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Hypotrachyna pluriformis (Nyl.) Hale

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Hypotrachyna pluriformis

Parmelia pluriformis Nylander, 1860:381. [Type collection: Brazil, Weddell (H, lectotype; P, isolectotype).]

Parmelia pluriformis var. chlorocarpa Müller Argau, 1881:85. [Type collection: Apiahy, Brazil, Puiggari 125e (G, lectotype).]

Parmelia pluriformis var. multifida Müller Argau, 1881:85. [Type collection: Apiahy, Brazil, Puiggari 1283 (G, lectotype).]

Parmelia everniaeformis Zahlbruckner, 1902:416. [Type collection: Petrópolis, Brazil, Höhnel 163 (W, lectotype).]

Parmelia subpluriformis Zahlbruckner, 1909:172. [Type collection: Mt. Jaraguá, São Paulo, Brazil, Schiffner (W, lectotype).]

Thallus adnate or loosely attached to bark, greenish mineral gray, 5–8 cm broad; lobes sub-linear to subirregular, imbricate, sometimes becoming canaliculate, 1–5 mm wide; upper surface plane to convex, continuous, lacking soredia and isidia; lower surface black in the center but with a broad brown zone along the margins, moderately rhizinate. Apothecia common, substipitate, 2–10 mm in diameter, the amphithecium rugulose, the disc often radially split; spores 8μ–11μ × 14μ–25μ,

CHEMISTRY.—Cortex K+ yellow, medulla K−, C+ red, P− (atranorin and gyrophoric acid).

DISTRIBUTION.—Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina.

HABITAT.—On trees in open forest at 1000–2300 m elevation.
citação bibliográfica
Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1975. "A Revision of the Lichen Genus Hypotrachyna (Parmeliaceae) in Tropical America." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-73. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.25