Ficus platypoda, commonly known as the desert fig or rock fig, is a fig that is endemic to central and northern Australia. It is a lithophytic plant that grows on rocky outcrops, reaching 10 m in height.
Dutch botanist Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel described the desert fig in 1847 as Urostigma platypodum,[2] from material collected on both the east and west coast of Australia. The material collected by Allan Cunningham from York Sound in Western Australia became the type material. E.J.H. Corner synonymised F. platypoda with Ficus leucotricha, which was described by Miquel in 1861, however as the former name is older, it has become the accepted name instead.[3]
The various populations and subspecies of Ficus platypoda were examined genetically in 2001 and found to contain a number of distinct species. Hence Ficus brachypoda, Ficus atricha and Ficus cerasicarpa were described as separate species.[3]
With over 750 species, Ficus is one of the largest angiosperm genera.[4] Based on morphology, English botanist E. J. H. Corner divided the genus into four subgenera,[5] which was later expanded to six.[6] In this classification, Ficus platypoda was placed in subseries Malvanthereae, series Malvanthereae, section Malvanthera of the subgenus Urostigma.[7] In his reclassification of the Australian Malvanthera, Australian botanist Dale J. Dixon altered the delimitations of the series within the section, but left this species in the series Malvanthereae.[5]
In a study published in 2008, Nina Rønsted and colleagues analysed the DNA sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal and external transcribed spacers (ITS and ETS), and the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3pdh) region, in the first molecular analysis of the section Malvanthera. They found F. platypoda to be most closely related to the ancestor of two other arid Northern Territory species (F. subpuberula and F. lilliputiana) and classified it in a new series Obliquae in the subsection Platypodeae. The three species diverged from the ancestor of the transitional rainforest species F. obliqua and radiated into drier regions.[7]
Ficus platypoda grows as a lithophytic shrub or tree to 10 m high. The branchlets are covered in fine hairs. The leaves are alternately arranged along the stems and are elliptical to oval in shape, measuring 5.3 to 16.7 cm long by 3.1 to 13.3 cm wide. The undersurface is furry. The oval to round figs pale can be various shades of yellow, orange, pink, red or purple and 0.9–2.8 cm long by 1–2.8 cm across.[3]
Within Australia, it is found across the Top End, from the Gulf Country around the Gulf of Carpentaria across the Northern Territory and into northern Western Australia.[2] It generally found on sandstone outcrops, but has occasionally been found on limestone outcrops.[3]
The wasp species Pleistodontes cuneatus pollinates the rock fig.[3]
The fruit can be eaten when soft and ripe.[8] Horticulturally, it is suitable for use in bonsai; its tendency to form a wide trunk base and small leaves being attractive features.[9] Specimens have been exhibited in at the 5th Annual Exhibition of Australian Native Plants as Bonsai in Canberra in November 2007.[10]
Ficus platypoda, commonly known as the desert fig or rock fig, is a fig that is endemic to central and northern Australia. It is a lithophytic plant that grows on rocky outcrops, reaching 10 m in height.
Ficus platypoda, comúnmente conocido como el higo del desierto o higo de roca, es una especie de Ficus perteneciente a la familia de las moráceas.
Es un ficus que es endémico del centro y norte de Australia, e Indonesia.
El fruto puede ser comido blando y maduro.[1] En la horticultura, es muy conveniente para usarse en bonsái; su tendencia a formar una base ancha en el tronco y las pequeñas hojas son características muy atractivas.[2] Es polinizado por avispas de los higos de los géneros Pegoscapus o Pleistodontes.
Ficus platypoda fue descrita por (Miq.) A. Cunn. ex Miq. y publicado en London J. Bot. 6: 561, in syn. 1847[3]
Ficus: nombre genérico que se deriva del nombre dado en latín al higo.[4]
Ficus platypoda, comúnmente conocido como el higo del desierto o higo de roca, es una especie de Ficus perteneciente a la familia de las moráceas.
Vista de la plantaFicus platypoda, cunoscută ca ficatul deșertului sau smochină de rocă, este un ficus endemic din centrul și nordul Australiei și Indonezia. Fructul poate fi mâncat . În horticultură se pote folosi ca bonsai; tendința de a forma o bază lată a trunchiului și frunze mici sunt caracteristici foarte apreciate.
Ficus platypoda, cunoscută ca ficatul deșertului sau smochină de rocă, este un ficus endemic din centrul și nordul Australiei și Indonezia. Fructul poate fi mâncat . În horticultură se pote folosi ca bonsai; tendința de a forma o bază lată a trunchiului și frunze mici sunt caracteristici foarte apreciate.
Ficus platypoda là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae. Loài này được (Miq.) A.Cunn. ex Miq. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1847.[1]
Ficus platypoda là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae. Loài này được (Miq.) A.Cunn. ex Miq. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1847.