Nipponocypris is a genus of cyprinid fish containing three extant species, one endemic to Japan, one to South Korea while the third occurs in Japan, Korea and China. A fourth, extinct species is known from Middle Pleistocene-aged freshwater strata from the Kusu Basin in Japan.[1]
Nipponocypris is a genus of cyprinid fish containing three extant species, one endemic to Japan, one to South Korea while the third occurs in Japan, Korea and China. A fourth, extinct species is known from Middle Pleistocene-aged freshwater strata from the Kusu Basin in Japan.
Nipponocypris is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van karpers (Cyprinidae).
Nipponocypris is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van karpers (Cyprinidae).
갈겨니속(Nipponocypris)은 잉어과에 속하는 물고기 속의 일종으로 대한민국과 일본, 중국에서 발견된다.[1] 현재 3종이 기술되어 있고, 플라이스토세 중기 일본 구스 분지의 민물 지층에서 나온 멸종 종이 알려져 있다.[2]