Spirotrichonympha (spire-o-trick-o-nympha-a) is a trichonymphid flagellate from the intestines of the termite Reticulotermes. These are hypermastigids in which the flagella insert in spiral arrays. Nucleus lies some distance behind the anterior end of the cell, but more or less determines the boundary between the front and the back of the cell. The back of the cell is capable of ingesting particles of wood. Phase contrast.
Spirotrichonympha (spire-o-trick-o-nympha-a) is a trichonymphid flagellate from the intestines of the termite Reticulotermes. These are hypermastigids in which the flagella insert in spiral arrays. Nucleus lies some distance behind the anterior end of the cell, but more or less determines the boundary between the front and the back of the cell. The back of the cell is capable of ingesting particles of wood. Phase contrast.
Large (80-180 µm) spirotrichonymphids with an anterior pole generally spiralled and bare, from which originate the helical flagellar rows that generally do not reach the posterior end. No rostrum or columella. Spot-shaped dictyosomes situated between the flagellar rows. Compound axostylar trunk that does not protrude at the posterior end. Occuring in termites, many species in Heterotermes, Coptotermes, Schedorhinotermes such as Holomastigotoides hemigymnum from Coptotermes sjoestedti. Whole cell with spiralled flagellar rows, posterior part free of flagella, anterior nucleus (protargol staining).
Large (80-180 µm) spirotrichonymphids with an anterior pole generally spiralled and bare, from which originate the helical flagellar rows that generally do not reach the posterior end. No rostrum or columella. Spot-shaped dictyosomes situated between the flagellar rows. Compound axostylar trunk that does not protrude at the posterior end. Occuring in termites, many species in Heterotermes, Coptotermes, Schedorhinotermes such as Holomastigotoides hemigymnum from Coptotermes sjoestedti. Anterior view showing the origin of the flagellar rows (silver staining).
Holomastigotes (whole-o-ma-stig-owe-teas) one of the spirotrichonymphid parabasalian flagellates, in which the flagella are located in curving rows. Like other trichonymphids, restricted to termites, this cell from Reticulotermes. Detail of anterior. Phase contrast.
Holomastigotes (whole-o-ma-stig-owe-teas) one of the spirotrichonymphid parabasalian flagellates, in which the flagella are located in curving rows. Like other trichonymphids, restricted to termites, this cell from Reticulotermes. Phase contrast.
Foaina (foe-een-a) is one of the trichomonad flagellates - mostly endobiotic with four flagella arising from a point near the front of the cell. Three flagella project to the side or forwards, and one is directed to the rear. Usually with several cytoskeletal structures, an axial axostyle made of microtubules which encloses the nucleus anteriorly, as well as a costa which often lies under one of the flagella. The axostyle projects from the posterior end of the cell. From Cryptotermes. Phase contrast.
Foaina (foe-een-a) is one of the trichomonad flagellates - mostly endobiotic with four flagella arising from a point near the front of the cell. Three flagella project to the side or forwards - sometimes sticking together, and one is directed to the rear. Usually with several cytoskeletal structures, an axial axostyle made of microtubules which encloses the nucleus anteriorly, as well as a costa which often lies under one of the flagella. The axostyle projects from the posterior end of the cell and is adapted to form a holdfast which attaches the cell to a piece of debris. From the termite Cryptotermes. Phase contrast.
Foaina (foe-een-a) is one of the trichomonad flagellates - mostly endobiotic with four flagella arising from a point near the front of the cell. Three flagella project to the side or forwards, and one is directed to the rear (lower left). Usually with several cytoskeletal structures, an axial axostyle made of microtubules which encloses the nucleus anteriorly, as well as a costa which often lies under one of the flagella. The axostyle projects from the posterior end of the cell and is adapted to form a holdfast which attaches the cell to a piece of debris. From the termite Cryptotermes. Phase contrast.
Foaina (foe-een-a) is one of the trichomonad flagellates - mostly endobiotic with four flagella arising from a point near the front of the cell. Three anterior free flagella and one recurrent one adhering to the cell body only on its proximal part. Usually with several cytoskeletal structures, an axial axostyle made of microtubules which encloses the nucleus anteriorly, as well as a costa which often lies under one of the flagella. The axostyle projects from the posterior end of the cell and may be adapted to form a holdfast which attaches the cell to a piece of debris. Parabasal body (dictyosomes) rod-, disc- or V-shaped. Consumes particles of wood. his image shows the three anterior flagella clearly. From the termite Cryptotermes. Phase contrast.
Foaina (foe-een-a) is one of the trichomonad flagellates - mostly endobiotic with four flagella arising from a point near the front of the cell. Three anterior free flagella and one recurrent one adhering to the cell body only on its proximal part. Usually with several cytoskeletal structures, an axial axostyle which usually projects from the posterior end of the cell and may be adapted to form a holdfast. Group of cells from the termite Cryptotermes. Phase contrast.
Foaina (foe-een-a) is one of the trichomonad flagellates - mostly endobiotic with four flagella arising from a point near the front of the cell. Three anterior free flagella and a recurrent one adhering to the cell body only on its proximal part. Three flagella are tightly grouped together, separating only at their distal ends. Usually with several cytoskeletal structures, an axial axostyle made of microtubules which encloses the nucleus anteriorly, as well as a costa which often lies under one of the flagella. The axostyle projects from the posterior end of the cell and may be adapted to form a holdfast which attaches the cell to a piece of debris. Parabasal body (dictyosomes) rod-, disc- or V-shaped. Electron microscopy has shown the trichomonad characters and particularly the presence of an infrakinetosomal body similar to that of Tritrichomonas. About 20 species living in the intestinal tract of vertebrates. other species live in the gut of invertebrates, especially arthropods such as termites and roaches, coleoptera, tipulid larvae and myriapods. Nucleus evident near front of cell, axostyle extending along the axis of the cell and out of the posterior end. From the termite Cryptotermes. Differential interference contrast.
Foaina (foe-een-a) is one of the trichomonad flagellates - mostly endobiotic with four flagella arising from a point near the front of the cell. Three anterior free flagella and one recurrent one adhering to the cell body only on its proximal part. Usually with several cytoskeletal structures, an axial axostyle made of microtubules which encloses the nucleus anteriorly, as well as a costa which often lies under one of the flagella. The axostyle projects from the posterior end of the cell and may be adapted to form a holdfast which attaches the cell to a piece of debris. Parabasal body (dictyosomes) rod-, disc- or V-shaped. Consumes particles of wood. From the termite Kalotermes. Phase contrast.