Dissection of pressed head showing receptacle (center), 3 staminate florets attached above with staminate paleae curled over their tips, and pistillate paleae on sides of receptacle. Basis of illustration in Novon 14(4): 465, fig. 1F.
Pistillate (3 left) and staminate (2 right) paleae in abaxial and adaxial views. Basis of illustration in Novon 14(4): 465, fig. 1G, 1J, 1P.
Plant mounted on herbarium sheet (largest plant on all specimens examined).
Unmounted plant segregated from the OBI holotype and now deposited as an isotype at MO.
Mounted plant on holotype sheet at OBI.
Mounted plant on holotype sheet at OBI.
plant in flower and fruit
plants in habitat
plant in bud
close-up of fruiting head
close-up of mature cypselae dissected from a specimen at RSA