The Chatham mudfish (Neochanna rekohua), formerly known as the Chathams galaxias (Galaxias rekohua), is a galaxiid fish endemic to two small, peaty lakes in southern Chatham Island, New Zealand.
It was discovered in 1994 by C.P. Mitchell, who initially placed it in the genus Galaxias, and gave it the species name rekohua after the Moriori word for the Chatham Islands.[2] In 2004, R.M. McDowall reassigned it to Neochanna based on its external anatomy, behaviour, and skeleton,[3] and this was subsequently supported by a genetic analysis.[4]
The Chatham mudfish is the most Galaxias-like of all the mudfishes, with a short body and small pelvic fins, and is closely related to the Canterbury mudfish.[5] Neochanna rekohua averages 75 mm (though the largest individuals can reach 175 mm), and is a dark mottled brown. It only lives on the edges of a few peaty lakes amongst submerged wood, so is naturally uncommon, but abundant in the few spots where it occurs.[5]
As of 2014, the IUCN indicated that the Chatham mudfish was a least-concern species.[1]
The Chatham mudfish (Neochanna rekohua), formerly known as the Chathams galaxias (Galaxias rekohua), is a galaxiid fish endemic to two small, peaty lakes in southern Chatham Island, New Zealand.
It was discovered in 1994 by C.P. Mitchell, who initially placed it in the genus Galaxias, and gave it the species name rekohua after the Moriori word for the Chatham Islands. In 2004, R.M. McDowall reassigned it to Neochanna based on its external anatomy, behaviour, and skeleton, and this was subsequently supported by a genetic analysis.
The Chatham mudfish is the most Galaxias-like of all the mudfishes, with a short body and small pelvic fins, and is closely related to the Canterbury mudfish. Neochanna rekohua averages 75 mm (though the largest individuals can reach 175 mm), and is a dark mottled brown. It only lives on the edges of a few peaty lakes amongst submerged wood, so is naturally uncommon, but abundant in the few spots where it occurs.
As of 2014, the IUCN indicated that the Chatham mudfish was a least-concern species.
Neochanna rekohua es un pez que pertenece a la familia Galaxiidae.[1] Esta especie es endémica y se encuentra en pequeños lagos de la isla Chatham, Nueva Zelanda.
Fue descubierta en 1994 por Charles Paul Mitchell, que lo relacionó a la familia Galaxiidae. Inicialmente se llamó Galaxias rekohua, pero en 2004 R. M. McDowall le renombró Neochanna basado en la anatomía externa, comportamiento y el esqueleto;[2] este cambio fue apoyado posteriormente por un análisis genético.[3]
Neochanna rekohua posee un cuerpo relativamente pequeño, con aletas pélvicas. Está estrechamente relacionado con Neochanna burrowsius.[4] Mide aproximadamente 75 milímetros (aunque los individuos más grandes pueden llegar a 175 milímetros), y es de color marrón oscuro. Vive casi que exclusivamente en los bordes de los lagos.[4]
Neochanna rekohua es un pez que pertenece a la familia Galaxiidae. Esta especie es endémica y se encuentra en pequeños lagos de la isla Chatham, Nueva Zelanda.
Fue descubierta en 1994 por Charles Paul Mitchell, que lo relacionó a la familia Galaxiidae. Inicialmente se llamó Galaxias rekohua, pero en 2004 R. M. McDowall le renombró Neochanna basado en la anatomía externa, comportamiento y el esqueleto; este cambio fue apoyado posteriormente por un análisis genético.
Neochanna rekohua posee un cuerpo relativamente pequeño, con aletas pélvicas. Está estrechamente relacionado con Neochanna burrowsius. Mide aproximadamente 75 milímetros (aunque los individuos más grandes pueden llegar a 175 milímetros), y es de color marrón oscuro. Vive casi que exclusivamente en los bordes de los lagos.
Neochanna rekohua Neochanna generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Galaxiidae familian sailkatzen da.
Neochanna rekohua Neochanna generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Galaxiidae familian sailkatzen da.
Neochanna rekohua is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de snoekforellen (Galaxiidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1995 door Mitchell.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesGalaxias rekohua é uma espécie de peixe da família Galaxiidae.
É endémica da Nova Zelândia.[1]
Galaxias rekohua é uma espécie de peixe da família Galaxiidae.
É endémica da Nova Zelândia.
Galaxias rekohua (tên tiếng Anh: chathams galaxias) là một loài cá thuộc họ Galaxiidae. Nó là loài đặc hữu của New Zealand.
Galaxias rekohua (tên tiếng Anh: chathams galaxias) là một loài cá thuộc họ Galaxiidae. Nó là loài đặc hữu của New Zealand.