 to 90 ounces) of first-quality fiber as well as 1.4 to 2.8 kilograms (50 to 100 ounces) of second- and third-quality fiber. The quality of alpaca fiber is determined by how crimpy it is. Typically, the greater the number of small folds in the fiber, the greater the quality.


Alpacas were the subject of a speculative bubble between their introduction to North America in 1984 and the early 21st century. The price for American alpacas ranged from US$50 for a castrated male (gelding) to US$675,000 for the highest in the world, depending on breeding history, sex, and color.[43][44] In 2006, researchers warned that the higher prices sought for alpaca breeding stock were largely speculative and not supported by market fundamentals, given the low inherent returns per head from the main end product, alpaca fiber, and prices into the $100s per head rather than $10,000s would be required for a commercially viable fiber production herd.[45][46]

Marketed as "the investment you can hug" in television commercials by the Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association, the market for alpacas was almost entirely dependent on breeding and selling animals to new buyers, a classic sign of speculative bubbles in livestock. The bubble burst in 2007, with the price of alpaca breeding stock dropping by thousands of dollars each year thereafter. Many farmers found themselves unable to sell animals for any price, or even give them away.[47][48]

It is possible to raise up to 25 alpacas per hectare (10/acre),[49] as they have a designated area for waste products and keep their eating area away from their waste area. However, this ratio differs from country to country and is highly dependent on the quality of pasture available (in many desert locations it is generally only possible to run one to three animals per acre due to lack of suitable vegetation). Fiber quality is the primary variant in the price achieved for alpaca wool; in Australia, it is common to classify the fiber by the thickness of the individual hairs and by the amount of vegetable matter contained in the supplied shearings.


A Bolivian man and his alpaca

Alpacas need to eat 1–2% of body weight per day, so about two 27 kg (60 lb) bales of grass hay per month per animal. When formulating a proper diet for alpacas, water and hay analysis should be performed to determine the proper vitamin and mineral supplementation program. Two options are to provide free choice salt/mineral powder or feed a specially formulated ration. Indigenous to the highest regions of the Andes, this harsh environment has created an extremely hardy animal, so only minimal housing and predator fencing are needed.[50] The alpaca's three-chambered stomachs allow for extremely efficient digestion. There are no viable seeds in the manure, because alpacas prefer to only eat tender plant leaves, and will not consume thick plant stems; therefore, alpaca manure does not need composting to enrich pastures or ornamental landscaping. Nail and teeth trimming are needed every six to twelve months, along with annual shearing.

Similar to ruminants, such as cattle and sheep, alpacas have only lower teeth at the front of their mouths; therefore, they do not pull the grass up by the roots. Rotating pastures is still important, though, as alpacas have a tendency to regraze an area repeatedly. Alpacas are fiber-producing animals; they do not need to be slaughtered to reap their product, and their fiber is a renewable resource that grows yearly.

Cultural presence

The High Trail in the Andes: Peru diorama at the Milwaukee Public Museum

Alpacas are closely tied to cultural practices for Andeans people. Prior to colonization, the image of the alpaca was used in rituals and in their religious practices. Since the people in the region depended heavily on these animals for their sustenance, the alpaca was seen as a gift from Pachamama. Alpacas were used for their meat, fibers for clothing, and art, and their images in the form of conopas.

Conopas take their appearance from the Suri alpacas, with long locks flanking their sides and bangs covering the eyes, and a depression on the back. This depression is used in ritual practices, usually filled with coca leaves and fat from alpacas and lamas, to bring fertility and luck. While their use was prevalent before colonization, the attempts to convert the Andean people to Catholicism led to the acquisition of more than 3,400 conopas in Lima alone.

The origin of alpacas is depicted in legend; the legend states they came to be in the world after a goddess fell in love with a man. The goddess' father only allowed her to be with her lover if he cared for her herd of alpacas. On top of caring for the herd, he was to always carry a small animal for his entire life. As the goddess came into our world, the alpacas followed her. Everything was fine until the man set the small animal down, and the goddess fled back to her home. On her way back home, the man attempted to stop her and her herd from fleeing. While he was not able to stop her from returning, he was able to stop a few alpacas from returning. These alpacas who did not make it back are said to be seen today in the swampy lands in the Andes waiting for the end of the world, so they may return to their goddess.[51]

See also


  1. ^ "Harvesting of textile animal fibres". UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
  2. ^ a b c d "Alpaca – Lama pacos – Details". Encyclopedia of Life.
  3. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Alpaca" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 1 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 721–722.
  4. ^ Frequently Asked Questions – Blue Moon Ranch Alpacas
  5. ^ Windsor, R. H. S.; Teran, Milagro; Windsor, R. S. (1 March 1992). "Effects of parasitic infestation on the productivity of alpacas (Lama pacos)". Tropical Animal Health and Production. 24 (1): 57–62. doi:10.1007/BF02357238. ISSN 1573-7438. PMID 1306920. S2CID 20550696.
  6. ^ Wheeler, Jane C. (2012). "South American camelids – past, present and future" (PDF). Journal of Camelid Science. 5: 13. Retrieved 25 February 2016.
  7. ^ a b Kadwell, Miranda; Matilde Fernandez; Helen F. Stanley; Ricardo Baldi; Jane C. Wheeler; Raul Rosadio; Michael W. Bruford (December 2001). "Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 268 (1485): 2575–2584. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774. PMC 1088918. PMID 11749713. 0962-8452 (Paper) 1471–2954 (Online).
  8. ^ Berrin, Kathleen; Benson, Elizabeth P (1997). The Spirit of Ancient Peru: Treasures from the Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-01802-2. OCLC 312844001.
  9. ^ Vaughan, Jane Louise (December 2001). Control of ovarian follicular growth in the alpaca, Lama pacos (PhD thesis). University of Central Queensland. hdl:10018/30414.
  10. ^ a b Wheeler, Jane C (2012). "South American Camelids – Past. Present and Future". Journal of Camelid Science. 5: 1–24. S2CID 33268949.
  11. ^ a b Merrell, J.; Merrell, S. "Huacaya alpacas". Gateway Alpacas. Archived from the original on 10 November 2017.
  12. ^ Franklin, W. L; Powell, K, J (July 1994). Guard Llamas: A part of integrated sheep protection. Iowa State University. Archived from the original on 11 September 2014. Retrieved 12 February 2016.
  13. ^ "Alpaca super nannies protecting sheep in North Wales".
  14. ^ a b McGee Bennett, Marty (2010). "CAMELIDynamics: Understanding Male Behavior in the Alpaca" (PDF). Alpacas Magazine (Herd Sire 2010 ed.). pp. 30–34.
  15. ^ Alpaca Behaviour. (n.d.). Retrieved 16 November 2017, from http://www.alpacasociety.co.za/?q=node%2F8
  16. ^ a b c Paul, Elizabeth (Autumn 2007). "Alpaca Behaviour" (PDF). Alpacas Australia. No. 52. pp. 14–17. ISSN 1328-8318.
  17. ^ "Alpacas – Handling". Animals in Schools. Retrieved 24 August 2019.
  18. ^ Bresnahan, Samantha (15 March 2016). "Let a llama take your troubles away". CNN. Retrieved 18 February 2020.
  19. ^ landmeterskopfarm (19 March 2015). "sour mouth – Landmeterskop Farm Cottages". Landmeterskop Farm Cottages. Retrieved 30 December 2020.
  20. ^ a b "Llama-Alpaca Behavior Packet" (PDF). Pet Partners. December 2016.
  21. ^ "Alpaca Fact Sheet #2 Mating" (PDF). Australian Alpaca Association. 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 November 2017. Retrieved 24 August 2019.
  22. ^ "Behaviour". Northern Mystery Alpacas. Retrieved 24 August 2019.
  23. ^ "Alpaca Facts – Applewood Lane Alpacas". Applewood Lane Alpacas – Alpaca Breeding. Retrieved 30 December 2020.
  24. ^ Chen, B. X.; Yuen, Z. X.; Pan, G. W. (1 July 1985). "Semen-induced ovulation in the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus)". Reproduction. Bioscientifica. 74 (2): 335–339. doi:10.1530/jrf.0.0740335. ISSN 1470-1626. PMID 3900379.
  25. ^ LaLonde, Judy. "Alpaca Reproduction". Big Meadow Creek Alpacas. Archived from the original on 24 October 2014. Retrieved 23 October 2014.
  26. ^ "Breeding and Birthing". Northwest Alpacas. Archived from the original on 21 July 2012. Retrieved 23 October 2014.
  27. ^ "Alpacas 101". Parris Hill Farms. Retrieved 23 October 2014.
  28. ^ "About Alpacas". Alpaca Owners Association Inc. Retrieved 23 October 2017.
  29. ^ a b c d e Bernitz, Netanya; Kerr, Tanya J.; Goosen, Wynand J.; Chileshe, Josephine; Higgitt, Roxanne L.; Roos, Eduard O.; Meiring, Christina; Gumbo, Rachiel; de Waal, Candice; Clarke, Charlene; Smith, Katrin; Goldswain, Samantha; Sylvester, Taschnica T.; Kleynhans, Léanie; Dippenaar, Anzaan; Buss, Peter E.; Cooper, David V.; Lyashchenko, Konstantin P.; Warren, Robin M.; van Helden, Paul D.; Parsons, Sven D. C.; Miller, Michele A. (28 January 2021). "Review of Diagnostic Tests for Detection of Mycobacterium bovis Infection in South African Wildlife". Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Frontiers. 8: 588697. doi:10.3389/fvets.2021.588697. ISSN 2297-1769. PMC 7876456. PMID 33585615.
  30. ^ a b Wambugu, Daniel Maina (9 August 2018). "Where Do Alpacas Live?". WorldAtlas. Retrieved 30 December 2020.
  31. ^ "Vicugna vicugna: Acebes, P., Wheeler, J., Baldo, J., Tuppia, P., Lichtenstein, G., Hoces, D. & Franklin, W.L". 2018. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22956A145360542.en. S2CID 240399424. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  32. ^ "Alpaca History". Epic Alpacas. Retrieved 24 August 2019.
  33. ^ "Alpaca History". Maple View Farm Alpacas. Retrieved 14 November 2017.
  34. ^ "Nuzzle and Scratch". BBC. Retrieved 19 February 2021.
  35. ^ Johnny Depp Laughing at Disney executive confuse about Alpacas!, retrieved 21 May 2022
  36. ^ "Johnny Depp Wouldn't Work With Disney For $300M and a Million Alpacas". MSN. Retrieved 21 May 2022.
  37. ^ Johnny Depp Supporter Brought Alpacas to Cheer Him Up During Defamation Trial, retrieved 21 May 2022
  38. ^ a b "An Overview of Alpaca Diet, Nutrition & Care". Institute of Ecolonomics. 8 December 2014. Retrieved 24 August 2019.
  39. ^ Davis, Linda K. (2009). "Alpaca Care and Diet". Alpaca.com. Retrieved 24 August 2019.
  40. ^ Fowler, Murray (5 May 2010). Medicine and Surgery of Camelids (3rd ed.). Wiley. ISBN 978-0-8138-1003-4. Chapter 1 General Biology and Evolution addresses the fact that camelids (including llamas and camels) are not ruminants, pseudo-ruminants, or modified ruminants, while Chapter 2 Feeding and Nutrition goes into extensive detail.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  41. ^ "Plants that are poisonous to alpacas". C R Alpacas. 9 July 2005. Archived from the original on 8 September 2004.
  42. ^ Moon, Bronte (13 September 2017). "What's So Special About Alpaca Wool?". Bronte Moon. Retrieved 30 December 2020.
  43. ^ "Leading Alpaca Breeder Snowmass Alpacas Offers Elite Alpaca Genetics in Unprecedented Sale". PR.com. Retrieved 15 January 2021.
  44. ^ "Alpaca's savage beating in Ohio upsets ranchers". Deseret News. Associated Press. 13 May 2010. Retrieved 15 January 2021.
  45. ^ Tina L. Saitone; Richard J. Sexton (2005). "Alpaca Lies? Do Alpacas Represent the Latest Speculative Bubble in Agriculture?" (PDF). University of California, Davis. Retrieved 29 June 2010.
  46. ^ Tuckwell, Chris (1998). "Alpacas" (PDF). In K.W. Hyde (ed.). The new rural industries: a handbook for farmers and investors. RIRDC. pp. 15–19. ISBN 978-0-642-24690-5.
  47. ^ Cima, Rosie (14 August 2015). "When the Great Alpaca Bubble Burst". Priceonomics.
  48. ^ Barnett, Kaitlin Bell (6 November 2014). "Alpacas: Lovable Lawnmowers No More". Modern Farmer. Retrieved 23 January 2020.
  49. ^ "FAQs – Sugarloaf Alpaca Company – Adamstown, MD". sugarloafalpacas.com. Archived from the original on 6 October 2017. Retrieved 12 October 2013.
  50. ^ "About Alpacas". alpacainfo.com. Retrieved 21 September 2009.
  51. ^ Merrell, J., & Merrell, S. "Conopas". Alpacas. Retrieved 24 August 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

The alpaca (Lama pacos) is a species of South American camelid mammal. It is similar to, and often confused with, the llama. However, alpacas are often noticeably smaller than llamas. The two animals are closely related and can successfully crossbreed. Both species are believed to have been domesticated from their wild relatives, the vicuña and guanaco. There are two breeds of alpaca: the Suri alpaca and the Huacaya alpaca.

Alpacas are kept in herds that graze on the level heights of the Andes of Southern Peru, Western Bolivia, Ecuador, and Northern Chile at an altitude of 3,500 to 5,000 metres (11,000 to 16,000 feet) above sea level. Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, they were not bred to be working animals, but were bred specifically for their fiber. Alpaca fiber is used for making knitted and woven items, similar to sheep's wool. These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, a wide variety of textiles, and ponchos, in South America, as well as sweaters, socks, coats, and bedding in other parts of the world. The fiber comes in more than 52 natural colors as classified in Peru, 12 as classified in Australia, and 16 as classified in the United States.

Alpacas communicate through body language. The most common is spitting to show dominance when they are in distress, fearful, or feel agitated. Male alpacas are more aggressive than females, and tend to establish dominance within their herd group. In some cases, alpha males will immobilize the head and neck of a weaker or challenging male in order to show their strength and dominance.

In the textile industry, "alpaca" primarily refers to the hair of Peruvian alpacas, but more broadly it refers to a style of fabric originally made from alpaca hair, such as mohair, Icelandic sheep wool, or even high-quality wool from other breeds of sheep. In trade, distinctions are made between alpacas and the several styles of mohair and luster.

An adult alpaca generally is between 81 and 99 centimetres (32 and 39 inches) in height at the shoulders (withers). They usually weigh between 48 and 90 kilograms (106 and 198 pounds). Raised in the same conditions, the difference in weight can be small with males weighting around 22.3 kilograms (49 lb 3 oz) and females 21.3 kilograms (46 lb 15 oz).

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Alpako ( 世界語 )

由wikipedia EO提供

Alpako estas animalo de la Andoj. Ĝi estas neotropisa membro de la familio kameledoj (ordo Parhufuloj). Ĝia scienca nomo estas Vicugna pacos. Ĝi estas parenca al lamo, gvanako kaj vikuno.

Alpakoj pezas inter 55 kaj 50 kg kaj altas ĝis la pinto de la ŝultro 95 cm. La antaŭulo de alpako estas la sovaĝa vikuno. Ili estas bestoj tipaj de la Punao de Peruo, Bolivio kaj aliaj lokoj pli sude. Alpakoj vivas en grandaj aroj en la altebenaĵoj de la Andoj de 3.500 ĝis 5.000 metroj super la marnivelo.

El la lano de alpakoj oni produktas ŝtofon, same nomitan "alpako"[1].

Ripozanta alpako.
Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
wikipedia EO

Alpako: Brief Summary ( 世界語 )

由wikipedia EO提供

Alpako estas animalo de la Andoj. Ĝi estas neotropisa membro de la familio kameledoj (ordo Parhufuloj). Ĝia scienca nomo estas Vicugna pacos. Ĝi estas parenca al lamo, gvanako kaj vikuno.

Alpakoj pezas inter 55 kaj 50 kg kaj altas ĝis la pinto de la ŝultro 95 cm. La antaŭulo de alpako estas la sovaĝa vikuno. Ili estas bestoj tipaj de la Punao de Peruo, Bolivio kaj aliaj lokoj pli sude. Alpakoj vivas en grandaj aroj en la altebenaĵoj de la Andoj de 3.500 ĝis 5.000 metroj super la marnivelo.

El la lano de alpakoj oni produktas ŝtofon, same nomitan "alpako".

 src= Ripozanta alpako.
Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
wikipedia EO

Vicugna pacos ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

La alpaca (del quechua allpaqa, paqu a través del aimara allpaqa) (Vicugna pacos) es una especie doméstica de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Camelidae. Evolutivamente está emparentada con la vicuña, aunque en las poblaciones actuales hay una fuerte introgresión genética de la llama (Lama glama).[1]​ Su domesticación se viene realizando desde hace miles de años. Podemos encontrar restos arqueológicos de la cultura mochica del Perú con representaciones de alpacas.

Nombre y etimología

Del aimara alpaqa y esta del quechua p'aku que significa rubio.[2]

Parentesco y nombre científico


Las relaciones entre la alpaca y los demás camélidos sudamericanos han sido controvertidas durante muchos años. En los siglos XVIII y XIX, cuando recibieron nombres científicos, se creía que la alpaca era descendiente del guanaco (Lama guanicoe), y fue denominada por ello Lama pacos, ignorándose sus similitudes con la vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), tanto en tamaño, como en la lana y la dentición. Su clasificación se complicó tras comprobarse que las cuatro especies de camélidos suramericanos pueden cruzarse entre sí y dar descendencia fértil. No fue hasta el siglo XXI que, gracias al desarrollo de las técnicas de análisis de ADN pudo demostrarse finalmente que la alpaca y la vicuña están estrechamente relacionadas, y que el nombre científico correcto es Vicuña pacos, si bien se detectó en sus poblaciones un porcentaje de su genoma mitocondrial ADN proveniente de la llama.[1]


Se distribuyen en puntas —rebaños o manadas— numerosas que pastan todo el año en la puna y las mesetas de los Andes, el norte de Argentina, el oeste de Bolivia, noreste de Chile, desde Ecuador y en los Andes del Perú, país que posee la principal población de la especie, siempre a una altitud aproximada de 3500 a 5000 m s. n. m. Desde el siglo XXI, también hay criadores de alpacas en Estados Unidos, Europa, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.


Jaynacho en comunidad de Accocunca, Ocongate, Cusco

Las alpacas pesan entre 45 y 77 kg y su altura en la cruz es de 90 cm,[3]​ superadas levemente por la vicuña, su ancestro. La estatura de la alpaca es considerablemente menor que la de la llama, compartiendo con esta y con el camello el hábito de escupir, utilizado para mostrar agresividad o como método de defensa.

Detalle de la cabeza.
Ejemplar salvaje.

No se utilizan como animales de carga, como las llamas. Han sido seleccionadas para la producción de fibra, cuyo diámetro varía de 12 a 28 micrómetros, las cuales son muy utilizadas para confeccionar prendas de excelente calidad.


Existen dos razas de alpaca, las que se diferencian por las características externas de su fibra.


La fibra de la huacaya crece en forma perpendicular al cuerpo de la alpaca, posee densidad, suavidad, lustre, rizos (crimp) que le confieren un aspecto esponjoso, las mechas de fibra son más cortas en comparación con la suri, con ausencia de suarda que es propio del ovino.


La fibra de la suri crece en forma paralela al cuerpo de la alpaca, formando rulos independientes a través de todo el cuerpo a manera de los flecos del mantón de las mujeres altoandinas, posee densidad, suavidad, y lustre mucho más notorios que en la de la huacaya, confiriéndole un aspecto sedoso y brillante.


En la industria textil, el término "alpaca" puede significar cosas distintas. Es sobre todo un término aplicado a las lanas obtenidas de la alpaca boliviana. Sin embargo, se refiere más ampliamente de la tela hecha originalmente en el Perú de las lanas de la alpaca aunque también fabricada y mezclada con otro tipo de lana como por ejemplo las italianas e inglesas brillantes.

Las telas más preciadas son aquellas provenientes de la primera esquila de la alpaca, llamadas baby alpaca.

Las cuatro especies de animales sudamericanos autóctonos y productores de fibra son: llama, alpaca, el guanaco y la vicuña. La alpaca y la vicuña son los animales más valiosos por su lana: la alpaca a causa de la calidad y la cantidad de lana (fibra), y la vicuña a causa de la suavidad, fineza, escasez y la alta calidad de sus lanas. La fibra de guanaco es levemente inferior a la de vicuña, pero es un poco más abundante.

Telas y productos

Ponchos de alpaca en el Mercado Artesanal de Otavalo, Ecuador.

Los productos que se pueden hacer con la fina tela de la alpaca son:

La alpaca como símbolo

Escudo de Bolivia hasta el año 2004, mostrando una alpaca, la que fue sustituida por una llama.

Estuvo representada en el escudo de Bolivia hasta el año 2004, fecha en que se la reemplazó por una llama.[4]​ Ambos animales simbolizan la riqueza animal de dicho país. Históricamente, la alpaca estuvo representada desde el primer escudo de Bolivia.

Población en Perú

La distribución a lo largo del Perú es la siguiente: el 47% en departamento de Puno, 14,1% en departamento de Cuzco, 10% en departamento de Arequipa, 6,3% en departamento de Huancavelica, 5,9% en departamento de Ayacucho, 5% en departamento de Apurimac, 3,4% en departamento de Moquegua, 2,9% en departamento de Pasco.[cita requerida]

Véase también


  1. a b Wheeler, J.; Kadwell, M., Fernández, M., Stanley, H. F., Baldi, R., Rosadio, R. & Bruford, M.W. (2001). «Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca». Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (1485): 2575-2584. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774. Artúclo completo, Resumen. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  2. http://etimologias.dechile.net/?alpaca
  3. Sharon Chester (2016). Flora y fauna de Chile. Guía de identificación. Lynx edicions. p. 304. ISBN 978-84-941892-4-1.
  4. «El nuevo escudo». 2011. Consultado el 29 de febrero de 2012.
  5. Sistema de información regional para la toma de decisiones, INEI

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Vicugna pacos: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

La alpaca (del quechua allpaqa, paqu a través del aimara allpaqa) (Vicugna pacos) es una especie doméstica de mamífero artiodáctilo de la familia Camelidae. Evolutivamente está emparentada con la vicuña, aunque en las poblaciones actuales hay una fuerte introgresión genética de la llama (Lama glama).​ Su domesticación se viene realizando desde hace miles de años. Podemos encontrar restos arqueológicos de la cultura mochica del Perú con representaciones de alpacas.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Alpaka ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供
Disambig gray.svg See artikkel räägib loomast; kanga kohta vaata artiklit Alpaka (kangas); sulami kohta vaata artiklit Uushõbe
Alpaka Portrait 01.jpg

Alpaka ehk pako (Vicugna pacos) on Lõuna-Ameerika kodustatud kaamellane, kes meenutab välimuselt väikest laamat.


Alpakad elavad karjades ja elutsevad kõrgmägedes 3000–5000 meetri kõrgusel, loomi kasvatavad kohalikud talunikud ja karjused.

Alpakade põhisööt on karjamaarohi. Nagu mäletsejatele omane, on ka alpakadel kolmekambriline magu.[1] Täiskasvanud alpaka turjakõrgus on 80–100 cm ja loom kaalub 50–80 kilogrammi. Alpakasid on kahte tõugu: Suri ja Huacaya.[1] Alpakad söövad päevas 1–2% oma kehakaalust, seega ühele loomale kulub kuu jooksul umbes 27 kg heina. Alpakade väljaheited sobivad hästi väetiseks ning need ei vaja kompostimist, kuna alpakad söövad ainult pehmeid taimelehti. Kariloomadena peetavate alpakade sõrgu ning hambaid peab hooldama 1–2 korda aastas.[2]

Sarnaselt mäletsejatega, näiteks veiste ja lammastega, on alpakade suu esimeses osas ainult alumised hambad, seega nad ei tõmba taimi juurtest üles [2].

Alpakade tiinusperiood on 242–345 päeva. Emasloomad saavutavad suguküpsuse 12.–15. elukuu vahel, isasloomad aga alles 30–36 kuu vanuselt.[1] Üldjuhul toob emasloom ilmale ainult ühe järglase.[1] Kui loode on õiges asendis, sünnib vasikas esijalad ees. Juba mõne aja möödudes teeb vastsündinu esimesi katseid jalgele tõusta.[3] Vastsündinu kaalub umbes 8–9 kg ja ema imetab neid 6–8 kuud.[1] Alpakade eluiga on 20 aastat ja enamgi.[3]

Alpakad on loomult väga sotsiaalsed loomad ning neil on tugev karjainstinkt, mistõttu vajavad nad liigikaaslaste lähedust. Alpakade karjas on tavaliselt emasloomad koos järglastega ning üks domineeriv isasloom. Nad on loomult leebed, uudishimulikud ja intelligentsed loomad ning ülimalt tähelepanelikud ümbritseva suhtes. Tajudes ohtu muutuvad nad väga ärevaks ja ettevaatlikuks. Ohu eest hoiatatakse teisi karjaliikmeid valju häälitsemisega. Alpakad suhtlevad üksteisega häälitsuste abil. Häälitsemine ja samal ajal sabaga vehkimine on kas sõprusavalduse või alistumise märgiks. Ka isasloomadevahelist kahevõitlust saadavad mitmesugused häälitsused, mille abil püütakse vastast eemale peletada. Võitjal on õigus paarituda karja kõigi emasloomadega.[4]


Alpakade vill on isegi parema kvaliteediga kui kašmiir või angoora. Samuti on see soojapidavam, kohevam ja pehmem. Alpakavilla on lihtne töödelda, kuna see sisaldab vähe rasu ning alpakavillal puuduvad allergiat tekitavad omadused.[5] Alpakadelt saadakse kvaliteetsemat villa kui laamadelt [1]. Nendelt saadav villa hulk on suurem ning ka nende karvavärvus on väga mitmekesine, varieerudes mustast hõbedani. Esineda võib ka kollakaspruuni ja helebeeži. Alpakade villakus võib esineda kuni 22 eri värvusega villkarvu – seepärast aretatakse neid ka värvuse järgi [5].

Laamade ja alpakade erinevused

Esmapilgul tundub, et alpakad sarnanevad suuresti oma kaamellastest sugulastega, kuid tegelikult erinevad need Lõuna-Ameerikast pärit loomad üksteisest mitme tunnuse poolest.[6]

Alpakad ja laamad erinevad üksteisest kõrvade kuju poolest. Alpakade kõrvad on lühikesed odaotsakujulised, laamadel aga on kõrvad palju pikemad ja banaanikujulised. Samuti on erinevusi nende kehamassis ja mõõtmetes. Alpakad kaaluvad tavaliselt 68 kilogrammi, aga laamad võivad kasvada 181 kilogrammi raskusteks. Alpakade keskmine turjakõrgus on 86–91 cm, laamadel aga 107–117 cm.[6] Veel erinevad laamad ja alpakad üksteisest pea kuju poolest. Laamal on pea pikem, alpaka pea on tömbim, meenutades veidi kokkusurutud laama nägu.[6] Alpakasid on kasutatud rohkem kui 5000 aastat villaloomana, Peruus ka liha saamise eesmärgil, laamasid aga peamiselt veoloomana ja vähesel määral lihaloomana. Viimaseks erinevuseks on nende kahe looma karvkate. Laamadel ei ole pea-ja näopiirkonnas nii tihedat karvkatet kui on alpakadel. [1] Alpakadelt saadakse kvaliteetsemat villa kui laamadelt ja seetõttu ongi alpakad peamiselt villaloomad.[6]


Alpakad on pärit Lõuna-Ameerika Andidest. Nad on üks maailma vanimaid kodustatud kariloomatõuge, kelle ajalugu ulatub Inkade riigini välja. Alpakadel on olnud Andide kultuurides keskne roll juba viis tuhat aastat või rohkem.[7]On tõendeid, et alpakad kodustati 6000 aastat tagasi.

Andide mütoloogias on alpakasid seostatud jumalanna Pachmanaga ja Emakese Maaga. Usuti, et alpakad laenati inimestele, kuid nad jäetakse Maale ainult nii kauaks, kuni neid austatakse ja nende eest head hoolt kantakse. Selle legendi kohaselt saadi alpakad kingitusena Ausangate mäel Peruus.[7]

Kui Hispaania vallutajad jõudsid Peruusse, leidsid nad eest tsivilisatsiooni, mis põhines tekstiilil. Inkad elasid ühiskonnas, mille alustaladeks oli alpakade ja laamade vill ning puuvilla kiud, mida kasutati kõikjal sildadest katusteni. Samuti tähendasid inkad oma rikkuse üles sõlmkirjas. Andide inimesed kasutasid riiet valuutana ja alpaka vill oli üks hinnalisemaid. Näiteks premeeriti aadlike lojaalsust tihtilugu alpaka villast valmistatud riietega ja armeele maksti palka alpaka tekstiilis.[7] Ladusid, mis olid täis alpakavillast kangaid, peeti niivõrd hinnaliseks, et inka armee ei jätnud neid kunagi vaenlasele saagiks vaid pigem põletas maha.[7] Hispaanlased olid aga huvitatud kullast, hõbedast ja vääriskividest.[7] Vallutuste käigus tapsid hispaanlased massiliselt alpakade ja laamade karju, jättes korjused väljadele mädanema.[7] Üsna pea olid alpakad väljasuremisohus[8]. Vaid osa loomadest pääses tänu põliselanikele, kes varjasid neid viljatuil ja kõrvalistel platoodel.[7]

19. sajandil “avastasid” eurooplased selle liigi uuesti.[8] Alpakat mainitakse 19. ja 20. sajandi populaarkirjanduses üpris palju, kuigi tollal tunti alpakat kui loomaliiki vähe. Seevastu alpaka kiudu ja valmistooteid tunti hästi, hinnati kõrgelt ning peeti luksuskaubaks.[8] Sünteetilise kiu kasutusele võtmisega 20. sajandi keskpaigas kaotasid alpakavillast tekstiilid oma senise tähtsuse.[8]

Vaata ka


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 Alina Bradford. "Facts About Alpacas".
  2. 2,0 2,1 Alpaca Owners Association Inc. "About Alpacas".
  3. 3,0 3,1 Gateway Farm Alpacas. "STAGE ONE".
  4. The South African Alpaca Breeder's Society. "Alpaca behaviour".
  5. 5,0 5,1 Aragon Alpacas. "Alpaca Facts".
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 modern farmer. "6 Differences Between Llamas and Alpacas".
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 Gateway Farm Alpacas. "THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF ALPACAS".
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 Gateway Farm Alpacas. "THE REDISCOVERY OF ALPACAS".
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wikipedia ET

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 愛沙尼亞語 )

由wikipedia ET提供
Alpaka Portrait 01.jpg WildlifeAlpaka.jpg

Alpaka ehk pako (Vicugna pacos) on Lõuna-Ameerika kodustatud kaamellane, kes meenutab välimuselt väikest laamat.

Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
wikipedia ET

Alpaka ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Alpaka (kitxuatik allpaqa, Sailkapen zientifikoa Lama pacos), guanakotik eratorritako bi espezieetako bat da.

50 eta 55 kilogramo arteko pisua dute eta 95 zentimetrokoa luze izaten da. Haren ileek 12 eta 28 mikrako diametroa dutenez, artilegintzan oso erabiliak dira.

Andeetan bizi dira 3.500 eta 5.000 metro artean, bereziki Peru eta Bolivian eta banaka batzuk, Argentinan. Hala ere, Estatu Batuetan, Europan eta Zeelanda Berrian asko bizi dira, ustiakuntza dela eta.

Bere generoko beste espezieekin batera, batez ere llamarekin, eta familiako beste batzuekin batera erasotua sentitzen denean, txu egiteko ohitura du.

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Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

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Alpakka ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供
Tämä artikkeli kertoo eläimestä. Alpakka on myös metalliseos.

Alpakka (Vicugna pacos) on eteläamerikkalainen villantuotantoon jalostettu kamelieläin, jonka pääasiallinen kantamuoto on vikunja. Se on myös laaman lähisukulainen.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Alpakoiden turkki on yksivärinen tai kirjava, perusväreinä ovat valkoinen, ruskea, harmaa ja musta.

Täysikasvuisen alpakan säkäkorkeus on alle metrin ja paino 60–80 kg. Alpakka samoin kuin laamakin on kesytetty kotieläimeksi ainakin 5000 vuotta sitten. Alpakan villi kantamuoto on vikunja ja laaman guanako. Kaikki neljä ovat lähisukulaisia ja risteytyvät keskenään saaden lisääntymiskykyisiä jälkeläisiä. Alpakka on perinteisesti villantuottaja ja laama on juhta, mutta villalaamojen (wooly-llama) villa on alpakanvillan tasosta ja erityisesti Boliviassa kasvatetaan tämän tyyppisiä laamoja.

Alpakasta on kaksi päätyyppiä, pörröinen "huacaya" ja suoravillainen "suri". Huacaya-tyyppi pärjää Suomen oloissa talvellakin, surin suora villa saattaa kastua ja se on herkempi palelemaan huonolla ilmalla.

Alpakoiden perusvärejä on 22, ja perinteinen tapa villankäytössä on ollut luonnonmukaisten värien käyttö. Valkoista villaa myös värjätään, ja esimerkiksi Perussa se on suosituin alpakan väri.[1] Alpakoita ja laamoja käytetään paitsi villantuottajina myös maatilamatkailussa, lemmikkeinä, maisemanhoitajina ja terapiaeläiminä.[2][3] Maisemanhoitoon ne sopivat siksi, että ne ylettyvät korkeammalle kuin lampaat, eivät pehmeillä anturoillaan jätä jälkiä maastoon ja lisäksi ne ovat niin hiljaisia, että niitä voi pitää alueilla, joissa ei saa tulla häiriötä kuten koulujen, sairaaloiden, hautausmaiden ja vastaavien lähellä.


Alpakat ovat kalliita eläimiä. Ne lisääntyvät hitaasti, kantoaika on 11 kk, ja vasoja syntyy vain yksi kerrallaan. Naarasta kutsutaan Suomessa emäksi, urosta orhiksi tai oriksi ja nuorta eläintä criaksi, vasaksi tai karitsaksi. Alpakat, kuten laamatkin, tulevat toimeen niukalla rehulla ja niitä on helppo tarhata. Ne viihtyvät hyvin tutussa tarhassa ja tallissa. Ne ovat laumaeläimiä eikä niitä voi pitää yksin. Tarhaamista muiden eläinlajien kanssa ei suositella. Alpakoita ja laamoja voi tarhata hyvin yhdessä. Ne tosin voivat risteytyä keskenään.

Etelä-Amerikassa alpakoita pidetään usein puolivilleinä laumoina kuten poroja, ja ne kerätään kokoon vain keritsemistä varten. Ne laiduntavat Andien vuoristoniityillä 3500 ja 5000 metrin välillä Perussa, Ecuadorissa, Pohjois-Boliviassa ja Pohjois-Chilessä. Perinteiset intiaanien ponchot tehdään alpakanvillasta.

Alpakoita on kasvatettu Suomessa vuodesta 2002 alkaen. Vuoden 2013 alussa alpakoita oli Suomessa noin 600.[4]


Alpakka on ruohonsyöjä. Kotiseudullaan Etelä-Amerikassa laumat laiduntavat tavallisesti vuorten alarinteiden vehmailla, sateisen ja lumen sulamisvesien kastelemilla niityillä. Toisin kuin vuohi, lammas ja nauta, alpakka ei vahingoita laidunruohostojaan. Ylähuulen halkio estää sitä syömästä ruohoa juurta myöten, eikä jalan pehmeä antura riko maanpintaa.


Perun inkoille alpakka oli uskonnollisesti tärkeä eläin. Jumaliaan miellyttääkseen inkat uhrasivat säännöllisesti laamoja ja alpakoita. Erään uuden tutkimuksen mukaan uhratut eläimet olivat yleensä nuoria uroksia, jotka surmattiin lyömällä kovalla esineellä päähän. Uhrieläinten karvan laatu osoittaa, etteivät inkat suinkaan uhranneet arvokkaimpia eläimiä laumoistaan. Vasa tai syntymätön sikiö haudattiin myös usein talon kynnyksen alle tuomaan onnea taloon.

Katso myös


  1. Asiaa alpakoista Alpakkakasvattajat ry.. Viitattu 8.3.2014.
  2. Alpakka auttaa terapiassa 2009. Savon Sanomat. Viitattu 8.3.2014.
  3. Viljelijöiden näkemyksiä puustoisten perinnebiotooppien hoidosta HY / Maataloustieteiden laitos. Viitattu 8.3.2014.
  4. Heikki Uusitalo: Alpakoiden suosio kasvaa Suomessa 3.1.2013. Kaleva. Viitattu 4.1.2013.

Aiheesta muualla

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Alpakka: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供
Tämä artikkeli kertoo eläimestä. Alpakka on myös metalliseos.

Alpakka (Vicugna pacos) on eteläamerikkalainen villantuotantoon jalostettu kamelieläin, jonka pääasiallinen kantamuoto on vikunja. Se on myös laaman lähisukulainen.

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Alpaga ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Vicugna pacos

L'alpaga (Vicugna pacos) est un mammifère domestique de la famille des camélidés[1], surtout présent en Amérique du Sud, particulièrement au Pérou. Alors qu'on a longtemps considéré qu'il était très proche du guanaco, une étude de 2001 a montré qu'il avait un ancêtre commun plus récent avec la vigogne qu'avec le guanaco.

Comme les autres camélidés, il rumine mais n'est pas classé dans la famille des ruminants. Selon le pelage, on distingue deux types d'alpagas : les suris (en) et les huacayas.


On utilise également en français le terme hispanique alpaca, qui est moins courant, mais correspond à l'appellation quechua de l'animal : allpaqa, ou paqu. La laine qu'on en tire est plus souvent encore que l'animal appelée alpaga.


Description physique
  • Allure : gros mouton au long cou.
  • Poids : jusqu’à 70 à 80 kg[2].
  • Taille : 75 cm pour les plus petits et 1 m pour les plus grands.[réf. nécessaire] Mais leur taille dépasse rarement 90 cm[2].
  • Dos : plutôt arrondi. Avec son bassin plus incliné, il ne peut pas porter de charges[2].
  • Tête : courte.
  • Front : très lainé et pourvu d'une sorte de houppette.
  • Oreilles : pointues, en « fer de lance ».
  • Bouche : fourchue et fendue (facilitant la récolte d’herbe).
  • Dents : à croissance continue, elles doivent parfois être limées[2]. Le mâle adulte est muni de dents en crochets, recourbées vers l'arrière, dont la pousse finale intervient vers l'âge de 3 ou 4 ans[3].
  • Pieds : ils comportent 2 doigts parallèles au sol, chacun pourvu d'un coussinet et d'un ongle au bout (ils se terminent en pointe). Les ongles doivent être taillés au moins une ou deux fois par an[2].

Le diamètre de la fibre varie entre 12 et 32 microns. Elle est officiellement classée en 22 couleurs naturelles.

  • Le huacayo a un poil mi-long et frisé / ondulé.
  • Le suri (en) a un poil long et tombant comme des mèches.
Durée de vie moyenne

30 ans.


L'alpaga fait peu de bruit. Ces animaux communiquent entre eux avec des petits ‘hum hum’. Leur cri d'alerte est strident[4] : l'alpaga meule, un cri proche de celui du lama et du renard.[5]


Une des caractéristiques des camélidés est la délimitation d’endroits dédiés uniquement aux besoins des animaux (fumier). Cela représente un grand avantage du point de vue sanitaire (réduit la diffusion des parasites). De même, les petits camélidés sont des animaux très sociables. Ils ne peuvent vivre seuls : un troupeau de minimum trois animaux, quels qu’ils soient, est nécessaire à l’accompagnement de l’alpaga. Les troupeaux sont composés d’un mâle dominant, et de femelles avec leurs petits. Tous les autres mâles constituent un troupeau à part. Les rapports de force se règlent la plupart du temps par un coup de patte. L'alpaga est un animal qui crache comme le lama. Lorsqu’il s’agit de plusieurs mâles convoitant la même femelle, les rapports entre eux peuvent devenir très brutaux (morsures, coups de tête…) et aller même jusqu'à la mort pour l’un d’entre eux. L’idéal est donc de séparer les femelles des mâles, pour éviter les conflits entre mâles.[réf. nécessaire]


Même si les petits camélidés ne sont pas classés dans la famille des ruminants (3 estomacs au lieu de 4 chez les vrais ruminants), ils ruminent quand même. Ils se nourrissent essentiellement d’herbes et de foin. Ils peuvent manger tout type d’herbe, même celle de faible qualité, car leur système digestif est beaucoup plus efficace que celui d’un autre ruminant. La consommation moyenne de nourriture est de 2 kg par jour, et peut atteindre 3 kg pour une femelle alpaga en gestation.[réf. nécessaire]


Jeune alpaga et sa mère.

L'alpaga n'a pas de période de reproduction déterminée ; c'est la saillie qui déclenche l'ovulation. Cependant la majorité des naissances ont lieu durant la saison chaude et aux heures chaudes de la journée, ce qui permet au petit de sécher. En effet sa mère ne le lèche pas. La saillie dure en moyenne une demi-heure. Ensuite la femelle porte 11 mois avant la mise bas. Pendant les premiers mois, le petit se développe mais ne grossit pas, d'où la difficulté de vérifier si une femelle est pleine ; ensuite il se met à grossir jusqu'au terme. La femelle donne naissance à un seul petit par an. Un bébé alpaga pèse en moyenne 7 kg et possède déjà une toison de quelques centimètres. La femelle peut être saillie de nouveau une dizaine de jours après la mise bas. Elle allaite son petit environ 6 mois. Une femelle est adulte à 6 mois, mais elle n'a pas encore fini sa croissance. Un mâle est, quant à lui, adulte entre 2 ans et demi et 3 ans.[réf. nécessaire]

Garde contre les renards

En Europe, l'alpaga peut être éduqué à protéger efficacement les troupeaux de volailles fermières contre les renards ; mais il est très vulnérable face à des chiens ou des loups[4].


Dans son milieu naturel, la cordillère des Andes (Argentine, Bolivie, Chili, Équateur, Pérou), l'alpaga vit jusqu'à environ 4 500 mètres d'altitude. Aujourd'hui, l’élevage de l'alpaga s'est développé sur toute la planète, notamment en Angleterre, en Suisse, en Australie, en France, ainsi qu'aux États-Unis et au Canada.[réf. nécessaire]

Population d'alpagas au Pérou

Le Pérou est le plus grand producteur de camélidés sud-américains. La population d'alpagas est environ de 3,7 millions de spécimens et la domestication de ces espèces remonte à plus de 7 000 ans. Puno est la région la plus peuplée en alpagas avec approximativement 1 million 460 000 têtes, suivie de Cuzco avec 546 000 têtes et Arequipa avec une population de plus de 468 000 têtes. La production d'alpaga au Pérou représente 80% de la production mondiale[6].

Alpaga bicolore

Population d'alpagas selon le recensement de l'agriculture[7] :

1 000 000
2 000 000
3 000 000
4 000 000


Les relations entre les alpagas et les autres camélidés sud-américains ont été longtemps discutées. Aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, lorsqu'on a attribué à ceux-ci des noms scientifiques, on pensait que l'alpaga était un descendant du guanaco (Lama guanicoe). C'est la raison pour laquelle il a été longtemps nommé Lama pacos : on ignorait alors les similitudes entre l'alpaga et la vigogne (Vicugna vicugna) au niveau de la taille, de la laine et de la dentition. Sa classification s'est cependant compliquée quand on a vérifié que les quatre espèces de camélidés d'Amérique du Sud pouvaient se croiser entre elles et donner une progéniture fertile. Ce n'est qu'au XXe siècle qu'on a pu finalement démontrer grâce au développement des techniques d'analyse de l'ADN que l'alpaga et la vigogne sont étroitement liés et son nom scientifique est devenu Vicugna pacos. On a cependant détecté qu'un pourcentage du génome mitochondrial de ses populations provient du lama[8].

En clair, les lamas et les guanacos sont des descendants du genre Lama, et l'alpaga et la vigogne appartiennent au genre Vicugna[9].

L'alpaga et l'espèce humaine

Détail d'une toison d'alpaca
Détail d'une toison d'alpaca
Quelques couleurs de toisons d'alpaca

Production de laine

La laine d'alpaga est une fibre très haut de gamme, plus douce, plus chaude, plus résistante et plus légère que la laine de mouton. On peut le tondre tous les ans, mais sa toison peut être gardée deux voire trois ans. Elle est reconnue internationalement comme étant une des fibres les plus fines et luxueuses au monde.[réf. nécessaire]

Qualité (en microns) de la laine d’alpaga parmi d’autres laines très réputées :[réf. nécessaire]

Production mondiale de fibres par espèce et par an :[réf. nécessaire]

Circle frame.svg
  • Alpaga: 4 000 tonnes (0,7 %)
  • Cachemire: 6 200 tonnes (1,1 %)
  • Angora: 8 500 tonnes (1,6 %)
  • Mohair: 25 000 tonnes (4,6 %)
  • Mouton: 500 000 tonnes (92 %)

En France, les alpagas sont tondus généralement une fois par an. La tonte a lieu habituellement au cours des mois de mai ou de juin, juste après les jours de mauvais temps et avant les grandes chaleurs. Ainsi ils ne souffrent pas de la chaleur de l’été, ni du froid en hiver. Dépourvue de lanoline, la toison ne colle pas même si l'animal transpire beaucoup, ce qui constitue un avantage.

Pour la tonte, la laine ne doit pas être mouillée. Autrefois on opérait avec des forces. Aujourd’hui on utilise la tondeuse électrique et l’alpaga est tondu en 15 à 30 kg de laine.

Bien que nécessaire, la tonte peut être pour les animaux une grande source de stress. Il faut donc l'effectuer dans le calme et en prenant toutes les précautions requises (notamment pour les femelles en gestation). Après la tonte, une surveillance des animaux s’impose et leur alimentation doit être contrôlée pour éviter que leur température ne baisse en raison de la perte de la laine.

Consommation de viande

Viande d'alpaga (filet).

La viande d'alpaga et de lama est recommandée pour traiter les problèmes d'obésité et de tension artérielle : elle offre en effet un grand nombre de bénéfices en raison de leur teneur élevée en protéines et en fer ; de plus, ce sont des viandes tendres avec un faible apport en matières grasses[10].

Selon un dernier rapport du Centre international de la recherche sur le cancer de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), la viande rouge et en particulier celle transformée provoquerait un certain nombre de dommages et pourrait même être cancérigène. Les viandes d'alpaga et de lama seraient donc une alternative saine à la consommation, car contrairement aux autres viandes, ces dernières ont une teneur en protéines plus élevée (23,9%), par rapport au poulet (21,4%) et au bœuf (21%). De même, la teneur en matière grasse est également réduite : 100 grammes de ces viandes contiennent entre 30 et 40 mg de cholestérol, contre 88 mg chez le poulet et 90 mg chez le bœuf, a déclaré la nutritionniste Milagros Solá Vásquez[10] de Solidaridad Salud de Lince[11].

Troupeau d'alpagas en France (2019)


L'alpaga (et plus encore le lama) est efficace pour l'entretien des espaces enherbés. Contrairement au mouton et à la chèvre, il n'abîme pas l'écorce des arbres - sauf pour les très jeunes arbres. Il permet aussi de valoriser les pâtures pauvres. Les sols, même argileux, restent peu abîmés grâce à ses coussinets[4].

Médiation animale et thérapie

Il participe à la médiation animale (zoothérapie) et à la thérapie dans les hôpitaux et les maisons de retraite[4].

Notes et références

  2. a b c d et e « Que sont les petits camélidés ? », site des alpagas de Kerla, sur kerla-lamas-alpagas.fr (consulté le 7 juillet 2020).
  3. « Le problème de l’imprégnation des mâles : le syndrome du mâle furieux », site des alpagas de Kerla, sur kerla-lamas-alpagas.fr (consulté le 7 juillet 2020).
  4. a b c et d « À quoi servent-ils ? », site des alpagas de Kerla, sur kerla-lamas-alpagas.fr (consulté en avril 2020).
  5. « Les sons émis par les Lamas et Alpagas », sur www.elevagelamadoubs.fr (consulté le 6 mai 2021)
  6. (es) Dirección General de Políticas Agrarias / Dirección de Estudios Económicos e Información Agraria, « Sumaq Alpaca - Minagri Situación de la alpaca en el Perú », Bulletin,‎ novembre 2018, p. 1 (lire en ligne).
  7. (es) « Perú Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática », sur inei.gob.pe (consulté le 20 novembre 2019).
  8. [Kadwell et al. 2001] (en) Miranda Kadwell, Matilde Fernandez, Helen F. Stanley et Ricardo Baldi, « Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca », Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, vol. 268, no 1485,‎ 22 décembre 2001, p. 2575–2584 (PMID , PMCID , DOI , lire en ligne [sur royalsocietypublishing.org], consulté le 19 novembre 2019).
  9. [Fowler 2010] (en) Murray E. Fowler, chap. 1 « General Biology and Evolution », dans M.E. Fowler et P.W. Bravo, Medicine and Surgery of Camelids, Wiley & Blackwell, 2010, 3e éd. (ISBN 9781118785706), p. 3-16. Cité dans Portemer 2012, p. 20.
  10. a et b (es) « Recomiendan consumir carnes de llama y alpaca contra la obesidad e hipertensión arterial », Nacional,‎ 19 mars 2016 (lire en ligne, consulté le 21 novembre 2019).
  11. (es) « SISOL Salud Lince », sur sisol.gob.pe (consulté le 21 novembre 2019).

Voir aussi

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Alpaga: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Vicugna pacos

L'alpaga (Vicugna pacos) est un mammifère domestique de la famille des camélidés, surtout présent en Amérique du Sud, particulièrement au Pérou. Alors qu'on a longtemps considéré qu'il était très proche du guanaco, une étude de 2001 a montré qu'il avait un ancêtre commun plus récent avec la vigogne qu'avec le guanaco.

Comme les autres camélidés, il rumine mais n'est pas classé dans la famille des ruminants. Selon le pelage, on distingue deux types d'alpagas : les suris (en) et les huacayas.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Alpaca ( 愛爾蘭語 )

由wikipedia GA提供

Is ainmhí mór é an t-alpaca. Mamach atá ann

Is síol ainmhí é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
wikipedia GA

Alpaca ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供
Para a aliaxe do mesmo nome, véxase a páxina Alpaca (aliaxe)

A alpaca[1] (Vicugna pacos) é unha especie domesticada de América do Sur da familia Camelidae. A súa aparencia é a dunha llama de pequeno tamaño. Hai dúas razas de alpaca; a "suri" e a "huacaya".

As alpacas viven nos Andes, no sur Perú, norte de Bolivia, Ecuador e norte de Chile, a unha altitude de entre 3500m e 5000m por riba do nivel do mar.[2] As alpacas son considerablemente máis pequenas que as llamas, e ó contrario que estas, non foron criadas para seren animais de traballo, senón especificamente polo seu pelame. Este é usado para facer tecidos, dun xeito semellante á la. Entre os artigos que se poden facer inclúense mantas, xerseis, sombreiros, luvas e bufandas, así como os ponchos.

Unha alpaca adulta mide entre 81 e 99 cm de altura ata a cruz. Pesan entre 48 e 84 kg.[3]


  1. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para alpaca.
  2. UN Food and Agriculture Organization (ed.). "Harvesting of textile animal fibres".
  3. "Physical characteristics of Alpacas". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 02 de decembro de 2013. Consultado o 27 de febreiro de 2014.
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 加利西亞語 )

由wikipedia gl Galician提供
Para a aliaxe do mesmo nome, véxase a páxina Alpaca (aliaxe)

A alpaca (Vicugna pacos) é unha especie domesticada de América do Sur da familia Camelidae. A súa aparencia é a dunha llama de pequeno tamaño. Hai dúas razas de alpaca; a "suri" e a "huacaya".

As alpacas viven nos Andes, no sur Perú, norte de Bolivia, Ecuador e norte de Chile, a unha altitude de entre 3500m e 5000m por riba do nivel do mar. As alpacas son considerablemente máis pequenas que as llamas, e ó contrario que estas, non foron criadas para seren animais de traballo, senón especificamente polo seu pelame. Este é usado para facer tecidos, dun xeito semellante á la. Entre os artigos que se poden facer inclúense mantas, xerseis, sombreiros, luvas e bufandas, así como os ponchos.

Unha alpaca adulta mide entre 81 e 99 cm de altura ata a cruz. Pesan entre 48 e 84 kg.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia gl Galician

Alpaka ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Alpaka (lat. Lama pacos ili Vicugna pacos) je pripitomljena životinja iz porodice deva rasprostranjena u južnoameričkim Andama. Nije jasno dokazano vodi li porijeklo od guanaka ili od vikunje (dakle rasa jedne od njih) ili je hibrid ove dvije navedene vrste. Živi u velikim stadima po južnoameričkim brdima do granice vegetacijske zone. Zbog fine dugačke vune i ukusnog mesa odavna je udomaćena u zemljama Južne Amerike. Vuna te životinje i tkanina od vune zovu se alpaka.


Kao i sve druge deve, alpake imaju duge, relativno tanke noge, dugačak i tanak vrat s malom glavom, a kao i druge američke deve nemaju grbu. Nešto su manje od ljama, no s oko 55 do 65 kg prije svega značajno su lakše od njih. Najčešće su jednobojne, obično smeđe, crne ili plavkasto sive, a u rijetkim slučajevima dvobojne ili pjegave. Dlaka im je izrazito duga, može doseći i do 50 cm.

Način života

Kao sve životinje iz porodice deva, alpake su društvene životinje i najbolje se osjećaju u grupi. To su biljožderi i hrane se gotovo isključivo travama, a kao i druge deve spadaju u preživače pa imaju želudac podijeljen na četiri dijela, što pomaže probavljanju hrane.

Ženke nakon razdoblja skotnosti od 240 do 345 dana kote najčešće jedno mladunče koje u Južnoj Americi zovu "Cria". Ženka doji mladunče 6 do 8 mjeseci, koje u dobi od 12 do 24 mjeseca dosiže spolnu zrelost.


Domesticiranje alpake otpočelo je istovremeno kada i ljama već oko 3.000 godina pr. Kr. Dok je ljama u južnoameričkoj civilizaciji služila kao teretna životinja, alpaka je uzgajana prije svega radi vune. Kaput od alpakine vune je kod Inka smatran znakom blagostanja. Vladari Inka imali su velika krda alpaka kao znak svoje moći.

S dolaskom Španjolaca i njihovim osvajanjem Perua situacija se mijenja. Osvajači dovode sa sobom ovce i ne pokazuju nikakvo zanimanje za domaće korisne životinje. Tako alpaka postaje životinja siromašnog domaćeg, indijanskog, stanovništva. To je s vremenom dovelo gotovo do izumiranja ovih životinja.

Tek s dobivanjem nezavisnosti južnoameričkih država ponovo se spoznaje vrijednost alpaka. Ponovo ih se uzgaja, a njihova se vuna izvozi u cijeli svijet. Danas ima oko 3 miliuna alpaka, prije svega u južnom Peruu i zapadnoj Boliviji.


Danas još uvijek nije bez ostatka razjašnjeno koja je životinja predak alpake. Znanost je dugo smatrala guanaka zajedničkim pretkom ljame i alpake. Još ranije su se pojavile teorije prema kojima alpaka potiče od vikunje, a prema novim DNK istraživanjima čini se, da bi ta teorija mogla biti točna. Razlog radi kojeg to još uvijek nije utvrđeno sa 100%-tnom sigurnošću leži u činjenici, da su vikunje, guanaki, ljame i alpake bez ograničenja međusobno plodne, što je uvijek nanovo rezultiralo njihovim međusobnim miješanjem.

Sukladno tome, znanstveni naziv vrste može biti Lama pacos, jednako kao i Vicugna pacos. Novije sistematizacije ne daju više alpaki status vrste, nego ju smatraju rasom ili mješancem.

Logotip Zajedničkog poslužitelja
Na Zajedničkom poslužitelju postoje datoteke vezane uz: Alpaka
Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Alpaka (lat. Lama pacos ili Vicugna pacos) je pripitomljena životinja iz porodice deva rasprostranjena u južnoameričkim Andama. Nije jasno dokazano vodi li porijeklo od guanaka ili od vikunje (dakle rasa jedne od njih) ili je hibrid ove dvije navedene vrste. Živi u velikim stadima po južnoameričkim brdima do granice vegetacijske zone. Zbog fine dugačke vune i ukusnog mesa odavna je udomaćena u zemljama Južne Amerike. Vuna te životinje i tkanina od vune zovu se alpaka.

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Alpaka ( 印尼語 )

由wikipedia ID提供

Alpaka adalah binatang menyusui dari Amerika Selatan yang menyerupai llama. Alpaka berukuran lebih kecil daripada llama, dan alpaka tak digunakan sebagai hewan pengangkut, tetapi untuk diambil bulunya. Serat alpaka digunakan untuk membuat barang rajutan dan jahitan, seperti wol domba.

Alpaka biasa ditemukan di Argentina bagian utara, dari keluarga Camelidae. Alpaka digembalakan untuk merumput di Pegunungan Andes di Ekuador, Peru selatan, Bolivia utara, dan Cili utara pada ketinggian 3500–5000 m dpl.[1]


  1. ^ "Harvesting of textile animal fibres". UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

Pranala luar

Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia ID

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 印尼語 )

由wikipedia ID提供

Alpaka adalah binatang menyusui dari Amerika Selatan yang menyerupai llama. Alpaka berukuran lebih kecil daripada llama, dan alpaka tak digunakan sebagai hewan pengangkut, tetapi untuk diambil bulunya. Serat alpaka digunakan untuk membuat barang rajutan dan jahitan, seperti wol domba.

Alpaka biasa ditemukan di Argentina bagian utara, dari keluarga Camelidae. Alpaka digembalakan untuk merumput di Pegunungan Andes di Ekuador, Peru selatan, Bolivia utara, dan Cili utara pada ketinggian 3500–5000 m dpl.

Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia ID

Alpakka ( 冰島語 )

由wikipedia IS提供

Alpakka eða alpakkadýr eru suðuramerísk húsdýr af úlfaldaætt. Þau eru af ættkvíslinni Vicugna. Dýrin eru ræktuð vegna ullarinnar.

Höfundar og ritstjórar Wikipedia
wikipedia IS

Vicugna pacos ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

L'alpaca[1] (Vicugna pacos) è un mammifero della famiglia dei camelidi, originario del Sudamerica, addomesticato e allevato soprattutto per utilizzarne la pregiata lana e, in misura minore, la carne.


La sua origine è rimasta per lungo tempo piuttosto incerta. Secondo alcuni autori si trattava di una razza domestica derivante dalla selezione della vigogna, mentre secondo altri derivava dalla selezione del guanaco, così come è avvenuto per il lama. Secondo altri ancora derivava da incroci tra guanachi e vigogne. Quando i nomi scientifici furono assegnati ai camelidi sudamericani, tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo, si ritenne l'alpaca un discendente del lama ignorando però la forte somiglianza di stazza, altezza e qualità della lana con la vigogna. Molte difficoltà di classificazione furono dovute anche al fatto che le quattro specie si possono incrociare e creare una prole fertile.[2]

Una classificazione corretta fu possibile solo dopo l'avvento delle nuove tecnologie che con le analisi del DNA scoprirono nel 2001, con la presentazione di una ricerca per la Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge, che l'alpaca deriva dalla vigogna e non dal guanaco.[3] Di conseguenza il nome scientifico dell'alpaca fu cambiato da Lama pacos a Vicugna pacos.


L'alpaca generalmente non supera i 90 cm di altezza al garrese e i 75 kg di peso.

L'alpaca è una delle due specie domestiche di camelidi diffuse in Sudamerica; l'altra è il lama. L'aspetto ricorda una pecora, anche se rispetto a essa ha dimensioni maggiori; ha inoltre collo e zampe lunghe. L'alpaca è ruminante; come tutti i camelidi possiede tre stomaci per la digestione della fibra. In media ogni animale mangia circa un chilogrammo di vegetali al giorno e come tutti i camelidi non ha bisogno di grandi quantità di acqua. Esistono due razze di alpaca: la razza Huacaya e la razza Suri, rappresentando quest'ultima solo il 10% della popolazione degli alpaca nel mondo. Le femmine danno alla luce un solo piccolo all'anno perché il loro periodo di gestazione è di circa 11 mesi e mezzo. La razza Alpaca Huacaya è quella maggiormente diffusa (85% del totale)[4]; presenta un pelo che cresce perpendicolarmente alla pelle (ossia dritto a mo' di peluche) e una groppa convessa. Il tutto gli conferisce un aspetto rotondo. Nella razza Alpaca Suri il pelo, morbido e setoso, cade lungo il corpo e la groppa è dritta.

Gli alpaca sono animali gregari e vengono allevati in grandi mandrie; nei luoghi d'origine pascolano a un'altitudine compresa fra i 3500 e i 5000 metri[5], sulle Ande del Perù meridionale, della Bolivia settentrionale e del nord del Cile. Al contrario dei lama, gli alpaca sono allevati non per farne animali da soma ma per la loro fibra pregiata, utilizzata per tessere coperte e indumenti vari, come maglie, sciarpe o ponchos.

L'alpaca si presta a essere utilizzata come animale da passeggio o per l'alpaca-terapia, trovando impiego con bambini, malati e anziani.

Lana di alpaca

Magnifying glass icon mgx2.svgLo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Lana di alpaca.

Gli alpaca vengono tosati una volta all'anno, in primavera. Un'alpaca femmina produce circa 2,5 kg di fibra, mentre un alpaca maschio può arrivare a produrne anche 4 kg all'anno. La fibra di alpaca appare simile alla lana di pecora, ma è molto più morbida, calda e non pizzica la pelle. È apprezzata per la brillantezza e per la leggerezza; infatti, è priva di lanolina, non infeltrisce e non dà allergie,[6][7] ma contiene cheratina che viene usata anche per fare cosmetici.

Il pelo dell'animale può assumere 22 colorazioni naturali dal bianco fino a infinite gradazioni verso il marrone e il nero. L'etichettatura tessile è WP.


  1. ^ È accettata sia la pronuncia sdrucciola àlpaca /ˈalpaka/ sia quella piana alpàca /alˈpaka/ (cfr. DOP); il DiPI Archiviato il 15 maggio 2013 in Internet Archive. considera la pronuncia piana come "neutra" e la sdrucciola come "tradizionale".
  2. ^ Jane C. Wheeler, South American camelids – past, present and future (PDF), in Journal of Camelid Science, vol. 5, 2012, p. 13. URL consultato il 25 febbraio 2016.
  3. ^ Miranda Kadwell, Matilde Fernandez, Helen F. Stanley, Ricardo Baldi, Jane C. Wheeler, Raul Rosadio e Michael W. Bruford, Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca, in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 268, n. 1485, December 2001, pp. 2575–2584, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774, PMC 1088918, PMID 11749713.
  4. ^ Jane C Wheeler, South American Camelids - Past. Present and Future (PDF), in Journal of Camelid Science, vol. 5, 2012, pp. 1–24. URL consultato il 30 dicembre 2019 (archiviato dall'url originale il 3 marzo 2019).
  5. ^ Harvesting of textile animal fibres, su fao.org, UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
  6. ^ Charlotte Quiggle, Alpaca: An Ancient Luxury, in Interweave Knits, Fall 2000, pp. 74–76, ISSN 1088-3622.
  7. ^ Debbie Stoller, Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker, Workman Publishing Company, 2006, p. 18, ISBN 978-0-7611-7498-1.


Alcuni testi sono tratti dall'Enciclopedia Britannica, undicesima edizione, pubblicazione di pubblico dominio.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Vicugna pacos: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

L'alpaca (Vicugna pacos) è un mammifero della famiglia dei camelidi, originario del Sudamerica, addomesticato e allevato soprattutto per utilizzarne la pregiata lana e, in misura minore, la carne.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Alpaka ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Alpaka (lot. Lama pacos, angl. Alpaca, vok. Alpaka) – kupranugarinių (Camelidae) šeimos porakanopis žinduolis. Alpakos šiek tiek panašios į lamas, tik mažesnės. Visos alpakos prijaukintos, laukinių nėra.

Alpakos auginamos Ekvadoro, Peru, šiaurės Bolivijos ir šiaurės Čilės Anduose, aukščiuose nuo 3500 m iki 5000 m virš jūros lygio. Auginamos vilnai, kuri naudojama panašiai kaip ir avių vilna.


Alpakos gyvena bandomis, kurias sudaro patelės, dominuojantis patinas ir jų jaunikliai. Alpakos švelnios, smalsios. Tačiau jos nemėgsta, kai nepažįstama alpaka ar žmogus bando artintis, ypač iš užpakalio. Kai kurios alpakos supykdytos spjaudosi atrytu skrandžio turiniu.

Kaip prisitaikymas išvengti vidinių parazitų, alpakoms būdingos bendros mėšlo krūvos, kuriose visos tuštinasi. Patinai dažniausiai yra švaresni nei patelės, turi mažiau mėšlo krūvų. Patelėms būdinga tai, kad vienai nuėjus tuštintis, kitos paseka jos pavyzdžiu. Dėl polinkio tuštintis į mėšlo krūvas alpakas galima laikyti kaip augintinius namuose.


Patelėms būdinga indukuota ovuliacija, tai yra ovuliaciją sukelia poravimosi procesas ir sėklos buvimas. Poravimasis gali trukti nuo 5 minučių iki daugiau nei valandos. Nėštumas trunka 11,5 mėnesio, atvedamas vienas jauniklis. Dvyniai pasitaiko rečiau nei tarp žmonių.

Alpakos gali kryžmintis su lamomis.


Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Alpaka (lot. Lama pacos, angl. Alpaca, vok. Alpaka) – kupranugarinių (Camelidae) šeimos porakanopis žinduolis. Alpakos šiek tiek panašios į lamas, tik mažesnės. Visos alpakos prijaukintos, laukinių nėra.

Alpakos auginamos Ekvadoro, Peru, šiaurės Bolivijos ir šiaurės Čilės Anduose, aukščiuose nuo 3500 m iki 5000 m virš jūros lygio. Auginamos vilnai, kuri naudojama panašiai kaip ir avių vilna.

Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Alpaka ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) ir kamieļu dzimtas (Camelidae) Dienvidamerikā, Andu kalnos dzīvojošs mājdzīvnieks, kura savvaļas priekštece ir vikunja,[1] lai gan ārēji tā ir līdzīgāka mazai lamai, ar kuru alpaka ir tuvu radniecīga, līdzīgi kā ar gvanako.[2]

Alpakas (atšķirībā no lamām) vienmēr ir tikušas audzētas tikai, lai iegūtu vilnu, no kuras gatavo segas, cepures, apmetņus (pančo), vilnas audumus apģērbu šūšanai, cimdus, zeķes, šalles, džemperus un citus adītos izstrādājumus. Saskaņā ar Peru klasifikāciju no alpakas iegūst vilnas dzīparus vairāk kā 52 dabīgos toņos, saskaņā ar Starptaustisko klasifikāciju 22 toņos. Alpakas kā mājdzīvniekus vilnas iegūšanai Dienvidamerikas indiāņi ir audzējuši vairākus tūkstošus gadu. Inku impērijas pastāvēšanas laikā no alpaku vilnas darinātus apģērbus varēja atļauties tikai augstdzimušie. Dienvidamerikā tiek izmantota arī alpaku gaļa, bet komerciāli realizēta ļoti reti.[3][4]


Alpakas mājo 1000 - 5000 metru augstumā virs jūras līmeņa
Alpakai ir garš kakls un kājas, un smalka ķermeņa uzbūve

Alpakas tiek audzētas Andu kalnu centrālajā un dienviddaļā: Bolīvijas ziemeļos, Peru dienvidos, Ekvadorā, Argentīnas ziemeļrietumos un Čīles ziemeļos, 1000 — 5000 metru augstumā virs jūras līmeņa.[4][5] 20. gadsimta beigās alpakas sāka izvest no Dienvidamerikas un audzēt arī citās valstīs: ASV, Jaunzēlandē, Austrālijā un Nīderlandē. Neskatoties uz to, ka alpakas ārpus Dienvidamerikas audzē arvien lielākā skaitā, joprojām 99% alpaku vilnas tiek iegūta Dienvidamerikā.[4] Peru mājo lielākā daļa alpaku populācijas — apmēram 3,5 miljoni alpaku jeb 75% no kopējās populācijas.[6]


Ilgu laiku valdīja uzskats, ka alpaka, līdzīgi kā lama, ir selekcionēta no gvanako. Tomēr mūsdienu ģenētikas zinātne, kā arī 6000 — 7000 gadus veci arheoloģiskie atradumi ir pierādījuši, ka alpakas priekštece ir savvaļā dzīvojošā vikunja.[7]

Arheologi uzskata, ka alpaku domestikācija notika 4000 — 5000 gadus pirms mūsu ēras. Inku impērijas laikā alpaku selekcija un vilnas tekstilizstrādājumu ražošana sasniedz pārsteidzoši augstu līmeni. Atbilstoši vēlamajām vilnas dzīpara krāsām, tika selekcionēti atbilstoši ganāmpulki: dažādu toņi brūni, melni un balti ganāmpulki. Valda uzskats, ko arī apstiprina arheoloģiskie atradumi, ka alpaku vilnai, pirms Amerikā ieradās spāņu konkistadori, bija daudz augstāka kvalitāte.[8]

Kad Dienvidameriku pārņēma konkistadori, pilnībā apstājās gadu tūkstošiem veiktais alpaku selekcijas darbs. Uzskata, ka šajā laikā, apmēram 100 gadu laikā, izzuda 90% alpaku un lamu, kā arī 80% vietējo indiāņu. Spāņi ieveda zirgus, mūļus, aitas un cūkas, izspiežot no ganībām alpakas un lamas.

Šī situācija izmainījās tikai pēc 1860. gada, kad Eiropas tekstiluzņēmēji atklāja ekskluzīvo un īpaši kvalitatīvo alpaku vilnu un sāka to izmantot vilnas audumu ražošanā. Smaga krīze alpaku audzēšanā iesākās 1969. gadā, kad radikālu zemes reformu rezultātā tika likvidētas lielās saimniecības un īpašumi izdalīti starp zemniekiem, kuriem nebija nedz zināšanu, nedz iemaņu alpaku audzēšanā un kopšanā. Alpaku populācija 1992. gadā bija samazinājusies par 50%.[8] Mūsdienās Andu valstis ir novērtējušas alpaku audzēšanas ekonomisko izdevīgumu un sākušas atjaunot alpaku ganāmpulkus un selekciju. Īpaši nopietni selekcijai pievērsušās Bolīvija un Peru.[9] Alpaku audzētāju valstīs tiek veiktas īpašas valsts institūciju organizētas apmācības, lai zemniekus izglītotu alpaku audzēšanas un selekcijas darbā.[8]


Alpakai ir smalki veidota galva ar proporcionāli garām un smailām ausīm

Alpaka ir ievērojami mazāka nekā lama. Tās ķermeņa garums, galvu ieskaitot, ir 1,2 - 2,25 m, augstums skaustā ir 90 – 130 cm, svars 54 – 68 kg.[3][4][7] Lai arī ar vilnu apaugusi alpaka izskatās masīva, tās ķermenis ir slaids un smalki veidots, tai ir garš kakls un kājas, smalka galva[3] un proporcionāli garas un smailas ausis.[2] Alpakai priekšzobi aug tikai apakšžoklī, bet augšžoklī ir cieta, rievota smaganu plāksne.[6][10] Tēviņam priekšzobi, kā arī apakšējie ilkņi attīstās par cīņai piemērotiem zobiem, un tie ir garāki par 3 cm.[4] Mātītei zobi tik gari neattīstās.


Alpakas vilna var izaugt līdz 50 cm gara.[7] Atšķirībā no savas tiešās priekšteces — vikunjas — alpakai garš matojums aug viscauri uz visa ķermeņa. Turklāt matojums var būt ļoti daudzās un dažādās krāsās: gan vienkrāsains, gan raibs. Izšķir divas alpaku šķirnes: huacaya un suri.[2] Populārāka audzēšanai ir pirmā šķirne.[4] Galvenā atšķirība ir tāda, ka šķirnes huacaya vilna ir īsāka nekā suri šķirnes alpakām. Huacaya alpakām ķermeni, kaklu un ciskas sedz garš, cirtains matojums, bet uz galvas un kāju apakšdaļā tas ir īss. Suri alpakām vilna ir zīdaināka, un tā aug ātrāk, turklāt matojums nav cirtains.[4] Alpakai, pateicoties biezajam kažokam, nav problēmu izturēt kalnu krasās temperatūras maiņas, kad naktīs temperatūra noslīd līdz 0 °C, bet dienās strauji iesilst līdz 16 °C, tomēr alpakas izdzīvošana vairāk vai mazāk ir atkarīga no cilvēka.[4] Vilna tiek cirpta reizi gadā, un no vienas alpakas iegūst 2,2 — 4,5 kg vilnas.[6]


Kopumā alpakas ir draudzīgas un tās var izaudzināt arī par mīļdzīvniekiem, attēlā Bolīvijas zemnieks ar savu alpaku

Alpakas ir ļoti sabiedriskas, ziņkārīgas un draudzīgas ne tikai savā starpā, bet tās ir draudzīgas arī pret cilvēku.[2] Tās parasti ganās kopā ar lamām, aitām un kazām. Alpakas veido nelielus ģimeņu barus, kurā ir viens dominantais tēviņš, vairākas pieaugušas mātītes (5 — 10) un to mazuļi.[4] Alpakas ir arī ļoti uzmanīgas un modri vēro apkārtni, skaļi paziņojot visam baram, ja pamana kādas briesmas. Mazākiem plēsējiem alpaku tēviņi uzbrūk ar zobiem un priekškājām, kožot, spļaujot un sperot. Spļauj arī mātītes, ja kāds tuvojas tās mazulim.[4]

Ne visas alpakas spļaudās, bet to spēj darīt ikviena alpaka. Tās spļauj ne tikai uz ienaidniekiem, tās spļaudās savā starpā un tās reizēm var spļaut uz cilvēkiem. Savstarpēji tās spļaudās, lai noskaidrotu dominanci barā, bet uz cilvēkiem tās spļauj aiz bailēm.[11] Spļāviens sastāv no siekalām, daudz gaisa un nedaudz kuņģa sulas, kas ir zaļā, zāles krāsā. Visas ganāmpulka alpakas fekālijas cenšas atstāt īpašās vietās, veidojot fekāliju kaudzes. Šajās vietās tās zāli neēd. Turklāt tēviņi veido atsevišķu fekāliju kaudzi.[4][6]


Alpaka ir zālēdājs un piemērojusies augstkalnu vulkāniskās augsnes, nabadzīgo pļavu augiem un krūmiem,[2] tomēr tā cenšas uzturēties ūdenstilpes tuvumā.[4] Alpakas tiek piebarotas arī ar sienu.[11]


Gadā alpakai piedzimst viens mazulis

Alpaku mātītes dzimumbriedumu sasniedz 12 — 15 mēnešu vecumā, bet tēviņi 30 — 36 mēnešos. Vairošanās sezona alpakām nav noteikta un pārošanās var notikt jebkurā laikā, kad mātīte tam ir nobriedusi.[4] Grūsnības periods ilgst apmēram 11 mēneši (242 — 345 dienas[4]). Piedzimst viens mazulis, kas sver 8 – 9 kg. Māte mazuli zīda 6 — 8 mēnešus. Mazuļi reizēm pieiet zīst pienu pie svešas mātītes, kuras var reaģēt ļoti dažādi: atļaut zīst, aiziet vienkārši projām vai cenšas padzīt, apspļaudot mazuli.[4]

Alpakas un lamas savā starpā mēdz hibridizēties, un tām dzimst vairoties spējīgi mazuļi,[2] kurus sauc par huarizo. Ja alpaka sakrustojas ar vikunju, kas notiek ļoti reti, jo mājdzīvnieku aploki ir ierobežoti, tad šādu hibrīdu sauc par pakovikunju. Ārēji tas ir līdzīgāks vikunjai, un tā vilna ir daudz smalkāka un kvalitāte augstāka.[4] Alpaku dzīves ilgums ir 15 — 25 gadi.[11]


  1. Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 «Genome: Vicugna pacos». Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2016. gada 5. martā. Skatīts: 2015. gada 23. oktobrī.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 The Alpaca Vicugna pacos Loveable pet or delicious dish?
  4. 4,00 4,01 4,02 4,03 4,04 4,05 4,06 4,07 4,08 4,09 4,10 4,11 4,12 4,13 4,14 4,15 ADW: Lama pacos
  5. "Harvesting of textile animal fibres" UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 Facts about Alpaca – Vicugna pacos
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 EOL: Lama pacos
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 «History of Alpacas». Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2015. gada 20. jūlijā. Skatīts: 2015. gada 23. oktobrī.
  9. History of Llama South America
  10. «Skulls: Alpaca». Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2016. gada 5. martā. Skatīts: 2015. gada 24. oktobrī.
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 Alpaca Lama paco[novecojusi saite]

Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 拉脫維亞語 )

由wikipedia LV提供

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) ir kamieļu dzimtas (Camelidae) Dienvidamerikā, Andu kalnos dzīvojošs mājdzīvnieks, kura savvaļas priekštece ir vikunja, lai gan ārēji tā ir līdzīgāka mazai lamai, ar kuru alpaka ir tuvu radniecīga, līdzīgi kā ar gvanako.

Alpakas (atšķirībā no lamām) vienmēr ir tikušas audzētas tikai, lai iegūtu vilnu, no kuras gatavo segas, cepures, apmetņus (pančo), vilnas audumus apģērbu šūšanai, cimdus, zeķes, šalles, džemperus un citus adītos izstrādājumus. Saskaņā ar Peru klasifikāciju no alpakas iegūst vilnas dzīparus vairāk kā 52 dabīgos toņos, saskaņā ar Starptaustisko klasifikāciju 22 toņos. Alpakas kā mājdzīvniekus vilnas iegūšanai Dienvidamerikas indiāņi ir audzējuši vairākus tūkstošus gadu. Inku impērijas pastāvēšanas laikā no alpaku vilnas darinātus apģērbus varēja atļauties tikai augstdzimušie. Dienvidamerikā tiek izmantota arī alpaku gaļa, bet komerciāli realizēta ļoti reti.

Wikipedia autori un redaktori
wikipedia LV

Alpaka ( 馬來語 )

由wikipedia MS提供

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) adalah sejenis haiwan mamalia di Amerika Selatan seperti llama kecil. Bulunya yang panjang dapat dijadikan bahan untuk membuat pakaian.


Alpaka telah lama diternakkan sejak beribu-ribu tahun, dipercayai daripada penjinakan spesies terdekat yang lebih besar dan liar seperti vikuna[1] - masyarakat Moche di utara Peru misalnya seringkali menggunakan motif haiwan ini dalam seni kraftangan mereka.[2] Ia dijinakkan untuk memperoleh bulu dan daging. Saiznya yang kecil menjadikannya tidak sesuai untuk digunakan sebagai haiwan pengangkut.


Alpaka hidup secara berkawan-kawan di mana sekawanan haiwan tersebut terdiri daripada seekor haiwan jantan alfa, pasangan-pasangan betinanya serta anak-anak. Haiwan ini biasanya akan memberi amaran kepada kawanan mereka di saat datangnya pemangsa melalui jeritan, dan kawanan-kawanan ini boleh menyerang, menggigit serta meludah pemangsa yang lebih kecil sebagai langkah mempertahankan diri.

Haiwan ini kurang memerlukan makanan yang banyak berbanding haiwan-haiwan lain yang sama besar. Ia biasanya akan memakan rumput - tidak kiralah yang segar mahupun yang kering - ataupun dedaun tumbuhan lain (namun, sesetengah jenis tumbuhan boleh menjadi beracun kepada alpaka sepeti buah oak, gandum kuda, pokok oren dan sebagainya). Ia juga cenderung akan mengunyah benda-benda yang asing seperti botol plastik.

Jangka hayat alpaka boleh mencecah sehingga 25 tahun.



Bulu alpaka bersifat berkilat dan lembut - ia lebih memerangkap haba dan jauh kurang kasar berbanding bulu biri-biri. Hal ini kerana bulu alpaka tidak mengandungi lanolin, justeru ia tidak menimbulkan alahan kepada penggunanya meskipun ia tidak kalis air.[3][4] Alpaka biasanya akan diketam bulu mereka sekali setiap tahun pada musim bunga. Setiap ketaman bulu yang diperolehi daripada seekor alpaka menghasilkan sebanyak kira-kira 2.2 hingga 4.5 kilogram (5–10 paun) bulu. Seekor alpaka dewasa pula boleh menghasilkan sebanyak 1.42–2.55 kg (50 to 90 auns) bulu gred pertama serta 1.42–2.84kg (50–100 auns) bulu gred kedua dan ketiga.


  1. ^ Wheeler, Dr Jane; Miranda Kadwell; Matilde Fernandez; Helen F. Stanley; Ricardo Baldi; Raul Rosadio; Michael W. Bruford (December 2001). "Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 268 (1485): 2575–2584. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774. PMC 1088918Boleh dicapai secara percuma. PMID 11749713. 0962-8452 (Paper) 1471-2954 (Online).
  2. ^ Berrin, Katherine & Larco Museum. The Spirit of Ancient Peru:Treasures from the Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997.
  3. ^ Quiggle, Charlotte. "Alpaca: An Ancient Luxury." Interweave Knits Fall 2000: 74-76.
  4. ^ Stoller, Debbie, Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet, New York: Workman, 2006, p. 18.
Pengarang dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia MS

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 馬來語 )

由wikipedia MS提供

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) adalah sejenis haiwan mamalia di Amerika Selatan seperti llama kecil. Bulunya yang panjang dapat dijadikan bahan untuk membuat pakaian.

Pengarang dan editor Wikipedia
wikipedia MS

Alpaca (dier) ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

De alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is een evenhoevig zoogdier uit Zuid-Amerika uit de familie van de kameelachtigen (Camelidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd als Camelus pacos in 1758 gepubliceerd door Carl Linnaeus.[1]


De alpaca wordt in de hoge Andes als huisdier gehouden. Hij heeft een schofthoogte van 90 cm en een lange hals, met een lange vacht, dikwijls tot aan de grond reikend. De vacht komt voor in meer dan 22 erkende kleurslagen. Bontgekleurde dieren zijn veel zeldzamer.


De vrouwtjes werpen in het regenseizoen na een draagtijd van elf maanden. Een ruwe schatting gaat ervan uit dat er in de Andes meer dan drie miljoen alpaca's leven. Een alpaca wordt gemiddeld 25 jaar oud.


De alpaca leeft op de hoogvlakten van Ecuador, Bolivia, Chili, Uruguay en vooral Peru, met name de hoogvlakte van het Titicacameer in de districten Puno, Cusco en Arequipa. De alpaca gedijt het beste op een hoogte van 4400-5300 meter waar een geringe luchtvochtigheidsgraad heerst. Daarentegen geeft hij wel de voorkeur aan zachte, vochtige grond voor zijn gevoelige pootjes, met mals gras en veel poelen om zich in te wentelen.


De alpaca wordt voornamelijk gehouden voor de wol. Door kruising met de vicuña is de kwaliteit van de wol sterk verbeterd. Er zijn twee verschillende typen, die enkel in de wol verschillen. De Huacaya heeft een zachte licht krullende vacht en de Suri heeft lange dikke lokken. Het scheren gebeurt jaarlijks. Alleen al door te voelen kunnen indiaanse vrouwen de wol in minstens vijf verschillende kwaliteitsklassen indelen. De meeste alpaca's worden door de indianen zelf gehouden, hoewel er ook speciale fokkerijen zijn.


Behalve de alpaca bestaan er nog drie soorten lama's, de gedomesticeerde lama (Lama glama), de vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) en de guanaco (Lama guanicoe). De guanaco is de nauwst nog levende verwant van de gedomesticeerde lama, en mogelijk de wilde voorouder. Alle lamasoorten zijn nauw verwant aan elkaar en de hybrides zijn vruchtbaar.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Linnaeus, C. (1758). Systema naturae ed. 10: 66
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Alpaca (dier): Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

De alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is een evenhoevig zoogdier uit Zuid-Amerika uit de familie van de kameelachtigen (Camelidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd als Camelus pacos in 1758 gepubliceerd door Carl Linnaeus.

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Alpakka ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NN提供

Alpakka er eit kameldyr som er blitt halde som husdyr i Andesfjella i Sør-Amerika i fleire tusen år. Dei blir haldne for kjøt og den mjuke og isolerande ulla si. Dyra tilhøyrer slekta vikunjaer, og er noko fjernare i slekt med lama.



Alpakka har ei gjennomsnittleg skulderhøgd på 1 meter og veg 50–70 kg. Hals og hovud gjer han cirka 1,5 meter høg. Det finst to slag alpakka, suri og huacaya, der sistnemnde er vanlegast. Suri-alpakka har lengre pelshår enn hucaya.

Alpakkamor med diande unge.

Alpakkaen har ein levealder på 20–25 år. Han går drektig i 335–340 dagar, og føder som regel éin unge kalla cria. Criaen veg 5-9 kg ved fødselen og diar mora om lag 5–6 månader. Mora kan para seg att allereie to veker etter ein fødsel. I løpet av ein levealder kan ho føda rundt 15 ungar.

Arten er eit utprega flokkdyr. Som lamaen kan alpakkaen «spytta», men gjer det sjeldan.

Kvinne med to alpakkaer i Huascarán nasjonalpark i Peru.


Alpakka blei tidlegare klassifisert saman med lamaer, og hadde tidlegare det vitskaplege namnet Lama pacos. Moderne DNA-analyse har vist at arten høyrer til vikunjaene.[1] Den næraste slektningen er dermed vikunja. Alle desse dyra kan kryssast med kvarandre. Avkommet til ein hannlama og ein hoalpakka, kalla huarizo, er svært vanleg.

Alpakka i kulturen

I norsk kultur er alpakkaen kjend frå uttrykket «Du store alpakka» som er brukt når ein er overraska eller forferda. Uttrykket stammar frå lektor Tørrdal i Stompa-bøkene, som kom på norsk i slutten av 1950-åra.[2]


Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons har multimedia som gjeld: Alpakka
Wikispecies har taksonomisk informasjon om Vicugna pacos


Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia NN

Alpakka: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NN提供

Alpakka er eit kameldyr som er blitt halde som husdyr i Andesfjella i Sør-Amerika i fleire tusen år. Dei blir haldne for kjøt og den mjuke og isolerande ulla si. Dyra tilhøyrer slekta vikunjaer, og er noko fjernare i slekt med lama.

 src= Suri-alpakka
Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia NN

Alpakka ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Alpakka er et søramerikansk domestisert kameldyr som tilhører slekten vikunjaer. Arten eksisterer som to varianter, suri og huacaya. Huacaya er mest vanlig.


Suri alpakka

Alpakkaen har en gjennomsnittsvekt på 50–70 kg og en gjennomsnittlig skulderhøyde på 1 meter. Med hals og hode blir den cirka 1,5 meter høy. Den går drektig i 335–370 dager og kan føde rundt 15 avkom (cria) i løpet av levealderen. Tvillinger er ikke vanlig. Criaen veier mellom 5 og 9 kg ved fødsel og dier moren i cirka 5–6 måneder, men hunnen kan pare seg allerede 14 dager etter fødsel. Alpakkaen har en levealder på 20–25 år.

Arten er et utpreget flokkdyr som eksisterer i to pelsvarianter, suri og huacaya. Suri-alpakka blir av og til også kalt hippie-alpakka, siden pelshårene er ekstra lange. Mest vanlig (cirka 90-95 prosent av dyrene) er imidlertid huacaya-alpakka. Som lamaen kan alpakkaen spytte, men gjør det sjelden.


Alpakkaen ble tidligere klassifisert sammen med lamaene (jfr. det tidligere vitenskapelige navnet Lama pacos), men moderne forskning med DNA viser at arten hører hjemme blant vikunjaene.[1] Dens nærmeste slektning er derfor vikunja.


Alpakkaer ble en gang i tiden tilbedt av de innfødte i Andesfjellene, og også begravet sammen med dem som offergaver. Alpakkaen, og dens slektning, lamaen, var de eneste domestiserte dyrene i disse områdene, da de første europeerne kom til inkaenes land.

Store flokker med alpakkaer gjetes fortsatt av de innfødte i deres naturlige habitat mellom fjelltoppene i det andiske Altiplano. Da de første spanjolene kom i kontakt med inkakulturen ble de blendet av de overdådige forekomster av gull og edelstener. De overså den virkelige skatten Andes hadde å by på. I inkaenes forholdsvis korte storhetsperiode hadde de solide tradisjoner innenfor tekstil. Alpakka, bomull og lama ga fibrene de vevde sitt tøy og sine tepper av, men alpakkafiberen var så luksuriøs at den var forbeholdt den kongelige familie.

Alpakkaen var temmet flere tusen år før inkaene, og bevisst drettet for å få frem best mulig fiber. Den dag i dag finner arkeologene rester av tøy laget av alpakkafiber som er nærmere 2000 år gammelt. Dette gir en viss idé om hvor holdbare fibrene er.

Conquistadorene hadde ingen forståelse for alpakkafibrenes kvaliteter og gikk ut fra at deres medbrakte merinosauer ga den beste ulla. De satte derfor igang en systematisk utryddelse av alpakkaen for å gi plass til sine egne merinosauer. At de innfødte var så avhengige av alpakkaene at de neppe ville overleve hvis alpakkaen forsvant ble bare sett på som en bonus, og det lyktes nesten. I 1700 var det bare noen få alpakkaer igjen av de opprinnelige estimerte 40-50 millioner. De gjenlevende ble gjemt av de innfødte oppe på høyplatåene, i opp til 5400 m. høyde, i Peru, Chile og Bolivia.

Overgangen til de karrige forholdene høyt oppe i fjellene, hvor beitet er skrint og temperaturen kan variere mellom 25 plussgrader og 30 minusgrader på et døgn desimerte bestanden ytterligere, og kun de mest hardføre og nøysomme dyrene overlevde og videreførte arten.

Sirkus Arnardo var den første til å importere alpakkaer til Norge. Det gjorde han i 90-årene, men det var ikke for avl. Den første som importerte for avl var Helge Rorgemoen som fikk alpakkaer i 1998.

Ellers i verden:

  • Australia fikk sine første alpakkaer i 1853, men det foretagendet gikk konkurs og det tok mange år før man prøvde igjen i 1988.
  • New Zealand fikk sine første alpakkaer i moderne tid samtidig med Australia, men de fikk også noen av alpakkaene som kom til Australia i 1853. De kom til New Zealand i 1860.
  • I 1984 fikk USA og Kanada sine første alpakkaer. De første surialpakkaene kom til USA i 1991. Men det er historier om alpakkaer på sirkus i USA i 1970-årene.
  • På 80-tallet fikk også Storbritannia sine første alpakkaer, men allerede i 1830 fikk Sir Titus Salt tak i alpakkafiber i England.
  • Frankrike fikk sine første alpakkaer en eller annen gang mellom 1848 og 1850 gjennom Kong William II. De kom fra Nederland.
  • Irland fikk sine første alpakkaer i år 2000.
  • Thailand fikk sine første alpakkaer i 2010.
  • Malaysia 2011.
  • Russland 2011.

Alpakkaen som husdyr

Alpakkaen holdes som husdyr for kjøttets og ullens skyld. Den kan produsere mellom 3 og 10 kilo fiber i året og av dette er ca. 2-5 kg i såkalt spinnbar kvalitet fra dyrets sadel. Kvaliteten på ulla måles blant annet i mikrometer (også kalt mikron) som angir fiberens diameter, men også tetthet (antall fiber pr område) og lengden på fiberen er viktig. Mange faktorer kommer inn når ekspertene måler kvaliteten på alpakkafiber[2].

Alpakkaen kan gå ute hele året, men må ha mulighet til å søke ly for været, samt ha en tørr og god plass ved fødselen. Som andre husdyr kan det dessuten være nødvendig å beskytte den mot rovdyr. Om sommeren beiter de, men bør ha tilgang på tørt høy året rundt.

Alpakkahunnen er klar for paring etter 18–24 måneder, mens alpakkahannen er klar til bruk i 2–3 årsalderen.


Alpakkaer produserer en av verdens fineste og mest luksuriøse naturlige fibre. Fibrene blir klippet av dyrene en gang i året. Alpakkaene har ca. 22 forskjellige basisfarger, av disse igjen er det mengder av variasjoner hvilket tilsammen utgjør over 200 fargenyanser. Dette er langt fler enn noe annet fiber- og ullproduserende dyr i verden.

Denne kasjmirlignende fellen, en gang reservert for Inkaens kongelige familie er nå tilgjengelig for spinnere og vevere verden rundt.

Alpakkafiberen produseres i hovedsak i Peru, der ca. 3 millioner alpakkaer er i produksjon. Fiberen brukes i flere typer klær, som sokker, gensere, pledd, topper, singletter, osv, og dersom plaggene er laget av god fiber klør de ikke, isolerer både mot varme og kulde, og er lett å bære.

Kort om alpakkafiber:

  1. Like fin fiber som kasjmirull (produktene lages av fibre på 20-22 μ, men alpakkaer kan ha fiber så tynn som 12 mikron eller tynnere)
  2. Glatt som silke
  3. Sterkere fiber enn mohair, tre ganger sterkere enn saueull
  4. Mykere enn bomull
  5. Enestående isoleringsegenskaper. Varmere enn gåsedun, og fem ganger varmere enn saueull
  6. Klør ikke, motvirker allergiske reaksjoner på grunn av fravær av lanolin i ulla. Lanolin holder på støv og mikroskopiske allergener.
  7. Lav vekt på grunn av fibrenes cellestruktur med luftlommer (en egenskap den deler med isbjørnen)
  8. Naturlige fibre motstår falming over tid
  9. Fibrene er naturlig smuss- og støvavvisende
  10. Nupper minimalt
  11. Puster svært godt slik at den holder huden tørr (for sokker laget av alpakkaull betyr dette mindre luktproblemer av føtter og i sko)
  12. Mister ikke sin gode isoleringsevne selv hvis den blir våt
  13. Isolerer ikke bare mot kulde, men virker også svalende i varme

Mange blir svært opptatt av tykkelsen på fiberen og bruker dette som eneste kriterium for valg av dyr og videre avl. Alpakkafiberen blir tykkere etter hvert som dyret eldres, og i tillegg kommer variabler som fargeforurensing (ikke rent hvitt, eksempelvis), mengde, tetthet, fiberlengde, krepping (krimp, fleksibilitet), dekning (hvor stor del av kroppen), glans, hvor myk den er, margen (fra eng. "medullation"), m.m. og en alpakka med fiber av 16 μ kan godt ha dårligere fiber enn en med 20 μ.

Dyr Kvalitet Fiberdiameter (μ) Verdens beste ullfibre: Vikunja 6 - 12 Alpakka suri 12 - 30 Moskusfe qivlut 11 - 13 Alpakka huacaya 12 - 30 Merinosau 12 - 40 Angorakanin 13 Kasjmirgeit 15 - 19 Jak 15 - 19 Kamel dun 16 - 25 Guanaco 16 - 18 Lama tapada 20 - 30 Chinchilla 21 Angorageit mohair 25 - 45 Lama ccara 30 - 40 Menneske ca. 100


Alpakkaen er i Norge kanskje mest kjent fra uttrykket «Du store alpakka» som brukes ved overraskelse eller forferdelse. Uttrykket stammer sannsynligvis fra Stompa-bøkene som kom på norsk i slutten av 1950-årene, der lektor Tørrdal bruker uttrykket flittig.[3]


Eksterne lenker

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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Alpakka: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NO提供

Alpakka er et søramerikansk domestisert kameldyr som tilhører slekten vikunjaer. Arten eksisterer som to varianter, suri og huacaya. Huacaya er mest vanlig.

Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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Alpaka (zwierzę) ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
 src= Ten artykuł dotyczy zwierzęcia. Zobacz też: inne znaczenia tego słowa. Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons Wikisłownik Hasło w Wikisłowniku
Stado Alpak na pastwisku w Great Carlton w Anglii

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) – południowoamerykański, trawożerny ssak parzystokopytny z rodziny wielbłądowatych. Zwierzę udomowione, hodowane dla wełny i mięsa, przypomina nieco lamę, ale jest od niej mniejsza i z budowy ciała bardziej podobna do owcy.


Alpaki są zwierzętami stadnymi, które hodowane są w całej Ameryce Południowej. Zazwyczaj jednak żyją w umiarkowanych warunkach w Andach południowego Peru, zachodniej Boliwii, Ekwadoru i północnego Chile na wysokości od około 3500 do 5000 m n.p.m. Nie są ograniczone do określonego środowiska, co sprawia, że są łatwe w utrzymaniu i występują ma wielu obszarach[1].

Większość światowej populacji alpak żyje w regionie Altiplano Peru-Chile-Boliwia w Ameryce Południowej. Najwięcej, bo ponad połowa na świecie znajduje się w Peru i liczy 3,3 mln sztuk, 420 tys. żyje w Boliwii oraz 45 tys. w Chile. W związku z tym, że nie występują u nich problemy z aklimatyzacją zwierzęta te występują także na innych kontynentach[2].

Obszar pochodzenia Alpak


Alpaki były hodowane ze względu na ich futro, z którego wytwarza się dzianiny i tkaniny. Jest to jedwabiste włókno naturalne, cieplejsze i bardziej delikatne od owczej wełny.Włókno alpak nie zawiera lanoliny czyli wosku wydzielanego przez gruczoły łojowe z wełny zwierząt, która sprawia, że jest hipoalergiczne.Proces wytwarzania włókna alpak jest podobny do procesu wytwarzania owczej wełny. Pozyskuje się materiał, z którego następnie produkowane są m.in. ludowe stroje[3].


Do niedawna uważano, że alpaka pochodzi od gwanako andyjskiego. Badania DNA dowodzą jednak, że jej protoplastą jest wikunia[4].


Ciało alpaki osiąga 128–151 cm długości, przy wysokości w kłębie 80–100 cm i masie ciała 55–85 kg. Ubarwienie różnorodne (22 kolory), najczęściej czarne lub brązowo-czarne, czasem białe. Alpaki są zwierzętami socjalnymi tworzącymi grupy rodzinne złożone z dominującego samca, kilku samic i ich potomstwa.

Ciąża u alpaki trwa około 335–340 dni, rodzi zazwyczaj jedno małe. Alpaki żyją około 15–25 lat. Hodowana w dużych stadach, na mięso i przede wszystkim wełnę. Właśnie dla tego surowca przystosowano ją do życia w Europie. Sierść alpaki wyróżnia się jedwabistym połyskiem. Występują dwie rasy alpak – suri i huacaya, różnią się okrywą włosową. Włosy suri dorastają do 50 cm długości. Z wełny alpaki produkuje się koce, poncza oraz wysokiej klasy odzież.

Mają bardzo łagodny charakter, przez co nadają się do pracy z dziećmi z cierpiącymi na ADHD i z porażeniem mózgowym[5]. Jednocześnie aktywnie walczą z drapieżnikami, co sprawia, że w Europie wykorzystuje się je do ochrony stad owiec[6].


Według źródeł archeologicznych lamy i alpaki zostały udomowione ok. 4000–5000 lat p.n.e. w rejonie peruwiańsko-boliwijskiego Altiplano[7]. Alpaka hodowana jest w Andach na obszarze od południowego Peru, Chile po północną Boliwię. Dzięki lepszej od owczej wełnie i dobremu mięsu są hodowane także w innych regionach świata, także w Polsce. Nie niszczą pastwisk za sprawą miękkich poduszek kopyt, a dzięki dwudzielnej wardze, jedząc rośliny, nie wyrywają ich korzeni z ziemi. Przystosowane są do klimatu wysokogórskiego, a do wyżywienia wystarczą im słabe gleby piątej i szóstej klasy o niewielkim areale – na jednym hektarze jest w stanie utrzymać się około 20 sztuk alpak. Wytrzymują trudne zimy dzięki wełnie odpornej na mroźny klimat, która dłużej zatrzymuje ciepło. Ponadto nawóz alpak z dobrym skutkiem można wykorzystać w ogrodnictwie[8].


  1. AnnaA. Haładyj AnnaA., JacekJ. Trzewik JacekJ., Pojęcie strategicznych zasobów naturalnych – uwagi krytyczne, „Przegląd Prawa Ochrony Środowiska” (1), 2014, s. 27, DOI: 10.12775/ppos.2014.002, ISSN 2080-9506 [dostęp 2019-01-23] .
  2. MoralesM. Villavicencio MoralesM., Anna., Chów alpak, Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2010, ISBN 978-83-7073-964-5, OCLC 751088146 [dostęp 2019-01-23] .
  3. Beurteilung, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, s. 74–76, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79329-8_17, ISBN 978-3-540-79328-1 [dostęp 2019-01-23] .
  4. Zobacz: lamy
  5. Alpaka – ssak z Ameryki Południowej, który zastąpi polską owcę?. swiatrolnika.info, 2016. [dostęp 2016-10-08].
  6. Alpaki jak psy pasterskie: bronią owiec przed drapieżnikami, tvnmeteo.tvn24.pl, 10 kwietnia 2013 [dostęp 2018-08-05] .
  7. MoralesM. Villavicencio MoralesM., Anna., Chów alpak, Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2010, ISBN 978-83-7073-964-5, OCLC 751088146 [dostęp 2019-01-23] .
  8. Andrzej Żyłowski: Alpaki – szansą dla rolników naszego powiatu. wyszkow24.pl, 2013-11-04. [dostęp 2014-07-30].


  • Halina Komosińska, Elżbieta Podsiadło: Ssaki kopytne : przewodnik. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2002, s. 128-129. ISBN 83-01-13806-8.
  • Anna Morales Villavicencio: Chów alpak. Oficyna Wydawnicza Multico, 2010, ​ISBN 978-837-073-964-5​.
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Alpaka (zwierzę): Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
 src= Stado Alpak na pastwisku w Great Carlton w Anglii

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) – południowoamerykański, trawożerny ssak parzystokopytny z rodziny wielbłądowatych. Zwierzę udomowione, hodowane dla wełny i mięsa, przypomina nieco lamę, ale jest od niej mniejsza i z budowy ciała bardziej podobna do owcy.

Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Alpaca ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Vicugna pacos, conhecido pelo nome comum de alpaca, é um mamífero sul-americano estreitamente aparentado com a vicunha e, um pouco mais distante, com o guanaco e a lhama. A alpaca é um animal da família dos camelídeos. É menor que a lhama, tendo uma pelagem mais longa e macia. É criada no Peru, Chile e na Bolívia (região dos Andes) como fonte financeira principal, para o aproveitamento da sua lã (fibra de alpaca). O hábito de cuspir também é comum na alpaca, que o utiliza para mostrar agressividade ou como método de defesa, mas ela é muito dócil.


"Alpaca" vem do quíchua paco, "vermelho"[1], numa referência à cor do seu pelo.

Característica da alpaca

A alpaca possui porte menor que a lhama e, assim como ela, seu pelo possui diferentes tonalidades de cores, chegando a um total de 22 cores. Pode alcançar 1,20 a 1,50 (ou 1,65 na especie Ivana.pacos) de estatura dos pés à cabeça e seu peso pode variar de 45 a 90 kg.


Seu período de gestação é de 335 dias (pouco mais de 11 meses) e nasce com peso aproximado de 7 kg. A fêmea produz geralmente uma cria por ano, sendo raros os casos de gêmeos na família das alpacas.

Ambiente natural

Alpacas, animais ruminantes da família dos camelídeos (da qual também são as lhamas e as vicunhas), são nativos da Cordilheira dos Andes. Existem também espécimes nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Nova Zelândia e Austrália. A maior população de alpacas encontra-se hoje no Peru, com aproximadamente 3 milhões de cabeças, mais que 87% de sua população mundial.

Diferente da vicunha, as alpacas e as lhamas são animais domésticos.

Característica da fibra

Seu pelo é semelhante ao do camelo, porém mais áspero. Suas fibras são melhores do que as da lhama. O comprimento do seu pelo varia de 8 a 20 cm, mas o pelo fundamental tem 8 a 12 cm de comprimento, é fino, macio, com pouca ondulação e brilho sedoso. O crescimento da fibra anual varia de 9 a 12 cm.

Existem duas variedades diferentes de alpaca: a Huacaya e a Suri.

A alpaca Huacaya tem fibras densas e esponjosas que cobrem todo seu corpo deixando apenas a cara e as patas cobertas com pelo curto. Seu pelo cresce perpendicular ao corpo e tem um frizo definido em toda sua área. É a alpaca mais produzida no Peru, com aproximadamente 93% da criação.

A variedade Suri apresenta fibras lisas, sedosas e compridas. A fibras crescem paralelamente ao corpo do animal. Sua população no mundo é estimada em 150.000 e, por ser tão rara, sua fibra é altamente valorizada no mercado.


A tosquia é feita uma vez a cada ano, sempre no mês de novembro, pois é quando está chegando o verão. A tosquia do animal não é feita apenas para a obtenção de sua fibra, mas também para a sua higiene e conforto. Pode-se obter pouco mais de 1,5 kg de fibra por animal.

Antes de a alpaca ser tosquiada, ela passa por um processo de limpeza, para tirar poeira, eventuais gravetos ou outras sujeiras, pois quanto mais limpa for a fibra, menos se perde e maior é o seu aproveitamento. Após a tosa seu pelo é classificado para então ser vendido.

Corte transversal

Após o corte transversal da fibra, vê-se que é oca. Existem algumas que não são, sobretudo as mais finas e novas.

Ver também


  1. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.91
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供

Vicugna pacos, conhecido pelo nome comum de alpaca, é um mamífero sul-americano estreitamente aparentado com a vicunha e, um pouco mais distante, com o guanaco e a lhama. A alpaca é um animal da família dos camelídeos. É menor que a lhama, tendo uma pelagem mais longa e macia. É criada no Peru, Chile e na Bolívia (região dos Andes) como fonte financeira principal, para o aproveitamento da sua lã (fibra de alpaca). O hábito de cuspir também é comum na alpaca, que o utiliza para mostrar agressividade ou como método de defesa, mas ela é muito dócil.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Alpaca (animal) ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供
Pentru alte sensuri, vedeți Alpaca.

Alpaca (Vicugna pacos), sau pako este un animal erbivor originar din Anzii Cordilieri înrudit cu cămila care face parte din familia Camelidae. Este similară și adesea confundată cu lama. Cu toate acestea, alpaca sunt mai mici decât lamele. Cele două animale sunt strâns legate și pot fi încrucișate cu succes. Alpaca și lama sunt, de asemenea, strâns legate de vicunia, despre care se crede că este strămoșul lor sălbatic, și despre guanaco. Există două rase de alpaca: Suri alpaca și Huacaya alpaca.

Alpaca trăiesc în Andelor din sudul Perului, Boliviei de Vest, Ecuadorului și Chilei de Nord, la o altitudine de 3.500 m până la 5.000 m deasupra nivelului mării. Alpaca sunt considerabil mai mici decât lamele și, spre deosebire de ele, nu pot fi animale de lucru, ele fiind crescute special pentru fibra lor. Fibra de alpaca este folosită pentru fabricarea obiectelor tricotate și țesute, la fel ca lâna de oaie. Aceste articole includ pături, pulovere, pălării, mănuși, eșarfe, o mare varietate de textile și ponchii în America de Sud și pulovere, șosete, paltoane și lenjerie în alte părți ale lumii. Fibra vine în mai mult de 52 de culori naturale, așa cum sunt clasificate în Peru, 12 clasificate în Australia și 16 clasificate în Statele Unite.

Alpaca comunică prin limbajul corpului. Cea mai obișnuită este scuiparea atunci când sunt în primejdie, le este frică sau în sensul de a-și manifesta dominarea.

Legături externe

Wikispecies conține informații legate de Alpaca (animal)
Wikimedia Commons conține materiale multimedia legate de Alpaca
Azureus.png Acest articol referitor la subiecte din zoologie este un ciot. Puteți ajuta Wikipedia prin completarea sa.
Wikipedia autori și editori
wikipedia RO

Alpaca (animal): Brief Summary ( 摩爾多瓦語 )

由wikipedia RO提供
Pentru alte sensuri, vedeți Alpaca.

Alpaca (Vicugna pacos), sau pako este un animal erbivor originar din Anzii Cordilieri înrudit cu cămila care face parte din familia Camelidae. Este similară și adesea confundată cu lama. Cu toate acestea, alpaca sunt mai mici decât lamele. Cele două animale sunt strâns legate și pot fi încrucișate cu succes. Alpaca și lama sunt, de asemenea, strâns legate de vicunia, despre care se crede că este strămoșul lor sălbatic, și despre guanaco. Există două rase de alpaca: Suri alpaca și Huacaya alpaca.

Alpaca trăiesc în Andelor din sudul Perului, Boliviei de Vest, Ecuadorului și Chilei de Nord, la o altitudine de 3.500 m până la 5.000 m deasupra nivelului mării. Alpaca sunt considerabil mai mici decât lamele și, spre deosebire de ele, nu pot fi animale de lucru, ele fiind crescute special pentru fibra lor. Fibra de alpaca este folosită pentru fabricarea obiectelor tricotate și țesute, la fel ca lâna de oaie. Aceste articole includ pături, pulovere, pălării, mănuși, eșarfe, o mare varietate de textile și ponchii în America de Sud și pulovere, șosete, paltoane și lenjerie în alte părți ale lumii. Fibra vine în mai mult de 52 de culori naturale, așa cum sunt clasificate în Peru, 12 clasificate în Australia și 16 clasificate în Statele Unite.

Alpaca comunică prin limbajul corpului. Cea mai obișnuită este scuiparea atunci când sunt în primejdie, le este frică sau în sensul de a-și manifesta dominarea.

Wikipedia autori și editori
wikipedia RO

Lama alpaka ( 斯洛伐克語 )

由wikipedia SK提供

Lama alpaka alebo alpaka alebo pako (lat. Vicugna pacos alebo Vicugna vicugna f. pacos, staršie Lama pacos) je domestikovaná lama vikuňa, pochádzajúca z juhoamerických Ánd. Chová sa predovšetkým kvôli vlne. V Európe je použitie tejto vlny skôr zriedkavé.

Iné projekty

  • Spolupracuj na Commons Commons ponúka multimediálne súbory na tému Lama alpaka
Spanish Language Wiki.svg Tento článok je zatiaľ „výhonok“. Pomôž Wikipédii tým, že ho doplníš a rozšíriš.
Autori a editori Wikipédie
wikipedia SK

Lama alpaka: Brief Summary ( 斯洛伐克語 )

由wikipedia SK提供

Lama alpaka alebo alpaka alebo pako (lat. Vicugna pacos alebo Vicugna vicugna f. pacos, staršie Lama pacos) je domestikovaná lama vikuňa, pochádzajúca z juhoamerických Ánd. Chová sa predovšetkým kvôli vlne. V Európe je použitie tejto vlny skôr zriedkavé.

Autori a editori Wikipédie
wikipedia SK

Alpaka (kamela) ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia SL提供
Za druge pomene glej Alpaka (razločitev).

Alpaka (znanstveno ime Vicugna pacos) je udomačena vrsta južnoameriške kamele. Podobna je majhni lami. Živijo v čredah, ki se skozi celo leto pasejo v andskem visokogorju na nadmorskih višinah med 3500 in 5000 mnv na območjih Čila, Bolivije, Ekvadorja in Peruja. Alpake so občutno manjše od lam in jih za razliko ljudje ne uporabljajo kot tovorne živali. Cenjena je predvsem njihova volna.


Alpake, za razliko od lam, ne pljuvajo kar vse povprek, temveč uporabijo pljuvanje predvsem za urejanje medsebojnih odnosov znotraj črede. Ljudi namerno načeloma ne pljuvajo. So mirne, čredne živali, ki nujno potrebujejo družbo svoje vrste, zato je treba imeti najmanj dva osebka. Samice alpak se do svojih mladičev vedejo zelo zaščitniško. Ob pojavu manjšega vsiljivca se čreda pogosto zapodi proti njemu in ga prežene.

Prehranjujejo se z rastlinsko hrano: travami, senom, listjem drevja, pa tudi priboljški v obliki sadja (jabolka, hruške..) in zelenjave (korenček, list zelja..) jim ugajajo.

Alpake so se sposobne pariti kadarkoli. Samice so vse življenje breje, saj nosijo mladička okoli 11 mesecev in pol, ponovno pa so godne za parjenje običajno že 14 dni po kotitvi. Zanimivo pri alpakah je, da lahko kotitev nekoliko zamaknejo in se mladiči lahko skotijo tudi po nekaj več kot enem letu. Parijo se tako, da samec naskoči samico in če je ta pripravljena, se uleže na tla, združitev pa tako potem traja okoli 20-30 minut. Kadar samica ni pripravljena na parjenje ali pa je že breja, samca popljuva in se ne spusti na tla.


Njihova volna prihaja v mnogo barvnih odtenkih, kar je predvsem zaželeno z vidika pestrosti barv za oblačila, ki jih ni treba barvati. Volna je izredno fina, še zlasti je cenjena volna mladičev, ki imajo izjemno fino volno. Za vrhunsko kakovost se šteje volna debeline pod 20 mikrometrov.

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wikipedia SL

Alpaka (kamela): Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia SL提供
Za druge pomene glej Alpaka (razločitev).

Alpaka (znanstveno ime Vicugna pacos) je udomačena vrsta južnoameriške kamele. Podobna je majhni lami. Živijo v čredah, ki se skozi celo leto pasejo v andskem visokogorju na nadmorskih višinah med 3500 in 5000 mnv na območjih Čila, Bolivije, Ekvadorja in Peruja. Alpake so občutno manjše od lam in jih za razliko ljudje ne uporabljajo kot tovorne živali. Cenjena je predvsem njihova volna.

Avtorji in uredniki Wikipedije
wikipedia SL

Alpacka ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供
För andra betydelser, se Alpacka (olika betydelser).

Alpacka (Vicugna pacos)[2] är ett domesticerat kameldjur från Anderna som är besläktat med vikunja. Alpacka avlas för sitt mycket fina hår som ofta kallas alpackaull.

En alpacka.
Vilande alpackor.


Anfadern till den domesticerade alpackan är den utrotningshotade vikunjan (Vicugna vicugna). Alpackan beskrevs först med det vetenskapliga namnet Lama pacos men DNA-studier har med säkerhet fastställt att den inte likt laman härstammar från guanacon varför alpackan idag placeras i släktet Vicugna.[3] Det finns två typer av alpacka, suri och huacaya.


Alpackan har en partåig fot med trampdyna och två klor. Alpackans tänder växer ibland mer än vad de naturligt kan hålla efter med kost utan måste få sina tänder manuellt slipade. Hingstarna får vid 4 års ålder kamptänder som filas ner eller sågas av med en diamanttråd. Alpackornas grundfärger är vit, svart och flera grå och bruna nyanser samt rosagrå och stålblå.

Suri får ull som formar sig i pennor som kan liknas vid Dreadlocks. Huacaya har en mycket fin ull som blir mycket tät.


Alpackan förekommer i Anderna i områden i Ecuador, norra Bolivia, norra Chile och södra Peru. Den hålls i hjordar på flacka gräsmarker på höjder upp till 4900 meter över havet.[4]


Alpackor har ett rikt "språk" bestående av hummande läten, som ibland kan låta likt en människa som talar med handen för munnen. De har ett varierat kroppspråk där de höjer och sänker huvudet och vinklar öronen på olika sätt. Alpackor kan likt lamor "spottas". Det är inte saliv inblandad i deras spott utan de kräks upp magsyra och halvsmält maginnehåll. Alpackorna är ovilliga att spotta och gör det då nästan uteslutande mot andra alpackor och mycket sällan mot människor.

En alpackas dräktighet löper vanligtvis över 50 veckor men kan variera ±14 dagar och hondjuret betäcks vanligtvis två veckor efter sin förra födsel och föder på så sätt ett föl varje år. Tvillingfödslar är ovanliga (cirka 1/2000) och få tvillingföl överlever.

Alpackor är mycket utpräglade flockdjur och måste leva tillsammans med andra alpackor. En stressad alpacka kan få magsår som inte går att bota. En alpacka har en förväntad livslängd på 20-25 år.

Alpackan och människan

Under Inkariket avlades alpackor mycket målmedvetet för sin ull och man utvecklade 22 grundfärger och drygt 250 nyanser på alpackorna och man åstadkom ull än mjukare än den som finns i modern tid[källa behövs].

Under spanjorernas invasion av Peru slaktades nästan hela stammen av alpacka och endast de djur som flydde upp till höglanden med sina ägare överlevde. Det naturliga urval som tvingades fram av det extrema klimatet är sannolikt anledningen till att alpackan fortfarande är ett mycket tåligt och motståndskraftigt djur som klarar många olika typer av klimat och sällan angrips av sjukdomar.

Den nuvarande aveln har pågått sedan mitten av 1800-talet och man räknar med att inom hundra år åstadkomma en kvalitet av nuvarande stam som motsvarar den som fanns före spanjorernas invasion. Ett viktigt delmål är att kunna inseminera utan hingst på plats för att lätt kunna frakta högkvalitativ sperma över världen.

Suri klipps vartannat till vart tredje år. Huacaya ull är så tät och varm att djuret måste klippas varje vår för att inte få värmeslag. Huacaya är betydligt vanligare än suri. Päls från sadeln ger den finaste ullen, halsen en mellankvalitet och resten av ullen är så grov att de flesta nog slänger den eller använder som fyllnad i kuddar.


  1. ^ Baldi, B., Lichtenstein G., González, B., Funes, M., Cuéllar, E., Villalba, L., Hoces, D. & Puig, S. (2008). ”IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. "Lama guanicoe"”. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/details/11186/0. Läst 7 mars 2011.
  2. ^ http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Lama_pacos/
  3. ^ Wheeler, Dr Jane (27 april 2001). ”Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences "268" (1485): ss. 2575–2584. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774. 0962-8452 (Paper) 1471-2954 (Online). PMID 11749713.
  4. ^ redorbit.com, Alpaca, Vicugna pacos, läst 2014-06-04

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Alpacka: Brief Summary ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供
För andra betydelser, se Alpacka (olika betydelser).

Alpacka (Vicugna pacos) är ett domesticerat kameldjur från Anderna som är besläktat med vikunja. Alpacka avlas för sitt mycket fina hår som ofta kallas alpackaull.

 src= En alpacka.  src= Vilande alpackor.
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Alpaka ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos), devegiller (Camelidae) familyasından ağırlıklı olarak yünleri için beslenen, Güney Amerika'nın And Dağları'nda yaygın evcilleştirilmiş bir deve türü. Kökeninin guanakolardan mı yoksa vikunyalardan mı geldiği ya da kendine özgü bir cins mi olduğu ya da her iki türün bir melezi olup olmadığı tartışma konusudur.


Tüm deve türlerinde olduğu gibi alpakalar da görece uzun vücuda sahip olup, ince bacaklar, uzun ve ince boyun, küçük bir kafa karakteristik özellikleridir. Bütün Yeni Dünya develeri gibi hörgücü bulunmaz. Lamalardan biraz daha küçük olmakla birlikte 55 ile 65 kg ağırlıklarıyla onlardan belirgin şekilde daha hafiftirler. Renk, genelde tek renkli kahverengi, siyah ya da mavi-gri olup, ender olarak lekelidir. Dikkat çekici olan, 50 cm'ye kadar ulaşabilen uzun tüylerdir.

Yaşam şekli

Alpakalar, tüm deve türleri gibi sosyal hayvanlardır ve grup içinde rahattırlar. Bitki yiyici hayvanlar olup, neredeyse sadece otlarla beslenirler. Tüm develer gibi sindirimde onlara yardımcı olan çok odalı mideye sahiptirler.

Hamilelikleri 240 ile 345 gün arasında değişir ve dişi, Güney Amerika'da Cria adı verilen yavru dünyaya getirir. Bu yavru yaklaşık altı ile sekiz aya kadar emzirilir ve 12 ile 24 ay arasında cinsel olgunluğa ulaşır.


Alpakaların evcilleştirilmesi lamalar gibi yaklaşık MÖ 3000 yıllarına uzanır. Lama, Güney Amerika'da yük hayvanı olarak hizmet ederken, alpakalar yünleri için üretilmişlerdir. Alpaka mantosu İnka kültüründe bir refah işareti olarak kabul edilmiş, İnkaların ileri gelenleri, büyük alpaka sürülerini güçlerinin bir gösterisi olarak kabul etmişlerdir. Bu durum Peru'nun İspanyollar tarafından fethedilmesiyle değişir. İşgalciler, beraberinde koyunları getirir ve yerel evcil hayvanların incelenmesine ilgi göstermezler. Böylelikle alpakalar neredeyse nesli tükenen bir hayvan olarak fakir kızılderi halkının hayvanı haline gelir.

Bugün Avrupa'da alpakaların önemi sürekli artmaktadır. Örneğin Almanya, ülkedeki alpaka lifleri gereken kaliteye ulaşmadığından bu hayvanları ithal etmektedir. Şu an sadece Almanya'da 2000 alpaka bulunmaktadır.


Dış bağlantılar

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Alpaka: Brief Summary ( 土耳其語 )

由wikipedia TR提供

Alpaka (Vicugna pacos), devegiller (Camelidae) familyasından ağırlıklı olarak yünleri için beslenen, Güney Amerika'nın And Dağları'nda yaygın evcilleştirilmiş bir deve türü. Kökeninin guanakolardan mı yoksa vikunyalardan mı geldiği ya da kendine özgü bir cins mi olduğu ya da her iki türün bir melezi olup olmadığı tartışma konusudur.

Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
wikipedia TR

Альпака ( 烏克蘭語 )

由wikipedia UK提供


Ця тварина значно менша лами за розміром, і тому не використовується як тяглова тварина. Зріст альпаки 0,9-1 м в холці із шиєю і головою ще близько 60 см, довжина тіла близько 1,4 м, вага близько 80 кг. Голова альпак дещо загострена, що дозволяє діставати траву між камінням у горах. Тіло альпаки вкрито м'якою довгою (до 38 см) вовною, подібною до вовни мериносів, саме через вовну альпака і вирощується.

Природні умови

Вовна вкриває усе тіло тварини. Саме вона і захищає тіло альпаки від значних температурних коливань. У високогір'ї ці коливання сягають діапазону у 50 градусів за Цельсієм. М'яка вовна альпак міцніша за вовну овець. Природне забарвлення вовни сягає значного діапазону від білого і жовтуватого до чорного.

Пасеться як на луках високо у горах, так і в заболочених місцинах. Може декілька днів обходитися без води, як і усі верблюдові.



  • Eric Hoffman: The Complete Alpaca Book. Bonny Doon Press, 2006, ISBN 0-9721242-1-7
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9
  • William Walton: Das Alpaca, seine Einführung in den britischen Inseln, betrachtet als ein Nationalvortheil und als ein Gegenstand unmittelbarer Nützlichkeit für Landwirthe und Fabrikanten. Mäcken, Reutlingen 1845 (Digitalisat)
  • D. E. Wilson & D. M. Reeder: Mammal Species of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4


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Lạc đà Alpaca ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Lạc đà Alpaca hay lạc đà cừu (danh pháp hai phần: Vicugna pacos) là một loài động vật được thuần hóa thuộc họ Lạc đà Nam Mỹ. Alpaca có vẻ bề ngoài gần giống một con llama nhỏ. Có hai giống loài alpaca: alpaca Suri và alpaca Huacaya. Alpaca sống theo đàn, chúng kiếm ăn ở dãy núi cao Andes, phía nam Peru, Ecuador và ở phía bắc Chile ở độ cao từ 3.500m đến 5.000m.[2]

Alpaca nhỏ hơn llama nhiều và không giống như llama, chúng không được dùng để thồ hàng mà là loài cung cấp lông. Lông alpaca, rất giống với len, được sử dụng để làm các sản phẩm đan, dệt. Những sản phẩm này bao gồm mềm, áo khoác, nón, găng tay, khăn choàng và các sản phẩm đa dạng khác.Các sợi lông này có nhiều màu sắc tự nhiên tùy vùng mà alpaca sinh sống như 52 màu ở Peru, 12 màu ở Úc và 16 màu ở Mĩ.

Trong ngành công nghiệp vải, "alpaca" chủ yếu được hiểu là lông của loài Alpaca của Peru, nhưng khi xét nghĩa rộng hơn thì nó có thể được hiểu là một dạng vải ban đầu được làm từ lông của alpaca, nhưng giờ thường được làm bằng sợi vải tương tự, ví dụ như mohair, lông cừu Iceland, hoặc những loại lông cừu cao cấp hơn. Trong thương mại tồn tại một sự phân biệt giữa alpaca và một số kiểu vải lông dê và luster.[3]

Một con alpaca trưởng thành thường cao 81–99 xentimét (32–39 in) tính tới vai và thường nặng 48–84 kilôgam (106–185 lb).

Giới thiệu chung

Guanacos (loài cha mẹ hoang dã của llamas) gần Torres del Paine, Chile

Alpaca được thuần dưỡng từ hàng ngàn năm trước. Người Moche ở phía bắc Peru thường sử dụng hình ảnh alpaca trong các tác phẩm nghệ thuật của họ.[4] Hiện nay, chưa có dấu tích của alpaca hoang dã. Alpaca nhỏ hơn các loài lạc đà khác. Cùng với lạc đà và llama, alpaca cùng thuộc họ lạc đà. Trong tất cả các loài lạc đà, thì alpaca là loài có giá trị nhất vì lông của chúng mịn, chắc và ấm áp. Alpaca quá nhỏ để làm một con vật thồ hàng. Thay vào đó chúng được nuôi để cho thịt và lông. Thịt alpaca đã từng được người Nam Mỹ coi là loại thịt giàu dinh dưỡng. Do giá trị của chúng trên thị trường nên việc săn bắt trái phép alpaca đã trở thành một vấn nạn lớn.[5]

Hành vi

Ảnh chụp gần mặt của một con Alpaca

Alpaca là loài bầy đàn sống trong gia đình gồm một con đực, những con cái và con của chúng. Alpaca cảnh báo cả đàn về kẻ ngoại lai bằng kêu lớn, đầy sắc lạnh như tiếng lừa kêu. Đàn có thể tấn công kẻ thù nhỏ bằng chân trước như đá hay đạp.

Phun nước miếng

Không phải tất cả đều làm vậy nhưng chúng đếu có khả năng này. "Phun nước miếng" có vẻ như là một sự nói giảm nói tránh, thường thì cuống họng chúng chỉ chứa không khí và một ít nước miếng, mặc dù chúng hay ợ những gì có trong dạ dày (thường là một hỗn hợp có cỏ màu xanh) lên và nhắm bắn chất nhầy nhụa này vào đối phương. Chúng chủ yếu phun nước miếng vào những con lạc đà khác, nhưng thỉnh thoảng chúng vẫn phun nước miếng vào con người.

Đối với alpaca, phun nước miếng gây ra hiện tượng "hôi miệng". Mùi này do axit ở dạ dày và các thức ăn gây nên khi chúng đi qua đường miệng.

Sự tương tác vật lý

Hầu hết alpaca đều không thích bị cầm nắm. Một số thì chấp nhận sự vỗ về âu yếm mặc dù chúng không thích bị người khác sờ vào chân, bắp chân và đặc biệt là bụng và mông.

Vệ sinh

Alpaca thường đi vệ sinh chung một chỗ, nơi mà chúng sẽ không ăn cỏ. Thói quen này có xu hướng hạn chế kí sinh trùng nội. Thông thường, con đực sạch sẽ hơn và ít đi vệ sinh hơn con cái, chúng đứng thẳng hàng và tống mọi thứ ra một lần một. Khi một con cái tiến đến " nhà cầu" và bắt đầu đi ngoài thì cả đàn cũng làm theo.

Tiếng kêu

Alpaca suri

Alpaca có rất nhiều tiếng kêu. Khi gặp nguy hiểm, chúng phát ra âm thanh cao, lớn, đầy vẻ sợ hãi. Khi thể hiện sự thân thiện cũng như phục tùng, chúng phát ra tiếng "cluck", "click" thông đầu lưỡi hoặc mũi.

Hầu hết alpaca thường tạo các âm thanh nghe như "hummmmmm". Âm thanh này tạo sự thoải mái cho mũi của chúng, để cho đồng loại biết chúng đang có mặt và rất hài lòng. Ngoài ra, "hummmmm" còn chứa đựng nhiều ý nghĩa khác. Khi các con đực đánh nhau, chúng phát ra các âm thanh cao như tiếng chim, điều này có ý nghĩa như đe dọa đối phương.

Sinh sản

Alpaca cái rất mắn đẻ, chúng đều có thể mang thai chỉ sau một lần giao cấu nhưng cũng có một số ít trường hợp chúng thể thụ thai. Việc thụ tinh nhân tạo thì rất khó thực hiện nhưng cũng đạt được nhiều thành tựu. Alpaca được tạo ra từ thụ tinh nhân tạo tương đối giống với alpaca con bình thường. Alpaca đực sẵn sàng tiến hành giao phối lần đầu tiên trong khoảng từ 1- 3 tuổi. Còn với con cái thì chúng hoàn toàn trưởng thành (về cả thể chất lẫn tinh thần) vào khoảng 12-24 tháng. Không nên cho con cái thụ thai trước khi trưởng thành, điều này có thể dẫn đến nhiễm trùng tử cung. Do độ tuổi trưởng thành của alpaca cái khá rộng tùy theo từng cá thể nên người nuôi dưỡng alpaca chưa có kinh nghiệm nên đợi đến ít nhất là khi alpaca cái đã được 18 tháng rồi mối cho giao phối.[6]

Khoảng thời gian mang thai của alpaca kéo dài 15-345 ngày và thường thì chúng chỉ sinh ra một alpaca con. Sinh đôi thì rất hiếm chỉ khoảng 1/1000 ca.[7] Sau khi sinh con, con cái có thể giao phối lại sau 2 tuần. Alpaca con có thể dứt sữa khi đã 6 tháng tuổi, nặng khoảng 28 kg dưới sự giám sát của người chăm sóc. Nhưng một số người lại thích cho alpaca mẹ quyết định khi nào nên dứt sữa con mình, tùy theo khối lượng cũng như sự trưởng thành của đứa con. Alpaca có thể sống đến 20 tuổi.

Chế độ ăn

(video) Một con Alpaca đang nhai

Alpaca cần ít thức ăn hơn các loài khác ở cùng lứa tuổi. Chúng thường ăn rơm rạ hoặc cỏ nhưng chúng cũng có thể ăn một vài loại cây khác và cũng là bình thường nếu cúng cố gắng nhai mọi thứ (như chai nhựa..). Hầu hết, người chủ luôn điều chỉnh thay đổi nơi ăn cỏ của chúng để cỏ có thể mọi lại. Alpaca có thể ăn cỏ thiên nhiên, tuy nhiên, các điền chủ vẫn cung cấp cỏ với rơm rạ có thêm protein. Để cung cấp selenium(Se), các điền chủ sẽ cho chúng ăn một lượng nhỏ mỗi ngày.

Bộ lông của alpaca

Những sản phẩm làm từ lông alpaca
Quần áo làm từ lông alpaca truyền thống tại Chợ Otavalo tại dãy Andes thuộc Ecuador
Một cái khăn đan làm từ lông alpaca

Lông của alpaca là một loại tơ sợi tự nhiên mềm và đẹp. Tương đối giống với lông cừu, nhưng nó ấm hơn, ít chất dầu và ít gây dị ứng hơn.[8][9] Không có chất dầu nên lông alpaca không chống thấm nước. Lông alpaca mềm và hơi xa xỉ. Về cấu trúc vật lý, lông alpaca có cấu trúc tương tự tóc, rất mềm, mịn và bóng.[3] Các công đoạn chuẩn bị, quay tơ, dệt vải và hoàn thành giống với các công đoạn của việc sản xuất lông cừu. Lông alpaca còn chống được lửa và đáp áp được mọi tiêu chuẩn của US Consumer Product Safety Commission (Sản phẩm tiêu dùng của Mỹ).[10]

Alpaca được cắt lông một lần trong năm vào mùa xuân. Mỗi lần cắt cho khoảng 2.2–4.5 kg lông mỗi con alpaca. Một con alpaca trưởng thành có thể cho 1420–2550 gram lông thượng hạng cũng như 1420–2840 gram lông hạng 2 và 3.

Giá cả

Một con alpaca chưa bị cạo lông đang ăn cỏ

Giá cho một con alpaca dao động từ 50 USD cho đến 500.000 USD cho những con đẹp nhất thế giới tùy thuộc vào lịch sử sinh sản, màu sắc và giới tính của chúng.[11] Các chủ đồn điền có thể nuôi 25 con alpaca/hecta,[12] nếu họ có một khu vực riêng cho chất thải và giữ cho khu vực ăn cỏ luôn tách biệt với khu vực chất thải. Nhưng tỉ lệ này ở mỗi nước mỗi khác tùy thuộc vào chất lượng cỏ có sẵn (ở nhiều sa mạc chỉ có thể nuôi từ 1-3 con trên nửa hecta vì sự thiếu thốn về nguồn thức ăn)

Cuộc sống

Một người đàn ông Bolivia và con Alpaca của anh ta.

Alpaca cần lượng thức ăn bằng khoảng 1-2% trọng lượng cơ thể mỗi ngày, vậy là tốn khoảng 27 kg cỏ/tháng/con. Khi tính toán chế độ ăn hợp lý cho alpaca, việc phân tích lượng nước và cỏ là rất quan trọng để quyết định lượng vitamin và khoáng cần cung cấp cho alpaca. Có hai cách cho bột khoáng vào cỏ để chúng ăn tự do hoặc là cho chúng ăn theo một tỉ lệ thích hợp. Dạ dày gồm 3 túi của alpaca cho phép việc tiêu hóa cực kì hiệu quả. Do không có các loại hạt trong phân nên phân Alpaca không cần phải ủ trước khi bón cho cây. Răng và móng cũng cần phải cắt mỗi 6-12 tháng.

Giống như các loài nhai lại khác như cừu, trâu, bò, Alpaca có răng thấp ở hàm trên nên chúng không thể kéo cỏ ra khỏi đất được. Việc thay đổi nơi ăn cũng rất quan trọng vì alpaca có khuyng hướng tới chỗ cũ để ăn cỏ. Alpaca là loài cho lông nên chúng không bị giết để làm thịt cũng như cày cấy tr6en cánh đồng và lông của chúng đang là nguồn sản phẩm mới.

Tham khảo

  1. ^ 10th edition of Systema Naturae
  2. ^ “Harvesting of textile animal fibres”. UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
  3. ^ a ă  src= Chisholm, Hugh biên tập (1911). “Alpaca”. Encyclopædia Britannica 1 (ấn bản 11). Nhà in Đại học Cambridge. tr. 721–722.
  4. ^ Berrin, Katherine & Larco Museum. The Spirit of Ancient Peru:Treasures from the Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997.
  5. ^ “Microchips to guard Peruvian Alpacas”. BBC News. 30 tháng 3 năm 2005.
  6. ^ LaLonde, Judy. “Alpaca Reproduction”. Big Meadow Creek Alpacas. Truy cập ngày 23 tháng 10 năm 2014.
  7. ^ “Breeding and Birthing”. Northwest Alpacas. Truy cập ngày 23 tháng 10 năm 2014.
  8. ^ Quiggle, Charlotte. "Alpaca: An Ancient Luxury." Interweave Knits Fall 2000: 74-76.
  9. ^ Stoller, Debbie, Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet, New York: Workman, 2006, p. 18.
  10. ^ http://www.alpacainfo.com/Fiber/info.asp
  11. ^ “Snowmass Alpaca Sale 2006” (PDF). 25 tháng 2 năm 2006. Bản gốc (PDF) lưu trữ ngày 16 tháng 3 năm 2006. Truy cập ngày 6 tháng 2 năm 2007. Đã bỏ qua tham số không rõ |df= (trợ giúp)
  12. ^ http://www.sugarloafalpacas.com/faqs.shtml

Liên kết ngoài

 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Lạc đà Alpaca  src= Wikimedia Commons có thêm hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Alpaca
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Lạc đà Alpaca: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Lạc đà Alpaca hay lạc đà cừu (danh pháp hai phần: Vicugna pacos) là một loài động vật được thuần hóa thuộc họ Lạc đà Nam Mỹ. Alpaca có vẻ bề ngoài gần giống một con llama nhỏ. Có hai giống loài alpaca: alpaca Suri và alpaca Huacaya. Alpaca sống theo đàn, chúng kiếm ăn ở dãy núi cao Andes, phía nam Peru, Ecuador và ở phía bắc Chile ở độ cao từ 3.500m đến 5.000m.

Alpaca nhỏ hơn llama nhiều và không giống như llama, chúng không được dùng để thồ hàng mà là loài cung cấp lông. Lông alpaca, rất giống với len, được sử dụng để làm các sản phẩm đan, dệt. Những sản phẩm này bao gồm mềm, áo khoác, nón, găng tay, khăn choàng và các sản phẩm đa dạng khác.Các sợi lông này có nhiều màu sắc tự nhiên tùy vùng mà alpaca sinh sống như 52 màu ở Peru, 12 màu ở Úc và 16 màu ở Mĩ.

Trong ngành công nghiệp vải, "alpaca" chủ yếu được hiểu là lông của loài Alpaca của Peru, nhưng khi xét nghĩa rộng hơn thì nó có thể được hiểu là một dạng vải ban đầu được làm từ lông của alpaca, nhưng giờ thường được làm bằng sợi vải tương tự, ví dụ như mohair, lông cừu Iceland, hoặc những loại lông cừu cao cấp hơn. Trong thương mại tồn tại một sự phân biệt giữa alpaca và một số kiểu vải lông dê và luster.

Một con alpaca trưởng thành thường cao 81–99 xentimét (32–39 in) tính tới vai và thường nặng 48–84 kilôgam (106–185 lb).

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Альпака ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
Голова альпака

Ценится прежде всего за свою шерсть, которая имеет все свойства овечьей, но по весу намного легче. Мех животных делится на несколько видов: Королевская альпака — диаметр волокна 19 мкм, Бэби альпака — диаметр волокна 22,5 мкм, Очень мягкая альпака — диаметр волокна 25,5 мкм и Взрослая альпака — 32 мкм.

Мех альпака очень стойкий и не имеет жира, поэтому изделия из него долго не загрязняются. Ни одна другая шерсть в мире не сравнится с шерстью альпака, особенно с шерстью детёнышей альпака. Она в семь раз теплее, чем шерсть овцы, практически водонепроницаема и не вызывает аллергии.

Альпака в Московском зоопарке
Традиционная одежда из альпаки на ремесленном рынке Отавало в Андах Эквадора
Вязаный шарф из шерсти альпаки


Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Альпака: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
 src= Голова альпака

Ценится прежде всего за свою шерсть, которая имеет все свойства овечьей, но по весу намного легче. Мех животных делится на несколько видов: Королевская альпака — диаметр волокна 19 мкм, Бэби альпака — диаметр волокна 22,5 мкм, Очень мягкая альпака — диаметр волокна 25,5 мкм и Взрослая альпака — 32 мкм.

Мех альпака очень стойкий и не имеет жира, поэтому изделия из него долго не загрязняются. Ни одна другая шерсть в мире не сравнится с шерстью альпака, особенно с шерстью детёнышей альпака. Она в семь раз теплее, чем шерсть овцы, практически водонепроницаема и не вызывает аллергии.

 src= Альпака в Московском зоопарке  src= Традиционная одежда из альпаки на ремесленном рынке Отавало в Андах Эквадора  src= Вязаный шарф из шерсти альпаки
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

羊驼 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供
Disambig gray.svg 關於原产南美洲的其他中文译名互相混淆的骆驼科动物,請見「美洲驼」。
二名法 Vicugna pacos
(Linnaeus, 1758) Leefgebied alpaca.JPG

羊駝(學名:Vicugna pacos英语:Alpaca),又名駝羊,属偶蹄目骆驼科,外形有点像绵羊,一般在高原生活,世界现有羊驼约300万只左右,約90%以上生活在南美洲祕魯智利的高原上,其餘分佈于澳洲維多利亞州新南威爾士州,以及新西兰。在新西兰英语中,羊驼一般叫"Llama"。













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  1. ^ 王晓易_NE0011 (编). 网络神兽“草泥马”的现实生活. 网易新闻. 2009-03-13 [2018-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-07) (中文(简体)‎).
  2. ^ 彭清仁. 天氣飆高溫草泥馬剃毛換造型 卡哇伊造型驚艷. 中時電子報 CTnews. 2013-06-19. (原始内容存档于2013-12-01) (中文(繁體)‎).
  3. ^ 北京動物園2白目女翻圍欄 草泥馬嚇得滿場跑. ETtoday新聞雲. 2013-07-05. (原始内容存档于2013-07-17) (中文(繁體)‎).
  4. ^ 遊樂區優惠辦法 外埔與后里毗鄰卻不同. NOWnews 今日新聞. 2013-07-11. (原始内容存档于2015-12-22) (中文(繁體)‎).
  5. ^ 張國英. “羊駝世界”與印加文化. 亞太日報. 2013-08-29. (原始内容存档于2013-12-30) (中文(繁體)‎).
  6. ^ 驼羊的养殖. 河北文化信息资源共享中心. [2009年4月11日].[永久失效連結]
  7. ^ 吃过“草泥马”羊驼肉吗?哈佛生欲在成都推羊驼菜. 新华网. 成都商报. 2014-12-24. (原始内容存档于2014-12-29) (中文(简体)‎).
  8. ^ 尚清. 泥马战河蟹 草根斗权威. BBC 中文网. 2009-03-17 [2018-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-07) (中文(简体)‎).
  9. ^ Michael Wines. A Dirty Pun Tweaks China's Online Censors. 纽約時報. 2009-03-11 [2018-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-07) (英语).


 src= 维基共享资源中相關的多媒體資源:羊驼分類 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:羊驼


wikipedia 中文维基百科

羊驼: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供

羊駝(學名:Vicugna pacos、英语:Alpaca),又名駝羊,属偶蹄目骆驼科,外形有点像绵羊,一般在高原生活,世界现有羊驼约300万只左右,約90%以上生活在南美洲祕魯智利的高原上,其餘分佈于澳洲維多利亞州新南威爾士州,以及新西兰。在新西兰英语中,羊驼一般叫"Llama"。

wikipedia 中文维基百科

アルパカ ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
曖昧さ回避 この項目では、動物について説明しています。合金については「洋白」をご覧ください。
アルパカ Corazon Full.jpg
アルパカ Vicugna pacos
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : 偶蹄目 Artiodactyla 亜目 : 核脚亜目 Tylopoda : ラクダ科 Camelidae : ビクーニャ属 Vicugna : アルパカ V. pacos 学名 Vicugna pacos (Linnaeus, 1758) シノニム

Lama pacos Linnaeus, 1758
Lama guanicoe pacos

英名 Alpaca Leefgebied alpaca.JPG

アルパカalpacaVicugna pacos、漢名: 羊駱駝)は、南アメリカ大陸原産の家畜の1である。ラクダ科ビクーニャ属またはラマ属に属する。




Text document with red question mark.svg





毛を利用するために品種改良された家畜であり、その毛は今日でも広く利用されている。毛の太さは12 - 28μm。アルパカの毛は刈り取るまで伸び続けるため、約2年間くらい切らずに放置しておくと地面に届くほどに伸長する。






比較的近縁のリャマ(ラマ)と共通するが、威嚇・防衛のために唾液を吐きかける習性を持つ。この唾には反芻胃(はんすう い)の中にある未消化状態の摂食物も含まれており、強烈な臭いを放つ。この行動によって危害を加える可能性を持った相手を遠ざける。

常に群れをなして暮らし、現地では1年中放牧されていて、を好んで食べる。 通常時は「フェ〜」「フーンフーン」などといった鳴き方をするが、危険を感じると警戒の声を発する。




伝統的に、アルパカもリャマも原種はグアナコであり、ビクーニャは家畜化されたことがないと考えられていた[1]。アルパカの学名も、リャマ属Lama pacos だった。ITIS(統合分類学情報システム)データベースもその学名を採っている。

しかし分子系統では、Kadwell et al. (2001)[2]などにより、アルパカは混血が激しいもののビクーニャが原種とされた。この立場では、学名もビクーニャ属Vicugna pacos となる。しかしのちの Capo et al. (2009)[3]などでは、アルパカの原種はやはりグアナコだという結果になった。


なお、2000年代ごろからは、アルパカに限らず家畜全体の扱いとして、家畜は野生種と同種とする趨勢になってきている。その立場では、アルパカはグアナコまたはビクーニャと同種になるわけだが、その種の学名は、ジュニアシノニム(後に記載された学名)のため本来は無効となるグアナコの学名 Lama guanicoe またはビクーニャの学名 Vicugna vicugna が、ICZNの裁定(Opinion 2027)により有効名となる[4][1]。ただし実際には、アルパカをグアナコと同種の Lama guanicoe とする資料は若干あるが、ビクーニャと同種の Vicugna vicugna とする資料は(この学名に関する議論以外では)ほとんどない。


ラクダ科の下位分類を示す。 は「絶滅」の意。














同じアンデス地方で飼われている家畜であるラマ(リャマ)が主に荷役に用いられるのに対して、アルパカはもっぱら体毛を利用する(cf. 動物繊維)。その毛で、インディオ伝統のマントポンチョ、そのほかのさまざまな衣類を作り、自分達で着たり輸出したりしている。

服飾業界において「アルパカ」の名は複数の意味で用いられる。毛について言う場合、たいていはペルー産のアルパカのものを指す。しかし、生地としてはより広く、アルパカの毛でペルーにて作られたものだけでなく、イタリアイギリスのブリランテ(brillante. cf.)などを混ぜて作ったものも「アルパカ」と呼ばれる。







  1. ^ a b Gentry, Anthea; Clutton‐Brock, Juliet; Groves, Colin P. (2004), “The naming of wild animal species and their domestic derivatives”, Journal of Archaeological Science 31: 645–651
  2. ^ Kadwell, Miranda; Fernandez, Matilde; Stanley; Baldi, Ricardo; Wheeler, Jane C.; Rosadio, Raul; Bruford, Michael W. (2001). “Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors of the llama and the alpaca”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (1485): 2575–2584. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1774. PMC 1088918. PMID 11749713. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1088918/pdf/PB012575.pdf.
  3. ^ Campo, Daniel; Alvarado, Andres; Machado-Schiaffino, Gonzalo; Naji, Ialah; Pelaez, Rafael; Quiroz, Francisco; Rodriguez, Olga; Castillo, Ana G. F. et al. (2009). “Inquiry-based learning of molecular phylogenetics II: the phylogeny of Camelidae”. Journal of Biological Education 43 (2): 78–80. doi:DOI:10.1080/00219266.2009.9656155. http://www.evolutionsbiologie.uni-konstanz.de/gonpdf/6.pdf.
  4. ^ International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (2003), “Opinion 2027 (Case 3010). Usage of 17 specific names based on wild species which are pre-dated by or contemporary with those based on domestic animals (Lepidoptera, Osteichthyes, Mammalia): conserved”, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 60: 81–84.
  5. ^ a b J・クラットン=ブロック 『図説・動物文化史事典』 増井久代訳、原書房ISBN 4-562-02066-0。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、アルパカに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにアルパカに関する情報があります。  src= ウィクショナリーes:alpacaの項目があります。
  • アルパカとは - アルパカ牧場 那須ビッグファーム:日本で初めてアルパカの牧場飼育を開始した施設。輸入の経緯やアルパカの特徴など。
wikipedia 日本語

アルパカ: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供

アルパカ(alpaca、Vicugna pacos、漢名: 羊駱駝)は、南アメリカ大陸原産の家畜の1である。ラクダ科ビクーニャ属またはラマ属に属する。


wikipedia 日本語

알파카 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

알파카(Alpaca, 학명: Vicugna pacos)는 낙타과 비쿠냐속에 속하는 포유류로 남아메리카에서 주로 모직물 원료를 목적으로 사육되는 가축이다.


유전적으로 가까운 라마비쿠냐와 비슷하게 생겨서 자주 혼동된다. 품종은 수리 알파카와카야 알파카로 나뉜다. 어깨높이 1.2m, 몸길이 1.3m 가량으로 부드러운 털이 발목까지 드리우며 양과 비슷하나 목과 몸통이 훨씬 길고 귀가 서 있다. 몸빛은 흑갈색 또는 검은빛이다. 라마와 함께 남아메리카 특산의 혹 없는 낙타과 동물로 페루볼리비아의 해발 4,000-5,000m의 안데스 산맥 산악지대에 많이 분포한다.


알파카는 혈액의 산소 운반 효율이 좋아, 산소가 부족한 고산지대에서 살기에 적합하다. 어린 알파카는 식용하며 털은 양털보다 가늘고 곧아 따뜻하고 부드러운 직물을 만드는 데 매우 유용하다. 해마다 한 차례씩 털을 깎는데 3.1kg 정도까지 털을 얻을 수 있다. 볼리비아페루는 알파카 털의 주요 생산국이다.


18세기에서 19세기 사이, 남아메리카의 낙타류 동물에 학명을 부여할 때, 알파카는 라마와 같은 속으로 분류되었다. 사실 남아메리카의 낙타과 동물 4종은 모두 상호 교배가 가능했으므로 분류가 쉽지 않았다. 2001년, 제인 휠러 박사 팀이 DNA 연구를 통해 알파카가 비쿠냐속에 속한다는 것이 밝혀져 학명을 Lama pacos에서 Vicugna pacos로 바꾸었다.

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wikipedia 한국어 위키백과