Fonio eo an anv a roer d'un doare ed eus kerentiad digitaria gounezet e kornôg Afrika. Ur spesad heñvel a-walc'h a vez gounezet en India.
Fonio eo an anv a roer d'un doare ed eus kerentiad digitaria gounezet e kornôg Afrika. Ur spesad heñvel a-walc'h a vez gounezet en India.
Fonio és la paraula que designa les llavors de les espècies cultivades del gènere Digitaria i en concret l'espècie Digitaria exilis. El seu conreu és important en algunes parts de l'Àfrica occidental i de l'Índia. Es considera que és un pseudocereal. Les seves llavors són molt menudes.
El fonio blanc (D. exilis) és la més important d'entre les espècies que es cultiven dins el gènere Digitaria. Es cull a les sabanes de l'Àfrica occidental. Es considera una mena de mill. És un dels principals 'cereals ' del sud del Sudan i Etiòpia.
El fonio és a la vegada molt nutritiu i creix molt de pressa, ja que només necessita de sis a vuit setmanes per arribar a la maduresa, pot créixer bé en sòls pobres i amb pluges breus i poc segures. Se’n fa pa, cuscús i cervesa.
Algunes regions on és un cultiu important són la regió Fouta Djallon de Guinea i la zona d'Akposso de Togo.
Com que té les llavors petites és difícil treure’n la pellofa.
Segon la mitologia del poble Dogon de Mali, el creador suprem de l'univers, Amma, va fer tot l'univers amb un sol gra de fonio.
El fonio negre (D. iburua) és similar a l'anterior i es cultiva a Nigèria, Togo, i Benin.
Raishan (D. cruciata var. esculenta) és un cereal menor, només es cultiva a les muntanyes Khasi del nord-est de l'Índia, se'n fa pa i porridge.[1]
Fonio és la paraula que designa les llavors de les espècies cultivades del gènere Digitaria i en concret l'espècie Digitaria exilis. El seu conreu és important en algunes parts de l'Àfrica occidental i de l'Índia. Es considera que és un pseudocereal. Les seves llavors són molt menudes.
Rosička útlá (Digitaria exilis) je druh rosičky, který je pěstovaný v západní Africe jako obilovina a pícní rostlina. Ze zrn se mele mouka a připravuje pivo.
Rosička útlá (Digitaria exilis) je druh rosičky, který je pěstovaný v západní Africe jako obilovina a pícní rostlina. Ze zrn se mele mouka a připravuje pivo.
Die Foniohirse (Digitaria exilis), auch Hungerreis, Hungerhirse und Acha genannt, ist eine Getreideart aus der Gattung der Fingerhirsen (Digitaria) in der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae), von der es zahlreiche Landsorten gibt. Zur gleichen Gattung gehört das auch als „Schwarzer Fonio“ bezeichnete Iburu (Digitaria iburua).
Die Foniohirse ist eine einjährige, aufrechte, krautige Pflanze, die Wuchshöhen von 35 bis 75 Zentimeter erreicht. Sie hat kurze Laubblätter. Die Fingerähren bestehen aus zwei bis fünf schmalen Teilähren, die bis zu 15 Zentimeter lang werden. Die Ährchen sind einblütig. Die Karyopsen sind mit ein bis 1,5 Millimeter sehr klein; die Farbe reicht von weiß über gelblich bis purpurn.
Fonio reift nach verschiedenen Angaben schneller als alle anderen Getreidearten. Manche Varietäten können bereits sechs bis acht Wochen nach der Aussaat geerntet werden.[1] Andere reifen langsamer, üblicherweise in 165 bis 180 Tagen.
Die Körner enthalten durchschnittlich 6 % Wasser, 8,7 % Protein, 1,1 % Fett, 81 % Kohlenhydrate, 1,1 % Rohfaser und 2,1 % Asche.[2] Die Proteine sollen besser verträglich sein als die anderer Hirsearten. Fonio ist reich an Methionin und Cystin, zwei für den Menschen essentiellen Aminosäuren.
Das Verbreitungsgebiet reicht vom tropischen Westafrika bis Kamerun.[3] In Afrika kann diese Art auch auf trockenen Savannen-Standorten angebaut werden und erträgt auch zeitweise Trockenheit. Gegen exzessive Trockenheit ist sie jedoch empfindlich. Hohe Regenmengen werden gut vertragen. Die Grenzen liegen bei rund 250 mm Jahresniederschlag bzw. bei 1500 mm. Die Hauptanbaugebiete verfügen über mehr als 400 mm Jahresniederschlag. Obwohl Fonio teilweise auf Meeresniveau angebaut wird, befinden sich die Hauptanbaugebiete in Höhenlagen über 600 Metern.
Die Foniohirse erträgt sehr arme Böden und gedeiht auch auf Standorten, wo kein anderes Getreide mehr wächst. Hauptsächlich wird es auf armen, sandigen Böden angebaut, wächst aber auch auf felsigen Böden. Auch auf sauren Lehmböden mit hohem Aluminiumgehalt gedeiht Fonio im Gegensatz zu fast allen anderen Nutzpflanzen gut. Auf schweren Böden gedeihen die meisten Varietäten schlecht.
Bei Fonio soll es sich um eine der ältesten afrikanischen Getreidearten handeln. Über die Verbreitung der Wildform gibt es keine Angaben, es kann jedoch davon ausgegangen werden, dass diese in Westafrika liegt, wo die heutigen Landrassen auch angebaut werden.
Nennenswerten Anbau gibt es nur in Westafrika vom Tschadsee bis Kap Verde, Süd-Mali, im Westen von Burkina Faso, Ost-Senegal, im Norden von Guinea, in Nordost-Nigeria sowie im Süden des Niger, wo die Pflanze die Grundnahrung für eine Million Menschen liefert (Franke). Nach anderen Quellen[1] soll die Hirse die Grundnahrung für drei bis vier Millionen liefern. In manchen Regionen von Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea und Nigeria ist Foniohirse die wichtigste oder eine der wichtigsten Getreidearten. Der Weiße Fonio hat sein Hauptanbaugebiet in den Hochlandplateaus von Nigeria, wo sie Acha genannt wird. Die zweite Fonio-Art, Iburu oder Schwarzer Fonio, ist auf das Jos-Bauchi Plateau in Nigeria und die nördlichen Regionen von Togo und Benin beschränkt.
Fonio wird auch in Teilen der Dominikanischen Republik angebaut, wohin es bereits um 1500 von Westafrika aus gebracht wurde, lange nur als Unkraut wuchs, in letzter Zeit aber auch wieder angebaut wird.[5]
Die Anbaufläche in Westafrika erstreckt sich etwa auf eine Größe von 300.000 ha. Gute Erträge liegen meist bei 600 bis 800 Kilogramm pro Hektar, auf guten Böden bei 1.000 Kilogramm. In den Randgebieten liegen die Erträge unter 500 Kilogramm und sinken auf sehr armen Böden auf 150 bis 200 Kilogramm. Fonio gilt als das schmackhafteste Getreide Westafrikas. Die Bezeichnung „Hungerreis“ wurde von den britischen Kolonialherren geprägt, beschreibt aber nicht die Bedeutung dieses Getreides. Wegen des guten Geschmacks des Fonio wurde und wird es in manchen Gebieten besonders von gehobenen Schichten (Stammeshäuptlingen) oder zu besonderen Anlässen gegessen. Es wird auch als „chief's food“ bezeichnet. Bei den Dogon, einem Volk in Mali, ist Fonio von großer Bedeutung im Ahnenkult. Für sie entstand das ganze Universum aus einem Foniosamen, dem für die Dogon kleinsten Objekt.[1]
Foniohirse wie auch Iburu werden gleichartig zu verschiedenen Produkten verarbeitet. Es wird zu Brei und Couscous verarbeitet; gemahlen und mit anderen Mehlen vermischt zu Brot verarbeitet; und zu Bier vergoren. In Togo wird Fonio zu Popcorn verarbeitet.
Die Hausa in Nigeria bereiten aus beiden Arten ein Kuskus, wusu wusu, zu. Die Lambas in Togo brauen aus der Weißen Fonio Bier (tchapalo).
Das Getreide kann gut an Haustiere, an Wiederkäuer wie auch an Schweine und Geflügel verfüttert werden. Stroh und Spreu dienen ebenfalls als Futter.
Das Stroh wird mit Lehm vermischt außerdem für den Hausbau verwendet. Auch als Brennstoff zum Kochen wird es benutzt.
Die Foniohirse (Digitaria exilis), auch Hungerreis, Hungerhirse und Acha genannt, ist eine Getreideart aus der Gattung der Fingerhirsen (Digitaria) in der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae), von der es zahlreiche Landsorten gibt. Zur gleichen Gattung gehört das auch als „Schwarzer Fonio“ bezeichnete Iburu (Digitaria iburua).
Mfonio ni aina ya nafaka yenye punje ndogo sana (fonio) unaopandwa katika sehemu za Afrika ya Magharibi. Kuna spishi mbili: mfonio mweupe na mfonio mweusi. Nafaka hii hupendwa katika maeneo makavu yenye mvua isiyotabirika, kwa sababu inakomaa ndani ya wiki 6-8 na fonio ni rutubishi sana.
Kuna spishi nyingine huko Uhindi iliyo na mnasaba na mfonio ambayo inaitwa raishan (D. cruciata var. esculenta).
Mfonio ni aina ya nafaka yenye punje ndogo sana (fonio) unaopandwa katika sehemu za Afrika ya Magharibi. Kuna spishi mbili: mfonio mweupe na mfonio mweusi. Nafaka hii hupendwa katika maeneo makavu yenye mvua isiyotabirika, kwa sababu inakomaa ndani ya wiki 6-8 na fonio ni rutubishi sana.
Sùúrù (Digitaria exilis)
Digitaria exilis, referred to as findi or fundi[2] in areas of Africa, such as The Gambia,[a][4] with English common names white fonio, fonio millet, and hungry rice or acha rice,[5] is a grass species. It is the most important of a diverse group of wild and domesticated Digitaria species known as fonio that are harvested in the savannas of West Africa. The grains are very small. It has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security,[6] foster rural development and support sustainable use of the land. Despite its valuable characteristics and widespread cultivation, fonio has generally received limited research and development attention, which is also why the species is sometimes referred to as an underutilized crop.[7]
The name (borrowed by English from French) is from Wolof foño.[8]
Fonio has continued to be important locally because it is both nutritious and one of the world's fastest growing cereals, reaching maturity in as little as six to eight weeks. It is a crop that can be relied on in semi-arid areas with poor soils, where rains are brief and unreliable. The grains are used in porridge and couscous, for bread, and for beer.
The small grains make it difficult and time-consuming to remove the husk. Traditional methods include pounding it in a mortar with sand (then separating the grains and sand) or "popping" it over a flame and then pounding it (which yields a toasted color grain; this technique is used among the Akposso). The invention of a simple fonio husking machine offers an easier mechanical way to dehusk.
The genetic diversity of Digitaria exilis varies from region to region in Africa. For example, not much genetic diversity was detected among the domesticated Digitaria exilis landraces from Mali.[9] In contrast, large levels of genetic diversity were detected among the domesticated Digitaria exilis landraces of the Upper Niger River Basin of West Africa.[10] The many different landraces of Digitaria exilis are affected differently by the various processing methods.[11]
The European Commission with the EU Regulation L 323/1 of December 19, 2018 approved the commercialization in Europe of Fonio as Novel Food, upon the scientific dossier managed and submitted by “the applicant” Italian company Obà Food.[12][13]
The fonio is an annual, erect herbaceous plant which reaches stature heights from 30 to 80 centimeters. The ears consist of two to five narrow part ears, which are up to 15 centimeters long. The spikelets comprise a sterile flower and a fertile flower, the latter of which gives rise to the fonio grain. The grain is a caryopsis, which remains surrounded by glumes and husks. Its size is very small, only 1.5 mm (around 2000 seeds to 1 gram). The colour ranges from white, yellow and purple.
Fonio matures faster than all other cereals. Some varieties can already be harvested 42–56 days after sowing. Others ripen more slowly, usually in 165–180 days.[14]
Identified varieties of Digitaria exilis are:[15]
Fonio is one of the ancient African crops, possibly the oldest West African crop as its cultivation seems to have started about 7,000 years ago.[16] The first references to Fonio as food are reported from the mid-14th century.[14] D. exilis was originally derived from the wild species D. longiflora.[2]
Significant cultivation is in West Africa from Chad to Cape Verde, south Mali, in western Burkina Faso, eastern Senegal, northern Guinea, north Benin, parts of north central Nigeria such as northern Plateau State, Southern Kaduna, parts of Niger State, Abuja (FCT), Zuru area of Kebbi State, some parts of Nasarawa State and Kogi State, as well as parts of Bauchi State. It is also found in south Niger, where the plant supplies the staple food for several million people. In some regions of Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Nigeria, fonio is the most important or one of the main cereals. White fonio has its main growing region in the highland plateaus of Nigeria, where it is popularly called acha. The second fonio species, iburu or black fonio, is limited to the Jos-Bauchi Plateau in Nigeria and the northern regions of Togo and Benin.[14]
Fonio is grown in parts of the Dominican Republic, where it has already brought in 1500 from West Africa, first only grown as a weed, but it is now cultivated again.[17]
More than 550 000 ha of fonio are grown each year in West Africa and the production runs at 587 000 tons. Yields are relatively stable, the yield average is currently 1 ton per hectare (ha). In the peripheral regions the yields are less than 500 kilograms and drop when in very poor soils down to 150 to 200 kilograms.[14]
Fonio is cultivated in West Africa under tropical climate, with a pronounced dry season, temperatures between 25-30 °C and annual rainfalls of 600 to 1200 mm. Nevertheless, Fonio is also grown in higher altitude: over 1000 m, with higher annual rainfalls (1200 to 1500 mm) and colder temperatures (15-25°). Fonio has a well developed root system, which can reach more than one meter depth in the soil. This root system explains the good performance of the plant during the dry season and its adaptation to poor and low fertility soils. Fonio is mainly grown on sandy soils, but can also grow on rocky soils. It also thrives on acidic clay soils with a high aluminium content. On heavy soils, most varieties thrive badly. This crop is low demanding and can cope with unfavourable climate and soil conditions.[14]
Throughout Africa, most of the work is done by hand.[14]
The main tasks to do before sowing are the cleaning of the field and ploughing. Sometimes animals are used for ploughing or a daba is utilized to do a superficial scratching.[14]
The sowing time starts with the first rainfalls. This can vary depending on the variety and the geographical area of cultivation. The grains used for sowing are the best grains kept from the precedent harvest and are sown by hand (broadcast seeding). Sometimes the seeds are mixed with sand to have a more homogenous repartition on the soil. The seeds remain on the surface, so successive harrowing by hand or with the daba is needed to bury them slightly in the soil. Normally 30–40 kg/ha of seeds are used, but sometimes more than 70 kg/ha are sown, in order to control weeds at time of emergence. For germination and emergence a temperature of 30 °C is optimal. The germination and growth is rapid, and for the upkeep of the crop only weeding is needed.[14]
Insect pests include:[19]
Most of the harvesting is still done by hand. As soon as the grains reach maturity, usually in July or August, men cut the fonio with sickles while women and children gather it into sheaves. A motor-driven mower may be used to assist in this. The sheaves must be stored in a dry and well ventilated area to prevent mould formation. During the dry season, sheaves are piled to large stacks in the sun to completely dry them. Threshing is done manually as well. Tractor-driven threshers are rarely used due to higher costs and a higher loss of the small grains. Grains are stored loosely. Hulls must be removed before consumption as they are not digestible. This process is traditionally carried out by women using mortars. After the fifth hulling, the fonio is called "whitened". Adhering grit and sand is washed away with the help of gourds. This process requires a highly skilled woman and up to 10 liters of clean water per one kilogram of fonio.[14]
Industrial machinery has been developed to replace the traditional, labour-intensive process described above. It is possible to adapt rice threshing machines for use on fonio. Winnowing machines or rotational sieves may then be used to clean threshed seeds. CIRAD developed the GMBF hulling machine specifically for use on fonio. However, due to the high cost and performance of such machines, multiple villages must operate the machines together for the investment to be economically viable.[14][20]
Digitaria exilis is a crop that has not been pursued for domestication worldwide, but has many qualities that make it a good crop candidate. Digitaria exilis is an annual[21] plant with a C4 metabolism and medium height.[22] It can be planted on its own or in the marginal land, among other crops. Farmers value how quickly Digitaria exilis matures. The crop reaches maturity in as little as six to eight weeks.[23]
Digitaria exilis is an important part of cooking in West Africa, traditionally used for porridges and steamed cooked foods. The species is known to have high levels of carbohydrate and protein.[24] These protein levels are seen with Digitaria exilis being rich in essential amino acids such as methionine compared to other cereals such as wheat, rice and maize.[25] These qualities show that Digitaria exilis could be a good food source, and that if the right characters are chosen, it could turn into a useful crop.
Digitaria exilis also has good sustainability qualities and can survive in difficult environments. After being exposed to washing and scarifying treatments, the crop maintained germination rates. Digitaria exilis has also germinated well in various soil types, such as sand and loam.[26] The crop requires little input and can survive on rain. It is adapted to marginal land: it does well in poor soil and is drought resistant.[27] All these characteristics make Digitaria exilis a potential good crop candidate.
Digitaria exilis can be harvested in a number of ways. Some farmers uproot them to get the seeds, but other methods may be more effective. Sickles are used to cut the part of the plant containing the seeds rather than destroying the whole plant. Threshing varies from region to region. Methods include beating the straw to extract the grain, or trampling the straw to extract the seeds. Afterwards the grains have to be dried, usually over the period of a few days. The crop has very small seeds surrounded by hard kernels, so its grains are ground into a fine powder before being used in cooking.[28]
On the other hand, Digitaria exilis has some implications for its ability to be a crop candidate. One thing the crop struggles with is in competing with weeds. Farmers are therefore required to remove weeds after sowing. Another issue is that after planting Digitaria exilis, the fields require time to recover soil nutrients. Usually the field has to left fallow for 1–2 years after harvest.[28] These are some of the qualities that need improvement and whose improvement can be achieved through artificial selection.
Digitaria exilis is the oldest native cereal crop in West Africa, first harvested around 5 millennia BC. Digitaria exilis is vital for food security in the region.[27] Farmers emphasize the crop's culinary value, its short growth cycle, high productivity and medium size.[29] However, due to a lack of harvesting and processing technology, it is difficult to maintain the crop's genetic diversity or establish large-scale production.[28] With that in mind, it is important to maintain and develop fonio for both producers and consumers. Digitaria exilis has many potential future uses in cooking or as technological feedstock so it is necessary to select for good kernel properties to develop it into a new crop for the world.[24]
Digitaria exilis holds high nutritional value to humans.[10] The nutritional value of hulled fonio is about 1470 kJ and for whitened fonio 1430 kJ per 100 gram.[14]
It contains methionine and cysteine, two amino acids that are important to human survival.[10] These two amino acids, however, are lacking in wheat, rice, maize, and other cereal crops.[10] Moving from the amino acid level to the macromolecule level, D. exilis, compared to other cereal crops, has greater protein, carbohydrate, and fiber content.[30] Digitaria exilis has more protein and fiber content than rice.[30] Additionally, D. exilis has more carbohydrate content than millet, sorghum, and maize.[30] Therefore, the nutritional benefit from D. exilis outweighs the nutritional benefits from other similar cereal crops.
Content of Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Minerals of Digitaria exilis compared to other cereals (% dry weight)
D. exilis shows generally mineral contents that are in the range of other cereals (Table 1). However, it contains much more sulphur than other cereals. Furthermore, the sulphur concentrates primarily in the grain rather than the husk as with other cereals.[14] This leads to D. exilis containing twice as much methionine - a sulphur compound - as corn or millet, and three times as much as rice does.[14] Some of the minerals are concentrated in the husk, which is lost during the hulling process.[14] The remaining fatty acids in the hulled grain are mainly unsaturated fats like linoleic and oleic acid.[14] The most present saturated fat is palmitic acid.[14] It has been reported that Digitaria exilis is an optimal food for people having diabetic problems. .[31]
Mineral content of Digitaria exilis, hulled and whitened
There are several factors that can alter this pre-existing high nutritional content. One method that distorts the nutritional composition of D. exilis is the extensive processing required to bring it to an edible state.[9] During milling, the outer layers of its grains are removed, and these layers are where the nutrients are primarily located.[9] Therefore, with the loss of the outer layers of the grains, there is a loss in the nutrient content.[9] As a result, the iron, zinc, and phytate concentrations present in the edible form of D. exilis are reduced in abundance relative to their respective concentrations before processing.[9]
Coeliac disease is an intolerance to wheat gluten, a prolamine, which can cause chronic small intestinal problems. Fonio is closer to sorghum and rice than to wheat, and therefore it does not contain the sequence of amino acids that cause this intolerance.[14]
Additionally, the nutrient content and yield of D. exilis can be affected by the soil nutrition present in the varying climatic conditions of West Africa, which is where D. exilis primarily grows.[32] Through experimentation, it was seen that the nitrogen concentration in the soil has the greatest effect on the nutrition and productivity of D. exilis.[32] When nitrogen was added to the soil in limited quantities with an excess of potassium and phosphorus, productivity of D. exilis increased by 22%.[32] Such significant results were not observed, however, when either potassium or phosphorus was added to the soil with excess nitrogen and phosphorus, or with excess nitrogen and potassium, respectively.[32] On the contrary, when nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were added to the soil in equal and moderate quantities, the greatest amount of yield and nutrition was seen.[32] This overall trend is seen as a result of the low rainfall and poor soil conditions that D. exilis naturally grows in.[32]
Additionally, farmers evaluated D. exilis landraces on key agricultural characteristics.[33] These included ease of processing, productivity, grain size, and facility of harvesting among many others.[33] Based on the evaluations given by these farmers, it can be seen that the agronomic traits (traits that allow for a greater ease of growing to farmers) of D. exilis would be having a big and long stem, having a long panicle with many grains, and having a large grain size.[33] These traits allow for easier growing and harvesting by farmers.
From an evolutionary biology standpoint, information about the nutritional content of D. exilis, factors that modify its nutritional content, and its agronomically important traits can be of importance under artificial selection of D. exilis. The Digitaria exilis landraces that exhibit the greatest amount of nutrition and display the agriculturally important qualities can be further cultivated under improvement.[33] As a result, Digitaria exilis can serve as a perennial crop to provide the human species with food security in the future.
WWF and Knorr in a joint study, dated February 2019, name Digitaria exilis as one of the “50 future foods for healthier people and a healthier planet".[34] WWF and the multinational Unilever (Knorr) teamed up to launch a campaign to raise awareness of the 50 Future Foods which people should eat more of in order to help reduce the environmental impact of food productions and to improve human health – Digitaria exilis has been identified as one of those ingredients.[35]
One of the things that makes Digitaria exilis such a sought after grain is its chemical composition. Digitaria exilis is an important source of nutrition because it is rich in methionine, which is an amino acid that is vital to human health. Since Digitaria exilis was such an important part of people's nutrition, researchers wanted to find out what made it taste so good. Volatile compounds were used to determine what contributed to the flavor of Digitaria exilis. It was found that Digitaria exilis contains several amino acids that readily react with monosaccharides to form alkylpyrazines. There were three types of volatiles: those formed from starch degradation, those formed from reactions between starch and proteins, and those formed through lipid oxidation.[36]
One of the things that makes Digitaria exilis unique is its physicochemical properties. The physicochemical properties of Digitaria exilis can differ depending on if its starch is natural or succinylated. The pH of succinylated Digitaria exilis is lower than that of natural Digitaria exilis. This could be because some of the molecules introduced by succinylation resembled those of acetylation. While succinylation does decrease the pH of starch, it can increase some of its properties such as bulk density and water absorption capacity. The difference in bulk density is caused by the particle size decreasing as the bulk density increases. Succinylation increases the water absorption capacity of the starch which indicates that it could be helpful in some food products such as dough.[37]
Compared to starches like D. iburua and Eleusine coracana, Digitaria exilis has more branched molecules. This was an important finding because although it has more branched molecules, it has fewer chains than the other starches which is unusual chemically. Aside from these differences, most other chemical characteristics were very similar to rice which was not surprising because Digitaria exilis and rice are both starches of the A. crystalline type.[38] Additionally, the microstructure of Digitaria exilis was studied, and it was discovered that it is very similar to the grain millets. Researchers found that Digitaria exilis is most abundant in protein bodies and that most of the protein is located towards the center of the cell. The specific structure of Digitaria exilis was analyzed and it was found that it is surrounded by thin bracts and two glumes. The caryopsis, a type of fruit that contains a pericarp that is fused with a thin seed coat, of the Digitaria exilis contains several layers that serve the purpose of protecting the endosperm and embryonic tissues.[39]
The composition of fonio can differ depending on what part of the world you are in. The main differences are in the protein and fiber content. This information could be useful in giving people dietary advice if their diet is lacking a certain protein or fiber.[40]
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(help) Digitaria exilis, referred to as findi or fundi in areas of Africa, such as The Gambia, with English common names white fonio, fonio millet, and hungry rice or acha rice, is a grass species. It is the most important of a diverse group of wild and domesticated Digitaria species known as fonio that are harvested in the savannas of West Africa. The grains are very small. It has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development and support sustainable use of the land. Despite its valuable characteristics and widespread cultivation, fonio has generally received limited research and development attention, which is also why the species is sometimes referred to as an underutilized crop.
The name (borrowed by English from French) is from Wolof foño.
Fonio has continued to be important locally because it is both nutritious and one of the world's fastest growing cereals, reaching maturity in as little as six to eight weeks. It is a crop that can be relied on in semi-arid areas with poor soils, where rains are brief and unreliable. The grains are used in porridge and couscous, for bread, and for beer.
The small grains make it difficult and time-consuming to remove the husk. Traditional methods include pounding it in a mortar with sand (then separating the grains and sand) or "popping" it over a flame and then pounding it (which yields a toasted color grain; this technique is used among the Akposso). The invention of a simple fonio husking machine offers an easier mechanical way to dehusk.
The genetic diversity of Digitaria exilis varies from region to region in Africa. For example, not much genetic diversity was detected among the domesticated Digitaria exilis landraces from Mali. In contrast, large levels of genetic diversity were detected among the domesticated Digitaria exilis landraces of the Upper Niger River Basin of West Africa. The many different landraces of Digitaria exilis are affected differently by the various processing methods.
The European Commission with the EU Regulation L 323/1 of December 19, 2018 approved the commercialization in Europe of Fonio as Novel Food, upon the scientific dossier managed and submitted by “the applicant” Italian company Obà Food.
El mijo fonio o acha (Digitaria exilis), es una especie de fanerógama de pequeños granos del género Digitaria. Se cultiva en algunas zonas de África e India, y es usado en varias gastronomías del África occidental.
El mijo fonio es el más importante de un grupo diverso de spp. de Digitaria silvestres y domesticadas, que se cosechan en las sabanas del África oeste. El mijo fonio es la más pequeña de todas las especies de mijo. Y es un cereal muy importante del sur de Sudán y de Etiopía en África.
Sigue siendo importante localmente debido a su poder nutritivo y uno de los cultivos de más rápida evolución, alcanzando madurez en tan poco como seis a ocho semanas. Es un cultivo apto para áreas semiáridas con suelo pobre, lluvias escasas. Los granos se consumen en guisos, cuscús, pan, y para cerveza.
Tan diminutos granos dificultan la remoción de glumas. Los métodos tradicionales incluyen el mortereado con arena (luego se separa del grano) o "reventado" a la llama, y luego venteando, dando al grano un color tostado; técnica usada en Akposso.
De acuerdo a la mitología del pueblo dogón de Malí, donde se lo conoce como pō tolo, el supremo creador del universo, Amma, ha hecho todo el universo haciendo explotar un solo grano de mijo fonio, localizado dentro del "huevo del mundo".
Es un cultivo similar en Nigeria, Togo, Benín.
El raishan (D. compacta) es un cereal menor, solo crece en los Montes Khasi del norte de India, con una harina glutinosa, usada tanto para pan como para sopas.
Digitaria exilis fue descrita por (Kippist) Stapf y publicado en Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Kew 1915: 385. 1915.[1]
Digitaria: nombre genérico derivado del latín "dígitus" = (dígito o dedo) ya que se distinguen por sus alargadas inflorescencias que parecen dedos.[2]
exilis: epíteto latino que significa "esbelto".[3]
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redundantes (ayuda). La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |añoacceso=
El mijo fonio o acha (Digitaria exilis), es una especie de fanerógama de pequeños granos del género Digitaria. Se cultiva en algunas zonas de África e India, y es usado en varias gastronomías del África occidental.
Vista de la planta SemillasFonioa Digitaria generoko hazi landatuei ematen zaien izena da. Afrikako ekialdean garrantzitsuak dira elikadurarako eta Indian ere espezie bat landatzen da. Oso hazi txikiak dituzte.
Talde honetako espezierik garrantzitsuena fonio zuria da (Digitaria exilis). Fonioak artatxiki guztien arteko hazirik txikiena dauka. Oinarrizko zerealetako bat da Sudan hegoaldean eta Etiopian.
Fonioa azkarren hazten den zerealetako bat da, sei-zortzi aste soilik behar baititu heldutasunera iristeko. Lurzoru txiroetan eta eskualde erdiaridoetan haz daiteke.
Fonio (Digitaria exilis ja Digitaria iburua) on heinäkasvi, jonka siemeniä käytetään viljana. Sitä kutsutaan joskus hirssiksi, vaikka se muistuttaa enemmän durraa.[1]
Foniakasvi kasvaa noin 50 cm korkeaksi. Se kukkii jo 6-8 viikkoa kylvämisestä.[2]
Foniota viljellään Afrikan savannialueilla, Kap Verdeltä Tšad-järvelle, etenkin Malissa, Burkina Fasossa, Guineassa ja Nigeriassa.[3] Se on levinnyt orjien mukana myös Keski-Amerikkaan, Dominikaaniseen tasavaltaan.[2]
Foniota suositaan alueilla, joilla maa pysyy viljelykelpoisena vain lyhyen aikaa, sillä se kypsyy sadonkorjuuvaiheeseen 2-3 kuukautta kuukautta kylvämisestä.[2] Siksi se ehtii tuottaa satoa ennen kuivan kauden alkamista puoliaavikollakin.
Foniosta tehdään puuroja, couscousia, leipää ja olutta. Maku muistuttaa riisiä.[2]
Fonio (Digitaria exilis ja Digitaria iburua) on heinäkasvi, jonka siemeniä käytetään viljana. Sitä kutsutaan joskus hirssiksi, vaikka se muistuttaa enemmän durraa.
Le fonio blanc (Digitaria exilis) est une plante annuelle herbacée de la famille des Poaceae (Graminées) cultivée pour ses graines.
Le fonio blanc est traditionnellement une céréale « mineure », consommée dans quelques régions d'Afrique de l'Ouest. La récolte annuelle dans ces régions est de l'ordre de 260 000 tonnes. Les nutritionnistes redécouvrent cet aliment au début du XXIe siècle car il est très digeste pour les personnes allergiques, notamment dans le cas d'intolérance au gluten[1].
Le fonio blanc est cultivé dans la zone de la savane depuis le Sénégal jusqu'à la région du lac Tchad, sauf au Liberia. C'est une culture très importante en Guinée et dans le Fouta-Djalon. Cette culture se contente de sols pauvres, non fumés et s'adapte aux pluviométries variables.
Le fonio blanc est une plante herbacée de 80 cm de haut. Son inflorescence composée est formée de racèmes regroupant des épillets à deux fleurs dont une seule fertile. La graine est un caryopse qui reste entouré de ses glumes et glumelles (c'est une céréale « vêtue » comme l'orge et le riz). Sa taille est très petite, à peine 1,5 mm (il faut 2 000 graines pour faire 1 gramme[réf. nécessaire]). Le fonio est de couleur blanche.
La graine de fonio doit être décortiquée avant consommation. Ce travail laborieux qui revenait traditionnellement aux femmes était fait à la main, au pilon et mortier, mais des décortiqueuses électriques ont été mises au point ces dernières années.
Production en tonnes. Chiffres 2003-2004
Données de FAOSTAT (FAO)
Dans des sachets en poudre brune, se cuisine exactement comme les pâtes ou le riz (11 minutes). Consistance assez légère comparée aux pâtes ou au riz.
D'autres espèces du genre Digitaria sont également cultivées, notamment :
Le fonio blanc (Digitaria exilis) est une plante annuelle herbacée de la famille des Poaceae (Graminées) cultivée pour ses graines.
Le fonio blanc est traditionnellement une céréale « mineure », consommée dans quelques régions d'Afrique de l'Ouest. La récolte annuelle dans ces régions est de l'ordre de 260 000 tonnes. Les nutritionnistes redécouvrent cet aliment au début du XXIe siècle car il est très digeste pour les personnes allergiques, notamment dans le cas d'intolérance au gluten.
Fonio merupakan serealia yang dibudidayakan di Afrika Barat, terutama di sekitar daerah aliran Sungai Niger dan Volta. Karena berbulir kecil, fonio juga dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok milet.
Terdapat dua jenis fonio budidaya: Digitaria exilis dan D. iburua. Keduanya secara fisik mirip, tetapi dibedakan dari bentuk susunan malainya. Walaupun secara tradisional dibudidayakan di Afrika Barat, fonio sekarang juga dibudidayakan di sebagian Karibia. Di India ditanam pula sejenis fonio yang berbeda dengan fonio Afrika (D. compacta).
Tanaman fonio adalah serealia alternatif yang relatif lebih tahan kondisi kekeringan, meskipun kemudian memberikan hasil yang relatif rendah. Di kalangan warga Afrika Barat, tanaman ini memiliki nilai budaya yang tinggi. Upacara-upacara tertentu melibatkan fonio sebagai komponennya.
Artikel bertopik tumbuhan ini adalah sebuah rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia dengan mengembangkannya.Il fonio (Digitaria exilis) è una pianta erbacea della famiglia delle Poaceae, diffusa nelle savane dell'Africa occidentale.
Secondo la mitologia della gente Dogon del Mali, Amma, il creatore dell'universo, fece l'intero universo dall'esplosione di un singolo chicco di fonio, situato dentro "l'uovo del mondo".
Il fonio è coltivato in una fascia che va dal Senegal al Ciad ed è particolarmente importante in Guinea.
Nel 2006 l'Unione europea ha deciso di stanziare fondi per la produzione di fonio.
Con il Regolamento Europeo L 323/1 del 19 dicembre 2018 la Commissione Europea ha approvato l’introduzione in Europa del fonio come Novel Food, a seguito del dossier scientifico di richiesta presentato e gestito dalla società italiana Obà Food.[1][2]
Uno studio realizzato a Febbraio 2019 da WWF e Unilever ha inserito il fonio tra i “50 alimenti del futuro[3]: ottimi per il benessere del pianeta e delle persone”. Lo studio sollecita un cambiamento radicale su larga scala al fine di salvaguardare la biodiversità e invita a mettere al centro della nostra dieta gli alimenti alternativi identificati come i “50 Future Foods”, come primo passo per contribuire al riequilibrio dell’ecosistema.[4]
Il fonio (Digitaria exilis) è una pianta erbacea della famiglia delle Poaceae, diffusa nelle savane dell'Africa occidentale.
Raccolto del fonio in MaliFonio é uma variante do painço. É o termo usado para os grãos cultivados do género Digitaria. É muito comum em algumas partes de África e na Índia. Os grãos são bastante pequenos e existem diferentes variedades.
Digitaria exilis[1] är en gräsart som först beskrevs av Richard Kippist, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Otto Stapf. Digitaria exilis ingår i släktet fingerhirser, och familjen gräs.[2][3] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[2]
Växten och den närbesläktade arten Digitaria iburua kallas ofta båda för fonio. De är föremål för vetenskapliga studier, och i vissa områden används de som hjälp för att hantera diabetes.[4]
Digitaria exilis är en gräsart som först beskrevs av Richard Kippist, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Otto Stapf. Digitaria exilis ingår i släktet fingerhirser, och familjen gräs. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
Växten och den närbesläktade arten Digitaria iburua kallas ofta båda för fonio. De är föremål för vetenskapliga studier, och i vissa områden används de som hjälp för att hantera diabetes.
Digitaria exilis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hòa thảo. Loài này được (Kippist) Stapf mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1915.[1]
Digitaria exilis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hòa thảo. Loài này được (Kippist) Stapf mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1915.
フォニオ(学名:Digitaria exilis)は、イネ科メヒシバ属に属する一年生植物で、食用として栽培されている雑穀である。年間約58万トンが栽培されている(2013年、FAO統計による)。穀物としては西アフリカの一部地域で栽培、流通しているのみであるが、世界の食料安全保障を向上させうる作物として注目されている。別名白フォニオ。粥、クスクス、パン、ビールなどに加工される。