
Tessaratomidae ( Alemão )

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Nymphe von Pycanum rubens
Verzehrfertige Encosternum delegorguei beim Sortieren

Die Tessaratomidae sind eine Familie der Wanzen (Heteroptera) innerhalb der Teilordnung Pentatomomorpha. Von ihnen sind ca. 240 Arten[1] in 57 Gattungen bekannt.[2]


Die großen bis sehr großen Wanzen werden nicht selten über 15 Millimeter lang. Ihr kräftig gebauter Körper ist eiförmig bis langgestreckt eiförmig und hat Ähnlichkeit mit dem der Baumwanzen (Pentatomidae).[3]

Ihr Kopf ist klein, dreieckig und zur Spitze hin deutlich schmaler als an der Basis. Er ist seitlich gekielt. Die Mandibeln treffen sich mittig vor der Stirnplatte (Clypeus). Die Fühler sind in der Regel viergliedrig, es gibt jedoch auch fünfgliedrige Arten, bei denen das dritte Glied sehr kurz ist. Das Labium ist kurz und überragt die Hüften (Coxen) der Vorderbeine nicht. Das Pronotum reicht über die Basis des Schildchens (Scutellum) hinaus. Letzteres ist dreieckig und verdeckt das Corium der Hemielytren nicht. Auf den Hinterflügeln ist ein Hamus (eine hakenförmige von der Media abgeleitete Querader in der Diskalzelle) vorhanden. Die Flügeladern der Membrane sind nicht netzartig. Das Mesosternum ist zur Seite hin zwischen den Hüften und nach vorne auf das Mesosternum vorgezogen. Meist ist es zu einem nach vorne gerichteten Keil vorgezogen, der fast die Vorderhüften erreicht und dessen Hinterrand an der Verbindung zum Hinterleib abgestutzt ist. Der äußere Teil des Ableitungsorgans der Duftdrüsen des Metathorax ist zurückgebildet. Die Tarsen sind zwei- oder dreigliedrig. Man kann sechs Paar Stigmen am Hinterleib erkennen, das am Sternum des zweiten Hinterleibssegments liegt bei den meisten Arten vollständig frei. Der Aedeagus hat bis zu vier Paar Fortsätze am Conjunctivum. Die Nymphen haben an den Terga des dritten bis sechsten Hinterleibssegment dorsal Duftdrüsenöffnungen. Die zwischen dem dritten und vierten Tergums sind manchmal klein und zwischen dem sechsten und siebten Tergum befindet sich eine kleine Einkerbung.[1][3]

Die große Körpergröße, das vorstehende und vergrößerte, keilförmige Metasternum, das freie Stigma am zweiten Hinterleibssegment und vermutlich auch die auffällig gefärbten Nymphen charakterisieren die Familie.[3]


Die Familie ist vor allem in den Tropen der Alten Welt verbreitet. Die weit verbreitete Gattung Piezosternum ist jedoch auch mit drei Arten in der Neotropis vertreten.[3] In Europa ist die Familie nicht vertreten.[4]


Sämtliche bisher bekannten Arten sind phytophag.[3] Zu den bevorzugten Wirtspflanzen zählen vor allem Rosenartige (Rosales) und Seifenbaumartige (Sapindales), aber auf viele anderer Pflanzengruppen.[1]

Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung

Unter den Tessaratomidae finden sich auch eine Reihe von Arten mit wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung für die Landwirtschaft. So ist z. B. Musgraveia sulciventris ein Schädling in australischen Zitrusplantagen.[1] Ein weiteres Beispiel ist Tessaratoma papillosa, die ein ernstzunehmender Schädling an Litschibaum (Litchi chinensis) und Longan (Dimocarpus longan) in China ist.[5]

Eine ganze Reihe von Arten wird zum menschlichen Verzehr gesammelt, z. B. Encosternum delegorguei in Simbabwe und Südafrika,[6] Arten der Gattung Pygoplatys und Tessaratoma papillosa und Tessaratoma javanica in Thailand,[7] sowie Tessaratoma quadrata in Laos.[8]

Taxonomie und Systematik

Das Taxon wurde von Carl Stål 1864 erstbeschrieben. Leston betrachtete die Gruppe als Unterfamilie der Baumwanzen, stimmte jedoch später wie auch weitere Autoren dem Familienstatus zu, den die Gruppe bis heute innehat.[3]

Folgende Unterfamilien, Tribus und Gattungen werden der Familie zugerechnet:[2]

Unterfamilie Natalicolinae

Unterfamilie Oncomerinae

Unterfamilie Tessaratominae

incertae sedis

Arten (Auswahl)



  1. a b c d Family Tessaratomidae. (Nicht mehr online verfügbar.) Australian Biological Resources Study. Australian Faunal Directory, archiviert vom Original am 7. April 2014; abgerufen am 27. Dezember 2013.  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.environment.gov.au
  2. a b Illustrated catalog of TESSARATOMIDAE. Philippe Magnien, abgerufen am 27. Dezember 2013.
  3. a b c d e f R.T. Schuh, J. A. Slater: True Bugs of the World (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Classification and Natural History. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1995, S. 241ff.
  4. Tessaratomidae. Fauna Europaea. Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2017.
  5. DongXiang Zhao, J. Gao, Y. Wang, J. Jiang, R. Li: Morphology and Volatile Compounds of Metathoracic Scent Gland in Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury) (Hemiptera: Tessaratomidae). Neotropical Entomology, August 2012, Volume 41, Issue 4, S. 278–282.
  6. C. M. Dzerefos, E. T. F. Witkowski, & R. Toms: Life-history traits of the edible stinkbug, Encosternum delegorguei (Hem., Tessaratomidae), a traditional food in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Entomology 2009, 133, S. 739–759.
  7. Yupa Hanboonsong: Edible insects and associated food habits in Thailand. in Forest insects as food: humans bite back Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2010 (online: PDF).
  8. Somkhit Boulidam: Edible insects in a Lao market economy. in Forest insects as food: humans bite back Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2010 (online: PDF).


  • R.T. Schuh, J. A. Slater: True Bugs of the World (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Classification and Natural History. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1995.


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Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE
 src= Nymphe von Pycanum rubens  src= Verzehrfertige Encosternum delegorguei beim Sortieren

Die Tessaratomidae sind eine Familie der Wanzen (Heteroptera) innerhalb der Teilordnung Pentatomomorpha. Von ihnen sind ca. 240 Arten in 57 Gattungen bekannt.

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Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Tessaratomidae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Tessaratomidae is a family of true bugs. It contains about 240 species of large bugs divided into 3 subfamilies and 56 genera.

Tessaratomids resemble large stink bugs (family Pentatomidae) and are sometimes quite colorful. Most tessaratomids are Old World, with only three species known from the Neotropics. Some members of Tessaratomidae exhibit maternal care of eggs and offspring. The defensive chemicals of certain species can cause significant damage if they come into contact with human skin; they may also cause temporary blindness.

All species are exclusively plant-eaters, some of major economic importance as agricultural pests. A few species are also consumed as human food in some countries.


Larger species of Tessaratomidae are known informally as giant shield bugs, giant stink bugs, or inflated stink bugs,[1] but they generally do not have a collective common name and are referred to mostly as tessaratomids.

Tessaratomids are ovate to elongate-ovate bugs. They range in size from the smallest members of the tribe Sepinini at 6 to 7 mm (0.24 to 0.28 in),[2] to the large Amissus atlas of tribe Tessaratomini at 43 to 45 mm (1.7 to 1.8 in).[3] They are generally quite large and usually exceed 15 mm (0.59 in) in length.[4]

The head of tessaratomids is generally small and triangular, with the antennae having 4 to 5 segments (though some of them, for example Siphnus, have relatively large heads). The scutellum (Latin for 'little shield', the hard extension of the thorax covering the abdomen in hemipterans) is triangular and does not cover the leathery middle section of the forewing but is often partially covered by the prothorax. The tarsi (the final segments of the legs) have 2 to 3 segments.[5] They are most reliably distinguished from pentatomids by having six exposed abdominal spiracles instead of five.

Like all hemipterans, instead of mandibles for chewing, tesseratomids possess a piercing-sucking mouthpart for feeding (known as the rostrum). In tesseratomids, the rostrum has 4 segments.[6]

Tessaratomids are oftentimes vividly colored.[7]


All tessaratomids are phytophagous. They generally feed upon plants belonging to the plant orders Rosales and Sapindales, and spend most of their lives in tree leaves and stems.[6][8] They exhibit incomplete metamorphosis and have lifespans that can be several years.

Some tessaratomids guard their eggs and nymphs from predators which may include parasitoid wasps and assassin bugs.

Life cycle

Two bronze orange bugs (Musgraveia sulciventris) mating.

The eggs of tessaratomids are barrel-shaped or globular. The eggs exhibit a ring of small protuberances, known as micropylar process, which permit entry of sperm for fertilization into the eggs (through micropylar canals). They also provide openings for air for the developing embryos.

The eggs are laid in compact clusters glued to the leaves of a variety of plants.[9] The laying arrangement can follow a pattern. For example, in Pygoplatys tenangau, the egg clusters are distinctively hexagonal;[10] while in Piezosternum subulatum, they are arranged in two neat rows.[11] The eggs are usually initially white, cream, or yellow in color but can change as the embryos inside mature.[10][11][12]

Nymphs emerge from the eggs through peristaltic movements and with the help of an internal nearly H-shaped structure in the egg known as the 'egg burster'.[9]

As in other hemipterans, tessaratomids are hemimetabolic, undergoing incomplete metamorphosis. This means that they do not possess larval and pupal stages. Instead, juvenile tessaratomids (called nymphs), hatch directly from the eggs. The nymphs resemble fully grown adults except for size and the absence of wings.

Nymphs usually undergo four to five successive stages of moltings (ecdysis), increasing in size and becoming more adult-like with each stage until the final molting. The stages are individually known as instars, with the earliest stage (just after hatching) being known as the first nymphal instar.[13] Nymphs may also differ significantly from adults in colors and patterns exhibited. In some species, nymphs often exhibit strikingly vibrant colors in contrast to the relative drabness of adults. The colors can also vary between instars.[13]

Mating between adults can last for several hours, with the male and female attached end-to-end.[10]

Life cycle of the bronze orange bug (Musgraveia sulciventris)
A cluster of 13 small spherical eggs glued together on a twig. Visible through each are the pair of eyes of the developing embryos, except for an unfertilized egg.
Small flattened ovoid bug wandering on a twig. Empty eggs lie below them with holes at the tops.
An oval dorsoventrally flattened nymph of the bronze orange bug on a citrus leaf.
A bronze orange bug clinging to the underside of an orange leaf. The shape of its body is distinctly shield-like.
Left: A cluster of bronze orange bug eggs. You can make out the embryos through the clear egg membranes, as well as the small ring of micropylar processes on each egg. The second egg from the bottom right is unfertilized and remains a murky green; Center left: Nymphs emerging from the eggs. Early instars of bronze orange bugs are bright green in color; Center right: A fourth or fifth instar nymph resting on a citrus leaf. It is now brilliantly orange in color with black margins and a small black dot at the center of its body; Right: An adult bronze orange bug on the underside of a citrus leaf. The adults are much drabber in color than the nymphs. Below it is also a green third instar nymph

Maternal care

A distinctly rectangular and dorsoventrally flattened nymph crawling on some mossy twigs.
The brilliantly colored and strangely shaped nymphs of Pycanum rubens bear little resemblance to the adults.

Maternal care is a well-documented presocial behavior among tessaratomids. Egg guarding by adult females was first observed in 1991 by S. Tachikawa among Japanese species of the genera Pygoplatys (subfamily Tessaratominae) and Erga (subfamily Oncomerinae).[14][15]

In 1998, Gogala et al. described tessaratomines of the genus Pygoplatys from Thailand and Malaysia showing egg guarding behavior. In addition, they were also observed to exhibit another remarkable maternal behavior. A dense cluster of small nymphs were photographed being carried around by adult females. The nymphs were firmly clutching unto the bottom side of the abdomens of the adults and to each other, forming a compact mass. The females seemed unimpeded by their burden and were able to walk around normally and even fly. The nymphs, however, were not observed feeding.[16] This behavior is known as "nymphal phoresy" (used adjectivally as "phoretic").[10][12][17]

In the Indonesian species Pygoplatys tenangau, females will cover the clutch of 70 to 120 eggs with their bodies after laying them, literally "standing guard" over them.[18] When approached, they will spray defensive liquid at perceived attackers and may buzz their wings. They will not willingly abandon the eggs they are guarding, however, and if picked up will try to hold unto the leaf where their eggs are attached. It usually takes slightly more than two weeks for the eggs to hatch. The hatching process will take up 3 to 4 days, during which the newly hatched nymphs will immediately clamber onto their mother's abdomen. They were observed to remain phoretic for at least 17 days (Magnien et al., 2008).[10]

In the subfamily Oncomerinae, a predominantly Australian group of large colorful bugs, brooding behavior varies from species which do not practice it at all (exhibited by Musgraveia sulciventris) to adult females carrying first and second instar nymphs on their abdomens.[19]

Adult female oncomerines of the genus Lyramorpha will guard nymphs at least to the second instar.[19]

Oncomerines of the genera Cumare, Garceus, and Peltocopta exhibit the most advanced form of maternal care. Like the previously described Southeast Asian Pygoplatys individuals, the females actually carry young nymphs around on their abdomens. As the nymphs grow older, they eventually separate from their mothers, lose their bright colors, and become more solitary prior to molting into adults.[19] Species which exhibit this behavior often have significantly flattened and expanded abdomens.[4]

Of the Australian oncomerines, the bronze orange bug (Musgraveia sulciventris) is the only species unequivocally documented to lack maternal brooding behavior. This peculiarity might be connected to the unreliability of the food plant availability for the species (Monteith, 2011). Unlike other oncomerines who can only lay one egg clutch for the certain amount of time it takes to care for them, M. sulciventris can produce multiple egg clutches rapidly because females don't have to care for them.[15] This allows M. sulciventris to rapidly expand their population when conditions are favorable.[19]


Tesseratomids, like most heteropterans use chemical defenses (allomones),[20] the source of the common name for pentatomoids - 'stink bugs'.[13] When threatened, tessaratomids may squirt a strong jet of caustic liquid up to a distance of 15 to 27 cm (5.9 to 10.6 in).[21]

The chemicals produced by heteropterans are usually alkanes and aldehydes from glands in the thorax. Compounds that are primarily for protection against fellow arthropods (to which they are lethal). However, the defensive chemicals of tessaratomids (particularly that of Tessaratoma papillosa and Musgraveia sulciventris) are notable for being one of the most debilitating to vertebrates, probably a defense specifically aimed against birds.[21] They can cause damage to human skin and even cause temporary blindness if sprayed unto the eyes.[10]

In Lyramoprha parens, nymphs are also known to be highly gregarious, forming massed feeding groups and moving to new feeding sites in close-packed groups. This behavior, along with their bright colorations and stink glands is believed to help in discouraging potential predators.[19]

Aggregation behavior is also common in adults in some species. Aside from combined chemical defenses, other possible benefits of aggregation include better mating opportunities and shelter, greater retention of moisture and heat, and a possible sense of security. Lone bugs in some species were known to be more likely to be skittish than bugs in groups. However, aggregation can also increase the threats of diseases, parasites, and parasitoids.[22]

If all these defenses fail, tessaratomids will escape predators either by flying away or dropping to the ground (except in cases of females guarding eggs as discussed above).[10][12]

Natural enemies

An assassin bug walking on a fine metal mesh.
Two small wasps rest on the nearby plant stalks while several more are emerging from the host eggs.
Left: The Australian common assassin bug Pristhesancus plagipennis is a predator of the bronze orange bug Musgraveia sulciventris.
Right: Parasitoid wasps of the genus Trissolcus emerging from the eggs of a pentatomid, Graphosoma italicum.

Natural enemies of tessaratomids include several tiny parasitoid wasps as well as other hemipterans.[23]

Parasitoid wasps that parasitize tessaratomids usually come from the families Eupelmidae, Scelionidae, and Encyrtidae. Adult female parasitoid wasps will search out eggs laid by tessaratomoids. Upon finding some, they will thrust their ovipositors into them and lay eggs inside.[24] The eggs of parasitoid wasps hatch and develop inside the tessaratomid eggs, feeding on the tessaratomid embryo and eventually killing it. Infested eggs characteristically turn darker in color as the wasp larva matures. After about a week, one or more adult wasps will then emerge from the now empty egg.[25]

Musgraveia sulciventris is parasitized by the wasps Eupelmus poggioni and Telenomus spp.; Tessaratoma javanica by the wasps Anastatus colemani and Anastatus kashmirensis(?); and the lychee giant stink bug Tessaratoma papillosa by the wasps Ooencyrtus phongi, Anastatus spp. (particularly Anastatus japonicus), and Trissolcus spp. (particularly Trissolcus latisulcus).[23]

In tessaratomids considered to be agricultural pests (like the Musgraveia sulciventris and Tessaratoma papillosa), the wasps that parasitize them are being studied as potential biological control agents.[26][27] In the Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi provinces of China, mass-reared Anastatus japonicus are being released to combat Tessaratoma papillosa pests in lychee and longan crops. The same measures are also reportedly being done in Thailand.[12]

Musgraveia sulciventris is also preyed upon by the predatory pentatomid Asopus and assassin bugs (family Reduviidae) of the species Pristhesancus papuensis and Pristhesancus plagipennis.[23]

Economic significance

As food

A woman wearing protective gloves and holding a small pail reaches out to the branches of a small tree to catch stink bugs.
Hundreds of live stink bugs inside a bucket.
One woman stirring the stink bugs in the bucket carefully as another pours a small amount of water into it.
Edible stink bugs (Encosternum delegorguei) are harvested during early morning. They are placed in a bucket with a small amount of warm water and agitated to release their unpalatable defensive chemicals.[22]
Dead and dried stink bugs spread out on a nylon grain bag and being sorted
Edible stink bugs (Encosternum delegorguei) being sorted after they had been boiled and dried.[22]

The edible stink bug Encosternum delegorguei is consumed as human food in Zimbabwe and among the Venda people of South Africa.[22][28] The insects are light green in color and quite large, averaging at 25 mm (0.98 in) in length. They are most widely known in South Africa as "thongolifha", though they are also known as "tsonônô".[29] In Zimbabwe, they are known as "harurwa" or "harugwa".[30]

Encosternum delegorguei are collected just before dawn when they are least active and are easier to catch. They are caught carefully, taking care not to kill them. The chemicals released by the bugs can often stain the hands of collectors orange if they collect them barehanded. The bugs which died during collection are carefully separated from live bugs. This is because the chemicals stored in the stink glands are unpalatable - being extremely bitter.[31] As dead bugs can not release the remaining chemicals in their bodies, they are deemed unsuitable for consumption and discarded. The remaining live bugs are placed in a bucket with a small amount of warm water. This is then carefully agitated so as to make them release all their defense chemicals in alarm. This is repeated several more times until their stink glands are drained.[31][32]

The live bugs with their now empty stink glands are then boiled in water. Further sorting is done afterwards. Dead bugs which died before they could release all their chemicals can be distinguished from the 'clean' bugs by their blackened abdomens after boiling.[31] These are also rejected. The remaining bugs are then dried under the sun.[32]

In cases where the bugs were collected dead, another method is used to remove the chemicals. The bugs are beheaded and carefully squeezed so chemicals in their stink glands flow out the severed neck. The liquids secreted are then wiped off and the bugs boiled and sun-dried like the previous procedure.[32]

After removing the wings, the dried bugs can be eaten as is, fried with a little salt, or cooked with a type of porridge called pap. They are believed to be a good source of protein.[33]

Diminishing harvests of E. delegorguei has been a cause for concern in recent years. It may be due to the decline in the number of available food plants which are being harvested locally for firewood. Studies are being done in South Africa for ways to ensure sustainable harvests of E. delegorguei, as well as for the possibilities of rearing them in captivity for human consumption.[22]

In Thailand (where a total of 81 insect species are reportedly eaten), large tessaratomids of the genera Pygoplatys and Tessaratoma (T. papillosa and T. javanica) are eaten.[34]

In Laos, Tessaratoma quadrata, locally known as "mien kieng" are also eaten.[35] The same species is also eaten among the Galo people of Northeast India where they are known as "tari". Only adults are consumed. The wings are removed and the bugs eaten raw or cooked into chutney.[36]

As agricultural pests

Lychee giant stink bugs, Tessaratoma papillosa, are destructive pests of lychee trees (Litchi chinensis) in China.[6][37] They also feed on the closely related Sapindaceae fruit trees like longan (Dimocarpus longan) and rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum). The closely related Tessaratoma quadrata and Tessaratoma javanica are also minor pests of apple, pear, and lychee trees.[26][38]

Tessaratoma papillosa first instar nymph.jpg Tessaratoma papillosa nymph.jpg Tessaratoma papillosa adult.jpg Top left: A first instar nymph of the lychee giant shield bug (Tessaratoma papillosa) from China; Right: Vividly colored older nymph of the same species; Bottom left: The drably colored adult.

Bronze orange bugs (Musgraveia sulciventris) are serious pests to citrus crops in Australia. They are very large bugs, around 20 mm (0.79 in) in length, whose native host plants are members of the rue family, Rutaceae.[5]

In Indonesia, the tessaratomid Pygoplatys tenangau, locally known as the "tenangau", is considered to be one of the most important pests of Damar gardens.[39] Damar gardens are cultivated forests of trees of the genera Shorea, Balanocarpus, or Hopea used as a source of Damar resin. P. tenangau is the only known tessaratomid which feeds on Dipterocarpaceae.[10]

In Papua New Guinea, Agapophyta viridula and Agapophyta similis are regarded as pests of Tephrosia spp. and pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan). Agapophyta bipunctata are known minor pests of coconuts (Cocos nucifera) and sago (Metroxylon sagu) as well.[40]

Classification and distribution

Tessaratomidae was first described as a family group by the Swedish entomologist Carl Stål in 1864.[5] In 1900, the Hungarian entomologist Géza Horváth divided the family into 9 tribes and established a key to determining genera. The English entomologist George Willis Kirkaldy increased the number of subfamilies under Tessaratomidae to 11 in 1909. Dennis Leston (1955) followed Kirkaldy's system but reclassified some tribes to subtribes. The current classification is based on the work of Pramod Kumar in 1969 who reduced the number of subfamilies to three - Natalicolinae, Oncomerinae, and Tessaratominae; with Tessaratominae being further divided into three tribes - Prionogastrini, Sepinini, and Tessaratomini. Subsequent revisions by Sinclair (1989), Rolston et al. (1993), Schuch & Slater (1995), Sinclair (2000), Cassis & Gross (2002), and Rider (2006), are all based upon Kumar's system.[6][41]

Tessaratomidae is classified under order Hemiptera (true bugs), suborder Heteroptera, infraorder Pentatomomorpha, and superfamily Pentatomoidea (shield bugs and stink bugs). It is currently divided into three subfamilies: Natalicolinae (with 8 genera), Oncomerinae (with 15 genera), and Tessaratominae (with 33 genera and one of uncertain placement).[41]

They are mostly found in tropical Africa, Asia, and Oceania though a few species can be found in the Neotropics and Australia. There are about 240 species known.[42]

Listed below are the three subfamilies; their authors and type genera; the tribes, subtribes, and genera classified under them; and their distribution ranges:[43]


Authoity: Stål, 1870 - type genus: Natalicolina Spinola, 1850

  1. Cyclogastridea - Equatorial and West Africa
  2. Elizabetha - Equatorial Africa
  3. Empysarus - Southern India and Sri Lanka
  4. Encosternum - Southern Africa
  5. Haplosterna - Equatorial Africa
  6. Natalicola - Africa
  7. Selenymenum - Equatorial and West Africa
  8. Stevesonius - Central Africa[44]


Authoity: Stål, 1870 - type genus: Oncomeris Laporte, 1832

  1. Agapophyta - Australia, Moluccas, New Guinea, Solomon Islands
  2. Cumare - Australia (Queensland)
  3. Erga - Australia
  4. Garceus - Australia (Queensland)
  5. Lyramorpha - Australia, Moluccas, and New Guinea
  6. Musgraveia - Australia
  7. Neosalica - Myanmar, China, India, Sumatra, and Vietnam
  8. Oncomeris - Australia, Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas, New Guinea, Sulawesi
  9. Peltocopta - Australia
  10. Piezosternum - Africa, Cape Verde Islands, Central America and the Caribbean, Madagascar, South America
  11. Plisthenes - Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Southeast Asia
  12. Rhoecus - Australia
  13. Sciadiocoris - Papua New Guinea
  14. Stilida - Australia
  15. Tamolia - New Guinea
  16. Tibiospina - Australia (Queensland)


Authoity: Stål, 1865 - type genus: Tessaratoma Lepeletier & Serville, 1825

Tribe Prionogastrini Stål, 1870

- type genus: Prionogaster Stål, 1853

  1. Prionogaster - South Africa
Tribe Sepinini Horváth, 1900

- type genus: Sepina Signoret, 1861

  1. Platytatus - Madagascar
  • Subtribe Sepinina Horváth, 1900 - type genus: Sepina Signoret, 1861
  1. Ipamu - Central Africa
  2. Malgassus - Madagascar
  3. Pseudosepina - Madagascar
  4. Rhynchotmetus - Madagascar
  5. Sepina - Madagascar, Seychelles
Tribe Tessaratomini Stål, 1864

- type genus: Tessaratoma Lepeletier & Serville, 1825

  • Subtribe Eusthenina Stål, 1870 - type genus: Eusthenes Laporte, 1832
  1. Anacanthopus - Philippines
  2. Asiarcha - China, India, Indochina
  3. Aurungabada - India (Bombay)
  4. Candace - West Africa
  5. *Candace intermedia
  6. *Candace platygastra
  7. *Candace virescens
  8. Carpona - China, India, Southeast Asia
  9. Dalcantha - India, Southeast Asia
  10. Eurostus - East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia
  11. Eurypleura - Indonesia (Java and Sumatra)
  12. Eusthenes - East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia
  13. Eusthenimorpha - China
  14. Mattiphus - China, Indochina, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatra
  15. Megaedoeum - West Africa
  16. Origanaus - China
  17. Pseudopycanum - Malaysia
  18. Pycanum - East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia
  19. Sanganus - Borneo, New Guinea, Sumatra
  20. Serrocarpona - Sulawesi
  • Subtribe Tessaratomina Stål, 1864 - type genus: Tessaratoma Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
  1. Acidosterna - Malaysia, Sumatra
  2. Amissus - Southeast Asia
  3. Embolosterna - East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia
  4. Enada - Borneo
  5. Hypencha - Southeast Asia
  6. Mucanum - Southeast Asia
  7. Pygoplatys - South and Southeast Asia
  8. Siphnus - Southeast Asia
  9. Tessaratoma - Africa, Australia, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia
Tribe Notopomini Horváth, 1900 incertae sedis

- type genus: Notopomis Montandon, 1894

  1. Notopomus - Malaysia (Pinang Island)


Fossil record

A fossil specimen, named Tesseratomoides maximus and thought to belong to Tessaratomidae, was recovered in 1967 from the Eocene of Germany; but the specimen was published with no formal description and is thus unacceptable as a valid taxon.[5] Another fossil genus, Latahcoris, from the Miocene Latah Formation of Idaho, was described in 1931 by T.D.A. Cockerell.[45][46]


A study on the phylogenetic relationships of the superfamily Pentatomoidea in 2008 hints that Tessaratomidae and Dinidoridae represented a monophyletic group. However, the difficulty in securing enough materials for examination for both groups leaves this as yet unresolved.[17]

Below is the morphological unweighted tree of the superfamily Pentatomoidea after Grazia et al. (2008). Tessaratomidae is in bold. Both Dinidoridae and Tessaratomidae are shown in dotted lines, signifying uncertain status.[47]






Cydnidae sensu lato












See also


  1. ^ Cedric Gillott (1995). Entomology. Springer. p. 604. ISBN 978-0-306-44967-3.
  2. ^ Philippe Magnien (December 12, 2007). "Sepina aberrans (Schouteden, 1905)". Heteroptera, un site pour les punaises. Retrieved April 30, 2011. {{cite web}}: External link in |publisher= (help)
  3. ^ "Hou Zuki an" タイヨロイオオカメムシ (in Japanese). 世界のカメムシ. December 12, 2007. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  4. ^ a b Mike Picker; Charles Griffiths & Alan Weaving (2004). Field guide to insects of South Africa. Struik. p. 134. ISBN 978-1-77007-061-5.
  5. ^ a b c d Randall T. Schuh & James Alexander Slater (1995). True bugs of the world (Hemiptera:Heteroptera): classification and natural history. Cornell University Press. p. 241. ISBN 978-0-8014-2066-5.
  6. ^ a b c d Jen-Zon Ho & Young-Fa Chen (2010). "A Review of the Family Tessaratomidae(Hemiptera: Pentatomoidea) of Taiwan with Descriptions of Newly Recorded Two Genera and Five Species (台灣荔蝽科昆蟲二新紀錄屬及五新紀錄種)" (PDF). Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity (台灣生物多樣性研究) (in English and Chinese). 12 (4): 393–406. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  7. ^ Augustus Daniel Imms; Owain Westmacott Richards & Richard Gareth Davies (1977). Imms' General textbook of entomology. Vol. 2. Springer. pp. 741–742. ISBN 978-0-412-61390-6.
  8. ^ G. Cassis & Gordon F. Gross (2002). Zoological catalogue of Australia: Hemiptera: Heteroptera (Pentatomomorpha). Csiro Publishing. p. 604. ISBN 978-0-643-06875-9.
  9. ^ a b T.R.E. Southwood (1956). "The Structure of the Eggs of the Terrestrial Heteroptera and its Relationship to the Classification of the Group" (PDF). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 108 (6): 163–221. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1956.tb02269.x. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h Philippe Magnien; Koen Smets; Dominique Pluot-Sigwalt & Jérôme Constant (2008). "A new species of Pygoplatys Dallas (Heteroptera, Tessaratomidae) from the Damar agroforests in Sumatra: description, immatures and biology" (PDF). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. 24 (2): 99–112. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  11. ^ a b Jonathan Figueroa Jiménez & Nohely Trabal. "Piezosternum subulatum (Thunberg 1783)" (PDF). Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Retrieved May 1, 2011. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  12. ^ a b c d John L. Capinera (2008). Encyclopedia of entomology. Springer. p. 2749. ISBN 978-1-4020-6242-1.
  13. ^ a b c Tony, Sandy & Peter Chew (August 7, 2010). "Family Tessaratomidae - Large Stink Bugs". Brisbane Insects and Spiders. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  14. ^ S. Tachikawa (1991). Studies on the Subsociality of Japanese Heteroptera(in Japanese). Tokyo Agricultural Press, Tokyo.
  15. ^ a b Jae C. Choe & Bernard J. Crespi (1997). The evolution of social behavior in insects and arachnids. Cambridge University Press. pp. 94, 103–105. ISBN 978-0-521-58977-2.
  16. ^ Matija Gogala; Hoi-Sen Yong & Carsten Brühl (1998). "Maternal care in Pygoplatys bugs (Heteroptera: Tessaratomidae)" (PDF). European Journal of Entomology. 95: 311–315. ISSN 1210-5759. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  17. ^ a b Jocelia Grazia; Randall T. Schuhb & Ward C. Wheeler (2008). "Phylogenetic relationships of family groups in Pentatomoidea based on morphology and DNA sequences (Insecta: Heteroptera)" (PDF). Cladistics. 24 (6): 932–976. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2008.00224.x. PMID 34892882. S2CID 41951432. Retrieved April 27, 2011.
  18. ^ Kyle R. Conrad (2009). "Parental Care in Arthropods: Bracket Organization and Discussion of Behaviors" (PDF): 4. Retrieved April 30, 2011. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  19. ^ a b c d e Geoff B. Monteith (2011). "Maternal Care, Food Plants and Distribution of Australian Oncomerinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tessaratomidae)" (PDF). Australian Entomologist. 38 (1): 37–48. Archived from the original (PDF) on July 6, 2011. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  20. ^ Ashraf M. El-Sayed (November 6, 2009). "Genus Compounds: Tessaratoma, Family: Tessaratomidae, Order: Heteroptera". The Pherobase. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  21. ^ a b Jan Raška (2009). Function of metathoracic scent glands in terrestrial Heteroptera (PDF) (Bachelor thesis). Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  22. ^ a b c d e C. M. Dzerefos; E. T. F. Witkowski & R. Toms (2009). "Life-history traits of the edible stinkbug, Encosternum delegorguei (Hem., Tessaratomidae), a traditional food in southern Africa". Journal of Applied Entomology. 133 (9–10): 739–759. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0418.2009.01425.x. S2CID 84398531.
  23. ^ a b c David A. Rider (January 14, 2008). "Natural Enemies Index". Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  24. ^ Liu YuFang & Gu DeXiang (2000). "Host-searching behaviour of the egg parasitoid Anastatus japonicus". Chinese Journal of Biological Control. 16 (1): 1–4. ISSN 1000-1034. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  25. ^ "Parasitoids". Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Thailand. Retrieved May 5, 2011.
  26. ^ a b Vasudha Gautam, Suneel Kumar & M.A. Khan (2004). "Natural egg parasitism of litchi stink bug, Tessaratoma javanica (Thunberg) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in India". Journal of Biological Control. 18 (2): 199–201. ISSN 0971-930X. Retrieved May 1, 2011.
  27. ^ Liu YuFang; Zhang GuRen; Gu DeXiang (2008). "The Natural Control Effect of Egg Parasitoids on Litchi Stink Bug Tessaratoma papillosa (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in LItchi Orchard". Insect Science. 7 (4): 322–328. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7917.2000.tb00230.x. S2CID 84238759.
  28. ^ Cathy Dzerefos; David A. Rider (July 28, 2010). "Thongolifha (Encosternum delegorguei)". Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  29. ^ Cathy Dzerefos. "Traditional Cuisine With A Difference". Kruger National Park. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  30. ^ Pathisa Nyathi (2005). Zimbabwe's cultural heritage. African Books Collective. p. 94. ISBN 978-0-7974-2897-3.
  31. ^ a b c Phillip Chidavaenzi (September 7, 2010). "Harurwa – more than food in Bikita". News Day. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  32. ^ a b c Rob Toms & Mashudu Thagwana (2002). "Eat Your Bugs!". Science in Africa. Archived from the original on April 16, 2011. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  33. ^ Leah Snow Teffo (2006). Nutritional and Medicinal value of the edible stinkbug, Encosternum delegorguei Spinola consumed in the Limpopo Province of South Africa and its host plant Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. var. angustifolia (PDF) (Ph.D. thesis). University of Pretoria. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  34. ^ Yupa Hanboonsong (2010). "Edible insects and associated food habits in Thailand" (PDF). In Patrick B. Durst; Dennis V. Johnson; Robin N. Leslie; Kenichi Shono (eds.). Forest insects as food: humans bite back. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. ISBN 978-92-5-106488-7.
  35. ^ Somkhit Boulidam (2010). "Edible insects in a Lao market economy" (PDF). In Patrick B. Durst; Dennis V. Johnson; Robin N. Leslie; Kenichi Shono (eds.). Forest insects as food: humans bite back. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. ISBN 978-92-5-106488-7.
  36. ^ Jharna Chakravorty; Sampat Ghosh & Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow (2011). "Practices of entomophagy and entomotherapy by members of the Nyishi and Galo tribes, two ethnic groups of the state of Arunachal Pradesh (North-East India)". Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 7 (5): 5. doi:10.1186/1746-4269-7-5. PMC 3031207. PMID 21235790.
  37. ^ Chen Shupei; Zhou Liang Yi. "荔枝椿象(Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury))" (in Chinese). Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  38. ^ David A. Rider (October 5, 2009). "Plant Host Records: Tessaratomidae". Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  39. ^ Subekti Rahayu, Koen Smets, Martin Lindgren & Fauzan Azhima (2005). "Hama repong damar dan pengendaliannya" (in Indonesian). World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF, SEA Regional Office. Retrieved April 30, 2011. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  40. ^ Bruce R. French. Insect Pests of Food Plants of Papua New Guinea: A compendium (PDF). Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  41. ^ a b L.H. Rolston; R.L. Aalbu; M.J. Murray & D.A. Rider (1993). "A Catalog of the Tessaratomidae of the World" (PDF). Papua New Guinea Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 36 (2): 36–108. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  42. ^ Robert G. Foottit; Peter Holdridge Adler (2009). Insect biodiversity: science and society. Cornell University Press. p. 247. ISBN 978-1-4051-5142-9.
  43. ^ Philippe Magnien (October 31, 2009). "A catalog of Tessaratomidae". Heteroptera, un site pour les punaises. Retrieved April 30, 2011. {{cite web}}: External link in |publisher= (help)
  44. ^ David A. Rider (1998). "Nomenclatural Changes in the Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Pentatomidae, Tessaratomidae). III. Generic Level Changes" (PDF). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 100 (3): 504–510. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  45. ^ David A. Rider (September 18, 2009). "Genus Index - L". Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  46. ^ T.D.A. Cockerell (1931). "Insects from the Miocene (Latah) of Washington". Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 24 (2): 307–309. ISSN 1938-2901. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  47. ^ Dimitri Forero (March 13, 2009). "Pentatomoidea". Tree of Life web project. Retrieved April 28, 2011. {{cite web}}: External link in |publisher= (help)

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Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Tessaratomidae is a family of true bugs. It contains about 240 species of large bugs divided into 3 subfamilies and 56 genera.

Tessaratomids resemble large stink bugs (family Pentatomidae) and are sometimes quite colorful. Most tessaratomids are Old World, with only three species known from the Neotropics. Some members of Tessaratomidae exhibit maternal care of eggs and offspring. The defensive chemicals of certain species can cause significant damage if they come into contact with human skin; they may also cause temporary blindness.

All species are exclusively plant-eaters, some of major economic importance as agricultural pests. A few species are also consumed as human food in some countries.

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Tessaratomidae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Tessaratomidae es una familia de insectos en Hemiptera. Esta familia posee 240 especies organizadas en 3 subfamilias y 56 géneros.

Los tessaratomidos se asemejan a los miembros de la familia Pentatomidae y a veces son muy coloridos. Algunos miembros de Tessaratomidae exhiben cuidado maternal de los huevos y las crias. Los químicos defensivos de ciertas especies pueden causar daños significativos si entran en contacto con la piel humana; también pueden causar ceguera temporal.

Todas las especies son exclusivamente comedores de plantas, algunos de mayor importancia económica son considerados plaga agrícola. Algunas especies también se consumen como alimento por el ser humano en algunos países.


Un estudio sobre las relaciones filogenéticas de la superfamilia Pentatomoidea en 2008 insinúa que Tessaratomidae y Dinidoridae representan un grupo monofilético. Sin embargo, la dificultad en conseguir material suficiente para el examen de ambos grupos, hace no se pueda ser concluyente.[1]

El árbol filogenético morfológico de la superfamilia Pentatomoidea según Grazia et al. (2008). Tessaratomidae se muestra resaltado. Dinidoridae y Tessaratomidae se muestran en líneas punteadas, indicando su estatus incierto.[2]






Cydnidae sensu lato
















  1. Jocelia Grazia; Randall T. Schuhb; Ward C. Wheeler (2008). «Phylogenetic relationships of family groups in Pentatomoidea based on morphology and DNA sequences (Insecta: Heteroptera)». Cladistics 24 (6): 932-976. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2008.00224.x. Consultado el 27 de abril de 2011.
  2. Dimitri Forero (13 de marzo de 2009). «Pentatomoidea». Tree of Life web project. Consultado el 28 de abril de 2011.

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wikipedia ES

Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Tessaratomidae es una familia de insectos en Hemiptera. Esta familia posee 240 especies organizadas en 3 subfamilias y 56 géneros.

Los tessaratomidos se asemejan a los miembros de la familia Pentatomidae y a veces son muy coloridos. Algunos miembros de Tessaratomidae exhiben cuidado maternal de los huevos y las crias. Los químicos defensivos de ciertas especies pueden causar daños significativos si entran en contacto con la piel humana; también pueden causar ceguera temporal.

Todas las especies son exclusivamente comedores de plantas, algunos de mayor importancia económica son considerados plaga agrícola. Algunas especies también se consumen como alimento por el ser humano en algunos países.

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Tessaratomidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Tessaratomidae forment une famille de punaises phytophages classée dans l'infra-ordre des Pentatomomorpha. Elle comprend environ 240 espèces tropicale ou subtropicales réparties en trois sous-familles et cinquante-six genres. Cette famille est remarquable par ses coloris qui éloignent les prédateurs. Certaines espèces émettent des substances chimiques dangereuses pour l'homme ; quelques rares espèces sont consommées par les populations locales.

La plupart des espèces de cette famille sont des insectes ravageurs pour l'agriculture.

L'espèce-type de la famille est la punaise australienne Musgraveia sulciventris.

Sous-familles, tribus et genres


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wikipedia FR

Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Tessaratomidae forment une famille de punaises phytophages classée dans l'infra-ordre des Pentatomomorpha. Elle comprend environ 240 espèces tropicale ou subtropicales réparties en trois sous-familles et cinquante-six genres. Cette famille est remarquable par ses coloris qui éloignent les prédateurs. Certaines espèces émettent des substances chimiques dangereuses pour l'homme ; quelques rares espèces sont consommées par les populations locales.

La plupart des espèces de cette famille sont des insectes ravageurs pour l'agriculture.

L'espèce-type de la famille est la punaise australienne Musgraveia sulciventris.

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Tessaratomidae ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Tessaratomidae Stål, 1865, è una famiglia di insetti dell'ordine Rhynchota Heteroptera, superfamiglia dei Pentatomoidea. Comprende circa 235 specie.

Descrizione, biologia e diffusione

Sono insetti di grandi dimensioni, con corpo ellittico. Il capo è relativamente piccolo e carenato lateralmente, ha antenne di 4-5 articoli e rostro breve. Il mesoscutello ha forma triangolare e ricopre solo parzialmente le emielitre, lasciando sporgere l'intero corio e la membrana. Le zampe hanno tarsi composti da 2-3 segmenti.

I Tessaratomidae sono fitofagi, associati a piante appartenenti a svariate famiglie. Quelle di interesse agrario sono occasionalmente dannose e annoverate fra le avversità minori.

La famiglia è diffusa principalmente nelle regioni tropicali dell'Africa, dell'Asia e dell'Oceania.


La famiglia comprende 57 generi ripartiti in tre sottofamiglie:


  • (EN) Family Tessaratomidae, in Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Government, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. URL consultato il 6 marzo 2009.

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Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Tessaratomidae Stål, 1865, è una famiglia di insetti dell'ordine Rhynchota Heteroptera, superfamiglia dei Pentatomoidea. Comprende circa 235 specie.

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Tessaratomidae ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Tessaratomidae tilhører gruppen Pentatomoidea, en undergruppe av tegene, en gruppe av nebbmunner. De har det til felles at munndelene er sugende og at de suger opp næringen. De lever av plantesaft fra planter og trær. Disse store tegene lever bare i tropene.


Middelsstore til store (10 – 30 mm), som oftest brede og noe flate teger. Hodet er påfallende lite sammenlignet med kroppen. Antennene består av fire ledd og kan være ganske lange. Pronotum er mye bredere enn langt, ofte med utover- eller framoverrettede, hornlignende utvekster. Scutellum er trekantet og mindre enn halvparten så langt som bakkroppen. Bakkroppens sider er ofte utvidete og stikker ut utenfor vingene. Beina er vanligvis korte, men kan være kraftige, krumme og utstyrt med pigger. Føttene har tre ledd. På farge er de ofte brunlige, grønne eller svarte.


Tessaratomidae har ufullstendig forvandling, overgang fra nyklekt larve til det voksne kjønnsmodne insektet går gradvis gjennom flere nymfestadier. En del grupper i denne familien har yngelpleie, hunnen bærer da med seg de unge nymfene på undersiden av bakkroppen. Noen arter kan gjøre noe skade i jord- og hagebruk, for eksempel Musgraveia sulciventris som er vanlig i sitrus-plantasjer i Australia og angriper nye skudd for å suge sevje.

Systematisk Inndeling



  • Rolston, L.H., Aalbu, P.L., Murray, M.J. og Rider, P.A.I. (1993) A Catalog of the Tessaratomidae of the World. Papua New Guinea Journal of Agriculture, Forestries and Fisheries 36: 36-108. [1]
  • Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae. [2]

Eksterne lenker

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wikipedia NO

Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Tessaratomidae tilhører gruppen Pentatomoidea, en undergruppe av tegene, en gruppe av nebbmunner. De har det til felles at munndelene er sugende og at de suger opp næringen. De lever av plantesaft fra planter og trær. Disse store tegene lever bare i tropene.

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Tessaratomidae ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Tessaratomidae é uma família que assemelham-se a grandes pentatomídeos (podem ultrapassar 40 mm), dos quais se distinguem pela cabeça muito pequena em relação ao tamanho do corpo, antenas geralmente com quatro artículos, rostro curto, raramente ultrapassando as coxas anteriores e pronoto estendendo-se sobre a base do escutelo. São conhecidos 45 gêneros e cerca de 235 espécies com distribuição predominante nos trópicos do Velho Mundo. Inclui três subfamílias: Tessaratominae, Natalicolinae e Oncomerinae.[1]


  1. «BiotaNeotropica». Consultado em 19 de fevereiro de 2015
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wikipedia PT

Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Tessaratomidae é uma família que assemelham-se a grandes pentatomídeos (podem ultrapassar 40 mm), dos quais se distinguem pela cabeça muito pequena em relação ao tamanho do corpo, antenas geralmente com quatro artículos, rostro curto, raramente ultrapassando as coxas anteriores e pronoto estendendo-se sobre a base do escutelo. São conhecidos 45 gêneros e cerca de 235 espécies com distribuição predominante nos trópicos do Velho Mundo. Inclui três subfamílias: Tessaratominae, Natalicolinae e Oncomerinae.

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Tessaratomidae ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Клада: Paraneoptera
Надотряд: Condylognatha
Подотряд: Клопы
Инфраотряд: Pentatomomorpha
Надсемейство: Щитники
Семейство: Tessaratomidae
Международное научное название

Tessaratomidae Stål, 1864

Подсемейства Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 109104NCBI 236386EOL 638FW 226394

Tessaratomidae (лат.) — семейство насекомых из отряда полужесткокрылых. Семейство насчитывает около 240 видов, разделённых на 3 подсемейства и 56 родов.

Клопы этого семейства схожи с таковыми семейства Pentatomidae (настоящие щитники) и бывают ярко-окрашенные. Большинство видов Tessaratomidae — обитатели Старого Света и лишь 3 вида обитают в неотропиках. Некоторые виды семейства характеризуются заботой о яйцах и молоди. Защитные выделения некоторых видов могут вызвать серьёзные повреждения при контакте с кожей человека и временное ослепление при попадании в глаза.

Все виды травоядные, некоторые являются вредителями. Несколько видов используются в пищу в некоторых странах.


Клопы овальной или продолговато-овальной форм. Размер варьирует от мелких клопов рода Sepinini 6—7 мм[1] до крупных Amissus atlas трибы Tessaratomini, в длину достигающих от 43 до 45 мм[2]. В целом, это крупные щитники, как правило, больше 15 мм в длину[3].

Голова небольшая треугольной формы, усики имеют от 4 до 5 сегментов. Щиток треугольный, не закрывает кожистую срединную секцию верхних крыльев, но часто частично покрывает проторакс. Лапки имеют 2—3 сегмента[4].

Главным отличием семейства Tessaratomidae от настоящих щитников (Pentatomidae) является наличие шести брызгальцев на верхней части брюшка, а не пяти.

Tessaratomids часто окрашены в яркие цвета[5].


  • Cyclogastridea — Экваториальная и западная Африка
  • Elizabetha — Экваториальная Африка
  • Empysarus — Южная Индия и Шри-Ланка
  • Encosternum — Южная Африка
  • Haplosterna — Экваториальная Африка
  • Natalicola — Африка
  • Selenymenum — Экваториальная и западная Африка
  • Stevesonius — Центральная Африка[6]
  • Подсемейство Oncomerinae Stål, 1870 — типовой род: Oncomeris Laporte, 1832
  • Подсемейство Tessaratominae Stål, 1865 — типовой род: Tessaratoma Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
  • Триба Sepinini Horváth, 1900 — типовой род: Sepina Signoret, 1861
  • Подтриба Platytataria Horváth, 1900 — типовой род: Platytatus Bergroth, 1892
  • Подтриба Sepinaria Horváth, 1900 — типовой род: Sepina Signoret, 1861
  • Ipamu — Центральная Африка
  • Malgassus — Мадагаскар
  • Pseudosepina — Мадагаскар
  • Rhynchotmetus — Мадагаскар
  • Sepina — Мадагаскар, Сейшельские острова
  • Триба Tessaratomini Stål, 1864 — типовой род: Tessaratoma Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
  • Подтриба Eusthenaria Stål, 1870 — типовой род: Eusthenes Laporte, 1832
  • Anacanthopus — Филиппины
  • Asiarcha — Китай, Индия, Индокитай
  • Aurungabada — Индия (Бомбей)
  • Candace — Западная Африка
  • Carpona — Китай, Индия, Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Dalcantha — Индия, Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Eurostus — Восточная Азия, Южная Азия, Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Eurypleura — Индонезия (Ява и Суматра)
  • Eusthenes — Восточная Азия, Южная Азия, Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Eusthenimorpha — Китай
  • Mattiphus — Китай, Индокитай, Филиппины, Шри-Ланка, Сулавеси, Суматра
  • Megaedoeum — Западная Африка
  • Origanaus — Китай
  • Pseudopycanum — Малайзия
  • Pycanum — Восточная Азия, Южная Азия, Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Sanganus — Борнео, Новая Гвинея, Суматра
  • Serrocarpona — Сулавеси
  • Подтриба Tessaratomaria Stål, 1864 — типовой род: Tessaratoma Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
  • Acidosterna — Малайзия, Суматра
  • Amissus — Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Embolosterna — Восточная Азия, Южная Азия, Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Enada — Борнео
  • Hypencha — Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Mucanum — Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Pygoplatys — Южная и Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Siphnus — Юго-Восточная Азия
  • Tessaratoma — Африка, Австралия, Восточная Азия, Южная Азия, Юго-Восточная Азия


  1. Philippe Magnien. Sepina aberrans (Schouteden, 1905) (англ.). Heteroptera, un site pour les punaises (December 12, 2007). Проверено 30 апреля 2011.
  2. タイヨロイオオカメムシ (яп.). 世界のカメムシ (12 декабря 2007). Проверено 30 апреля 2011.
  3. Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths, Alan Weaving. Field guide to insects of South Africa. — Struik, 2004. — P. 134. — ISBN 978-1-77007-061-5.
  4. Randall T. Schuh, James Alexander Slater. True bugs of the world (Hemiptera:Heteroptera): classification and natural history. — Cornell University Press, 1995. — P. 241. — ISBN 978-0-8014-2066-5.
  5. Augustus Daniel Imms, Owain Westmacott Richards, Richard Gareth Davies. Imms' General textbook of entomology. — Springer, 1977. — Vol. 2. — P. 741–742. — ISBN 978-0-412-61390-6.
  6. David A. Rider (1998). “Nomenclatural Changes in the Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Pentatomidae, Tessaratomidae). III. Generic Level Changes” (PDF). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 100 (3): 504—510. Проверено April 30, 2011.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Tessaratomidae: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Tessaratomidae (лат.) — семейство насекомых из отряда полужесткокрылых. Семейство насчитывает около 240 видов, разделённых на 3 подсемейства и 56 родов.

Клопы этого семейства схожи с таковыми семейства Pentatomidae (настоящие щитники) и бывают ярко-окрашенные. Большинство видов Tessaratomidae — обитатели Старого Света и лишь 3 вида обитают в неотропиках. Некоторые виды семейства характеризуются заботой о яйцах и молоди. Защитные выделения некоторых видов могут вызвать серьёзные повреждения при контакте с кожей человека и временное ослепление при попадании в глаза.

Все виды травоядные, некоторые являются вредителями. Несколько видов используются в пищу в некоторых странах.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

荔蝽科 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

荔蝽科学名Tessaratomidae[1][2]),又稱硕蝽科, 是半翅目的一,是一类体形较大的昆虫。头小,很多种类颜色艳丽,还可能有金属光泽[3]。以植物为食,有些种类被认为是农业害虫,如荔枝椿象(Tessaratoma papillosa)。有些种类但在一些国家被当做食物。已知约240多种,主要分布于旧大陆地区。

Musgraveia sulciventris
Musgraveia sulciventris
Pycanum rubens


  1. ^ 自然與人文數位博物館 » 一般大眾 » 數位典藏 » 動物學 » 昆蟲. 國立自然科學博物館. [2018-05-01] (中文(台灣)‎). 碩椿科(荔椿科)Tessaratomidae 介紹:荔椿科又稱為碩椿科,本科台灣已知有3屬5種。成蟲體型扁平,較一般椿象大,體色多異,若蟲體態多變。頭部小呈三角形,觸角4 節,成蟲外形酷似椿科,但是腹部第2節氣孔外露,不被後胸腹板所覆蓋,各足跗節2或3節。本科昆蟲棲息於喬木植物,多以果實為食。
  2. ^ 主頁> 物種資料庫> 動物界> 節肢動物門> 昆蟲綱> 半翅目> 荔蝽科. 香港生物多樣性訊息系統. [2018-05-01] (中文(香港)‎).
  3. ^ 华中农业大学南湖教苑 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2007-05-05.
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site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科