
Anostòmids ( Catalão; Valenciano )

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Il·lustració de Leporinus acutidens del 1847
Juvenil de Leporinus friderici
Il·lustració de Leporinus pachyurus del 1856

La família dels anostòmids (Anostomidae) és constituïda per peixos actinopterigis d'aigua dolça pertanyents a l'ordre dels caraciformes.[1]


Del grec ana (dalt) i stoma (boca), en referència a la posició en què tenen la boca.[2]


Els seus cossos, més o menys allargats i en forma de fus, fan entre 15-60 cm de llargària total (llevat del gènere Abramites, el qual té el dors força elevat). 1 única aleta dorsal, la qual presenta radis. Aleta anal curta i, normalment, amb menys de 10 radis ramificats. La boca (estreta, petita, no protràctil i molt distant del marge orbital anterior) està orientada en moltes espècies cap amunt. Ambdues mandíbules són curtes i proveïdes de sengles fileres de 6-8 dents. Os maxil·lar petit. Obertures branquials petites i amb les membranes fermament unides a l'istme. Línia lateral completa i estesa al llarg de la línia mitjana del cos.[3] Aleta adiposa sempre present.[1][4][5]


La majoria de les seues espècies mengen plantes, mentre que d'altres també s'alimenten de detritus i d'invertebrats.[1][3]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a Sud-amèrica: els hàbitats d'aigua dolça des del riu Atrato (Colòmbia)[6][7] fins al centre de l'Argentina,[8][9] incloent-hi el Perú,[10][11] l'Equador,[6][12] Trinitat i Tobago,[13][14] Veneçuela,[15][16] Guyana,[17][15][6][18] la Guaiana Francesa,[15][19] Surinam,[20][15][21] el Brasil,[17][22] Bolívia,[6][23] el Paraguai[17][24] i l'Uruguai,[25][17][26] i les conques dels rius Orinoco,[27] Amazones,[28] Araguaia,[29][17] Solimões, Xingu, Iguaçú,[30][31] Paranà,[32][31][33] São Francisco,[34] de la Plata, Uruguai,[35][36] Paraguai,[17][37] Negro,[17][38] Tocantins,[17] Napo, Tapajós i Marañón.[17][39][17][40][3] Algunes espècies han estat introduïdes fora de la seua àrea de distribució original (com ara, Leporinus fasciatus a Hawaii).[41]

Gèneres i espècies


En el seu medi natural, els peixos d'aquesta família romanen la major part del temps entre les roques o els arbres caiguts a l'aigua en un entorn adient a llur coloració. Algunes espècies neden en posició obliqua (amb el cap cap avall). Hom té poca informació sobre el comportament i ecologia de les diferents espècies,[4] tot i que algunes formen part del comerç de peixos d'aquari.[1] En general, són comestibles i algunes de les espècies més grosses són capturades com a aliment de forma regular.[3]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 Family Anostomidae - FishBase (anglès)
  2. Romero, P., 2002. An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid (Espanya).
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 ZipCodeZoo (anglès)
  4. 4,0 4,1 Petrovický, Ivan, 2010?. Peces de acuario. Madrid: Tikal. Enciclopedia de la ciencia. ISBN 9788492678303. Pàg. 112.
  5. Lloris, D., 2007. Glosario ilustrado de Ictiología para el mundo hispanohablante. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’Agricultura, Alimentació i Acció Rural: 967 pp. Pàg. 51.
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 Géry, J., 1977. Characoids of the world. Neptune City; Reigate : T.F.H. [etc.]; 672 p.: ill. (chiefly col.); 23 cm.
  7. List of Freshwater Fishes for Colombia - FishBase (anglès)
  8. List of Freshwater Fishes for Argentina - FishBase (anglès)
  9. Cordiviola de Yuan, E. i C. Pignalberi de Hassan, 1985. Fish population in the Paraná River: lentic environments of Diamante and San Pedro areas (Argentine Republic). Hydrobiologia 127:213-218.
  10. Ortega, H. i R. P. Vari, 1986. Annotated checklist of the freshwater fishes of Peru. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. (437):1-25.
  11. List of Freshwater Fishes for Peru - FishBase (anglès)
  12. List of Freshwater Fishes for Ecuador - FishBase (anglès)
  13. Kenny, J. S., 1995. Views from the bridge: a memoir on the freshwater fishes of Trinidad. Julian S. Kenny, Maracas, St. Joseph, Trinitat i Tobago. 98 p.
  14. List of Freshwater Fishes for Trinidad and Tobago - FishBase (anglès)
  15. 15,0 15,1 15,2 15,3 Planquette, P., P. Keith i P.-Y. Le Bail, 1996. Atlas des poissons d'eau douce de Guyane. Vol. 1. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 22: 429p. París: Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.
  16. List of Freshwater Fishes for Venezuela - FishBase (anglès)
  17. 17,0 17,1 17,2 17,3 17,4 17,5 17,6 17,7 17,8 17,9 Garavello, J. C. i H. A. Britski, 2003. Anostomidae (Headstanders). P. 71-84. A: R. E. Reis, S. O. Kullander i C. J. Ferraris, Jr. (eds.). Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, el Brasil.
  18. List of Freshwater Fishes for Guyana - FishBase (anglès)
  19. List of Freshwater Fishes for French Guiana - FishBase (anglès)
  20. Alonso, L. E. i H. J. Berrenstein, 2006. A Rapid Biological Assessment of the Aquatic Ecosystems of the Coppename River Basin, Suriname. RAP Bull. Of Biol. Assessment 39:114-117.
  21. List of Freshwater Fishes for Suriname - FishBase (anglès)
  22. List of Freshwater Fishes for Brazil - FishBase (anglès)
  23. List of Freshwater Fishes for Bolivia - FishBase (anglès)
  24. List of Freshwater Fishes for Paraguay - FishBase (anglès)
  25. Nion, H., C. Rios i P. Meneses, 2002. Peces del Uruguay: Lista sistemática y nombres comunes. Montevideo, Uruguai, DINARA, Infopesca.
  26. List of Freshwater Fishes for Uruguay - FishBase (anglès)
  27. Species in Orinoco River - FishBase (anglès)
  28. Species in Amazon River - FishBase (anglès)
  29. Species in Araguaia River - FishBase (anglès)
  30. Species in Iguazú River - FishBase (anglès)
  31. 31,0 31,1 López, H. L., A. M. Miquelarena i J. Ponte Gómez, 2005. Biodiversidad y distribución de la ictiofauna Mesopotámica. Miscelánea 14:311-354.
  32. Species in Paraná River - FishBase (anglès)
  33. Pavanelli, C. S. i E. P. Caramaschi, 1997. Composition of the ichthyofauna of two small tributaries of the Paraná river, Porto Roci, Paraná State, Brazil. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwat. 8(1):23-31.
  34. Species in São Francisco - FishBase (anglès)
  35. Species in Uruguay River - FishBase (anglès)
  36. Zaniboni Filho, E., S. Meurer, O. A. Shibatta i A. P. de Oliverira Nuñer, 2004. Catálogo ilustrado de peixes do alto Rio Uruguai. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC: Tractebel Energia. 128 p.: col. ill., col. maps; 25 cm.
  37. Species in Paraguay River - FishBase (anglès)
  38. Species in Negro River - FishBase (anglès)
  39. Species in Marañón River - FishBase (anglès)
  40. Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. ISBN 0940228475.
  41. Eldredge, L. G., 1994. Freshwater fishes. P. 73-84. A: L. G. Eldredge. Perspectives in aquatic exotic species management in the Pacific Islands. Vol. 1. Introductions of commercially significant aquatic organisms to the Pacific Islands. South Pacific Commission, Nova Caledònia.
  42. Fowler, H. W., 1906. Further knowledge of some heterognathus fishes. Part I. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v. 58: 293-351.
  43. Steindachner, F., 1878. Zur Fischfauna des Magdalenen-Stromes. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien v. 15 (núm. 12): 88-91.
  44. Günther, A., 1868. Diagnoses of some new freshwater fishes from Surinam and Brazil, in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 4) v. 1 (núm. 6): 475-481.
  45. 45,0 45,1 Pellegrin, J., 1909. Characinidés américains nouveaux de la collection du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. (Sér. 1), vol. 14 (núm. 7)[1908]: 342-347.
  46. 46,0 46,1 Eigenmann, C. H., 1912. The freshwater fishes of British Guiana, including a study of the ecological grouping of species, and the relation of the fauna of the plateau to that of the lowlands. Mem. Carnegie Mus. v. 5 (núm. 1): i-xxii + 1-578, Pls. 1-103.
  47. Dos Santos, G. M. & J. Zuanon, 2006. Anostomoides passionis, a new fish species from rio Xingu, Brazil (Characiformes: Anostomidae). Zootaxa Núm. 1168: 59-68.
  48. Scopoli, J. A., 1777. Introductio ad historiam naturalem, sistens genera lapidum, plantarum et animalium hactenus detecta, caracteribus essentialibus donata, in tribus divisa, subinde ad leges naturae. Prague. Introd. Hist. Nat.: i-x + 1-506.
  49. 49,0 49,1 Myers, G. S., 1927. Descriptions of new South American fresh-water fishes collected by Dr. Carl Ternetz. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. v. 68 (núm. 3): 107-135.
  50. Cope, E. D., 1872. On the fishes of the Ambyiacu River. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v. 23: 250-294, Pls. 3-16.
  51. Lütken C. F., 1875. Characinae novae Brasiliae centralis a clarissimo J. Reinhardt in provincia Minas-Geraes circa oppidulum Lagoa Santa in lacu ejusdem nominis, flumine Rio das Velhas et rivulis affluentibus collectae, secundum characteres essentiales breviter descriptae. Overs. Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forhand. (Kjøbenhavn) 1874 (núm. 3). 127-143.
  52. 52,0 52,1 Spix J. B. von & Agassiz L., 1829-1831. Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annos MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I.... colleget et pingendso curavit Dr J. B. de Spix.... Monachii. Selecta Piscium Brasiliam. Part 1: i-xvi + i-ii + 1-82, Pls. 1-48.
  53. Sidlauskas, B. L. & Vari, R. P., 2008. Phylogenetic relationships within the South American fish family Anostomidae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Characiformes). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 154 (1): 70-210.
  54. 54,0 54,1 Winterbottom, R., 1980. Systematics, osteology and phylogenetic relationships of fishes of the ostariophysan subfamily Anostominae (Characoidei, Anostomidae). Royal Ontario Museum Life Science Contributions. Núm. 123: i-iv + 1-112.
  55. Winterbottom, R., 1974. A new species of anostomid characoid fish, Anostomus spilochistron, from the Nickerie River system of western Surinam (Pisces, Cypriniformes, Anostomidae). Beaufortia, vol. 21 (núm. 283): 153-163.
  56. Kner R., 1858. Beiträge zur Familie der Characinen. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 30 (núm. 13). 75-80.
  57. 57,0 57,1 Myers G. S. & Carvalho A. L. de, 1959. A remarkable new genus of anostomin characid fishes from the Upper Rio Xingú in central Brazil. Copeia 1959 (núm. 2). 148-152.
  58. 58,0 58,1 Santos, G. M. dos & M. Jégu, 1987. Novas occorencias de Gnathodolus bidens, Synaptolaemus cingulatus e descricao de duas especies novas de Sartor (Characiformes, Anostomidae). Amazoniana, vol. 10 (núm. 2): 181-196.
  59. 59,0 59,1 Myers G. S., 1950. Studies on South American fresh-water fishes. II. The genera of anostomine characids. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. v. 3 (núm. 4). 184-198.
  60. Steindachner, F., 1910. Über einige neue Characinenarten aus dem Orinoco und dem oberen Surinam. Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, vol. 47 (núm. 17): 265-270.
  62. Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  63. Discover Life (anglès)
  64. Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names (anglès)
  65. UNEP-WCMC Species Database (anglès)
  66. BioLib (anglès)


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Anostòmids: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

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Engmaulsalmler ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Engmaulsalmler (Anostomidae) leben in schnell fließenden Gewässern Südamerikas und des südlichen Mittelamerikas vor allem im Orinocogebiet und im Amazonasbecken bis nach Mato Grosso. Die Familie wurden nach der Gattung Anostomus benannt, die ein oberständiges Maul hat (Gr.: „ano“ = oben, „stoma“ = Maul).


Die Fische haben ein kleines Maul, das sie nicht vorstülpen können. Ihre Lippen sind wulstartig, die Maxillare kurz, die breiten, fein gezackten Zähne als Raspel- und Mahlzähne ausgebildet. Je Kiefer gibt es nur eine Zahnreihe. Ihr Körper ist stromlinienförmig und gestreckt, nur bei der Gattung Abramites recht hochrückig. Engmaulsalmler sind oft von heller Grundfarbe und haben ein Streifenmuster aus senkrechten oder waagrechten, dunklen Bändern. Die Tiere werden 8 bis 50 cm groß.


Engmaulsalmler sind friedliche Schwarmfische, die die Bodenregion stark bewachsener Gewässer bewohnen. Um zu ihren Laichgründen zu kommen unternehmen einige Arten ausgedehnte Wanderungen. Viele Arten schwimmen mit dem Kopf nach unten und werden deshalb in Aquarianerkreisen als „Kopfsteher“ bezeichnet.

Äußere Systematik

Innerhalb der Salmlerartigen (Characiformes) bilden die Engmaulsalmler zusammen mit den ebenfalls südamerikanischen Kopfstehern (Chilodontidae), Breitlingssalmlern (Curimatidae) und Barbensalmlern (Prochilodontidae) eine Gruppe, die von einigen Wissenschaftlern als Überfamilie „Anostomoidea“ geführt wird. Die Engmaulsalmler stehen in einem Schwestergruppenverhältnis zu einer Klade der drei anderen Familien.[1]

Innere Systematik

Es gibt 13 Gattungen mit mehr als 130 Arten: [2]

(Abramites hypselonotus)
Leporellus pictus
Gebänderter Leporinus (Leporinus fasciatus)
Leporinus friderici
Leporinus gossei



  1. Claudio Oliveira et al.: Phylogenetic relationships within the speciose family Characidae (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: Characiformes) based on multilocus analysis and extensive ingroup sampling. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:275, doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-275.
  2. Sidlauskas, Brian L. & Vari, Richard P. (2008): Phylogenetic relationships within the South American fish family Anostomidae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Characiformes). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 154(1): 70–210. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00407.x.
  3. Brian L Sidlauskas, Fernando M Assega, Bruno F Melo, Claudio Oliveira, José L O Birindelli (2021): Total evidence phylogenetic analysis reveals polyphyly of Anostomoides and uncovers an unexpectedly ancient genus of Anostomidae fishes (Characiformes). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 194, Issue 2, Februar 2022, 626–669. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab016.
  4. Ramirez, J.L., Birindelli, J.L.O. & Galetti Jr., P.M.: A New Genus of Anostomidae (Ostariophysi: Characiformes): Diversity, Phylogeny and Biogeography Based on Cytogenetic, Molecular and Morphological Data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, November 2016, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.11.012.
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Engmaulsalmler: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Engmaulsalmler (Anostomidae) leben in schnell fließenden Gewässern Südamerikas und des südlichen Mittelamerikas vor allem im Orinocogebiet und im Amazonasbecken bis nach Mato Grosso. Die Familie wurden nach der Gattung Anostomus benannt, die ein oberständiges Maul hat (Gr.: „ano“ = oben, „stoma“ = Maul).

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Кичине ооздуулар ( Quirguiz )

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Abramites hypselonotus.

Кичине ооздуулар (лат. Anostomidae) — кичине ооздуу балыктардын бир тукуму, буларга (лат. Anostomus) — кичине ооздор уруусу кирет.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Anostomidae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Anostomidae are a family of ray-finned fishes that belong to the order Characiformes. Closely related to the Chilodontidae and formerly included with them, the Anostomidae contain about 150 described species. Commonly known as anostomids, they are found in freshwater habitats from the Río Atrato in northernmost South America to warm-temperate central Argentina; they are of Amazon origin, with few found west of the Andes (mainly in Colombia and Venezuela). Their scientific name approximately means "mouth on top", from Ancient Greek áno- (ἄνω) "up" (as an adverb) + stóma (στόμᾶ) "mouth", in reference to the arrangement of these fishes' mouth opening.[2]


Anostomids have elongated bodies ranging from 15 to 60 cm (5.9 to 23.6 in) in length; their shape varies between fusiform and deeper-bodied, but even the latter are only moderately laterally. They have elongated, tapering heads with rather long, straight snouts, and small apical to upturned mouths immediately at or near the snout tip. This family contains many headstanders, which habitually swim with their heads pointing from 45° up to 90° downwards; most feed on plants near the bottom, while others also eat detritus and invertebrates picked up from river- or lakebeds. Adults guard the eggs after spawning. Anostomidae are generally considered edible, and some of the larger species are caught for food on a regular basis, much like large Leuciscinae (which are superficially similar Cypriniformes) are in the temperate Northern Hemisphere.[3]

Their jaws are rather short, with the maxillary bone small and excluded from the mouth opening, while the ascending process of the premaxilla is triangular in overall shape and robustly developed. One row of six or eight curved teeth occur in each jaw, arranged by length in a step-like fashion, with the front teeth being the longest; the pharyngeal teeth are enlarged and have two or more cusps each.[3]

Anostomid gill openings are small, with the gill membranes firmly joined to the isthmus; the ligament between the interopercle and the mouth is elongated and the interopercle is clearly separated from the retroarticular. On the sides of the preopercle is a large, elongated protrusion, where the powerful jaw adductor muscles attach. The third epibranchial gill arch has a curved anterior process which extends medially over the dorsal surface of the fourth infrapharyngobranchial arch. The circumorbital bone series is complete and includes a supraorbital bone, and at least four, often more, of the forward ribs are united by two or more intercostal ligaments.[2]

The lateral line is complete, contains 33-44 perforated scales, and runs along the midline of the body. The dentary bears a short lateral-line canal ending at or shortly behind mid-length, and altogether the lateral-line canals of the head are divided into at least two ossified tubes. All anostomids have an adipose fin; their dorsal fin contains one and 11, the anal fin one and 9, and the pelvic fins one and 8-9 hard and soft rays, respectively.[2]

Systematics and evolution

This family is in all probability monotypic as traditionally defined. Several attempts to delimit subfamilies have taken place, and several of the proposed groupings indeed correspond to clades within this family. Leporellus has long been recognized as the basal-most living anostomid genus, due to its many plesiomorphies shared with the Chilodontidae and its peculiar apomorphies, and separated as a monotypic subfamily by some. A large clade of "modern" genera was treated as Anostominae by some authors; others considered that subfamily more inclusive.[1]

But the latter view is incorrect, as it includes a large number of lineages that are really basal members of the family and should not be treated as a subfamily (except monotypic ones, but these are generally avoided). Also, the huge assemblage usually treated under Leporinus is not monophyletic and in need of thorough study, to see how it is best divided. Depending on the exact relationships of Anostomoides, a Leporinus sensu lato clade could warrant recognition as another subfamily. Finally, Rhytiodus and Schizodon would almost certainly qualify as another subfamily, even if only the Anostominae warrant recognition otherwise.[1]

Evolution and fossil record

The taxon Anostominae is also used to denote the entire family in outdated treatments, where the name "Anostomidae" is applied to the entire Anostomoidea (and sometimes even more distant relatives). In that respect, agreement is widespread today that the closest living relatives of the Anostomidae sensu stricto are the Chilodontidae headstanders, the toothless characins (Curimatidae) and the flannel-mouthed characins (Prochilodontidae).[1]

The origin of the Anostomidae can be quite confidently placed in the Paleogene, and somewhat less securely in late Paleogene, based on various evidence. For one, the biogeography of the family, with some very basal taxa found west of the Andes, indicates it was already well distinct when the northern part of that mountain range uplifted at the end of the Middle Miocene about 12 million years ago (Mya). Then, some scant but highly informative fossil evidence assigned to this family: a premaxillary tooth was found in the Colombian Villavieja Formation[4] and dated to the Laventan age about 13.5-11.5 Mya, while some pharyngeal teeth and other jaw parts found near Cuenca, Ecuador in the Cuenca basin (a structural basin[5]) are about 19 million years old. The fossil remains resemble Leporinus and were assigned to the living genus, but given its paraphyly and rather basal position, until more fossils are found the known remains can only be considered fairly basal Anostomidae, incertae sedis, but probably close to the Leporinus assemblage.[1]

Cyphocharax mosesi, a fossil toothless characin found in Brazil, lived at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary about 23 Mya. Thus, at that time, the Anostomoidea families must have already been well distinct. Given that the Characiformes originated slightly more than 115 Mya, the Anostomoidea probably diverged from their characiform relatives the Late Cretaceous and diversified thereafter; a Paleogene origin of the Anostomidae is thus most likely, with present-day subfamilies (whatever eventually will be accepted) having diverged by the start of the Neogene. Whether the family originated in Oligocene or already in the Eocene (or perhaps even in the Paleocene) cannot be said until more fossil material is recovered, either to answer this question directly or to provide calibration for molecular phylogenetic studies.[6]


The genera of Anostomidae are:[1]

Basal lineages

Schizodon clade

Anostominae sensu stricto

In Brazil, many species of Leporinus, Rhytiodus, and Schizodon are called aracu.[8]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Sidlauskas & Vari (2008)
  2. ^ a b c FishBase (2004), Sidlauskas & Vari (2008)
  3. ^ a b Weitzman & Vari (1998), FishBase (2004), Sidlauskas & Vari (2008)
  4. ^ "La Venta formation" in Sidlauskas & Vari (2008) is the old name.
  5. ^ Steinmann, Michael (1997). The Cuenca basin of southern Ecuador. tectono-sedimentary history and the Tertiary Andean evolution (Thesis). ETH Zurich. doi:10.3929/ethz-a-001843356. hdl:20.500.11850/143222.
  6. ^ Filleul & Maisey (2004), Sidlauskas & Vari (2008)
  7. ^ Ramirez, J.L., Birindelli, J.L.O. & Galetti, P.M.Jr. (2017): A new genus of Anostomidae (Ostariophysi: Characiformes): Diversity, phylogeny and biogeography based on cytogenetic, molecular and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107: 308–323.
  8. ^ Aracus. www.amazonwaters.org.
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wikipedia EN

Anostomidae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Anostomidae are a family of ray-finned fishes that belong to the order Characiformes. Closely related to the Chilodontidae and formerly included with them, the Anostomidae contain about 150 described species. Commonly known as anostomids, they are found in freshwater habitats from the Río Atrato in northernmost South America to warm-temperate central Argentina; they are of Amazon origin, with few found west of the Andes (mainly in Colombia and Venezuela). Their scientific name approximately means "mouth on top", from Ancient Greek áno- (ἄνω) "up" (as an adverb) + stóma (στόμᾶ) "mouth", in reference to the arrangement of these fishes' mouth opening.

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wikipedia EN

Anostomidae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los Anostomidae son una familia de peces del orden Characiformes. Son endémicos del sur de Centroamérica a Sudamérica. Tienen cuerpos elongados y pequeños, bocas de apertura de arriba. Nadan manteniendo un ángulo de 45 con la cabeza apuntando hacia abajo.

Esta familia tiene 14 géneros y al menos 150 especies. Están estrechamente emparentados con los Chilodontidae.


Actualmente hay 15 géneros reconocidos en esta familia:[1][2]


  1. a b Sidlauskas, Brian L. & Vari, Richard P. 2008: Phylogenetic relationships within the South American fish family Anostomidae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Characiformes). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society v. 154: 70-210
  2. FishBase (2004): Family Anostomidae - Headstanders


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wikipedia ES

Anostomidae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los Anostomidae son una familia de peces del orden Characiformes. Son endémicos del sur de Centroamérica a Sudamérica. Tienen cuerpos elongados y pequeños, bocas de apertura de arriba. Nadan manteniendo un ángulo de 45 con la cabeza apuntando hacia abajo.

Esta familia tiene 14 géneros y al menos 150 especies. Están estrechamente emparentados con los Chilodontidae.

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Anostomidae ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Anostomidae arrain karaziformeen familia da, Hego Amerikako ur gezetan bizi dena.[1]


FishBaseren arabera, familiak egun 155 espezie ditu, 14 generotan banaturik:[2]
Leinu basalak

Schizodon kladoa

Anostominae sensu stricto


  1. Nelson, Joseph S. Fishes of the World John Wiley & Sons ISBN 0-471-54713-1.
  2. www.fishbase.org

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Anostomidae: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Anostomidae arrain karaziformeen familia da, Hego Amerikako ur gezetan bizi dena.

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Seisojatetrat ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Seisojatetrat eli vanhemmalta nimeltään seisojakalat (Anostomidae) on tetrakaloihin kuuluva heimo. Heimon lajeja tavataan makeista vesistä Keski- ja Etelä-Amerikasta. Eräitä heimon lajeja pidetään akvaariokaloina.

Lajit ja anatomia

Seisojatetrojen heimoon kuuluu 12 sukua ja vähintään 137 lajia. Ruumiinrakenteeltaan heimon lajit ovat pitkänomaisia. Suu on pieni, ylä- ja alaleuassa on kummassakin kolme tai neljä hammasta. Selkä- ja peräevät ovat lyhyet ja pyrstöevä on haarautunut. Suomut ovat kookkaat. Monilla heimon kaloilla on rasvaevä. Kooltaan seisojatetralajit jäävät tyypillisesti noin 15 senttimetrin mittaisiksi, mutta suurimmat lajit voivat saavuttaa 40–80 senttimetrin pituuden. Väriltään ne ovat usein hopeanharmaita vaakaraidoin.[1][2][3][4]

Levinneisyys ja elintavat

Seisojatetralajeja tavataan makeista subtrooppisista ja trooppisista vesistä Keski-Amerikan eteläosista ja lähes koko Etelä-Amerikasta Andeja lukuun ottamatta. Ne elävät niin joissa, puroissa kuin järvissäkin. Heimon kalat ovat pääosin kasvinsyöjiä ja syövät leviä, vesikasveja, siemeniä ja kuollutta biologista ainesta. Ne voivat syödä myös vesihyönteisiä. Seisojatetrat uivat ja ruokailevat tyypillisesti pystyasennossa pää alaspäin.[1][2][3][4]


  1. a b c Nelson, Joseph S.: Fishes of the world, s. 153. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2006. ISBN 978-0-471-25031-9. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 08.06.2013). (englanniksi)
  2. a b Family Anostomidae (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). Viitattu 8.6.2013. (englanniksi)
  3. a b Tim M. Berra: Freshwater Fish Distribution, s. 121. University of Chicago Press, 2001. ISBN 9780080532011. Teoksen verkkoversio (viitattu 08.06.2013). (englanniksi)
  4. a b Roberto E. Reis, Sven O. Kullander, Carl J. Ferraris: Check list of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America, s. 71. EDIPUCRS, 2003. ISBN 8574303615. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 08.06.2013). (englanniksi)
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Seisojatetrat: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Seisojatetrat eli vanhemmalta nimeltään seisojakalat (Anostomidae) on tetrakaloihin kuuluva heimo. Heimon lajeja tavataan makeista vesistä Keski- ja Etelä-Amerikasta. Eräitä heimon lajeja pidetään akvaariokaloina.

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Anostomidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Anostomidae (Anostomidés) sont une famille de poissons de l'ordre des Characiformes. On les trouve essentiellement en Amérique du Sud.

Liste des sous-familles

Selon ITIS (10 juillet 2014)[1] :

Liste des genres

Selon Catalogue of Life (10 juillet 2014)[2] et FishBase (10 juillet 2014)[3] :

Selon World Register of Marine Species (10 juillet 2014)[4] :

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Anostomidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Anostomidae (Anostomidés) sont une famille de poissons de l'ordre des Characiformes. On les trouve essentiellement en Amérique du Sud.

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wikipedia FR

Američki haracini ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Američki haracini (lat. Anostomidae), porodica slatkovodnih južnoameričkih riba iz reda Characiformes.[1]

Obilježava ih to da imaju malena usta, maleni škržni otvor, a mnoge vrste plivaju u kosom položaju, glavom prema dolje. Hrane se bijnom hranom ili raspadnutom organskom tvari (detritofagi ili detritivore).

Naziv američki haracini primjenjuje se i na ribe porodice Characidae[2] koje pripadaju istom redu.


Izvori za rodove[3]


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wikipedia hr Croatian

Američki haracini: Brief Summary ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Američki haracini (lat. Anostomidae), porodica slatkovodnih južnoameričkih riba iz reda Characiformes.

Obilježava ih to da imaju malena usta, maleni škržni otvor, a mnoge vrste plivaju u kosom položaju, glavom prema dolje. Hrane se bijnom hranom ili raspadnutom organskom tvari (detritofagi ili detritivore).

Naziv američki haracini primjenjuje se i na ribe porodice Characidae koje pripadaju istom redu.

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wikipedia hr Croatian

Anostomidae ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Gli Anostomidae sono una famiglia di pesci ossei d'acqua dolce appartenenti all'ordine Characiformes endemica dell'America meridionale.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa famiglia è endemica delle regioni tropicali e subtropicali dell'America meridionale. Risultano quasi assenti solamente dalla parte del continente a ovest della Cordigliera delle Ande e dalla parte più meridionale di Cile e Argentina.


Questi pesci hanno un aspetto che va da molto affusolato ad alto. La maggior parte sono fusiformi e piuttosto slanciati. La bocca è piccola, in posizione superiore o terminale e le mascelle hanno uguale lunghezza. La pinna dorsale è breve ed è sempre seguita da una pinna adiposa. La pinna caudale è forcuta.

La colorazione è molto varia ma è in quasi tutte le specie caratterizzata da fasce, strisce, macchie scure su fondo più chiaro. In certe specie come Leporinus fasciatus la livrea può essere molto vivace.

Sono Characiformes tra i più grandi, alcune specie possono superare i 60 cm di lunghezza.


Molte specie hanno l'abitudine di nuotare in posizione obliqua, con la testa rivolta in basso.


Sono prevalentemente erbivori o detritivori.


Alcune specie hanno importanza locale per la pesca.


Gli Anostomus sono comuni ospiti degli acquari. I grossi Leporinus vengono ospitati solo negli acquari pubblici.


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Anostomidae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT
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wikipedia IT

Mažažiotinės ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Mažažiotinės (Anostomidae) – characidų (Characiformes) būrio žuvų šeima. Kūnas pailgas, burna nusmailėjusi ir nukreipta į apačią. Nemažai rūšių auginama akvariumuose. Dydis 8-40 cm.

Gyvena greitai tekančiuose vandenyse Pietų Amerikoje ir Centrinės Amerikos pietuose.

Šeimoje 14 genčių, apie 140 rūšių.




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wikipedia LT

Mažažiotinės: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Mažažiotinės (Anostomidae) – characidų (Characiformes) būrio žuvų šeima. Kūnas pailgas, burna nusmailėjusi ir nukreipta į apačią. Nemažai rūšių auginama akvariumuose. Dydis 8-40 cm.

Gyvena greitai tekančiuose vandenyse Pietų Amerikoje ir Centrinės Amerikos pietuose.

Šeimoje 14 genčių, apie 140 rūšių.

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wikipedia LT

Kopstaanders ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Kopstaanders (Anostomidae) zijn een familie van straalvinnige vissen uit de orde van Karperzalmachtigen (Characiformes).


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wikipedia NL

Kopstaanders: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Kopstaanders (Anostomidae) zijn een familie van straalvinnige vissen uit de orde van Karperzalmachtigen (Characiformes).

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wikipedia NL

Bunntittere ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Bunntittere er en gruppe karpelaksfisker. De lever i ferskvann i Amerika. De fleste artene har avlange kropper og små munner. Bunntittere kan til tider stille seg i 45 til 90 graders vinkel. Gruppen er nært beslektet med Chilodontidae.

Eksterne lenker

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wikipedia NO

Bunntittere: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Bunntittere er en gruppe karpelaksfisker. De lever i ferskvann i Amerika. De fleste artene har avlange kropper og små munner. Bunntittere kan til tider stille seg i 45 til 90 graders vinkel. Gruppen er nært beslektet med Chilodontidae.

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wikipedia NO

Ukośnikowate (ryby) ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Ukośnikowate[2] (Anostomidae) – rodzina słodkowodnych ryb kąsaczokształtnych (Characiformes), uznawana za takson siostrzany dla Chilodontidae. Wiele gatunków jest znanych w akwarystyce.


Południowa część Ameryki Środkowej i Ameryka Południowa[3].

Cechy charakterystyczne

Ciało torpedowate, często wydłużone, nieznacznie bocznie spłaszczone. Mała głowa z otworem gębowym w położeniu końcowym lub górnym, u niektórych nieznacznie przesuniętym w dół, z mięsistymi wargami. U większości gatunków występują zęby. Mają płetwę tłuszczową. Wiele ukośnikowatych (Anostomus, Abramites), podobnie jak przedstawiciele Chilodontidae, utrzymuje charakterystyczną, ukośną pozycję ciała, z głową skierowaną w dół. Taka pozycja ułatwia im pobieranie pokarmu z kamieni, korzeni lub sterczących ku górze pędów roślin[2]. Pozostałe gatunki żerują przy dnie zbiornika.

Ukośnikowate osiągają długość od około 7 cm (Leporinus octomaculatus) do około 70 cm (Leporinus obtusidens). Większość jest roślinożerna lub detrytusożerna[3].


Rodzaje zaliczane do tej rodziny[4]:


Typem nomenklatorycznym jest Anostomus.

Zobacz też


  1. Anostomidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b Wally Kahl, Burkard Kahl, Dieter Vogt: Atlas ryb akwariowych. Przekład: Henryk Garbarczyk i Eligiusz Nowakowski. Warszawa: Delta W-Z, 2000. ISBN 83-7175-260-1.
  3. a b Joseph S. Nelson: Fishes of the World. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN 0-471-25031-7.
  4. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (7 June 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 26 lipca 2012].
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wikipedia POL

Ukośnikowate (ryby): Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Ukośnikowate (Anostomidae) – rodzina słodkowodnych ryb kąsaczokształtnych (Characiformes), uznawana za takson siostrzany dla Chilodontidae. Wiele gatunków jest znanych w akwarystyce.

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wikipedia POL

Anostomidae ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Anostomídeos (Anostomidae)[1] é uma família de peixes actinopterígeos pertencentes à ordem Characiformes.


Os gêneros:[2]

Anostominae sensu stricto

Algumas espécies são conhecidas como piabas.

Ver também


  1. «Anostomídeo». Michaelis. Consultado em 24 de abril de 2022
  2. Sidlauskas, Brian L. & Vari, Richard P. (2008): Phylogenetic relationships within the South American fish family Anostomidae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Characiformes). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 154(1): 70–210. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00407.x (HTML abstract)
  3. Ramirez, J.L., Birindelli, J.L.O. & Galetti, P.M.Jr. (2017): A new genus of Anostomidae (Ostariophysi: Characiformes): Diversity, phylogeny and biogeography based on cytogenetic, molecular and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107: 308–323.

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wikipedia PT

Anostomidae: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Anostomídeos (Anostomidae) é uma família de peixes actinopterígeos pertencentes à ordem Characiformes.

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wikipedia PT

Anostomidae ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Anostomidae[1] är en familj av fiskar som ingår i ordningen laxkarpar (Characiformes).[1] Enligt Catalogue of Life omfattar familjen Anostomidae 150 arter[1].

Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life[1]:

Characiformes Anostomidae


































  1. ^ [a b c d] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (27 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/anostomidae/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.

Externa länkar

Dace (PSF).png Denna artikel om strålfeniga fiskar saknar väsentlig information. Du kan hjälpa till genom att tillföra sådan.
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Anostomidae: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

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上口脂鯉科 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
  • 見內文


















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上口脂鯉科: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

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아노스토무스과 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

아노스토무스과(Anostomidae)는 카라신목에 속하는 조기어류 과의 하나이다.[2] 킬로돈과와 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 이전에는 킬로돈과로 분류되었다. 140종 이상을 포함하고 있다. 흔히 아노스토무스류()로 알려져 있으며, 남아메리카 북단 아트라토 강에서부터 아르헨티나 중부의 따뜻한 온대 지역의 민물 서식지에서 발견된다. 아마존 우림의 토착종으로 일부는 안데스 서쪽 지역(주로 콜롬비아베네수엘라)에서도 발견된다.

학명은 고대 그리스어 "위"(up)를 의미하는 "아노"(áno-, ἄνω)와 "입"(mouth)을 의미하는 "스토마"(stóma, στόμᾶ)의 합성어에서 유래했다.[3]

하위 속

아노스토무스과는 아래와 같이 구성되어 있다.[1]

  • 기초 분류군
    • Abramites - 2종
    • Anostomoides - 3종
    • Hypomasticus - 7종
    • Leporellus - 4종
    • Leporinus - 87종, 다계통군
  • 스키조돈 (Schizodon) 분류군
    • Rhytiodus - 4종
    • Schizodon - 16종
  • 엄밀한 의미의 아노스토무스아과 (Anostominae)
    • Anostomus - 5종
    • Gnathodolus - 유일종
    • Laemolyta - 9종
    • Petulanos - 3종
    • Pseudanos - 4종, 다계통군?
    • Sartor - 3종
    • Synaptolaemus - 2종

계통 분류

다음은 올리베이라(Oliveira) 등의 연구에 기초한 카라신목의 계통 분류이다.[4]

카라신목 카라신아목                





브리콘과 (Bryconinae, Salmininae)











































  • Filleul, Arnaud & Maisey, John G. (2004): Redescription of Santanichthys diasii (Otophysi, Characiformes) from the Albian of the Santana Formation and comments on its implications for otophysan relationships. American Museum Novitates 3455: 1-21. PDF fulltext
  • FishBase (2004): Family Anostomidae - Headstanders. Version of 2004-NOV-22. Retrieved 2009-FEB-26.
  • Sidlauskas, Brian L. & Vari, Richard P. (2008): Phylogenetic relationships within the South American fish family Anostomidae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Characiformes). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 154(1): 70–210. doi 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00407.x (HTML abstract)
  • Weitzman, S.H. & Vari, Richard P. (1998): [Anostomidae]. In: Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Fishes: 104. Academic Press, San Diego. ISBN 0-12-547665-5
  1. Sidlauskas & Vari (2008)
  2. (영어) "Anostomidae". FishBase. Ed. Rainer Froese and Daniel Pauly. 2014년 12월 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2014년.
  3. FishBase (2004), Sidlauskas & Vari (2008)
  4. Claudio Oliveira et al.: Phylogenetic relationships within the speciose family Characidae (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: Characiformes) based on multilocus analysis and extensive ingroup sampling. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:275 doi 10.1186/1471-2148-11-275
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아노스토무스과: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

아노스토무스과(Anostomidae)는 카라신목에 속하는 조기어류 과의 하나이다. 킬로돈과와 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 이전에는 킬로돈과로 분류되었다. 140종 이상을 포함하고 있다. 흔히 아노스토무스류()로 알려져 있으며, 남아메리카 북단 아트라토 강에서부터 아르헨티나 중부의 따뜻한 온대 지역의 민물 서식지에서 발견된다. 아마존 우림의 토착종으로 일부는 안데스 서쪽 지역(주로 콜롬비아베네수엘라)에서도 발견된다.

학명은 고대 그리스어 "위"(up)를 의미하는 "아노"(áno-, ἄνω)와 "입"(mouth)을 의미하는 "스토마"(stóma, στόμᾶ)의 합성어에서 유래했다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자