Asker, Akershus, Norge
Derek S. Sikes, Jill Stockbridge
Figure 1.Sixteen sites at which Caurinus tlagu specimens were found, north end of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Table 1 lists site and specimen data, also available online at http://arctos.database.museum/saved/Caurinus-AK. TL = type locality.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Derek S. Sikes, Jill Stockbridge
Figure 2.Habitats of Caurinus tlagu A Habtiat of type locality, thinned secondary growth with 18 ft. spacing between trees, 55.88433, -132.89734 B example of old growth habitat in which specimen UAM:Ento:204239 was found, 55.88602,-132.8607 C example of clearcut, a habitat type in which seven specimens were found, 55.872, -133.06523 D example of treeless, alpine heath – tundra in which two specimens were found, 55.58818, -132.88881.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Derek S. Sikes, Jill Stockbridge
Figure 4.Eye of A male Caurinus dectes (UAM:Ento:230088) showing 38 ommatidia around circumference of right eye, dorsal is to the left, and B male Caurinus tlagu (UAM:Ento:202344) showing 35 ommatidia around circumference of left eye, dorsal is to the right. Scale bar = 50 µm.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Derek S. Sikes, Jill Stockbridge
Figure 5.A ventral view of female Caurinus tlagu (UAM:Ento:203239) showing 8th sternum with shallow median emargination / notch, scale bar = 500 µm B ventral view of abdomen of female Caurinus dectes (UAM:Ento:228458) showing 8th sternum with a pronounced notch, scale bar = 200 µm C ventral view of abdomen of female Caurinus tlagu (UAM:Ento:203011) showing 8th sternum with shallow emargination / notch, scale bar = 200 µm.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Derek S. Sikes, Jill Stockbridge
Figure 6.Female Caurinus tlagu (UAM:Ento:159119) that had been cleared in KOH. A lateral view (broken abdomen), scale bar = 2 mm B face, scale bar = 0.5 mm C dorsal view, scale bar = 2 mm D ventral view, scale bar = 0.5 mm.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Derek S. Sikes, Jill Stockbridge
Figure 7.Base of Caurinus antenna showing sensilla on antenomeres 4, 5, and 6. A female Caurinus dectes (UAM:Ento:230088), B female Caurinus tlagu (UAM:Ento:203237); sen = sensilla, scale bars = 20 µm.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Derek S. Sikes, Jill Stockbridge
Figure 8.SEM images of male Caurinus tlagu (UAM:Ento:204239), scale bars = 100 µm A dorsal view showing wings B evertedgenitalia showing paired gonostyles, oblique lateral view.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Asker, Akershus, Norge