Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 2004-02-06 Location: Nyangombe Falls, Nyanga NP Habitat: Wet area along path close to the falls
Skals Å ved Sønder Onsild nær Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 2006-01-31 Location: Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani Habitat: At edge of pool below falls
Skals Å ved Sønder Onsild nær Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 2006-01-31 Location: Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani Habitat: At edge of pool below falls
Skals Å ved Sønder Onsild nær Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 2006-01-31 Location: Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani Habitat: At edge of pool below falls
Gettrup Bæk ved Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 2006-01-31 Location: Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani Habitat: At edge of pool below falls
Gettrup Bæk ved Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 2006-01-31 Location: Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani Habitat: At edge of pool below falls
Gettrup Bæk ved Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 2006-01-31 Location: Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani Habitat: At edge of pool below falls
Uggerby Strand, Nordjylland, Danmark
Species: Sium repandum Welw. ex Hiern Date: 1974-01-11 Location: Bridal Veil Falls, Melsetter district Habitat: Sur rochers dans le courant de la rivière, en galerie forestière en aval des chutes.
Uggerby Strand, Nordjylland, Danmark
Nørholm Enge V.f. Ålborg, Danmark
Nørholm Enge V.f. Ålborg, Danmark